Novopan-3 with ginger root for weight loss and weight maintenance



Novopan No. 1 capsules (weight correction) 100 capsules

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Ingredients: Altai deer meat powder - 200 mg; microcrystalline cellulose - 150 mg.

In ancient China, deer meat, due to its high biological activity and various medicinal properties, was rarely eaten, but was used mainly for medicinal purposes - first, deer meat was dried, then infused in rice vodka to obtain a special wine that gives strength and improves health. Next, the ancient Chinese healers dried the meat extracted from the wine, ground it into powder, which was mixed with medicinal herbs and used to prepare tonic pills.

Having high nutritional and biological value, and containing no preservatives or artificial colors, the product “Novopan No. 1” is manufactured using a special technology of low-temperature vacuum drying, which allows preserving the maximum amount of amino acids necessary for the human body in the main component of “Novopan No. 1” (deer meat powder). , vitamins and minerals.

The easily digestible low-calorie dietary product “Novopan No. 1” is both an effective natural remedy in the fight for a slim figure and a therapeutic and prophylactic vitamin and protein supplement to the daily diet with a wide range of beneficial properties.

The high efficiency and safety of Novopan No. 1 has been proven by many years of research and clinical trials of this product in various medical and health resort institutions in Russia.

Indications for use of "Novopan-1":

Recommended for:

  • Excess weight, obesity, vitamin deficiency, fatigue, weakness of the body;
  • Inflammatory processes, malfunctions of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems;
  • Reduced lipid metabolism, skin diseases, rashes and skin irritation;
  • Deterioration of vision, brittle hair and nails, hormonal imbalances;
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, urolithiasis, blood clots.

The biologically active drug Novopan-1 is used for weight loss, removing toxins and waste from the body. The medicinal properties of the dietary supplement include relieving inflammation, strengthening the heart and blood vessels, and activating human defense systems. Novopan-1 is a balanced source of protein. Amino acids contained in the meat of artiodactyl mammals are beneficial for the body. In folk medicine of China and Asian countries, maral substances are highly valued because they are a valuable medicinal component.

Novopan-1 does not contain artificial colors and is completely safe for humans. with deer meat powder is indispensable for diabetes and obesity; the medicinal properties of the drug include increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood and stimulating the functioning of the human immune system. The high benefits of the active supplement help patients rehabilitate after surgery, reducing the risk of complications.

Novopan-1 is taken by athletes, active and physically developed people to restore energy and maintain the body's defenses.

The drug Novopan-1 is effective not only for weight loss, but also for normalizing intestinal function. Microcrystalline cellulose contained in the food additive absorbs and removes harmful substances. The cellular substance, like a sponge, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract without damaging the beneficial microflora. A natural neutralizer of harmful compounds is found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits.

Taking a drug based on MCC reduces the feeling of hunger and is an excellent prevention of gastroenterological diseases, diabetes and atherosclerosis. The benefits of cellulose cannot be overestimated; it is indispensable for the normal functioning of any organism. This substance does not dissolve in the stomach and has no contraindications. When taken in combination, Novopan-1 promotes weight loss and saturates the body with essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

In our online store “Russian Roots” you can buy “Novopan-1” and consult on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy this dietary supplement and how much it costs. The large assortment and excellent prices of our online store will pleasantly surprise you.

Various dietary supplements can be purchased at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, or ordered by mail. The price in pharmacies depends on the volume of the package. You will learn about the benefits of Novopan-1, what it treats, and how it is taken by visiting the page of our website.

general description

NOVOPAN is obtained by low-temperature vacuum drying of deer meat, preserving the valuable nutrients of natural meat and its biological activity. The product has been clinically tested and is an effective and safe means in the fight for health and a beautiful, slim figure. Actively increases cell viability. It does not accumulate in the body, is not toxic, is active for a long time, is not a laxative or diuretic, does not depress the central nervous system and is not addictive. Low fat content and almost zero calorie content of the product will help you cope with extra pounds without harm to your health.

