Read online “Surrender... and become slim! Diet "Doctor Bormental"

The Bormenthal diet is a weight loss technique, the principle of which is based on an effective psychological technique that helps reduce appetite and helps identify motivation for losing weight. This figure correction system was patented in 2001 by Dr. Bormenthal. Every year its popularity is gradually growing. During therapy, breathing exercises, neurolinguistic coding methods, and meditation may be used.

In addition to the psychological approach, Bormental's system is based on a strict limitation of the daily caloric intake to 1200 kcal per day (1400 kcal for heavy physical work), four to five meals a day with intervals between meals of up to 4.5 hours. Thanks to this routine, metabolism is activated, the size of the stomach decreases, excess weight is lost, and healthy habits are formed.

The duration of the weight loss method is not strictly regulated; the average weight loss per week is 1-3 kg.

Diet principles

The program from Dr. Bormenthal does not provide a specific list of permitted foods that should be eaten during the day. A person makes his own menu based on the rules listed below.


  • Diet principles
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Bormenthal calorie table
  • Menu for every day
  • Reviews and exit rules
  • Dietary recipes
  • Conclusion

A distinctive feature of this weight loss method is the calculation of the total calorie content of the daily diet. As well as monitoring the daily plumb line. For these purposes, it is recommended to purchase floor or kitchen scales.

To avoid mistakes, it is useful to keep a Bormenthal diary, in which you can carry out an energy calculation of the products or dishes planned for consumption for the day. Their total energy value should not exceed the daily norm.

At first, this procedure requires a lot of time, but after 2 weeks the new habit will allow you to perform these operations automatically.

A personal diary is needed not only to record food calorie data and weight status, but also to analyze eating behavior. After 20 days of the diet, those losing weight will be able to clearly notice what results they have achieved, as well as make menu adjustments to improve results.

The principles on which the Bormetal weight loss program is based:

  1. No strict food restrictions. That is, if you have a desire to eat a cake, you are allowed to eat it, but subject to subtracting its calorie content from your daily energy intake. Thanks to this approach, a person does not feel psychological discomfort, which inevitably leads to stress, breakdowns and overeating. After the desired product enters the body, the food pleasure centers send signals to satisfy the need. As a result, the craving for this dish weakens or disappears completely in the near future.
  2. Strict drinking regime. The daily requirement of clean water is 2 liters.
  3. Four meals a day. The maximum time interval between meals is 4.5 hours. If necessary, switch to five meals a day.
  4. The daily caloric content of the diet is 1200 kcal, in extreme cases it increases to 1400 kcal if heavy physical labor is performed. The volume of a single serving is up to 200 g.
  5. Limiting the consumption of simple carbohydrates. Prohibited products include: products made from premium varieties of wheat (pasta, confectionery products), alcoholic beverages. In addition, you should avoid pickled, smoked, fatty, and salty foods. Preferred cooking methods: baking, steaming, boiling and stewing.
  6. The calorie content of each meal should be distributed according to the principle (relative to the daily norm): breakfast - 30%, second breakfast - 10%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 20%.
  7. The emphasis in nutrition is on fermented milk products with low fat content, protein foods (meat, fish, seafood), unsweetened fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. The last meal is 3.5 hours before bedtime.
  8. Avoid heavy physical activity. When losing weight while reducing the daily calorie intake, additional energy expenditure can be harmful.
  9. Weigh yourself weekly.

If you follow the rules of the method, you can become 2-4 kg lighter in 7 days. At the same time, you do not have to experience any strong restrictions; you are allowed to make changes to your diet. The Bormenthal diet can be practiced for 2 months. In case of weakness, exhaustion, or loss of strength, the daily diet should be increased by 200 kcal.

This weight loss program gradually builds healthy eating habits, which will further help you maintain your desired shape.

Introduction Let's get to know each other

Who are you, dear reader? Or, more likely, dear reader?

You want to look good and, most importantly, feel good: become slimmer, more cheerful, more confident, do not take your eyes off the mirror, be happy to buy new things, catch admiring glances, boldly appear on the beach in a swimsuit.

You have already tested your own willpower more than once, gone on all sorts of diets, exhausted yourself in the gym, and maybe - I really hope that this is not the case - you took so-called “weight loss products”, now one or the other. You probably scolded yourself for breakdowns and failures, suffered from bouts of overeating and grieved to the point of tears, looking at the scales and in the mirror.

Why am I talking about this in the past tense? Because now that we have met, all this will remain in the past for you. Of course, not right away. As they say, Moscow was not built in a day. But gradually you will forget about the past grief caused by excess weight, and change for the better, you will begin to like yourself and be proud of yourself. And the mirror will show you a wonderfully pleasant updated portrait: refreshed, slimmer, calm, self-confident.

