How much weight can you lose if you don't eat for 1, 2, 3 or 5 days?

Aggressive weight loss methods are not the most effective way to lose weight. But sometimes they are simply necessary. Nutritionists say that with a competent approach to the process, you can get rid of excess fat in 7-10 days. The main thing is to follow the time and rules to avoid unpleasant complications. Is it possible to lose weight without eating? It is worth reading the recommendations for using a crash diet.

Is it possible to lose weight if you eat nothing: rules for a week of fasting

Therapeutic fasting is periodically practiced to increase the patient's performance, rejuvenate and remove toxins from the body. Before using the emergency weight loss method, you must consult a doctor. Depending on the age and health status of the person, the doctor prescribes an acceptable period during which the patient should not eat anything. On average it lasts 7 days. If you don't eat for a week, how much weight you can lose is a major concern for overweight people. If you follow the rules - up to 5 kg.

In this process, you must follow the following basic rules:

  • do an enema every 3 days;
  • breathe fresh air regularly;
  • drink herbal teas during acute hunger;
  • Massage problem areas of the body daily;
  • Go to the pool or have an anti-cellulite massage.

During the week, natural juices, fermented milk products, and herbal decoctions are allowed. If you are hungry, you can eat vegetables raw or steamed without salt. Fruit ones are also allowed, but only in the first half of the day. Refusal from fasting must be done correctly, otherwise the patient risks regaining lost kilograms within a few days. Every day you should gradually increase your daily caloric intake to an acceptable level. This takes up to 7 days.

What nutritionists say

Is it possible to lose weight if you don't eat after 6?

There are a lot of theories and speculations regarding fasting. You can lose weight this way, but you should take into account the characteristics of your body. With this method, it is necessary to do daily enemas. This is necessary to remove the remnants of processed food from the intestines. During the period of fasting, these deposits begin to rapidly decompose, causing some kind of intoxication. To prevent this and not harm the body, you should do enemas, just injecting about 400 grams. warm liquid into the rectum.

Important! If, during fasting, severe weakness and headache attacks do not stop, then you just need to drink a glass of warm water, in which dissolve a spoonful of sweet honey and a couple of drops of lemon.

Based on some judgments regarding the fasting method, it can be noted that this method is considered an excellent remedy for all diseases. The human body spends all its energy on the digestive process, and it critically lacks energy to support the organs in need.

And when he refuses food, he has plenty of internal energy, so there is no need to process food. And so he throws a stream of energy into healing diseased organs. Some argue that this is indeed true, because reviews from fasting people note not only weight loss, but also improvement.

Life source

In order not to be afraid of excess weight, it is better to start running in the morning or just walk more often. After all, not everyone can withstand fasting. In order not to abuse your body, you just need to reconsider your food preferences and choose healthier food. Then no obesity will be scary.

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If you eat nothing, you can lose weight: nutrition system for a week

If you don’t eat anything, how much weight can you lose in a week? Nutritionists will ask this question to those patients who do not dare to starve, but want to lose extra pounds. A special seven-day diet helps cleanse the body of harmful toxins and significantly reduce volume. Weight loss principle:

  • consume no more than 600-700 kcal during the day;
  • Most of the day's food should be eaten before 15.00. After this, juices and herbal teas are allowed;
  • 2 hours before bedtime, do not eat or drink;
  • The main emphasis is on eating protein foods. Promotes rapid fat burning and maintains body tone;
  • drink a lot of water - up to 3 liters per day;
  • Sports training is acceptable, but in moderation so that the body does not feel overworked.

If you follow all the recommendations of nutritionists, you can get rid of 3-4 kilograms in 7 days.

Weight loss and fat loss are two different things

Weight loss and fat loss are two different things. Body weight is bones, muscles, connective tissue, glycogen, water, and the contents of the stomach and intestines, not just fat. Your body weight is the sum of all these parts. You can lose weight but stay at the same body fat . This means that the quality of your body will not improve in any way.

Some diets promise -10 kg per week, suggesting virtually no food during this time. Let's say you stayed on a diet and lost 10 kg of weight . But how much fat ? In this stressful mode, we lose 70% of water, 25% of fat and 5% of protein. This way you can lose weight, but this is a tactical gain and a very big strategic loss.

How much weight can you lose if you don't eat for 1 day?

