Calorie consumption during physical activity: energy exchange table for good health and a slim body

To feel good and look great, a person must ensure that the nutritional value of foods and dishes compensates for the body’s energy costs.

Simply put, you need to eat as much energy as you expend.

Otherwise, the balance of calories consumed and spent is disrupted. And this threatens obesity or various diseases from calorie deficiency.

That is why a person must know how many calories he spends on various activities.

And for those who want to lose weight, it is recommended that they plan their calorie consumption every day while taking into account physical activity, based on tables and calculators.

Energy consumption of the body

Energy expenditure is the amount of energy that the body uses to maintain its vital functions, perform physical tasks, digest food, that is, perform basic functions.

The main exchange occurs during the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory, immune, reproductive, endocrine and other systems.

This is interesting! The largest amount of energy is consumed during the functioning of the nervous system, this figure reaches about 25% of the total amount (approximately 500 kcal). Digestive organs require up to 25% of energy (250 kcal). During the digestion of food, energy expenditure can increase by up to 40%, and the more difficult the food is to digest, the higher this figure. During blood pumping, approximately 80 kcal are spent. Even at rest (during brain function or sleep), energy continues to be consumed.

Scientists have found that in 60 minutes, approximately 1 calorie is consumed for every kilogram of total body weight. Based on this, the total energy consumption of a person is 1800 kcal. And this is only at rest (to ensure the vital functions of the body); during physical activity, energy consumption can increase significantly.

Basic metabolism includes those energy expenditures that the body performs to ensure basic functions (necessary movements, hygiene procedures, eating, talking). Additional exchange includes activities related to work, household chores, sports, etc.

To determine the amount of energy burned, you need to take into account the basic and additional metabolism.

Be sure to check out:

A table of caloric content of foods to help you lose weight properly. How to easily calculate the calorie intake and nutritional supplements for weight loss

Calorie consumption table when working in the office / at home

ActivitiesKcal/1 kgKcal/hour, weight 60 kg
Typing on a computer2120
Office work on a computer1,484
Talking on the phone while sitting/standing0,7 — 1,142 — 66
Games with a child4240
Feeding and dressing the baby2120
Buying groceries2,1126


ActivitiesKcal/1 kgKcal/hour, weight 60 kg
Easy cleaning3,4204
Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner2,9174
Washing dishes2120
Mopping floors1,9114
Cooking food1,166

What determines the rate of combustion?

Energy metabolism depends on gender, height, body weight, age, state of the endocrine system, etc.

People with a predominance of muscle tissue burn calories faster, which is due to the high caloric requirement of muscle tissue to maintain function.

If a person regularly subjects the body to physical activity, then his muscle mass increases, and energy metabolism increases to 8-15%. With a long absence of such activity, energy costs are reduced.

Basal metabolic rate increases during fever, as a person in this state needs more energy.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

This is due not only to an increase in heat transfer from the body, which requires an appropriate supply of energy. The increase in body temperature itself is the body’s reaction to the penetration of dangerous microorganisms into it and an increase in their population. When they enter the body, a complex cascade of immune reactions is launched with the participation of immune cells and biologically active compounds caused by their activity. This reaction is physiological and provides the body’s natural defense against infections. However, with excessive activity of immune reactions, the body is capable of causing harm to itself by damaging internal organs and an abnormal increase in temperature, when the properties of biological tissues, primarily proteins, begin to change.

The optimal air temperature for humans is 26°C; a higher or lower value requires energy expenditure. This is necessary to maintain body temperature at a level optimal for the functioning of the body (creating a temperature optimum).

Thus, the body spends about 75% of its energy per day to perform basic functions. Energy consumption for physical activity can also change, depending on the ambient temperature and many other factors.

How to reduce your calorie intake

When losing weight, more than 89% of the way to successfully achieving results depends on your own discipline.

Practical advice: It is recommended to completely avoid all types of processed foods, as these are bad calories. Abuse of such products leads to an excess of calories and the deposition of fat folds in the subcutaneous layers.

