The best crossfit training programs at home

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CrossFit is one of the hottest workout trends these days. The audience for CrossFit grew exponentially, and thanks to the American cable sports channel ESPN and the Reebok brand, CrossFit became a Thing to Do - a must-do activity around the world.

The popularity of CrossFit also makes it necessary to discuss the pros and cons of this training direction. However, consider this an opinion and make your own choice.

CrossFit: the formation of elite fitness

The CrossFit WOD is a competitive, intense, and extremely demanding workout on your body. Typically you are working against the clock to complete your WOD. The faster you finish, the “better you will be.” If you're new to fitness and want an easy start, it might be best for you to go in the opposite direction of CrossFit, because the latter will get you started.

CrossFit primarily targets your anaerobic system—the fast-twitch and explosive muscle fibers. The reason CrossFitters huff and puff after every WOD is because they exhaust this system. The stronger you become, the more you raise your lactic acid threshold and are able to tolerate the effects of your work.

All CrossFit exercises require solid skill, precision, and overall strength. You must learn these moves or your safety and results will be compromised!

If you are a beginner or just lifting weights half-assed, then you are NOT doing your body any favors. You will get injured! Yes, CrossFit may be trendy and cool right now, but don't destroy your body for your first WOD.

What kind of workouts are done during CrossFit?

CrossFit is a truly unique system. The meaning of this training method is to develop, using a specially selected set of exercises, simultaneously several muscle groups that are responsible for certain characteristics (endurance, flexibility, etc.), and to strengthen the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs. As a result, it is possible to harden the body, lose weight and give muscles relief.

The essence of the training consists of very intense exercises performed in a circular manner for a minimum period of time. For this reason, a session lasting only thirty minutes gives a noticeable effect after just three weeks. In addition, the program of such training is constantly improving, new options are appearing, thanks to which improved performance is achieved.

CrossFit includes individual elements of various sports disciplines. In particular, the structure of training using this method includes:

  • Exercises typical of gymnastics;
  • Aerobics sets;
  • Exercises using dumbbells or barbells;
  • Bodybuilding elements.

Thanks to this combination of different areas, CrossFit is a unique and effective method for developing physical characteristics and losing weight.

Be sure to read: Rules for doing exercises for weight loss - basic exercises

Pros of CrossFit

1. Strong community

The community of people that CrossFit has is pretty damn impressive. CrossFit has done an amazing job of getting people to get off their butts and start working out.

2. Exciting atmosphere

CrossFit is known for busting your ass! In a CrossFit workout, they'll tell you to take a step forward when you're tired and push you when you want to give up. For some, this is exactly what they need - EXTRA PUSH, or a Super Kick in the Ass!

Walk into any CrossFit gym and you'll hear loud upbeat music and people screaming as they do WODs. The atmosphere is both vibrant and infectious. In general, CrossFit workouts look fun.

3. Competitiveness

Competition is a great tool to add if implemented correctly. It helps motivate you to do an extra set when you see others working as hard as you, or you can set a personal goal and compete against your old results and fitness scores. CrossFit uses competition to help trainees stay motivated and stay on top of their game.

Thus, CrossFit has created a strong training environment that includes competition and hard work. This has led to a strong community that continues to grow and inspire others to workout.

As CrossFit continues to connect and grow, its community will continue to expand. One thing a fitness trainer or boot camp instructor can learn from CrossFit is how to create the type of connection, emotional engagement and unity in their classes to increase results and retention.

Cons of CrossFit

1. Lack of personalization

Yes, CrossFit inspires and motivates people, but experienced trainers may find its lack of personalization frustrating. Personalization is the customization of a training program for an individual.

And while CrossFit tailors its workouts to group classes, there is no one-size-fits-all program for everyone, all the time! Prescribing the same workout for both experienced students and beginners is rather a mistake.

2. No programming

Programming is everything! If you want reliable and safe results, you need to consider people's individual needs and special needs.

Each person is unique and has different strengths and weaknesses. Personalization focuses on your weaknesses, corrects them to build your strength, and prevents future injuries. Personalization is the key to true fitness.

