Read online “350 Dukan Diet Recipes”

What is the diet

The basis of Pierre Dukan's diet rests on two pillars: eating protein and following simple but important rules. The diet itself is strict, but at the same time not exhausting for those losing weight.

The first pillar of the diet is protein.

The first condition is to consume protein, and it is designed to replace carbohydrates and fats. Why does it become the basic one? The answer turned out to be quite simple and lies in the following abilities of the protein:

  • satisfying the feeling of hunger;
  • large energy consumption of the body for its digestion, which allows you to get rid of extra pounds;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • increased muscle mass, which is an excellent basis for the formation of a beautiful body subject to physical activity;
  • improvement of skin condition.

The second pillar of the diet - easy rules

The doctor’s development is useful for humans and can be used not only for weight loss purposes, but also for a long time, if desired, for a lifetime.

The book about the Dukan diet gives simple rules that, if followed, will help you lose weight:

  • We eat foods allowed by the diet in a certain quantity and with a set frequency;
  • we drink more liquid, as it “deceives” the feeling of hunger;
  • remove salt, which only increases appetite and retains fluid in the body;
  • we prepare tasty and healthy food without reinventing the wheel, because there are specially designed recipe books by Pierre Dukan;
  • doing active walking;
  • We bring the started task of losing weight to the end, without pausing in the process and without allowing gluttony.

Product selection

For the “Attack” stage: seafood, duck, goose and other types of poultry. It is useful to treat yourself to beef and tongue, raw and boiled eggs, and dairy products without fat. Use a saucepan, double boiler or grill, excluding options with the appearance of fat. Pickled cucumbers, garlic, onions and lemon will pleasantly enrich your diet.

For the “Cruise” stage: as for the “Attack”. Dishes with cabbage, asparagus, bell pepper. You can’t do without zucchini, green beans, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach. Allowed are crab sticks (8 pieces) per day, canned fish in its own juice. A small portion of olive oil, a spoonful of low-fat cocoa, and 50 ml of dry wine will not be superfluous. If you intend to lose a certain amount of weight, alternate days of protein and vegetables 5x5, 3x3, 1x1.

For the “Fixing” stage: add fruits (100 g), except grapes, cherries and bananas. You are allowed to pamper yourself with minimal consumption of spices, soy sauce, mustard, and dishes with gelatin. Enrichment of dishes with vinegar, adjika, bread. Twice per week, dishes with peas, potatoes, pasta, and rice are allowed. Once a week it is useful to return to the initial stage of the “Attack” menu, and once every four weeks during the day any food is allowed without restrictions on fat and carbohydrates.

For the “Stabilization” stage: that’s it, but leave one day a week for protein consumption.

Product restrictions: flour, starch and added cereals, fast foods, alcoholic beverages, fatty meats, butter. Fruits with high calorie content or with an abundance of carbohydrates are not allowed.


Let's go on a weight loss journey

The works of the famous nutritionist highlight several stages of the weight loss program. Each stage is a continuation of the next and is impossible without fulfilling the conditions of the previous step.

Step one - attack

Only protein is allowed in food. The diet consists of lean meat, which means pork or duck are prohibited. We eat the rest with pleasure. Fish, milk, kefir, bran, and eggs are added to the meat. You need to steam or boil. But you will have to give up fried foods, fatty dressings and sweets. An important condition is to drink at least two liters of fluid per day. And don’t forget to walk actively every day!

The first step allows you to lose quite a lot of weight. At the same time, you need to decide for yourself how many kilograms you want to lose in the end. The number of days spent on the weight loss process at each stage of the diet depends on this.

Step two - alternation

The diet becomes more interesting: we alternate protein days with protein and vegetable days. The best option is every other day. We spend one day as in the first step, and on the second day we add raw or steamed/boiled vegetables. All vegetables are allowed, except legumes and potatoes. We maintain fluid intake and active walks.

In the second step, the weight will not come off so quickly. But this is the stage we are at until we bring our body weight to the level we need.

