In just a few months, Eva Polna got rid of 15 kg!

Former member of the popular musical group “Guests from the Future” Eva Polna has been at the peak of popularity for a long time and regularly gives the public reasons for conversation. And they talk not only about her vocal talent, but also about her unusual and extravagant appearance.

The girl loves to change her images, which pleases fans and listeners. But now the singer’s appearance deserves applause. The popular singer has lost 15 kilograms !


Incentive for weight loss

The 40-year-old singer has always been curvy. But the girl rapidly gained weight after the birth of her daughters. After the second birth, the singer lost her seductive female forms. Eva was not going to give up the stage because of family troubles. Therefore, six months after giving birth, I decided to get rid of unnecessary pounds.

Eva Polna does not strive to become skinny, because she believes that it is appetizing forms that give a woman sexuality. A toned, trained body and elastic muscles are a hundred times better than skin-covered bones.

And the artist’s work on the path to perfection was crowned with success! She recently appeared before the public with a renewed body. Eva has become slimmer and prettier. The singer herself admits that she now feels attractive and sexy.

Eva notes that in losing weight, good results require discipline and willpower. According to the star, any woman can push herself to lose weight if she buys herself a beautiful tight dress. As soon as the dress is put on, all the excess weight will be reflected in the mirror.

The singer names the following as the main aspects on which the weight loss course is based:

  • Limiting the caloric content of food consumed during the day;
  • Fractionality of food;
  • Active lifestyle (sports and dancing);
  • Positive psychological attitude.

Eva Polna: I decide everything myself

Singer and songwriter Eva Polna took part in the filming of the second season of the “Big Fish” project on the “My Musical” TV channel, hosted by singer Denis Klyaver. The artist told Vecherka about raising her daughter with Klyaver, family life and why she calls herself a poet.

— Eva, tell us about your participation in the “Big Fish” program. How was filming and what does this project mean to you?

— It’s nice that you have the opportunity to play well, beautifully, in the format that interests you. Today there are not many music programs and television projects where an artist can express himself. It’s rare that you get to play with a full band and with full live sound. The “Big Fish” program is just such a pleasant exception. I hope that this small concert-filming will become a kind of heart-to-heart conversation with the audience. Especially with those who haven’t been to my big solo concerts for a long time.

— In the program, the stars reveal their secrets of professional success. What is your secret?

“I’m not the most common example.” I can be an example of an artist who tries to maintain his individuality, who, despite fashion trends, continues to do what he likes and be sincere. I'm not a producer. I am, as they say now, an indie artist. I choose which projects to participate in, and I decide how my music will sound.

And, probably, in our difficult times, where everything is subordinated to commerce, I am an example of how you can remain yourself, do what you like, no matter what.

— How is your relationship now with the father of your daughter Evelyn, Denis Klyaver?

“I have a wonderful relationship with him. When you have a child together, you need to fulfill your parental responsibilities and not mix them with personal relationships. I am pleased that Denis and I maintain friendly relations. He is a wonderful father, he treats his children well, sincerely, and takes care of them.

— You have two daughters: Evelyn and Amalia. What is most important to you in raising girls?

- They are now in their teens. This is a difficult period when character traits are most clearly manifested. When a person grows up, he wants to insist on his own, to assert himself. It is important that there are no conflicts between generations and at the same time try to convey what is reasonable, good, and eternal. Do not be a Cerberus and do not allow the younger generation to sit on your neck. Everything that I prohibit, I always give reasons for. It is important to instill in them a desire to work so that they are happy and find their place in life.

— Who would you like to see your daughters in the future? Will you support any endeavors?

“I would like my children to do something they like.” So that they do not become lazy, they choose the profession and activity in which they will feel happy and fulfilled. So that they can become professionals in any field they choose. It is very important. They want it themselves. They believe that a woman should self-realize. They don’t dream of getting married, but want to achieve success in the areas they have chosen today. My youngest daughter is involved in rhythmic gymnastics and wants to connect her near future with sports, become a coach or pursue a sports career. And the eldest is engaged in graphic design. She is interested in the field of contemporary art.

— What is the secret of family happiness for you? How do you spend time together?

— The main thing is to talk to each other. It is clear that children have their own lives. They are busy with studies and sports. You need to spend time communicating, asking how they are doing. You need to be interested. how the day went, put you to bed, kiss him goodnight. It is clear that they are no longer babies, but it is like a ritual. We can read something together, go to the cinema, to a museum on the weekend. Sometimes we have a lazy day. We lie in bed, watch a movie, discuss, share opinions. This is what unites and allows you to feel how your children live.

— Where do you find inspiration for your work?

- I like traveling very much. Now, of course, this is difficult. But I manage to do weekend trips or even one-day trips. I enjoy traveling to nearby small Russian cities and along the Golden Ring. And when it’s not possible to leave for a couple of days, I go to the museum. For me, this is also inspiration and fuel for my emotions.