The diet should be enriched with vegetables, fresh fruits, natural meat, beans and clean water. After all, eating natural products makes it much more difficult to get an excess of calories and gain excess weight.

How to count

Basal metabolic rate shows the state of metabolism. To calculate energy costs, special equations are used.

Harris-Benedict formula:

  • basic caloric expenditure for women = 665 + (9.6 * weight in kg) + (1.8 * height in cm) – (4.7 * age in years) * activity factor;
  • male calorie expenditure = 66 + (13.7 * weight) + (5 * height) – (6.8 * age) * activity factor.
Physical activityCoefficient
Minimal activity, sedentary lifestyle1,2
Light exercise 1-3 times a week1,3
Training 3-5 times a week1,6
Workouts daily1,7
Heavy physical work, training 2 times a day1,9

For example, a woman: 32 years old, weight – 54 kg, height – 172 cm, trains 3-5 times a week: 665 + (9.6 * 54) + (1.8 * 172) – (4.7 * 32) * 1.6 = 2148 kcal per day.

Muffin-Jeor method:

  • basic metabolism of women = 9.99 * weight in kg + 6.25 * height in cm – 4.92 * age – 161;
  • basic metabolic rate for men = 9.99 * weight + 6.25 * height – 4.92 * age + 5.

To correct the result, Harris-Benedict physical activity coefficients are used during calculation.

Attention! This formula does not take into account the ratio of muscle and fat tissue. The level of metabolic processes depends on the muscles, so this indicator is very important.

Tom Venuto Formula:

  • basic calorie expenditure (BCC) for women = 665 + (9.6 * weight) + (1.8 * height) – (4.7 * age);
  • BRK in men = 66 + (13.7 * weight) + (5 * height) – (6.8 * age).

For example, a girl: 28 years old, weight – 54 kg, height – 172 cm, leads a sedentary lifestyle: 665 + (9.6 * 54) + (1.8 * 172) – (4.7 * 28) * 1, 2 = 1633 kcal.

You may also be interested in: Calculation of BZHU for weight loss

How many calories are burned in an hour

How to calculate how many calories are burned per hour: Kcal consumption per 1 kg of weight (depending on the activity) * your weight

Intake data is provided in the calorie consumption tables below.

~ 1800 Kcal/day the body spends to maintain vital functions. The higher the muscle activity and the more muscle mass, the more calories the body spends per hour.
So don't think you're not losing calories by sitting in the office. Every day you spend approximately 1800 kcal to maintain vital functions. The amount of calories you consume depends on your weight and your muscle to fat ratio. To increase calorie expenditure, try different types of physical activity and look for something that you enjoy, where you are ready to run even after a hard day at work.

How to calculate energy expenditure for various activities

To control the burning of calories during various types of exercise, you can use the formulas described above or a calculator.

The latter option allows you to easily determine how many calories a person spends during different types of activities.

There are calculators that take into account the time of physical activity. Such a program requires entering weight and activity or body weight and the number of unnecessary calories.

If you use an online calculator, then keep in mind that after a while the body gets used to the stress, then it will use less energy with the same physical activity.

Experts have identified the following groups of activities that waste energy:

  1. Office workers, librarians, etc. usually lead a passive lifestyle. They spend 2500 calories per day.
  2. Minor muscle loads during sedentary work – 2800 kcal. This group includes teachers and salespeople.
  3. Moderate muscle load - 3100 calories. Doctors, postmen, and pastry chefs will use up so much energy.
  4. Intense tension of muscle structures – 3500 kcal. Such energy consumption is typical for trainers, mechanics, and plasterers.
  5. Heavy physical work – 4000 calories. Example: athletes, loaders.
  6. Very high physical activity - from 5000 kcal. Miners, carpenters, masons spend so much energy.

As you can see, the least amount of calories is spent during mental work, so office workers need to monitor their diet and physical activity.