Step three - consolidation

At this stage, a small celebration begins. You can eat fatty meats, Dukan bread and even fruits, but all in small quantities. A full protein day should be maintained once every seven days. Food portions should be small every day, only to satisfy hunger. Physical activity continues. The duration of the stage is calculated based on the number of kilograms lost, multiplied by 10.

Step four - stabilization

You can stay at this stage for the rest of your life if you want. We follow the conditions of the third step here. One protein day per week is now becoming law. The rest of the days are protein and vegetable, and the permissible foods that were in the second step are just a tasty addition. We actively walk every day. But returning to your previous lifestyle should be avoided.

From the publisher

Dear readers!

Each of us on the long path to slimness faces all sorts of difficulties and dangers, especially in moments when we feel tired from the monotony of our diet and our weight remains at the same level. It is no secret that the ability to vary taste sensations and dishes plays a significant role in the effectiveness of the diet and the prevention of breakdowns. But not every diet can boast an abundance of flavors.


Dr. Dukan's new book will help you follow a diet with ease: you will be able to prepare simple and varied dishes and you will not even have time to think that you are already tired of something. Every day you will enjoy your meals and at the same time lose unnecessary pounds.

This edition contains not only recipes suitable for each stage of the Dukan Diet, but also additional information not included in the first book. For example, here you will find a list of acceptable foods that allow you to further diversify your diet menu. With these extra ingredients you can even make desserts, starting with the Alternate step. Recipes containing such products are accompanied by the phrase “Contains 1 acceptable product.”


Each recipe contains the following information: preparation and cooking time, cooling time (if required, indicated by a snowflake), ingredients and a description of the cooking process.

Additionally, we have clarified which stage this recipe is suitable for, this is marked with circles with the stage number:

1 – stage “Attack”;

2 – stage “Alternation”;

3 – stage “Fixation”;

4 – stage “Stabilization”.

In addition, here you will find information about whether this dish is allowed to be consumed in the third and fourth stages on Protein Thursday. Next to the recipe there are plates with numbers showing the number of servings received.


Some of the recipes provided were provided by our Russian readers who have already lost weight on the Dukan diet and were happy to help everyone who is just at the beginning of their journey. We thank them for providing the recipes and photographs and admire their ability to turn routine dishes into culinary masterpieces. Indeed, among the dishes they provided were not just stewed meat with vegetables, but even Russian dumplings! Thanks to such active readers, we finally believed that the Dukan method is not just a diet, but a complete nutrition system that allows you to lose weight and stay healthy, enjoying every meal.

Our heartfelt wish is for you to reach your healthy weight, and we sincerely hope that the recipes in this book will help you achieve this. Believe in yourself, cook and be good!

Sincerely, the team of the publishing house "Eksmo"

Opinions about diet

Reviews from those who have lost weight

Dukan’s book “I Can’t Lose Weight” found a positive response in the hearts of a huge number of people. Diet lovers come to the conclusion that of all the programs available today, this one is the most convenient, non-exhausting, tasty and effective. Men and women speak with great pleasure about the fruitfulness of their efforts.

Larisa, 27 years old: “The Dukan diet helped me a lot. And I can’t say that it was difficult to comply with it. You can eat many different delicious foods. At the second stage it was much easier, since I love vegetables and fruits. And maintaining the result is a pleasure.”

Antonina, 45 years old: “I tried many diets. And usually there was either no result, or after losing weight after some time I broke down and returned to my usual diet. But thanks to Dukan's book, I maintain my weight, and I have no desire to eat everything again at any time. This diet helps build willpower."

Ivan, 38 years old: “I never trusted all sorts of promises to lose weight. And then it was interesting that a person had been developing a diet for so many years, and did not just come up with it in a couple of weeks. I decided to try it. Honestly, I had to work hard. It was especially difficult to stay on protein foods alone. But everything went fine. Now I am stabilizing the result of my achievements.”

Reviews from doctors

But many doctors are of the opinion that the result is a result, but the diet may not have the best effect on your health. The basis for this opinion is the question of how to deprive the body of fats and carbohydrates? This threatens metabolic disorders, and complications with the kidneys, lungs and heart function may also occur. Doctors also say that this diet can cause loss of vitality and apathy in some people.

