Diet pills "Figurin" - reviews, effect


One capsule contains active ingredients: 30 mg of guar gum, 30 mg of isphagula, psyllium husk 30 mg, 50 mg of bhasma loha, 2 mg of vidang extract, 6.66 mg of long-fruited pepper extract, 3.33 mg of ginger , 50 mg of guggula extract, 5 mg Chitrak extract, 25 mg Triphala extract, 5 mg Khadir extract.
The auxiliary components are: methylparaben, propylparaben, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, silicon dioxide, talc, magnesium stearate, gelatin, sodium lauryl sulfate, water.

Release form of Figurin for weight loss

The medication is sold in the form of capsules intended for oral use. They have a standard size and shape, packaged in blisters of 10 pieces, placed in small cardboard boxes. A box can contain 30 or 60 capsules. They are hard, gelatinous, and can have different colors. The amount of active component per 1 capsule can be 60 or 120 mg, which allows you to choose the most suitable dosage for each patient.

The capsules are always accompanied by a detailed description, which indicates the features of use, contraindications and possible complications during use.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Combined drug.

Figurin contains herbal extracts and has a weak laxative effect. The components of the drug Figurin improve fat metabolism, promote complete digestion of food, reduce the level of triglycerides and “bad” cholesterol , and have a mild laxative effect.

The action of the drug is aimed at improving general well-being and reducing body weight.

Properties and effect on the body

The active component in the product has pronounced properties and helps reduce the patient’s weight, which increases due to metabolic disorders and poor nutrition. The principle of action of the medication is based on the ability of the main substance to break down food components in the gastrointestinal tract and distribute them correctly, as well as prevent the absorption of fats from food in the small intestine.

As a result, the risk of fat storage when eating healthy foods is reduced. Experts note that in patients with hormonal or metabolic disorders, weight gain occurs even when following the principles of a healthy diet. That is why the use of drugs that normalize processes is required.

The product also has other properties:

  • Normalizes patients' stool, which facilitates digestion and improves the patient's general condition. With daily bowel movements, the body is cleansed of harmful components that negatively affect the functioning of other organs and systems. Over the course of 2 weeks, digestion is significantly improved, fermentation processes are eliminated, which often lead to negative reactions and impair the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Stimulates the saturation of tissues with useful substances, as it improves the absorption of ingredients in the small intestine and their distribution.
  • Improves metabolic processes, which helps normalize appetite, eliminates pathological cravings for eating confectionery products. Patients painlessly refuse foods that lead to rapid weight gain. Refusal of such food has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. In patients, acne and irritation disappear.
  • Helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the risk of developing atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.

The complex effect of the drug on the body provides a pronounced result. The component of the composition is quickly processed in the digestive tract and enters the blood. Its accumulation in the body does not occur. However, when used over long courses, a slight accumulation of the substance is possible, which increases the effectiveness and the risk of complications.

After processing, the breakdown products of the main substance are excreted through the kidneys. A history of diseases of the paired organ leads to a slowdown in the process of evacuation of ingredients.

Analogues of Figurin

Level 4 ATX code matches: Verona



Thyroidea Compositum



Gastric collection


Brewer's yeast

Lipoic acid

Rosehip syrup




It has no structural analogues.


Usually the drug does not provoke an overdose, since it is taken according to the schedule and in a certain dose. But experts conducted research and monitored the condition of patients who took not 360 mg per day, but 720 mg for 6 months. At the same time, negative reactions in the form of an overdose did not develop.

Despite research, some patients still overdose. It is accompanied by a deterioration in general condition, severe headache and bouts of vomiting. Patients often report increased urination, pain in the kidney area, and weakness. Over the course of several days, the condition may worsen, which requires immediate contact with a specialist and discontinuation of the drug.

In case of an overdose, the patient does not always need treatment in a hospital. Sometimes the symptoms disappear on their own; in some cases, special medications are prescribed. If the overdose is advanced, the patient is admitted to a hospital and medications are prescribed to improve the condition. In each case, the scheme for providing care to the patient is different, which depends on the specific manifestations and the degree of their neglect.