When walking

Even during a normal walk, a person can increase their calorie expenditure. The faster it goes, the more fat is burned.

At the same time, when a person walks on a flat road, climbs a mountain or steps, the amount of energy consumed is different.

Energy consumption table taking into account body weight and speed:

Speed, km/hBody weight, kg and energy consumption, kcal/min

This table will help you find out how many calories are burned in 1 minute.

When running

While jogging, a person loses as much energy as when walking briskly for 1 hour. For an accurate calculation, you need to take into account the speed, flatness of the surface, and weight.

Speed, km/hBody weight, kg and energy consumption, kcal/min

During a marathon, an athlete spends from 212 to 403 kcal. During cross-country, energy consumption ranges from 240 to 454 calories.

While swimming

Swimming is a fairly energy-intensive sport. This is due to the fact that during physical activity, water provides resistance, so a person must make more effort to move.

In addition, the temperature in pools or open water is lower than human temperature, so the body will expend more energy to warm the body.

Interesting! Swimming involves almost all muscles. Even keeping the body afloat requires the activity of the muscles of the trunk and limbs. Therefore, water sports are among the most energy-intensive.

Table of energy consumption during physical activity in water:

Type of swimmingConsumption kcal/1kg50 kg60 kg70 kg80 kg
Swimming 400 m/h3150180210240
Slow breaststroke6280336392448
Swimming 2.4 km/h7329394460526
Slow crawl swimming7350420490560
Fast crawl8407489570650
Aerobics in water8380454530606
Water skiing5254304355406
Water polo9430515600690

As you can see, the higher the body weight, the more a person spends.

In team sports

Athletes who professionally play hockey, football, basketball and other sports have toned bodies and strong muscles.

This is explained by the fact that a lot of energy is used up during team play.

Energy consumption per 1 kg of weight for 60 minutes of activity, depending on the team sport, in kcal/h:

  1. Basketball players spend 5.4.
  2. Volleyball players – 3.6.
  3. Football players – 6.4.
  4. Handball players – 6.9.
  5. Water polo players – 9.

Team sports help burn a lot of calories.

When dancing

Dancing is one of the most enjoyable ways to quickly burn excess fat and lose weight.

It doesn’t matter what level of training you have, whether you did a warm-up or not. The main thing is to relax, feel the music and move.

Approximately a woman weighing 60 kg loses from 240 to 350 kcal while dancing. Such activities not only help you lose weight, but also improve your mood.

This is interesting! The most energy is spent during ballet classes. Within an hour you can get rid of 650 calories.

During sex

According to research, a person can lose up to 600 kcal during sexual intercourse. Similar energy expenditures can be achieved by running at a fast pace or doing ballet for an hour.

Foreplay will consume approximately 50 calories. Fat burning is promoted not only by metabolism, but also by various hormones.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

The main male sex hormone, testosterone, affects the fat content in the body. Testosterone is responsible for the growth of muscle tissue, the formation of a male body and sexual desire. However, it is testosterone that leads to the breakdown of fat in the male body. The higher the hormone level, the less body fat and vice versa. Physical activity can increase testosterone levels naturally. And in combination with a proper diet and taking vitamin and mineral supplements, this can be done faster and more effectively. It is precisely because of the high physical activity that those men who are actively involved in sports have higher testosterone levels than those who lead a passive lifestyle, and, accordingly, the athlete’s figure is more attractive, and the body is stronger and more resilient.

During sexual intercourse, almost all muscles are involved, the work of the heart and respiratory system accelerates.

Energy balance

To maintain health and a high standard of living, balance is necessary - the amount of energy received must correspond to the amount expended.

When food enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is broken down into simple elements - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The combustion of each of them is accompanied by the release of energy. The oxidation of proteins and carbohydrates gives a person 4.1 kcal, and fats - 9.3 kcal. Knowing the calorie content of food, you can calculate the amount of energy consumption per day.