If you don't eat all day, how much weight you can lose is debatable. During this period, it will not be possible to get rid of the fat layer, except for excess water in the body. This will help reduce the volume a little and feel comfortable in clothes that have become small. Daily weight loss is most often called a fasting day. During this time, you can consume one liquid product per day. Food secretions help remove toxins and excess water from the body. In addition, a one-day diet helps normalize the functioning of the stomach, relieving cramps and flatulence.

During the day you can drink kefir, milk, and herbal decoctions. It is advisable to focus on one product. In the morning you can eat a small portion of vegetable salad. It is best to spend the day outdoors or on the road to burn calories, and the results will be noticeable the next day.

If you don't eat for 2 days, how much weight can you lose?

You can't burn fat in a day or two. But preparing the body for further weight loss with the help of a balanced diet is quite possible. Two-day weight loss rule:

  • Removing excess water from the body. This can be done using bath procedures that help activate sweating;
  • emphasis on cardiac surgical exercises. They speed up metabolism and start the process of burning fat deposits; The use of plant components that help cleanse the intestines of toxins. You should drink 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil per day;
  • eat low-calorie foods: vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products;
  • Eat no more than 700 calories per day.
  • With a competent approach to the process and high physical activity, you can lose 3 kg in 2 days. However, most of the weight lost will be additional liquid, and your figure will look exactly the same as before you lost weight.

Weight Loss People often wonder if they don't eat anything for 3 days, how much weight can they lose? Nutritionists say that it is difficult to get rid of fats alone in such a short time. However, you can cleanse the intestines and reduce its volume by 1-2 cm.

What else is dangerous about weight jumps?

A separate problem is with the redistribution of fat in the body in these “weight loss - weight gain” cycles. The body's fat cells have receptors on their surface - alpha and beta: some are responsible for the breakdown of fat, others for accumulation. Stimulation of these receptors gives the cells a command to save or give away.

Different areas of the body have different numbers of certain receptors. Fat cells on the chest, face, and abdomen give off fat easily because they have many receptors responsible for its breakdown and few receptors responsible for deposition. Therefore, on a diet, the fat layer first leaves from there.

And when you gain weight, an increase in volume can occur in other places - the buttocks, thighs, lower abdomen - these areas have many more receptors responsible for the accumulation of fat and few for its breakdown, that is, the opposite is true.

As a result, constant starvation diets and breakdowns only deteriorate the figure: the upper part of the body “goes away”, and the volume of the lower part, on the contrary, grows.

If you don't eat for 3 days, how much weight can you lose?

However, this will happen provided that the patient does not eat fatty and excessively salty foods, which retain water in the body and cause swelling. In the process of losing weight, you need to consume vegetable decoctions, milk infusions, and herbal infusions. It is allowed to eat fruits, a small amount of honey is added to tea, and a handful of nuts for breakfast.

If you don't eat for 3 days, how much weight can you lose? With daily physical activity, a small daily amount of calories consumed and constant self-massage, it is possible to lose 3 kg and a few centimeters in the waist.

A 4-day diet allows you to lose 4 kg. The result will be noticeable if the person losing weight includes daily heart exercises in their weight loss program. What are the rules of the diet:


Both during and after the diet, the metabolic rate decreases, fat burning slows down, and appetite and hunger increase. All this happens in order to make it as easy as possible and speed up weight gain after a diet, and anyone who has gone off a diet knows this from their own experience: gaining fat is much easier than getting rid of it. And the reason is in our evolutionary past, when starvation was a real threat.

If you have a lot of excess weight, it is impossible to lose weight quickly, and the body perceives fasting as a signal to accumulate fat. Only slow, controlled weight loss with a combination of proper nutrition and strength training is the most correct and gives more guarantees that you will reduce the percentage of fat, maintain muscle, and the excess weight will not return.

If you don't eat for 4 days, how much weight can you lose?

You should consume no more than 800 kcal per day;

  • On the first day, you can eat lean fish and boiled vegetables until 15:00. After this, drink only green tea or chamomile decoction;
  • the second day is devoted to vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower. Foods are steamed or eaten raw;
  • the third day is devoted to fruits: apples, pears, plums. After 6 pm I drink only green tea;
  • the last day is drinking. During this period, it is necessary to consume only liquid foods: fermented milk products, tea, herbal decoction, broth.
  • A handful of nuts will help rid the body of hunger. But before dinner, eat them thoroughly. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of filtered water daily.

