How to pump up your butt at home: 8 super exercises + step-by-step strategy

This material is dedicated to the most pressing topic among girls. Namely, how to pump up your buttocks, butt, buns, peach…. As soon as they don’t name the most attractive part of our body. After reading, you will find out what causes buttock growth. Basic principles and secrets that no coach will tell you about. I will also describe the diet for effective growth of your butt and give an example of a training program.

And most importantly, we will analyze the most common mistakes in working on the buttocks. You will learn how to pump up your butt without losing your legs. But first, a little theory... Yes, these are just boring rules, but without them you will not advance further.

Nutrition is the main factor in muscle growth

For muscle growth, or rather for the restoration of muscle tissue after training and their subsequent growth, you need the correct ratio of macro- and micronutrients. The first include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The second includes vitamins, minerals and microelements. The former are a source of energy. The latter are involved in the absorption of food and the implementation of all metabolic processes.

Macronutrients: proteins fats carbohydrates

  • Proteins are the material for building muscles.
  • Carbohydrates are a source of energy for construction.
  • Fats play a role in the production of hormones and the transmission of nerve impulses.

Fats are also a good source of energy (their breakdown releases 2 times more energy than the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates).


Proteins are divided into animal (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products) and plant origin (nuts, legumes). The bulk of your diet should be animal proteins (70-80%) .

Vegetable protein contains little protein, and it is also of poor quality (there is no complete composition of amino acids). Therefore, being a vegetarian and dreaming of a big butt is complete nonsense. And in general, being a vegetarian is not good for your health.


Fats are also divided into saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The majority of your diet should be monounsaturated fats. These are peanuts, olive oil, olives, avocados. Saturated fats include butter, fatty cheeses, sour cream, eggs, and fatty meats. Polyunsaturated fats are represented by two types - Omega-3 (fatty fish, flaxseed oil, chia seeds) and Omega-6 (sunflower oil, soybean oil, nuts, seeds).

There are also so-called trans fats that should be avoided. Margarine, most confectionery products (sweets, cakes, pastries), semi-finished products, fast food are all trans fats.


Carbohydrates are simple (fast) and complex (slow). The first includes all sweets, some fruits and dried fruits. We don't need them if you don't want your butt to hide under a layer of fat. We are interested exclusively in the latter. These are porridges (not instant), durum wheat pasta, vegetables, herbs, and low GI . When broken down, they release energy to the body gradually, providing a stable and long-lasting feeling of fullness.

When eating vegetables and fruits, pay attention to the GI. Avoid foods with a high glycemic index, that is, those with an index of more than 40.

The benefits and harms of a particular carbohydrate depend on the glycemic index (an indicator of the rate of breakdown and increase in blood sugar levels). You can find this indicator in the GI tables of foods.


Fiber can be classified as complex carbohydrates. It is mainly found in vegetables and herbs. Fiber differs from other carbohydrates in that it does not provide the body with energy. It is involved in digestion and is necessary to maintain normal blood sugar levels.

For muscle growth there must be the correct ratio of BJU:

  • proteins - 1.6-2.4 g per kg of body weight,
  • carbohydrates - 3-4 g per kg of body weight,
  • fats - 1.5-2 g per kg of body weight.

Remember, when it comes to mass, it is very important to maintain the BJU ratio and consume only the foods we need. At first, you shouldn’t add too many carbohydrates to your diet, start with 3 g. You need to be careful with carbohydrates. If there are a lot of them, along with muscles, fat mass will also increase. If there are few of them, the muscles will not grow. We need to look for a middle ground. You can read more about nutrition for weight here.

You can't fry. It is best to boil and steam, in this form the nutrients are preserved as much as possible. As for baking and grilling, it is also not recommended to cook food in this way often.