Some nutritionists prohibit the Dukan weight loss program for people with heavy physical or mental work, since the lack of fats and carbohydrates in the body immediately affects health. Strict adherence to a diet is not suitable for everyone; you need to take into account the individuality of the body, age, profession, and level of your own self-organization.

If you do not follow the strict requirements of the diet, then there is no point. At the same time, medical experts have repeatedly pointed out that Pierre Dukan himself does not deny that his diet can cause kidney problems, increase cholesterol levels and have a negative impact on the body’s cardiovascular system.

Thus, Pierre Dukan’s book is not a magic wand that will get rid of excess weight in the blink of an eye. This is a weight loss guide that requires effort and self-control on the part of the person wanting to lose weight.

Text of the book “I Can’t Lose Weight”

Pierre Dukan I don't know how to lose weight

Je ne sais pas maigrir

© Flammarion, 2000

© Editions J'ai lu presente edition, 2008

©Ivashkevich L.V., translation into Russian, 2011

© Edition in Russian, design. LLC Publishing House Eksmo, 2013

The editors thank Elena Alexandrova and her daughter Olga for their active participation in the creation of the book

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Books in the “Dr. Dukan Diet” series

“I don’t know how to lose weight”

The Dukan Diet is No. 1 in the world! This book contains a description of the 4 stages of a unique program for losing weight and stabilizing lost weight. Karl Lagerfeld, Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz and Gisele Bundchen lost weight using this method.

Dr. Pierre Dukan is the most popular French nutritionist who has developed a unique weight loss method, thanks to which more than 5 million men and women around the world have been able to lose weight.

"60 days with Dr. Dukan"

Dr. Pierre Dukan's new book will allow you to walk towards your goal with him. Every day, for two months, the doctor will support and guide you: give nutrition advice, make shopping lists and options for simple physical activity, offer useful recipes and motivating recommendations to prevent breakdowns and disorders.

"350 Dukan Diet Recipes"

In this book by a renowned nutritionist, you will find 350 delicious diet recipes that will bring you pleasure and significantly increase your motivation, allowing you to enjoy your favorite dishes without restrictions.

“Multi-cooker recipes for the Dukan diet”

One more step bringing you closer to defeating excess weight! The new book by the famous nutritionist includes the best recipes for the method, developed on the basis of Russian products, the consumption of which the diet allows at any time and in any quantity. Thanks to the multicooker, food does not lose its taste and beneficial properties, and you save time, because you do not need to monitor the cooking process. Don't give up your favorite foods, enjoy your food and lose weight!

"Dukan Diet Desserts"

Desserts are an integral part of the Pierre Dukan method; they help achieve the desired result and maintain a good mood throughout all stages of the diet. In addition, all the doctor’s patients who cooked according to this book lost weight faster than those who ignored them. In this book you will find 100 recipes for light and delicious desserts. All desserts follow the Dukan method and will satisfy even the most demanding sweet tooth.

* * *

Dedicated to Sasha and Maya, Maya and Sasha, my two children, in gratitude for the second life they gave me in return for the one I gave them.

Christina, my wife, without whom this would simply be impossible.

To my like-minded friends Sylvia and Maurice.

For my future Russian friends

Born to be a doctor

Since childhood, I wanted to be a doctor, but I was afraid of injections to such an extent that they held ten of me when they performed this procedure. To get rid of this obsessive fear, I asked the nurse to teach me how to give injections to others. At the age of 10, I already had my own small set of syringes, and I was proud of these medical supplies. I also learned how to massage and soothe pain, and my grandfather even considered me to have a “light hand.”

When, after graduating from high school, I had to choose between art and medicine, my mother, she has always been a beacon for me, predicted my future:

“My Pierre, if you become a doctor, you will always be able to paint or collect art, but if you become an artist, you will never be able to practice medicine again.”

Not surprisingly, I got through my medical education without much difficulty.

