Fat-burning step aerobics for beginners and pros

Step aerobics is a set of dance steps that are designed to help you lose weight and gain an athletic body shape. The best thing about this type of fitness is that it does not require too many equipments and accessories. All you need is a stable bench or step platform, as well as a pair of quality shoes - and you're ready to practice!

Step aerobics complexes for weight loss, the videos of which you will see below, include a wide range of exercises from simple ones intended for beginners to intense ones aimed at advanced athletes.

  • Basic step aerobics exercises for weight loss with photos
      Warming up
  • Step-touch
  • The basic step
  • Step-up
  • Jump over the platform (Bestik over)
  • Mambo
  • V-step
  • Step aerobics video lessons that you can do at home to lose weight
      Fat burning leg workout - 12 minutes
  • Quick Calorie Burn for Beginners - 20 Minutes
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • Cardio and strength training - 40 minutes
  • Extreme step
  • What are the contraindications for doing step aerobics?

    Step aerobics is a newer version and technique of aerobics. Its main difference is that in step aerobics, exercises are performed rhythmically in a vertical position. In step aerobics, it is important to pay attention to your posture and how you step. The body and shoulders should be straight. The knee should never bend more than 90 degrees (that is, keep the knee at a right angle), and at least 60 degrees is better.

    Step-aerobic is quite popular: many people prefer “stepped” classes to regular aerobics.

    However, if you have knee or ankle problems, step aerobics may not be the best choice for exercise due to the constant stress on your lower extremities.

    Can't turn or move your back

    Coordination of movements develops over time.

    How well you navigate the turns that step dance aerobics abounds in is influenced by your coordination. Coordination develops over time. It's okay if pirouettes terrify you at first. This will pass soon, the main thing is not to be shy and try.

    When making turns, as well as when performing movements with your back, it is important to understand that the steps you take and their rhythm remain the same. It’s just that now the rotation movement is also added. Focus on the music. Even if, while dancing with your back, you do something wrong, or just step from foot to foot, but you get into the music - you will already succeed.

    Therefore, if at first it is difficult to perform movements with your back to the trainer, turn around and walk in place to the music and turn back to the music. It's a matter of experience.

    Benefits of step aerobics

    Step aerobics gained popularity in the 80s of the 20th century and is still one of the most popular types of fitness due to intense training that allows you to quickly lose weight at home. This type of fitness is an effective way to not only increase endurance and burn fat, but also improve your mood.

    • Step aerobics is effective for losing weight.
    • A set of exercises with low loads and amazing results.
    • Helps burn a large number of calories.
    • Accelerates the process of weight loss.
    • Tones many large muscles in the body.
    • Increases body flexibility over time.
    • Helps improve coordination as well as endurance.
    • This sport can be practiced at home.

    Aerobic exercise is an important part of a well-designed workout. Many exercises are designed to train cardiovascular endurance; step aerobics is one of these types of exercises.

    Step aerobics is easy to learn at home. All you need is a pair of comfortable sneakers and a step platform. You can use another elevation, but we recommend that you still pay attention to a professional platform, because... it is sustainable and not too expensive.

    Using other elevated positions, such as benches, poses a risk of injury.

    Classic aerobics

    Steps in aerobics are the foundation on which the entire training methodology rests. Without knowledge of this aerobics base, it is impossible to build more diverse and complex choreographic combinations.

    Below is a list of the main elements. Of course, there are many more options, however, for the first training this knowledge will be enough.

    In aerobics, there are two main types of movements:

    • without changing the leading leg;
    • with a change of leading leg.

    Is it possible to lose weight by doing step aerobics at home?

    Burning calories is definitely a positive effect of step aerobics. A study published in the International SportMed Journal examined the effects of step aerobics on obese women who were primarily sedentary. Upon completion, researchers from the University of Aksaray (Turkey) found that after 2 months of moderate training, all women in the group lost an average of 3 kg.

    When combined with strength training and a healthy diet, step aerobics can be an effective way to reduce body fat.

    How many calories are burned when doing step aerobics?

    Step aerobics allows you to effectively burn calories and quickly lose weight with the right approach. If a person weighs 70 kg, then in one intense workout of 60 minutes, you can burn up to 605 calories.

    How often should you do step aerobics?

    Adults should exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 times a week, as long as it is moderate intensity exercise. Or 20 minutes 3 times a week, subject to high-intensity exercise.

    150 minutes per week or 60 minutes (high intensity) is the minimum load if you want to lose weight.

    What beginners need to know about step aerobics

    Like all other forms of fitness, step-aerobic exercise must also be practiced with proper precautions. Otherwise, you may injure yourself.