I'm with you!

My name is Alexander Kondrashov. 10 years ago, while still a student at Tomsk Medical University, my psychotherapy teacher invited me to look at the work of a group for psychocorrection of excess weight.

-Where should you go? – I asked.

- Everything takes place in .

I remember this name seemed somehow fabulous to me then. I came. And fell in love. I fell in love with psychotherapy, because I saw the results of my work. I fell in love with the program for psychocorrection of excess weight because I could create, invent, create new ideas with every person who came to me, every day, in every new situation. I stayed at Bormenthal. 10 years have passed. Two books have been written about weight loss, more than 3,000 hours have been spent with those who are losing weight, dozens of new techniques, approaches, and techniques have been invented. But every day I continue to be amazed at how interesting, multifaceted, and deep a person can be!

The new book you are holding in your hands is dedicated to you, dear reader, as a sign of gratitude for the fact that you allow me to discover more and more new facets of the most interesting work in the world.

And it differs from other books about the fight against excess weight in this way: throughout the book I will be with you, I will help, support, sometimes console and give advice. Although we will not communicate with you in person, consider that you have come to an appointment with a personal psychologist-psychotherapist. Over the course of many years of extensive practice, I have accumulated so many stories and situations that I can say with confidence that I know most of the pitfalls on the path to slimness. I will be able to answer any questions you may have in advance.

We will spend 100 days with you. Every day we will understand the emotions and thoughts that overcome you and remove all possible obstacles. I will tell you stories similar to yours so that you understand the pattern of what is happening. You won't be alone. Because thousands of people have already followed the same path. And they reached their goal. Thanks to the examples, you will save time, effort and nerves. And, no matter what anyone says, learning from other people’s mistakes is always easier and safer than learning from your own. You don’t have to step on the rake yourself if you know in theory what they threaten.

Getting slim while hunting, or the main principles of the book

This book is intended for those for whom diets do not help. The book is structured in such a way that you will overcome the path to slimness smoothly, as they say, “in the hunt,” without breakdowns and slides into depression, and most importantly, without the feeling of violence against yourself. And this is very important!

Since you have started a diet more than once and failed, you are well familiar with this painful and painful feeling of “I can’t do it.” It is quite natural that you could not stand it. Don't beat yourself up about it.

No categorical prohibitions!

There are no categorical demands waiting for you on the pages of this book. No one will shout in your ear “now or never, get up, Oblomov!” And you won't need to make any sudden jerks. This takes into account the peculiarities of the human psyche, which cannot tolerate jerking and “raised tone.”

Towards the goal voluntarily in small steps

The technique that I offer you allows you to go towards your goal in small steps. Each stage is simple and, most importantly, you go through it voluntarily, with interest and determination. The methodology is based on the properties of the human psyche. We need support and cannot stand the word “no”. Therefore, bans on something harmful do not work, so they are meaningless, and I do not use them. If you forbid some food, for example, buns, then the sweet forbidden fruit will attract you, and the psyche will be offended by the order - and a breakdown will occur. We will go a different way. I will explain to you how to rebuild your consciousness, and then you yourself, of your own free will, replace harmful goodies with healthy ones, because a large selection of options will open before you. You will win on your own!

I'm holding your hand

In this book, I lead you, the readers, by the hand. Together we will go through the most difficult period, preparing the psyche for change. Then, when you're ready, you'll begin to learn simple, small steps and exercises that will help you change your eating habits. All tasks will be extremely specific and very interesting. True, you will need to keep a diary of observations and achievements.

The book is divided into days. Ideally, you will follow me, following the same order. In the first ten days, open the book every day and read what you need to do that day. Then contact her every five, every ten days. Don't get ahead of yourself, don't rush, and you'll get help exactly when you need it.

Advantages and disadvantages

In the ranking of diets, the Bormental weight loss program occupies 25th position. To develop and maintain motivation to lose weight, first of all, you need to admit to yourself that you are obese. Despite the fact that there is nothing shameful in this, not every person has the courage to state the fact. In this case, it would not be superfluous to seek help from a psychotherapist. The doctor will help you get into a positive frame of mind, making weight loss easier to bear.

Advantages of the technique:

  • the ability to make changes to the diet, create an individual menu;
  • freedom of choice of dishes;
  • lasting results;
  • lack of hunger;
  • reduction in stomach size;
  • formation of new healthy eating habits, the main one of which is not to overeat.

