Turboslim Night tablets: instructions and reviews from those losing weight

What it is?

Turboslim Night is a dietary supplement that is created to eliminate extra pounds and normalize metabolism. The drug is taken in the afternoon. It fights fat, cellulite, and improves a person’s well-being.

The supplement contains:

  • Chitosan.
  • Senna.
  • Fennel.
  • Garcinia extract.
  • Melissa extract.
  • Calcium stearate.
  • Silica.

The drug is produced in the form of capsules, which are taken without chewing. They must be swallowed with water. There are no varieties of Turboslim Night; recently it has been produced in an improved night form with an enhanced formula.

What is Turboslim?

Turboslim is a biologically active food supplement. This is a range of products for weight loss that has no analogues in Russia.

The range of products is wide, helping to prevent the retention of fatty layers on the body and correcting the figure. Dietary supplements from the pharmaceutical company Evalar contain original recipes and active formulas. The effectiveness and efficiency of which has been proven over time.

Today the issue of excess weight is more relevant than ever. There are many methods and ways to remove excess body weight, but very few are 100% effective. Sometimes even regular physical activity does not bring the desired results.

Nutrition experts suggest studying the instructions for use of the drug for those women and men who are tired of constant sports and dietary nutrition.

Indications for use

It is recommended to use the product in these cases:

  • Increased feeling of hunger in the evening.
  • Stomach problems at night.
  • Overweight.
  • Impaired metabolism.
  • Cellulite.

Take the supplement for effective weight loss.

Advantages and disadvantages of a protein-vegetable diet. Basic principles and reviews of those losing weight about the nutrition system.

Does Turboslim Chromium Picolinate help you lose extra pounds? Find out by reading the article at the link.

How to take Turboslim?

Consumption and dosage depends on the drug used:

Express weight loss in 3 daysTake 2 capsules with meals, with plenty of water. Breakfast - white, lunch - pink, dinner - blue. Dissolve 1 sachet in 1 liter of chilled liquid and drink throughout the day. Course of use – 3 days. After 30 days, it is allowed to repeat.
Turboslim Day2 capsules with meals (breakfast). Drink 250 ml of clean, non-carbonated water. Treatment time is 1 month, it can be extended if necessary.
Turboslim NightTake 1 to 2 capsules with dinner. If the excess weight is small - 1 piece, for obesity - treatment must begin with 2 pieces. The course is 30 days, extension of the period is allowed if necessary.
Cleansing teaTake 2 times a day for 10 days, after a break of 3 weeks and you can continue. Place 1 filter bag in a glass, pour boiling water over it. Cover and leave for 3-6 minutes. Drink during meals. Sugar, honey and other substitutes are not recommended. It is better to dilute the concentrated tea drink with plain water.
CoffeeTo lose weight, coffee is taken for no more than 10 days. To support the result, the drink is taken as desired. Add 1 sachet to a glass of hot water. Mix well with a spoon until the product dissolves.
CreamApply with massage movements to the desired area. Thus, blood circulation and penetration of active components into the epidermis improves. As a supplement, it is recommended to use a scrub or other exfoliating products. To obtain maximum results, night and day creams are used in combination.
CocktailTake 200 ml per day before meals. Pour skim milk, chilled boiled water or juice into a glass. Pour out 1 sachet of product. To stir thoroughly.
BarsYou are allowed to eat no more than 1 bar per day in the morning or afternoon. You should avoid taking it in the evening, as the composition has an invigorating effect and can disturb sleep. A prerequisite is to perform physical activity.

Does it really help you lose weight?

This supplement really helps to restore harmony and get rid of excess weight. Practice shows that in two weeks of taking the product you can lose from 4 to 8 kilograms .
The product accelerates metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. With the help of this supplement, the fat layer disappears and a person’s well-being improves. Despite the effectiveness of the product, you can find negative reviews on the Internet. If you do not exercise or eat fatty foods during the diet, the effect of the medicine is reduced. The excess weight will not disappear. This suggests that during the diet you need to do physical activity and avoid fatty and fried foods.


Turboslim express

The only dietary supplement consisting of natural ingredients and substances. A uniquely selected composition allows you to lose weight quickly and effectively, in just 3 days. According to the manufacturer, the waist will decrease by 3.5 cm.

