Fat burning drops for weight loss “Pcheliny Spas” - reviews and effectiveness

Natural remedies that are developed for weight loss have become fashionable for several years now. Unfortunately, a significant part of the world's population is overweight. Traditional medicine is characterized by choosing the most bizarre recipes that supposedly allow you to get rid of excess fat. But, of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to prepare fat-burning drugs yourself. It will be easier to buy a finished product on the Internet; there are many of them now offered. One of these products is fat-burning drops for weight loss “Bee Saved”. According to reviews, they were developed on the principles of traditional medicine. The main components of these drops are various plants and dead bees. Let's try to figure out what this product is, consider its effectiveness and find out what doctors and buyers who have already used it think about it.

Description of drops

“Bee Spas” acts as a fat-burning product that allows a person to lose ten kilograms in just a month, and, as the developers assure, people don’t even have to think about dieting. Manufacturers also guarantee the complete safety of this product for human health and name its advantages such as:

  • the presence of exclusively natural ingredients in the composition;
  • no need for any diet;
  • independence from the desirability of physical activity and sports;
  • convenient dosing;
  • guarantee that there is no risk of side effects;
  • very fast weight loss;
  • guarantee of protection against the appearance of sagging skin;
  • low price;
  • health safety.

This is confirmed by reviews of the Bee Saved weight loss drops. The price is interesting to many.

Ease of use

If we compare the use of the drug with physical exercise, we can safely say that it absolutely does not overload the joints and does not contribute to an increase in body volume through muscle growth, and also does not require prolonged effort over several years. Patients will only need to use Bee Spas for weight loss, according to reviews, only for one month. This will guarantee not only weight loss, but will also make it impossible to regain those extra pounds.

The drug is quite easy to take and dose. It should be used in ten drops, which are designed for one dose. They can also be diluted in any liquid, for example, water or juice. The drug should be taken twice a day, and during the treatment itself, the person is absolutely not required to follow any diets, lifestyle changes, and especially physical activity.

Instructions for use

To achieve maximum weight loss results, we recommend following the manufacturer’s recommendations. The Bee Rescue instructions contain information on how to take the drops correctly, so read it before you start using it.

We suggest reading the abridged version for preliminary study. You should not change the dosage or change the frequency of taking the drops, since only with a course of use of the product you will achieve the expected results:

  1. The fat-burning product Bee Spas should be taken daily, 2 times a day , morning and evening;
  2. A single dosage is 10 drops , which should first be dissolved in liquid - water, fruit drink, juice;
  3. Take before meals , for about 20-30 minutes;
  4. There is no need to adhere to diets or food restrictions.

The course of therapy for weight loss is 30 days . If necessary, you can extend the use of drops until the desired result is achieved.

Be careful! Don't get scammed about Bee Rescue online. Only on the official website of the manufacturer's company you are protected from deception and fraud. Especially for you, we checked the link to the manufacturer’s website and guarantee the reliability of the transition and transactions through it.

You can learn about the benefits in the next section of our information review.

Reviews from doctors about Bee Rescue

  • Doctor: Ponomareva Alla Vasilievna, 58
  • Specialty: Nutritionist, Gastroenterologist
  • Work experience: 33
  • Opinion about the drug: Bee Spas is a good, active remedy. But do not forget that even when using the most powerful dietary supplements, you should be on a diet or at least partially contribute to it.
  • Rating: I recommend!
  • Doctor: Shcherbakov Sergey Anatolyevich, 44
  • Specialty: Nutritionist, Endocrinologist
  • Work experience: 23
  • Opinion about the drug: Bee Spas is a very interesting new product that proves its effectiveness in a short time. The principle of operation and range of application are quite wide.
  • Rating: I recommend!