Proponents of the diet note the lack of stress caused by giving up their favorite foods. Unlike other weight loss methods (especially strict programs that involve staying on one vegetable, fruit, grain or fermented milk drink), Bormental’s program does not exclude the intake of high-calorie foods: bananas, dates, figs, raisins, grapes. They can be eaten, however, provided that the daily calorie intake should be at around 1200 units.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  1. Constant calorie counting. This causes discomfort, for example, if you need to eat outside the home or during frequent business trips.
  2. Not universality of the system. The Bormenthal diet provides for a “low-calorie corridor”, which not every person can withstand.
  3. Incompatible with physical activity. People who regularly go to the gym and do fitness are advised to pay attention to the Dukan diet. A protein-based nutrition system allows you to speed up weight loss, build muscle mass and feel good at the same time. Otherwise, intense exercise while practicing the Bormenthal diet can lead to exhaustion of the body.
  4. Contraindications: mental disorders, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and lactation, acute, oncological and chronic diseases, age under 18 years and after 60 years.

Dr. Bormenthal's nutrition program is prohibited for people who have had a heart attack or stroke.

  1. Deterioration in mood, performance and general vitality, appearance of weakness. As a result, the immune system weakens, the body's susceptibility to viral infections increases, and the likelihood of developing anemia, hormonal disorders, and cancer increases.
  2. Loose skin, flabby muscle tissue. To avoid these unpleasant consequences of losing weight according to Bormental, it is necessary to undergo physical procedures, and light physical exercise should not be neglected. To maintain the tone of the dermis, it is useful to undergo spa treatments, wraps, and massage.
  3. Imbalance. In order to maintain the body and prevent nutritional deficiencies, it is recommended to use a vitamin and mineral complex (“Vitrum”, “Alphabet”) throughout the diet.

Remember, after switching from your usual diet to a dietary one, with a sharp restriction of high-carbohydrate foods, the body feels discomfort, which manifests itself in malaise. This is a normal reaction that usually goes away within a few days. Gradually the stomach adapts to the changes, and the discomfort goes away.

Sometimes at some stage the weight stops. In this case, there is no need to doubt the effectiveness of the diet. This is normal. It is necessary to continue to adhere to the technique, and after some time (5-7 days) the daily plumb line will move from zero to minus.

Before switching to a dietary diet, it is recommended to undergo an examination and consult with your doctor to determine whether there are any contraindications.


The Russian weight loss market cannot be called well developed. It is fragmented, poorly structured, and the network format is almost undeveloped. There are only two more or less large networks that extend beyond Moscow, St. Petersburg and several other million-plus cities. These are the clinics of Dr. Gavrilov and Dr. Bormental. Gavrilov and his partners have six of their own clinics with a total annual turnover of approximately 60 million rubles and another 30 are open as franchises, including in Kazakhstan and Belarus. Bormental is represented in Russia and the CIS by 70–80 clinics, some of which operate as franchises (in both cases, data from the owners). And the most interesting thing is that quite recently Bormental and Gavrilov were actually one person.

Mikhail Gavrilov’s father, a nuclear physicist and honored inventor of the USSR, really wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. “His work is so secret that I don’t even know what he actually invented. In general, this area was not very interesting to me,” says Gavrilov. He graduated from the Siberian State Medical University with a degree in pediatrics. And then a surprise happened. One of the early perestroika entrepreneurs offered a recent student a job - coding patients for excess weight. We coded quickly, in one visit. Did Gavrilov know how to code? “It was 1992, a wild time. They explained to me what to do, showed me certain technologies, and that’s it. But I even liked it. When a patient says that he feels better, that’s already great. And when the kilograms go away, you see the result much more specifically - there is a special excitement,” explains the doctor. As a bonus, the employer paid him for additional education in the field of psychiatry.

Numerous programs with the participation of Gavrilov show that he knows how to make an impression with his soft manner of communication. Some of his patients also talk about the gift of suggestion. But then, in the early 90s, the work was not very successful. “Coding was very popular, but somehow everything was organized frivolously,” admits the doctor. Approximately 20% of patients were able to lose weight. But Gavrilov was already immersed in the topic, studying methods of psychotherapy that had just appeared in Russia - NLP, hypnosis according to the Erikson method, psychosynthesis. In addition, he wrote a PhD thesis on the topic “The relationship between psychological and physiological characteristics in normalizing body weight in overweight women” and developed his own method (the opinions of the participants differ greatly on who was the main inspirer of this process).

Mikhail Gavrilov. Photo:

The system was entirely based on psychological aspects, because excess weight is most often associated with so-called eating behavior: problems associated with endocrine disorders, according to estimates of psychotherapists and nutritionists working in this area, account for no more than 2–5% of cases. The new method, unlike coding, required a minimum of five classes: four in a row and one more test a month later. The task was to instill in a person faith in his own abilities, teach him to set goals, rejoice at every step along the way to them, count calories consumed, and so on.