The birth of a method. Lose weight yes, but don’t gain weight again!

In the 75-80s, patients and doctors were happy and proud when they managed to achieve only weight loss, which was naively considered an end in itself: if you lost weight, then the goal was achieved, the game was won. Then, as now, everyone who decided to lose weight chose their own weight. This approach could lead to nothing but disaster, since the entire subsequent weight loss journey depended on this choice. At that time, women dreamed of being like the legendary fashion model Twiggy, a completely anorexic person. That is, they set themselves a goal that was obviously a pipe dream, instead of striving for their correct, fair weight

. This wrong choice is still one of the main mistakes of losing weight.

When I first became a nutritionist, I tried to apply everything I was taught: counting calories and reducing their daily values, but quickly realized that with such poor funds, the game would be lost in advance.

So I had to create a diet, a system, and then a technique, first for my patients, then for my readers, Internet users, and finally for my fellow doctors. Since I am a doctor, and I started out as a general practitioner, I take great pleasure in healing everyone who can be healed. And, in my firm belief, excess weight is not even an acute form of the disease, it is a stable and chronic disease that requires long-term attention and support

. Therefore, I considered my main task not just to rid patients of extra pounds, but to finally stabilize their weight, that is, complete recovery.

Today, with 35 years of experience behind me, I am aware that I am offering a modern method of struggle that can effectively combat obesity, which is progressively attacking humanity.

Release of the first edition of the book

My technique gradually became more effective; patients not only lost weight, but were also able to stabilize it and not gain it back. Completely inspired by these successes, I decided to no longer keep my method a secret, but, on the contrary, to make it available both to the general public and to other doctors who were no longer able to deal with the excess weight of their patients. At that moment, I could not even imagine that I would later be joined by even adherents of the low-calorie school, who, due to systematic failures in the application of their system, experienced constant stress and dissatisfaction with the results of their patients.

When I brought my finished work to the editor, the first publisher turned me down. He was a wonderful person, but he had, perhaps, only one flaw, he was thin, and it was difficult for him to understand how disastrous the situation of overweight people could be.

I then took the manuscript to another publisher, who had a rather curvy woman read it. She was not so categorical, but first she ordered that all adjectives with the root “fat” be removed from the text, hypothesizing that this word does not comply with traditional marketing rules. Not approving of such interference, I refused to give in to hypocritical propaganda, my case was transferred to a superior officer, who decided it in my favor.

And the book is out!

When the total circulation reached half a million, the publisher invited me to lunch and asked me to explain the reason for such success. I remember I told him that I must have intuitively and internally understood the mechanisms of emotional and mental perception of overweight people, which allowed me to understand why they would agree to lose weight forever and how they would lose weight with enthusiasm. The method I proposed to them was both a source of pleasure and a reduction in dissatisfaction.

. The increase in pleasure was that the weight loss happened quickly enough, and the body immediately felt it. The reduction in dissatisfaction was facilitated by the absence of hunger, the strong internal structure of the diet, its precise instructions and the ability to monitor its progress.

When I began writing this work, I put into it my twenty years of medical practice, during which I tried to understand and cure all these men and women who turned to me for help. I learned to feel them as my loved ones, they became part of my life and were no longer “thermodynamic machines” for me, calorie absorbers, fattening, sedentary robots who did not know how to curb their own appetite, as we were taught and, unfortunately, are still taught and today in Western universities. In fact, in practice it turned out that these are people with temporary or persistent dissatisfaction, forcing them to eat heartily and a lot in order to neutralize it at any cost.

A simple bilateral agreement was established between them and me, in which I invited them to exchange the pleasure of food for the pleasure of losing weight, a sense of pride in their body, when the appearance reflects the beauty and depth of the soul

, because “form is the essence that rises to the surface,” as Victor Hugo once noted.

When I published this book, I didn't know who would read it. I was far from thinking that it would become a guide to life for tens of millions of readers around the world. But that's exactly what happened. Year after year, without any fuss, this little book was passed from hand to hand, and without any advertising, without any marketing strategies, it found its audience.

