Features of therapeutic fasting according to the method of Professor Nikolaev

Yuri Sergeevich Nikolaev (1905-1998) - famous psychiatrist, Doctor of Medical Sciences. He worked a lot on the issues of fasting-dietary therapy (RDT). Initially I used it for the treatment of serious mental disorders, then for general improvement of the body and weight loss. Few people know that his views on nutrition and lifestyle were influenced by L.N. Tolstoy himself, with whom Yuri Sergeevich’s father was friends and about whom there were constant conversations at home.

Yuri Sergeevich Nikolaev and the book “Fasting for Health,” which describes in detail his method of therapeutic fasting

Since 1981, on his initiative, an RDT department was created at one of the Moscow hospitals. From that moment until his death, Professor Nikolaev headed it and received patients there. He described his method in detail in the book “Fasting for Health.” The theoretical basis is presented in the collection “Therapeutic fasting. Clinical and experimental studies”, which was the result of many years of joint work of physiologists, psychotherapists, clinicians, pathophysiologists and biochemists.

The essence

Firstly, fasting according to Nikolaev is fasting on water. It is not dry, suggesting abstinence only from food. Secondly, its main purpose is to improve the health of the body, which is why it is called medicinal.

Yuri Sergeevich himself did not like the term “fasting”, so his system has a different name - fasting-dietary therapy. He always drew attention to the fact that his methodology is two closely interconnected parts and one cannot exist without the other. The first is directly abstaining from food. The second is the recovery period or exit. Without it, according to the professor, positive results cannot be achieved.

How does Nikolaev’s system differ from other similar ones:

  • physical activity is recommended;
  • there are indulgences (for example, honey during periods of crisis, rosehip infusion daily);
  • carrying out medical procedures (special type massage, physiotherapy);
  • supervision of a specialized specialist is required.

The system is not as strict as some other proprietary methods, so many people who want to try therapeutic fasting prefer it. According to the majority, throughout the course they are given strength by the idea that they can drink water at any time, rosehip infusion is allowed 4 times a day, and in case of a crisis, honey can be consumed.

Specialist recommendations and contraindications

Therapeutic fasting has a number of restrictions and is prohibited for people with the following ailments:

  • underweight
  • active tuberculosis
  • heart rhythm failure
  • liver cirrhosis and severe hepatitis
  • chronic renal failure

There are still a number of restrictions. Before using any type of fasting, consult your doctor! Improper use of one or another technique can lead to irreparable consequences. We do not take any responsibility for your actions. In other cases, experts do not set clear restrictions. Still, first of all, start from your own condition.

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Effect on the body

Yu. S. Nikolaev first studied the theory of therapeutic fasting for a long time, from antiquity to modern days. Then, together with a team of scientists, he conducted his own research to find out exactly what happens to a person when he abstains from food for a long time. He describes the results of his research in detail on the first pages of his book.

After food stops entering the body, it is forced to switch to internal nutrition, for which it uses accumulated reserves. In order to spend them, almost all organs and systems begin to work in enhanced mode.

Nikolaev proved that during fasting days, through the lungs, urine and intestines, relief occurs from:

  • fat cells and harmful substances formed as a result of their breakdown;
  • "dead" water;
  • insoluble deposits in joints;
  • excess salt deposits;
  • toxins, toxic compounds.


  • the supply of oxygen to cells improves, as the speed of blood flow increases;
  • sclerotic plaques resolve;
  • pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine die, its microflora is normalized, congestion in the abdominal cavity is eliminated;
  • biochemical changes occur in the heart muscle, it strengthens - the risk of heart attacks and ischemia decreases;
  • vision improves;
  • in the process of autolysis, pathological, painful cells, congestive edema, and adhesions are disposed of;
  • brain activity is activated;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • impaired metabolism is restored.

On the 4th day of fasting, a person loses the desire to eat. Nikolaev explained this by the production of the neurohormone cholecystokinin, which suppresses appetite. But these are not all of its useful functions. Thanks to him, addiction to smoking, alcohol and drugs disappears. Moreover, after completing the treatment course, she never returns.

And, of course, there is a noticeable weight loss: about 18% of the original value.

