The mood of your diet: what are the benefits of dark chocolate for weight loss?

Chocolate will never cease to be a fantastic indulgence option, not only for chocolate lovers, but also for people who want more from their diet. For those who want to eat healthy and healthy all the time.

Of course, sweets are not a healthy diet, but it is dark chocolate that will help you feel healthy on a diet and that sometimes helps you relax and forget about problems.

It is known from many studies that raw cocoa beans, and specifically dark chocolate made from raw cocoa powder, contain large amounts of antioxidants, including epicatechin and catechin.

In addition, intestinal bacteria die in raw chocolate, as well as fermentation products. Because this chocolate contains anti-inflammatory compounds that are essential for your health.

But that is not all…

Is it possible to eat dark chocolate on a diet while losing weight, is it possible or not on PP?

When following a diet, it is better to avoid milk and white chocolate, because they contain a lot of sugar and milk. But bitter is different in composition, and you can use it when losing weight. Its main components are grated cocoa (or powder) and cocoa butter. It has less sugar and no dairy products. That is why, with a high calorie content, it is useful for those who want to become slimmer. But it must be considered as an alternative to other sweets, and not as a dietary product.

There are different types of dark chocolate. The main difference is the percentage of cocoa included in the composition, which varies between 55–99%. Here is an article about the difference between dark chocolate and bitter chocolate. So which one should you choose?


If you set out to lose weight and cannot give up chocolate, then you should choose a product with a cocoa content of at least 70%.

When buying a bar, pay attention to the fact that cocoa is in the first place in the list of ingredients. A quality product should not contain such components as confectionery fat, palm oil, cottonseed oil and hydrogenated oil. The only fat is cocoa butter. The packaging must be intact, the tiles must be solid and even.

While maintaining proper nutrition (PN), do not give up dark chocolate varieties. This product in reasonable quantities will not only provide health benefits, but will also help minimize the consumption of sweets.

Myth three: healthy baked goods help you lose weight

Well this is really funny! Many fans of proper nutrition, especially those who have recently become interested in the topic, for some reason believe that dietary baking is completely safe for your figure, so you can enjoy it whenever your heart desires and in almost any quantity.

There is some truth here: indeed, homemade dietary baked goods (and even not very dietary ones, just - shhh!) are much healthier than store-bought ones, where it is not clear what is made of what and what is preserved with it so that it can be stored for a hundred years.

In the case of proper nutrition, we remove sugar and yeast, replace white flour with whole grain flour, butter with vegetable oil, cream with yogurt or cottage cheese, milk chocolate with dark dark chocolate - and as a result we get a product that is much healthier for the body. But there are still plenty of calories in it, because whole grain flour is not inferior in calorie content to white flour, and vegetable oil is even more nutritious than butter.

So, my dear lovers of sweets, do not delude yourself by starting to eat the “right” cookie or cake with the hope that too much dessert will pass without leaving a trace on your waistline. It won’t work if you don’t remember once and for all: even the “right” sweets are not a holiday for every day.

Is dark chocolate good for weight loss?

Despite their high calorie content and large amount of fat, bitter varieties are still recommended for those losing weight. The benefits of the product in this regard are as follows:

  • Flavanols contained in cocoa reduce the body's resistance (immunity) to insulin, helping to reduce the need for glucose, and therefore cravings for sweets.
  • Theobromine, tryptophan and phenylethylamine help improve mood and eliminate nervous anxiety, stimulate brain function and overall performance. This reduces irritation due to hunger during a diet and reduces the desire to eat stress.
  • For the two reasons mentioned above, the product reduces the feeling of hunger, reducing appetite, which is very important when losing weight.
  • It contains catechins - substances from the group of antioxidants. They promote fat burning and increase oxygen consumption during movement.


Chocolate 70% and above has a low glycemic index (23-25 ​​units), so after eating it there is no sharp rise in blood sugar.

The product also accelerates metabolism, accelerating calorie consumption, is not stored in fat deposits, and gives strength and energy.

Check out the articles about the benefits of dark chocolate:

  • for women;
  • for men.

