Magnetic earrings for weight loss: instructions and reviews

The annual turnover of magnetic products, which are positioned as medicinal, exceeds $5 billion. It can hardly be called innovative: Hippocrates (1st century BC), Paracelsus (16th century), Franz Anton Mesmer (18th century), as well as Tibetan monks widely used magnets to alleviate conditions of various diseases. Today they are offered to those who want to lose excess weight without resorting to exhausting diets and grueling workouts. Some people are skeptical about them, others are supporters of magnetic therapy. Who to believe? Should we buy or not these devices, which tempt us with their low prices and supposedly amazing results? Let's figure it out.

What are magnetic earrings for weight loss

An ear magnet for weight loss is a product that resembles a clip or earring.
This product weighs no more than 1-2 g and measures 5-7 mm. Magnets for weight loss are attached independently to both sides of the ear, without a puncture. This has made clips a popular product for those wanting to lose weight. The production of magnetic earrings is mainly carried out by foreign companies, but you can also find products from domestic manufacturers on the market. The operating principle of all models is identical, the products differ only in the material of manufacture and cost:

  • gold – have a high price;
  • silver - average cost;
  • made of iron - inexpensive clips, can be decorated with crystals;
  • from other materials - stainless steel or metal alloys, tourmaline are used.

Magnetic earrings can come in different shapes and colors. They come with instructions for use, which describe in detail how to properly attach the magnet. A map of acupuncture points indicating their functions is also included. Slimming magnets perform two functions at the same time - practical and aesthetic.

Terms of use

How to use the weight loss patch? Since the composition of the impregnation of different products is different, you need to read the instructions.

Typically, patches are used like this:

  1. The skin is washed and wiped dry.
  2. After removing the top film, the patch is glued to the problem area of ​​the body. It is recommended to lightly press the material with your finger and hold it there for 3–5 seconds.
  3. The patch is removed after the period of time specified in the instructions. Manufacturers usually recommend applying the product at night.

The next day, the Velcro should be attached to a different place (2-3 cm from the previous one) to avoid irritation and burns. Some manufacturers recommend applying the patch not to problem areas, but to areas with thin skin. The advice is motivated by the fact that this way the substances penetrate the general bloodstream faster.

Important! Before using weight loss patches, be sure to read the instructions for contraindications. As a rule, Velcro should not be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women and children under 14 years of age. The patches are not suitable for people with diseases of the skin, thyroid gland, kidney failure, cancer, or diabetes.

Operating principle

The mechanism of action of magnetic earrings for weight loss is based on the principle of acupuncture. There are certain biologically active points on the human body, by acting on which you can influence the processes occurring in the body. Most of the points are located on the palms, feet and ears. On the ears there are centers responsible for the process of saturation and metabolism.

Earrings are attached to bio-points depending on the result to be achieved. The magnet permanently affects the nerve endings, irritating them and causing the brain to send a signal of saturation to the digestive organs. Manufacturers promise the following results after using magnetic clips:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • weight loss due to the rapid breakdown of fat deposits;
  • suppressing constant feelings of hunger;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • reducing portion sizes and number of meals;
  • improvement of skin condition.

The mechanism of acupuncture, that is, the effect on general health, including weight loss, due to exposure to certain points, was known to eastern healers in ancient times. Modern experts have ambivalent views on magnetic earrings for weight loss, but many note the general health benefits of magnets. In addition to weight loss, improved health when using earrings is characterized by the following conditions:

  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • improvement of psycho-emotional background;
  • stabilization of the cardiovascular system;
  • improvement of sexual and endocrine functions;
  • getting rid of excessive sweating;
  • improving joint mobility.

How they work

Despite all doubts, there is a scientific explanation for the principle of operation of magnets.

A static magnetic field can generate electrical currents that affect tissue:

  • change the physicochemical properties of cell fluid;
  • activate protein metabolism;
  • convert the speed of various processes;
  • make cell membranes more permeable.

Immune, nervous and metabolic processes in tissues are targeted. Manufacturers of weight loss magnets tried to use this in their developments. They claim that their devices are capable of:

  • improve metabolism (its role in weight loss), providing correction of lipolysis, which leads to burning fat in problem areas and reducing body volume;
  • increase the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen (a known fat burner) to tissues in large quantities;
  • force the lymphatic vessels to contract intensively, the result is the active removal of waste and toxins;
  • reduce swelling;
  • normalize the condition of blood vessels and nerve fibers (increasing their resistance to external stimuli and reducing cortisol production contribute to weight loss).