Based on the effect that therapeutic fasting has on the body, Nikolaev called it an operation without a knife.

A little about the book “Fasting for Health”

Yu. S. Nikolaev wrote a book about the benefits of temporarily refusing food processes. The co-authors were E. I. Nilov and V. G. Cherkasov. The book talks in detail about the method of fasting ; it clearly describes from a scientific point of view all the physiological processes and changes that occur in fasting people. The reader will also find in it many interesting stories of patients who have undergone therapy.

The first edition of the book was a great success among both patients and doctors. It sold out in just a few days. Zhirakh amounted to 200 thousand copies.

Preparatory stage

The professor insisted that before starting a fast, everyone should undergo a full medical examination. A therapist and a neurologist are among the first specialists you should visit. Tests of stool, urine, blood, as well as an electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram are required. We need data such as height, weight, age, constant pressure and pulse. Based on them, the doctor determines the duration of the course (from 2 weeks to 40 days).

Then a detailed consultation is carried out so that the person is mentally adjusted. Being a psychotherapist, Nikolaev paid special attention to this. He is briefly introduced to what will happen to the body, what requirements must be met, and the results are described in detail (a kind of incentive is given).

Physical preparation is minimal: after lunch, the intestines are cleansed with a saline solution. From the moment of its introduction, we can assume that fasting has begun: medication is stopped and abstinence from food begins.

Benefits of therapeutic fasting

Many diets aimed at weight loss are not effective in terms of long-term results. The method of long-term fasting differs from others in the following aspects:

  1. Losing body weight leads not only to improved well-being, but also to the improvement of all vital systems.
  2. After completion of therapy, patients under 60 years of age do not experience sagging skin, as occurs when using other methods.
  3. Fasting is easier to tolerate than reducing the amount of food. After 3-4 days, the feeling of hunger ceases to bother you.
  4. With this method, weight is lost quickly, but exhaustion does not occur.
  5. When treated with hunger, the patient's life is extended and his psycho-emotional state improves.

A course of treatment

Therapeutic fasting according to Nikolaev is a whole complex of procedures for cleansing and healing the body. So don’t expect to be able to lie down and relax. This technique is one of the most active.

Daily regime

  • Enema

The morning of each day begins with a cleansing enema.

  • Bath (shower)

Mandatory in the morning of every day, since decay products formed in the body also come out through the pores. They need to be eliminated in a timely manner.

  • Massage

At home, it is impossible, since a professional massage of a certain type is required - pressure. Imagine that someone is dancing on your back. Approximately the same sensations occur after this procedure. The main goal is to hyperemia the skin and crush the thoracic and cervical spine.

  • "Breakfast"

Drink a glass of rosehip infusion. The recipe is simple: in the evening add 4 tbsp. l. dry fruits with 4 cups of boiling water in a thermos. Strain in the morning.

  • Afternoon set of events

After breakfast, half an hour is allotted for passive rest. It is recommended to lie down and read. After this, a long walk is necessary. Moreover, it is imperative to dress as warmly as possible, because during fasting the body temperature decreases and a person quickly freezes. In the fresh air, Nikolaev prescribed breathing exercises for his patients. You can take water with you (the estimated daily intake is 1.5-2 liters, but it may vary depending on individual characteristics).

  • "Dinner"

Another glass of rosehip infusion. If desired, it can be replaced with plain water or Borjomi.

  • Afternoon activities

Another half hour rest. Individuals then ideally attend the physiotherapy treatments prescribed during the pre-screening. Usually this is UHF therapy (exposure to a high-frequency electromagnetic field), diathermy (warming with electric current), Charcot's shower, medicinal baths. This point will allow you to understand once again that Nikolaev’s method is intended primarily for inpatient treatment in a health center or sanatorium. At home, such a set of activities is not available.

Yu. S. Nikolaev in his method recommends long (20-30 km) walking, which distinguishes it from other proprietary fasting methods

In your free time from procedures, it is recommended to engage in occupational therapy (work with the soil, clean up), games (board and outdoor), and hobbies (drawing, embroidery, knitting). Walking in the fresh air is encouraged.

  • "Dinner"

Drink another glass of rosehip infusion.