Novopan is a source of complete protein of animal origin, which cannot be replaced with fats and carbohydrates. Protein gives the body additional energy, which intensively works with fat deposits on the waist and hips. The rich biochemical composition of the product is the basis for a healthy balanced diet. Novopan is a valuable complex of “live” vitamins, minerals and amino acids created by nature itself, highly soluble and easily absorbed by the body.

Novopan is recommended for all healthy people, as well as people at high risk of cardiovascular diseases caused by atherosclerosis. The optimal ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and unique omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, preserved in their original form and having anti-atherosclerotic and antithrombogenic activity, helps reduce the risk of developing many cardiovascular diseases. The product helps remove heavy metals, free radicals, microbial toxins, breakdown products and other toxic substances that accumulate in fatty tissues from the body.

Method of preparation and use of "Novopan-1":

As a protein supplement for the diet, take 2 capsules of Novopan-1 three times a day before meals.

To reduce and correct weight, you should take 2-3 capsules of the dietary supplement instead of one meal (preferably dinner).


Reviews indicate that the results of such treatment provide remarkable results. You need to tune in to the treatment until you get the result and try not to interrupt the procedure. If you don’t know where to buy Novopan-1 in your region, contact our online store “Russian Roots”.

Excess weight is a serious problem in modern society. Women are more likely to be overweight, especially between the ages of 45 and 54. After 35 years, their metabolism slows down, muscle mass decreases and the percentage of fat increases, especially in the abdominal area.

The risk of many serious diseases increases with excess weight. For example, middle-aged people who are overweight are 50% more likely to develop hypertension than those who are of normal weight.

The following diseases are often closely associated with excess weight:


heart disease and high blood pressure;

hypothyroidism (decreased activity of the thyroid gland;

breast cancer, uterine cancer, etc.

You won't believe how many health problems you can avoid by getting rid of extra pounds.

Why do you need to adjust your weight?

Correct answer: for your own health!

Since ancient times, the meat of deer, and especially Altai deer, was highly valued. For example, in Ancient China, deer meat was rarely served on the table, but was used exclusively for medicinal purposes. Deer meat is a biologically complete, high-quality food product that has a remarkable healing effect on the human body, protects against vitamin deficiency, provides essential amino acids, iron, phosphorus, vitamins A and B, normalizes impaired metabolic processes, and improves immune functions. Surprisingly, it’s a fact: in terms of the total amount of amino acids, raw deer meat is much superior to canned antlers (!)

Altai deer meat in capsules is a revolutionary protein product with pronounced health properties, your personal assistant in the fight against excess weight. The meat powder in the product is obtained by low-temperature vacuum drying of deer meat, preserving the valuable nutrients of natural meat and its biological activity. The product has been clinically tested and is an effective and safe means in the fight for health and a beautiful, slim figure. Actively increases cell viability. It does not accumulate in the body, is not toxic, is active for a long time, is not a laxative or diuretic, does not depress the central nervous system and is not addictive.

Low fat content and almost zero calorie content of the product will help you cope with extra pounds without harm to your health.

Altai deer meat is a source of complete protein of animal origin, which cannot be replaced with fats and carbohydrates. Protein gives the body additional energy, which intensively works with fat deposits on the waist and hips.

The rich biochemical composition of the product is the basis for a healthy balanced diet. Deer meat contains a valuable complex of “live” vitamins, minerals and amino acids created by nature itself, which are highly soluble and easily absorbed by the body.

The product is recommended for all healthy people, as well as people at high risk of cardiovascular diseases caused by atherosclerosis. The optimal ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and unique omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, preserved in their original form and having anti-atherosclerotic and antithrombogenic activity, helps reduce the risk of developing many cardiovascular diseases.

The product helps remove heavy metals, free radicals, microbial toxins, breakdown products and other toxic substances that accumulate in fatty tissues from the body.

How quickly does the weight come off?

Losing weight quickly is very harmful to health, since adipose tissue contains a large amount of toxic substances. When fatty tissue is broken down, they enter the bloodstream and poison the body. A good, safe result for health is considered to be a loss of no more than 3 kg per week.

The first extra pounds, as a rule, go away easily. But after some time, weight loss may slow down. This happens because the body needs some time to rebuild metabolic processes. If this happens, do not despair - after 1-2 weeks the weight will begin to decrease again.

