Exercises with a barbell for weight loss for girls on triceps, legs, back, all muscle groups at home

Regularly performing exercises with a barbell is a great way to get rid of excess body weight, make your muscles more prominent, and your figure aesthetically attractive. Training using this sports equipment can be carried out at home, or in the gym under the guidance of an experienced fitness instructor.

The main advantage of working out at home is the ability to independently choose any time to pump all muscle groups, the absence of prying eyes, and there is no need to waste personal time on the way to the gym.

At the same time, at home you can achieve excellent results by developing all groups of the muscular system, using just one collapsible barbell with weights of different weights.

Essence and basic principles

Exercises with a barbell involve creating a maximum load on all elements of the musculoskeletal system. Organizing the training process at home or in a fitness center requires adherence to basic principles, which are described in detail in the table below.

Basic principles of performing exercises with a barbellCharacteristics of the training process
Injury preventionA barbell is a heavy and dangerous sports equipment, working with which requires certain skills and knowledge. In order to avoid injury to ligaments, joints, bone and connective tissue, it is recommended to always spend 15-20 minutes before starting a workout. to warm up the whole body. Conducting a high-quality warm-up is a 90% guarantee that during strength training a tendon strain or bruise of muscle fibers will not occur.
Drink plenty of fluidsPerforming exercises with a barbell is an energy-consuming process, during which profuse sweating occurs. In order to prevent dehydration, you must drink at least 1 liter of clean, gas-free water throughout your workout. In this case, you should maintain a drinking regime throughout the day.
Maximum number of repetitionsGirls who want to get rid of extra pounds, burn fat reserves in the waist and buttocks. The upper and lower extremities, back, should focus on the maximum number of repetitions, working with light barbell plates. The more barbell lifts, the more energy-consuming the entire training process is. Adipose tissue is burned, resulting in greater definition of muscle mass.
Power setIn order to constantly progress and use a barbell with heavy weights, you need to perform a strength set once a week. In this case, this is work for a minimum number of repetitions. The maximum working weight is placed on the barbell, with which it is possible to perform no more than 3-4 repetitions. This type of training allows you not only to lose weight, but also to develop muscle strength, strengthen tendons and connective tissue of joints.
Complete restExercises with light or heavy barbell weights greatly exhaust all body systems. To ensure that playing sports does not lead to a deterioration in well-being or the development of diseases of internal organs, the organization of quality rest is required. This suggests that the duration of 1 workout should be no more than 1-1.5 hours. Immediately after completing exercises with a barbell, you need to eat and rest for at least 45 minutes. A weight lifter should sleep 8-9 hours a day.
Quality foodA nutritious and balanced diet is one of the most important basic principles that must be followed. The menu of a girl who lifts weights should include lean chicken, rabbit, turkey, chicken eggs, fermented milk products, cereals, herbs, vegetables, fruits, ocean and river fish, seafood, natural juices and fresh juices. It is necessary to completely exclude confectionery products, semi-finished products, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol, food containing chemical additives and preservatives.
Cardiac stressIn order to exclude the factor of the development of cardiovascular diseases that can occur under the influence of regular exercises with a barbell, it is necessary to devote 1 day a week to cardiac exercises. This includes light jogging, swimming, long-distance walking, and cycling. Any type of activity that develops the endurance of the heart muscle and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels is suitable.
Working with different weightsThe human muscular system has its own cellular memory. If you use the same barbell weight each workout, then the muscles of one or another part of the body that is undergoing the training process will get used to the weight of the sports equipment. This will lead to the fact that the exercises will not bring any effect. Therefore, as strength increases, it is necessary to gradually increase the weight of the barbell by adding 2, 3, 5 kg weights to the edges of its bar.
Development of all muscle groupsIn order to achieve the effect of uniform development of the entire body, make the figure aesthetically attractive, and get rid of the layer of subcutaneous fat, during a week-long training course it is necessary to pump up all segments of the muscular system. The main emphasis should be on the muscles of the back, buttocks, shoulder girdle, biceps, triceps, chest.