Bormenthal calorie table

The daily diet should be based on the energy value of cooked foods (not raw foods). This is precisely the peculiarity of Bormenthal’s table.

Before going on a diet, it is recommended to create a menu for 3-4 days, recording the calorie content of each dish in a diary.
The diet can be adjusted based on your own preferences, which do not violate the fundamental principles of nutrition. Before eating, food must be weighed. Nutritional value of ready meals according to Bormenthal

NameCalorie content per 100 g of product, kcal
Meat, poultry
Pork neck234
Fat duck214
Hare meat124
Lamb (fillet)121
Pig tongue115
Chicken (fillet)113
Beef tongue112
Veal (tenderloin)97
Chicken breast91
Turkey (breast)84
Whole milk powder481
Gouda cheese (45%)368
Brynza (50%)299
Cream (20%)205
Sour cream (15%)160
Cottage cheese (9%)166
Ryazhenka (6%)85
Cow's milk (2.5%)55
Yogurt (1.5%)52
Kefir (2%)50
Kefir (1%)37
Fish and seafood
Red caviar251
Pollock caviar131
Cod roe115
Sea bass108
Blue whiting72
crucian carp56
Sea kale5
Bread, porridge
Premium wheat bread233
Rye bread214
Wheat bran154
Pearl barley106
Boiled pasta103
Wheat viscous90
Puree with milk65
Polka dots75
Bulb onions43
bell pepper30
Green onion25
White cabbage24
Lettuce leaves11
A pineapple40
Black currant34
Strawberries, strawberries33
Drinks and broths
Gin, whiskey, cognac220
Meat broth20
Fish broth15
Mushroom broth10
Vegetable broth0
Water, tea without sugar0

On weekdays, it is better to focus on breakfast. It should contain a small amount of carbohydrates. This will improve your well-being and allow you to maintain high activity, at least in the first half of the day. For lunch, it is recommended to eat protein foods (meat or fish) with vegetables. Like breakfast, it should be hearty, and dinner, on the contrary, should be light. In the evening, it is preferable to eat a salad of fresh vegetables, baked apples, and drink yogurt.

Menu for every day

The Bormenthal diet does not provide clear instructions regarding the daily consumption of foods. Those who are losing weight make their own diet. To determine the nutritional value of a dish, all its components must be accurately weighed, then their calorie content is determined from the table and an energy calculation is made. This figure is recorded in a diary and the remaining daily requirement is calculated.

Sample menu for the week

Option #1:

  • breakfast – chicken – 80 g, tomato – 1 piece, buckwheat – 80 g;
  • second breakfast – half a marshmallow, green tea without sugar – 200 ml;
  • lunch – mashed new potatoes – 100 g, pollock – 150 g, half a red pepper;
  • afternoon snack – orange – 1 piece;
  • dinner – beef baked with herbs – 100 g, kefir 1% – 150 ml, cucumber and tomato salad – 150 g.

Option #2:

  • breakfast – buckwheat with milk – 100 g;
  • second breakfast – low-fat yogurt without additives – 180 ml, bran bread – 3 pcs;
  • lunch – cucumber – 1 pc., tomato – 1 pc., cabbage soup with fresh cabbage – 200 g, slice of whole grain bread – 1 pc.;
  • afternoon snack – unroasted almonds – 30 g;
  • dinner – chicken with vegetables – 200 g.

Option #3:

  • breakfast – cottage cheese 5% – 100 g;
  • second breakfast – walnuts – 30 g;
  • lunch – whole grain bread – 1 piece, fish – 100 g, carrots – 50 g, kefir 1% – 150 ml;
  • afternoon snack – tomato juice – 180 ml;
  • dinner – vegetable mix of green peas, white cabbage and cucumber – 100 g, chicken fillet – 100 g.

Eating should take place in a calm environment at the table. You need to eat slowly (at least 15 minutes) so that the hunger regulation center can promptly signal the onset of satiety. Otherwise, if you eat on the go, after eating a portion, a person will not feel full for some time (up to 20 minutes). This threatens to increase portions, which can lead to diet failure.

Breakfast should be within 60 minutes of waking up, and dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime. Once every 2 weeks you are allowed to drink a glass of natural dry red wine.

Dr. Bormenthal. Because you need to lose weight! — Alexander Kondrashov

Introductory fragment Of course, not everyone succeeds in getting into the world of Slim. This requires determination, arrogance and drive. This requires a willingness to jump into an unknown and as yet completely incomprehensible adventure. This is real magic, true magic. Writer Richard Bach, a mystic and magician, describes it this way: “….it’s like diving into a deep lake on a hot day. First, from a sharp change in temperature, you experience shock, a second of pain, and then you accept what happened, that is, it’s as if you begin to swim...”