Check out the ease of use of Bee Saving:

(Rated by 42 people)

Reviews from doctors about effectiveness

No matter how positive the descriptions may be, some doctors claim in their reviews that “Bee Saved” will not be able to help patients get rid of extra pounds. Doctors explain this primarily based on the composition of the advertised product. And in addition, they name the following doubtful points regarding the effectiveness of this drug:

  • lack of highly effective elements that should be contained in the product;
  • dose size of only ten drops;
  • advertising positioning, that is, the exorbitant promises that are typical of most of these products, designed not so much to help patients, but to benefit, as well as extract financial benefit from their problematic situations.

So, according to reviews of the Bee Saved weight loss product, the effects promised by the seller of fat-burning drops are simply unrealistic. It is impossible to lose significant body weight by using any means or dietary supplements without doing sports at all. They also report that there are no drugs in the world that can guarantee weight loss by as much as ten kilograms in just one month without causing harm to health, much less with the absence of side effects. It also seems impossible to give guarantees to a person regarding the absence of weight gain after completing a course of treatment with the drug “Bee Spas” for weight loss. There are reviews on this matter.

Benefit and purpose

Bee Spas drops are a concentrate with fat-burning properties. It has a slight aroma and taste of beekeeping products from the composition, which makes the weight loss process enjoyable. At the same time, the active ingredients contained in the drops formula dull the appetite , trigger the natural processes of breaking down fats and removing them from the body without effort or harm to health.

The formula of the drug Bee Spas made it possible to quickly achieve high results in reducing body weight in one short course. Wherein:

  • There is no need to resort to physical training and dietary restrictions
  • Fat dissolves effectively from the start of using the drops;
  • The body is cleansed of waste and toxins , excess fluid is removed;
  • The figure becomes attractive and fit;
  • Fats are burned in problem areas , preserving muscle mass.

In addition to being highly effective and getting results from the moment you start using the course, fat-burning drops have an affordable price, which makes them a good buy. The manufacturing company has set a minimum markup , at the cost level. This allows people who are overweight to save on weight loss. Also on the manufacturer’s official website you can buy Bee Spas weight loss drops at a promotional price . From time to time, limited editions are produced for up to 50% . Thus, the amount per package may cost approximately 1000 rubles less.

Attention scammers! Be careful when shopping online. Fraudsters lie in wait for gullible buyers and can deceive you under the guise of selling a product. We recommend using only verified links to the official website of the manufacturer.

The next section of this review will allow you to learn about the principle of action of the drug.

Rate the price of Bee Rescue:

(Rated by 37 people)

Component Analysis

In a detailed analysis of the components included in the composition, doctors note that chitosan can reduce the degree of absorption of fats by the intestines. But there are several nuances that the product manufacturers either forgot to mention or are simply silent about:

  • The therapeutic effectiveness of chitosan has not been proven to date.
  • If this substance really works, then its effectiveness is possible at a minimum taking into account a dosage equal to five or more grams per day, and the single dose recommended by sellers is only ten drops.
  • Chitosan is produced synthetically and is not found in nature at all, so this component cannot be found in dead bees. It is likely that manufacturers are simply playing with the words “chitosan” and “chitin”.

As for amino acids, they are components of any protein food. These substances do not affect human weight loss. That is, if they reduced it, they would hardly be able to work in such microscopic dosages. Reviews from real customers about “Bee Spas” for weight loss are presented below.

Bee venom, like amino acids, has absolutely no effect on body weight. This substance is commonly used in homeopathy for a wide range of purposes. In reality, if taken orally, any noticeable therapeutic properties and results are unlikely.

Melatonin is one of the human hormones that is produced in the pineal gland. It is very unlikely that dead bees could be its real source. Melatonin is widely sold in tablets, and you can always buy it in pharmacies. But this hormone is absolutely incapable of affecting weight, regulating only a person’s daily rhythm. In addition, melatonin has several other minor effects, but weight loss is not related to this list. This is confirmed by doctors’ reviews of the “Bee Saved” weight loss product.

The caffeine contained in guarana berries probably has a minimal effect on human weight loss, but only if the following conditions are strictly met:

  • its use should be along with physical training;
  • it is necessary to use a specific dosage.