The secret of the drug is the combination of a significant amount of substances and components that promote rapid weight loss. The peculiarity of the product is that it is divided into 3 types of capsules and sachets, taken at a certain period of time.

Morning (whites) contain the following active ingredients:

  • red seaweed normalizes water balance in the body and rapid elimination;
  • guarana improves lipid metabolism by increasing adrenaline;
  • ascorbic acid, red grape leaves, calcium - tone up, normalizing metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Lunch (pink):

  • corn silk, chromium, garcinia, prickly pear flower - reduce the desire to eat, activating energy and carbohydrate metabolism, reduce the risk of edema;
  • fennel, senna improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dinner (blue) consists of:

  • lemon balm soothes, helping to fall asleep easily and quickly;
  • L-cartinine, chromium and garcinia promote the effective removal of oxidized fats;
  • fucus and senna have a mild laxative effect, manifested in the morning.

Sachet – a drink for daily use:

  • artichoke, fennel, green tea improve the functioning of the urinary system, thereby enhancing lymph drainage;
  • oligofructose normalizes the microflora of the digestive tract, promoting the rapid dissolution of dietary fiber;
  • Lemon juice increases the body's defense response to pathogenic microflora and energizes you.

Efficiency of the product:

  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system is activated;
  • harmful and toxic compounds are removed;
  • the body is cleansed;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of water-salt balance.

When used correctly, you feel light and your figure becomes beautiful and slender. To get maximum results when using the product, you should adjust your diet by reducing the presence of carbohydrates and fats in food.

Turboslim day

Red capsules from the active weight loss series. Due to the ability to recognize the biological clock, the herbal components of the drug are used to combat excess weight.

Mechanism of action of the product:

  • pronounced drainage properties;
  • relieves and prevents the formation of edema;
  • improves metabolic processes, including at the cellular level;
  • has a fat burning effect;
  • reduces appetite, reducing cravings for carbohydrate foods;
  • charges with energy and vivacity.

Turboslim day directs the body to natural weight loss without the use of heavy diets and intense physical activity.

Turboslim night

The composition of night pills is significantly different, since their purpose is to accelerate metabolism and eliminate toxic compounds. Each incoming active component affects different systems in a specific way. Together, rapid and effective weight loss occurs.

The drug for evening use has the following effects:

  • activates the natural processes of losing excess weight at night;
  • cleansing the body;
  • elimination of evening hunger;
  • expends calories to obtain the required amount of energy;
  • binds and removes fats, preventing their deposition.

At night, the supplement activates metabolic processes. During sleep, a person’s energy is not spent, therefore, it turns into deposits on the sides, waist, and hips. Night-time capsules prevent the consumption of calories acquired during the day.

To obtain maximum results, Day and Night capsules must be taken together.

Tea Turboslim

Turboslim tea consists exclusively of natural ingredients of natural origin. The manufacturer selected the herbs in such a way that each of them complements each other.

The main effect is to improve the functioning of the digestive tract for rapid weight loss without the use of exhausting diets.


  • green tea;
  • senna;
  • corn silk;
  • cherry stalks;
  • garcinia;
  • mint

Simple herbal tea, like any other remedy aimed at reducing excess weight, cannot instantly break down fat deposits.

When properly prepared and consumed, the product allows you to speed up metabolic processes, cleanse the digestive tract of accumulated waste and toxins, and calm your appetite. It is these actions that help patients reduce excess body weight.

By including cleansing tea from the Evalar company in your diet, reducing your consumption of high-calorie foods, and also doing a little physical exercise, you can significantly improve your figure in a short time.

Main actions of the drug:

  • laxative;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic.

It is better to take tea on days when you do not have to leave the house for more than 1-1.5 hours.

Coffee Turboslim

An effective and efficient weight loss supplement.

The composition is completely natural. What active ingredients are included in the product:

  • It has a pronounced choleretic property. Accelerates metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Burdock prevents the formation of dysbacteriosis, removes harmful and toxic compounds from the body;
  • Horsetail It has a diuretic effect and normalizes the water-salt balance. Prevents the formation of edema;
  • Chromium picolinate. Stabilizes blood sugar levels, thereby reducing a person’s need for sweets. The substance also actively breaks down fat cells, promoting rapid elimination from the body;
  • Vitamin PP. Strengthens the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Normalizes blood circulation, removes toxins and reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • Caffeine. Enhances performance and energy. Relieves feelings of fatigue, drowsiness, accelerates metabolic processes.

