Slimming capsules Lipocarnit: a triple blow to fat cells

  • Description
  • Compound
  • Mechanism of weight loss
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Instructions for use
  • Additional recommendations
  • Side effects
  • Analogs

Not so long ago, Lipocarnit appeared on the dietary supplement market - another weight loss drug. Manufacturers promise safety and effectiveness, beautifully describe its unique properties and one-of-a-kind formula, but... Do these tablets really compare favorably with other dietary supplements, the dubious effects of which everyone seems to have become accustomed to?

What is Lipocarnit

The manufacturer guarantees that losing weight with Lipocarnit will be comfortable and will give the following results:

  • You can get rid of excess weight by taking one course of medication. There is no need to follow a diet, change your lifestyle or restrict your diet;
  • thanks to the breakdown of fat, excess body weight will begin to disappear;
  • the processing of carbohydrates will occur already during the digestion of food;
  • the feeling of hunger will dull;
  • a person who decides to lose weight will not want sweet and fatty foods;
  • the digestive process will become faster;
  • physical and brain activity is activated;
  • During the use of the drug, damaged tissues of the stomach and liver are restored and healed.

In the process of losing weight with Lipocarnit, you don’t have to worry about the development of side effects.

According to the manufacturer, the weight loss drug has a complex effect and does not disrupt the functioning of internal organs. The complex effect is provided by two types of the drug: capsules and drink. Both forms of the drug help you lose weight.

Extra pounds are dangerous to health. Lipid metabolism disorders can provoke the following pathologies:

  • increased cholesterol levels, which narrows the vascular lumens and disrupts the activity of the heart muscle. Due to impaired blood flow, brain activity and internal organs suffer, and the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes increases;
  • fat prevents the saturation of tissues with oxygen, resulting in impaired blood flow;
  • Cholesterol plaques form on the vascular walls. This phenomenon leads to atherosclerosis, ischemia, stroke;
  • Against the background of obesity, diabetes mellitus can develop, and lipid and carbohydrate metabolism are disrupted.

Doctors identify the following causes of lipid metabolism disorders in the body:

  • lack of vitamins and lipoic acid, responsible for normal fermentation;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • heredity;
  • low physical activity;
  • poor nutrition.

The listed factors lead to failure of protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. If you do not take action, it will be very difficult to get rid of excess fat over time.

According to the manufacturer, the use of Lipocarnit capsules will help normalize weight and completely cleanse the body of toxins. During the course of treatment, the condition of the skin will improve, the functioning of the nervous system and hormonal levels will stabilize.

Lipocarnit capsules will prevent the development of the following complications that arise from extra pounds:

  • diabetes. By taking the capsules, glucose levels are normalized and the body’s need for insulin will decrease;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Under the influence of the drink and diet pills, the walls of blood vessels will be cleared of fatty deposits, thereby stabilizing the level of bad cholesterol;
  • liver diseases. During the treatment, the body tissues are cleared of slagging, and the liver ceases to experience overload;
  • The functioning of the nervous system is normalized: sleep improves, anxiety and aggressiveness go away.

With Lipocarnit, excess weight will go away unnoticed and forever.

Why extra pounds are added, and why pathology is dangerous to health

Doctors characterize obesity not as a gain of several kilograms, but as a weight gain of more than 20% above the permissible norm. Experts talk about obesity when the accumulation of fat in a man exceeds 20%, and in a woman more than 25%.

Large reserves of fat are dangerous not only for health, but also for life. As you gain extra pounds, serious diseases and pathological conditions develop that require mandatory treatment.

The main reasons for gaining excess body weight

Before you decide to lose weight and choose diets with special medications, it would be good to understand the reasons for weight gain.

Doctors name several main reasons for weight gain:

  • food addiction, which can be social or psychological in nature;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • metabolic failure;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • problems in sexual life;
  • violation of the daily routine, in which there is no normal sleep;
  • psychological disorders;
  • taking certain hormonal medications;
  • chronic course of endocrine diseases;
  • heredity.