Over the course of 3-5 days of treatment, the patient’s condition improves and he can leave the hospital. Depending on the presence of concomitant abnormalities in the internal organs, the hospital stay may be extended.

special instructions

Figurin for weight loss (reviews of the drug help patients evaluate its effectiveness in advance) can be used for 6 months if the doctor sees the result and there are no negative reactions. However, if the same weight remains the same for 12 weeks or even increases, treatment is abandoned. The specialist identifies the reason for the lack of effect and, if necessary, prescribes other means to correct metabolism.

Since the drug must be taken 120 mg 3 times a day before meals, it is also important to eat enough healthy food. It is better to contact a nutritionist who will determine the diet for a specific patient. Typically, a reduction in the daily caloric intake of the menu is required, which will increase the effectiveness of therapy. At the same time, the reduction in calories should be slow and carried out correctly. You cannot critically reduce calories or fast while taking capsules.

If the patient is on a plant-based diet for any indication and does not consume fatty foods at a particular meal, it is allowed to skip one capsule during the day.

Tablets "Figurin" - what is it?

Of course, first of all, to maintain a normal weight you need to limit yourself in food and exercise. But very often the amount of extra pounds is so significant that it is impossible to do without an additional push that the body must receive. And here the Figurin diet pills will help. They are a remedy effective for alimentary excess body weight.

This is a patented pharmacological agent that has a stimulating effect on the human metabolism and digestive system.

Instructions for use, dosage

After a diagnostic examination and exclusion of contraindications, patients are prescribed the drug in a certain dosage and for a specific period of time. Capsules are for oral administration only. The daily requirement for an adult is 360 mg, that is, 3 tablets of 120 mg or 6 tablets of 60 mg. This is a standard rate that is effective when used correctly. The use of increased dosages is impractical and does not increase effectiveness.

When taking it, doctors pay attention to the need to combine it with food intake. That is, the patient first takes the capsule, only then eats food. This allows you to reduce the number of products and speed up the moment of saturation.

Figurin for weight loss - instructions for use.

The duration of use of the drug depends on the individual patient and his condition, the presence of associated abnormalities. Usually the drug is taken for 12 weeks, but in some cases it is enough to take it for 6-8 weeks. Patients are strongly advised not to extend the therapeutic course without a doctor's prescription. When consuming capsules, they should not be separated or crushed, as the gelatin shell must dissolve in the small intestine.

Side effects

Like any medicine, Figurin can cause some discomfort. Of course, this does not always happen, and most often they go away within a few days after starting to take the drug. But you should not be afraid of conditions such as abdominal pain, flatulence and loose stools, or hypersensitivity to the composition of the medicine. In addition, a feeling of dry mouth, weakness and decreased performance may also appear. A variety of allergic reactions may also occur. In this case, taking Figurin should be stopped immediately and another remedy should be selected.

"Figurin": reviews

Before taking this or that medicine, it is recommended to study the opinions of those who have already tried it on themselves. "Figurin", the price of which is very affordable, is very popular with women who want to lose weight. Of course, the best effect can be achieved only when taking this drug is combined with a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet and active physical activity. This is the only way to achieve sustainable weight loss and good health.

Mechanism of action

If you ask yourself which diet pills are effective, then “Figurin” will occupy one of the leading positions. Due to the fact that its composition is natural, it has practically no contraindications. If you listen to reviews about the drug “Figurin” (“Lekpharm”), you can come to the conclusion that it acts gently and quickly.

This effect is provided by astringent, laxative, and appetite-reducing properties. In addition to the direct function of weight loss, “Figurin” will help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as improve fat metabolism and remove excess toxins. This is very important for improving tone.


Since “Figurin” is a herbal preparation, it can be taken by almost every person.

The exception is women during pregnancy and lactation. This is a very important period when any medications must be taken very carefully, and it is better to postpone the fight against excess weight until later. The use of the drug by persons under eighteen years of age is also prohibited. This is not due to the presence of reliable data on the negative impact on a fragile organism, but to the fact that no studies have been conducted.

It is not recommended to take the medicine for people whose obesity is caused by hormonal and endocrine problems. In this situation, “Figurin” will simply be useless. For arterial hypertension, the drug is also not taken. It should not be used by people suffering from the following rare diseases:

- Bulimia nervosa.

- Anorexia nervosa.

— Occlusive diseases of the peripheral vascular bed.

— Transient disorders of cerebral circulation.

- Hyperthyroidism.

- Liver dysfunction.

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