What happens to your body if you do 100 squats every day for a month?

Weight loss

A person who weighs, for example, 70-80 kg, squats 100 times, burns about 40-50 calories. It is worth noting that the greater a person’s body weight, the more calories he will be able to burn.

In order to enhance the effect of squats, you can use weights or dumbbells. In this case, when performing 100 squats, the number of calories lost can be increased to 200-400, depending on the intensity of the load.

Practice shows that correctly performed exercise allows you to lose at least 1-2 kg in a couple of weeks. Remember that in the process of performing a standard complex, the body is sufficiently saturated with oxygen, and metabolic processes are accelerated.

The results of these observations clearly demonstrate that to lose weight, it is best to do squats in the morning. Accordingly, if your goal is to build muscle, then the optimal time to perform the exercise is in the evening.

Quickly and effectively disappear extra pounds

During squats, many muscle groups are actively working. The more muscles in your body are toned, the faster your body burns calories and begins to lose excess weight. Weight loss is also facilitated by the fact that during squats, metabolic processes occurring in the body are significantly accelerated, and the body itself is actively saturated with oxygen.

If your weight is 78-82 kg, then intense squats (100 times in 5-7 minutes) will help you easily burn 42-48 calories. If you want to achieve more stunning results, then using dumbbells or any other weight-bearing equipment, you can burn up to 210-420 calories at a time! That is why daily squats are simply necessary for those people who want to get their body in order and are actively struggling with excess weight.

Many girls are interested in the answer to the question of whether it is possible to lose weight without exhausting your body with hours of training. If you want to quickly and effectively lose weight, but you don’t have the time, desire or ability to systematically visit the gym, then daily squats are exactly what you need!

But do not forget that the result will be noticeable only if you combine daily squats with proper nutrition. This is the only way you can reduce your waist by a few centimeters and get rid of 2-5 kilograms of excess weight.

Increased ability to work

A person who regularly squats feels a real surge of vitality, as a result of which his level of ability to work increases. All this is due to the beneficial effects of exercise on brain cells and blood vessels.

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Within a week from the moment the exercise begins, a person becomes more energetic, stress-resistant, as well as focused and attentive.

What is the benefit of 100 squats a day?

First of all, when training, the amount of excess weight decreases. Every 100 squats you'll burn off 40-60 calories. It is interesting to know that the higher your body weight, the more excess weight you burn. You can also further enhance the effect of such training. To do this, just add weighting agents.

With regular training, in just a few weeks you will be able to say goodbye to 1-2 kg of excess body weight. Additionally, metabolic processes are activated. It's good to know that research shows that doing sets in the morning is most effective.

Doing 100 squats helps increase endurance and strength. Exercise has a positive effect on brain cells and blood vessels. Within a week you can notice a pronounced positive effect. The athlete becomes more energetic, stress-resistant, attentive and focused.

Regular squats help significantly improve the performance of the cardiovascular system. When performing exercises, venous blood flow improves. Blood immediately rushes to the heart. The work of the heart muscle is facilitated. The nervous and respiratory systems are additionally strengthened.

Naturally, your figure improves. More attractive and precise outlines appear. Elasticity appears. Men's legs become more prominent.

Doing 100 squats daily strengthens your joints and ligaments. As a result, the risk of injury is reduced.

With regular training, a person becomes more resilient. Increased loads are much easier. Everyday activities do not cause fatigue. The main thing is to do the exercises regularly.

If an athlete does not have an excessive amount of visceral fat, then after just a few workouts, pronounced abdominal definition will appear. This is a definite plus.

Surprisingly, thanks to squats, you can easily get rid of constantly occurring shortness of breath. Now, when climbing the stairs, you will not feel heavy.

Regular squats improve your posture. Physical activity strengthens the lower back, upper back and cervical spine.

Strengthening the cardiovascular system

By doing 100 squats a day, a person strengthens his cardiovascular system. This effect is due to the fact that during the exercise the venous circulation begins to function more actively, as a result of which blood immediately flows to the heart.

Against the background of the ongoing processes, the work of the heart muscle is noticeably facilitated, and its training is also carried out.

Few people realize that regular squats affect the strengthening of the respiratory and nervous systems of the body, as well as the vestibular apparatus.

How to do squats correctly

In order for your training to be as effective as possible, you need to follow a few simple rules when performing squats.

  1. Do not raise your shoulders while performing the exercise. Pull them back and keep them down.
  2. Keep your back straight. If you round your back, you will overload your lower back. This will lead to pain in the lumbar region.
  3. When squatting, move your hips back slightly. This will help put more stress on your glutes.
  4. Your knees should always be directly above your feet.
  5. Move your pelvis back as if you were sitting on an invisible chair.
  6. Try to squat as low as possible.
  7. Press your feet into the floor so that you feel balanced.
  8. Beginners need to control the depth of their squats. To do this, place a low stool behind your back and lower yourself until your buttocks touch it.

Giving your figure clearer lines

After 6-8 weeks of regular and correct squats, the body begins to take on clearer shape. Thus, the lines of the hips and waist become more precise, and the buttocks acquire pleasant elasticity. The changes also affect the abdominal press - it becomes pronounced and toned.

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As for men, as a result of squats, their legs become more prominent. Speaking about the female figure, it should be noted that the waist noticeably decreases in volume.

Visible positive changes in the gluteal muscles can be achieved when the number of squats gradually increases to 200 per day. Ideally, they are performed with weights.


Classic squats

Why: training the quadriceps and thigh muscles.

How: The exercise is performed without additional weight. Everything is simple here. Keep your back straight. Clasp your hands in front of you. Squat. The shins and elbows should be in line.

Classic squats are great for beginners. This exercise will prepare you for an intense glute workout. It is not suitable for increasing muscle mass.