If you don't start losing weight in time, the problem will get worse over time.

Why are extra pounds dangerous?

Excess weight is one of the main factors contributing to the development of the following serious diseases and pathological processes:

  • diabetes type I and II;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemia;
  • strokes;
  • heart attacks;
  • thrombus formation;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • fatty liver.

Due to weight gain, the musculoskeletal system and reproductive system suffer, and sleep apnea develops.

The drug Lipocarnit will help you get rid of excess weight without additional measures in a short period of therapy.

Composition and active components

Weight loss with Lipocarnit tablets provides three main components:

  • L-carnitine. The active component is involved in the breakdown of fats without additional physical activity. The active substance copes with large fat deposits. Levocarnitine is a natural substance synthesized in the body and affecting metabolic processes. Lack of levocarnitine leads to the accumulation of fatty deposits;
  • Chromium picolinate. This active component is responsible for the feeling of hunger and stabilization of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The action of the active component in Lipocarnit is aimed at stabilizing cholesterol levels and glucose in the blood;
  • Lipoic acid. The active component helps the body in the process of burning fat. Lipoic acid activates the formation of pyruvic acid or pyruvate. Thanks to the presence of pyruvate in tissues, the process of processing fat deposits starts.

Lipocarnit capsules provide comfortable weight loss, and are positioned by the manufacturer as an innovative invention. Thanks to the correctly selected ingredients, taking capsules and weight loss drinks does not cause side effects. There are no contraindications to taking capsules.


The composition is truly impressive. All three active ingredients are known to be quite effective fat burners. And within the same drug they should enhance each other’s effect. So it turns out that this dietary supplement is a triple blow to fat cells.

  • Lipoic acid

Thanks to it, the body begins to produce pyruvate - a salt of pyruvic acid. It is she who promotes active lipolysis. This substance is prescribed as a separate pharmaceutical drug to increase endurance and performance, intensive calorie burning and weight loss. Lipoic acid itself is also a famous weight loss product, which can be purchased in tablet or capsule form.

  • Chromium picolinate

It not only breaks down fat cells, but also actively uses the released energy to form muscle tissue.

  • L-carnitine

It is simply impossible to list all its functions in the body: it converts apocytes into energy, prevents muscle pain and overtraining syndrome, activates metabolism (especially protein), improves physical performance (increases endurance), is considered an effective anabolic (it helps build muscle mass).

The highly effective composition is beyond doubt. However, there are a couple of controversial points.

Firstly, if you carefully examine the packaging, you can see that the same chromium picolinate is listed in last place. And ahead of it are substances such as magnesium and calcium stearates, silicon dioxide. Moreover, some additives are the same harmful “E” about which so much has been written (for example, E470 is indicated). It turns out that there is much more of them in the capsules than chromium picolinate.

Secondly, the composition of the drug does not include L-carnitine itself, but its salt - L-carnitine tartrate. In August 2005, the results of two independent studies of this substance were published in the United States. According to them, it does not accelerate lipolysis and does not increase endurance, despite the duration of its use by the subjects for 1 month and their intensive sports activities.

This doesn't mean it doesn't work. There's just no need to idealize the composition.

Lipocarnit - scam or not

The manufacturer explains the appearance of these negative reviews about the drug Lipocarnit as follows:

  • purchasing supposedly original medicine from dubious distributors. The sale of counterfeit products is common. People who expect results from a supposedly original product do not see the effect of the treatment, and write real negative reviews on the forum. You can purchase original Lipocarnit only through the official website;
  • incorrect use of capsules. How to take both forms of the drug correctly is indicated in the instructions for each package. You cannot independently adjust the dosage and duration of the treatment course. Due to the improper use of capsules, reviews appear on the Internet that the effect of the drug is a scam;
  • Negative reviews of the effects of Lipocarnit are written at the request of competing companies.