  • Evening set of events

After dinner, Nikolaev advises all hungry people to do what gives them pleasure. It does not prohibit watching TV or actively communicating with each other. His treatment center hosted discos every evening after dinner.

  • A set of activities before bedtime

Drink the last glass of rosehip infusion of the day. Water procedures are required: brushing teeth, gargling, and, if desired, a warm shower.

  • Dream

Nikolaev paid great attention to the organization of sleep. The room in which the fasting person sleeps must be ventilated or well ventilated in advance. Be sure to have a warm blanket (again due to reduced body temperature). In recent weeks, the professor recommended going to bed with hot water bottles. If possible, change them during the night.


During fasting, the body has to overcome stages, which Nikolaev informs his patients in advance, so that they know which sensations at which stage arise within the normal range, and which ones should be immediately reported to the doctor and, possibly, the trial should be stopped.

Stage 1. Food excitement

Terms: 1-3 days.


  • excessive salivation;
  • severe attacks of hunger, feeling of emptiness in the stomach;
  • insomnia;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, irritability and even aggression, bad mood;
  • increased heart rate.

Weight loss: minus 1 kg per day.

Stage 2. Increasing acidosis

Terms: 3-5 days.


  • the feeling of hunger dulls or disappears, but thirst increases;
  • slow reactions;
  • in the morning migraine, nausea, weakness, it can be difficult to get out of bed;
  • coating on the tongue, dry mucous membranes, acetone odor from the mouth;
  • pale and dry skin throughout the body;
  • hypotension;
  • rare pulse;
  • deep breathing.

Weight loss: minus 0.5 kg per day.

Stage 3. Compensation

Timing: from 6 days onwards.


  • improvement of well-being and mood;
  • a surge of strength, energy, vigor;
  • disappearance of plaque on the tongue;
  • sparkle in the eyes;
  • cleansing the skin of rashes and dryness;
  • normalization of pulse and blood pressure;
  • restoration of mental balance (bad thoughts, depression, anxiety go away).

Weight loss: minus 200 g per day.

The duration of this stage is different for everyone. The end is considered to be the time when a brutal appetite appears.

Stages of a hunger strike

Yuri Nikolaev, in the process of studying the technique, identified three main stages of therapy:

  • Food excitement. Duration – no more than 3 days. At this stage, a person becomes irritated by any reminder of food: smells, clinking of dishes, the sight of dishes, conversations about products. The period is accompanied by active secretion of saliva, characteristic rumbling of the stomach, sleep disturbances and bad mood. There is a rapid loss of kilograms - from 0.5 to 0.8.
  • Increasing acidosis. After food excitement, the feeling of hunger partially or completely disappears. In its place appears intense thirst. Side effects appear. The weight continues to come off, but in smaller amounts. At the end of the second stage, the patient’s behavior changes dramatically.
  • Adaptation or compensation. This is the turning point of fasting. The patient's condition is improving. Unpleasant side effects disappear. Vigor increases, appearance improves, thinking is restored and heartbeat normalizes. The process of losing weight finally slows down - 0.1-0.2 kg per day. Signs of depression, nervous agitation and tension also disappear.

Interesting fact. The duration of the adaptation period is individual for each patient. It always ends in severe hunger. After the third stage, the recovery stage begins.

Recovery period


After the end of fasting, you need to go through another stage of the treatment course - follow a diet. In his book, Nikolaev offers the following scheme for breaking out of 20-day abstinence:

The amount of food is designed for a person of average build, so it can either be increased for obese people or reduced for thin people. In this matter, it is advisable to consult with specialists.

The table can be adapted for a course of any length. For example, you need a way out of a 10-day fast, but this program is designed for 20 days. You just need to halve the number of rehabilitation days. That is, grated fruits can be eaten not on the 4th day, but already on the 3rd day, etc.

Special Notes on the Recovery Diet

  1. Recommended juices: apples, grapes or carrots. Drink in small sips, keep in your mouth for a long time, mix with your own saliva, enjoy the taste.
  2. On the first day of release, the juices should be diluted with water in equal proportions. They should be homemade, freshly squeezed, without adding spices.
  3. Recommended porridges are buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal. They should be as liquid as possible (as Nikolaev himself calls them, “smears”). They need to be chewed thoroughly and for a long time.
  4. If you are on a hunger strike in winter and you cannot get fresh fruits and vegetables, you can eat canned, frozen and dried ones. But you will have to chew them more thoroughly.
  5. Kefir can be replaced with any other fermented milk product.