It is not said how much caffeine ten drops of Bee Rescue contain. Doctors doubt that the proposed dosage is enough. This, for example, is evidenced by at least the absence of certain side effects. That is, caffeine certainly has them, and “Pcheliny Spas” is no different. It follows that the dosage of caffeine is negligible and has absolutely no effect on losing excess weight. Reviews and price of “Bee Rescue” for weight loss are the subject of discussion on many forums.

Xonate is a component completely unknown to science. It is possible that it was invented by the sellers of fat-burning drops “Bee Saved”.

Flavonoids enter the human body from grapefruit seed extract. The official website of the drug contains information that they are characterized by the presence of antioxidant properties. This is true. But, as has already been found out, antioxidants do not in any way affect body weight.

L-carnitine is a substance that has a minimal effect on body fat during exercise, but only at a dosage of two grams per day. And a single dose of Bee Rescue, as noted earlier, contains only ten drops.

This is how doctors in their comments explain the reasons why buyers are unlikely to get at least minimal results from taking Bee Saved drops. Their weight will definitely remain the same.

How to distinguish a fake Bee Rescue drops? Price can't always help figure this out. Sometimes a fake is more expensive than the original.

Composition of the Bee Savior

The composition of Bee Rescue is based only on natural ingredients. It contains no carcinogens , hormones or synthetic components , which eliminated the occurrence of side effects from therapy and contraindications for use. A special technology for preparing natural ingredients preserves their molecular structure and guarantees maximum impact on the body.

Bee Spas is a product that can reduce fat deposits in the body in one course. It became possible to achieve high results in weight loss thanks to herbal and natural ingredients:

  • Guarana (berries) - contains a colossal amount of caffeine, which is characterized by slow absorption into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, which prevents irritation of the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as a mild effect on the body losing weight. Its effect allows you to restore hormonal balance, rejuvenate the body's cells and, most importantly, achieve active fat burning. The xonate component helps to establish metabolism and start the processes of breaking down fats, binding them and removing them from the body naturally;
  • Grapefruit seeds (extract) - contains a large amount of substances that have a fat-burning effect. They trigger metabolic processes, participate in important physiological processes in the body, and also have antioxidant qualities and antimicrobial properties, which heals and supports the body in the process of losing weight;
  • Dead bee - it contains chitosan, from the hard integument of bees, a complex of amino acids, melatonin, bee venom and other substances. They allow you to establish the processes of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, restore the connection of fatty acid chains, and lead to a decrease in the absorption of fats from incoming food by the body;
  • L-carnitine is a substance that can naturally destroy the structure of fat cells. Its main effect is to transport fatty acids from the interior of the fat cell for further breakdown. This component is the main substance regulating fat metabolic processes, and when it is deficient, an active gain in body weight and fat deposits under the skin is observed;
  • A complex of amino acids (cysteine, arginine, tyrosine, ornithine) - have a powerful antioxidant effect, maintain hormonal levels in the body, improve mood, general condition and endurance during the weight loss process.

Each component in Bee Rescue is selected at a special concentration, so the drug has a synergistic effect.

Have questions? Fill out the feedback form to receive advice from a specialist. A qualified employee from the manufacturer will call you back to the phone number you provided within a few minutes. You can find the form at the bottom of the review or on the manufacturer’s official website using the link.

Next, we described how to properly use the drug to burn fat. Continue to the next section, further down the page.

Analogues of Bee Spas

Dukan Green Smoothie An excellent drug for instant weight loss, which has already gained recognition and high demand from users on the Internet. Find out if this Dukan Green Smoothie is good and what is included in it, as well as what results can be achieved with this product.

Rate the composition of Bee Saved:

(Rated by 37 people)

Customer Reviews

Buyers who used the drops say in their reviews that after a week of use they experienced a weight loss of only one kilogram, and they are sure that this was not so much due to taking the product, but because they completely gave up sweets. Therefore, some write that they are dissatisfied with the effect; after reading positive reviews, they expected more.

Divorce and deception

People also note that they do not advise spending money on this product, calling it another scam for those suffering from excess weight. Even those who have taken the full course report that there is no talk of losing the ten kilograms advertised.