List of the lowest calorie desserts

Let's move on to the list of low-calorie treats that can be added to the menu while following a diet.

  • puddings ~ 230 kcal,
  • marmalade ~ 321 kcal,
  • soufflé ~ 204 kcal,
  • zephyr ~ 326 m,
  • sorbet ~ 70 kcal,
  • jelly ~ 35 kcal,
  • honey ~ 42 kcal;
  • biscuits ~ 393 kcal;
  • diet bars ~ 321 kcal,
  • gingerbread ~ 343 kcal;
  • parfait ~ 100 kcal,
  • halva ~ 540 kcal.

Each product must be studied for its composition and calorie content.

Fruits and berries

Berries and fruits are the healthiest low-calorie treats. Despite this, among fruits and berries there are also quite sweet foods with a high glucose content, which can negatively affect the rate of weight loss. It is worth excluding the following fruits from your diet: persimmons, bananas and grapes.

It is recommended to consume the following berries and fruits:

  • pineapple - 49 kcal;
  • kiwi - 48kcal;
  • pear - 42 kcal;
  • apricot - 41 kcal;
  • orange - 36 kcal;
  • green apples - 35 kcal;
  • grapefruit - 29 kcal.

Fruit jelly

Fruit jelly is very healthy and tasty. It will help satisfy hunger, saturate the body with vitamins and refresh. You can prepare the dessert yourself from several types of juice or buy it in an online store. In most cases, fruit jelly can be consumed without restrictions, since it contains no sugar. The product consists of 2 ingredients: fruit juice and gelatin. Fruit juice contains dietary fiber, vitamins and organic acids, which help increase metabolism.

The composition may also contain pectin - this ingredient also has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and helps cleanse it of toxic substances. The main thing is that it contains no artificial additives.


Caramel candies have the least amount of calories - approximately 241 kcal per 100 grams. Before purchasing, you should carefully study the composition of the lollipops. They should not contain flavors or dyes.


Marshmallow is a healthy and natural product that you can prepare yourself at home. To do this you will need gelatin, peach or applesauce and a small amount of sweetener. Then mix all the ingredients and make candy. An airy delicacy prepared without artificial additives is useful when consumed in moderation.

Applesauce contains pectin, which normalizes cholesterol levels and helps the gastrointestinal tract, and is also endowed with anti-inflammatory functions. Nutritionists recommend eating 1-2 marshmallows for breakfast, since carbohydrates are needed in the first half of the day.

One option for making homemade marshmallows is a peach-based treat. To prepare you will need:

  • 3 peaches;
  • 15 grams of gelatin;
  • any sweetener.

Wash the peaches well, peel the seeds and grind in a blender until smooth. Gelatin must be dissolved in a small amount of water, mixed with peach puree and then sweetened a little. Cool the resulting mixture, beat thoroughly with a mixer and place on parchment. Leave it for a couple of hours and the sweetness will turn out tastier than in the store and twice as healthy.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits allow you to completely cope with your sweet cravings. They perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger because they contain fiber and carbohydrates. The delicacy is slowly digested and normalizes energy metabolism. In addition, dried fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements, as well as a minimal calorie content. It is worth eating them for breakfast or afternoon snack, adding them to porridges and compotes. But don’t overdo it - 100 grams of dried apples or 3-4 figs per day. When preparing sweets, do not use sugar or preservatives; fruits must be dried naturally.

Diet jam

Dietary jam is a natural and healthy analogue of preserves. This is a low-calorie product that contains about 42 kcal per 100 grams; instead of sugar, there is a natural substitute - stevia. On the store shelves you will find a wide range of dietary jams: milk, apple, berry and classic.

Ice cream

Natural ice cream should not contain fillers or syrups. The delicacy will quickly fill the lack of nutrients and satisfy hunger due to its high calcium content. You can make ice cream at home from natural products: low-fat milk, replacing sugar with berries and fruits. However, it is worth remembering that when consuming low-fat varieties, your weight loss process may not be effective. You should not eat more than 1-2 times a week.