Sample meal plan

  • First breakfast (complex carbohydrates + proteins + fats)
  • Second breakfast (complex carbohydrates + proteins + fiber + fats)
  • Lunch (complex carbohydrates + proteins + fats)
  • Early dinner (complex carbohydrates + fiber + proteins)
  • Late dinner (protein + fiber)

The break between meals is 2-3 hours. You can’t take long breaks, this is very important in mass training.

Before going to bed, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese or drink a portion of casein.

After some time, we do a visual test:

  • if the butt grows with a minimum of fat, we leave the nutrition plan unchanged;
  • if muscles grow and along with them the fat layer, reduce the amount of carbohydrates;
  • if the muscles do not grow, add carbohydrates (+ 1g per kg of weight).

What to eat before and after training:

  • 1.5-2 hours before training (complex carbohydrates + protein + fats),
  • after training (protein + fiber + carbohydrates).

If for some reason you were unable to eat, you can drink a gainer. The main thing is not to train on an empty stomach! More specifically, what you can and cannot eat before training, you can read here.


To enlarge your butt, you need to train regularly, 2 to 3 times a week, and devote time to recovery after physical activity. If you feel severe muscle pain, it is better to take an extra day of rest between workouts.

Compose your diet wisely, focusing on protein foods and creating a slight excess of calories.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to achieve the first results in 1.5-2 months, and the stable desired effect will occur after 4-6 months of hard training.

Workouts for butt growth

First, a little anatomy. Our butt consists of the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus muscles. The big one, as the name says, is responsible for volume. Don't confuse roundness and fit with volume. The gluteus medius muscle will not add much volume, but it will make the shape of your butt more attractive. Training the gluteus minimus allows you to achieve more volume in the upper part.

There are also internal muscle groups. We won’t go deep into anatomy, since to create a beautiful butt we only need to train the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus muscles.

How to pump up your butt without pumping up your legs

Many girls are afraid to pump up their legs, namely their quadriceps. In almost all glute exercises, the legs are involved to some extent in the work. Therefore, it is impossible to completely isolate their work. But you can reduce the load on them as much as possible and concentrate it as much as possible on the buttocks.

Here are the 5 most important rules . Read attentively!

Rule 1. Watch your body.

The gaze is directed in front of you, never look to the sides or at your feet while performing the exercise. We make sure that the feet are close to each other and the body remains in the same position. Be sure to squeeze your buttocks at the end point. It is very important!

Rule 2. Watch your breathing.

Exhale at the moment of greatest muscle effort, and inhale at the moment of least effort. Example, barbell squats. Inhale during the squat, and exhale during the ascent, when the tension in the gluteal muscles is greatest.

Rule 3. Watch the pace.

Never rush. The exercise must always be performed at a certain pace, which we will denote by the following numbers - 2/0/4/1 (seconds).

  • 2 - speed of weight lifting
  • 0 - pause at the top point
  • 4 — weight lowering speed
  • 1 - pause at the bottom point

Let's take the barbell squat again as an example. 2 — lifting speed (moment of maximum effort), 0 — pause at the top point, 4 — squat speed, 1 — pause at the bottom point. The number 0 means that there is no need to pause.

Why is it important to pace yourself? Our muscles contain mechanoreceptors (the endings of sensory nerve fibers that respond to mechanical stress). Choosing the right tempo is more important than choosing a heavier weight.

From the example it is clear that the longest stage occurs at the moment of squatting. It is this stage that is responsible for subsequent muscle growth. The fact is that the longer you lower the weight, the more microtraumas are formed in your muscles , which are the reason for their growth during the recovery period. A second pause at the bottom point (the moment of maximum stretch) will allow the connective tissues to relax and the entire load will fall on the muscles.

Rule 4. Maintain the mental “muscle-brain” connection.

How do you think muscles work? From physiology we know that all actions and processes in our body are regulated by the functioning of the brain. Muscles contract only because they received a signal from the brain. The muscle is just a performer, and the brain decides. As soon as you pick up dumbbells, your brain evaluates how much effort will need to be made.

