Slim Samyun Wan slimming capsules (Slim Samyun Wan)


Slim Samyun Wan is a dietary supplement made from ingredients of natural origin. The product allows you to get rid of extra centimeters in the waist and hips. Dietary supplement helps normalize sleep and improves skin condition.

The product helps improve immunity and cleanses the body of toxic substances. Slim Samyun Wan helps improve blood circulation and reduces appetite. Dietary supplement prevents the absorption of carbohydrates from food.

Slim Samyun Wan slimming capsules (Slim Samyun Wan)

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Capsules for effective weight loss Slim samyun wan are a new generation drug containing natural ingredients.
This is an updated formula of a dietary supplement that has caused a real sensation all over the world. Now even more concentrated extracts of natural components are used to produce tablets. The desired result is achieved much faster. After completing the course, the lost weight does not return.

Slim samyun wan application

Slim samyun wan diet pills are intended for people aged 18-65 years. They are helping:

  • lose weight;
  • get rid of fat deposits on the sides, stomach, buttocks, and other parts of the body;
  • normalize sleep patterns;
  • improve skin condition;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • cleanse yourself of toxins.

It is advisable for older people to lose weight slowly. Therefore, before you start taking it, you should consult your doctor.

Slim samyun wan original and fake. Samyun Wan: fake and original

The modern world, the world of plagiarism, copyright and forgery. As soon as something new, interesting and effective comes onto the market, after a short time an analogue, a similar copy, or a crooked fake appears on it. As in the case of Chinese iPhones from aliexpress, the price is 10-20 times cheaper than the original, there are also fakes on Samyun Wan, about which the manufacturer actively warns us by placing information about the security of its product in special instructions.

Real Samyun Wan is produced only in Indonesia, and the packaging has several degrees of protection. If you buy a Chinese-made Samyun Wang, you should know that you have been deceived, it is a fake. Let's look at the main distinguishing features of the original drug:

  1. So, the first thing we should pay attention to when we pick up a box of dietary supplements is the inscriptions located on the bottom of this very box. Official, and it is the inscription of this brand that should appear on the bottom of the package.
  2. For the second stage we will need good light, it is better to use daylight, but a fluorescent lamp will also work. When you twirl the box in your hands, you should notice a holographic shimmer that appears at certain angles of inclination. It looks like small dots, like diamond grains, these specks cover the entire outer part of Samyun Wang. Also note that the box has 2 holograms: on the front side is silver, and on the back is purple.

Operating principle

The weight loss drug Slim samyun wan allows you to reduce body weight by 12-15 kg in just a month. It does not contain chemicals and is absolutely harmless. Biologically active substances contained in concentrated natural extracts penetrate to areas where fat cells accumulate. This helps improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous area, loosen dense deposits, and break down fat. The weight loss product reduces appetite, prevents the absorption of carbohydrates and fatty acids from food, and prevents the appearance of new deposits.


A drug made from natural ingredients Samyun Wan, the price of which pleases customers, has an excellent effect and has positive results not only on the appearance, but also on the overall health of the body

But it is important to remember that the result from using these capsules will differ from taking anabolic steroids. However, for those who do not accept the use of strong pharmacological tablets, this supplement will be an excellent alternative.

Of course, it is necessary to remember that for rapid muscle growth, amino acids are needed, which are found in protein products. Therefore, during the period of taking capsules, you need to give up fatty foods and eat foods rich in protein. Then the figure will be formed not from fat, but from muscles. One package of Samyun Wan, reviews of which are almost all positive, will last for ten days. During this period, a person will be able to fully appreciate the effectiveness of this supplement for building muscle. If you use Samyun Wan correctly, you can gain up to eight kilograms of muscle mass in one month.


The nutritional supplement contains exclusively natural ingredients:

  • lotus leaves;
  • garcinia fruits;
  • pumpkin pulp;
  • fennel;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • extracts of medicinal herbs.

Lotus leaves have powerful fat burning properties. They promote accelerated transport of fatty acids to the liver for breakdown. Lotus reduces appetite and prevents the absorption of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates from food.

The thin skin of the Garcinia Cambogia fruit contains a rare compound that is used for rapid weight loss. This is citric hydroxy acid. Thanks to it, the body is saturated 2-3 times faster. It also helps eliminate cravings for flour and sweets.

Pumpkin is a rich source of vitamins C, E, T, D, PP, F. It contains a lot of magnesium, iron, and potassium. Pumpkin extract is an excellent prevention of cancer. It lowers cholesterol levels, clears blood vessels of plaque, and normalizes blood pressure.

