TOP 10: best books about proper nutrition and health

The topic of competent weight loss is invariably on the lips of the majority of the female population of the world. How to lose weight quickly, what is the best way, how to eat right so that men look after you with admiration, and your favorite dress not only fits, but is even a little too big?

The editors of COLADY present to you a rating of the best books about weight loss according to women who have already managed to become better.

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See the list of the most effective unconventional weight loss methods!

“I don’t know how to lose weight” Pierre Dukan - about his nutrition system

Dr. Dukan describes in his book a nutritional system that instantly gained popularity due to its effectiveness (fast and serious weight loss) and reasonable dietary restrictions. It is clear that all the author’s recommendations are mandatory, but the Dukan system is quite within the capabilities of every woman. The first two stages of the system are a harsh impact on excess weight, the next two are consolidation of the results obtained. Dukan diet products are available in all Russian stores - this is one of the undoubted advantages of the diet. The second advantage is the variety of dishes.

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Psychological books: read and lose weight

Everyone knows that a person gets fat because he eats a lot and moves little. Therefore, to lose extra pounds you need to eat little and move a lot.

It would seem that nothing is easier than following these simple rules. Nevertheless, thousands of people continue to overeat, dreaming of a slim figure, and if they go on a diet, the weight lost with incredible difficulty returns to its place. Apparently the fact is that excess weight is more a psychological problem than a physiological one.

So many treatises on weight loss and various diets have been written that you can open the state library of an ever-dieter. And only very recently books began to appear devoted to the most important thing - the psychology of a slim person.

When I turned the last page of the book, I still didn’t understand what it was about. But it's glamorous.

Lee Janogly "Only fat people don't eat breakfast"

Here it is written in plain text that excess weight begins in the head. Overeating leads to overeating, in rare cases diluted by a hunger strike, which provokes even greater overeating. That's why diets don't work.

According to the system of this British nutritionist, who, by the way, herself has a tendency to be overweight and successfully copes with it, you need to completely give up sugar and eat all other foods in any quantity. All other recommendations are quite ordinary: eat little and often, be sure to give your body physical activity.

The most important thing is to clearly understand that now you will have to live like this all the time and, therefore, you need to learn to enjoy a lot of other things besides food: movement, your slim body, communication... In addition, the book discusses in detail the reasons for overeating from a psychological point of view and good recommendations were given. For example, I found out that I often eat when I’m worried about some problems. But chocolate is an escape from a problem, not a solution!

Another important thought: self-love. There is no need to set conditions for yourself - I’ll lose 15 kg and then... “Excess weight does not make you a bad person,” writes Lee. You need to learn to be your own friend, take care of yourself - here and now. And then harmony will not keep you waiting.

I would like to note that all recommendations are designed for the average person and do not pose any difficulty in implementation.

M. Gavrilov, S. Dremov, A. Bobrovsky “Effective weight loss program in 7 days”

The book was written by a team of psychologists at the Doctor Bormental center for the psychological correction of excess weight. By and large, it is similar to Lee Joengli’s book, with the only difference being that the focus is on psychology, and the nutrition system comes down to consuming 1,200 calories a day of absolutely any food.

The authors do not just talk about the causes of excess weight, but require the reader to complete written exercises. Such as answers to questions: why do you overeat, why do you want to become slim, etc. In addition, possible hidden benefits of excess weight are considered. In a word, you have to understand yourself, your feelings, and not mindlessly consume one cookie after another, mentally scolding yourself with terrible words.

The book is quite easy to understand: everything is short and to the point. The only thing that was not very clear to me was why we needed meditations at night with recitation of special texts from the book. Well, I read a bedtime story, so what? Although all other psychological exercises are quite reasonable and easy to do.

Lissy Moussa “Let’s make a figurine out of a carcass”

On the first page: a plump girl, around her are various books on dietetics, and on the wall is a poster “Diet. Meat, meat, meat. Purgen."

The book is very funny, the method really impresses, but I would like to immediately make a reservation that it is suitable mainly for idle housewives. Well, I can’t bring myself to write down everything I eat during my lunch break at work! Or wear a ring with a fig - the so-called Anti-Lopa. In addition, Lissie demands that all kinds of praises be spoken out loud - that is, simple verses about being slim, talk to trousers of the coveted size and chant water. It’s somehow frivolous...

As for nutrition, you can eat anything, the main thing is to write down everything you eat in a notebook while eating. For those who are especially advanced, a porridge-based nutrition system is offered: sugar, cheese and tomatoes are completely excluded. Why the last two products fell out of favor, the author is silent.

The psychological part of the book deserves special attention. Lissy Moussa not only writes about loving yourself, she writes how to do it. First, give yourself compliments. Secondly, buy yourself beautiful clothes immediately, and throw all your overalls in the trash. Thirdly, a very interesting method of getting rid of old problems is proposed, which I will not describe in detail here. It is also important to control your speech: even expressions like “information hunger” program our subconscious to overeat.