How does the mental muscle-brain connection affect muscle growth? You've probably noticed how experienced bodybuilders are very focused while performing an exercise. This is because they think about the target muscle that is working at that moment. While doing the exercise, do not be distracted by anything. Feel how your buttocks contract and imagine how they grow.

There is no need to take the maximum weight and violate the technique for this reason. With less weight you can force your muscles to work as hard as possible and to failure. This is the most important rule. At one time, I also ignored this point, but I was wrong... As a result, my legs grew faster than my butt.

Rule 5: Learn the technique.

The more ideally you perform the exercise and the developed mental connection, the better and faster your buttocks will grow. Start working with an empty body bar. First, study the technique thoroughly, learn to concentrate, and only then move on to the progression of weights. You must learn to feel your muscles and understand what you are pumping.

How to choose a weight to maximally load your buttocks

Muscles constantly need stress to grow. Without weight progression, buttock growth is not possible. Therefore, keep a training diary and write down each time how much weight you worked with. Gradually progress the load in all exercises with each new workout.

Stage 1.

For example, on the first day you squatted a 20 kg barbell for 8 reps per working set (not including warm-up). Select the weight so that 8 repetitions is the maximum you could do in one approach. The next day you should do 9 or 10 repetitions without changing the weight. Once you reach 12 reps, move on to the next stage.

Rest between sets for up to 1 minute. This is enough for you to recover and your muscles not to cool down.

Stage 2.

Now you need to increase your progress on the scales. That is, now you add 1-2 kg. And you start working with a new weight for 8 repetitions. Gradually increasing the number of repetitions each workout to 12. Once you reach this point, add weight.

Do not rush to increase the weight, if it is too big for you, the work will involve not the buttocks, but other muscles. As a result, your legs will grow faster than your butt. Even worse, you'll get back problems.

And now, when you have learned the basics, we can begin training.

Butt workout plan

1 day (heavy training, emphasis on the buttocks)

  1. Barbell/Smith Squats - 4 sets, 8-12 reps,
  2. Leg press with high legs - 3 sets, 8-12 reps,
  3. Lunges - 3 sets, 8-12 reps on each leg,
  4. Romanian deadlift - 3 sets, 8-12 reps,
  5. Smith/Barbell Glute Bridge - 3 sets, 8-12 reps.


Leg press


Romanian deadlift

Gluteal bridge

I'll tell you one secret: if you want to have a big butt, be sure to train your back. If your back muscles are weak, you simply won't be able to properly lift heavy weights on basic exercises like squats, Romanian deadlifts, etc. As for back training, it is discussed in detail in this article.

Day 2 (back, chest, arms)

  1. Gravitron pull-ups - 3 sets, 12-15 reps,
  2. Hyperextension - 3 sets, 12-15 reps,
  3. Bent-over barbell rows - 3 sets, 12-15 reps,
  4. Bench press - 3 sets, 12-15 reps,
  5. Angled dumbbell bench press - 3 sets, 12-15 reps,
  6. Reverse push-ups - 3 sets, 15 reps
  7. Abdominal exercises (crunches, planks, hanging leg raises...). Choose the ones you like best.

Pull-ups in the gravitron


Bent-over barbell row

Bench press

Dumbbell Angle Press

Reverse push-ups

Day 3 (light training, isolation on the buttocks)

  1. Reverse hack squats - 3 sets, 12-15 reps,
  2. Block squats - 3 sets, 12 reps,
  3. Leg abduction in crossover/block - 3 sets, 15 reps,
  4. Leg abduction (in the machine/with weights) - 3 sets, 15-20 repetitions,
  5. Leg raises in the simulator - 3 sets, 15 reps,
  6. Leg abduction in the simulator - 3 sets, 20 reps,
  7. Abdominal exercises (crunches, planks, hanging leg raises...).