Despite the video posted on the Internet with Elena Malysheva from the “Live Healthy” program to refute the action of Lipocarnit, the manufacturer is ready to prove the effectiveness and safety of the tablets. The manufacturer suggests visiting the official website to view the results of clinical trials of the drug for weight loss.

Additional recommendations

And now - additional information for those who have finally decided to lose weight with Lipocarnit. Despite all the controversial points in its instructions and advertising and the large number of negative reviews, weight loss is possible. The main thing is to approach this issue wisely. There is no need to delude yourself that you will be able to lose 15 kg in a month without any effort, you will have to put in a little effort.

It is better to purchase the drug at a pharmacy or trusted sites. Despite the fact that it will be more expensive, you will not go wrong with the quality and will buy a genuine product, not a fake.

If you don’t have the strength to follow a diet, just eat right: give up fast food and soda for a month, limit your consumption of unhealthy and fatty foods.

Considering that Lipocarnit contains L-carnitine, it will be useful to play sports, as it is considered a highly effective dietary supplement in sports nutrition. Take advantage of it - it will help build muscle mass and increase endurance in training.

Do not take capsules at night. The best option is in the first half of the day (at breakfast and lunch). The dietary supplement acts as an energy drink for many people, provoking or aggravating insomnia.

Safe use regimen: start with 1 capsule in the morning. Drink it at this dosage for 3 days. If no side effects occur, add 1 more capsule to lunch. If again everything went without consequences and you want to increase the dose, after another 3 days take 2 tablets at breakfast, and after another 3 days do the same in the afternoon.

If any unpleasant symptoms occur, you should stop taking the capsules.

Very important information concerns the simultaneous use of other medications with Lipocarnit. It is not in the instructions, and some sources have special instructions. The action of glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics and contraceptives can be blocked by this dietary supplement. Therefore, first you should undergo a course of treatment, and then lose weight. And don’t forget to think about additional contraception during this time.

And finally, the last recommendation, which is prescribed by all manufacturers of absolutely any dietary supplement for weight loss. Before taking the drug, you should consult your doctor. Only a few adhere to this advice. Largely due to the fact that they do not know which specialist to go to and with what question. If you want to do everything correctly, follow the plan:

  1. Make an appointment with a therapist and ask for a comprehensive medical examination to identify diseases.
  2. If you have recently undergone a medical examination or examination as part of your professional activities (medical examination), you can make an appointment directly with an endocrinologist with your medical card and test results.
  3. Based on the examination, doctors will draw conclusions about your health status and make recommendations. Now is the time to declare your desire to lose weight with the help of Lipocarnit.
  4. After that, listen to his opinion on this matter and draw your own conclusion.

Another option: if you know a nutritionist or fitness instructor whom you trust, you can ask their opinion. They have probably heard about various dietary supplements and know whether to expect an effect from this or that fat burner.

Clinical researches

To confirm the effectiveness and safety of Lipocarnit, the manufacturing company conducted clinical tests. One of the clinical trials lasted 6 months. The subjects took the capsules and drink for a month, and were under the supervision of specialists for the remaining 5 months. The weight of the subjects was recorded every month.

Weight loss results by month:

MonthWomen from 60 to 70 kgWomen up to 80 kgMen and women from 80 to 100 kgMen from 100 to 160 kgWomen from 100 kg and above
Bottom lineLoss 20 kgLoss 29 kgLoss 40 kgLoss 49 kgLoss 62 kg

All participants in the clinical trial were satisfied with the results. Each test subject succeeded in losing weight, and many left reviews about Lipocarnit capsules.

How to use the drug correctly

Important! The manufacturer of dietary supplements informs the buyer about the need to comply with dosages. The product has a cumulative effect, so by the end of the first course week, the patient will see the first results. Frequency of intake matters!

People are attracted by the fact that the products are easy to use. A person does not need to go on a diet or reduce the amount of food in his diet. To achieve results, it is advisable to exclude sunflower oil and give preference to boiled food, food cooked steamed or in the oven.