Real reviews about “Bee Spas” for weight loss are presented in large numbers.

Some receive a completely different composition instead of what is stated on the website; people receive 30 milligram bottles containing some kind of water with vitamins. This serves as further evidence of deceiving clients for profit.

In their comments, people also say that there are cases when they receive a product not of 30 milligrams, but of 10, which means that quite often scammers send fakes of a product that is already suspicious in its effectiveness. Of course, this greatly upsets buyers, which explains so many negative reviews.

Benefits of losing weight

Fat burning drops Bee Spas have certificates of quality and compliance in accordance with GOST requirements . Their effectiveness has been proven in clinical trials and documented . By taking the drug, you can lose weight, get rid of fat, while maintaining muscle mass without using dietary restrictions or physical activity.

The drug has many advantages over existing drugs with a similar effect, namely:

  • Noticeable results in one short course;
  • Availability of quality certificates and recommendations from leading nutritionists;
  • Active fat burning from the first day of using Bee Rescue;
  • Does not require correction of diet and lifestyle;
  • Rejuvenates and restores the body;
  • The lasting result persists even after you stop taking the drops;
  • Fat deposits melt primarily from problem areas ;
  • In one month of using the product you can reduce body weight up to 15 kg .

In addition, the price for the drug Bee Saved in pharmacies is much higher than on the manufacturer’s official website.

Note! We do not advertise the product. Our review is for informational purposes only and is published for your information about the new product.

For any questions regarding your order, please contact the manufacturer by filling out the feedback form. At the bottom of the page we publish various opinions, including negative reviews and reviews from doctors about Bee Rescue.

Get a free consultation about Bee Rescue?

Ask the manager all your questions about the product by phone. If you are satisfied with the answers, then you can immediately place an order by informing the manager of the delivery details.

You will learn further how to order Bee Saved drops and not get scammed. Continue to the final section of our review.

Check out the benefits of Bee Rescue:

(Rated by 44 people)

Positive comments

In addition to openly negative opinions, you can also find more positive comments. A number of satisfied customers report that already on the third day of use they managed to lose two kilograms, and, in addition, three centimeters from all problem areas.

Some people share that after a week of using fat-burning drops “Bee Saved” they do not experience any loss of excess weight, but instead they experience some lightness, which gives the impression that the person has lost a couple of kilograms.

A number of buyers write that after using the product they felt that the excess weight from problem areas had really gone away. They share that they have noticed how their stomach, hips and arms have become smaller, as a result of which they confidently report visual results, as well as that they are satisfied with the purchase of the drops. Here are some reviews about the fat-burning drops “Bee Saved”.

Questions for a specialist

Before ordering and starting to use the product, we recommend that you carefully study its instructions, description and benefits. And also, get qualified advice from an experienced specialist. The company producing fat-burning drops Bee Spas has taken care of the comfort of its customers, including potential ones, and offers to use the feedback form . For your convenience, we copied it from the official website into this review.

Get a free consultation about Bee Rescue?

Ask the manager all your questions about the product by phone. If you are satisfied with the answers, then you can immediately place an order by informing the manager of the delivery details.

After sending your contact information, wait for a telephone call from a specialist. During the conversation, you will have the opportunity to receive comprehensive information about the drug and the principles of order fulfillment. You can ask your consultant the following questions:

  • How does the order happen??
  • How long does it take to deliver products?
  • the drug Bee Saved cost

You can also place an order by telephone by leaving your request.


Thus, as is usually the case with such drugs, the opinions found on the World Wide Web about the product “Bee Rescue” are quite contradictory. The composition of the product is rich in useful substances, but doctors express strong doubts about their effectiveness in losing excess weight. So perhaps it's really worth wondering whether "Bee Saved" is just another dud, developed solely for the purpose of financial gain. Be that as it may, it remains for potential buyers to decide whether to purchase this product or not. After all, if you believe the reviews, it helps some, but not others.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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