Reverse hack squats

Block squats

Leg abduction in crossover/block

Leg abduction

Breeding legs in the simulator

Leg abduction in the simulator

During a heavy workout, work with maximum weight, and during a light workout, work with less weight.

Small tricks to enlarge your butt at home

If you are interested in how to enlarge your butt without surgery, then you should understand that realizing your dream is not so easy. You'll have to sweat a lot. It is simply impossible to do this without special physical exercises. And even with their help, you won’t be able to instantly change the shape and add volume to your buttocks. This will take at least 6-8 months. And during this time you can only pump up your butt a little, increasing its volume by 3-5 cm.

Genetics is to blame for everything. If you naturally have “flat” buttocks, then it will be very difficult to change it. But this does not mean that it is impossible to do this. According to fitness trainers, our body depends only on us and if we want to change it, then go ahead!

But before we talk about how to increase the volume of your buttocks through exercise, we should first tell you some tricks that will visually make your buttocks look a little bigger.

  • "Cat Walk" gait. It is inherent in many models and can visually give your figure beautiful outlines. Its essence lies in the correct rearrangement of legs when walking. They need to be placed on the same line. In this case, you first need to move your foot forward, and then only your body. The important point here is step length. It should not exceed the length of the foot.
  • Reducing waist size. To focus the attention of others on the buttocks and hips, you need to reduce your waist. To do this, you can use several methods - wear shapewear or follow a diet for the waist, which prevents the deposition of fat in this area.
  • Choose the right clothes. The right wardrobe can do wonders for your figure. To highlight your buttocks and make them appear larger, you should wear tight-fitting jeans with large back pockets. High-waisted jeans are also ideal for these purposes, but they must be light in color. And on top you can wear some T-shirt or jacket in a dark shade. If you have an important meeting coming up in a couple of days and you urgently need toned and larger buttocks, then use special underwear that has gel inserts.
  • Wear high heels. It helps to change the curvature of the spine, which visually increases the volume of the butt. But you shouldn’t wear high heels too often, as this can lead to various diseases, such as varicose veins.

Is it possible to pump up your buttocks at home?

Pumping up a big butt at home is unrealistic. At most, you will give her a more fit look. But if you can’t go to the gym, then it will be better than doing nothing.

Ideally, for home training, purchase a collapsible barbell or at least dumbbells from zero to 15 kg. Expanders and weights will also be very useful. Children, bottles and other stupid devices will not help you pump up your butt!

1 day (emphasis on buttocks)

  1. Squats - 3 sets, 10-15 reps,
  2. Lunges - 3 sets, 10-15 reps on each leg,
  3. Romanian deadlift - 3 sets, 10-15 reps,
  4. Glute bridge - 3 sets, 10-15 reps,
  5. Exercises with an expander.

Day 2 (back, chest, arms)

  1. Knee push-ups - 3 sets, 15-20 reps,
  2. Bent-over dumbbell rows - 3 sets, 15 reps
  3. Standing dumbbell raises - 3 sets, 15-20 reps,
  4. Reverse push-ups - 3 sets, 15-20 reps,
  5. Abdominal exercises (crunches, planks, etc.).

Day 3 (emphasis on buttocks)

  1. Lunges - 3 sets, 10-15 reps,
  2. Bulgarian lunges - 3 sets, 10-15 reps,
  3. Romanian deadlift - 3 sets, 10-15 reps,
  4. Abduction of the leg upward,
  5. Exercises with an expander.

A set of exercises to perform at home

Sports activities will help you both enlarge your butt at home and tighten the skin on your buttocks and thighs.

You can enlarge your buttocks at home in 2-3 months by performing a simple set of special exercises aimed at:

  • weight loss;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • stretching;
  • skin tightening;
  • endurance.

Each exercise must be performed using the correct technique. How to do this and what effect can be achieved should be considered in more detail.


This is an effective exercise for losing weight and gaining muscle mass in the buttocks and thighs.