A barbell is a universal sports equipment that allows you to work out all areas of the body, burn excess fat tissue, and improve metabolic processes in the body. To achieve a positive result throughout the entire period of the training process, it is necessary to conduct regular training, as well as follow all of the above principles.

Differences between women's training programs

Weight loss and fat reduction

Non-professionals love to talk about the fact that there are no fat-burning workouts, there is only a calorie deficit from nutrition. In fact, “metabolic” or fat-burning workouts do exist. It’s just that most gym goers can withstand about two minutes of such training. The only “fat-burning workout” is the circuit, which consists of compound exercises with a barbell weighing approximately 70 percent of your one-rep maximum. The movements are performed in series of 30-40 seconds without rest, “circles” can be done only 4-5. Such training increases the body's oxygen consumption at rest and speeds up metabolism. And it doesn't practice for beginners.

Regular gym goers must first learn how to do basic exercises and control body position, and only then manipulate oxygen consumption using circuit training. At the start, the classic scheme “2 cardio workouts per week and 3 strength training” is suitable. The plan could be like this:

  1. Perform strength training on all muscle groups three times a week. Divide the exercises into planes, or work on the principle of “squat and press day” and “deadlift and vertical press day.” Beginners can do the same set of exercises in simulators; the important thing here is frequency and technique, and not a “super-new” exercise plan and their alternation;
  2. Do cardio 2 times a week. Non-professionals like to include here circuit training with your own body weight, or working on cardio equipment, but for a beginner the first type of activity is more likely to be strength training than cardio. Therefore, those who have been working out for less than six months should understand cardio as either walking, jogging, pedaling a bicycle, or all the same, only in exercise machines. The usual recommendation to “do 20 minutes of cardio on free days” is also not enough for everyone. Here we should focus on the textbook half an hour of physical activity a day, which is recommended by WHO to keep us healthy;
  3. Seto-repetition “weight loss” regimens should provide a large volume of training activity. To put it simply, the weight of the burden is less. More approaches. Optimally – 4-5 sets of 6-12 repetitions of each exercise with good technique. Do you need circular ones? No, if a person does not have the strength to perform them, or lacks physical fitness;
  4. Nutrition must meet two requirements - balance, that is, a sufficient amount of fats and proteins with a reduced amount of carbohydrates, and an orientation toward creating an energy deficit. To calculate your diet, use the Fat Secret or any other application.

Training program for gaining muscle mass

“Wishlists” like “make a nut” or “toned legs and athletic shoulders” are nothing more than gaining muscle mass. It sounds creepy for the average person, but the girl has little chance of turning into the Hulk. Even if you remove cardio training, and do weight training in a strength mode, and eat protein, the result will be just an athletic, toned body, and not a monster mass figure.

What to do:

  • Train in the gym every other day, no more often;
  • Review your diet - at least 3-4 g of carbohydrates per kilo of body weight, and 2 g of protein. If the gastrointestinal tract cannot cope, take enzymes. But you will have to eat, muscles will not grow out of thin air;
  • Approaches and repetitions may vary. If a girl cannot gain muscle in any way, working in the usual “bodybuilding” mode of 8-12 repetitions, she is shown low-repetition strength training, in the mode of 4-6 repetitions in 5-6 approaches. For everyone else, the standard 5 approaches, two of which are warm-up.

Workouts for tone

The entire practice of sports denies this direction. Trainers say you can't just "ton up your muscles" without doing some strength training. An entire marketing industry is parasitic on this category of women - selling 20-minute workouts without weights, some strange pants, and fitness classes that look like an entertainment program for a kindergartener. Body-toning workouts are usually referred to as strength training for those who have excess fat but are not overweight. The so-called “skinny fat” should do both cardio and strength training:

  • 3 strength training sessions a week will help pump up muscles and get rid of sagging;
  • 15-20 minutes of cardio cool-down at the end of the strength workout will increase calorie consumption;
  • Approximately 1.8 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight and 3 g of carbohydrates will be enough. Don't forget about fats - you need to eat at least 1 g per day for the sake of women's hormonal health.