    So here's the checklist:

    • Make sure you wear quality shoes that won't cause your feet to slip or become deformed.
    • Before starting your workout, warm yourself up by warming up for 10 minutes to relax your muscles and get your heart rate up. We recommend stretching exercises for the legs and hips.
    • Place the bench on a completely flat surface and start with the most basic step-aerobic level, gradually increasing the intensity.
    • When you take a step, make sure that your foot is fully placed on the step platform.
    • Maintain an even posture throughout your workout. Keep your back straight, your shoulders relaxed, and your abs tight to avoid all types of injuries.
    • Drink water regularly, especially before exercise, to prevent dehydration.

    Steps without changing the leading foot

    The number of counts for which the step is performed is indicated in parentheses.

    Basic step (4)

    This is the simplest basic step, essentially we just get on and off the platform.

    1. step one foot straight onto the step platform
    2. step with the other foot directly onto the step platform
    3. step with the first foot from the step platform
    4. step with the second foot from the step platform

    V-step (4)

    Almost a complete analogue of the corresponding step in classical aerobics.

    1. step with one foot to the corner of the step platform (if we go from the left foot, then to the left corner, from the right, to the right)
    2. step with one foot to the opposite corner of the step platform
    3. step with the first foot from the step platform
    4. step with the second foot from the step platform

    Over the top or Over (4)

    The name of this step is translated as “through” or “through the top.” During its execution, we move across the platform to the other side.

    1. step with one foot sideways onto the step platform.
    2. step with the second foot onto the step platform and simultaneously turn backwards
    3. step back with the first foot from the step platform
    4. step with the second foot from the step platform back

    Straddle (8)

    Step no is performed as follows: we climb onto the step platform, alternately place our feet on the floor on one side and the other of the platform, climb onto the platform again, and return to the starting position.

    1. step with one foot sideways onto the step platform
    2. step with the other foot onto the step platform (we stand facing the short edge of the platform)
    3. we lower one leg from the step platform on one side
    4. we lower the second leg from the step platform on the other side
    5. return the first leg to the step platform
    6. return the second leg to the step platform
    7. we go down from the platform with the first foot (we must go down to the same place from where we started moving)
    8. we go down from the platform with the second foot (put it to the first)

    Turn step (4)

    This is the same basic-step, only we descend from the step platform not backwards, but sideways.

    1. step with one foot onto the step platform
    2. step with the other foot onto the step platform and turn your back to the short edge of the platform (from which leg we start the movement, we turn our back to the opposite edge)
    3. we go down with one foot from the platform from the short edge
    4. we go down with the other foot from the platform from the short edge

    Step aerobics video lessons that you can do at home to lose weight

    Step aerobics is more than just stepping up or down. With a well-chosen step aerobics video program for beginners, you can manage your weight, tone your muscles, and even burn up to 10 calories per minute.

    Regular exercise will provide cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Involving the upper and lower extremities in the work simultaneously develops coordination and dexterity. Constant loads increase leg strength. Plus, you can increase the intensity of your workouts even more by adding weights.

    Fat burning leg workout - 12 minutes

    This explosive short workout is an effective combination of cardio and plyometrics (jumping training). Includes a large number of jumps, squats, and side lunges aimed at training the buttocks and thighs. If you're a runner, this workout is a great cross-training workout to add more energy to your legs and increase your running speed.

    Quick Calorie Burn for Beginners - 20 Minutes

    Step-by-step training is intense and strictly time-bound. At the same time, it is flexible enough to tailor the exercise to suit you if you are a beginner. You can use additional weights in your hands or perform the exercise without using your hands.

    High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

    A full-fledged interval training session in which you use both cardio and strength training with weights. The class begins with cardio before moving on to the strength phase. Be sure to warm up for this workout.

    Cardio and strength training - 40 minutes

    This 40-minute workout includes a combination of cardiovascular strength exercises for the upper and lower body. The procedure consists of two different complexes of 10 minutes each, which are repeated twice. That is, only 4 approaches of 10 minutes. Each approach is followed by a short break.

    Extreme step

    A set of quick aerobic step workouts that you can do at home, combining rhythm and vigorous aerobic exercise. The video shows step aerobics exercises for weight loss at one-minute intervals, which are constantly changing and include jumping, squats and jumping lunges. Some exercises will require additional weight.

    Tags: Aerobics, Aerobic exercise, Beginner, Step aerobics, Exercises, Fitness, Fitness guide

    What it is

    Step aerobics involves a set of health-improving exercises based on basic ligaments, raising and lowering the legs to rhythmic music. During the classes, special step platforms are used (the height can be adjusted individually), which help to carry out “stepping” movements in different ways.

    A typical session lasts approximately 50-60 minutes; during this period, with an average level of exercise, it is possible to burn up to 600 calories. The main emphasis in training is on working the muscles of the legs, arms and shoulders. Thanks to its intense pace, step aerobics is one of the most effective types of cardio exercise: with its help, you can harmoniously develop muscles and burn a huge number of extra calories.

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