And you definitely need to listen to your desires - then there will be no need to replace all pleasures with food.

Mireille Guiliano "Why don't French women get fat?"

The recommendation of a major glamor magazine on the cover should already make you think about the content of the book.

In general, there is almost no talk about psychology under the cover; it all boils down to keeping a food diary for 3 weeks, during which time “enemies of your figure” are identified. And then the replacement of these enemies with useful products begins. The habit of overeating itself remains in place.

I personally thought it was more of a cookbook than anything else. Of course, there are some interesting dishes there, but it feels like the author is more bragging about his French origins than trying to solve the problem of overeating. And the advice “eat today what you want, and limit yourself tomorrow” looks simply outright stupidity - another diet that doesn’t work.

It’s also very annoying to constantly compare the French (slim) and Americans (fat), while excess weight does not depend on nationality.

When I turned the last page of the book, I still didn’t understand what it was about. But it's glamorous.

Allen Carr "The Easy Way to Lose Weight"

Having dealt with smoking, former accountant Allen Carr took on excess weight. In his book, he first pretentiously and quite convincingly talks about the psychological reasons for overeating, at the same time hitting himself in the chest with his heel and repeating about his genius, which lies in comparing the eating habits of humans and animals. Then follow several lectures about the dangers of common food products, such as meat, cheese, milk, chocolate. If I’m ready to sign the chapter on the dangers of fast food, then I don’t understand why cheese is bad.

Carr believes that you need to eat only plant foods and exercise intensely. Frankly speaking, it seems that Mr. Carr has simply gone crazy from lack of protein, and instead of people he sees monkeys.

“We are strikingly similar in appearance to great apes, especially without hair,” a quote from the book. Therefore, you need to eat like gorillas, who are always cheerful, energetic and do not suffer from excess weight. But there is nothing healthy in meat at all, and milk creates lumps of casein, a milk protein, in the stomach, and chocolate is addictive. And in general, overeating is a consequence of poor nutrition. And what does psychology have to do with it, you ask?

Finally, I would like to quote the Russian classic A.P. Chekhov: “Everything in a person should be beautiful, body, soul, and thoughts.” Everything is interconnected. We have the body we deserve with our thoughts and our attitude towards ourselves. And everything else is a consequence of self-love or dislike.

Anna Kamneva

“Diet “Doctor Bormenthal”” by Kondrashova and Dremova - confident steps towards slimness

The technique presented in the book helps to get rid of fifty extra pounds or more. Each step to losing weight is described in detail. The main objective of the book is reprogramming the psyche. That is, thinking and actions aimed at quickly losing weight without suffering, and at getting pleasure from eating without the cult of food. Thanks to exercises and psychological techniques, you move first to internal and then external harmony. This weight loss book has become popular not only in Russia, but also abroad!

"Food Without Rules" by Tamar Adler

If cooking is a daily feat for you, you need to read this book urgently. It’s about how you can enjoy cooking, “…as long as you enjoy it.” That it is useful to deviate from recipes. That there is no need to scold yourself for throwing away food, having made cooking virtually waste-free and learned to save seemingly hopelessly spoiled dishes. Make a smoky appetizer from burnt eggplants, freeze the over-salted rice and then use it to season the soup, chop the citrus peels and mix with herbs to make a spicy topping for chicken. And make a delicious bread soup from a stale loaf.

“Cooking is both easier and more fun than we imagine,” writes Tamar Adler , chef at Chez Panisse, one of America's best restaurants. “In recent years, this process has been greatly complicated, as if there were not enough other difficulties in the world. We need to review the cooking tips and select only the simplest and most necessary ones so that we can again believe that cooking is healthy.”

“Food Without Rules” reads like a fascinating novel. Tamar writes easily and witty. “Although botanically the pumpkin has no more in common with root vegetables than the cactus has in common with the elm tree, they are culinaryly similar.” “Here's a recipe for those who claim that bacon is also a vegetable...” Her book is not at all like a boring culinary reference book. And even if you don’t choose any of the culinary recipes offered here (which is unlikely), you will definitely read “Food Without Rules” to the end.

“3000 ways not to interfere with slimness” by L. Moussa - psychological aspects of the path to slimness

This book is especially recommended for those who suffer from complexes. Psychological “training” from the author is the implementation of tasks, the main goal of which is ideal weight and self-love. With the help of the book, you will forget about your low self-esteem, cheer yourself up and, most importantly, achieve what you want with a minimum of financial costs. Do you want to lose weight in a fun and interesting way without changing your habits? Desperate to lose weight? So, this is what you need.

