Jumping rope: correct technique. The best sports equipment for working out at home

Is it possible to lose weight by jumping rope?

Jumping rope is a cardio workout and an excellent fat burner. In 15 minutes of training with such equipment, more than 200 calories are burned. So, to maintain physical fitness, 10-minute daily exercise is enough, and without significant nutritional correction.

A 15-minute jump rope workout can replace jogging in a 30-minute time period.

In addition to the fact that training with jump ropes is energy-intensive, it has the following advantages:

  • Due to the combined load, all the hated problem areas are actively worked out - the waist, sides and hips, and the muscles of the arms, legs, thighs and abs are trained.
  • The calves are tightened - the legs become slender and beautiful.
  • Jump rope exercises fight the main enemy of the female figure – cellulite. The effect of daily workouts can be increased by doing body wraps after them.
  • The functioning of the respiratory system improves, which has a positive effect on the process of losing weight.
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized by increasing the speed of blood flow during exercise, which promotes metabolic processes in the body and fat burning.

Many girls after childbirth or with sudden weight loss are faced with the problem of sagging skin, especially in the abdominal area, and the buttocks often do not have a defined shape. The jump rope will cope with this with a bang if you choose the right clothes and do systematic daily exercises.

How to choose a jump rope and clothes for training?

In order for your jumping rope to be as effective as possible, you need to choose a jump rope that suits you and a comfortable fitness uniform. Please note the following recommendations:

  • For high-quality, quick weight loss, you should choose not ordinary jump ropes, but ones with weights that are built into the handles and are available in the jump rope itself. There are jump ropes with a built-in “counter” that counts the number of revolutions made while jumping and the number of calories burned. So, for regular training for the purpose of losing weight, an excellent choice is a jump rope with a weight and an accountant.

  • The handles of the jump rope should be as comfortable as possible for the hand - the palm can sweat during training, so the handles should not be slippery, but durable and comfortable for the hand.
  • In order to choose the size of the jump rope you need, take the jump rope in front of the mirror and stand in the middle of it with both feet. If its arms reach clearly to the armpit, this is your specimen! If more or less, look at other options.

  • Clothes should not be extremely loose, especially if you have problem areas with cellulite and sagging skin. An excellent option is structured leggings and a T-shirt that supports the chest and abs.

Men's before and after results: photos

The effectiveness of jumping rope for weight loss has been experimentally confirmed. Complexes of exercises have been developed, designed for different durations of classes. The main thing is to follow the instructions and not neglect your classes.

Warm-up before training with a jump rope

Warm-up is required and should include the following set of exercises:

  1. Jump in the same place without a jump rope for 60 seconds at a smooth pace.
  2. Rotate your feet 15 times left and right with each foot.
  3. Bend slightly towards your knees, your back should be straight. Grasping your knee joints, rotate your knee left and right without sudden movements 10 times.
  4. Stand up straight and raise your right leg in front of you, bent at the knee. Make a rotation, moving it to the side and returning it to its place. So do 10 rotations clockwise and counterclockwise, and then repeat the exercises with your left leg.
  5. Next, let's start stretching: lie on the floor and press your right leg to your chest, press the knee of your right leg towards you, and pull the foot of your left leg in the opposite direction. Repeat the same with your left leg.

Before starting classes, you should not eat - the break should be at least two hours.

Top 6 mistakes when jumping rope:

  1. Do not throw your arms over your shoulders before jumping. Correct starting position: the cord is behind, under the knees, arms slightly bent and brought forward.
  2. Don't jump on your entire foot. You need to jump on your toes, and landing on your toes is also mandatory.
  3. Don't bend your legs while jumping. Cushion when landing and straighten when pushing off.
  4. Avoid leaning forward or bending backward as this will cause you to lose your balance. Keep your back straight.
  5. Do not spread your arms wide away from your body - this will cause them to get tired quickly. The correct position of the arms during jumping is: elbows next to the body, slightly pulled back, hands slightly in front. Arms bent at elbows, relaxed.
  6. Don't hold your breath - you can't jump that long. You need to breathe evenly, at the same pace.

It may seem like there are too many restrictions, but once you have done a few workouts, nothing will be easier for you.

Exercises for training with a jump rope

In addition to the classic jumps, which are performed with the legs brought together, the following jumps should also be included in the training.