Nikolaev gives his own recipe for vinaigrette for the recovery stage.

Cut: 250 g of boiled new potatoes, 50 g of fresh white cabbage, 5 g of onions. The following are grated: 100 g of fresh carrots, 80 g of boiled young beets. Next, all this is mixed, seasoned with 15 ml of vegetable oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. The resulting portion is divided into 2 parts and eaten at different meals.


  • Salt;
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • alcohol, tea, coffee;
  • everything fried;
  • smoking.

And the most important thing! Throughout the recovery period, you should adhere to the same daily routine that was established during fasting. That is, enemas, baths, massages, physiotherapy and walks continue to be performed.

Stages of rehabilitation

During rehabilitation, the body goes through 3 more stages.

Stage 1. Asthenic

Terms: 1-3 days.


  • 100 ml of juice is enough to satisfy hunger, but after half an hour the ravenous appetite wakes up again;
  • weakness;
  • mood swings;
  • diarrhea;
  • rapid pulse;
  • frequent, intermittent breathing.

Weight loss: minus 200 g per day.

Stage 2. Intensive recovery

Terms: 4-21 days.


  • attacks of severe hunger;
  • a surge of physical strength;
  • improvement of well-being;
  • increased mood;
  • stabilization of blood pressure and pulse;
  • normalization of stool.

Weight loss: stops, weight gain is observed.

Stage 3. Normalization

Timing: last days of the recovery period.


  • appetite becomes controlled;
  • leave constant thoughts about food;
  • smooth, calm state;
  • weight stabilization.

After completing therapeutic fasting, Nikolaev recommends undergoing another medical examination.

The recovery period must coincide with the duration of the hunger strike. Have you fasted from food for 20 days? So the diet should be followed for the same amount of time.

Ending the famine

The exit from the method is carried out according to the given system:

  1. Fruit juices (apple and grape), as well as carrot juice, can be taken on the first day after the end of the fast. They must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. On the second day it is allowed not to dilute with water. The 4th and 5th days of release are accompanied by the consumption of fruit purees or pureed vegetables. On days 6-7, it is allowed to introduce porridge into the diet (buckwheat, rice). The grains must be thoroughly cooked.
  2. It is recommended to drink the juice in small sips, hold it in the mouth, and not swallow it immediately.
  3. From the 10th to the 30th day of release, a variation of the diet and a varied menu are allowed. However, the diet should not contain meat, fish, eggs, and it is advisable to limit the consumption of nuts. The diet is based on plant and dairy foods with a low fat content.
  4. Fresh vegetables and fruits can easily be replaced with dried and canned ones, and the number of chewing movements should be increased. Only thoroughly chewed food should be swallowed. It is recommended to increase your walking.
  5. It is acceptable to consume any fermented milk products, but preference is given to low-fat kefir.
  6. When recovering from hunger, it is good to eat a vinaigrette prepared as follows: boiled potatoes - 175 g, grated carrots - 50 g, boiled beets - 40 g, white cabbage - 25 g, vegetable oil - 7.5 g, onions - to taste. Lemon juice dressing.

Sometimes the exit pattern is deviated depending on the disease or individual characteristics of the body. Thus, in case of gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis), the return to the usual regimen begins not with fruit and vegetable juices, but with a decoction of porridge, gradually increasing the thickness. There is also a variation of recovery using whey.

Vegetable oil should be removed from the diet for those suffering from gastritis of each of the two types or colitis. Animal proteins can be introduced into the diet from 4 weeks, but in small quantities and carefully, gradually increasing their quantity.

During the recovery period, you will have to give up salt, since the seasoning retains water, causes swelling and can disrupt metabolic processes. Alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee are also completely excluded. In general, it is worth adhering to the principles of a healthy diet with a vegetarian bias.

What harms the body in everyday life becomes 3 times more dangerous for the body after a course of fasting.