Taking into account the experience of Tibetan monks, manufacturers of magnets use acupuncture for weight loss. Allegedly, stimulation of certain points with their devices leads to the desired result. Thus, an earring in the ear affects the area responsible for saturation. Rings on the fingers allow you to lose weight in different places: on the ring finger - in the waist and back, on the middle finger - in the sides and stomach, etc.

Whether such an unusual mixture of the principles of magnetic therapy and ancient Eastern practices works or not can only be found out after wearing such devices on yourself. Even the manufacturers themselves do not promise stunning results, but losing 1-2 kg per week is theoretically possible.

Through the pages of history. The Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer was actively involved in the healing properties of the magnetic field. His compatriot and contemporary, the great composer Mozart, was familiar with his works and admired them so much that he sang them in his opera “Cosi fan tutte” (“This is what everyone does”).

Instructions for use

Magnetic weight loss earrings are only effective if they are installed correctly. To do this, it is necessary to carry out the fastening strictly in accordance with the attached instructions for use:

  1. Remove the earrings from the packaging.
  2. A larger diameter magnet is attached to the inside of the left or right ear. Installation areas are indicated in the attached instructions.
  3. The second smaller part is magnetized to the outer part of the ear.
  4. It is necessary to wear the magnet daily for 4 to 8 hours.
  5. The duration of the course is 25-30 days.
  6. Before going to bed, the magnets must be removed, because... Wearing them for too long can cause headaches, insomnia and changes in blood pressure.
  7. The slimming clip is not afraid of moisture, so it can not be removed during water procedures (bath, shower, bathhouse, sauna).
  8. It is forbidden to attach a magnetic earring if there is an inflamed or open wound on the skin of the ear (a puncture for ordinary earrings is not considered a wound). It is better to do this on the second ear.

You can increase the effectiveness of magnetic earrings for weight loss through physical activity and diet. The recommendations are as follows:

  • Dinner must be eaten no later than 18:00.
  • Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits are allowed. You should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • Sugar, flour products, high-calorie sweets, fast food, and alcohol are prohibited.
  • Be sure to exercise - regularly walk, swim or ride a bike to speed up fat burning and consolidate the results.

Ear magnets

As already mentioned, the use of magnets for weight loss affects not only the human biofield, but also has a beneficial effect on acupuncture points located on the body. And, as you know, the largest concentration of them is located on the ears, so the best effect of magnets can be achieved by wearing them on the ears.

As a rule, a magnet for weight loss on the ear is attached to the areas that are responsible for the functioning of the intestines and stomach. According to the developers, magnets have a beneficial targeted effect on these areas, which dulls the feeling of hunger and improves the functioning of internal organs. According to reviews from people who have used this technique, the effect of these decorations is very interesting. Some experienced a change in their relationship with food. People began to be more picky about food, and they lost the desire to satisfy their hunger with anything.

Although, there are also skeptical opinions about the effectiveness of using magnets for weight loss on the ears. As a rule, those who disagree with this fact argue that the acupuncture points themselves are very small and it is almost impossible to correctly reach the required zone without special knowledge, which means that there will be no effect from using a magnet. But this does not deprive this method of its fans, as evidenced by the huge number of its adherents.


When choosing magnetic earrings, you should take a closer look at well-known brands. This will increase the chances of a positive result and reduce the risk of side effects. Popular models:

  1. BioNorm - earrings from German manufacturers are shaped like peas. The weight is about 1 g, which will allow the clip to look discreetly and harmoniously on the auricle. The first use should not exceed 25 days. Daily use is 5 hours per day. The manufacturer guarantees weight loss from 1 to 4 kg in 7 days.
  2. Smart Magne – gold plated magnetic earrings made of 2 parts. Helps reduce weight up to 10 kg per month. Daily use of the clip will help you feel energetic throughout the day; it is recommended to remove the earring before going to bed.
  3. AS with nanocoating - Russian-made clips, produced in St. Petersburg since 2010. Externally they differ from analogues - 2 large orange magnets. They help you lose 4-6 kg per course, which is 1 month. Daily wearing is reduced to 12-15 hours.
  4. Slimclips is an American model of silver color, weighing 1 g, with a diameter of 7 mm. The promised result with proper use and diet is from 10 to 15 kg in 30 days. Magnetic clips can not only speed up metabolic processes, but also improve overall health.
  5. Nano slim is the most common model with coating on both halves. Helps burn fat and reduce body weight by 6-8 kg within 25 days of wearing. You must use the clip at least 6 hours a day.