Squat technique:

  1. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. The back is straight.
  3. Hands are extended forward or are on the belt.
  4. The pelvis is laid back slightly, and the knees should not extend beyond the toes in their position.
  5. When starting to squat, you need to make sure that your back is straight, your buttocks and hips are tense, and your body weight is transferred to your heels.

Mistakes when doing squats:

  • cramped knees;
  • back “arc”;
  • fast pace (so the body gets tired faster, and the muscles do not receive the necessary load);
  • falling back of the body (if you do not transfer the weight to the heels);
  • lack of warm-up exercises before squats.

If you do the exercise incorrectly, the muscles will not receive the necessary load and the risk of injury will increase. The number of repetitions for losing weight should be 3-5 times 15-20 squats, and for gaining muscle mass: 5-8 repetitions. This number of approaches is optimal for beginners. Then you can increase the load using dumbbells, as well as the number of squats.

Gluteal bridge

An exercise that develops the back and promotes the growth of the gluteal muscles, thereby increasing endurance when running and walking.

There are several techniques for doing this, but the simplest one is ideal at home:

  1. Lie on the floor, back straight, shoulders and head pressed firmly to the floor.
  2. Hands are at your sides.
  3. The knees are bent, the feet are in a stable position shoulder-width apart.
  4. The feet are moved as close to the buttocks as possible.
  5. Raising the pelvis occurs with emphasis on the feet, not the back.
  6. The muscles of the thighs and buttocks are as tense as possible.
  7. During the exercise you need to squeeze your buttocks.
  8. The execution is considered correct if, after raising the pelvis, the torso from the knees to the shoulders forms one line.
  9. You should hold this position for a couple of seconds.
  10. You need to lower yourself slowly and carefully, without relaxing your muscles.

For beginners, you should perform at least 5 “bridges” in one approach.

Raising the pelvis with the leg extended upward

After mastering the basic technique of the glute bridge exercise, you can complicate it by switching to a technique with raising one leg.

Features of the exercise:

  1. The head and shoulders are pressed to the floor.
  2. The heels and buttocks are at a distance of 25-30 cm.
  3. The arms are along the body in a relaxed state.
  4. As you inhale, the body slowly rises.
  5. In the “bridge” position, you need to straighten one leg, lifting it up so that the toe is as straight as possible.
  6. Slowly lower your torso to the floor without lowering your leg.
  7. In this position, you can do a few more repetitions, with the leg raised and emphasis on one foot, and then you should change legs.
  8. When performing this exercise, the muscles of the buttocks and less the muscles of the thighs should be tensed as much as possible.
  9. The back and arms are not used at all.

The “gluteal bridge” has a low risk of injury. The main thing in this exercise: do not strain your back, but perform the movements smoothly.


Effectively works the thigh muscles and tightens the buttocks.

There are several simple techniques for this exercise:

Swing back:

  1. Focus on your elbows (or straight arms) and knees.
  2. You should begin to actively lift one leg, stretching it upward as much as possible, as if you need to touch the ceiling with your heel.
  3. You should hold your leg for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.
  4. After repeating several times, you should change legs.

Swing forward:

  1. Stand up straight and press one leg firmly to the floor.
  2. The second leg should be raised up and down as much as possible.
  3. You need to perform at the same pace, changing legs.

Swing to the side (standing):

  1. Stand up straight and grab the wall with your right hand.
  2. The left leg should be moved to the side as much as possible and slowly lowered.
  3. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

Swing to the side (lying):

  1. You need to lie on your side. Support your head with your arm bent at the elbow.
  2. Relax your other hand and place it in front of you.
  3. Extend the leg that is on the floor or bend it slightly at the knee (as convenient for you).
  4. Raise and lower the other leg. It can be straight or bent at the knee.
  5. The inner thigh should work as much as possible.
  6. Repeat on each leg 8-10 times.

For best results, you should combine all types of swings in training, repeating them on each leg 10 times.