Fennel improves peristalsis and cleanses the intestines of toxins. It gives strength and energy. It contains compounds that interfere with the absorption of fats. Fennel activates the pancreas, which secretes fat-burning enzymes.

Lactose monohydrate is a unique product obtained from milk. This is an excellent source of energy, energizing and toning the body. In medicine, it is used to maintain beneficial intestinal microflora.

Excess weight creates a complex problem for the body involving a variety of factors. Therefore, a complex of medicinal herbal extracts that have a positive effect on overall health was added to the dietary supplement. In particular, they normalize blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and activate protective mechanisms.


Dietary supplement Slim samyun wan is a comprehensive solution for weight loss and health promotion. She helps:

  • get rid of excess weight;
  • break down fat deposited in the subcutaneous area;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • normalize blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • increase performance;
  • suppress appetite, reduce the number of calories consumed.

The weight loss drug consists of highly concentrated plant extracts that are completely harmless to the body.


The biocomplex is made from natural ingredients. It is absolutely safe and can be used at any age after 18 years. However, for some diseases, sudden weight loss can have a negative impact on health. Therefore, you cannot use dietary supplements if doctors diagnose:

  • heart failure, ischemia, angina pectoris;
  • cirrhosis, dystrophy, other severe kidney and liver diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • mental disorders.

People over 65 years of age should consult a doctor before taking it.

Slim Samyun Wan side effects

Diet pills are made from medicinal herbs, which can sometimes cause allergies. People with individual intolerance may experience:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness.

These symptoms are temporary and do not have a toxic effect. If their strength and frequency increase, the drug should be stopped. Contraindications:

Pregnant and lactating women Persons who have had a stroke or heart attack Persons under 18 and over 65 years of age. Individual intolerance to components. The drug should be used with caution in case of cardiovascular diseases.

Side effects of Samuin Van

Contrary to popular belief, original Samyun Wan capsules do not affect hormonal levels and do not pose a danger to the body. But this applies exclusively to Indonesian-made products. Chinese capsules use an altered composition that can lead to health problems. How to distinguish an original from a fake can be found by following the link.

When using Samyun wan capsules, side effects occur only in two cases: non-compliance with recommendations and individual intolerance.

Where to buy Slim samyun wan capsules?

You can buy Slim samyun wan in our online store. We offer the best diet pills cheaply, with delivery. Residents of Makhachkala can receive dietary supplements by courier. The food supplement “Slim Samyun Van” will be sent to other regions of Russia by mail.

About 50% of men and more than 77% of women are overweight. It first appears as fat deposits on the sides, arms, and buttocks. Then shortness of breath appears. The heart begins to work in overload mode. Ischemia, angina pectoris, and heart failure gradually develop. Accelerators of this process are a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and other factors. Most people try to fight excess body weight. A starvation, low-fat diet is most often used as the main method of control. But alas, it does not give any result. The few kilograms you lose come back very quickly.

Samyun Wan is a dangerous deception!


We receive questions from customers every day about when the so-called Samyun Wan will go on sale. Our answer: never. That's why:

> This product is not officially registered in any register of member countries of the Customs Union. > In nature, there is no Certificate of state registration of such a product, as well as a Certificate of Conformity, or a Declaration of Conformity of the EAC. That is, not a single official document was issued for this product by any of the authorities of Kazakhstan, Belarus and the Russian Federation. > Based on the previous point, this product is contraband and cannot be sold by any self-respecting store. > The manufacturer indicated on the packaging is neither in Indonesia nor in China. That is, the real origin of the product is unknown. > The packaging does not comply with GOST standards of any developed country. The absence of mandatory storage conditions, barcodes, links to regulatory documents or organizations that are responsible for this product eloquently indicates the counterfeit nature of the additive. That is, this is a fake made by unknown who, unknown under what conditions, unknown from what. > The components do not list a single product that could have any effect on muscle growth. That is, the supplement either does not provide any weight gain or contains hidden components, which means it is potentially dangerous to take.

Composition of Samyun Wan (a set of useless dietary supplements)

10 seconds of Google and we immediately find the nearest seller who generously describes the positive effects of taking this supplement and its composition. Let's start with the lineup, that's the point, we understand lineups well.

- Shandar ginseng root. - Let's start with the fact that there is no “Shandai” ginseng. There is simply no such concept. There is a corresponding region in Dagestan, but ginseng, alas, does not grow there.