Across the borders of cultures and traditions

The book's audience began to expand across borders, and a string of foreign publishers began to acquire rights for publications in different languages. Italy and Korea

were the first, and, as usual, the book made its way without fanfare, from country to country.
It was the turn of Bulgaria
, where there was an unforgettable reception and enormous success, as if in a sped-up movie, as if its entire journey in France was scrolling at high speed.
It seemed to me that I had already received the greatest reward for my efforts... but then the book was published in Poland
. I didn’t even know that Poland had acquired the right to publish it in Polish from a French publisher. The translator of the book called me to send me a photo from the presentation of the prestigious literary award “NIKA” for the best sales in Poland. The one and a half million Poles who bought my book placed their trust in me, expressed confidence and interest in my method. Then they also unanimously purchased my other books. Poland gave me the greatest reward of my life by recognizing and accepting the diet without knowing me at all.

Then Elena appeared

! It is thanks to her that I am writing this preface. Elena is Russian, she lives between Moscow and Paris, and has been working in the beauty industry for many years. When I met her, she expressed an idea that was in tune with my views, that excess weight depresses beauty. I told her about the incredible success of my diet in Poland, and she came to me to talk about publishing a book in Russia. Her enthusiasm and conviction pushed me to decide to introduce my method to Russian readers.

Two wonderful Russian Parisians: Elena and her daughter Olga, both with the beautiful surname Alexandrova, they were the ones who opened the doors for my diet to your beautiful country. And if the method I am passing on to you bears fruit, then we - both you and I - will be partially indebted to them.

Principles of the method

Before you start reading, I want to give you some guidelines that form the basis of my approach, its philosophy and its values.

My method consists of four stages that form a single whole. Each stage solves a specific problem and is inseparable from subsequent ones. The method is carefully thought out, so you should follow it in full or not start at all

. This especially applies to the last two stages of consolidation and stabilization, without which all efforts are doomed to failure.

The method has some advantages that will undoubtedly motivate you throughout all stages:

a detailed list of instructions is provided to reduce doubts, limitations and frustrations;

a natural diet is proposed, close to the diet of a primitive hunter;

Quantity restrictions are excluded.

The essence of the method and the key to its success are based on eight rules:

Use 100 foods: 72 natural proteins and 28 vegetables.

Allowed foods can be consumed WITHOUT LIMITATIONS without suffering from hunger.

The method consists of four successive stages, starting from the first day of the diet, and continues throughout life.

The stages of consolidation and final stabilization of the correct weight are the most important.

Exercise is “prescribed” like a prescription drug, as is a mandatory twenty-minute walk every day.

You can enjoy cooking 1,200 recipes from the entire international Dukan community.

Introduce oat bran into your diet - the only product in the world that promotes weight loss, provided that the product is properly crushed and sifted in a special way, which gives it medicinal properties and distinguishes it from classic bran used in cooking.

You have access to daily personal coaching online, with evening reports and morning instructions.

You have already learned enough about my method and can safely start reading the book, but I want to give a few more numbers. International statistics prove that 70% of readers decide to follow my diet rules within a month. More than half of them completely get rid of extra pounds. This is much more than the results of all other methods invented in the last 60 years. Moreover, 78% of those who achieve their correct weight maintain and stabilize it within a year.

I hope that you, my readers, will be included in this category of successful weight loss.

Whatever the result, whatever stage you are at, you can write to me, contact me online on my website, and I will also chat regularly. Happy reading, see you soon.

Your doctor Pierre DUCAN.

Preface for those who want to be healthy

20 million French people suffer from excess weight, 35-40 thousand people die from it every year. But who cares?

YOU! And you don't know what to do? I offer you my technique.

Not because it is mine, but because in my later life, after 35 years of experience using it daily, I became convinced that it is the best among all those I have ever heard of!

Do you need proof? Here they are:

1) 3 million

The French tried it, and 10 years after the first publication about it, the book ranks first on the bestseller list, immediately following the books about Harry Potter.