Any type of activity - the digestion process, mental work, physical activity, sleep - is energy-consuming. The number of calories lost depends on the level of basal metabolic rate, intensity and duration of the activities performed. There are special tables that reflect human energy expenditure under various conditions. They are usually calculated per kilogram of weight per hour or minute. There are also approximate data for people with a conventional weight of 60 or 70 kg.

Average energy consumption for various types of daily activities per 1 kg per hour:

Kind of activityEnergy consumption (kcal /kg/h)
Morning toilet2
Walking at a fast pace4
Walking at a slow pace (walking, standing still)2,7
Climbing stairs to 1st floor3,6
Cooking food2,4
House cleaning3,4
Watching TV1,3
Hand washing clothes3,4
Car driving2,4
Reading books1,4
Listening to lectures, reports at meetings1,5
Sedentary work in the office2,4

Average values ​​of human energy losses during various physical activities:

Type of activityEnergy consumption (kcal/kg/h)
Morning work-out4
Running at a speed of 8–10 km/h8–10
Running at a speed of 10–15 km/h10–16
Nordic walking4,5
A ride on the bicycle9
Football game8,5
Tennis lessons6,1
Table tennis3,6
Volleyball game3
Cardio training on a treadmill (alternating between moderate running and walking)4,5

If the body receives more nutrients than necessary, they speak of a positive energy balance. Excess calories are stored as fat and contribute to weight gain. In this case, balance can be achieved by increasing energy consumption or decreasing its consumption.

Creating a negative balance is widely used in weight loss. When caloric intake is limited and physical activity increases, energy reserves begin to burn, and body weight decreases. This can be achieved in simple ways - choose the right menu and increase your daily activity, for example, start walking more. In sports environments, fat burners are often used for this purpose, but they should be used with caution.

How to spend energy at home: advice from professionals

According to professional trainers, you can increase muscle tone, speed up your metabolism and lose weight faster by doing normal everyday activities:

  1. Morning hygiene procedures will help get rid of 25 kcal. And if you include a contrast shower in the list, you will double this figure. This is due to the fact that during a contrast shower the body is forced to maintain a stable body temperature and, accordingly, increase calorie consumption for this.
  2. While washing dishes, you can burn 35 calories in 10 minutes. If you turn on music and dance, this figure will double.
  3. Hanging, sorting and folding clean laundry takes 35 kcal in 15 minutes. Ironing for half an hour will save you 80 calories.
  4. During cleaning, you can spend from 300 to 900 kcal.
  5. Improving your lawns will save you 450 calories.
  6. 15 minutes of washing your car will save you 7 kcal.
  7. During cooking, 180 calories are spent. To enhance the effect, drink a cup of green tea.
  8. Watching TV will help you get rid of 75 kcal. And if you do this not on the couch, but on a fitball, doing various types of exercises, then you can burn about 220 more kcal.
  9. Outdoor games with children mean minus 100 kcal in 10 minutes.
  10. Shopping will save you 155 kcal in 60 minutes. Don't skip the stairs to burn even more fat.
  11. A walk with a loved one – 150 kcal or more.
  12. Sleeping at night helps burn up to 480 kcal. And reading a book before bed or getting a massage means minus another 70 calories in 15 minutes.

As you can see, you can burn fat without going to the gym.

Anton Begalko, coach

An international master of sports in powerlifting claims that the process of burning fat depends on gender, age, level of physical fitness, etc.

The greatest amount of energy is expended during strength training combined with cardio. One session allows you to get rid of 550 kcal, while fat continues to be burned even after the training.

Anastasia Fateeva, coach

A fitness trainer at a yoga and fitness center believes that energy consumption depends on the level of training, intensity and duration of training.

For example, Tabata (short high-intensity interval training) allows you to burn about 300 kcal, functional training on loops - up to 450 calories, strength aerobics - about 400 kcal.

Mikhail Bugaenko, coach

The founder of a professional boxing studio advises doing intense, long-term training to lose weight. A 1.5 hour lesson will save you from 800 kcal. Training at a moderate pace will help you burn up to 500 kcal.