Classic ginseng can slightly act as an aphrodisiac, that is, improve potency and slightly stimulate the central nervous system as an adaptogen. As a potency stimulant it is quite weak and therefore is not prescribed by urologists even to the most suspicious patients, and as a central nervous system stimulant it is absolutely ineffective against the background of ordinary caffeine. It has absolutely no effect on muscle gain and endurance.

-Rhizome of Atractylodes bighead. -Unfortunately, there are simply no authoritative sources that would describe this weed. Information on it can only be found on sites that sell Chinese herbs of dubious origin. It is not used at all or even mentioned in Western medicine. There is not a word about “saving energy” on Chinese websites, only that this supplement is used to improve bowel movements, that is, a remedy for constipation.

-Astragalus membranaceus. -Another supplement unknown to classical medicine. It is used only in alternative medicine, that is, by grandmothers who are doctors. One of the described effects is a reduction in fatigue, but the principle of action is not described anywhere. The composition is just grass without any special components. Interesting fact: an endangered species, listed in the Red Book, that is, it is quite difficult to meet, and it is very difficult to grow, because whimsical. Most likely it simply isn’t included.

-Ginseng root. -It is not clear why ginseng is mentioned twice, apparently simply because there is nothing more to write.

-Extract from deer horn. -The type of deer is not specified, but we are most likely talking about the infamous “antlers,” which were popular in the early 2000s as a remedy for all diseases. Naturally, time has put everything in its place and now no one is looking for or buying this supplement anymore, because... she is absolutely useless. And how can it be effective if the human digestive system simply cannot absorb a product of this kind.

There is nothing else in the composition. Just a bunch of dubious herbs and not a single truly effective component. No creatine, no citrulline, no vitamin-mineral premix, which have been the basis for all sports supplements for 30 years! Not a single component with proven effectiveness, just garbage for gullible people.

Products for weight gain with proven effectiveness




Qazprotein Micronized Creatine Powder, 300 gr.

5'450 tenge. 3'990 tenge. Described effects (false squared)

Here are statements from the sellers of this supplement; by the way, it costs about 3000 tenge, what a success! A cheap product that is more effective than all known sports nutrition supplements:

There are as many as 9 points of the magical effects of this supplement, the only thing missing is the points about prolonging life and increasing potency.

-Promotes weight gain from 5 to 7 kg from one can -When clients buy proven products from us from famous companies and ask how much they can gain “from one can”, we NEVER answer, because it depends on individual characteristics, nutrition, sleep, lifestyle, hormonal levels, and so on. We immediately explain that anyone who promises you that you will gain N number of kilograms is simply a charlatan. That is, we boldly declare that the one who wrote this advertising campaign is simply a liar.

- Acceleration of recovery after physical activity. -Due to what mechanism?

-Improved metabolism. -How can you improve your metabolism? There is such a thing as “the speed of metabolic processes”; in medicine there is no concept of “bad” or “good” metabolism, each metabolism is good for each individual case and it is determined by genetics, as well as the general state of health. In the first case, nothing can be done with it, but in the second, you need to undergo treatment, and obviously not with such a “drug”.

-Increased energy. -There is no “energy”. There is functional training and tolerance to physical activity. It is achieved through training and diet/sleep. No other way.

-Increased appetite. -Appetite manifests itself when the level of glucose in the blood decreases; if this drug affects the rate of glucose utilization, then this supplement is dangerous to use.

-Strengthening the body. -Another term from armchair doctors who are treated with cupping and urine therapy. There is no such thing as “body strength”. Neither medicine, nor even dietetics, contains this concept. There are no rating scales or criteria. The “strength” of the body simply cannot be touched or measured; there is no device that can determine this “strength” itself. Another unfounded statement.

-Increasing the immune system. (sic!) - Seriously, that’s what the author wrote. According to the author, the immune system has a size, apparently it can be large, it can be small, it can be medium or between medium and large. What nonsense you ask? Here we are about the same thing. Complete nonsense. There is the speed and strength of the immune response, but you can’t buy really effective immunomodulators without a prescription, and it’s hard to find them in a pharmacy. All sorts of cycloferons are drugs with unproven effectiveness, and human immunity is such a complex and poorly studied area that in most cases doctors simply recommend leading a healthy lifestyle without actually prescribing anything, because THERE IS NO PILL THAT WILL STRENGTHEN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM.