Magnetic foot rings

Slimming magnets for legs are made of white or transparent plastic. As a rule, they are worn over the toes, with the active part (magnet) facing down. It should be located just under the bend of your finger. Due to this, while walking there is constant pressure on the biologically active zone on the body. As a result, the brain gives a command to the muscles of the lower body to work more actively. There is also an impact on the human biofield, thereby stimulating an improvement in metabolism in the body.

At first, weight loss magnets on your toes should be worn for two to three hours until you feel slight discomfort. Over time, they can be left on throughout the day, which, according to the developers, will allow achieving the greatest effect within a couple of months. The course of treatment itself does not have a specific duration and can last according to personal desire.

If you wear magnetic rings on your feet, you should wash them periodically in warm water and soap. Otherwise, the plastic of the ring may darken and acquire an unpleasant odor, as well as become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and infections. As a rule, the rings are easy to remove, otherwise you can use soap.

It should be remembered that magnetic rings are personal items and should not be used by other people, even members of the same family.


Earrings for weight loss are recommended for use by both women and men. But before buying clips, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications:

  • severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • malignant neoplasms, tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • bulimia;
  • kidney diseases;
  • anorexia;
  • benign formations, inflammatory processes and skin damage in the area of ​​the auricle;
  • anemia;
  • presence of a pacemaker and other electronic devices;
  • allergy to precious metals or alloys;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • convulsive syndrome.

The use of magnets for weight loss during pregnancy and lactation is not indicated for everyone. The clips themselves do not harm the woman or the fetus. The limitation is due to the fact that wearing earrings will bring less results than stated by the manufacturers, without physical activity and diet. These factors are not always beneficial for pregnant women, and during breastfeeding they can lead to a decrease or complete disappearance of milk.

The exception is obese women. They should use magnets after consultation with a specialist. For the rest, it is better to wait until the baby is born and breastfeeding ends.


A wide range of weight loss magnets will satisfy the needs of both men and women.

Magnetic bracelet

The most popular devices today. Their popularity is due to various reasons:

  • can be worn constantly, taking off only at night;
  • create a magnetic field much greater in power than those produced by rings and earrings;
  • In addition to losing weight, they stop the aging process in the body, relieve insomnia, eliminate swelling and even improve mood and performance.

Among the brands, the most popular is the stylish bracelet with magnets Luxury Magnetdiet (joint production of Russia and Japan). The Power Balance brand is slightly inferior in sales, despite the recent scandal surrounding their product. Independent studies have been conducted that have not confirmed their medical effect. After this, the company was sold to Chinese manufacturers, who continue to produce stylish jewelry made from medical grade silicone and tourmaline with built-in magnets.

Magnetic earrings

They are considered the most effective, as they are placed on the ear, where the 4 most important points are located. Their stimulation:

  • suppresses appetite;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • relieves nervous tension;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • activates metabolic processes.

If your ears are pierced, you can buy earrings; if not, magnetic clips.

Magnetic rings

On hand

Rings for wearing on your hands are disguised as ordinary jewelry, so no one will know that you are losing weight with their help. They are most often made of copper, less often - of silicone. Their effect depends on which finger they are worn on:

  • on the little finger - reduction in the volume of the hips and buttocks;
  • on the nameless one - slimming the waist and back;
  • on average - burning fat on the sides and stomach;
  • on the index finger - the formation of a beautiful hand relief;
  • on the large one - correction of a full face, elimination of jowls and a double chin.

Manufacturers do not prohibit and even recommend wearing several rings on different fingers at once if you want to achieve comprehensive weight loss throughout the body. They can be understood: they need to sell as much product as possible. When deciding to take such a step, think: if the magnetic effect is in fact so powerful that it is capable of changing the biochemical structure of cells, then several such devices at once can lead to failure, and not to the normalization of metabolism and the functioning of the body.

