Features of a two-week fast: preparation, entry and exit

Correct fasting cleanses the body perfectly, 14 days is a long period, but it’s worth it. Many who have tried this diet say that it is one of the most effective ways to lose weight quickly. People who have been unable to lose weight in other ways often turn to him.

The essence of this diet is that a person drinks two and a half liters of water for two weeks and does not eat any food.

Not eating anything for 14 days is a serious test for the body. You should prepare for it. This will reduce the likelihood of “breaking” the diet and smooth out the inevitable discomfort.

Preparing for fasting

It would be wiser to start fasting from one day, gradually increasing the period to two weeks.

When a person has chosen the day from which food refusal will begin, preparations need to begin. This means that you will have to change your usual diet. Three days before the scheduled date, you need to exclude any types of meat, all baked goods and cereals, fatty foods and sweets from the menu. Instead, the diet consists of fresh vegetables and fruits, and herbal infusions are replaced with coffee and tea. This will allow our body not to lose its supply of vitamins and microelements.

On the eve of the chosen date, it is preferable to completely exclude dense foods. On the day you start fasting, you can cleanse the intestines with an enema.

Prepare yourself for a two-week fast correctly, and you will appreciate how beneficial it will be for your figure.

Proper fasting

Refusal of food for quite a long period of time is a great stress for the body, but thanks to this radical method, amazing results are achieved. You have to give up food for two weeks and change your usual way of life.

Nutritionists do not recommend immediately starting fasting from 14 days. This may be too much stress for an unprepared body and lead to negative consequences. First, it would be better to give up food for one day, then wait a week, and extend the diet for 2-3 days. Then stop for a couple of weeks, and then don’t eat for five days or a week. This cycle should be repeated 2-3 times, and only when the body gets used to fasting should you start fasting for two weeks. But this period is not the limit. Those who have been practicing therapeutic fasting for a long time are able to avoid eating any food for up to 40 days.

In the first days, it is extremely important for a fasting person to resist and not interrupt the diet. The hunger will be quite noticeable. You can remind yourself that all this is in the name of beauty and health.

During these 14 days, try to drink a lot of clean drinking water. You can also drink mineral water without gas. This will reduce your appetite and help remove toxins from your body.

After completing a two-week fast, you should initially follow a light diet.

How does water fasting work?

When fasting, we refuse any food. During water fasting, it is this liquid that becomes the basis of the diet for fourteen days. Some people change this technique by including herbal infusions or weak tea without sugar in their menu instead of water. But most experts agree that it is better to drink only water for two weeks. Warm, boiled water at room temperature. No added sugar, honey, lemon or other flavoring additives.

In the first week, hunger pangs can be quite severe. You can drown them out by drinking a glass of water. If a person understands why fasting is necessary and sets himself up correctly, then in the end he will be satisfied with the results.

Every day you should take a shower or a warm bath, it will help remove toxins and waste from the body. For people who are too thin, it is advisable to drink plenty of very warm water and take hot baths more often so that the body does not become too weak.

If fasting lasts two weeks, after this time, at least 14 days, exit from this diet is carried out. A gradual return to the usual diet is carried out carefully and slowly so as not to cause harm to weakened organs. The body smoothly moves from receiving energy within itself to acquiring it from the outside. All this allows you not only to get the desired result, but also to consolidate it. Coming out of a two-week fast is the most important stage of the process and cannot be neglected.


Juice fasting can be varied and delicious. We offer several drink recipes.

"Magic Apples"

Magic apples

To prepare the drink, you will need three apples and some spinach. You need to squeeze the juice out of these products, combine the ingredients and take them twice a day. Apple and spinach are especially beneficial for the digestive system. They perfectly cleanse it of accumulated toxins. It is most effective to use this combination before bed.

"Green Power"

If you have cabbage, celery and apples, you can make a tasty potion. Take 2 medium-sized apples, ¼ of white cabbage and a sprig of celery. The products need to be washed well and the juice squeezed out of them. The cocktail turns out to have a piquant taste, with a high content of enzymes and vitamins. This combination of components will saturate the body and remove unpleasant discomfort.