-Fighting viral infections. -We can ask real practicing doctors about drugs against viruses and here is their answer (in particular, Zhukov N.E., author of best-selling books on medicine):

In fact, there are only three and a half real drugs aimed at viruses: oseltamivir for influenza, acyclovir for herpes and a couple of other too cool names; everything else (including VAT for AIDS) is only additional treatment - all these interferons, nucleotides and other poultices are unproven drugs and their importance is usually exaggerated. I'm not talking about homeopathy and dietary supplements, just forget about them.

This drug belongs to the class of dietary supplements, which means it simply cannot be effective.

- Removes toxins. - There are no slags. Medicine does not know such a concept. This term was invented by charlatans to prescribe supplements that do not work in order to make money from gullible people. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

“Trash” is a pseudoscientific[1][2] term common in alternative medicine, meaning harmful substances from food and the environment that accumulate in the body[3]. Some representatives of alternative medicine consider the accumulation of toxins to be one of the factors of deteriorating health.

Key words: pseudoscientific (that is, not related to science) and alternative medicine (that is, not medicine at all).

Samyun Wan packaging (clown design with a claim to tradition)

Describing the packaging is just a waste of time, but it must be mentioned that the packaging does not comply with the standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Customs Union. There is no information in Russian and Kazakh languages. The manufacturer's marking is incorrect. The manufacturer is stated to be a certain Wisdom Group; there is a website for such a company in the Russian Federation, but it deals with building materials from China. Other mentions - there is a software development team in Chicago with the same name, and there is also a company with the same name in China, only it is engaged in selling electronic devices. That is, this company simply does not exist. We can safely assume that Samyun Wan is produced in some basement in violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

Only natural ingredients (and not natural dexamethasone) The effect of this supplement is absolutely zero, because and positive negative for health. There are references online to Samyun Wan, which contains the synthetic hormone dexamethasone. This is a glucocorticosteroid, it is not the same as a regular anabolic steroid. If anabolic steroids, although harmful, are capable of increasing muscle mass, then a similar drug does not give such effects, but has the opposite effect. Dexamethasone is used for cerebral edema and, among a large list of side effects, has the following: it reduces the synthesis and increases the catabolism of protein in muscle tissue, that is, muscle tissue is destroyed. When you take a dexamethasone supplement, you will LOSE muscle mass, not gain it.

Points of sale (hucksters selling from apartments) It was not possible to find a respectable store that would sell this supplement. Of course, no one would issue accompanying documents for such products. We decided to check one of these sellers by asking a completely banal question - whether there is a SGR (certificate of state registration) for this product. The seller, who introduced himself as Ruslan, hesitated, began to ask what we meant, when we explained what kind of document it was and where to get it, he said that of course it was there, just call back in 10 minutes, he would look for it. We did just that, but no one answered the phone, as did the next day and the week after that. We tried to write to the seller on WhatsApp, but he blocked us.

To understand: our store presents more than 300 items of various products made in the USA, Canada, Poland, Great Britain, Russia, Hungary, and each of these products has a SGR with a unique number, which is registered in the unified register of the Customs Union. You can request, we will forward the request to suppliers (importers) and they will provide a scan of the document within 2-3 days from the date of receipt of the application. Why importers? Because they are the ones who are responsible for product registration when the product is first imported into the territory of the Customs Union. That same “Ruslan” should have simply written to his suppliers and they were obliged to send a document, but it is obvious that the product was purchased from the same shady businessmen without any accompanying documents. Without SGR, the product cannot be sold in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan! Such a product can be either completely ineffective (as we can see from the composition) or hazardous to health, because it was produced by someone unknown, under what conditions, and the claims of effectiveness are fraudulent. Take care of your health and money, and do not purchase dubious supplements from illegal dealers promising a beautiful body without effort for 3000 tenge.

Why is it difficult to lose weight on a diet?

The human body has not yet been fully studied. Scientists have only established that this is a smart, self-adjusting biological mechanism. When a person begins to consume catastrophically little food, the body goes into “unfavorable conditions” mode and begins to absorb almost 100% of the food. As a result, due to fasting, the number of incoming calories does not decrease, but rather increases. This leads to new weight gain. If you really want to lose weight, don't reduce your food intake by more than 15-20%. It is better not to change your diet at all and use nutritional supplements.

In our online store you can buy weight loss products wholesale and retail. If you have already used Slim Samyun Wan diet pills, please leave a weight loss review on the site, they will help other customers make the right choice

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