A basic exercise not only for the buttocks, but also for training balance. Helps stretch muscles and build mass.


  1. Feet shoulder width apart.
  2. The back is straight, slightly arched in the lumbar area. The chin is raised.
  3. The stomach is tucked. Hands along the body or on the belt.
  4. Next you need to take a big step forward.
  5. In this position, maximum tension in the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh should be felt.
  6. The knee of the back leg is a couple of centimeters from the floor. The position of the back does not change.
  7. Lean on your extended leg, step back and return to the starting position.
  8. Do the exercise with emphasis on the second leg.

You can make the exercise more difficult by adding weight. To do this, you need to pick up dumbbells (weight 2-4 kg) or replace them at home with sand-filled plastic bottles of 1-1.5 liters. As the muscles stretch, the back leg will straighten more and the stride will increase.

High chair

Exercise not only helps to round the buttocks, but also:

  • strengthens knee joints;
  • develops concentration and endurance;
  • develops the anterior and posterior surface of the thigh.

Technique for girls:

  1. You should press your back tightly against the wall.
  2. Legs are bent at the knees and positioned shoulder-width apart.
  3. The hands are located along the body and pressed against the wall.
  4. As you inhale, you need to slide down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  5. Holding at this angle (it should be 90 degrees), you need to hold in this position for 30-60 seconds.
  6. The emphasis should be on the heels. To make the task easier, the wall should be rough.
  7. Hands can be placed on your hips.
  8. Then return to the starting position and repeat.

To enlarge your buttocks at home, you should perform the exercise 4-5 times, for at least 30 seconds. several times a week. Later, when the exercise is fully mastered, the load can be increased by holding dumbbells in your hands, squeezing your knees, or performing it on one leg.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Morning exercises for those over 40, 50. Gymnastics exercises for weight loss, video lessons.

Jumping up

This exercise can be easily performed at home using a strong box or a special cabinet. For beginner girls, it is better to limit the height of the box to 30-40 cm. Thanks to this exercise, the abdominal and back muscles are actively involved.


  1. Stand at a distance of 30 cm from the cabinet.
  2. Bend your knees.
  3. Having pushed off, jump onto the pedestal, pulling your knees to your chest in flight.
  4. Stand up completely straight. Rest for a couple of seconds.
  5. When jumping, no additional effort is required. The body arrives in a relaxed position with the knees slightly bent.
  6. When performing a jump, the arms help the body and make a clear swing.
  7. Repeat jumping without stopping on the floor.

Having honed the skill and technique of this exercise, the height of the cabinet can be increased by 5-10 cm. The maximum height is 70 cm. But for home exercises, you can limit the height to 50 cm.


A universal exercise that has a number of advantages:

  • strengthening a large number of muscles (back, legs, abs, buttocks);
  • promotes the process of losing weight;
  • strengthens the spine;
  • increases endurance.

There are 2 classic execution techniques:

On straight arms:

  1. Take a position with emphasis on your palms. The back should be straight and the body extended in a straight line (the buttocks are not raised up and the stomach does not touch the floor).
  2. The gaze is directed downward. The legs are straightened at the knees, and the emphasis is on the toes.
  3. You should hold in this position for as long as possible, but not less than 30 seconds.
  4. When the technique is already broken, the body must be lowered to the floor. Take a break and repeat the exercises 1-2 more times.

The technique of performing it with emphasis on the elbows repeats all the steps described, with the only difference being that the arms are bent at the elbows, and the main emphasis is not on the palms, but on the forearms.

The exposure time should be increased by 10 seconds with each week of training. The maximum time spent in the plank for home exercises is 5 minutes. Ideally, from the very beginning of the exercise, the shutter speed is at least 60 seconds.

After mastering the basic techniques, you can move on to other varieties of this exercise:

  • plank with raised arm;
  • plank with raised leg;
  • with support on two points;
  • with legs brought together;
  • twist plank;
  • reverse plank.