"Don't worry"

If you add fresh juice from 8 leaves of lettuce and 2 sprigs of celery to the juice of a green apple, you will get an excellent drink. It is advisable to drink the juice before bed. This fresh drink is also appropriate for severe overexcitation.

"Velvet Skin"

Juice “Velvet Skin”

A drink made from cucumber and sweet pepper will improve the condition of the skin during juice fasting. Squeeze liquid from 1/3 of a green cucumber and ¼ of a green and red pepper. The high content of vitamin E and C, beta-carotene, zinc and potassium will not only improve the condition of the epidermis and hair, but also activate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. As a result of this process, extra pounds will begin to quickly disappear, and the body will become slimmer.

"Ginger vivacity"

  • Prepare a couple of apples, oranges, a small cube of ginger root;
  • Remove the peel from the last two products, and cut the apples into slices after washing;
  • Squeeze the juice from the ingredients, mix and enjoy the unusual taste of this wonderful drink.

What is good about the water diet?

In order for the entire cleansing process to occur correctly and not cause harm, a deficiency of fluid in the body must not be allowed. You need to consume as much water as possible, and only clean drinking water, without any additives or sweeteners.

After the first few inevitable days of discomfort due to lack of food, the body will begin to adapt and the brain will stop sending signals to the stomach. Not finding a source of energy for itself outside, the body seeks it within itself. Experts call this phenomenon “acidotic crisis.” From this moment, internal nutrition begins for our body.

Every person's body contains reserves of adipose tissue. After a few days of fasting, excess fats begin to be used to maintain energy.

But for fat burning to become noticeable, you will have to fast for at least four days.

Proteins are gradually broken down, and after this our organs are cleansed of everything unnecessary: ​​excess cholesterol, various salt deposits, harmful substances and toxins accumulated in the body, as well as various toxins.

This is complex, step-by-step work for our body. This is why the fast lasts for two whole weeks. The human gastrointestinal tract is gradually cleansed, and we can feel unprecedented lightness and renewal; energy appears to accomplish everything we have planned.

How to properly end a diet and recover from it

Correctly ending a two-week fast is no less important than surviving 14 days without food. By suddenly changing your diet, you can cause unpleasant consequences in your body or even put your health at risk.

The main emphasis is on restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

For the first days after fasting, eat only plant foods. Our body has been cleansed and now we need to consolidate the result.

For three months after completing the diet, the following are excluded from the menu:

  • salt
  • sugar
  • mushrooms
  • animal fats

During this period, limit your consumption of any protein foods. Their excess can negatively affect kidney function. Try replacing artificial sweets with natural ones, such as dates, figs, raisins and honey.

Any person's exit from a 14-day fast should be accompanied by a light diet. The safest of them is considered to be juice. On the first day, drink the juice diluted with water by half. Gradually the concentration of juice increases. You can add herbal infusions to juices.

After a few days, try switching to fresh vegetables and fruits. Then gradually introduce baked vegetables and salads into the diet.

After a week or two, gradually add various porridges cooked in water, as well as low-fat kefir, to the menu. Temporarily avoid all animal proteins. They can be replaced by legumes and nuts. Later, you can add meat to the diet, but only in ground form, as well as boiled fish.

Food should be taken in small portions, slowly and chewed thoroughly.

Don’t be upset if, after a period of fasting, you notice that the numbers on the scales are not much different from what they were before, or even become higher. There's nothing wrong with that. The thing is that the fatty tissue in the body has decreased, but muscle mass has increased. And our muscles weigh significantly more than fat.

Menu for breaking a 14-day fast

The menu after completing a fourteen-day health fast is dominated by dietary products: cereals, vegetable soups, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and mushrooms. Breakfast in the first week should consist of diluted or undiluted juices, soup for lunch, and a salad for dinner will help restore the digestive tract after rest. Products are introduced according to the following scheme: diluted undiluted, liquid solid. At the end of the second week, nuts and citrus fruits are allowed for snacks. The main instructions: moderation and reduced salt and fat content in foods. As a sauce for vegetables, you can use thermostatic yogurt 1.5% fat with the addition of mustard, dry herbs, and lemon juice.

Read also: Neumyvakin fasting method: what results can be achieved

What are the benefits of fasting?