If you don’t eat anything, how much weight can you lose in 5 days? Nutritionists talk about 4 kg. These dates are suitable for consumption in the buckwheat diet. Its rules are simple:

Contraindications for the fasting method

Is it possible to lose weight if you eat once a day?

The method of rapid weight loss has many contraindications. Before taking such a serious step, you should definitely consult your doctor. The most pronounced limitations include the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • serious tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis and liver diseases;
  • serious heart problems;
  • renal failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • ulcer;
  • gout;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Important! Consultation with a doctor is mandatory, because a person may not know about the presence of any disease.

If no contraindications are identified, then you can safely start fasting. The first two days are the hardest, because the feeling of hunger during this period is very strong. The body is under stress from a lack of energy and begins to rebuild, drawing the missing energy from subcutaneous fat deposits.

The most important thing at such a moment is not to break down and start eating everything. It is better to stay away from food; it is recommended to do something to take your mind off thoughts about food. A state of weakness and lack of energy will be present during the first days, but then it will become easier. Attacks of headaches may occur due to loss of strength.

Important! If you plan to fast, it is better to spend this period at home, since it is difficult to work in such a state.

Many women who want to get their figure in order quickly ask: if you don’t eat for 3 days, how much weight can you lose? During this time period you can lose 3-4 kg. During the fasting period, the body is able to lose about 1 kg per day, but on the 6-7th day the figure decreases by half. That is, about 400-500 gr. within 24 hours. It is worth knowing that fasting is strictly prohibited for pregnant women and children.


During breastfeeding, you should also not limit your diet. Elderly people are also not recommended to give up food for a long period. No matter how long the fast lasts, the main thing is to get out of it correctly. This is the most important thing, because within a few days the body becomes weaned from food, and the digestive system shuts down completely. If you immediately load it with food, you can ultimately harm the body. It is recommended to begin the exit from the food “strike” gradually:

  • diluted freshly squeezed juices;
  • pure juices;
  • salads without additives;
  • porridge;
  • usual diet.

Note! How many days did the fast last, so many days should there be a way out of it.

If the refusal of food lasted 5 days, then this is how long it takes to prepare the body for a normal diet. This is the most difficult period of fasting; the percentage of failure is very high. The first day you need to make fresh juices and dilute them half with water. You can drink them as much as you like, the main thing is to alternate the ingredients. At the end of the 2nd and throughout the 3rd day, you must drink clean drinks.

Next, make vegetable salads from cabbage, herbs, carrots, and cucumber. You can't add anything, only fresh vegetables. And on the last day there are porridges that are easy on the stomach. Afterwards, familiar foods should be introduced into the diet, but only in small proportions. There is a risk of gaining weight again and in a very short time, since usually starving people begin to consume those foods that they really miss. And this is chocolate, pastries, fried foods, etc. That is, those foods that have a high calorie content.

Junk food

If you don't eat for 5 days: how much weight can you lose?

  • eat up to 1 cup of boiled buckwheat per day;
  • Buckwheat can be boiled or steamed;
  • You can dilute the monotonous menu with kefir;
  • Buckwheat porridge is prepared without adding spices, spices or oil. But you can improve the taste by adding a little salt.
  • A person will consume up to 800 calories per day. With regular exercise, self-massage and bathing, you will also lose 6 kg.

A person will consume up to 800 calories per day. With regular exercise, self-massage and bathing, you will also lose 6 kg.

10 days is a good time to lose extra pounds and burn fat. During this period you can get rid of 6-7 kilograms. However, part of this amount will come from excess water. For productive results, it is imperative to include strength and cardiovascular exercises in your weight loss program. More attention should be paid to running, jumping and swimming. However, muscle building will also be necessary since crash diets burn muscle mass and make the body flabby.

How much weight can you lose if you don't eat for 10 days?

The diet should consist of protein foods and fast carbohydrates. It is acceptable to consume up to 900 kcal per day. To prevent vitamin deficiency and malaise, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes.

Fast weight loss methods are not suitable for all people. Patients with certain diseases are at risk of serious complications. Contraindications include:

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