Jumping back and forth

They are extremely effective because they actively work on the beautiful line of your hips, including the back of the thigh. It is necessary to perform a cycle of 10 repetitions forward and 10 repetitions back. We raise our legs from the floor a maximum of a couple of centimeters, and jump on our toes.

With double jump

This exercise is one lift off the floor and a double rotation. The main difference between this jump is that you need to jump a little higher than usual. A popular mistake when performing such jumps is to tuck your legs very high so that the rope does not catch your toes. You should not do this, as it will not make the exercise easier and will require more energy expenditure.

Cross to cross

The technique for performing the exercise is as follows:

  1. Starting position: jump rope behind you, toes together.
  2. The rope moves forward, and the arms are gradually crossed.
  3. A jump is made forward.
  4. The exit from the cross is carried out.

Raising the legs towards the body

When performing this exercise, you need to do high jumps, namely, as if “pulling” your knees to your stomach. They are contraindicated for those who suffer from venous diseases and kidney diseases. But if these problems do not bother you, such jumps in a short time will help you cope with fat deposits in the lower abs, which so often worry girls.

Jumping to the sides

They will allow you to actively work out the outer side of the thigh. Execution: with each upward jump, the body remains in its original position, and the hips and legs “go” either to the right or to the left. You need to do at least 30 repetitions in each direction, and then move on to calm classical jumps.

Alternating jumps

We perform one jump in the usual classical way, and the second with our feet shoulder-width apart. This way we actively work the area of ​​the inner thigh and buttocks, plus the lower abs. Perform at least 50 of these jumps in one workout; they can be performed in a moderate-intensity approach.



  1. Starting position - the rope is behind you, toes together.
  2. The left leg rises and bends at the knee at a right angle.
  3. A jump is made.
  4. When the cord touches the floor, the left leg lowers and the right leg is in the air and bent at a right angle.


Jumping will strengthen your thigh muscles. A classic jump is made, during which one leg is put forward and the other back. When spreading your legs, you need to alternate your left leg with your right.


They are designed to burn the maximum number of calories in a short period of time. You gradually accelerate to the maximum and maintain the pace, then switch to systematic jumps that can return your heart rate, then, depending on the training interval, you can repeat the acceleration and then slow down again.

Jumping diagonally

Feet together - shoulder width apart. Jumps are made with transverse turns to the sides. This exercise can be seen in the video, as it is part of a set of exercises with a jump rope for burning fat:

Jumping rope - simple, fast, effective

Do you know which exercise machine, according to fitness trainers, is the most affordable and one of the best? No, this is not a treadmill, or an exercise bike for home, this is... an ordinary jump rope. And, after reading our publication today, you will also agree with this. Don’t be confused by the simplicity of this device; for many decades, the jump rope has been, is and will remain a popular equipment for sports, and not only amateur athletes, but also champions and professionals can jump with it.

Learn more about the benefits of a jump rope, what exercises you can do with it, and when this exercise machine can harm your health and why - we invite you to learn about all this right now...

The benefits of jumping rope

Training all muscle groups

When you and I were jumping rope in the yard as children, we didn’t even think about the fact that we were doing very useful exercises for our entire body. Now that we have grown up, it’s time to consciously approach their implementation. After all, now we already know that when jumping rope, different muscle groups of the human body are used, and not just the legs, as most people think. The gluteal muscles, back muscles, abdominal muscles, shoulders, arms, back, hands are trained... And, training of all muscle groups occurs together, they are worked out simultaneously, and this contributes to the proper development of the body and increasing the effectiveness of such training.

Maximum load degree

If you analyze the degree of load that your body receives while jumping rope and the load that you give to your body while swimming, running or exercising on an exercise bike, it turns out that the first thing - jumping rope - puts a lot of stress on the body. How can this be? The secret is in the pace. Jumping rope slowly is simply impossible, you must keep the pace, make a certain number of revolutions, here you cannot regulate the degree of load and feel sorry for yourself. By the way, this feature well trains your coordination of movements, sense of balance, helps your body gain flexibility, and helps you maintain your posture.

Beneficial effects on the functioning of the cardiovascular system

Of course, exercises with a skipping rope are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system and respiratory system. During such exercises, we strengthen the heart muscle, stimulate blood circulation in the body, and after just a few weeks of intense training with a jump rope (of course, if you have no contraindications to them), you will be pleasantly surprised to note that you have gotten rid of shortness of breath, and the prospect of climbing to the 5th-7th floor no longer frightens you, and during and after covering significant distances you feel more confident.

