How to eat without denying yourself anything, and at the same time not gain weight, or even lose it?

Why do you need to consolidate the result?

Because our body always strives for a point of balance (its usual state).

Look, if you weighed 100 kg before losing weight = this is your balance point (usual state).

Point, number, body weight, fat percentage = what your body is used to. Understand? =)

When you were drying out, burning fat, removing, for example, -30 kg of fat, and now your body weight is not 100 kg = but already 70 kg = you gradually moved away from this point of balance (usual state). NOW WHAT?

Right. Your body is not used to this. These 70 kg, this lower % of body fat = not usual. The body (over many months, years) got used to the fact that your body weight, % fat was higher than it is now (in my example, it’s 100 kg). And you lost -30 kg. Now you have a different weight, a different % of fat (less).

Accordingly, in this situation, the body will try to return to EQUILIBRIUM (to its usual state). The body tries (strives) to a point of balance, to a familiar state. Trying to get back to that same 100 kg. Because they are the ones (in my example) that are familiar to the organism (body).

That's an example. Your body weight and fat % may be different. Not 100 kg. And for example, 90. And you lost weight from 90 to 60, and then the body tries to return to those 90 =) the essence: the body strives for its usual state.

Reasons for losing results

Behind us is a grueling diet, long hours of training in the gym and tons of willpower. Finally, the treasured arrow of the scales showed the desired number. Hurray, end of the diet! And after 3-4 days, the lost kilograms quickly return. Another day - and the weight is already slightly higher than before the diet. Why?

There are several reasons for weight gain back:

  1. Lack of a competent way out of the diet. The exit should include a smooth transition to an expanded menu and weight control.
  2. Rule of homeostasis. Many people's favorite quick diets give colossal results in record time. But the body lives according to its own principles. Rapidly lost weight tends to return as quickly as possible in order to maintain the rule of constancy, or homeostasis.
  3. Binge eating. After a diet, those losing weight throw themselves into all kinds of troubles. Fatty, fried, salty and sweet foods are gobbled up with gusto and uncontrollably.
  4. Refusal of physical activity. Running, gym and fitness are abandoned, because after a diet you can relax! The result is a couple of extra pounds.

These are the main reasons for rapid weight gain after a successful diet. And most often they are combined together in one problem case. A person who has lost weight but is tired of dieting is prone to both overeating and refusing to exercise. Therefore, the extra pounds come back in record time.

Important! You need to keep yourself in shape, first of all, for your own health and longevity.

Why is this happening?

Because when we lose weight = on purpose = our body seems to “think” that it has found itself in extreme conditions, and a quick death from starvation is possible. In our time, a civilization of food abundance, this is no longer relevant, but!!! Our ancestors did not live in the same civilization as we do now. Do you understand?

We live in a civilization of food abundance.

Simply put, a ton of affordable food. But! Our ancestors did not have such happiness =)

Accordingly, fat was beneficial to them (our ancestors) because it helped them survive.

Previously, there was very little food, the shortage was severe, there were harsh environmental conditions (not like now), and fat helped our ancestors survive. This is an element of adaptation to the surrounding reality. Due to the fact that our ancestors lived in those harsh times “with food” = such an adaptation developed.

In our body = nothing just happens. What we eat = our body stores it in reserve, in fat, just in case, because it is beneficial for our survival. But, this is beneficial if we consider those harsh times, and not our time, here and now, where there is a lot of available food.

Now this adaptation does not help us, but on the contrary, it harms us.

Well, look. We have a lot of available food - we pounce on it = the body stores it in fat, in reserve, just in case, thinking that it helps us (our survival), but in reality, because... we already live in a civilization of food abundance - no, it does not help, but harms because body weight step by step increases and increases, and over time, serious health problems begin, leading to death.

CONCLUSION: before - this adaptation = was beneficial, now (in our time) - not, but we have it.

Why do many people gain weight when quitting smoking?

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that smoking is harmful: cigarettes worsen health and reduce life expectancy. However, many smokers are hesitant to give up their bad habit for fear of gaining weight. “These fears are not without meaning: studies confirm that in the first two to three months after quitting smoking, you can gain an average of 4-5 kg,” explains Natalya Polenova, Ph.D., family doctor, cardiologist, nutritionist GMS Clinic.

This is explained by the fact that metabolism slows down, and due to the restored sense of smell, the taste properties of the food consumed are improved. Plus, the central nervous system hormones that dull the feeling of hunger (dopamine and serotonin) are released worse. As a result, appetite increases."

In other words, after saying goodbye to cigarettes, the taste of food becomes brighter and the feeling of hunger becomes more acute. Therefore, most ex-smokers change their eating habits, to which the body reacts with weight gain.

Moreover, this happens equally often to both men and women. “Research data on gender differences in weight gain during smoking cessation is inconsistent. Most likely, men and women are equally susceptible to this, notes Natalya Polenova. “However, smoking itself has a more detrimental effect on a woman’s body, not only on reproductive function and the health of her future children, but in general, on a variety of organs and especially on the respiratory system.”

By the way, why is fat stored?

Good question, from the most curious =)

Because the fat cell is the most energy-intensive, and during periods of hunger, the body can be maintained from the reserves of this fat =)

Is it profitable? Previously = of course yes yes yes, so adaptation, as I said, has developed.

But now, this adaptation is harmful to us, because we live in a civilization of food abundance.

So, when we lose weight, we gradually limit the amount of food (calories), but our body does not know that we are artificially specially limiting food consumption (losing weight). It seems to think that hungry times have come, that something urgent is happening, that something is wrong, this is some kind of “mechanism”.