Any health problems are a reason to consult a doctor, and the presence of spinal curvature, injuries, joint pain is a reason to find a qualified trainer. Lack of sports experience is also a reason to contact a coach. A few personal training sessions will be useful if the last physical education lesson took place at school, but there is more than enough energy and enthusiasm.


Why are they needed?

Exercises with a barbell at home do not require complex organizational arrangements. Any spacious room or a flat piece of land in a private yard will do.

This type of training allows you to achieve the following positive effects for the body:

  • all parts of the musculoskeletal system are strengthened, which minimizes the risk of injury in the future;
  • training of the cardiovascular system is carried out;
  • lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism accelerates;
  • effective prevention of diabetes mellitus is carried out, since during energy-intensive exercises a large amount of glucose is burned;
  • manages to get rid of subcutaneous and abdominal fat;
  • problem areas of the body are corrected (buttocks, triceps line, chest);
  • the effect of preventing osteoporosis is ensured, since regular exercises with a barbell stimulate the production of more sex hormones, which has a positive effect on bone density.

Regular exercise with a barbell prevents excess body weight gain. Moreover, the result achieved with the help of this sports equipment lasts for several years. Even if you stop training completely, your figure remains just as aesthetically attractive and physically developed.

Sets of exercises for losing weight buttocks

What exercises should be included in a fat-burning glute workout? First of all, these are basic exercises for the buttocks and legs and isolation exercises for the buttocks. It is recommended to use elements of cardio to increase complexity and energy consumption. You can also include exercises for the abs and core muscles in the complex to evenly develop your body.

A set of exercises for losing weight in the gym

  1. Bar squats – 25 reps, 4 sets.
  2. Back lunges with dumbbells – 18 reps on each leg, 3 sets.
  3. Jumping onto a pedestal or hill – 15 times, 3 sets.
  4. Swing your leg back in a crossover – 18-20 times on each leg, 3 sets.
  5. Leg raises in the simulator - 25 repetitions, 4 sets.
  6. “Superman” – lying on your stomach, simultaneously stretching your arms and legs, 18 times, 3 sets.
  7. Cardio – walking at a fast pace on a hill for 20 minutes.

The duration of such a workout is 70-90 minutes. Rest between sets for 1-1.5 minutes. Frequency: 1-2 times a week.

Complex for losing weight buttocks and inner thighs in the gym

  1. Squats with wide legs in the Smith machine - minimal weight, 18 times for 3-4 sets.
  2. Deadlift with dumbbells with an emphasis on the inner thighs, placing your feet wider than your shoulders and toes slightly turned to the sides - 18 repetitions of 4 sets.
  3. Leg abduction to the sides in a block simulator - 20 times for each leg, 4 sets.
  4. Seated leg curls - 25 reps, 4 sets.
  5. Glute bridge with elastic band on the hips - raise the hips and bring the legs together at the top, then spread and lower - 15-18 repetitions, 4 sets.
  6. Lying body crunches – 30 reps, 3 sets.

This is a fairly intense complex, it should be performed no more than once a week. Training duration is 60-70 minutes. Rest between sets is no more than 90 seconds.

Fat burning workout for buttocks at home

  1. Squats below parallel with a fitness band – 20 reps, 4 sets.
  2. Bulgarian split squats with elevated support - 18 times on each leg, 3 sets.
  3. Deadlift with dumbbells – 18 times on each leg, 3 sets.
  4. Side leg raise – 22 reps per leg, 4 sets.
  5. Kneeling backward leg swings – 18 reps on each leg, 3 sets.
  6. Glute bridge with extended leg - 15 times on each leg, 3 sets.
  7. Plank with side steps alternately with the right and left foot for 30 seconds, 3 sets.

Although this workout is performed at home, its intensity is not inferior to training in the gym. For basic exercises - 1-3, rest between approaches lasts up to 2 minutes, in isolating exercises number 4-7 from 1 to 1.5 minutes.

Fat burning workout for buttocks outdoors

  1. Run up and down the stairs for 5 minutes.
  2. Jumping on steps – 20 times, 4 sets.
  3. Lateral steps on steps - 18 times on each leg, 3 sets.
  4. “Swallow” – 18 times on each leg, 3 sets.
  5. “Jumping Jack” – jump with simultaneous extension of arms and legs for 40 seconds, 3 sets.
  6. Leg abductions while standing or on all fours – 20 times on each leg, 4 sets.

