Before you start losing weight. Diet preparation: 7 steps

Losing weight with vegetarian dishes, alternating fast and fast days, is a good idea for those who are thinking about excess weight before the approaching summer and vacation. It is according to these principles that they eat in the monasteries of Mount Athos, and the Athonite diet is becoming increasingly popular. However, it is impossible to instantly switch to qualitatively different food and other drinks. We tell you what steps should be taken by those who decide to go on a diet.

You will have to start by creating a new, comfortable daily routine and a new menu. It’s the same here as with a new dish - before you cook it, you need to study the recipe and purchase the necessary ingredients. Take care of a suitable environment, and then your native walls will not hinder you, but help you.

Lose weight for the holidays: how to set a goal

To track your progress, it's important to know where you're starting. To do this, you should not only find out your current weight, but also your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a value that allows you to estimate the ratio of a person’s weight to his height. BMI calculation: body weight (kg) divided by the square of height (m2) . This is a medical formula that allows, among other things, to assess the risk of certain diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes and some types of cancer). The normal BMI ranges from 18.5 to 24.9. A BMI from 25 to 29.9 indicates the presence of extra pounds. When a BMI is 30 or higher, the doctor diagnoses obesity. You can calculate your BMI using a calculator, on one of the Internet sites, or download the corresponding application for iPhone.

If an overweight person knows his BMI, he will understand exactly how many extra pounds he needs to lose, which is a good motivation for losing weight. On the other hand, the formula may show that your BMI is normal, although you know for sure that you have gained a few extra pounds in recent years. The formula is a formula, but only you know what weight is comfortable for you.

3.Basic methods of preparation (in detail)

Let's look at each of the methods of preparing for a proctological examination in more detail.

1. Administration of cleansing enemas

is a traditional method of preparing for a proctological examination. Perhaps this method is labor-intensive and not the most pleasant, so to speak, but it is often the most effective.

For an enema, boiled water at room temperature with a volume of about 1.5-2 liters is used. You can insert it into the rectum using a syringe, but this is not very convenient. It is preferable to buy a special Esmarch mug at any pharmacy. Its volume is equal to the recommended enema volume, and a special rubber tube with a tip and a tap attached to the mug to control the flow of liquid will facilitate the procedure.

If an examination by a proctologist is scheduled for the morning or first half of the day, to prepare for the proctological examination, an enema should be given twice in the evening, with an interval of about one hour (for example, at 8 and 9 pm), and then twice in the morning, also with an interval of one hour. It is not recommended to have dinner and breakfast. If the proctological examination will be carried out in the evening, it is recommended to give an enema the night before, and then 1.5-2 hours before the appointment. If this is not possible, then you can put it on after the morning bowel movement, or use other methods of preparing for a proctological examination.

2. Rectal cleansing with medication

– a more convenient method of preparing for a proctological examination. As a rule, in this case, 2-3 Microlax microenemas with a ready-made solution are used, which quickly (in about 1.5 hours) and quite effectively cleanse the intestines. In this case, the drug is used 2-3 hours before administration.

3. Taking laxatives

- This is the third way to prepare for a proctological examination.
The most common options are Duphalac
(200 ml of the drug is dissolved in two liters of water. You should start taking this solution 16 hours before the proctological examination, drinking one glass every 15 minutes).
The second popular option is Fortrans
, a product in powder form. 2 or 3 doses of powder are dissolved in one liter of water each, and taken on the eve of the examination, one glass every 15 minutes.

This method of preparing for a proctological examination

may seem the most convenient, but it must be borne in mind that taking laxatives is contraindicated in the presence of signs of intestinal obstruction (lack of stool for several days, vomiting, nausea, bloating).

In any case, before a proctological examination, we recommend consulting with your attending proctologist, who will help you choose the most suitable way for you to prepare for a proctological examination.

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What threatens the “apple” man?

If you are overweight, the degree of threat to your health depends on where the excess fat is stored. Fat reserves are stored under the skin and also around vital organs in the abdominal area. Research shows that apple people, who store fat primarily in the abdomen, are at greater health risk than pear people, who store fat in the thighs.

By the ratio of waist to hip volume, you can determine the amount of fat in the abdominal area. The higher this number, the more belly fat you have and the higher your risk of obesity-related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

How to calculate your waist to hip ratio?

You will need a centimeter.

  1. Measure your hips at the highest points of your buttocks.
  2. Measure your waist at its narrowest point (at or just below your navel).
  3. Divide your waist size by your hip size.

An indicator of 1 or more for men and more than 0.85 for women indicates that you are an “apple person” and your fat reserves are shifted towards the waist area. You urgently need to do something to lose weight. Try to reduce this figure.

How to commit changes

Before you go on a diet, get a special notebook.
You will write down everything you ate and drank in it for at least the first three days. These notes will reveal your weak points and help you develop a strategy to combat them. Plus, once you've lost a few pounds, it's great to look at your diary and see that your eating habits have really changed a lot since you started the Athos diet. Write down the results of your first measurements on the first page of your diary.
In the future, you will correlate with them the changes occurring in your body. Every week, record your weight (weigh yourself at the same time of day and on the same day of the week), note how much time you spend exercising, and write down your favorite recipes. This will help you gain a better understanding of what is happening and avoid repeating mistakes.

Related materials:

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How to avoid temptations while dieting

Before starting a diet, it is wise to remove all inappropriate foods and drinks from your home. Out of sight, out of mind. This rule really works, so get rid of what you don't even want to see anymore. If you are used to nibbling on cookies in the evenings, make sure there are no more cookies in the kitchen cabinet. It is unlikely that you will specifically run to the store for it at night.