What are the benefits of fasting for 14 days? Essential. First of all, for the figure. The longer a person refuses food, the slimmer he becomes.

By giving up food for a week you can lose five kilograms, and in two weeks - ten. Fasting will have a beneficial effect not only on your appearance. The diet will launch internal cleansing processes in the body, which will remove all unnecessary waste and toxins from the body.

Two weeks without food can improve a person’s well-being: the stomach, pancreas and intestines take a break from the need to digest incoming food. And water, which should enter the body in large quantities, flushes out the harmful components of vital activity that have accumulated there from the gastrointestinal tract.

But a temporary refusal to eat affects not only a slimmer figure and cleansed digestion. A two-week fast also affects the skin: it cleanses, its appearance becomes more attractive and healthy.

And don’t forget about other human organs. Not only the digestive tract receives unloading. The internal organs are cleansed and restored: heart, liver and kidneys. The blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol, and many people experience relief from the insomnia that previously plagued them.

By properly fasting for these 14 days, you will not only cleanse your body from the inside, but also gain a feeling of lightness and comfort, as well as a good mood.

What results can you achieve in 14 days?

The experience of prolonged fasting often changes a person’s worldview towards global changes in eating habits, even switching to vegetarianism. The actual result and its duration depend on the competent implementation of the procedure, entry into it and exit. According to patients, weight loss is 10-12 kilograms, the microflora in the intestines is renewed, the stomach decreases in volume, appetite returns to normal, chronic diseases go into remission. If you return to abundant fatty and unhealthy foods, the healing effect of food abstinence will be short-lived; in a short time, the digestive tract will become clogged, and the extra pounds and centimeters will return to their previous positions. Only the acquisition of healthy habits, such as moderation in the amount of food, small meals, exclusion of fatty, spicy, salty, sweet foods, will increase the effectiveness of fasting.

Read also: Review of the technology of cleansing the body according to the Genghis Khan method

We recommend reading

  • Rules for 4-5 day fasting
  • Rules for completing the 60 hour fasting procedure
  • How to fast once a week

When you shouldn't go hungry

Fasting for 14 days is not suitable for everyone. For all its benefits, this diet is very stressful for the body. There are people who should not give up food for two weeks.

If you have diseases or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should not, of course, fast. And for problems with metabolism too. If you have the possibility of exacerbation of existing diseases with the inevitable weakening of the body, give up this idea. Or if there is a probable threat of developing such diseases.

By excluding any food from the diet for two weeks, you can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases. This happens more often to those who have not prepared their body for the diet with preliminary cleanses.

There are a number of symptoms, at the first sign of which you should immediately stop fasting to avoid serious consequences for the body. These include:

  • swelling
  • signs of dehydration
  • salt metabolism disorder
  • frequent vomiting
  • sudden drop in pressure
  • fainting

Fasting cannot be considered just a quick way to improve your figure.

This is a serious method, it goes through several stages and does not tolerate neglect of any of them. Even one day of hunger strike, carried out incorrectly, can cause serious harm to the body.


Recovery through juices is recommended for the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Inflammation of the intestines, prostate or uterus, liver and pancreas, ovaries;
  • Depressive states;
  • Cold;
  • Poor circulation;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Diseases that provoke high acidity.

Losing weight with juice fasting
Juice fasting provides:

  • Loss of body weight;
  • Removal of toxins;
  • Cell regeneration;
  • Cleansing the body;
  • Relief of chronic inflammation;
  • Normalization of the activity of internal organs;
  • Strengthening the alkaline environment.

The healing power of juices is explained by the presence of minerals, valuable enzymes, and vitamins . Raw fresh juices contain a small percentage of salt and minerals that act as a diuretic.

Such products are saturated with important biological substances. They strengthen immunity against various pathologies.

However, juice fasting has its disadvantages, which include the following:

  • Negative effects of acid on teeth, which requires special care (constant mouth rinsing);
  • The method is prohibited for gastritis;
  • A long cleansing procedure can provoke an increase in acidity;
  • The juice diet provokes diabetes;
  • The diet is contraindicated for people leading an active lifestyle;
  • It is not advisable to use juices for weight loss in children, the sick, the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.
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