During cardio training, fat tissue burns within half an hour. Therefore, to get the maximum effect, you need to exercise for at least 1 hour at a high pace. But the most important thing is that if you want to lose weight, then consume fewer calories than you expend.

Important! Before starting intense training, it is recommended to consult with your doctor, because high-intensity training for a number of diseases (cardiovascular, urinary systems) can harm your health.

How I burned calories during the great snowfall

Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist Pavel Klokov decided to help utility workers in the fight against the snowy elements.

Photo: Ivan MAKEEV

The last time I cleared snow was in the army. And it was an unprecedented burden! I remember in the evening we looked out the window of the barracks and, if it was snowing, we would simply swear. We hated every snowflake! But here, on the contrary, I was happy and gladly picked up the flash mob that was circulating on the Internet (people clearing snow in their yards, taking pictures and posting them on social networks). This is a great opportunity not only to help utility workers, but also to shake off your fats. And they, according to home scales, do not sleep.

I spotted an uncleaned sidewalk near the editorial office and got down to business. KP photographer Vanya Makeev, having fallen into a snowdrift, clicked on his Nikon. It's like I'm some kind of artist. Or even a politician who decided to become closer to the people. One lady passing by looked at my heated face, but did not remember who I was. Within ten minutes, my back lit up with a pleasant fire that would never flare up while sitting at the computer. There was a subtle cracking sound. Those were burning calories...

And according to a special calculator (easy to find on the Internet), I destroyed 327 thousand in half an hour. It certainly sounds threatening. It's like I lost a third of my weight. In fact, it's 327 kilocalories. A piece of sponge cake. To burn the same amount of money on a computer, I have to sit in front of it for six hours! Almost the entire working day. Or knitting for 12 hours straight. Or play the violin for three hours. In general, entertaining arithmetic.

What muscles work when shoveling snow?

Photo: Nail VALIULIN

I went further and looked into the Smena fitness club, located next door. I asked to call an instructor. Five minutes later, Tatyana Rotaru came out to me, slender as a cypress and beautiful as Aphrodite.

“I cleared the snow here near the editorial office,” I mumbled. “I wanted to know how useful it is for me.”

She turned out to be a polite girl and didn’t say that, judging by my fat, I needed to clear the snow until next winter without a break.

“Snow removal can be compared to functional training,” Tatyana said. - This is when you are in motion and different muscles work. In the case of a shovel, these are all the muscles of the back, legs, arms, and buttocks.

- So how much did I lose? The weight loss calculator says 327 calories.

- That's about it. And this is equivalent to a half-hour workout in the gym. It all depends on how hard you work. After all, you can shovel a whole shovelful of snow. Or you can grab it at the tip. Or one works nonstop, and the other takes a smoke break every five minutes.

Clearing the yard of snow is a great opportunity not only to help utility workers, but also to shake off your fats.

Photo: Ivan MAKEEV

I don’t know how she found out about the smoking breaks... Maybe she was watching me through the window?

According to the head of a private clinic and nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, physical labor is not a fashion (if we talk about the flash mob of Muscovites), but a vital necessity. Because muscles consume calories much more actively than fatty tissue (in one hour they consume 70 kcal, and fat mass only 4).

“Of course, all these apps and bracelets that count calories are a very convenient thing,” said the Queen. “And they’re very supportive psychologically.” But if you decide to seriously study your body, then you need to draw up a personal calorie table with a specialist. There's a lot that goes into this. Not only height, weight and gender... But also, for example, the food that a person eats. A nutritionist creates a formula that a person must adhere to.

- But be that as it may, is it useful to clear snow?

In general, I recommend it. While the capital is experiencing the “snowfall of the century” (this name makes me cringe), grab your shovels and go into the yard! Get itchy, shoulder! Swing your hand! Unlike a fitness club, you do not need to pay for such an activity. And your hometown will only thank you.

