“Lingzhi” (tinder fungus extract) capsules (tablets) for weight loss (90 pcs)

“999 Lingzhi” – capsules (tablets) for weight loss

The popular Chinese drug “999 Lingzhi” is a capsule (tablet) for weight loss. They contain a large number of trace elements, proteins, amino acids, triterpenoids, alkaloids and other components. Polypore extract directly affects fat deposits, promoting their oxidation and elimination. One of the most valuable properties of the drug is a significant suppression of appetite. While taking pills, a person eats less, which leads to weight loss. At the same time, the body does not experience stress, because The capsules contain everything you need.

Lingzhi mushroom - healing power proven by scientists

Shaolin monks, who studied the Chinese mushroom for a long time, considered it a messenger of heaven to cleanse the soul, body, and prolong life. Beautiful legends received scientific confirmation in the 20th century. Scientists from Novosibirsk, in the course of clinical and experimental studies, found that reishi mushroom:

  • increases resistance to lack of oxygen, protects myocardial cells from death;
  • reduces blood viscosity, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • reduces the content of free radicals in the body by 50%, promotes overall health;
  • has a hepatoprotective effect, activates the activity of liver cells.

The uniqueness of the Chinese mushroom, according to Russian scientists, lies in the effect of reishi lingzhi on the immune system. Fungal spores do not activate, but regulate the immune system, protecting the body from undesirable consequences. This statement became sensational.

Chinese scientists have proven the effectiveness of the extract in the treatment of chronic bronchitis. Researchers from the United States have discovered lanostane, a polysaccharide that protects against cancer, in the Lingzhi mushroom. This substance is used in complex therapy for autoimmune diseases.

Mushroom name options

Biologists use the scientific names of the saprophytic fungus - Lacquer tinder fungus, Ganoderma, Ganoderma Lucidum. The Vietnamese version is known as Lingzhi mushroom (Ling-chi). In Japanese pharmacology, the center of attraction has become the Reishi mushroom (Reishi maitake). In the Korean and Thai versions, the Chinese mushroom is most often called the same as in the Middle Kingdom.

Operating principle

Lingzhi mushroom (capsules) contains biologically active substances that have an intensive effect on existing subcutaneous deposits. Due to the significant acceleration of metabolism, fatty acids begin to quickly oxidize, turning into energy. By reducing appetite and suppressing hunger, calorie consumption is reduced several times.

This food additive has antioxidant properties. It promotes the binding of toxic compounds and waste products with subsequent removal to the outside. The drug improves digestion, normalizes intestinal motility, and has a mild cosmetic effect. After using it, the skin becomes smoother, more elastic, and toned.

Lingzhi capsules (mushroom of Immortality) for the prevention of oncology and age-related diseases (100.00 g)

Probably the most famous mushroom in the world is the Lingzhi immortality mushroom or Lacquered tinder fungus. Unique in its healing properties, widely used in Chinese and Japanese folk medicine, the mushroom has truly incredible medicinal properties, which are described in ancient literature. The mushroom grows in Tibet, a place where millions of people from all over the world come to regain health and spiritual harmony. Thai doctors recommend taking capsules based on the Lingzhi mushroom as a powerful immune stimulant, allowing the body to easily and without consequences cope with infections and viruses. The capsules also improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, help cope with problems of the endocrine system, improve the functioning of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, tones and gives strength to the body. An unconditional positive effect was also noted during therapy in patients with cancer. Lingzhi has an anti-cancer effect, significantly slows down the growth of tumors and prevents the growth of metastases. Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system, has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Normalizes metabolism and helps with weight loss. According to scientists, in the ancient books of China they write: “after long-term use of Lingzhi, the body becomes light and ageless, life is prolonged.” The composition of the Lingzhi magic mushroom includes polysaccharides and polypeptides of Lingzhi, triterpenes, 16 amino acids, proteins, sterols, mannitol, coumarin, alkaloids, organic acids, microelements Ge, P, Fe, Ca, Mn, Zn, etc. Indications for use: treatment of malignant tumors (has a powerful oncoprotective effect) treatment of benign tumors, cysts, fibroids, fibromas, mastopathy and prostate adenoma is effective for diseases of the cardiovascular system, including arrhythmia and angina pectoris for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system for bacterial and viral diseases, including herpes and hidden STDs (urethritis , chlamydia, ureaplasma, trichomoniasis, etc.) diseases of the joints and skeletal system, including hernias, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis and polyarthritis in diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 with allergic and autoimmune processes (psoriasis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, lupus, dermatoses, bronchial asthma) for diseases of the cardiovascular system and cerebral vessels with deterioration of vision and hearing, eye diseases (conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma, etc.) migraine, sleep disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia, cerebral atherosclerosis, stroke or heart attack obesity, excess weight (obesity of central origin), fatty liver degradation, viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis protection from radiation, radiation and harmful environmental influences senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease, memory impairment, Parkinson's disease depression, stress conditions ( activates brain activity, helps improve memory, increases resistance to stress) Method of use: Capsules are taken according to the following scheme: 1 capsule 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals in the morning and at lunch for 1 week. Next, start taking 2 capsules 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to complete the full course of treatment within 3 months. Contraindications: Individual intolerance. During pregnancy and lactation, no more than 1 capsule once a day, since a laxative effect is possible during the process of cleansing the body, which in some cases causes increased uterine tone. For ischemic stroke, the drug can be taken immediately, and for hemorrhagic stroke - 4-6 months after the stroke. Volume: 100 capsules


capsules, pharmacy, health, immunity

Why should you buy Lingzhi capsules?

