Lida diet pills - composition, instructions for use, side effects, analogues and price

What are LiDa tablets?

The manufacturer indicates that LiDa capsules will help you lose excess weight without harm to the body. The drug is not a medicine, but belongs to dietary supplements (dietary supplements). LiDa cleanses the blood of toxins, optimizes metabolism, accelerates the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, and improves well-being. In addition, LiDa weight loss product reduces appetite during the course and helps consolidate the results. After therapy, patients experience increased performance, energy, stamina, and improved mood.

Composition and release form

The manufacturer of the drug is Dali, whose production facilities are located in the southeast of China. The product is available in the form of capsules - one half of the gelatin container is green, the other is light green. The package contains 5 blisters of 6 capsules. Inside each is a gray-beige powder. The components of the tablets include the following:

  • Alfalfa. This plant helps lower cholesterol levels and is used to prevent atherosclerosis. Alfalfa improves digestion and relieves constipation.
  • Poria coconut mushroom contains triterpene acids that prevent the destruction of red blood cells. Other beneficial properties of the mushroom are diuretic properties, improved digestion, and lowered blood sugar levels.
  • Kola nuts stimulate the central nervous system, increase performance, and give energy.
  • Guarana seeds contain tannins that help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a mild and strong central nervous system stimulant that does not cause heart palpitations. Accelerates metabolism, has diuretic properties, binds and removes toxins.
  • Coleus extract is used to prevent intestinal colic and respiratory diseases. The active ingredient, forskolin, activates metabolism, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and promotes better absorption of minerals and vitamins. This compound is used in sports nutrition to burn fat deposits and increase muscle mass.
  • Garcinia cambogia fruit extract suppresses appetite, removes toxins, promotes satiety, and is beneficial for digestion.
  • Greek fenugreek has hypoglycemic properties.
  • Mandarin speeds up metabolic processes.

pharmachologic effect

The complex of substances included in the tablets promotes the breakdown of fat deposits, as it activates lipid metabolism. In this case, the effect of the drug is aimed at problem areas - hips, buttocks, waist, shoulders. In addition, the tablets speed up metabolism and remove waste (toxins) from the body. All this gives a healing effect, increases performance, and gives vigor. You can lose about 5 kg of weight in a month.


Uncontrolled use of Lida for weight loss can lead to complications. Before starting to use a fat burning product, it is recommended to consult a specialist. There are a number of contraindications for taking Lida capsules for weight loss:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • suffered a stroke;
  • gastritis and other stomach lesions;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • age less than 16 years and more than 65 years.

Bud LiDa - instructions for use

Before starting the course, it is advisable to consult a doctor. You need to take diet pills on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. If you were unable to take the capsule after waking up, you can do so later. It is important that at least an hour passes after eating. You can take the drug with water, juice, compote. You should not use tea or coffee, since the dietary supplement contains caffeine, and an invigorating drink can enhance the effect of this substance.


Taking capsules is recommended for those who want to get rid of extra pounds and at the same time improve their body health. The instructions for the tablets indicate the following indications:

  • slow metabolism;
  • obesity – accumulation of fat in the thighs, abdomen, buttocks;
  • general weakness, vitamin deficiency:
  • eliminating the consequences of overeating;
  • optimization of lipid metabolism;
  • slagging of the body.

Directions for use and dosage

To achieve results and prevent side effects, take LiDa diet pills according to the instructions. Therapy is designed for a period of 1 month to six months. If there is a need to extend the weight loss course, you need to take a break equal to the time you took the drug. The schedule is as follows:

  • for 30 days – 1 tablet per day;
  • break 1 month;
  • to consolidate the result - 1 tablet every 2 days (30–60 days).
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special instructions

The instructions indicate that you can increase the effectiveness of the tablets if you drink them with green tea. The drink contains tannin, which increases the activity of some ingredients. However, people with a tendency to hypertension should use this complex with caution. LiDa slimming capsules can cause constipation, so taking them can be combined with a laxative.

You can safely and gently enhance the effect of the product and speed up the weight loss process if you review your diet. It is advisable to exclude high-calorie dishes from the menu and limit the consumption of sweets and baked goods. You should not take other diet pills or antibiotics together with LiDa - this can cause disruption of the pancreas, heart and cause gastrointestinal upset. A prerequisite is the exclusion of alcohol.

Reception scheme

Follow the instructions for the drug on how to take Lida tablets: the weight loss plan is extremely simple.

  1. It is recommended to take Lida tablets for weight loss either before breakfast (20-30 minutes) or after it.
  2. Dosage: strictly 1 capsule per day. It is strictly not recommended to exceed it.
  3. Drink a glass of only clean, warm water. Tea, juice, coffee and other drinks are not recommended.
  4. The general weight loss course is six months. You can stop it earlier, the main thing is not longer.
  5. In parallel with the drug Lida, for rapid weight loss, it is advisable to take vitamin and mineral complexes so that there is no shortage of nutrients.

Manufacturers claim that following this regimen will lead to the loss of extra pounds without dietary restrictions. They just turn out to be some kind of miracle pills. After all, it has long been scientifically proven that no pills can break down fats and speed up metabolism unless you normalize your diet and engage in at least some kind of sports. Sitting peacefully on the couch with chips and soda and waiting for the scales to start showing the desired result is a very dubious undertaking. Although... there are still positive reviews about Lida.

This is interesting. If you open a Lida capsule, it will contain a regular white powder that leaves a metallic taste on the tongue. How did manufacturers manage to remove the green tint of plants, of which there are so many in this preparation?


