Lightly salted salmon calorie content. Useful properties and calorie content of salmon

Salmon is a fish of the salmon family. Very often it itself is called salmon. However, the word "salmon" is not the name of one type of fish. This is the collective name of an entire family and a large group of species. What many people call salmon is actually salmon, or more precisely, salmon during spawning. Unfortunately, the scientific classification of fish is very confusing, since the same name may well correspond to different species. Therefore, the salmon family also includes omul, lenok, brown trout, grayling, char, and taimen. Salmon is a predator among fish that lives in ocean waters. And only for spawning does it go to shallow waters in mountain rivers and streams.

Salmon is a large fish. It can reach 20 kilograms in weight and have a length of 1.5 meters. Fish is considered a delicacy. Its meat is valued for its delicate taste and healthy composition. Just a couple of decades ago, salmon was considered valuable and rare, but cultivation in fish farms on an industrial scale has saturated the market with valuable meat, and it is no longer in acute shortage.

Salmon composition

The composition of salmon is close to other fish. It is represented by proteins, water, fat, ash and vitamins. Fish is also rich in a large percentage of micro- and macroelements. Fish contains high-quality protein, which provides the body with essential amino acids. The composition of salmon includes the full group of vitamins B: , , , , , B9, B12, vitamins and as well as retinol, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are responsible for regulating blood cholesterol levels. The calorie content of salmon is quite high - 145 kcal per 100 grams.

Beneficial features

Salmon is a fish of the salmon family. This sea fish should always be present in the diet of both adults and children.

The benefits of salmon are primarily due to the high content of semisaturated Omega 3 acids . These acids improve heart function, reducing the risk of heart attacks and heart attacks, and also help normalize blood pressure. Thanks to these fats, salmon is also useful for various skin diseases, so this fish is recommended to be included in the diet of patients with eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Omega 3s have an anti-inflammatory effect and help prevent joint diseases and even asthma.

Recent studies have shown that beneficial properties are indispensable in the fight for beauty and youth. The thing is that salmon helps remove free radicals from the body, which accelerate the aging process of the skin, and also has an antioxidant effect.

During intense and active mental activity, be sure to include salmon in your diet. Salmon improves brain function by increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and increasing oxygen consumption by brain cells. In addition, salmon will help you overcome stress and depression.

Salmon contains a lot of vitamin A, D, E. Among the useful substances, the content of calcium, iodine, sodium, zinc, magnesium, fluorine and phosphorus should be noted.

Nutritionists advise including salmon in your diet during pregnancy, as fatty acids have a beneficial effect on fetal development.

Benefits of salmon

Since fish is rich in fatty acids, it has a beneficial effect on the state of the human cardiovascular system. Often, eating salmon prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and is a prevention of vascular atherosclerosis. Most often, salmon is found in pickled, salted or lightly salted form. Its meat is very tender and tasty. It can be easily and quickly marinated, salted and smoked. Smoked salmon is a real delicacy.

Salmon is also canned, however, after preliminary heat treatment. Fish is used to prepare kebabs, pates, mousses and fish soups. Japanese cuisine is incomplete without this fish. And the most popular dish there, sushi, always includes salmon. But besides the fillet, the fish is also valued for its caviar. It has all the beneficial properties of fish itself, and the taste is tender and juicy.


The benefits of salmon have also been proven for people who get tired easily. A few pieces of fish can keep your spirits up. The pulp contains vitamin B12, and a piece of fillet contains approximately 80% of the daily dose of this vitamin. Other B vitamins are also found in fish, they only add energy.

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High protein levels help you recover faster from injuries. Doctors say that during treatment new cells are created, but their formation requires protein, which is found in sufficient quantities in fish. For fitness enthusiasts or those trying to lose weight, protein-rich fillet will also come in handy in their diet.

Cooking salmon

Salmon is sold fresh and frozen. Lightly salted and smoked are also available – ready to eat. To choose quality fish, pay attention to its smell. It should not have a pronounced fishy tint, and the structure of fresh fish must remain firm and elastic. Cooking salmon is not difficult. The process does not take much time and effort.

The excellent taste of fish is preserved in simple dishes, and it is rightfully classified as a fish delicacy. You can grill salmon or bake it in foil. However, refrain from frying this fish. With such heat treatment, salmon will lose almost all its beneficial substances. For this reason, nutritionists recommend smoking or salting salmon so that the fish retains its benefits. If salmon was purchased in a store in vacuum packaging, it can be stored for up to 2 months from the date of packaging. When the packaging is opened, the shelf life is reduced to 1-1.5 days.

Methods of consumption and norms

There are a huge variety of recipes for preparing salmon, as well as other types of fish.
But salmon is most often salted and baked. In catering establishments it is sometimes served fried, but this is not the best use for a delicacy product. Very healthy salmon should not be consumed in large quantities. It is recommended from 100 grams (freshly salted) to 200 grams (heat-treated) fish per day, 1 – 2 times a week .
For young children (after 1 year), it is introduced into the menu gradually, in very small portions and rarely. This way you can avoid developing allergies.