2) 174 doctors

asked permission to use my technique, which suggests that they consider it effective. I gave them my consent, and I give it to you, my dear readers!

I offer 100 food products, the highest quality, nutritious and satisfying, marked with magic words: NO LIMITS.

The technique consists of 4 stages, starting with the most strict and ending with the most gentle.

1) Attack stage

- short and most effective.

2) Stage "Alternation"

– achieving the desired weight.

3) Stage "Consolidation"

– for every kilogram you lose you will need 10 days.

4) Stage "Stabilization"

– maintaining the achieved weight: protein Thursday, refusal to lift, 3 tablespoons of oat bran per day throughout life.

To succeed, you must at least try! I wish you to start and win the fight for an ideal figure with the help of my diet.

Your doctor Pierre Dukan

Association P.R.O.T.I.V. [1]1 Program - Response to Obesity - Obesity and Overweight, Le Monde newspaper.


Preface: The Decisive Meeting, or The Man Who Loved Meat

The beginning of my acquaintance with the problem of excess weight goes back to the time when, as a young general practitioner, I practiced medicine in the Montparnasse quarter of Paris and at the same time specialized in the neurological department of the Garches hospital for children suffering from paraplegia[2].2

Paraplegia - paralysis of both lower or upper limbs -
ed .


At that time, among my patients there was a publisher, a cheerful fat man and an extremely erudite man, who suffered from severe asthma, from attacks of which I saved him more than once. One day he came to my office and, sitting down in an English chair that creaked under his weight, said:

– Doctor, I have always been pleased with your help, I completely trust you, and that’s why today I want you to help me lose weight.

At that time, my knowledge of dietetics was limited solely to what I was taught at the Faculty of Medicine: low-calorie diets and small portions of dishes, the contents of which were quite similar to normal ones, but in terms of quantity they were clearly intended for Lilliputians. In most cases, having heard from the doctor a recommendation to follow such a diet, the patient, not accustomed to denying himself any gastronomic pleasure, quickly left the office, overcome with horror at the thought that he would have to limit himself to what constitutes his greatest joy.

Hesitatingly, I began to explain to him that in fact I was not familiar with the intricacies of this science.

- What science are you talking about, doctor? I visited all the specialists in Paris, including local charlatans. Starting from my teenage years, I lost weight many times, in total - at least 300 kg, but then successfully gained it back. I must admit that I was never particularly keen on losing weight, and my wife unwittingly caused me great harm by continuing to love me despite my enormous size. Now I'm almost out of breath with minimal effort, I'm having trouble finding clothes in my size, and quite frankly I'm starting to fear for my life.

He concluded with a phrase that completely changed the direction of my professional life:

“You can deprive me of any food you like, except meat: I love it too much to give it up.”

I answered him automatically, almost without thinking:

- OK then. If you love meat so much, come to me tomorrow morning to weigh yourself on an empty stomach, and then eat only meat for 5 days. However, avoid its fatty varieties: pork, lamb and the fattest parts of beef - fillet and ribs. Fry it until cooked, drink as much water as possible, and after 5 days come to me for re-weighing.

- OK OK.


– I continue the diet because I feel a surge of energy, and besides, I enjoy what I eat.

So, he went for the second round - for another 5 meat days, but I made him promise to do a full blood and urine test upon his return. After 5 days, having lost another 2 kg, he jubilantly handed me the results of his tests, which, by the way, were completely normal - no high sugar, no high cholesterol or uric acid.

Meanwhile, I visited the library of the Faculty of Medicine, where I studied more carefully the nutritional properties of various types of meat, especially focusing on the proteins, for which they are famous for their high content.

Thus, after 5 days, when the publisher appeared in my office again, bursting with health and having lost another 1.5 kg,

I advised him to supplement his diet with fish and seafood, which he gladly accepted, since all possible varieties of meat had already been exhausted.

20 days passed and the scale showed 10 kg less than the original weight, and the second blood test was still satisfactory. So I decided to take a chance and go all in by adding all the remaining proteins, namely poultry, dairy and eggs, and just in case I recommended that he increase his fluid intake and switch to 3 liters of water per day.