The algorithm for taking capsules is simple:

  1. Tablets are taken orally, 1 piece twice a day. If a person’s weight exceeds 100 kg, then the number of capsules taken increases to two.
  2. Be sure to drink the full course, remembering to observe the frequency of use.

Reviews from doctors

Let's take a look at a brief overview of medical comments about Lipocarnit:

  • S. Zenkovskaya, nutritionist, Volgograd:

“Rarely anyone who wants to lose weight is ready to change their lifestyle. I noticed that from my circle in Volgograd there are also few people who are ready to go on diets and exercise for the sake of losing weight. I will say this: buy and drink Lipocarnit. The product works in such a way that satiety comes not with cakes and sweet water, but with buckwheat and lean chicken breast. The drug will help the body break down fats and improve metabolic processes. Give your body a chance";

  • N. Sys, nutritionist, Moscow:

“I recommend Lipocarnit not only to my patients, but also to my colleagues at the medical center. I decided that I should also lose weight, so I’ve been drinking capsules and a drink for a month now. Nowadays there are enough products for weight loss in pharmacy chains. I believe that you should only use products that have passed clinical trials and certification procedures. Lipocarnit is one of these products. The action of the capsules is aimed at creating conditions in the body’s cells under which active fat burning begins. The capsules have no contraindications, weight loss is comfortable and without nervous breakdowns. The complex works in such a way that when fat is converted into muscle mass, the energy needed to restore damaged tissue is released. I am happy to share information with patients about where they can buy Lipocarnit.”

Experts pay attention to the preliminary study of the instructions for use.

Indications and contraindications

Lipocarnit is not a medicine, but a common dietary supplement, although it is sold in pharmacies. And yet, it contains powerful ingredients that have a significant effect on the body. Therefore, in certain situations you need to be careful when taking capsules.


This is a dietary supplement created specifically for weight loss, so there is only one indication for its use - excess weight and the need to control it.


Manufacturers indicate only 3 contraindications in the instructions:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the main components.

At the same time, do not forget to warn that it is better to consult a doctor first.

And here is another controversial point: judging by the main active ingredients, not all contraindications are indicated. On the one hand, dietary supplements are far from a concentrate, and their content in it is low. But at the same time, it’s enough to burn fat so actively? Considering that the drug will have to be taken for a month, it is quite possible that these substances accumulate in the tissues, which can cause a malfunction of some organs.

For example, all chromium picolinate preparations have the following list of contraindications (in addition to those mentioned above):

  • renal failure;
  • liver failure;
  • diabetes;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • age up to 16 years and after 55.

If we talk about lipoic acid, then it should not be used for gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, ulcers and increased stomach acidity.

And L-carnitine has an even longer list of diseases for which it is contraindicated:

  • insomnia;
  • HIV infection;
  • high blood pressure;
  • dyspepsia;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • any kidney problems;
  • heart failure;
  • trimethylaminuria;
  • epileptic seizures.

Although, perhaps this is just nitpicking. After all, the drug has been certified, that is, it has been tested for health safety.

Instructions for use

To get results you need to know how to take Lipocarnit correctly. The method of application is simple and does not require additional actions or restrictions in diet or lifestyle.

The instructions for Lipocarnit give instructions on how and for how long to drink both forms of the medication:

  • The duration of the treatment course is calculated individually and depends on how much weight you need to lose. Usually the course lasts a month, then, if necessary, is repeated;
  • Capsules are taken twice a day, 1 or 2 pieces at a time. It is recommended to take the product with food;
  • The drink is taken once a day, in the morning. A single dosage is 15 ml.

After completing the course of therapy, the long-term effect of the drug is recorded. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to take a break for 2 months and then repeat the full course.