On foot

The silicone ring with magnet can be worn on your big or index toes. The transparency and softness of the material make it possible not to feel it even in shoes and does not cause discomfort. The mechanism is activated during walking due to dynamic load - active points are stimulated. In this place they are responsible for:

  • acceleration of metabolism (we talked about different ways to accelerate metabolism at home in a separate article);
  • improved digestion;
  • normalization of the synthesis of thyroxine, a hormone responsible for metabolism;
  • blocking appetite.

Magnetic patch

Those who do not like to wear jewelry can purchase a patch with a magnet. It can be attached to different problem areas of the body, but most often it is produced for the navel.

It often contains herbal extracts that enhance the effect. Different manufacturers have a different set of plants: from wormwood to violet. The magnetic field affects acupuncture points that reduce appetite, accelerate metabolism and normalize digestion. It is recommended to wear it for weight loss in the hips and abdomen.

Magnetic belt

Men prefer to wear them. They are invisible under clothing, and additional functions expand their range of action. Such belts contain built-in massage elements, current generators, miniature magnets and electric motors, representing a rather complex device. But they:

  • significantly increase blood flow due to the massage effect;
  • reduce waist size;
  • simultaneously alleviate the condition of osteochondrosis and radiculitis;
  • get rid of cellulite;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • restore skin elasticity.

Magnetic hoop

With such sports equipment, weight loss is definitely guaranteed, even if you don’t believe in the action of a magnetic field:

  • while twisting a hula hoop, a lot of calories are burned + the sides and abdomen are worked out (how and how much you need to twist it can be read here);
  • magnets act as weighting agents - the load on the subcutaneous fatty tissue increases, which gradually resolves;
  • Well, influencing acupuncture points in this area, according to manufacturers, also leads to weight loss.

Despite the fact that a hoop with magnets provides maximum weight reduction when compared with other similar devices, the list of contraindications for its use is also wider. It should not be used during the postpartum period, for any problems with the spine, injuries or skin diseases.

This is interesting. Tibetan monks use magnets primarily to stimulate the brain by placing them on the head. According to them, they improve memory and thought processes.


Earrings for weight loss can be purchased both in an online store and in a pharmacy chain. The sale must be carried out with the attached certificate of conformity, then the purchase will produce results. Price range in Moscow:

Name Where can I buy Price, rub
AS Pharmacies, online stores of magnetic jewelry 350-1000
BioNorm eBay, aliexpress 800-2000
Smart Magne Shopboom, Yody 500-1800
Slimclips MetroTorg, Meleon 700-2200
Nano slim Russian and foreign online stores 180-1290

Benefits of Chinese weight loss patches

People who use patches report a number of advantages and disadvantages. The positive qualities of stickers include:

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to lose weight without dieting and exercise;
  • there is an option for losing weight in specific places where excess fat accumulates;
  • the active substances of the composition do not penetrate the digestive tract, which does not impair the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • stickers do not have a regime - you can stick them in the morning and forget them until the evening, going about your usual business (with some you can even take a bath and shower);
  • do not stain clothes;
  • minimal number of side effects;
  • you can always remove it if allergies or irritation occur;
  • The possibility of overdose is completely excluded.

Expected effects

According to manufacturers, their products are capable of:

  • Reduce hunger;
  • Normalize the digestion process;
  • Strengthen the body as a whole;
  • Eliminate excess fat deposits on the thighs and buttocks.

In addition, there is a lot of information about the influence on a person’s magnetic field, thanks to which he begins to feel better. However, you need to be extremely reasonable and understand that, most likely, this product is just another dud for people who are not in a hurry to exercise or go on a diet.

Other ways to lose weight

I would like to talk separately about the tourmaline belt. It does not help as a means of losing weight, but has excellent pain-relieving properties. Therefore, if you have problems and back diseases, then be sure to think about using this belt.

To read: Where to buy adhesive plaster, what is it and what types of products exist?

But a weight loss belt is the most harmless option, with the help of which beautiful female owners can eat, work, walk and even sleep. Since the belt fits tightly around the waist, you can safely wear it under clothes to work or on a visit. Its price is generally available, so when you first think about buying it, you can safely take and use the belt as a stimulant for weight loss. Its advantage is that the used belt can only be disposed of if it is deformed, that is, when it breaks or comes apart at the seams. You can also try the Lusero weight loss patch.

Important! Using the transdermal medicine method, patches can be tested on the abdomen. Their peculiarity is that the patch applied to the navel contains an active substance, which, absorbed through the skin, affects the body without harming the gastrointestinal tract.

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