In the end, he agreed to include vegetables in his diet, the long absence of which began to seriously bother me.

5 days later, during the next consultation, it was discovered that he had not lost a single gram

. Under this pretext, he demanded a return to his favorite diet, which was especially valuable to him due to its unlimited consumption of meat. I agreed on the condition that the five-day meat diet would alternate with a diet combining vegetables and meat, arguing against the risk of vitamin deficiency, which he had great difficulty believing in. Nevertheless, he accepted my offer - mainly due to the threat of disrupting the passage of food through the intestines, since with such a diet practically no fiber enters the body.

This is how my protein diet was born, alternating the consumption of plant and animal proteins. My interest in obesity and all other problems of excess weight gradually increased, which completely changed the course of my professional and scientific life.

Over the years, I have carefully developed and refined this concept to create a diet that today seems to me to be the most suitable for the specific psychology of obese people and the most effective of all diets for weight loss.

However, over time, I have sadly discovered that weight loss diets, no matter how effective they are and no matter how strictly followed, do not stand the test of time. Due to the lack of a consolidation stage, their results, at best, slowly but inexorably evaporate, and at worst, the weight increases sharply, and everything ends in emotional instability, stress and feelings of disappointment.

Most people who put themselves to the test of a weight loss diet lose an unequal battle with excess weight, which usually leaves them completely discouraged, creates dissatisfaction with themselves and can lead to excessive obesity. To avoid this, I needed to create a system to maintain the achieved weight - a protective barrier against gaining pounds again.

I introduced this protective barrier using a step-by-step introduction into the diet of the basic products necessary for normal nutrition, in order to avoid the response of the body, deprived of its reserves. To overcome such an instinctive protest of the body and an easier transition to normal nutrition, I established the exact duration of this stage of the diet, proportional to weight loss, which is very easy to calculate: it takes 10 days to consolidate one lost kilogram


However, even after going through the stage of consolidating the achieved weight, under the influence of metabolism in the body, a gradual return to old eating habits is possible. In addition, the desire to compensate for one’s problems and anxieties is inevitable by rewarding oneself with fatty, sweet and plentiful foods, which can break the resistance of such a seemingly impregnable fortress, which is the weight consolidation phase.

Therefore, I ventured to recommend another measure to my patients, suggesting another stage of the diet, which I boldly called the “final phase.” It would seem an unacceptable epithet for those who are overweight, both adults and children, who generally cannot tolerate anything that has to do with duration, since it contradicts their impulsiveness and rejection of self-restraint.

An unacceptable word, an unacceptable rule that you will have to follow for the rest of your life - but what if it was the one that kept your weight stable and only applied one day a week?


It was then that the moment of truth came for me: I realized that the real success of my diet, undoubtedly, lies in the combination of all four of its stages, successively replacing each other, with successively decreasing intensity. Years of practice have allowed me to build a logical and orderly chain from which it is impossible to deviate.

First stage "Attack"

quite short, but very effective.
It is replaced by a stage called “Alternation,”
which includes periods of assault and respite, followed by
a stage of consolidating
the achieved weight, the duration of which is proportional to the number of kilograms lost.
And finally, in order to forever maintain the weight gained with such difficulty, a constant and therefore effective measure, the observance of which is recommended for the rest of your life, is one protein day a week, a day of cleansing
, which will allow you to maintain balance on all other days of the week.

And in the end I achieved my first truly stable results. In fact, I offered patients not only fish, but also a fishing guide, that is, a diet plan by which they could not only quickly and effectively cope with obesity, but also maintain the results for a long time and without outside help.

I spent 20 years perfecting this technique, using it on a limited number of patients. Today, thanks to their consistent results, I am bringing it to a wider audience.

My diet is for those who have tried everything

; who lost weight and gained it too often; and for those who, above all, want to provide themselves with a guarantee that in exchange for their short-term diligence, they will not only lose extra pounds, but also retain the fruits of their efforts and live with the figure to which they aspired and to which they have every right. So I wrote this book in the hope that the weight loss system I propose will one day also be the solution to your weight problems.