If you have a family to feed, try to gradually introduce your family to healthier foods and wean them off endless snacking. If you want to treat your kids to ice cream or candy, buy some while you're out and about, but don't keep it at home.

If you don’t feel comfortable cooking separately for yourself on fasting days, invite the rest of your family to share your fasting dish with you, for example, as a side dish for meat, or prepare another, more satisfying dish for your family, using eggs or cheese.

There is a wonderful method to increase mental strength - “collecting kilograms”

To do this, you should take any cereal (semolina, sugar, etc.) and determine the counting norm for yourself. For example: 1 kilogram – 1 spoon of cereal. When you lose a kilogram, boldly pour a spoonful of cereal into a separate jar (preferably with transparent walls). And so every time.

Over time, the jar will fill up, and your joy will simply know no bounds. You will be very sorry to interrupt your classes, and you will have an even greater desire to achieve even greater results.

How to practically endure the difficulties of the process

You should prepare for the diet in advance and set a goal. It is advisable to choose a time when there are no problems at work and everything is smooth in your personal life. The reason is that stressful situations often make you want to snack on something tasty and high in calories, or even drink a glass or two of wine.

  1. It is necessary to choose exactly the diet that will best suit your preferences and body needs. It is also worth buying electronic floor scales to check your weight daily. You should carefully read the menu that you will need to follow during the diet. You need to purchase all the necessary products in advance, and then make a plan for what dishes and when you will cook from them.
  2. To cope with your appetite, you should drink as much water as possible - thanks to this, the feeling of hunger will become noticeably less. If this does not help, you should snack on fruit or some of those foods that are allowed in the diet menu. When eating, you should not rush, you should chew food slowly, and take the food itself in small portions. While eating, you should not read magazines or watch TV. You need to fully concentrate on food so as not to miss the moment when you are completely full.
  3. It is advisable to find like-minded people who also adhere to some kind of diet, who will be able to help you morally in time if you want to quit this business. If you were unable to find such people in your real environment, do not despair - in the Internet era it is easy to find the right people in a few minutes.
  4. If your mood has completely dropped and you have a desire to give up everything, think about what a beauty you will become when you find the desired, beautiful and slender body. Or that you can get rid of many diseases associated with excess weight.

And a few more final tips

If you work, then never start a diet on weekdays. Move the start to the weekend. This will make it easier to get used to the necessary activities, since it is difficult to start something in a work environment. In addition, in a calm home environment, the risk of relapse is much less. There won't be any girlfriends here with whom you'll want to have tea and candy.

We suggest considering the following popular and effective diets:

  1. The Dukan protein diet is the most effective.
  2. Celery diet will reduce 7 kg in 7 days (my choice).
  3. Irina Sharapova's diet 10 kg in 1 month.
  4. Ksenia Borodina's cucumber diet, minus 12 kg in 60 days.
  5. Green diet of Alla Pugacheva 3 kg in 7 days.
  6. Anfisa Chekhova's diet with a result of 10 kg in 30 days.
  7. Kefir diet from Larisa Dolina with a result of 7 kg in 7 days.
  8. Salt-free diet for weight loss from Elena Malysheva 4 kg in 10 days.
  9. Popular diet of Elena Malysheva for 3-4 months with 100% results.
  10. Kremlin diet 8 kg in 8 days.
  11. Strawberry diet for weight loss 4 kg in 4 days.
  12. Buckwheat diet for effective weight loss up to 12 kg in 14 days.
  13. Japanese diet for 13 days with a result of minus 6-8 kg.
  14. A semolina porridge diet will remove 6 kg in a week.
  15. Bonn soup diet from Dr. Mitchell.
  16. Zigzag diet with a result of 5 kg in 7 days.

Follow simple tips and may everything work out for you, and your appetite will leave you.

Dishes and household appliances

What utensils are needed to prepare healthy dishes with a minimum of oil? First of all, this is a medium-sized frying pan with a non-stick coating and a tight-fitting lid. You will need it for frying vegetables (such as onions, tomatoes and zucchini), mixed vegetables and other low-fat foods.

Another indispensable item in the kitchen is an immersion blender . Ordinary hand blenders make it easier to prepare homemade soups (as well as sauces, vegetable and fruit smoothies, and much more).

Inspect your tableware. If you are used to using large plates, get yourself a couple of smaller plates . They will help you avoid going overboard with your portion sizes.

Which days are fasting?

If you decide to follow the Athonite diet, you will have to fast three days a week. The easiest option is to make Monday, Wednesday and Friday fast days. It is according to this system that the Athonite monks eat. However, the proposed diet is quite flexible, and you can assign yourself fast days (just try to fast every other day, and not three days in a row). Experience has shown that it is easier to stick to a consistent schedule of fasting days. Look at the calendar, mark the planned holidays and determine when you will fast and when you will feast.

1.Preparation for a proctological examination

​​Proper is a necessary procedure before examination by a proctologist. The main purpose of preparing for a proctological examination is to cleanse the rectum

, this allows for diagnosis as accurately as possible.

It should be borne in mind that although preparation for a proctological examination is required in most cases, if you experience severe pain or heavy bleeding, the proctologist will examine you without it. In this case, it is more important for you to quickly get an appointment rather than waste time preparing for an appointment with a proctologist. In addition, preparing for a proctological examination during bleeding and pain can damage or injure the sensitive and irritated mucous membranes of the rectum, which is completely unnecessary.

A must read! Help with treatment and hospitalization!

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