Will the lost pounds come back?

During consumption of this product, the volume of the stomach is reduced, and therefore in the future you will be able to continue to eat smaller portions and fill up with less food. But there are no diets after which you can return to your previous eating style without increasing your weight. Returning to your previous “unhealthy” diet is tantamount to returning to your previous excess weight. The question is timing. Therefore, whether you regain the lost pounds or not largely depends on your lifestyle.

Fighting excess weight is difficult, but possible!

The recommended duration of use is at least 90 days.

Ingredients: Altai deer meat powder - 200;

microcrystalline cellulose - 150.

What is inside?

Vitamins: vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E.

Amino acids: valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, histidine, alanine, arginine, proline, serine, glutamic acid.

Minerals: iron, zinc, potassium, copper, sodium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus.

Altai deer meat contains a complex of natural B vitamins, balanced by nature. They are involved in the release of energy, fat burning and carbohydrate metabolism. In a situation of stress (including stress from any diet), the reserves of these vitamins are quickly depleted. B vitamins have a serious effect on brain function, regulate mood and metabolism.

Vitamin E is an important natural antioxidant that prevents the harmful effects of free radicals. Antioxidants play an important role in many metabolic processes responsible for regulating body weight.

A natural complex of important amino acids (including essential ones) in the product helps to lose excess weight, improves drainage (removing excess fluid from the body), and helps convert fat reserves into energy. For example, glutamic acid reduces appetite, reduces sugar cravings and ensures good bowel function, which is very important when losing weight. Phenylalanine copes well with apathy, weakness, lethargy and drowsiness, and serves as a building material for the “good mood hormone”. Methionine helps the liver neutralize increased doses of harmful substances that are released during the breakdown of fats.

Iron is a microelement unique in its importance. As part of the blood, iron is involved in the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to all tissues, organs and systems of our body.

Zinc and potassium have a special effect on the brain and nervous system. Zinc is involved in protein and DNA synthesis, is essential for tissue growth, helps regulate blood sugar and form collagen in the skin and connective tissues. Potassium is involved in various metabolic processes and in the regulation of heart activity.

Sodium and copper are also involved in metabolic processes and are necessary for various functions in the body - respiration, hematopoiesis (copper stimulates the absorption of iron and hemoglobin synthesis), metabolism of carbohydrates and minerals.

Manganese - participates in the work of enzymes necessary for the absorption of vitamins B, E and C, in the process of metabolism, regulation of glucose levels, and the functioning of the immune system. Its deficiency is one of the causes of osteoporosis, chronic depression, disturbances in the stability of blood sugar levels and allergies.

Magnesium is an essential mineral for metabolism, involved in the formation and growth of bones and the regulation of blood pressure. Helps prevent irritable mood and depression, which often occur with excess weight. The intake of this mineral helps to increase the flow of oxygen to tissues, which contributes to more efficient fat burning.

Microcrystalline cellulose (plant fiber concentrate) in this product is a valuable additional source of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber stimulates the functional activity of the intestine, bile secretion, helps remove metabolic products and toxic substances from the body, maintains the composition of the intestinal microflora, and creates a feeling of fullness. It has the ability to reduce the rate of absorption of nutrients entering the intestines with food. In the stomach, MCC actively absorbs liquid, swells, increasing in volume several times, irritates the stomach receptors and causes a feeling of fullness, thus eliminating the feeling of hunger, preventing chronic overeating - the main cause of obesity. MCC has the ability to adsorb (absorb) toxic substances in the gastrointestinal tract and suppress the activity of putrefactive microorganisms. MCC helps remove products of incomplete digestion, has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, and helps with impaired metabolism.

Mode of application:

1. Use of the product as an additional protein nutrition

Take 2 capsules 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

This food product is recommended as a special protein food for the following groups of people:

in order to improve the healing of postoperative wounds for seriously ill patients in intensive care units and intensive care units during the postoperative recovery period after complex surgical operations on the abdominal organs, especially bedridden patients with dietary restrictions who should not be allowed to reduce protein intake;

to increase the effectiveness of complex therapy of atherosclerosis in combination with obesity: patients with high levels of cholesterol and atherogenic index, with impaired metabolism, as well as to increase the energy level and immune reserves of the body;

in order to improve the general condition of weakened cancer patients with weight loss in the preoperative and postoperative period;

in order to increase hemoglobin in cancer patients with mild and moderate anemia during chemotherapy, radiation therapy and symptomatic treatment;

children who play sports and/or have additional needs for proteins, vitamins and minerals.