Lipocarnit provides a complex effect on the body. Weight loss occurs by burning fat and accelerating metabolism. But the dietary supplement is not limited to this only. The unique natural composition helps to achieve other positive effects:

  • Normalization of protein and lipid metabolism.
  • Stimulates the digestive system.
  • Normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Restoring normal blood pressure.
  • Activation and acceleration of the process of transformation of fat into energy.
  • Strengthening muscle fibers (which is important for sports representatives).
  • General improvement in well-being – restoration of sleep, increased physical and mental activity, always a good mood.

Interesting fact. Capsules with active substances begin to act almost immediately after administration. Each component is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not cause unpleasant side effects. At the same time, the extra pounds disappear gradually, without problems or discomfort.


The manufacturer claims that no analogue gives the same effect as Lipocarnit.

Any analogue for weight loss sold in a pharmacy requires the following during the course of therapy:

  • adhere to dietary restrictions;
  • additional physical activity.

Many pharmacy analogues contain hormonal supplements. Hormones can negatively affect overall well-being and cause dysfunction of internal organs. Usually, after completing the course of treatment, the weight returns in double size.

Mechanism of weight loss

Weight loss occurs as follows:

  • fat deposits are actively broken down;
  • muscle mass is gaining;
  • impaired metabolism is restored
  • appetite decreases;
  • digestion improves;
  • The body is cleansed of toxins and other debris.

If Lipocarnit performs all these functions, it will truly promote lasting weight loss.

In some sources, the promises exceed all expectations: it is claimed that in a course (and this is only 1 month!) You can lose as much as 15 kg. Firstly, weight loss is too stressful for the body. Secondly, the question arises: why will the extra pounds leave the body so quickly if you additionally do not need to follow a diet or exercise? The above points are not enough for such a result.

How to buy at a pharmacy

You cannot buy Lipocarnit in a pharmacy. The manufacturer does not sell the drug through pharmacy chains due to large markups and the presence of counterfeit products on the shelves of pharmacy chains. If pharmacists offer Lipocarnit in pharmacies at an attractive price, this means selling a counterfeit. In both Moscow and Kazakhstan, original products can only be purchased through the official website.

It's easy to spot a fake. Go to the official website and look at the photo of the original product. The photo shows that each package has a special code stamped on it. To check the originality of the product, you need to enter the code in a special field on the website and send a request.

Lipocarnit – contraindications and indications for use

Weight gain occurs mainly due to eating more calories than the body needs. But this does not always mean that a person eats too much, prefers sweets, processed foods and baked goods. One of the main culprits for being overly bloated is a slow, genetically determined metabolism.

The following factors can also provoke the accumulation of extra pounds:

  1. Deficiency of lipoic acid and other biologically active substances involved in the production of digestive enzymes;
  2. passive lifestyle;
  3. Hormonal imbalance;
  4. the presence of chronic pathologies, including the digestive system;
  5. habit of digging under stress;
  6. snacks on the go.

The pharmacological novelty Lipocarnit will help in any of these cases.

And it has few contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. lactation;
  3. Hypersensitivity to one of the components;
  4. Childhood and youth.

Where to buy profitable

It is profitable and safe to purchase Lipocarnit from an official seller. Regardless of your residence, in the Russian Federation or Kazakhstan, purchasing through the official website has the following advantages:

  • delivery to any address in the Russian Federation and CIS countries;
  • information is available on the website: how much the drug costs today, how to take the drops, real reviews from customers and specialists;
  • no prepayment. The parcel is paid for at the time of receipt at the post office;
  • When placing an order, you can get a free consultation on the effect of the drug;
  • Only on the official website you can purchase both forms of the weight loss product at a significant discount.

To place an order, you need to go to the official portal and leave a request. The special application form indicates the name and telephone number. After the operator calls and confirms the order, all you have to do is wait for the notification to receive the parcel.

