Detailed menu of the detox program at home for 7 days + the best recipes

Turn on the TV, flip through a magazine, or surf the Internet, and you're likely to hear about a detox diet or a juice or smoothie cleanse that comes with an outrageous price tag.

It's true that most of us are exposed daily to toxins, heavy metals and chemicals found in everything from the air we breathe to the food on our plates. But the human body is equipped with a natural detoxification system that removes these dangerous compounds.

Switching to a new diet and lifestyle changes is the best way to maximize your body's potential to remove toxins. Luckily, you don't have to shell out wads of cash or start munching on the same salad for weeks on end to see results.

Do you want to know how to cleanse your body at home without going financially beyond the bounds of decency?

In this article we will look at several types of detox diets, their advantages and disadvantages. Once you've learned the strategy, you can set yourself on the right path, starting with an easy cleanse, moving on to an advanced cleanse, and becoming a detox diet guru.

What is detox?

A detox diet is a short-term, comprehensive change in diet to remove toxic substances from the body. This method often involves fasting followed by a strict diet of fruits, vegetables, juice, smoothies and water. The program often involves the use of herbal infusions and teas.

A detox program at home can last a day, 3 days, a week, 10 days, or 21 days. The optimal time for detoxifying the body is 7 days.

What does it give:

  • Gives organs a break from processing food;
  • Stimulates the liver and allows it to remove toxins;
  • Removes toxins through sweat and urine;
  • Improves lymph circulation;
  • Improves nutrition by eliminating harmful substances.

Detoxification diets remove harmful substances from the body that are difficult to remove otherwise. These toxins are an integral part of the average diet: phthalates, bisphenol A, plastic components and heavy metals. We use plastic dishes, packaging, vegetables and fruits are treated with paraffins and contain a huge amount of pesticides, water and air are not of the best quality - all this is a source of toxins that settle in our body and remain there for years, mainly in subcutaneous fat cells. Our body naturally removes toxins on its own. But modern people who do not stop chewing do not give it a chance to cleanse itself. Therefore, these substances accumulate in the blood and fatty tissue, and without your intervention they will remain there for a long time before the body removes them.

Detoxification programs help people cope with many problems: obesity, indigestion, autoimmune diseases, inflammation, allergies and chronic fatigue.

What does a detox program provide:

Removing toxins from the body (and cleansing the liver)

Air emissions, pesticides, heavy metals and chemicals enter the body and are deposited there. It affects the functioning of the immune system, our mood, metabolism and our ability to fight disease. Very often, symptoms of malaise in people, without a clear diagnosis from doctors, can also be associated with general intoxication of the body.

A 2000 study published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine

study, which showed that even a seven-day detox program can have a significant effect on well-being and stimulate the liver to intensively remove harmful substances from the body. The experiment found a 23% increase in the amount of toxins removed through the liver and urine 7 days after the start of the procedure.

Reduced inflammation

When you cleanse your liver with a detox diet and give your digestive system a break with special drinks and smoothies, you will reduce the overall level of inflammation in the body, especially by adding ingredients like watermelon, cucumber, strawberries and ginger to your detox drinks. .

Weight loss

Detox drinks stimulate metabolism and accelerate metabolism, increase vigor and energy. Allows you to maintain energy throughout the day. Some fruits, such as grapefruit, contain special enzymes that help the body process carbohydrates better, thereby increasing metabolism and promoting weight loss.

A study was published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine

which described the results of a 21-day detox program. Seven participants ate a diet that included unlimited amounts of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and at least 1.8 liters of water per day. They were also allowed to consume complex carbohydrates and protein shakes throughout the program.

As a result of the program, participants demonstrated an average weight loss of 5 kg and overall and improved blood lipid profiles.

Improved skin condition

Detox drinks remove toxins from the body and reduce inflammation. This heals the skin and improves its color. When the skin is clogged with toxins and chemicals, it leads to wrinkles, dryness and other signs of aging.

Stimulating metabolic processes in the skin with the consumption of fruits and vegetables enhances the shine of the skin. Many detox ingredients will contain plenty of vitamin C, which can also help naturally slow aging and heal wounds by forming new scar tissue.

Increased energy

The ingredients in any detox drink will work systemically to reduce inflammation, cleanse the liver, and increase overall energy levels naturally. Without an overload of toxins, you'll feel lighter and fresher without fatigue, mood swings or brain fog.

Ingredients such as lemon, rosemary and mint will rejuvenate the body and help improve mental performance.

What is the essence of the method?

Over many thousands of years of evolution, the human body has improved and learned to independently cope with any diseases. What does he need for this? Temporarily minimize or completely cancel the intake of food so that he can stop the process of digesting food and begin cleansing.

When we stop eating, this is what happens:

all the energy that was spent on digestion now goes to cleansing the body, getting rid of toxins. This happens at the cellular level. A healthy body removes harmful compounds naturally through the liver, kidneys, and sweat.

Cleansing allows the body to remove these toxins because it no longer has to process food. Now he can concentrate on other matters, the most important of which is cleansing the blood of harmful impurities.

Comprehensive program for cleansing the body Detox from NL International - reviews


I want to write my enthusiastic review about the Detox Greenflash cleansing program.