Any variation of the plank promotes weight loss, strengthens the muscle corset and increases endurance.

Moving on the buttocks

Fitness trainers who actively use the “walking on the buttocks” exercise know how to enlarge their butt at home.

Thanks to this simple exercise, a whole range of beneficial effects on the body is achieved:

  • improves blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • strengthens the spine;
  • promotes weight loss in the thigh area;
  • effectively tightens the muscles of the buttocks;
  • Serves as a prevention of gynecological diseases.


  1. You need to sit on the mat. Keep your back straight, stretch your legs in front of you and slightly bend your knees.
  2. Lift one buttock and stretch it slightly forward. Lower.
  3. Lift the second buttock and extend it a little further than the first to create a “step”.
  4. Hands are in any comfortable position.
  5. Thus, we move forward “reaching” the end of the mat. In the same way, the movement is carried out backwards.
  6. Movements should be smooth, and the “steps” should not be too large.

The exercise is performed in 3-4 approaches. Afterwards, you can move on to an easier variation: rolling from one buttock to another. This exercise will get rid of fat deposits and prevent cellulite.


A simple exercise for the lower body, it is safe for the spine and therefore ideal for home workouts.


  1. Lie on your stomach. Stretch your arms forward, palms facing the floor.
  2. Raise your legs and upper body as high as possible.
  3. The entire body should balance on the stomach in a flying Superman pose.
  4. You need to stay in this position for a couple of seconds and slowly return to the original state.

It is better to start performing with 10 repetitions. And increase their number as your physical fitness improves.

How long does it take to pump up your buttocks?

Before you start working on yourself, I want you to throw any stupid hopes out of your head. Remember - you won’t be able to pump up your buttocks in a week or a month! Just like you won’t be able to pump up your butt at home! At most, you will give her a more fit look. If you want to noticeably improve your figure, then get ready for a long journey and regular workouts in the gym. You haven’t seen a single bodybuilder who pumped up a mountain of muscles while sitting at home. Well, really?

By the way, not only girls like to pump their butts. Sometimes I notice that some men also enjoy training their butt. If you are a guy and are reading all this now, then you can safely take this material as an example..

That's all. Here is a complete guide on how to pump up the biggest butt. All in your hands!

Cosmetics for buttock enlargement

If you are interested in how to make your buttocks bigger, then you should pay attention to cosmetic products aimed at increasing the volume of your butt. There are a lot of them today. These include various creams, sprays, and gels. They all work basically the same way. They contain various herbs that have a warming and stimulating effect.

When they are used, blood circulation improves, as a result of which the skin cells begin to receive all the necessary nutrients, are restored and saturated with moisture. At the same time, the skin itself becomes tightened and elastic.

All these creams contain herbs that promote the synthesis of growth hormone in the body.
As a result, the effect of buttock enlargement is achieved. But it should be noted that if you use these creams without proper nutrition and physical activity, the result will be small and will not last long. But they should still be used. In just 2-3 weeks you will evaluate the condition of your skin and the result will definitely not disappoint you. Hips Exercises Buttocks

How to keep your buttocks toned without doing exercises?

To maintain muscle tone without playing sports, you can learn a number of simple rules that should be followed in everyday life:

  1. Walk more. Hiking helps keep your butt and legs in shape. This form of physical activity helps improve blood circulation. The minimum time that should be spent walking is 20 minutes. in a day.
  2. Replace using the elevator with taking the stairs. Of course, if the girl does not live or work above the 8th floor. Walking up and down the stairs every day keeps your butt in shape, even without regular exercise.
  3. Develop a diet. Proper nutrition helps keep the body in good condition, and excellent metabolism contributes to the rapid absorption of food, without converting it into fat deposits.

  4. Drink more water. Water has many beneficial properties, one of which is maintaining skin elasticity.

These recommendations are suitable for all girls who dream of keeping fit without spending money on a fitness club and who do not have time for regular exercise at home.

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