Lingzhi capsules are worth buying for their undoubted advantages:

  1. Does not contain chemicals. The drug consists entirely of natural lingzhi extract obtained from environmentally friendly plant materials.
  2. Slow down aging. Restoring the regeneration process leads to rejuvenation of the body. Old damaged cells are replaced with new healthy ones.
  3. Reduces appetite. In many ways, weight loss occurs due to a decrease in appetite. In addition, lingzhi interferes with the absorption of fatty acids from food.

Healing properties of Lingzhi

In Japan and China, Lingzhi mushroom is used to treat almost any disease. Each disease has its own method of dosing and preparing the infusion.

Among the main medicinal properties of Lingzhi mushroom are the following:

— Supports the immune system — Has a tonic effect — Replenishes vital energy Qi — Has an antimicrobial effect

— Improves memory — Relieves dizziness — Restores the functioning of the cardiovascular system — Normalizes blood pressure — Reduces blood sugar levels — Improves liver function — Promotes metabolism

— Prevents cancer, has an antitumor effect, inhibits the growth of cancer cells. — Has an antioxidant effect — Treats mental illnesses — Relieves allergies — Restores blood flow to the pancreas — Is an effective antitussive, treats asthma and any pulmonary diseases — Treats insomnia — Used as a cosmetic preparation, activates skin regeneration processes — Promotes detoxification of the body

Lingzhi capsules: application

Lingzhi capsules take 1-2 pcs. one hour before breakfast and/or lunch. The nutritional supplement must be washed down with 1-2 glasses of warm drinking water. This will help the body metabolize the drug more easily and also remove bound toxins and fatty acids. During the course, nutritionists recommend increasing the amount of water consumed to 2-2.5 liters per day. Specially conducted studies have shown that coffee, strong tea and alcoholic beverages can neutralize the effect of the nutritional supplement. Reducing the consumption of starchy and sweet foods will speed up the onset of the effect. The minimum course of treatment is 30 days.

Composition of Reishi mushroom powder - beneficial substances

Scientists in Japan and China involved in fungotherapy consider ganoderma one of the most important healing agents. Based on data from the main book of folk medicine of the Celestial Empire, “The Great Pharmacopoeia,” which includes descriptions of all medicinal plants of the East, another discovery was made in the early 2000s. The reishi mushroom has a much stronger effect on the human body than the root of life, ginseng.

Ground dry mushroom powder contains more than 200 useful substances. These include vitamins A, B3, B5, C, D, E; microelements - zinc, magnesium, manganese, selenium, iron, calcium and others. Mushrooms that bestow longevity contain amino acids, essential oils, triterpenes, and phytoncides. Having compared the ganoderma mushroom with the recognized leaders in the amount of useful substances, the experimenters came to the following conclusions:

  • calcium in lingzhi is 7 times more than in cow's milk;
  • 3 times more iron than spinach;
  • 4 times more antioxidants than blueberries.

Comparisons can be continued, each of them will be in favor of the legend of oriental medicine.

Indications for use

Many people in our country have already appreciated the effectiveness of Chinese ointment 999, which includes recipes of ancient Chinese medicine and a modern way of implementing them. The ointment is easy to use and affordable. Antiseptic ointment is used for:

  • Contact and seborrheic dermatitis;
  • Various forms of neurodermatitis;
  • Diathesis;
  • Chronic eczema;
  • Acne and furunculosis;
  • Herpes;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Warts of viral etiology;
  • Fungal infections of the skin and nails.

Antiseptic ointment 999 Pianpin has also proven its effectiveness in cases of treatment:

  1. Long-term non-healing wounds;
  2. Helps with bites of various insects;
  3. Have a beneficial effect on the condition of muscle tissue and joints.

Chemical composition of lingzhi mushroom (reishi)

It contains many useful substances. The main ones:

  • bioactive polysaccharides (glucans and peptides);
  • triterpenoids;
  • glycosides;
  • alkaloids;
  • nucleotide bases (thymine, uridine, inosine, guanosine, adenosine);
  • bioactive proteins (Lingzhi-8 and ganodermin);
  • sterols (ergosterol – provitamin D2);
  • C19 fatty acids;
  • vitamins B2, C;
  • volatile essential oils;
  • minerals – zinc, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, sulfur, germanium.

Each compound plays a specific role, thanks to which the mushroom has beneficial properties.


The effectiveness of ointment 999 is due to its natural composition, which contains active substances with high healing ability. Pianpin contains such natural ingredients as:

  • Camphor is known for its disinfectant, sedative and analgesic effect. By accelerating blood circulation, camphor accelerates regeneration processes, which helps reduce irritation and itching. By increasing regeneration, it eliminates pain in muscle tissue and joints.
  • The menthol included in the composition has a pleasant cooling effect, has an antiseptic and analgesic effect. Menthol, like camphor, accelerates blood circulation, promoting faster regeneration and reducing pain.
  • Hexamethazonol included in the composition is a powerful anti-inflammatory substance (glucocorticosteroid). It has anti-edematous, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Deionized water, which is free of all kinds of impurities and ions, has a beneficial effect on the skin surface. A complex consisting of active plant extracts soothes irritated skin, enhancing the process of cellular renewal and healing, and increasing immune defense.

Release form:

tube 20 g

Best before date:

24 months


People's Republic of China Guangzhou, st. Guayuan, 158 "999"

Storage conditions: in a place protected from light, at a temperature of 2 to 30 °C

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