Anyone who has read my other reviews knows that I have been struggling with acne for a long time. Self-confidently diagnosing herself with “hormonal imbalance,” she poisoned herself for many years with birth control pills, which had little effect. Creams for problem skin, ointments, lotions - all these products did not help at all. And now I’m 33 years old, and my skin is like that of a teenager of adolescence.

Another problem that periodically happened to my skin was allergic rashes, accompanied by severe swelling of the lips, eyelids and itching. Moreover, the allergy appeared completely unexpectedly, and just as unexpectedly, within a day, disappeared. Subsequently, she could not bother me for years.

Once again, when I started having hives again, that’s what they call small red spots that itch unbearably, I went to the pharmacy closest to my house for allergy pills. I told the pharmacist about my strange illness, which can appear once a year. The pharmacist, a kind and friendly woman, then told me that allergies in my case are the body’s reaction to its contamination and that I need to cleanse the body with the help of sorbents.

And then I remembered how once in a beauty salon, a girl hairdresser, seeing the state of my pimply skin, also said that I needed to cleanse myself.

And indeed, at that time I had a weak immune system, constant drowsiness, acne and allergies. The body simply screamed and gave me signs that it was contaminated with toxins.

Let's go back to the pharmacist. So, she advised me to try the Detox body cleansing program, and said that she ordered it on the DetoxNL website [link]. When I returned home, I looked at everything in detail and read about this system. And, without hesitation for a long time, I ordered it.

I don’t know if you can buy it in pharmacies, but I think it’s better to buy it on this site. And that's why! When purchasing Detox, each buyer is assigned a personal consultant. During detoxification, a nutritionist competently advises on the rules of the program and gives recommendations on proper nutrition. After all, when cleansing the body of “garbage” it is very important not to clog it again.

The box with the full program was delivered to my home, although I had to pay an additional 400 rubles. But when placing an order, you can indicate in the form delivery to the point of issue, and then it will be free.

What did I see when I received the parcel? The box contained 4 boxes with blisters. Each box contains 4 blisters of 10 capsules. The entire program lasts 40 days. Each package of tablets is aimed at cleansing certain organs in which harmful toxins accumulate: intestines, liver, kidneys. The last package is designed to normalize the microflora after cleansing. Treatment must be done in stages.

Having studied the composition on the website when ordering, I was confident in the natural composition of the drug. But just in case, I decided to carefully read the instructions included with the tablets.

The composition is completely natural, contains herbs:

  • aloe,
  • chamomile,
  • plantain seeds,
  • ginger,
  • turmeric,
  • mint,
  • green tea,
  • lemon peel extract,
  • millet extract,
  • prickly pear,
  • artichoke,
  • horsetail,
  • potassium,
  • watercress,
  • fennel,
  • bifidobacteria,
  • lactobacilli.

Also in the instructions, the manufacturer promises that after treatment, the body will get rid of toxins and poisons that have accumulated over time in the liver and kidneys, metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be restored, and congestion of the biliary tract will be eliminated. As a result of cleansing, the condition of the skin will improve, immunity will increase, and lethargy and fatigue will disappear.

When I started taking the miraculous capsules, I thought, I’ll try it, because it definitely won’t get any worse. I noticed the first effect after a week of taking it. I started going to the toilet regularly, and, excuse the details, gas and bloating decreased. The feeling of heaviness after eating disappeared. The truth has a mild laxative side effect.

Then, as I continued my cleansing program, I began to notice that my skin was finally starting to clear up. At first, new rashes stopped appearing. And when acne and old inflammations began to disappear on my face, my joy knew no bounds. Large purulent acne on the back also began to disappear. I've been waiting for this for so long!

It’s too early to say about my outbreaks of an allergic reaction whether they have passed or not, since they rarely happen to me.

What other changes have I noticed? The feeling of fatigue and depression disappeared. I started getting sick less. Although before taking Detox, the slightest contact with a sick person was enough for the virus to knock me off my feet. I have two schoolchildren, acute respiratory infections and ARVI are a frequent guest in our house. When a child got sick, I instantly became infected; my body didn’t want to resist at all. Now I get sick much less often, I recover easier and faster.

I don’t know if this is due to the removal of toxins, but the condition of my hair has improved. They actually fall out less, don’t split or break, they seem to be alive.

In general, I do not regret at all that I decided to purchase this program. As a result, my external and internal condition improved. I decided that I would cleanse my body using this system once a year.

Looking at such an amazing effect, my mother and sister ordered the program. And I’m also completely delighted. As a result of cleansing, my mother lost excess weight. If she used to wear size 52, now she wears size 48.

By the way, I forgot to write that this cleansing program cannot be completed by children under 18 years of age, pregnant or lactating women. And people with some chronic illnesses will need to skip some steps of the cleanse. That is why I still recommend ordering, as I do on the Internet, so that a nutritionist consultant can tell you about the drug regimen that is suitable for each case.

Do I recommend NL's Detox cleanse program? Definitely yes!


I have a positive attitude towards the detox diet. The gastrointestinal tract and internal organs also get tired, they need to be given rest and cleaned of toxins. Sometimes I also drink either just water or kefir. There is no hunting involved. The offered tablets probably have a certificate and instructions in Russian. After consulting with a doctor, I think you can try to cleanse the body and internal organs. Then it becomes easier, energy increases.


The secret to cleansing the body

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