What are they, these Slenders? Food for them is just a means of subsistence, fuel, but not an end in itself. It does not replace their meaning in life. Slim people always have diverse interests and discover new opportunities. Therefore, in order to join their number, you will have to understand yourself, your feelings and real desires. And it’s also very important to allow yourself to be Slim! There is a certain amount of risk here. Most people treat sick, maimed, and people offended by fate well. They sympathize with their suffering. But Slender people are envied because they look at the world with happy eyes, because they have chosen the path of joy rather than suffering. Therefore, the right to be Slim will need to be defended.

Imagine a group of Fat People in which someone decided to become slim. To dare to take such a step, he will have to not only change himself, but also cope with the discontent of his comrades. After all, a whole hail of reproaches will fall on his head: “You betrayed us. We went on diets together, exhausted ourselves in the gym together. Together - we are force. How dare you become happy when we are still suffering?”

Those who decide to become Slim really risk finding themselves in a completely different world, where different rules apply. Therefore, they will have to muster the courage to confront their surroundings and the strength to endure alone. Are you ready to deal with it? The path to Slimness should be your choice and you will have to go through it yourself. No one can force you to take this difficult road. Keep in mind that you won't have to torture yourself with diets or fasting, you won't have to torture yourself for hours in the gym, take pills or inject yourself with needles. In the world of Slim, you need to change your mindset and simply live like a Slim person. It's extremely easy. It's extremely difficult. It's extremely exciting.

1. This is a revolution of consciousness. What in the Thick consciousness is perceived as the norm, as the only possible way of life, in the Slender consciousness is perceived as something extremely undesirable, causing dissatisfaction, even pain. Marvelous. Surprising and... normal. Are you ready for the fact that many things that today serve as a kind of support for you, a way to get pleasure, will begin to cause hostility? To the point that you will lose something very familiar and desirable for you today? Are you ready to pay this price for your Slimness? How do you personally feel about this choice?

2. But the reward for all your efforts will be great. You will no longer have to exhaust yourself with hunger strikes, diets or heavy physical activity, sit on pills and engage in other self-abuse. In the world of Slim, you don't have to strain to maintain your weight. It’s enough just to live like a Slim person, then the extra pounds will fall off by themselves, and you will settle forever in this happy universe!

Your first Slimness test

To take the path of Slimness, you first need to try to understand yourself. Answer the question “Who are you?” A loser tormented by extra pounds or a successful and self-confident person with a certain makeweight? Your future life depends on your answer.

Imagine a young ballerina who gets injured and stops dancing. After a couple of years, she gained excess weight, looks at herself in the mirror and thinks: “How fat and ugly I have become. Now I have to change my wardrobe.” This is what people really think when they give up and come to terms with their fatness. They put on the mask of “I’m fat, ugly, unhappy.” But the same ballerina can look at herself in the mirror and say: “I’ve gained a few extra pounds. But it won't last long. I urgently need to take care of myself in order to wear my favorite dress.” This is how Slender people think, who will never allow the image of a Fat Man into themselves.

Or here's another example. Imagine a buffet. In front of him was a considerable number of food lovers. But some of them will try a little of everything and get great pleasure from the food. Even if they overdo it with goodies, they will leave the table without blaming themselves for the extra calories. The next day they will not restrict themselves in food and try to get rid of the “gained kilograms”: “Yes, I overate a little. At my mother-in-law’s birthday party in a week, I’ll be more attentive to myself and leave with a lighter stomach.” This is how people with the “I’m slim” attitude act, and they don’t actually gain weight.

Other representatives with typical behavior of Fat People will attack the food and will not leave until they have cleared everything from the table. True, after the feast they will mock themselves for a long time: “Why did I eat so many sweets. I can’t fit through doors anyway. Now I’ll have to go on a diet for a whole week.” And then self-punishment will indeed follow - fasting days, tiring physical activity, etc. “Once you’ve done a fine, you’ll have to pay.” Another scenario could be a “food breakdown.” Like an alcoholic who has relapsed after a long period of abstinence, the ever-losing Fat Man or Fat Woman will give up on himself and go into binge-eating. “Since I’ve lost my temper and gained a couple of kilograms, what’s there to lose now.”

It is important to understand that your weight largely depends on how you feel about yourself. Excess weight from the head. The choice is yours. It's time to decide which attitude is closer to you: “I'm fat” or “I'm slim.”

One of our patients, who lost 25 kilograms after a course of treatment, shared.