Training duration is 45-60 minutes, rest between approaches is up to 1.5 minutes.

Contraindications and possible harm

Exercises with a barbell at home are strictly contraindicated for girls who have the following types of diseases or pathological conditions of the body.

Diseases and pathologies:

  • diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis or an individual tendency to thrombosis of the great vessels;
  • previous myocardial infarction, as well as cerebral stroke;
  • ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • arterial hypertension, accompanied by the periodic occurrence of hypertensive crises;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis, polyarthritis, as well as other types of painful conditions of small and large joints;
  • heart failure;
  • inflammatory processes in the tissues of the reproductive system;
  • arrhythmia;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • bradycardia;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • tachycardia;
  • malignant neoplasms regardless of their location;
  • hemorrhoidal disease;
  • anal fissure;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • a previous fracture of the pelvic bones;
  • scoliosis stage 4;
  • anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, as well as other types of pathological conditions of the blood in which its cellular balance is disrupted;
  • inguinal hernia.

It is recommended to refrain from performing exercises with a barbell for girls who are pregnant or who are breastfeeding a newborn baby.

During menstruation, it is also necessary to limit the use of this sports equipment, since energy-intensive training with heavy weights can worsen overall well-being.

Useful tips

Exercises with a barbell at home do not require complex preparatory measures.

Despite this, it is recommended to adhere to the following useful tips:

  1. When performing exercises with a barbell, always wear the most comfortable clothes and shoes. The best option would be wide shorts, sneakers or moccasins with stable soles.
  2. Before deciding to start the training process using this sports equipment, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination by a cardiologist, therapist, traumatologist or surgeon. Specialists of the latest profile will diagnose the musculoskeletal system, and also exclude the possible presence of an inguinal hernia.
  3. Training with a barbell should occur no more than 2-3 times a week, subject to proper rest and a balanced diet. Doing exercises more often will not bring any effect, but will only cause physical exhaustion of the body.
  4. If discomfort or even slight pain occurs in the back, joints, or muscles, you must immediately stop further training, since such symptoms may indicate the first signs of injury.
  5. All exercises with a barbell must be performed using a special safety belt, which is fixed on the belt. This element of sports equipment has a wide base, and its functional purpose is to maintain the spine in the correct position, as well as to prevent the formation of an inguinal hernia.

Even the most basic exercises using a barbell must be performed with minimal weights and proper technique. Lifting an exercise equipment with a hunched back or too narrow legs can lead to injury to the musculoskeletal system.

The most effective exercises for losing weight in the buttocks in the gym

A set of exercises for losing weight in the buttocks in the gym has some advantages compared to home workouts. In a fitness club, you can make maximum use of exercise equipment that helps to target the buttocks in a targeted and isolated manner.

This is a crossover with a lower and upper block, a machine for bringing and raising legs, a machine for bending legs, you can also use barbells, a body bar, dumbbells with different weights, and step platforms. Having a large amount of equipment allows you to make your workouts more varied and productive.

In addition, it is easy to maintain motivation in the gym, because there are athletic and enthusiastic people around who infect you with their energy.

Squats with a bar

Bar squats are considered a basic exercise for the buttocks. They tighten the gluteal muscles, strengthen the legs and, depending on the method of execution, either increase volume or add dryness and leanness. Exercises for quickly losing weight on the buttocks are done with your own weight, or with an empty bar - a small weight allows you to do a large number of repetitions and burn the muscles. This approach is used by athletes to lose weight and dry their bodies.

Stand near a squat rack, place the bar on your shoulder blades and step back, keeping your back straight and your gaze directed forward. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly lower. Do 25-30 repetitions per set.

Back lunges

Back lunges create roundness in the buttocks and primarily target the lower gluteus maximus and hamstrings. They are best done at the beginning of a workout or immediately after squats. Take small dumbbells 1-3 kg in your hands, or place an empty bar on your shoulder blades. Beginners can do lunges with a body bar or without any weight at all.