2. Use of the product for the purpose of weight correction

For best results for weight loss, it is advisable to combine this product with a reasonable, balanced diet. There are two ways to use the product to achieve the desired results.

Choose the one that suits you.

Method 1. Slow but sure

Take 2 capsules 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

This method of use stimulates the functional activity of the intestines, reduces appetite, promptly induces a feeling of fullness and prevents chronic overeating - one of the main causes of excess weight.

The duration of taking the product is not limited; achieving your goals depends on age, lifestyle, genetic predisposition, and individual characteristics of the body. As a rule, the more pounds you need to lose, the more time and effort it will take.

Method 2. Give dinner to the enemy...

Take 2-3 capsules INSTEAD of dinner with water.

Our food contains many easily digestible carbohydrates, which are absorbed into the blood and raise glucose levels. Glucose plays the role of “primary fuel” in the body (like gasoline for a car). It combines with oxygen in cells and is “burned” to produce the energy needed by the body. The main consumer of glucose is muscles.

During the day we move and glucose is used by the body, but at night our muscles do not work. As a result, glucose enters the liver, where enzymes are activated that convert glucose into fat. Fat spreads throughout the body and is deposited on the stomach, waist, hips, and covers the internal organs, causing obesity.

The proverb “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy” did not arise by chance. Even in ancient times, it was believed that eating at night causes serious harm to the body and leads to its rapid aging. An interval between meals of at least 12 hours is very beneficial for our body. When we don't have dinner, the body saves glucose and begins to process its own fat.

It is believed that when you don't have dinner, you are limiting yourself in the nutrients your body needs to function normally. In this case, metabolic processes slow down. When you are fasting, your body may begin to fight back and hold on to fat, believing that you are in a situation of forced starvation. Then, as a rule, the consumption of muscle mass begins first and only then the fatty tissues of the body.

When you take Altai deer meat capsules instead of dinner, your physiological need for food is significantly reduced. The body receives nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but virtually no calories. Thus, weight loss occurs without the feeling of hunger, without problems and without harm to health.

If you took capsules instead of dinner, but still experience a psychological need for food out of habit, you can drink a cup of hot green tea - it “calms” the stomach well. Avoid going to the kitchen, try to be distracted, drink warm water - it satisfies hunger well, keep yourself busy so that you have no time to think about food!

Don’t forget: if you take capsules instead of dinner, this does not mean that you can “eat up in reserve” during the day. Try to move more and don't eat everything. So you will soon notice that the extra pounds are falling off also because you are expending more calories than you consume.

Attention! Changing body weight is a serious stress for the body, therefore this method of use is not recommended for children and adolescents.
It is not recommended to use the product as a replacement for basic nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you have pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to first consult with your doctor before taking it. Barcode: 4680004350019

Contraindications for the use of "Novopan-1":

Individual intolerance to the components of the drug "Novopan-1", pregnancy, lactation. Do not take to children under 14 years of age.

Novopan-1 is available in Moscow pharmacies at an affordable price; the active supplement can be ordered by mail or courier. The main medicinal characteristics, benefits and harms of taking the drug are presented on the medicinal herbs website. Additionally, the client can get acquainted with the method of administration, how much it costs, where to buy, what it treats and how the selected drug is useful.

You can buy “Novopan-1” in our online store “Russian Roots”, and also order it by mail.

Release form:100 capsules.
Shelf life:1 year. Store in a cool dry place.
Manufacturer:Pantoproekt LLC, 659300, Russia, Altai Territory, Biysk, st. Lev Tolstoy, 150.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

See also:

  • Vitamin C 900 capsules
  • Plantain seeds to normalize stool
  • Psyllium Husk for Sugar Control and Weight Loss
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