I am a big skeptic, and in the fight against any illness I trust only traditional medicine. For a long time I was involved in athletics and generally tried to lead a healthy lifestyle. But at the age of 40, she began to gain weight sharply. I immediately turned to a nutritionist and passed all the necessary tests. The doctor put together an individual program for me, which included a special diet and medications that reduce appetite. I strictly followed all the instructions. As a result, after the course I lost 20 kg, which I was very happy about. However, after a few weeks she began to gain weight again. I began to feel terrible depression. So much effort, time and money have been spent, but all in vain. I looked at myself in the mirror and hated my body. The fat hangs down on the sides, the legs look like hams, the neck is like a sharpei's, in folds. I began to look at slender women with such envy and hatred that I was ready to attack them with my fists. “They eat everything, they don’t exhaust themselves in the gym, they don’t get fat, you bastards! And why am I not like them?

After the course at the Doctor Bormental clinic, my attitude towards myself and others changed. I accepted myself as a slim woman. I realized that my extra 25 kg is a temporary phenomenon in my life. I used to be slim. Therefore, it will not be difficult for me to return to my previous appearance. And I succeeded! By the way, now I don’t envy slim women at all. I look at them with pleasure, study their behavior and try to imitate them myself.

Reviews and exit rules

Dr. Bormenthal's diet is considered one of the most effective weight loss methods. Adherents of a low-calorie diet claim successful weight loss without subsequent regression. During the first week, 2-5 extra pounds are lost, depending on individual factors, constitution and initial weight. Subsequently, the “natural loss” of weight corresponds to 6-12 kilograms per month. Along with the removal of excess fluid from the body, swelling decreases, and the dermis takes on a healthy appearance.

Victory over excess weight is a real reason to be proud of yourself. However, the joy of this achievement is overshadowed by the question: “How to restore elasticity to the skin?” The dermis has the ability to contract and stretch. Naturally, excess fat under the skin puts pressure on it. As a result, the dermis stretches, covering all the folds. With weight loss, it doesn’t go away, but sag.

The most problematic areas: chest, buttocks, inner thighs, stomach and arms. To remove sagging skin, you need to act on it from the outside and from the inside at the same time. Ways to combat: water treatments, cosmetics, body wraps, massage, physical activity, scrubs and peels, drinking plenty of fluids, a balanced low-carbohydrate diet.

After losing weight (when the desired result is achieved), the first thing you need to do is maintain the weight, eliminating the possibility of it returning. This can be achieved by constantly maintaining a new regime and observing the basic principles of nutrition: nourishing, tasty, healthy, necessary for slimness. When the right habits are formed, you can gradually increase the daily energy value of the diet by 200-300 kcal. In this way, the body will be able to protect itself from stress and avoid the return of lost pounds.

Dr. Bormenthal insists that the cause of excess weight is in the head. To cope with it, it is enough to change your attitude towards this fact: destroy previously established stereotypes of unhealthy eating behavior and eliminate the psychological causes of overeating. Only after full awareness and elimination of them, a person has a chance to control habits, appetite, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Remember, excess weight is not only an unsightly appearance, but also a hidden threat to health. Obesity is the cause of the development of many diseases, in particular atherosclerosis and hypertension. Therefore, the decision to start losing weight, first of all, should be based on maintaining health, and only then on beauty.

Part 1 About food

Slender World – Daily Wonderland

Do you ever have the feeling that somewhere very close, in some parallel universe, there exists a happy world - a world of slim people? You can see it perfectly, because its inhabitants with satisfied and joyful smiles pass two steps away from you. You feel its aromas, hear its sounds, but you just can’t get into this happy world, as if it is bewitched by mysterious spells, and the way there is closed to you, with your excess weight. It's a shame? Does it feel familiar? I'm sure so. You would give a lot to also become one of the inhabitants of this slim world. After all, miracles happen there every day, there you always manage to get something that you want, but are so sorely lacking: happiness, love, success in society and at work, respect and admiration from others - family, friends, colleagues. And you are sure: if you become slimmer, all this will appear. Your shoulders will straighten, your eyes will sparkle, people will treat you differently, and you will love yourself. Just to dispel the witchcraft spell!

What we won't take with us on a trip to the world of Slim

You really want to get into the Slim World. Let's get ready together, collect everything we need and go there on an expedition. To make it successful, I will tell you in advance what awaits you on the way and upon arrival, what obstacles you will need to overcome, what miracles and monsters you will encounter and what weapons you will use to defeat them. But that's a little later. In the meantime...

Before you and I begin preparing for the expedition to the World of Slim, it is necessary to make two warnings.

First warning. We say “No” to all suspicious bottles, teas and patches!

Before we move forward on the journey to Slim World, I have an important warning. Dear readers, please do not try to accompany the work on this book by taking any pills or mixtures that promise you weight loss. And in general, it’s better to never deal with them. And if you had before, then never return to them again. First, remember: HARMFUL medicines and dietary supplements do not exist.