— How did you start writing songs and poems?

— Before “Guests from the Future” (Eva was the lead singer of this group. - “MV”) I didn’t consider myself a poet. It was a kind of epiphany. It seemed to me that only great poets could write beautiful poetry, and everything else was self-indulgence. During my school years I wrote humorous poems. She was far from serious lyrics. And then the moment came for recording the song “Time is Sand”: I needed to find words for the melody.

I went through my entire library of poems, and it’s not small. I realized that no poems were suitable. Yura (Yuri Usachev, the second ex-member of the group “Guests from the Future.” - “MV”) said: “We’ve been suffering for a week, don’t come to the studio until you come up with an idea.” I was angry at the situation of this creative impasse, I concentrated, and suddenly the lines came to me: “Time is sand, time is water, tell me: yes!” Less than a couple of months passed before I wrote an entire album, with which we launched into our big, popular, musical life.

Photo: From the personal archive of Eva Polna

— In your songs, the lyrical heroine is always a suffering woman. How do you feel?

— I write songs with dramatic and romantic overtones. My goal is not to portray a woman who suffers from the fact that everything is bad. My lyrics are quite light. There is also a sad one, and there is one where everything is bad at first, but the ending is positive. I always believe in the best, I am not a suffering citizen at all. I get pleasure and joy from life. And I try to convey this with my music.

— In many of your songs you can hear about magic. What is magic for you in everyday life?

- Life itself is already magic. You need to be able to see the beauty of life. I consider magic not only songs, but music in general. It creates a special world and allows you to experience other emotions. Even on gray days, music makes you live, create, relieves sadness and fatigue. And this is magic.


Eva Polna was born on May 19, 1975 in St. Petersburg. Russian singer, composer and songwriter. She is known as the former lead singer of the group “Guests from the Future”. After the band disbanded in 2009, she began her solo career. Now the singer is recording new tracks, touring and raising two daughters, Evelyn and Amalia.

No to diets

After leaving the group, Eva changed her approach to her work and herself changed in appearance. I stopped exhausting myself with diets and gained weight. In addition, over the years in "Guests from the Future" she became a mother twice.

Concerts without a script

Each performance of Eva is unpredictable. Constant communication with the public helps to understand what the audience expects from it. Sometimes people want to relax with romantic songs, and sometimes they want to rock out with dance hits. The singer says that it is impossible to predict all this, and tries to feel the audience herself. Therefore, at concerts there is no script according to which songs are performed or communication with the public takes place.

Collection of hats

Eva is a fan of unusual headdresses. She has more than 50 different models in her wardrobe. Each accessory can set the singer’s mood and change her whole day. “This is my fetish! The hat is like a little house in which you can hide,” says Eva.

She hid her child's father for five years

Eva Polna and Denis Klyaver kept secret the fact that they had a daughter, Evelyn. Many colleagues attributed paternity to musician Yuri Usachev, who was always next to Eva and even took her to the maternity hospital.


Eva studied at the Moscow Academic State Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov. The love for painting came to her from her mother. The singer herself considers herself an amateur artist. Polna prefers to paint portraits.

"Dance Dance…"

Eva Polna takes Argentine tango lessons in her free time from performing. She is also a big fan of salsa parties: she attends them in different parts of the world.

Eight Principles of Nutrition

Due to a busy work schedule, sticking to a diet in the traditional sense is quite difficult. Therefore, Eva adheres to some nutritional principles that helped her achieve this result.

  1. Not to starve! The human body is designed in such a way that when the amount of food consumed sharply decreases, it goes into “accumulation” mode. Therefore, you should eat in portions that could easily fit into a glass). It is important to eat often - five to six times a day. This way you can control your appetite and train your body to eat less food without causing hunger stress.
  2. Count calories. By counting calories, you abstract away from thoughts about snacking. It is difficult to lose weight without knowing the energy and calorie value of the foods you consume. The optimal daily amount of calories is 1200 per day. And this is not just one meal, but a complete, and most importantly, varied menu!
  3. Chew food thoroughly. This way you will feel the taste of food, while avoiding overeating, which will significantly facilitate the further work of the stomach. Nutritionists recommend chewing food at least 18 times.
  4. Maintain water balance. Water fills the stomach well, has zero calories and can satisfy hunger. In the process of losing weight, water improves metabolic rate, removes toxins, and promotes normal intestinal function. Eva Polna drinks 10 glasses of purified still water per day, the first of which is on an empty stomach immediately after waking up.
  5. Reduce carbohydrates. Eating sweets has a bad effect on your shape, so buns and sweets need to be urgently replaced with more dietary dishes.
  6. Limit consumption of foods containing visible fat and choose low-fat dairy products. Avoid butter, sugar and salt.
  7. Protein for lunch is the rule! As the main dish, prepare lean meat, but always boiled or steamed. Thanks to proteins vital for the body, you are not at risk of muscle dystrophy, which “accompanies” those who lose weight.
  8. Regular fasting days . You can spend such days eating rice, buckwheat, apples, cucumbers.