Usually, the recovery period and cessation of hunger lasts as long as the fasting itself took. It is advisable to maintain the daily routine during the exit period; you should not immediately stop phytotherapeutic procedures, walks, baths and massages. All these actions will help you recover and return to your normal lifestyle, but with healthy habits and a cleansed body.


Additional recommendations


Most of the author's methods clearly state the time frame for how many days it is recommended to abstain from food (and sometimes water). As a rule, these are increasing, so-called cascade schemes: the body is accustomed to a one-day fast, which means it’s time to do a two-day fast, etc.

Nikolaev has a different approach. Despite the fact that his system is simple enough to be used even at home (except for procedures), the professor warns that the duration should be determined by a specialist, based on individual characteristics. For example, if a person has only 5 extra pounds and minor health problems, he can be on RDT for 30-40 days. Those who suffer from obesity and serious chronic diseases should not test their body for more than 2 weeks.

Sometimes fasting ends prematurely if the body has already achieved the desired results and there is no need for further abstinence. Clinical indicators for this are:

  • a healthy appetite awakens;
  • a fresh complexion and skin throughout the body is observed (acne and pimples disappear);
  • tongue is cleared of plaque;
  • bad breath disappears;
  • Discharge stops after cleansing enemas in the morning.

Methodology at home

If it is not possible to fast under the close supervision of doctors, then at home you need to follow all the recommendations exactly. Cleaning procedures are carried out in advance. You need to gradually prepare your body for fasting. You can't just stop eating one morning . During the preliminary diet, it is necessary to reduce not only harmful foods in the diet, but also the size of the portions themselves. They should become equal to a clenched fist.

You should constantly drink as much water as possible, even when you don’t feel like it . The more fluid enters the body, the less risk of complications from fasting. If you experience any discomfort, colic, cramps, or pain, you should immediately stop the fast and consult a doctor.

There is no point in going on long hunger strikes at home. It is better to arrange periodic fasting days: from 1 to 3. It is much easier and safer. They should be repeated weekly.

It is best to prescribe for yourself on weekends or on vacation, when there is no side stress or strain on the body.

Result of fasting


At home, it is better not to take risks and refuse meals for the following diseases:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • disorders of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, pancreas;
  • gastritis and ulcers;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • the presence of infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of implants and donor organs;
  • heart diseases;
  • diabetes and anemia;
  • cholelithiasis.

We recommend reading the article about a fasting day on the water. From it you will learn about the benefits and harms, the rules for carrying out a fasting day and possible results. And here is more information about the Mirkin diet.

Therapeutic fasting technique

Professor Nikolaev created the technique based on numerous studies in the field of regeneration. The essence of the process is that with moderate fasting, a sharp restructuring of all systems occurs. Cleansing begins, removing excess fat, salts and toxins. The body feeds endogenously, i.e. own reserves of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

The author of the method identified three stages of fasting:

  1. Food stimulation – 1-3 days. The body experiences shock from the lack of food.
  2. The oxidation stage is acidosis, lasting from 2 to 5 days. Oxidation of the internal environment occurs. Chronic diseases begin to appear.
  3. The compensation stage is accompanied by thirst and the appearance of vitality and energy. A crisis may occur, but after it the state of health returns to normal in full.

Fasting process

RDT begins with a cleansing enema and taking magnesium powder. The quantity depends on the weight. A person of average build is prescribed 50 g per 100 ml of water. After taking the solution, you should drink more water. From this moment on, eating is no longer possible. It is recommended to take bitter salt in the morning so that the laxative effect does not occur during sleep. After the enema, you need to take a warm shower, during which you perform a self-massage of the abdomen. Circular movements from the groin area to the stomach will help the intestines work more actively. The massage lasts 3-5 minutes.

At 13-14 hours you need to take 200 ml of rosehip decoction, half an hour later go outside for a walk. In the evening, another glass of rosehip. During the day you need to drink up to 2 liters of liquid - drinking, boiled or still water. Before going to bed, thoroughly clean your mouth. The second day is similar to the first, only rose hips are used for breakfast and lunch. Physiotherapy alternates with the main regimen every other day. This includes Charcot's shower, diathermy, and UHF.

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