Using a jump rope for weight loss

It is no coincidence that girls love to jump rope. And, do you know why? The fact is that with the help of such sports equipment from childhood, you can not only acquire a seductive figure shape, but also... lose weight. Yes, yes, experienced trainers are sure that losing weight without a jump rope is, if not impossible, then very difficult, so they recommend such a set of exercises to their clients in order to speed up the metabolic processes in their body, activate the processes of breaking down fats, especially those that accumulate in problem areas of the female body - in the buttocks, thighs and abdomen (find out how to remove belly fat).

A 20-minute workout with a jump rope will be enough for your body to get rid of 200-300 calories.

Now imagine what results you can achieve if you train regularly and combine such training with a correct and healthy lifestyle? There will be no trace left of your extra pounds, and only large-sized clothes will remind you of how plump you were. Find out how to choose the right clothes based on your body type - read about it here.

Add to all of the above leg training, cellulite prevention, a good mood due to endophrins (hormones of happiness) that are released during jumping rope, and you will understand that this sports equipment is very useful for you and me, no matter what our goals are. pursued.

How to choose a jump rope

It would seem that a jump rope is not a complex sports instrument that cannot have different modifications, and there is not much to choose from. But don’t rush to draw such conclusions. In fact, the effectiveness of all your training will depend on the correct length of the rope you choose, therefore, it is its length that we suggest you pay your attention to.

Since each person’s height is different (if you want to grow, read the article here), then you should select a jump rope based on this physiological parameter. To do this, fold the rope in half and place its handles under your armpits. The bend of your rope should touch the floor, not lie on it, but also not hang in the air.

Types of jump ropes

If you think that training with a simple jump rope will not be enough for you, you can opt for options with an electronic counter for counting jumps. If you do boxing, a jump rope with a weighting agent is better suited for you (as a rule, either the handles themselves or the cord are weighted). Well, the high-speed type of jump rope will help you increase the number of revolutions of the sports equipment to 5-6 rotations per second, and thus one such workout with a jump rope will be equivalent in load to a 3-kilometer cross-country race.

For novice athletes and simply those people who want to be in good athletic shape and take care of their health, we would recommend either a simple version of a jump rope or an electronic one.

Jump rope training

Frequency of training with a jump rope

In order for you to achieve good results, you need to train with a jump rope regularly, and fitness trainers recommend doing such training not every day, but every other day, to allow your body to recover, especially for the first time. However, training should be at least 2 times a week.

Duration of training with a jump rope

The minimum training duration is 10-15 minutes, but gradually you can increase the training time to 30-45 minutes. Here you should pay attention to your well-being.

Recommendations for performing exercises with a skipping rope

  • It is quite obvious that if you are not used to physical activity, after the first training with a skipping rope, all the muscles of your body will ache. But, as soon as the body adapts to such stress, toxins and waste will begin to come out of it along with sweat. You should drink more fluid (read more about how to drink water correctly) so that your body does not become dehydrated, but it continues to cleanse itself.
  • Increase the load gradually; if you feel short of breath or experience pain during training, slow down the pace or stop jumping.
  • Start jumping with low intensity, in order to warm up all the muscle groups in your body; while performing the exercises, your back should be straight and your gaze should be directed in front of you. The correct way to rotate the rope is with your wrists alone, while keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible.
  • To conduct training, choose a place with a flat and stable floor surface, where nothing will constrain or limit your movements.

How to train with a skipping rope - types of jumps

Simple jumps

Simple exercises are suitable for beginners - rotate the rope and bounce on your toes, trying to land on them, springing your knees. There should be 1 rotation per jump. You can also try changing your legs - jumping, alternately lifting one leg, then the other, bent at the knee.

Difficult jumps

More complex, but also more effective in terms of intensity, are compound jumps. You should do 2 jumps for each rotation, the pace of the exercises is low, and this gives you the opportunity to restore your breathing (about how to breathe correctly while playing sports). You can also perform side jumps and move to the left - on the next rotation - to the right, and then return to your original position.

Jumping back and forth means that you will jump up and forward, and on the next spin you will return back.

Jump combinations

Starting with simple jumps, you can move on to more complex ones and finish your training with them. Perform each group of jumps for several minutes in a row, trying not to take breaks.

Jumping rope for weight loss

If your main goal of training is to lose extra pounds, then you should perform the same exercises that we described above, just slightly change the technique of working them out. Be sure to alternate the direction of rotation, practice double rotation of the rope during one jump. Try to raise your knees as high as possible so that they touch your chest as much as possible. To load your back muscles while jumping, turn your closed knees first to one side, then to the other, raise your hips at right angles to your body.