Perform alternating lunges with one leg back, almost touching the knee to the floor, the front leg also bends at the knee, keep your back straight and watch your balance. Here, too, to lose weight we work in a multi-repetition mode - about 20-22 repetitions on each leg.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Deadlift with dumbbells is a multi-joint exercise for working the buttocks and hamstrings. This traction is good for getting rid of cellulite, which often accumulates in the area where the buttocks meet the thighs. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold dumbbells weighing up to 5 kg in your hands.

Lean forward, keeping your knees straight, but if it’s difficult to do, you can bend them a little. The arms move down from the beginning of the hip joint to the shin and back, the back is perfectly straight when tilted and with a deflection in the shoulder blades. Feel the stretch in your glutes and hamstrings, and as you straighten, squeeze your glutes to increase the tension. Perform 16-18 times in each approach.

Glute bridge with weights

Gluteal bridge with weights and step platform - the exercise is effective for accentuated impact on the entire surface of the buttocks. Additional use of equipment increases intensity and allows you to burn more calories, which is important for fat burning.

Lie down on the mat, place your feet on the step platform and bend your knees. The lower back is pressed to the floor, place a weight in the form of a pancake or dumbbell weighing up to 5 kg in the waist and pelvis area and hold it with your hands. Raise your pelvis as high as possible and hold at the peak point for a couple of seconds, straining your buttocks. Repeat 18-20 times.

Swing your leg back in a crossover

Crossover kicks are an isolation exercise for polishing the buttocks and giving them a chiseled shape. Place the handle of the block in the lower position, the weight is taken to be very small, up to 5 kg.

Put a special cuff on the bottom of your shin, hold on to the supports of the machine with your hands and perform at least 16 swings with one leg back, while your back is slightly tilted forward, but remains straight and practically does not move. The other leg is bent at the knee joint. The working leg is pulled back as high and concentrated as possible, but without sudden or jerking movements.

Work only your buttocks and legs, feeling a burning sensation in this area. Crossover swings are very effective for the gluteus maximus muscle, allowing you to work this area in isolation, practically without affecting the quadriceps.

Breeding legs on the simulator

Leg raises on the machine - the exercise focuses on the gluteal muscles and the outer surface of the thigh. The main working muscle here is the gluteus medius, part of the load falls on the gluteus maximus and minimus.

Sit in the machine, bring the supports towards each other, place your hips between the side supports, place your hands on the handles. Take a breath and begin to smoothly spread your legs to the sides, as far as the stretch allows.

At the peak point, hold for two counts, then slowly and concentratedly bring your legs together as you exhale. Perform 18-20 repetitions. To increase the load on the gluteus medius, you can slightly tilt your back forward and move closer to the edge of the seat, and with your hands hold on to the rack of the machine if it is located in front, or simply stretch your arms in front of you.

Main complex

In order to evenly pump the entire muscular system of the musculoskeletal system using a barbell, it is enough to use basic exercises on the arms, legs, back, and chest.

Barbell curl

To perform this exercise, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take the barbell in your hands so that your hands are turned up.
  3. As you inhale, bend your elbows, lifting the barbell to your chin.
  4. As you exhale, return the upper limbs to their original position.

This exercise simultaneously pumps up the biceps, forearm, strengthens the wrist and tendons that activate the phalanges of the fingers.

French bench press

The French bench press is a fairly complex exercise, the technical side of which is as follows:

  1. You need to lie down on a bench with a flat surface so that your head is at the very edge.
  2. Pick up a barbell with a working weight.
  3. As you inhale, move the sports equipment behind your head as far as possible.
  4. As you exhale, straighten your elbows, returning the bar to its original position.

This exercise effectively develops the triceps, covering this muscle from the shoulder to the top of the elbow joint.

Lifting the barbell up overhead

Lifting a barbell overhead is a simple but energy-intensive exercise that is performed in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bring the barbell to your chin.
  3. As you inhale, straighten your elbows and lift the barbell above your head.
  4. As you exhale, return the sports equipment to its original position.