Most, but not all, CrossFit instructors do not code. They simply follow the WOD posted on and implement it for their clients. There are many problems with this: how would you implement WOD for those who have problems with flexibility? Will Murph help solve the problem? No, it won't help!

The Murph involves running 1 mile, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and another 1 mile. Remember that a WOD consists of strength and strength exercises mixed together into one high-intensity interval, so implementing a random WOD will not meet anyone's specific needs.

3. Lack of scalability

Is it wise to use a WOD on a newbie who lacks strength? CrossFit instructors can reduce WOD based on fitness level, but is Fran really a good fit for someone's first workout? Fran includes 3 rounds of 21-15-9 reps for 43kg thrusters and pull-ups.

Workout program for weight loss

CrossFit both at home and in the gym follows the same program. It includes a warm-up and a basic complex.


It includes:

  • running in place;
  • jumping rope;
  • body turns;
  • body tilts.

The entire stage lasts a maximum of 10 minutes, during which time the muscles should warm up, blood circulation should accelerate, breathing and pulse should increase. All warm-up exercises are performed at a fast pace and without interruption.

Basic complex

It can be changed according to the desire and capabilities of the practitioner; some exercises are performed with weights. To do this, you will need dumbbells - this is a start, then you will need to purchase a kettlebell or barbell. The basic CrossFit complex includes:

  • squats - with feet wide apart or narrowly spaced, on two legs or on one, full or half squats;
  • push-ups - from the floor or bench/chair/sofa, you must “bounce” on your hands and clap your palms;
  • jumping rope - they are made more difficult, for which you need to have time to spin the rope twice around yourself at the moment of jumping;
  • jumping on a bench - it should be 40 - 60 cm high, the jump is performed from the floor, pushing off with both legs at once, you can perform the exercise from a squatting position.

The basic complex can be expanded, supplemented with other exercises, and as strength increases and weight decreases, you can complicate the training using a kettlebell, barbell or dumbbells.

A set of exercises at home

The workout can be customized based on your starting weight, endurance, and strength. For example, you can take the following set of exercises at home:

  • running in place - quickly for 30 seconds, with high knees for 30 seconds;
  • squats – 20 times;
  • jumping rope – 30 times;
  • jumping up with clapping your palms above your head – 30 times;
  • push-ups from the floor – 20 times;
  • squats – 20 times;
  • lifting straight legs from a supine position – 20 times.

All exercises are performed “in a circle” without stopping, without interruption. For a beginning crosslifter, a 10-minute workout is enough, but every day you need to increase this figure by at least a minute. The maximum duration of classes is 40 minutes.

Once the simplest exercises are mastered and performed quickly and easily, you can complicate the complex and add:

  • squats on one leg – 20 times;
  • jumping on a bench – 15 times;
  • “got up/lay down” – 20 times.

The most intense training will be the one that, after a classic warm-up, involves doing the following:

  • 800 m fast run;
  • push-ups – 50 times;
  • squats on one leg – 100 times (you can use two limbs);
  • “got up/lay down” – 150 times;
  • fast 800 m run.

This “circle” is performed at high speed, without interruption. The complex is quite heavy, but if you want to achieve the desired results quickly, then it is optimal.

About CrossFit on vacation or at home, watch this video:

A comment

Alexey, 34 years old, has been doing CrossFit since the end of 2021:

— I really like CrossFit because the loads and exercises are functional. That is, you make those movements that can really be useful in life. CrossFit develops strength endurance, agility, allows you to easily carry heavy bags from the supermarket to your home, and walk long distances without fatigue, thereby increasing your quality of life.

CrossFit is also very interesting and fun, because the classes are group, there is always a competitive element, and you can always compare how you perform a complex with how others do it, and, for example, force yourself to push yourself.

In the crossfit gym they will always cheer you up, help you put away your equipment, everyone is always very friendly and helpful. Due to the fact that the complexes are different every time, you never get bored, you want to come again and again, perform them through sweat, pain and suffering, after completing them, collapse on the floor satisfied, catch your breath, drink water and go to rest in a great mood.

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