Deep squats

Why: load on the medius and major muscles of the thigh, quadriceps and buttocks.

How: The exercise is similar to classic squats. However, there is one difference: the pelvis should be lowered until it is parallel to the plane of the floor.

This exercise is quite difficult to perform. Ankle flexibility is key here. If this part of the body is not flexible enough, then you will not be able to squat deeply.

With a narrow stance

Why: training the medius, major and quadriceps muscles. The lumbar and abdominal muscles also work.

How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Spread your feet slightly apart. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

If the exercise seems too difficult, place your feet a little wider or turn your toes out slightly. This way you can keep your body balanced and properly load your muscles.

Sumo squats

Why: load on the large, middle and quadriceps muscles.

How to: Stand straight and spread your legs out to the sides. Turn your feet outward. Inhale and slowly squat down, keeping your back straight. At the end point, your thighs should be parallel to the floor. An important point is that the knees are in the same plane as the toes and do not connect. Move your pelvis back as far as possible. Exhale and slowly return to the starting position.

Exercise "Curtsy"

Why: training the large, medius buttock and quadriceps muscles. Additional load on the hamstrings.

How to: Stand up straight, place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, and point your toes out to the sides. During the exercise, point your knees in the same direction as your toes. Shift your weight to one leg and take a long diagonal step back with the other. One leg is in front and the toe of the foot is pointed outward. The other is behind the first. Legs crossed.

Sit down. The knee of the front leg should be parallel to the floor. With the knee of your supporting leg, reach towards the floor behind your working leg, but do not touch it. At the bottom of the squat, you should feel a stretch in the gluteal muscles of your working leg. Straighten your legs and lift your pelvis.

Squats with dumbbells

Why: load on the thighs, abdominal muscles and triceps.

How: The technique for performing the exercise is the same as for classic squats. Similar muscle groups are involved.

Training with dumbbells loads the gluteal muscles and allows you to achieve the desired results faster.


Why: training the buttocks, thigh and back muscles.

How: The technique is the same as for dumbbell squats.

The most effective training option, however, this exercise is contraindicated for people with spinal pain.

Exercise "Plie"

Why: training the femoral, gluteus medius and maximus muscles.

How to: Grab a kettlebell. Stand up straight, place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and point your toes apart. Squat down slowly, holding the weight between your legs. At the end point, the thighs should be parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position.

Perform squats by working your buttocks, not your thigh muscles. To do this, you will have to consistently control your movements.

Deep squats on one leg

Why: load on the gluteal muscles.

How to: Stand against a wall and place your hand on it. Raise one leg and keep it parallel to the floor. Squat.

This exercise requires physical preparation.

Those who squat are not afraid of injury

A person who does 100 squats daily strengthens his joints and ligaments. Being trained, they are not subject to sprains and bruises, and if trouble does occur, then its consequences are insignificant.

By the way, it is shallow squats that help get rid of annoying crunching in the knees and joints. In fact, you can practice deep squats, but you should definitely take into account the fact that they create a large load on the kneecaps, and if they are weak, then it is better not to risk it, at least initially performing shallow but static squats.

Why squats

In addition to developing muscles and the musculoskeletal system, squats help strengthen the cardiovascular, respiratory and circulatory systems.

Squats can achieve many goals:

  1. Weight loss (work on relief)
  2. Increased muscle tone in the muscles of the legs and buttocks
  3. Increased muscle volume in the thighs and buttocks
  4. Increased leg and back strength
  5. Development of strength endurance of the lower extremities

Working muscles:

  1. The main dynamic load falls on the quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteal muscles.
  2. The lumbar muscles, abs and calf muscles act as position stabilizers, working statically

Squats work about 250 large and small muscles!

This explains the high energy consumption of the exercise.

10 squats burns 4 kcal. And if you use additional weights (dumbbells or barbells), energy consumption will increase even more.

Therefore, they are necessarily included in training programs for weight loss.

For comparison, no less popular push-ups for 10 repetitions help you burn about 1 kcal.

This exercise tones the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Literally after 2-3 weeks of regular exercise they become denser and more elastic.

To increase the volume of your buttocks and thighs and improve their strength, perform the movement in power mode, that is, with additional weights - a barbell or dumbbells.

By working in high rep ranges, you develop strength endurance in your legs.

The performance of the legs increases significantly. Long walks, running, hiking in the mountains - all this will be easy and simple.

The weight of the weights depends on your fitness level.

The key point here is the correct execution technique.

Improved stamina

After the first squats, it is impossible to feel the positive effect. All a person feels in the first two days is muscle pain and fatigue. At this moment, the main thing is not to give up and continue to do the exercise correctly and, most importantly, every day.

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Practice shows that after a week, 100 squats are quite easy, and after 10 days the first effect will become noticeable. After just three weeks, the legs become quite dense, and the person stops experiencing shortness of breath during physical activity.

Strengthens different muscle groups

Do you think that during squats only the muscles of the thighs and buttocks work? You are wrong! If you squat 100 times every day, you will pump up your calf, lumbar, abdominal, neck and upper back muscles!

Squats not only strengthen muscles, but also have a positive effect on gaining muscle mass. Those people who are dissatisfied with their appearance and want to become the owners of a more prominent and proportional body, but do not have the opportunity to visit the gym or spend money on having a professional trainer develop a training program for them, should definitely pay attention to such a simple and easy exercise like doing squats every day.

Take a little time to do this exercise, and after a while you will be surprised to notice that your muscles have become stronger and your body has acquired a more attractive and presentable appearance! One and a half to two months after the start of classes, the external and internal muscles of the thighs will noticeably pump up and tighten, men’s legs will become more prominent, and women’s hips will acquire a more rounded and clear line.

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