This exercise pumps up the entire shoulder girdle, and also creates additional stress on the triceps and upper segment of the pectoral muscle.


Squats with a barbell are a basic exercise that pumps up all the muscles of the lower extremities, as well as the buttocks.

The principle of its implementation is as follows:

  1. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bring the barbell behind your head, fixing it on your neck.
  3. As you inhale, bend your knees, squatting as deep as possible.
  4. As you exhale, return to the vertical position again.

Squats with a barbell are an effective exercise for girls to pump up their gluteal muscles.

While performing this exercise, you must ensure that your back remains straight at all times. Otherwise, serious injury may occur.

Pumping the calf muscle

Pumping the calf muscle is an exercise that allows you to develop the lower part of the leg from the ankle to the knee joint.

The technique for performing it requires the following steps:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bring the barbell behind your head, placing it on your shoulders.
  3. While inhaling, bend the ankle joint, fixing the foot exclusively on the toes.
  4. As you exhale, it again covers the entire area of ​​the sole.

Regularly performing this exercise allows you to make your calf muscles beautiful and voluminous.

Lunges with a barbell

Lunges with a barbell are a complex and difficult exercise that is performed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to place the barbell behind your head, placing it on the shoulder girdle.
  2. As you inhale, take a step forward with the leg bent at the knee as deeply as possible so that you actually perform a squat.
  3. As you exhale, the body returns to its original position.

Similar actions are performed in relation to the next limb. This exercise develops the buttocks and all muscle groups of the leg.


The deadlift is considered one of the most difficult, but at the same time effective exercises for developing the back.


  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Tilt your body forward.
  3. Take the barbell in your hands.
  4. As you inhale, bend your elbows, pulling the sports equipment towards your chest, and also straightening your body.
  5. As you exhale, return the barbell and body to the starting position.

This exercise develops the latissimus dorsi muscle, forms strong chest muscles, which protect the spine from injury.

Bench press

The bench press is one of the basic exercises that is performed using a barbell.

The training process technique is as follows:

  1. You will need to lie down on a bench with a perfectly flat surface.
  2. Take the barbell in your hands, holding it in front of you at chin level.
  3. While inhaling, bend your elbows to such an extent that the bar of the sports equipment touches the surface of the chest.
  4. As you exhale, bend your elbows and straighten your arms, pressing the barbell away from your chest.

This exercise allows you to simultaneously pump up not only the chest muscles, but also develops the shoulder girdle and trapezius.

Lifting the barbell upward from behind the head

Raising the barbell upward from behind the head is a simple exercise that is performed in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Place your feet shoulder width apart
  2. Bring the barbell behind your head, placing it on the line of the shoulder girdle.
  3. As you inhale, extend your elbows and lift the sports equipment upward.
  4. As you exhale, return the barbell behind your head.

This exercise allows you to develop the upper part of the latissimus dorsi muscle, trapezius, shoulder girdle, and also perfectly pumps the triceps.

Effective exercises with the bar for girls at home

For training to bring results, you need a positive attitude. To do this, choose comfortable, light clothes, always study with an open window, prepare your favorite music in advance, which will energize you and give you joy.

When you do an exercise, imagine how your muscles work, excess fat burns and your body becomes more beautiful with each repetition!

A positive attitude is important, training should be fun.


1. Watch your breathing - this is very important! We inhale with minimal effort, exhale with load;

2. There is no need to rush, do everything smoothly and efficiently;

3. Try to use the right muscles, and not shift the load to others;

4. Correct technique and weight selection are the key to a healthy workout with maximum benefit;

6. High-quality, healthy sleep, proper nutrition and no stress;

7. Don't skip training, exercise regularly.

Exercises with the bar at home are practically no different from training in the gym. You don't need a bench or other equipment, just a bar and weights or a body bar (it all depends on your physical fitness). The weight is selected so that you can complete all 3 approaches.

Press up

We take the bar in both hands with a regular grip. Hands slightly wider than shoulders, starting position of the bar is below the neck. Exhale up, inhale down. We do 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Head press

We hold the bar with an overhand grip with our arms outstretched above our heads. Bending your elbows as you inhale, place the bar behind your head, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. 3 approaches of 8-12 times are enough.