Approximate diet of a star

Eva Polna lost weight, losing 15 kg, distributing her meals approximately as follows (of course, this is only approximately the menu for just one day, and everything changes):

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with water, boiled egg, green tea.
  • Snack: 100 g of fruits or berries (or mixtures thereof).
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, a piece of boiled or baked meat, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir or natural yogurt.
  • Dinner: baked or boiled vegetables.

In addition to photos of food, the singer also shared recipes for several dishes that during this time became her favorites and significantly brightened up the transition to a healthy diet.

Tomato soup

To prepare this aromatic and healthy soup, you need to finely chop 1 bell pepper and onion, cut several tomatoes in half and chop your favorite greens. Then the tomatoes need to be baked in the oven, and while this is happening, heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onions in it. You will need to peel the baked tomatoes and grind them into puree in a blender, while simultaneously boiling two liters of water and throwing in 300 g of rice or buckwheat. After 15 minutes, you can add all the vegetables and herbs to this pan, and bring the tomato soup until it is fully cooked.

Exercise in tandem with diet gives incredible results

Chicken balls

A very tasty and at the same time dietary dish is prepared as follows: in 100 ml of heated cream (low-fat, but those who are especially stubborn about dieting can replace it with milk), you need to soak a couple of pieces of loaf, and roll them with a couple of chicken breasts. All that remains is to pepper the finished mass (as already mentioned, Eva no longer uses salt), form it into neat balls and fry them in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Baked apples

Proper nutrition does not imply a complete rejection of desserts - it implies other, but no less tasty desserts. Eva’s favorite delicacy was apples baked with cottage cheese - to prepare them, you need to cut out the cores of the apples and instead add a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese with raisins, and then bake everything in the oven until a golden brown crust appears. There is no need for sugar - all the sweetness will come from the apples and raisins themselves.

Eva Polna during tennis training

Let's start dancing!

“I owe my transformation to dancing,” admits the thin singer, “which I became seriously interested in during the process of losing weight. The dance direction that I chose for myself can be described as a kind of mix of Pilates and ballet exercise.”

Pilates is a series of physical exercises aimed at strengthening all muscle groups, training coordination and stress relief.

Ballet exercise is a set of classes originally intended for ballerinas; it is aimed at increasing the level of muscle mass and elasticity, as well as the body’s overall endurance to physical activity.

Sport is a simple method of losing weight!

Excess weight can be overcome with increased physical activity quite quickly if you exercise regularly. All summer, Eva Polna played sports in the fresh air and encouraged everyone on her blog to follow her example:

“I’m reporting on the work done! Just 50 minutes of brisk walking and basic exercises on the playground! That's all! Post passed! If anything, this is not a post for fitness gurus! This is for sloths, koalas and pandas!”

With the onset of cold weather, Eva literally joined the fitness room. But she didn’t limit herself to exercise equipment alone – now she regularly plays squash and does race walking with weights on her legs.

The right mental attitude

By her example, the singer proved that sports, healthy eating and psychological balance help to remove extra pounds, even if they have been “enough” for years. Eva Polna’s weight loss method is used not only by celebrities, but also by ordinary women. Only a woman who respects her body can rightfully respect herself.

“My figure has improved and I’m glad about it. Every time I eat, I mentally talk to my body and wish it a bon appetit. Thus, the psychological attitude influences the absorption of food, says Eva Polna.

After careful “treatment,” the body stops “saving” calories in reserve and learns to enjoy food. And the extra calories are distributed into a boost of energy and cheerfulness, reciprocating the figure.

Singer Eva Polna lost 15 kilograms - but what, you can’t do it?!


Transformation of Eva Polna

And suddenly there was a change in image - Eva Polna lost weight, losing 15 kg. Why? It turns out that in 2015 the singer turned 40 years old, and she decided to meet this important stage of life renewed, focusing primarily on changes in appearance. And for them to happen, Eva Polna changed her diet and began to devote time to sports, which did not go unnoticed by her fans, because starting in the summer of 2015, they constantly saw photos of her workouts and dietary dishes on the singer’s Instagram.

Eva Polna on the golden gramophone

All this was accompanied by Eva’s inspired comments, in which she shared with her subscribers positive emotions from leading a new lifestyle. And so, over the course of several months, the singer’s weight gradually decreased, eventually settling on a figure of 65 kg with a height of 163 cm. Already in 2021, when asked about changes in her appearance, Eva Polna replied that she was more than happy with this build. and she doesn’t intend to lose any more weight, adding her favorite saying, “A skinny cow is not a gazelle.”

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