Best time to train
Fitness guide: what time of day is best to exercise?
The right time for physical activity allows you to achieve the highest possible results. If it
Pros of an exercise bike
What is more effective for losing weight: an exercise bike or a treadmill?
How many calories can a person weighing 60 kg burn in half an hour of jogging (8 km/h)
deep squats benefits
Squats for girls: everything you need to know + 30-day plan for beginners
Barbell squats are the main tool in building powerful, bulky leg muscles. This exercise
gymnastics at home
Young gymnasts: rhythmic gymnastics for beginners
A properly selected set of physical exercises for home is an excellent alternative to systematic trips to the gym.
Bench press
Pectoral muscles - exercises and training features
Contents 1 Pectoral muscles - exercises and training features 1.1 Anatomy 1.2 Training features
different types of exercise equipment
The best exercise equipment for losing weight at home: an alternative to going to the gym
Choosing the right home exercise machine All currently existing devices are divided into two groups: power
plank exercise
Do the plank for 5 minutes every day: what will happen to you in a month
The plank exercise is the best thing that was invented for the lazy, unathletic, but dreaming
How to get rid of a double chin with massage
Causes of the problem The main reason for the formation of a fold of skin called a double chin is excess weight.
Exercises for every day for an ideal figure. Video training at home
Secrets for effective home workouts Make a personal list of exercises that will allow you to correct your own figure.
Yoga classes for older women
Exercises for older people: 27 effective exercises
11/20/2020 Physical activity is an integral part of every person’s life. This has always been the case.
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