Yogurt is a healthy and tasty treat that consists of live bacteria and natural ingredients. It contains no preservatives or sugar. Frozen yogurt contains only 60 kcal per 100 grams.

bitter chocolate

Sugar-free dark chocolate with stevia is one of the healthiest and most dietary products. It contains half the calories of a filled chocolate bar. Nutritionists recommend eating several slices a day. After all, dark chocolate suppresses hunger, improves your mood and gives you a boost of energy for the whole day.

Calorie content, how much you can eat per day

100 g of product contains about 540-550 kcal. This is a lot, but due to the fact that there is no milk and little sugar, it has a low GI, and due to the properties of the main ingredient (cocoa), it is useful for normalizing body weight. Of course, subject to the daily requirement. It is 20-30 g - you cannot eat more than this amount per day, unless we are talking about a chocolate mono-diet, which we will talk about below.

The nutritional value (BJU) of 100 g of 70% chocolate is as follows:

  • proteins - 6.2 g;
  • fats - 35.4 g;
  • fats - 48.2 g.

These are average data that may deviate slightly in different directions depending on the composition of a particular product from different manufacturers. For example, the percentage of cocoa butter and sugar may differ. Always look at the ingredient list and calorie content listed on the package before purchasing.

Types of chocolate and composition

100 grams of dark chocolate contains about 650 kcal. You can eat chocolate while losing weight if you decide which type is more suitable for its content to complement the diet.

BitterLactic White
Cocoa beans – 54%

Cocoa butter – no less than 35%

Sugar – 11%

Cocoa beans – 50%
Cocoa butter – no less than 14%

Powdered milk – 10%

Sugar – 26%

Cocoa beans – 34%

Cocoa butter – 6%

Powdered milk - 15%

Sugar – 45%

You can eat chocolate while losing weight, but only bitter chocolate, which contains at least 50% cocoa. Such a bar will not be filled with a lot of sugar, it will not only give pleasure, but will also bring benefits. It is better not to consume white and milk chocolate if a person wants to achieve slimness; it contains many times more sugar. You should eat only natural chocolate and in small doses, no more than 30 grams per day.

Possible harm and contraindications

Before losing weight using this product, it is important to consider both the benefits and harms of dark chocolate for the body before losing weight. Here is a list of contraindications for its use:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • gout;
  • obesity 3-4 degrees;
  • insomnia, jet lag;
  • kidney and/or bladder stones;
  • diabetes;
  • persistent hypertension or hypotension;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • stomach ulcer, colitis, gastritis;
  • breast-feeding;
  • pregnancy.

Harm may be observed in the form of exacerbation of diseases that are contraindications, or the product may contribute to their development. In other cases, it is possible with excessive use. Side effects in this case may include allergies, stomach upset, nervous excitability and sleep problems, mood swings, headaches, and migraines. But the main negative effect is weight gain.

When can you eat dark chocolate while losing weight?

The time of consumption during the day depends on the dietary program. If this is a mono-diet, then eat chocolate at all meals. With PP (proper nutrition), this product is included in the diet, eaten in the first half of the day and preferably after main meals.


Due to the stimulating effect on the nervous system and brain activity, bitter and dark chocolate should not be eaten at night. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing insomnia and poor sleep. It is permissible to eat 1-2 cubes no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Three-day dark chocolate diet

Following a diet based on dark chocolate for 3 days allows you to get rid of a few extra pounds. You can only use it if you are completely healthy and have no contraindications or restrictions on the use of the product.

Features and Efficiency

This is an express diet that is used to lose 2-5 kg ​​in a short time. It is incredibly simple, the menu is the same every day:

  • in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast - a cup of green tea without sugar;
  • breakfast - 40 g of chocolate and unsweetened black coffee;
  • lunch - 30 g of chocolate and again coffee without sugar;
  • dinner (no later than 3 hours before bedtime) - 30 g and unsweetened green tea.

You should drink mineral water throughout the day. Not counting tea and coffee, for three days you will need 3 bitter bars of 70-99% and 3 bottles of mineral water without gas (1.5 l).