In addition, the dietary supplement contains senna and garcinia. The calorie content of 1 serving is 42 units.

Cream Turboslim

There are three types of cosmetics:

  • for figure correction;
  • active weight loss;
  • for face.

Each type has its own formula and action, but the composition is almost identical:

  • L-carnitine converts fats into energy;
  • aminophylline has a warming effect on deposits. Thanks to this, the release of cells into the bloodstream is stimulated;
  • grapefruit oil improves blood circulation, giving the skin a fresher appearance;
  • fucus removes subcutaneous fatty tissue, removing excess fluid and toxic substances from the cells. Additionally – tones;
  • gingo biloba makes the epidermis more elastic, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • Vitamin E has antioxidant properties. Takes an active part in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Restores skin cells;
  • caffeine exhibits a pronounced anti-cellulite effect due to its irritating effect on receptors.
  • D-panthenol replenishes the lack of moisture in the skin, eliminates wrinkles, heals and soothes;
  • spiny butcher's broom has a drainage effect on areas heavily affected by fatty layers. Accelerates lymph outflow;
  • benzyl nicotinate warms and improves blood circulation.

Let's take a closer look at the purpose and effect of each type of product.

“Figure correction”

Used for areas most susceptible to the appearance of “orange peel”:

  • legs;
  • buttocks;
  • stomach;
  • hips.

When applied to the required areas, a warming effect appears. This causes the local temperature to rise. Increased blood circulation and drainage effect speed up the process of burning fat deposits.

Regular use for 30 days helps reduce unevenness on the skin, reduce the formation of puffiness and remove 2 cm from the waist. The epidermis becomes smooth, with an even surface.

“Active weight loss”

Special enhanced formula for night use. During rest, it reduces the volume of adipose tissue and improves the appearance of the epidermis.

Main destination:

  • removes signs of cellulite, swelling;
  • eliminates bumps.

"For face"

Corrects the oval and shape of the face. Eliminates the formation of sagging skin on the chin, removes and prevents swelling.

Action provided by the product:

  • tightening (lifting effect);
  • removes sagging;
  • Gives the skin elasticity and firmness.

Removes harmful and toxic compounds from epidermal cells, restoring tone.

Cocktail Turboslim

Great for reducing daily caloric intake. Simply drink a protein shake before your meal and your portion will be significantly reduced. Some people who are losing weight even replace their evening meal with a drink. Energy value is 45 Kcal.

The product consists of the following active substances:

  • whey protein removes hunger, gives a feeling of fullness, and maintains muscle tone;
  • pectin and inulin are involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Removes waste, toxins, prevents the formation of dysbacteriosis;
  • chromium;
  • garcinia.

The main advantage of the dietary supplement is that it does not contain dyes, preservatives, flavors or other chemically created sugar substitutes. Its taste is strawberry, and, as the manufacturer assures, it is exclusively natural.

The product works as follows: when it enters the body, proteins are broken down into amino acids. They are the ones who participate in metabolism, accelerating the process of burning fat cells. As a result, layers of fat quickly disappear, and muscle mass remains and is fueled by proteins.

Turboslim bars

The composition contains the following beneficial ingredients:

  • wheat fibers and acacia resin;
  • L-carnitine;
  • green tea;
  • whey protein in concentrated form;
  • fermented split starch;
  • sucralose.

Calories in 1 bar do not exceed 110 units, weight 50 g.

Despite its small mass, the dietary supplement instantly affects the body in several directions:

  • replenishes protein deficiency;
  • satisfies hunger, prevents overeating;
  • has a fat burning effect;
  • improves mood, gives a feeling of fullness;
  • regulates glucose levels.

The main task of the supplement is to support the body during weight loss, thereby increasing the effectiveness of dietary nutrition and reducing appetite.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the effectiveness of the product, there are contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to components.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation period.
  • Children under 18 years of age.
  • Kidney, liver failure.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.

Turboslim Night causes harm extremely rarely, only when the dosage is exceeded. The negative impact of the drug manifests itself in the form of side effects: urticaria, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain. If these symptoms do not go away within a few days, you should consult a doctor . Perhaps the patient has an individual intolerance to the drug.