Half squats

Carefully place the bar on your shoulders (behind your head). Starting position: stand straight, feet together, arms wider than shoulders. We perform a half squat as we inhale, bend our knees (90 degrees), and as we exhale we come back. 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions are enough.


We place the bar on the neck, behind the head, hands wider than shoulders. We do lunges, one at a time, starting with the right leg, the left supporting leg on the toe, while the back is straight, the chest is straightened. Feel the tension in your thighs and buttocks. Feet wider than shoulders. We do 3 sets of 8-12 times.


Take the bar and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
We place it behind the neck on the trapeze (below the neck). We stand straight, our back is tense (there is a deflection in the lower back). Shoulders are straightened, knees are slightly bent. We begin to bend forward (parallel to the floor), while moving the pelvis back. We return to the starting position using the hips and gluteal muscles. We do 3 sets of 8-12 times. Set a goal, achieve it, constantly improve, don’t stand still. For the results to come to you faster and last forever, exercise regularly from the heart!

Week schedule

Proper organization of the training process is the key to obtaining a positive result aimed at developing the muscles of the whole body, burning excess fatty tissue, and obtaining an attractive figure.

The table shows the weekly schedule for performing exercises with a barbell:

Day of the weekActions Performed
Monday1. Lifting the barbell for biceps - 10 repetitions of 3 sets.
2. French bench press - 7 repetitions of 3 sets.

3. Lifting the barbell up above your head - 15 repetitions of 3 sets.

TuesdayA day of rest, balanced nutrition and recovery of the body after training.
Wednesday1. Barbell squats - 10 reps, 3 sets.
2. Pumping the calf muscle by lifting on your toes - 18 repetitions of 3 sets.

3. Lunges with a barbell - 10 repetitions, 3 sets for each leg.

ThursdayA day of rest and recovery of the body after an intense workout.
Friday1. Deadlift - 12 reps, 3 sets.
2. Bench press - 10 repetitions of 3 sets.

3. Lifting the barbell up from behind the head - 12 repetitions of 3 sets.

SaturdayA day of rest, balanced nutrition and recovery of the body after physical activity.
SundayCardiac training in the form of light jogging, brisk walking, swimming, cycling.

When performing each of the above exercises, it is necessary to use optimal weights that correspond to the physical abilities of each girl.

Exercises with a barbell for the buttocks for girls

We all know very well that exercises with a barbell are much more effective in terms of working the gluteal muscles than regular squats without weights.

To increase the productivity of your workout, you need to use a barbell.

Squats are simply designed to give the buttocks an ideal shape, since all the most necessary muscles are involved, and the load hits the target! Many people think that squats can pump up their legs, don’t be afraid, because in order to achieve growth of leg muscles, you need a special program, plus, it is much more difficult for girls to develop muscles. Before training, you need to warm up your muscles. The first 3 approaches we squat with an empty bar 15-20 times. Then we hang the pancakes and do 3 sets of 8-15 times.

When to expect the effect

Exercises with a barbell at home require regular training with a rest regime, good nutrition and complete abandonment of bad habits. Under these conditions, after 2 months. After intensive training using this sports equipment, the first positive results will appear.

A sustainable effect from regular training with a barbell can be observed no earlier than 6 months. Technically incorrect exercises, unbalanced nutrition, skipping sports, drinking alcohol and smoking will make it impossible to achieve positive results.

Barbell exercises are a complex training process that involves the use of only one sports equipment. In order to pump up the entire muscular system of the musculoskeletal system, you will need a bar and stacked weights of different weights.

Using a barbell you can develop the muscles of the back, biceps, triceps, shoulder girdle, buttocks, and lower extremities. Barbell exercises are easy to do on your own at home.

When creating an individual training schedule, you should not neglect proper rest and regular cardiological exercise.