There is also a version of a similar diet, but without green tea. This is also acceptable, but the proposed option is more useful. Green teas are excellent for removing toxins, normalizing blood pressure, and they contain a lot of antioxidants. This drink also contains catechins (like chocolate), which stimulate the breakdown of fatty tissue. If desired, you can completely replace coffee with it in your diet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits include:

  • rapid weight loss, the ability to get rid of 3-5 kg ​​in 3 days;
  • maintaining high spirits and energy;
  • For many, this is a tasty diet that is enjoyed.

There are also disadvantages. This diet is not recommended by nutritionists because it:

  • reduces the volume of muscle tissue, because the body tries to make up for the lack of protein;
  • can lead to dehydration due to the lack of salt in the diet and the rapid removal of fluid due to this;
  • puts a high load on the liver and heart;
  • negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the likelihood of developing gastritis.

Losing weight quickly increases the risk that the weight will soon return, and in even greater quantities. To prevent this from happening, you need to exit the diet correctly. In the first week, eat only chopped fresh vegetables, juices and tea. And only after that, gradually introduce protein - lean meat, eggs, dairy products.

Other chocolate diets

A fasting day involves drinking one bar (70% or higher) throughout the day with unsweetened black coffee or tea. You also need to drink enough water. After 18:00 they do not eat chocolate, they drink water.

The so-called Alsou diet lasts 7 days and allows you to lose 5-6 kg. Every day you are allowed to eat 80 g of any chocolate or 2 chocolate bars of 40 g each. Bitter is more recommended. It is acceptable to drink coffee without sugar and with skim milk, but only 3 hours after eating a portion of chocolate.


Any chocolate-based diet cannot be followed for more than a week or more than 2 times a year, as this will negatively affect the liver, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the whole body. It is also recommended to first make sure there are no contraindications and consult a specialist.

By the way, the singer herself spoke of this diet as a way to quickly lose up to 6 kg of weight, but at the same time she almost made herself faint, and admitted that she would not resort to it again.

A more gentle 5-7-day diet allows you to eat other foods, but with the condition that the daily caloric content of the diet does not exceed 1000 kcal. At the same time, the menu cannot include fatty, sweet, fried, smoked, or salty foods. Oatmeal with water, a boiled egg, vegetables, herbs, unsweetened fruits (kiwi, tangerine) are allowed.

Recipes for great sweets for weight loss

It is best to prepare sweets yourself. This is the only way to ensure the correctness of the ingredients and the quality of the final product.

Here are a few simple recipes to replace unhealthy candies and sweets that are prohibited on the diet:

Dishes Ingredients Recipe
Milk coffee jelly
  1. Gelatin – 25-30 grams.
  2. Water.
  3. Skim milk – 300 grams.
  4. Instant coffee - teaspoon.
  5. Sweetener - to taste.
Soak gelatin in water, about half a glass. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on low heat, gradually add gelatin (2/3) after dissolving, bring to a boil, adding sweetener to taste.

Dissolve coffee in a glass of water, add the remaining gelatin.

Pour a little milk into the mold, cool and put in the refrigerator. Once it hardens, add a little coffee.

Pour in layers until everything hardens.

Cheesecake without baking
  1. 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
  2. A glass of low-fat yogurt (fruit).
  3. Sweetener.
  4. Gelatin – 2 packs (50 grams).
  5. Water.
In a glass of water, stir a pack of gelatin and a little sweetener, you can add food coloring.

Pour the contents into the mold and let it harden in the refrigerator.

Mix the second part of gelatin, then beat in a blender with yogurt, cottage cheese, substitute.

Add to the mold and let it harden.

Fruit pancakes
  1. Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.
  2. Flour – 2 tablespoons.
  3. 2 egg whites.
  4. Sweetener.
  5. Pears or other fruits.
The pears are peeled from skin and seeds, cut into pieces and placed in the microwave for 5 minutes, then mashed with a fork to a pulp.

Flour, lemon juice, sweetener, and proteins are added.

The contents are fried until cooked.

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