I wrote a book for those who are worried about weight problems

, but it is dedicated to those with whom I have worked, who have helped me live a fulfilling life as a doctor: my patients, young and old, men and women, especially the first of them, my jolly fat publisher.

Dukan diet menu for every day, table


  • breakfast: omelet with meat, coffee;
  • lunch: cod fish soup, bran bread;
  • afternoon snack: curd mass;
  • dinner: meat baked in foil, green tea.


  • breakfast: whole cottage cheese, bran bread;
  • lunch: meat soup with quail eggs;
  • afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt;
  • dinner: fish stewed in its own juice.


  • breakfast: scrambled eggs, herring or lightly salted salmon, coffee;
  • lunch: meat cutlets without adding onions and bread, yogurt;
  • afternoon snack: kefir;
  • dinner: boiled squid.


  • breakfast: bran bread with melted cheese, strong tea;
  • lunch: soup with pieces of fish;
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, tea;
  • dinner: baked chicken fillet, kefir.


  • breakfast: boiled eggs, kefir;
  • lunch: fish cutlets without onions and bread, yogurt;
  • afternoon snack: milk, bran bread;
  • dinner: stewed beef tenderloin, tea.


  • breakfast: scrambled eggs, coffee;
  • lunch: meat soup with meatballs;
  • afternoon snack: yogurt, oat bran;
  • dinner: stewed mussels, tea.


  • breakfast: Whole cottage cheese, coffee;
  • lunch: Soup with pieces of fish, yogurt;
  • afternoon snack: Casserole or cottage cheese pancakes, kefir;
  • dinner: Meat cutlets, yogurt.

You can change the products on the menu at your discretion, replacing meat dishes with fish, using cottage cheese in its pure form and in casseroles and cheesecakes. The diet does not indicate fluid intake, but you should remember that between snacks you should drink a lot of water, at least one and a half liters per day.

Recipes for the Dukan Diet

Recipe 1. Turkey stew with zucchini for weight loss according to Dukan (Dukan diet menu for every day).


  • breast fillet – 600-650 g;
  • dill, rosemary to taste;
  • 1 onion;
  • medium zucchini;
  • half a small carrot;
  • salt.


Simmer the diced zucchini in a frying pan with a little water under the lid. Cut the fillet and add to the pan. Grate the carrots and also place them with the turkey zucchini. Add salt and seasonings. Simmer until done.

Recipe 2. Dietary pancakes made from cottage cheese according to Dukan.


  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • curd mass – 100 g (without sugar);
  • sugar substitute - to taste, cinnamon.


Use a blender to beat all the ingredients. Heat a frying pan, drop some oil on it and pour in some dough. Bake the pancakes covered: fry each side for 2 minutes. Spread the cooled pancakes with soft cottage cheese and fold into a “cake”. Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve a savory dish, the Dukan diet menu for every day is now always with you.

Recipe 3. Fragrant pie with chicken and herbs during a diet.


  • egg whites – 4;
  • cottage cheese – 300 g;
  • chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • dried herbs (onion, dill);
  • kefir – 150 ml;
  • spices (garlic, turmeric, red pepper and ginger);
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.


Beat the whites with salt. Pass the cottage cheese and spices through a sieve until smooth. Add half the fillet to the contents and blend with a blender.

Cut the remaining chicken into pieces and mix with the curd and kefir mixture. At the end, add the whites. Pour the dough into the mold and sprinkle with herbs. Bake in the oven over medium heat for 35 minutes.

Four phases of the Dukan diet

  1. The attack is the main weight loss, lasting up to five days.
  2. Alternation is a continuation of weight loss, lasting until the desired result, perhaps several months.
  3. Consolidation - fixation of results, duration is calculated using the formula ten days for each kilogram of weight lost.
  4. Stabilization - preservation and maintenance of results throughout life.

Each phase has its own list of products. The intensity of weight loss is determined by compliance with the main principles of the diet.

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