Exercises for buttocks outdoors

The effectiveness of outdoor exercise has long been proven, since the active flow of oxygen improves blood circulation and lung function, which gives the body more strength and energy. Exercises for the buttocks on the street can be performed on a specially equipped site where there is a sports complex. We invite you to try a set of exercises on the stairs, aimed specifically at improving the shape and losing weight of the buttocks.

You can exercise almost any time when the temperature is around zero or above. Observe moderation in clothing - dress warmly, but without severe overheating, because during sports you will become hot, and a hot and sweaty body can easily catch a cold. In autumn and spring, a suit of pants, a turtleneck and a warm sweatshirt, which can be removed if desired, is suitable. Choose sneakers with a stable, cushioned sole, because outdoors your feet need extra balance.

Running up the stairs

Running up and down the stairs - cardio exercise is very effective for reducing buttocks. In any city it is not difficult to find stairs where you can go up and down at a fast pace. While running up the stairs, the gluteal muscles are actively tensed and tightened, and there is also an increased burning of calories due to high energy consumption. You can run for a while - for 5-10 minutes, or in sets - 1 ascent and descent is counted as one approach.

Of course, take into account the length of the stairs, if it is long, then you don’t have to run to the very end, but on a short one, in 1 set you can take 2 climbs up and 2 descents down. Keep your running pace fast, move your arms forward and back, and breathe actively to help you.

Jumping on steps

Jumping on steps - this exercise combines an element of cardio and strength. Stand straight on the step, feet hip-width apart, then slightly bend your knees and with a powerful movement jump to the next step and immediately take a deep squat position, stretch your arms forward for balance during the jump. From this position, jump again to the next step. The combination of jumping and snatching movements effectively burns the target area and burns fat deposits, while squats strengthen and shape the buttocks.

Stepping onto the stairs sideways from a half-squat

Stepping onto the stairs sideways from a half-squat is a dynamic exercise that perfectly removes fat from the outside of the thighs and buttocks. Turn to the stairs with your left side and take a half-squat position, standing with your left foot on the top step and your right foot on the bottom. Then place your right foot on step 2, and lift your left foot on step 3, and so on until you reach the end of the stairs or have completed about 15 lifts. Go down on foot and repeat similar actions now on the right side. Performing steps with the left foot, then descending and stepping with the right foot count as one set.


Exercise “Swallow” for losing weight in the abdomen and buttocks. The gluteal muscles, quadriceps and core muscles actively work here. It is better to perform near a support to maintain balance. The knee of the left supporting leg is slightly bent at the knee, we hold on to the support with our left hand, stretch our right leg back and tilt our body forward, while simultaneously stretching our right arm forward. Then we raise our right leg and stretch it forward in weight, bending the knee joint and squeezing the buttocks.

Next, we immediately move it back and repeat the movement up to 18 times, the body and back remain straight without bending in the lower back. Then we change the working leg. To make the exercise more difficult and increase the load on the abs, you can stop holding on to the support.

Leg abductions while standing

Standing leg abductions are an isolated exercise for working the gluteus medius and minimus muscles. If you regularly include it in your workout, the condition of the upper and lateral buttocks will improve. To increase the load, it is recommended to wear a fitness band on your legs in the shin area or use weights. Stand sideways near a support, holding onto it with one hand. Raise your straight leg to the side as high as possible, keeping your back straight and motionless by tensing your abdominal muscles. The knee of the supporting leg is slightly bent, the heel presses into the floor. Exhale at the peak of the lift.

Abduction of the bent leg to the sides on all fours

Bent leg abduction while on all fours is another effective exercise for the gluteus medius and minimus. In the starting position, the emphasis is on the hands and knees, the back is straight, the angle at the hip and knee joint is 90 degrees.

Smoothly and under control, abduct one leg bent at the knee to the side, while the other remains standing on the surface.

It is important to ensure that your back remains in a horizontal plane - the less your back rotates, the greater the load on your glutes. If it is difficult not to move your back, then reduce the amplitude of abduction.

“The glutes are the workhorse of our body,” says Jordan Metzl, a sports physician and MD.

We constantly use this muscle group when we walk or even just stand. This is one of the largest muscles in the human body, so by doing workouts on this part of the body, calorie burning occurs in an enhanced mode.

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