Therefore, if we have already lost weight (if a person has already lost weight, lost weight, excess fat) = the body is trying to return back the original state that was before losing weight (diet, etc.). This is how a mechanism beneficial for human survival works, but! This was true in those ancient times, when there were problems with food, among our ancestors, but not now, among us humans, where there is a lot of affordable food. Do you understand?

The initial state is the state that is familiar to the body (that is, weight and % fat before weight loss begins).

I’m telling this so that you understand the whole essence, the concept, so to speak, of everything.

CONCLUSION: our body always strives for a point of balance (its usual state).

This is why if you quit working out, quit dieting, etc. = thinking that everything is over, you can eat again, etc. and so on. and everything will be normal = everything will not be normal. The weight (fat) will return.

In order for this not to happen = you need to hold the existing form for some time (later, I will talk about that) in order to consolidate this result, this form.

The fact is that your body (due to its capabilities) always adapts to what you want.

To adapt = you just need time and everything unusual becomes = familiar.

According to my observations in terms of body weight = average guideline, well, at least 6 months. This time is individual; for one person the result may take 3-4 months, for others it may take a year or more.

That is, if you lost weight (a) from 100 kg to 70, -30 kg = it takes time for this balance point = 70 kg = to gain a foothold, for your body to rebuild and get used to this new state. That's all.

How to avoid gaining weight after losing weight

Choosing the right path to losing weight

The most important thing in losing weight is, as you already understood, how you actually lose your weight.

If you force yourself to suffer through strict diets, endless illogical workouts, spending maximum time in the gym or, even worse, using capsules and diet pills, various magic berries and root vegetables, then you will definitely regain your weight and possibly even more.

The thing is that you are not psychologically ready to work for hours in the gym. You'll just die there. And in the end you will say: fuck it...

Sound familiar?

I have seen many people, even those closest to me, who started running a lot from the very first day, and within a day or two everything ended in failure. I have also seen people who go on strict diets and then think about how not to gain weight after this strict diet.

After all, you won’t be able to eat like this all the time. And, if you eat like this for a long time, you will notice how much weaker you have become, you will feel dizzy, and so on. By the way, I strongly recommend that you read the article about what problems arise during low-calorie diets.

It is important to lose weight correctly and healthily, that is, gradually, with the right diet, the right exercises and the right rest.

It's important to make changes to your lifestyle and not just start counting your calories for the day, which will not give you the desired results.

The best diet for weight loss

On this blog you can find a lot of tips on how to lose weight the right way through nutrition.

There are many more, but let's recap...

Eat fresh food, add more greens, start cooking properly, for example, steaming. Include super foods in your diet - fiber-rich cereals. Make sure your body is getting a balanced meal with all the required nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Do not eat unhealthy foods, such as fast foods and carbonated drinks, especially since all this is not cheap and will cause enormous harm to your health. Eat small portions every 2-3 hours, which will give you 4-6 meals a day. Eating small meals frequently will ensure that the resulting calories are completely burned.

The main idea of ​​a healthy diet is not to allow your stomach to be empty so that the body simply begins to store fat until better times, as they say. After all, he does not want to experience constant stress associated with hunger strikes.

Correct exercises for weight loss

So what do we mean by proper exercise?

It's not like you need to spend hour after hour in the gym killing yourself with intense exercise. During these types of workouts, you'll end up hurting your body, causing muscle tears, and simply exhausting your body.

You will end up hating these weight loss exercise programs.

So what do you think? Are you familiar with this effect?

Start small. Spend 30-45 minutes in the gym to begin with, just working, doing something. This is enough to maintain a healthy weight. Make sure you choose the right exercise program. If you don’t have the conditions or means to go to the gym, start walking or moving more.

Of course, this is easy for me to say. But I know that there are people who will never do this. Then my recommendation is to start with yoga. It's fashionable now and it's effective. Even the simplest yoga poses will help you get into the routine and possibly get used to the stress. But you will need a coach.

Just become more active.

Proper rest

“He who goes to bed early and rises early becomes healthy, rich and wise” - Benjamin Franklin.

This is indeed the truth.

You must learn that the minimum is 6 hours of sleep (8 hours would be perfect sleep). If you reduce your sleep time and prevent your body from getting the proper rest it needs, it will take a toll on your health.

And, interestingly, sleep will help you prolong the youthful life of your skin, get rid of wrinkles at an early age and help you lose weight. So to maintain a healthy weight, give your body time to regain its strength and youth.

More water

Drink at least 6 glasses of water every day, or at least close to that. And one more thing that you should take into account is that you should drink water in the morning when you get up.

Water is amazing, it is full of life, after all, we are mostly made of water. Well, why not drink it?

Although I know that many people cannot just drink water. You can often hear this, right? So is this a problem? Add flavor to your water, for example, squeeze a slice of lemon, infuse mint, a little grapefruit. These fruits will not only help you maintain your weight, but will also help you burn extra calories.

This water will taste like a drink to you. In addition to helping control weight, it will also help improve the health of your facial skin, hair and body. You can also drink green juice, which will also help in weight loss.

Be active

Although we have already talked about this a little, it is still worth repeating...

Just start doing short workouts in the morning and throughout the day. Involve yourself in simple little things like stretching, even if you are in the office. Take a few steps, if you sit still for a long time, start using the stairs at work and at home instead of the elevator.

Walk short distances to the market or store instead of using cars, taxis or buses. Small changes in your actions produce big results.

Believe me, the results will not take long to arrive.

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