Of course, if you simultaneously adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper diet, you will be able to see the first results of training with a jump rope for weight loss in 2-3 months.

Contraindications to exercises with a skipping rope

If during training you suddenly feel a bout of nausea or feel dizzy, you should stop training immediately. Perhaps you took too intense a pace and very heavy loads, you train more often than your body has time to recover. In such a situation, it would be nice to give yourself a 7-day vacation, during which you will have a good rest, and then return to training, reviewing the frequency and duration of classes.

When training with a jump rope, there is a lot of stress on the heart, and to ensure that you do not overdo it, you need to monitor your heart rate after performing the exercises. At the end of the workout (after 5 minutes), it is necessary to take a control measurement. If the results are approximately the same, this means that it is better to reduce the load. If after 5 minutes your heart rate has returned to normal, the pace of exercise can be increased slightly. Although, for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, before starting such training, it would be better to consult with their doctor so as not to harm their health.

Training with a skipping rope can also cause harm to those who suffer from joint diseases (find out here why joints crack) or diseases of the spine. In your case, it is also necessary to consult a doctor.

Unfortunately, people suffering from type 2 obesity, patients with varicose veins, and those who suffer from blood pressure problems will have to find another sports equipment for exercise. Women should not exercise during menstruation or with headaches.

Today we talked about how to get in good shape by doing simple exercises with a skipping rope. We looked at what types of jump ropes there are, and which one is better to choose for each specific case, touched upon the topic of exercise technique and learned about who and why should not perform exercises with a jump rope. We hope that our publication will be useful for you, and if you have no contraindications, but have a desire to be healthy, you will definitely use such simple sports equipment for home training.

We would be interested to hear about your experience with jump rope training and your results. Were you really able to lose weight using this exercise equipment? Share with us your stories, reviews, impressions and comments.

Video about jumping rope

Jump rope workout plan

In order to keep yourself in great shape, you can do 16-minute workouts every day. But if your goal is to initially lose weight, and only then keep yourself in shape, then you need to “work” on the jump rope in progression:

  • There may not be any progression in the first week so that the muscles get used to the load. As a rule, for beginners, 5 minutes of training a day is enough. They should be carried out in the morning, when metabolism is increased.
  • Then the load increases - the number of jumps becomes 30 more. As soon as you increase the jumps by 30, consolidate the result for 2 days and try to change the intensity of the jumps - move on to interval training, since they are ideal for losing weight.
  • Then start increasing your jump rope exercises by 30 jumps per day. In this case, switch completely to interval training. For example, you perform 200 jumps in one set with one-minute rest breaks. In this case, rest should not be immediately after increasing intense jumps, but gradually according to the following scheme: 2 minutes of intense jumps, then 2 minutes of medium intensity, a minute of classic jumps, rest - 1 minute.

How much can you lose?

A jump rope for weight loss is suitable for quickly burning fat. Fitness instructors determined how to jump and how much. Jumping rope for weight loss is more effective than cycling, tennis and swimming. Their benefits are equivalent to fast walking and fast running. In the process, excess weight is burned, and the figure becomes noticeably toned.

To combat cellulite, jumping is perfect , since due to increased lymph flow, it goes away.

Intense training on a jump rope for an hour burns 500 calories or more.

If you increase the speed and number of jumps with each approach, then the weight will go away faster. You can lose 3-10 kg in a month. Exercises are performed at least 3 times a week.

Video: How and how much to jump rope to lose weight?

A video in which the trainer explains how to hold a jump rope and shows how to perform jumps perfectly so that the time spent on such training is spent with maximum efficiency:

In the next video, the trainer will tell you how to build a competent workout and how much to jump to lose weight:

Jump rope exercises should be systematic with a constant increase in the number of jumps and training time. Jumping on this sports equipment, like any exercise, is especially indicated for weight loss if done in the morning.

Block five - set of general physical fitness exercises No. 2

We will work in exactly the same way using a timer: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest

Try to hold out until the end

  1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip behind the head
  2. Jumping on a stand
  3. Push-ups with jump and clap
  4. Sprint - running in place with high knees at a high pace
  5. Dips
  6. Double jump rope

If you choose your exercises, then try to do them so that the whole body . Alternate the load on your legs, arms, abs and back.

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