No matter what the sweet-voiced advertising sings, all these means commit violence against your body, disrupt rather than improve metabolic processes; if they have an effect, it is at the cost of great harm, and not for long.

Secondly, such means are like the stove on which the well-known Emelya from the Russian folk tale rode. Many people are confident that these products will do everything for them, and continue to make cakes at night. But Mother Nature does not tolerate freeloaders and freebies. She is harsh on those who eat up cakes with diet pills and on those who expect to lose excess weight while lying on the couch, embracing a sedentary lifestyle. In general, swallowers of drugs and dietary supplements for obesity work with consequences

, and not with
a reason
. With the help of this book, we will work primarily with the psychological root causes of excess weight. Work on your own, without relying on miracle pills, the miraculousness of which is highly questionable.

We will not take with us not only pills, but also belts, shorts, patches and other attributes of a painful separation from excess weight.

What about cosmetic procedures? - you ask. How to feel about ultrasonic cavitation, cryolipolysis, lipomassage on an LPG machine?

Remember: cosmetology itself is an expensive and ineffective method of weight loss. If cosmetology itself could reduce weight, then all our stars, including prima donnas, would be slim. And among the rich and wealthy people there would be no overweight people, because they can afford any cosmetology technology.

But this does not mean that we reject cosmetology. In combination with the “Doctor Bormental” nutrition and psychotherapeutic work, the effectiveness of cosmetic manipulations increases several times, turning cosmetic devices and injections into a formidable force in the fight against fat and its consequences. Knowledge of the nuances of the functioning of the body during weight loss and close work with the nutritional and psychotherapeutic departments makes cosmetologists indispensable specialists in the field of working with a losing weight. But only if they work as a team.

Second warning. Share this book with your doctor!

It's no secret that in some cases, excess weight is associated with some serious diseases: for example, hormonal disorders, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases.

Therefore, please keep in mind: this book is your assistant and friend, but the BOOK DOES NOT CURE. If you have been diagnosed with any disease that can cause or has already caused excess weight, then consult your doctor and tell them that you are going to study using this book.

General rule

And finally, the general Iron Rule of our expedition: do not set off when you are weakened by a recent illness, fasting, or forced food restrictions for medical reasons.

Let's give an example of why it is very important to take into account your health status and personal characteristics before starting a diet.

Example one

Serafima, 56 years old, decided to become slim and go on a diet. She didn’t set strict deadlines for herself and didn’t plan any specific parameters, she just wanted to “lose the extra pounds” and show off in beautiful summer dresses, especially since the excess weight made it difficult to easily tolerate the heat. From hearsay, through the so-called “word of mouth,” Seraphima knew that fiber, and especially raw vegetables and fruits, are very important for diet, for those who are losing weight. So she leaned heavily on them, making them almost the basis of her diet. And the diligent Seraphima did not take into account that she has the disease “nonspecific ulcerative colitis”, in which raw food is precisely contraindicated, in any case, the amount of raw vegetables and fruits must be strictly limited, otherwise the gastrointestinal tract will suffer, and there will be no benefit to the body , but only harm. It’s good that the body signaled in time, and Seraphima rushed to the doctor for advice: so and so, I would like to follow a diet. I received recommendations on how to build a diet without going overboard with raw food.

Who will meet us on the way to the Slim World

Imagine that you are a fairy-tale hero, and your expedition is not only a real trip, but also a fairy-tale journey. On the way to his goal, the fairy-tale hero meets Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal, and his friends and comrades, a treasure sword, a flying carpet, and an invisibility hat help him. We have our own fairy tale, it has its own characters and wonderful objects. Now you will find out who you have to deal with.

Sly Fat Gang
Leader Sly Fat

Sly fat is the leader of the gang. Anyone who has read my previous books is familiar with Sly Fat, the main insidious enemy of your slimness. Since the writing of the first book (since 2007), Sly Fat has become even more dangerous, cunning, and inventive. Many, after reading my book, were able to lock up Sly Fat. But the repeat offender returned to his victims, causing weight gain in those who maintained it for 3-5-7 years. And, besides, Sly Fat ceased to be a lone bandit and acquired an entire international gang.

Mr. Razvodovich

In the gang of Sly Fat, he is responsible for gaining your trust, and then, using various cheating tricks, to deceive you. Deception is the main master key that opens the door of Fat into your body. Throughout the book, I will show you how deception surrounds all topics related to fat gain and fat retention. It is the deception from the sweet-voiced, cheating lips of Mr. Razvodovich that leads to the fact that you trustingly open the doors of your life and let in an extremely dangerous and vile comrade - Pan Pereedailo.