Go to the official website

Lipocarnit for weight loss - reviews


Lipocarnit for a regular dietary supplement for weight loss is not cheap at all; you can find it in a pharmacy much cheaper. Nevertheless, the inviting advertising still reassured me, especially since there was no need to adhere to any strict rules. As a result, in a month of taking it I lost 3 kg, but as far as I know, you need to look not at the scales, but at your reflection in the mirror and volumes. The volume of the hips, abdomen, butt, and even breasts has decreased. The shirt in the chest area stopped stretching, as if it would tear. All the skirts and trousers began to fit better and stopped pressing. In general, I'm happy with the product. While drinking Lipocarnit, it is advisable to drink as much water as possible, keep this in mind.


Advantages: favorable price, no side effects, excellent results;



I have struggled with being overweight since childhood. Ever since school, everyone laughed at me, came up with offensive nicknames and pointed fingers at me. When all the girlfriends were dancing, I sat on the bench and waited for my prince.

Time passed, but nothing changed - I was still alone, like a spikelet in a field. I developed complexes, became depressed... I was just on the edge! Is there a magic pill for excess weight? Is it possible to eat something to lose weight?

These questions began and ended my day. The medications I tried to solve the problem of excess weight had terrible side effects: headache, insomnia, tachycardia, anxiety, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, constipation, nausea and fecal incontinence. A doctor I knew advised me to buy “Lipocarnit” and since then my life has changed dramatically. The complexes along with the fat disappeared, I found a successful young man with whom we are getting married in a month.


Recently I saw an advertisement for the drug Lipocarnit for weight loss. I have a normal weight, but like most girls, they still gain a few extra pounds over the winter. And I'm no exception. Over the winter I gained 5 kg. I was thinking about resetting. I am careful when it comes to weight loss products. I have never taken Chinese pills, especially after so many negative experiences.

I was attracted to Lipocarnit because it was natural, I liked its composition, and the price was not expensive. I bought it and now I’m taking it for the second month. In a month I lost 3 kg and without much effort. I feel great, no side effects. Good drug.


The drug is based on chromium picolinate. It is known for its effect on reducing appetite and eliminating sugar cravings. The capsules are placed in a plastic jar containing 30 capsules. You need to take 1-2 pieces daily, depending on the degree of obesity.

“Lipocarnit” starts weight loss processes, speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite. It is patented, which indicates its proven effectiveness. In addition to chromium picolinate, the composition contains lipoic acid, which accelerates the burning of existing fat, and L-carnitine, which starts metabolism and promotes the breakdown of fat deposits.

It is indicated that the drug works independently, but to enhance and accelerate the result, you need to reduce your calorie intake if possible and lead an active lifestyle. There is no need to completely give up food, fast, or go on diets.

I reduced my food intake by 1/3, started walking more and took capsules. In a month I lost 9.3 kg. The result was impressive.


I lost weight using Lipocarnit. I took two cans at once at the rate of taking 2 capsules per day. It cost a pretty penny, but the supplement met my expectations.

Without much effort, I just took capsules in the morning and at lunch, and, according to my personal feelings, I moved more.

In a month I lost as much as 8 kilograms and was almost back to my normal weight. Then, as the instructions advised, I took a two-month break.

The weight stood still, and I decided to move on in the direction of a pumped-up body, and not a pile of flabby skin. I bought another jar of the supplement and a Carnit drink to dry out the muscles.

This is a sweet solution that you need to drink just before training so that fat leaves the muscles faster. Now, from my own experience, I can say that such a complex technique is generally a bomb. Fat burns off with a bang, and muscles grow. Of course, not without working on yourself in the gym.

I trained every other day, then I took Carnit. It adds incredible strength, you want to work until you sweat. And after training, like a cucumber, as if nothing had happened. Using this complex of capsules + drinking carnitine, I lost another 6 kg in a month. The relief is visible, especially on the abs, and the skin is tightened where necessary


I have always suffered from excess weight for as long as I can remember. I always eat healthy and try to exercise regularly. I set a goal to lose 15 kg. It seems like 10 are gone, but 5 just won’t disappear even if you crack them.