If the pharmacy does not have LiDa diet pills, you can buy an analogue. Today there are many products on sale that have similar indications:

  • LiDa Maximum, LiDa plus Daidaihua. In addition to the components of Lida capsules, the composition contains orange or bitter orange. A large amount of flavonoids in this fruit affects the activity of enzymes that accelerate lipid metabolism.
  • Xenical. The active ingredient is orlistat, which inhibits gastrointestinal lipases (enzymes), which lose their ability to break down fats. Adverse reactions include headache, low blood sugar, and anxiety.
  • Goldline. The active substance of the tablets is sibutramine, a potent agent that increases heat production and suppresses appetite. Use is contraindicated for mental illness, liver and kidney disorders, glaucoma, and heart disease.
  • Beelight. Another Chinese drug for weight loss. Contains tinder fungus, coconut poria, lotus leaves. In addition to phyto-components, the ingredients include powder from the inner lining of chicken stomachs, which enhances the effect.

Useful tips

A few useful tips on how to distinguish a fake from an original will prevent you from falling for scammers and purchasing low-quality goods. Carefully inspect the packaging when purchasing.

  1. Information must be available in two languages ​​- Russian and Chinese.
  2. The date of manufacture, address of the manufacturer, name are indicated.
  3. There is an expiration date.
  4. There is a registration certificate number.
  5. The instructions provide recommendations for use and dosage.
  6. The packaging has a sunburst silkscreen.
  7. The "DALI" logo is shown in the upper right corner.

And finally, some useful tips that will allow you to lose weight much faster with Lida’s help.

  1. Get permission to lose weight with Lida from a doctor or nutritionist.
  2. Buy a weight loss drug only at the pharmacy, and not directly or online.
  3. Alcohol neutralizes the effect of Lida, so avoid drinking even the weakest alcoholic drinks while taking it.
  4. You cannot take other medications at the same time as Lida.
  5. It is recommended to drink about 1.5 liters of water per day.
  6. You can use any analogue of Lida for weight loss - there are quite a lot of them: Bilayt, Xenical, Lindaxa, Dietressa, Goldline, Reduxin, Turboslim.

Chinese diet pills called Lida have become famous throughout the world. There were scandalous stories about them on television, and journalistic investigations were conducted. It was an ugly story about hidden ingredients in the product, in particular the content of harmful and dangerous sibutramine in the claimed herbal remedy. There are no psychotropic substances in the new series of capsules, they can be taken with confidence. But it’s better not to look for the old composition, so as not to harm your health.

Price for the drug Lida

The cost of LiDa diet pills differs depending on the region and belongs to the middle budget segment. You can save money if you buy 2-3 packages of dietary supplements at once, then the cost of one capsule will be lower. In Moscow, prices for the product are as follows:

Packaging, pieces Price, rubles Cost of 1 capsule, rubles
30 1490–1540 50–52
60 2690–2850 45–48
90 3750–4000 42–45


Why have Lida capsules become so popular in many countries and are actively used by women for weight loss? This drug, according to reviews, has many advantages:

  • good tolerance;
  • does not have a laxative effect;
  • does not provoke gastrointestinal reactivity;
  • lost kilograms do not return for a long time;
  • appetite decreases, feeling of hunger is absent;
  • a gentle, effective cleansing of the entire body occurs;
  • achieving quick results;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • minimal number of side effects;
  • there is no need to resort to diets;
  • the appearance of a feeling of lightness, a surge of strength, increased performance;
  • blood sugar levels are normalized;
  • treatment of mastopathy;
  • relief of pain during menstruation.

All this is stated by manufacturers in bright and beautiful advertising. They promise to lose 5-20 kg in a month, depending on the initial weight, lifestyle and individual indicators. In practice, no one can achieve such results. Not a single diabetic has yet recovered after taking these capsules; many are still tormented by the feeling of hunger, and they still eat a lot, gaining rather than losing weight.

For those lucky ones who managed to lose weight, the loss was no more than 5 kg per month. And then the process was observed only at the beginning of the course (the first two weeks), and then it simply stopped.

For reference. In addition to capsules, there is also tea and coffee for weight loss under the same name - Lida.

Mode of application

Lida is taken after meals or half an hour before the first meal with a glass of water. The standard course of taking the drug involves taking 1 capsule of the drug per day for a month. If necessary, it is allowed to extend the supplement for up to 2 months. After the desired effect occurs, patients switch to a maintenance regimen, which involves taking 2 Lida capsules per week.

Due to a possible decrease in the intake of vitamins from food, nutritionists recommend combining the intake of capsules with the use of multivitamin complexes. At the same time, you should increase your consumption of clean water. Its daily intake should be approximately 30-40 ml per 1 kg of current weight. It is not necessary to perform physical activity while taking Lida capsules, but it is advisable. When taking the drug, you should avoid the use of antibiotics, antidepressants, and alcohol.

Side effects

Exceeding the dosage of the drug can cause a negative reaction in the body. The weight loss product Lida often provokes the following side effects:

  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • nervous excitement;
  • constipation;
  • dry mouth;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • surges in blood pressure.

Result after weight loss course

In a month of using the drug, it is possible to get rid of an extra 6 - 10 kg. The effect depends on nutrition, lifestyle in general, as well as the characteristics of the body. There is no need to strive to lose the maximum number of kilograms. With sudden weight loss, the skin may sag, but with a smoother process this will not happen.

"Lida" has established itself as a really working product. But when taking it you need to be very careful and disciplined. And if health problems do arise, you should immediately stop using it.

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