Reviews from doctors

This product has conflicting reviews from doctors.
Some experts say that this is an effective remedy that really helps eliminate extra pounds and removes harmful substances from the body. Other doctors are confident that the remedy is of little effectiveness if a person continues to eat junk food and does not exercise.

To increase the effectiveness of the product, doctors recommend exercising regularly and avoiding baking, sweets, fried and fatty foods during the diet.

Experts call this remedy harmless; it causes virtually no side effects. However, to lose weight quickly, a person will have to make a lot of effort by giving up certain foods.

Women's opinions

There are conflicting reviews about this product on the Internet. You can find both negative and positive customer reviews. On the one hand, this product consists of natural ingredients, does not cause side effects, and normalizes digestion.

On the other hand, the product is ineffective without physical activity and avoidance of certain foods. To effectively lose weight, you will still have to give up some dishes and go to the gym .

We must not forget that the product is easy to use. The capsules are ready to take; you just need to swallow them with water. Buyers say that tangible results are achieved after 8-10 days of taking the product. Excellent results were achieved by those who lead an active lifestyle during the diet and make a lot of effort to lose weight.


Aigul, 25 years old, Kazan: “I decided to try this supplement for weight loss. It is advertised a lot on the Internet and on TV. I thought it was really effective. I bought it and took it for a month.

As a result, I didn’t lose any weight at all. The excess weight remains, I am very disappointed. The cellulite has only gotten worse. The manufacturer says that you can lose weight without exercise. However, in reality it turns out that without effort this medicine is useless. The fat layer does not disappear. Don't buy this product."

Maria, 23 years old, Cheboksary: ​​“I wanted to get in shape after my vacation. I purchased this supplement and used it as stated in the instructions. In a month, only one kilogram was lost. I couldn’t get back my slim figure.

The manufacturer is deceiving about the effectiveness. It seemed to me that there was no need to adjust my diet - the weight would go away on its own. In fact, it turns out that diet is necessary, and this does not suit me. Disappointed in this medicine. Don’t buy it, don’t repeat my mistakes.”

Weight loss drug Antikalorin: reviews from real doctors and people losing weight, as well as instructions for use.

Is it possible to eat egg whites at night to lose weight? You will find out the answer in the article at the link.

Reviews of the drug to improve metabolism

An organism with a well-accelerated metabolism does not need diets, so weight loss drugs are often aimed specifically at accelerating the metabolic process. was no exception, offering 3 products at once.

  1. «Turboslim multivitamins" Made from a mineral complex and chromium picolinate, it not only improves metabolism, but also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Most often, it makes sense to take this drug during a diet so as not to suffer from a deficiency of nutrients. Capsules also make it possible not to lose performance.

  2. «Turboslim coffee cappuccino" It is considered a healthier substitute for classic coffee, as it contains a number of natural ingredients that accelerate fat burning and suppress appetite. Used once, can be a replacement for any meal.

  3. «Turboslim Alpha" Of all the versions of the drug, it is almost the only one that does not contain chromium picolinate. This contains B vitamins, as well as L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid. Mainly recommended for people over 40 years old, with a slower metabolism due to age. Take 2 tablets once.

This line is not as popular as the previous ones, but the reviews are more pleasant. Perhaps the different orientation of the drugs is to blame?

  • Carolina : I honestly try to stick to a healthy diet, but not without errors. Physical activity is present in a minimal amount, if laziness does not overcome. Therefore, weight loss seems to be going on, but sluggishly and in spurts. I bought the drug “Turboslim Alfa” as an additional “kick in kilograms”. In terms of appetite, there were no changes, but it affected my weight: if before I lost about 2-2.5 kg per month, then during the Turboslim course I lost all of 5.3 kg. At the same time, there are no side effects, but I don’t think that without diet and training there would be an effect.
  • Anna : I love coffee in the morning, I don’t consider it a bad habit for my figure, since I drink it without sugar or milk. But when I saw “Turboslim coffee cappuccino” at the pharmacy, I decided to try replacing a regular drink with it: I wanted to lose a little extra weight, but without effort. Firstly, it’s very tasty, although a little sweet - I love strong drink. Secondly, it invigorates no worse. Thirdly, it suppresses my appetite for 2-3 hours, so I can survive until lunch without sandwiches. In 10 days I lost only 1.1 kg, but I didn’t do or change anything else.
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