I learned about Lipocarnit from the Internet, saw an advertisement, and there were a lot of positive reviews there. I decided to try it too. I ordered capsules and took them twice a day. For some reason, there were no changes in the first 7 days, but in the second week I noticed that I had lost almost 2.5 kg. I was very happy and have already ordered a second package.


In our team, the female half was inspired by the idea of ​​losing weight. I can’t afford expensive procedures, and with two children I can’t devote time to it. So I decided to try Lipocarnit weight loss capsules. There were no significant changes in the first week of use. By the end of the jar the result was minus 7 kg. However, the weight does not return; 2 months have already passed since I stopped taking it.



Natural ingredients. An effective remedy. Does not cause allergies. Price.


Not detected.

Hi all! I really want to tell you how I cope with such an illness as excess weight.

It started with the fact that after giving birth I gained significant weight and it began to worry me. Before giving birth, my weight was 53 kilograms and this suited me completely. I constantly went to the gym and maintained my figure.

But after giving birth, a failure occurred and I began to gain weight, and 3 months ago it was about 73 kilograms. For me this is overkill. Since the baby was born, going to the gym has become a last priority. It is not always possible to visit it. I think whose children will understand me!

And so I decided to try a weight loss product.

This is a bioactive complex that helps you quickly and safely get rid of extra pounds.

I saw an advertisement about it, read reviews and decided to buy.

Like everyone else, in order to eliminate extra pounds, she did not starve herself. I went the other way.

For me it is a salvation, as it is a natural weight loss product. With its help, fat metabolism is accelerated. And in this it is helped by the components included in the composition: lipoic acid, chromium picolinate and L-carnitine.

All these components are natural and not harmful to health in any way!

Having purchased this drug, I began to take it according to the instructions. And a month later the result came. I started losing weight and it didn’t affect my health in any way.

The drug itself is sold in capsules. I bought it on the official website of the brand.

A month after taking the capsules, I felt significantly better, my shortness of breath when walking became less. I lost about 7 kilograms. I was able to safely put away the clothes I was wearing. This despite the fact that I ate exactly the same and led the same lifestyle.

Another month later, I completely changed my wardrobe. My weight became 60 kilograms. You can't even imagine my delight. And now I weigh 56 kilograms. I think taking the drug is enough for me. Now I am completely satisfied with the result.

I read the analysis of the drug and reviews about it, that if you don’t take it later, you won’t return to weight gain. I don’t know if this is true or not, but I will find out! At this point, after 2 weeks of not taking it, I have not seen any weight gain. So I hope that everything they say about him is true!

If you have doubts about choosing an effective weight loss product, then this is the ideal solution for you! Don’t be afraid and you will see yourself completely different in the mirror!

I recommend it!

General impression:

This is a 100% result for you!

Benefits of using Lipocarnit

Comparing the factor level of the Lipocarnit product with other formulations from the pharmacy, one comes to the understanding that the new composition is in many ways ahead of its analogues.

The benefits for the body include:

  • complete cleansing of the body from toxic elements;
  • the ability to break down the fat base, which interferes with the proper functioning of other systems;
  • improving the hormonal levels of the body;
  • neutralize the feeling of hunger by reducing food intake by 3-4 times;
  • the ability to increase the elasticity and firmness of skin that has no signs of stretch marks;
  • stimulation of muscle mass growth;
  • preventing diabetes;
  • calming the nervous system and normalizing sleep.

Expert review

Alla Viktorovna, nutritionist

For a long period of time, people came to me with the problem of obesity, and I had to select complex dietary combinations, combined with sports activities. Not every person is able to endure a marathon, especially since the achieved result is not stable. It’s another matter when there is a practical opportunity to purchase the drug Lipocarnit. The product suppresses appetite, breaks down fat deposits, and forces metabolic processes in the body to proceed correctly. Having prescribed the drug to patients, I received positive feedback. The new formula helps fight fat that doesn't come back.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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