How to choose salmon

Choosing the right fish is extremely important. There are several rules for choosing fish. When looking at fish on the counter, choose the lightest piece of salmon. In this type of fish, the meat has an orange tint, however, it is almost invisible. Most often, the rich color of the fish indicates that the product has been artificially colored.

Experts believe that salmon that has a dull or even pale color of meat has the greatest benefits. The color of the fish can be affected by various environmental factors or the food the fish has consumed. When choosing fish, pay attention to its shelf life and shelf life. Chilled salmon should not be stored for more than 14 days. The surface of the fish meat should be smooth, without damage or dents. If you press on the meat of fresh fish, it should return to its original shape. Inspect the eyes of the fish if you purchase an uncut carcass. They should be transparent and clean, without streaks or clouding on the retina.

Also pay attention to the tail of the salmon. It must be whole and moist, like all fish. If you think that the body of the salmon is too shiny, then it is better not to buy the product. Often, sellers artificially rub fish with special products that are not beneficial to humans. If there are red veins on the body of the fish, then this is a sign that it was treated with dyes. The natural color of salmon veins is white. The fish should not smell like something old or spoiled. Fresh salmon has the aroma of the sea or mud. Never buy fish packaged in high-quality containers.

Remember that fresh salmon should have shiny scales, light eyes, and there should be no mucus on its body. It is worth understanding that eating low-quality fish can lead to food poisoning. Therefore, never take a fish that has yellow or red spots on its scales. This suggests that it has been spoiled for a long time. Dry scales indicate that the fish was improperly transported and damaged in transit. This may also indicate poor storage of salmon. Do not buy fish that contains large amounts of snow in its packaging. This product has definitely been defrosted and re-frozen several times.

Darkened gills on salmon indicate that the fish is beginning to deteriorate. This is also evidenced by the mucus on the scales of the fish. The fact that the fish was soaked in a special solution, which prolongs its storage, is evidenced by the blurred edges of the fillet. Such fish may be spoiled, damaged or defective. If there is damage to the body of the salmon, it should not be taken. In places of injury, bacteria grow that will harm the human body even after heat treatment. Chefs believe that the most delicious types of salmon are those brought from Norway. Information about the manufacturer is always indicated on the packaging, so finding out where it was caught is not difficult.

Why is salmon harmful?

As you can see, red fish has a lot of advantages, but it also has disadvantages. Farm-raised fish may contain toxins; unscrupulous producers add artificial coloring to fillets. Wild fish can also be loaded with toxins because there is a lot of trash floating in the ocean.

Despite this, doctors still recommend eating mainly fish. Sometimes rumors spread about high levels of mercury in fish, but this is not true. There is a small amount of mercury in red fish, but it is also found in other seafood, and in addition, such an amount will not harm your health.

Scientists add that a lack of fish in the diet is much more dangerous than its suspected contamination with metals.

How to cook salmon

In order to prepare lightly salted salmon, the fillet must be divided into parts, and each piece must be rolled in salt and placed under pressure. Sometimes pieces of fish need to be turned over and rearranged so that the salting is even. After a day, the fillet will be ready to eat. It will not require additional cooking. Salmon is great for adding to salads, omelettes, canapés and other appetizers.

Before baking in the oven, the fish must be scaled and cut into steaks, from which the bones must be removed. Such pieces are rolled in a mixture of dill and salt. In order for the fillet to be better soaked, it must be left for half an hour. Then sprinkle the fish with fresh lemon juice, wrap it in foil, after which you can safely put it in the oven for 30 minutes, preheated to 180 degrees. This dish is very healthy and can decorate any holiday table. The high calorie content of salmon combined with its delicate taste and aroma will satisfy the most demanding appetite.

Salting the backbone and belly of salmon for beer at home

Lightly salted salmon (this recipe is the most economical) for beer is popular among men.

To salt salmon you will need:

Main IngredientsQuantitative indicator in pcs.Weight in g and ml
Belly or spine of salmon500
Pickling salt30
Granulated sugar15

Salting sequence:

  1. Rinse the abdomen/ridge and dry.
  2. Mix salt and sugar and sprinkle the mixture over the belly/backbone.
  3. Place everything in a jar with a lid for the pickling period. And place it in the refrigerator.

Serve after 8 hours.

Use in cosmetology

Salmon caviar has found its application in cosmetology: it is used to create creams that prolong the youth of the skin of the body and face. Caviar extract activates metabolic processes in cells, promotes the production of collagen, the removal of free radicals and the regeneration of the epidermis.

In addition, there are many folk recipes for masks that include red caviar. But when using them, do not forget about the three-layer structure of the skin, because the beneficial substances contained in this product must pass through such a barrier for rejuvenation to begin. Therefore, it is better not to experiment, but to trust professional cosmetologists.

The Swiss cosmetics company Laboratoires Valmont has created a series of products to care for aging skin. It contains an extract from salmon milt.


The main prohibition for people with blood pressure is their individual intolerance. Doctors, on the contrary, recommend that hypertensive patients replace meat with fish on the menu. It is lower in calories, easier to digest and has a large number of useful elements. Recommended for everyone except allergy sufferers. It is worth checking the reactions before the first use.

Be careful when eating salmon farmed by humans. For rapid growth, breeders give the fish modified food, a number of antibiotics and other chemical additives.

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