Pan Pereedailo

It is Pan Pereedailo who releases Fat into your body. In his arsenal there are many seemingly harmless buns, sweets and pieces of sausage. That is why Pan Pereedailo at first even passes for a friend, with whom it is good and cozy.

* * *

Yes, let’s be honest, the bandits are insidious: you drive them through the door, and they break through the window, always trying to take possession of you. In the future, you will find out how to recognize the Sly Fat gang, hear how it creeps up, and how to curb it so that it does not destroy the fruits of your efforts.

Helpers in the World of Slimness

In my first book, you struggled with excess weight alone. In this book I will introduce you to assistants who will help you in this fight.

Well-wishers, aka Support Group

I am often asked: “What is the most effective diet?” I answer - any. If you are supported, accompanied and, if you want, monitored in the process of following your chosen nutrition plan.

People who share experiences with each other and have support achieve goals three times faster than those who solve all problems on their own. Any person instinctively seeks support in matters that are important to him. Whether he knows about it or not. Whether he admits it to himself or not. Even successful and self-sufficient.

Support is not necessarily a team of fans screaming and waving placards like “Lucy, we are with you!” Not at all. Support is your own feeling that someone knows about your affairs, troubles and victories. And this someone cares about what happens to you. He is pleased with your successes and sympathizes with your difficulties.

Obviously, in something like weight loss, a “support system” is a powerful success factor. Those who have repeatedly tried to lose weight know that there are a lot of temptations on the way to your cherished goal. After all, to effectively lose weight, you need to rebuild your lifestyle, reconsider your own habits, and master proper nutrition. Only this approach will provide stable, long-term and high-quality weight loss. And how difficult it is to change your own habits alone, how difficult it is to go towards a big goal if there is no intermediate motivation, understanding and support of others when losing weight.

Losing weight is often not an easy task, requiring patience and persistence. You need to control what, when and how much you eat, and stay active. All of this is easier if you feel supported and encouraged.

Appeal to family, friends and loved ones of a fat person

I want to appeal to those relatives and friends of an overweight person who are not yet part of the support group. I am always surprised how rarely the relatives and friends of an overweight person support his desire to lose weight.

Excess weight is by no means just a cosmetic defect. Your loved one with twenty extra kilograms will live fifteen years less than he could have lived without this extra weight. But for some reason you are embarrassed to tell your mother, aunt, sister, “I’m worried about your health.”

Excess weight poisons the life of your loved one. You see how dissatisfied your friend is with her figure. And if a person close to you is dissatisfied with his weight at least three times a day, this is already a whole hour of dissatisfaction with himself per day and twenty-three days of dissatisfaction per year. Every year, excess weight takes away a month of her life! But you often don’t even hint at supporting her desire to change her figure, asserting “You feel good as it is.”

Excess weight, dear husbands, kills your desire to be close to your beloved. As a psychotherapist, I hear stories like this every day. But men are silent, not helping their other half in any way to become more attractive to themselves.

Dietary recipes

The low-calorie diet according to Bormenthal is in most cases easily tolerated. The main thing is not to be monotonous in your eating. Constantly eating only vegetables or fruits can not only not achieve the desired result, but also undermine your health. The human body does not require monotony in nutrition. For the proper functioning of internal organs and systems, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements must be supplied with food. Moreover, if any of the nutritional components or nutrients is in deficiency, a person’s well-being worsens and health suffers. Therefore, it is important to balance the diet and diversify the menu with lean dishes.

Recipe No. 1 “Vegetable stew with mushrooms”


  • sour cream – 15 ml;
  • carrots – 4 pcs;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs;
  • boiled mushrooms – 200 g;
  • bell pepper – 3 pcs;
  • white or Chinese cabbage – 300 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel carrots, onions and garlic.
  2. Chop the vegetables, mix and simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. The stew is left to steep for 30 minutes. Served hot with meat or with porridge.

The energy value of the dish is 100 kcal per 100 g.

Recipe No. 2 “Eggplant Soup”


  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • boiled red beans – 100 g;
  • eggplants – 150 g;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • leek or green onion – 1 piece;
  • potatoes – 3-4 pcs;
  • sunflower or olive oil – 20 ml;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.

Cooking principle:

  1. Peel carrots, onions, potatoes and eggplant and chop.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Boil potatoes and beans for 20 minutes.
  4. Saute onions, eggplants, carrots with vegetable oil, pour into a boiling pan. Add bay leaf, simmer for another 10 minutes.

The energy value of eggplant soup is 60 kcal per 100 g. Thanks to the presence of protein, fiber and balanced composition, the dish gives the body a feeling of fullness for a long time.

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