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Allen Carr "The Easy Way to Lose Weight"

Allen Carr has helped millions of people quit smoking. And he wrote about being overweight. Or rather, about how to avoid our entire modern cultural tradition in the process of discarding it. What will a nutritionist advise us? Download the app on your smartphone, buy a culinary scale and start, at a minimum, counting calories. As a maximum, hang a fitness bracelet on your wrist and count your steps.

READ ALSO: Cooking recipes for the Dukan diet

And why don't we do this? Yes, it's just difficult. The squirrel doesn't know how to lose weight. She eats nuts. And the hare doesn’t know - he eats grass and escapes from predators. Allen Carr convinces us to become vegetarians. Yes, not just, but radical vegans who eat only “grass,” vegetables, fruits and nuts. I must say, it convinces brilliantly. Even if we are not from this category of people at all, it is still interesting to read.

Victoria Bolbat, nutritionist

– My first specialty is an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. I became interested in dietetics because the topic of weight loss is close to me: I myself lost 30 kilograms, spending about two years on it. After that, many people began to consult with me. Communicating with people who want to lose weight, I realized that the biggest obstacle to losing weight is stereotypes about nutrition and diets - this prompted me to try to write a book based on my experience and knowledge.

Then I went to psychology to delve deeper into this topic, to learn more about eating disorders. Before losing weight, I myself ran for ten years, went on diets and constantly limited myself, did everything, but it didn’t help.

However, at one point I finally learned to feel free, I realized that I could eat what and when I wanted, while remaining slim and not thinking about weight at all.

Nowadays, most of the books I read are quite complex for a wide range of people: they are more highly specialized, written by specialists for specialists. But I can still recommend several books that will be useful to ordinary people.

“Eat this, not that. How to choose the right products in the supermarket”, Olesya Gievskaya

A healthy diet can only benefit the body if the products are of proper quality - this is what the author of the book tells readers about. This book will be useful to every consumer!

When purchasing groceries in a supermarket, it is quite difficult to understand the gastronomic abundance. Not every one of us knows how to decipher the codes on labels, in what containers certain products should be sold, and how to understand where we were deceived. The author exposes the tricks of manufacturers and sellers. The standards for shelf life of products are considered, and recipes for preparing simple dishes that are usually sold ready-made are given. Being a proponent of healthy eating, the author does not resort to any type of diet in this book.

All information in the book is structured and understandable.

Joel Fuhrman - “End Diets. Optimal weight in two weeks for life"

Joel Fuhrman is a student of G. Shelton. He underwent a 45-day fasting course to get rid of the effects of a sports injury. This changed Joel's life forever. Today he is a leading nutrition expert, and he believes that our dieting is simply the flip side of food addiction.

We want to eat fast food and processed foods just like a drug addict wants his next fix. And you can put an end to this if you make legumes, vegetables and fruits, with nuts and seeds the basis of your diet. The book, by the way, offers recipes for delicious dishes for those interested. So Furman’s work is purely practically oriented.

See also a video review of another popular book on weight loss, not included in our top ten, “System minus 60”:

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“Secrets of the nutrition laboratory. The science of losing weight, myths about willpower and the benefits of diets”, Tracy Mann

Determine the value of your ideal body weight, become confident, accept your body as it is - the main postulates of the book. The author worked for 20 years to prove the uselessness of diets for weight loss, and she succeeded because studies were carried out on the results of the volunteers with whom she worked.

The path to long-term weight loss is laid on a subconscious level, and not through exhausting diets. However, physical activity is important for a person with any body constitution. The author offers life hacks that will help you avoid overeating - simple ways to avoid consuming extra calories. From the book you can find out what is healthier - to gain weight and lose weight every year or to remain at the same weight with a slight excess. Appreciate the author's wit and the value of the information provided, which is not in any previously published book!

The Body Book, Cameron Diaz

Guide to health. The book contains three parts.

The “Nutrition” section examines the effect of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates on the body. The author talks about empty calories and what foods contain them, and how you consume more calories than you need. Food as a source of vital energy should contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients - this is the main message of the section.

The Fitness section is dedicated to building a beautiful and strong body through physical exercise. Vivid illustrations show off every muscle in the body. The result of loads on each muscle group will be slimness and grace.

The “Consciousness” section helps you realize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. In conclusion, the author will tell you how to consolidate healthy habits.

“Eat, move, sleep. How Everyday Decisions Affect Health and Longevity by Tom Rath

The fundamental factors of a healthy lifestyle are food, movement and adequate sleep. The author's shocking story about how he was diagnosed with cancer and a genetic disease that can cause cancerous tumors in all vital organs. The story can serve as a good motivation for those who still doubt whether to move to a new level of life, in which there will be no place for laziness and bad habits. The book is quite informative, but the chapters are short and written in easy to understand language. The author calls to stop everyday self-destruction, because the future depends on the decisions made today!

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