The main principle of calorie consumption

In order to understand how to burn 1000 calories, you should choose the right type of sports activity and regularly monitor your diet, since sports alone cannot do all the work when losing weight. It should be noted that the level of calorie expenditure during different types of sports training may differ markedly. But you shouldn’t choose running or swimming, which you don’t like at all, just to burn more calories. It is recommended to burn fat only through activities that are enjoyable. You can clearly see how many minutes it will take and how calories are burned during physical activity of different types using the following table as an example:

How many minutes will it take to burn 500 calories?

Body weight54.5 kg63.5 kg72.5 kg82 kg91 kg100 kg109 kg
Water aerobics1311139988797266
Boot camp training78635245393531
Boxing with a heavy bag66574944403633
Cross country skiing56484238343128
Cycling (outdoor)75645650454138
Running in place53454035322926
Martial arts53453935322926
Tennis at the wall61534641373331
Roller skating75645650454138
Interval running24211816141312
Stretching (maximum rest)110948273666055
Stretching (minimum rest)64554843383532

Half an hour of fast running - 12 km/hour

Running is one of the best ways that will quickly help you burn the maximum amount of calories, without additional equipment.

Please note: It is recommended to dilute running workouts with strength exercises.

This is necessary in order to prevent the burning of muscle fibers while running.

In the human body, muscles perform the most important functions:

  • increase the number of calories burned;
  • give elasticity to the skin;
  • make the external shape of the body more attractive.

Running itself does not activate the muscles and will not increase their tone. Undoubtedly, without the use of strength sports, weight can be lost, but this may result in the appearance of a sagging belly and flabby buttocks. Therefore, if you combine running with strength training, it will help maintain and tone your muscles, speed up metabolic processes in the body and create a beautiful image with toned figures.


Jogging, speed – 8 km/h

Jogging is a type of training similar to the previous type. But, just to burn exactly 500 kcal, you will need to slightly increase the running distance.

The use of high-intensity training with interval loading

Interval exercises that alternate between high and low intensity levels will help increase your calorie burn and reduce the number of minutes it takes to achieve a particular result.

One hour of sailing

To activate the intensive process of burning calories, it is not enough to just flop around in the pool; you need to swim for an hour at high speed without long stops.

Two hours for lawn care

Of course, you won't be able to mow the lawn every day, but it's a pretty interesting option that will help diversify your workout. If mowing the lawn for two hours seems too hard, then half of this time can be replaced by working in the garden at the dacha, which will also help burn excess fat.

Two hour climb to the mountains

This exercise is similar to regular walking, but after taking more than 1000 steps uphill, it immediately becomes clear how the body is loaded, how it helps burn fat, and how different this walk is from regular walking along the paths of the park. It is better to go on a hike to the mountains in the company of close friends in sunny weather and in amazing places, in order to simultaneously combine training and enjoying the beauty of wildlife.


Climbing hour

This is a rather unusual way to burn calories, which will help activate all muscle groups and thoroughly pump your arms and legs.

Tennis hour

Tennis is one of the popular sports, during which you can not only burn a lot of calories, have fun, experience a sense of excitement, but also not notice how several hours fly by.


50 minutes of pair wrestling, self-defense classes or other types of martial arts will be enough to lose 0.5 kg.

120 minutes horseback ride

This is about normal horse riding, but if you engage in show jumping, you can burn much more calories in 2 hours.

Aerobics classes

50 minutes of high-intensity aerobics can burn between 500 and 600 calories, while at a moderate pace it will take up to 70 minutes to achieve the same results. And you will have to spend at least 2 hours on water aerobics to get rid of 500 kcal.

60 minutes of volleyball

It talks about a type of beach volleyball that helps burn more calories than a regular game in the gym. It is very important to take care to protect your head from the sun

One and a half hours by bike

A bicycle is an excellent means of transportation around the city, region or village. With its help you can not only get to work, the store or your beloved girlfriend, but also pump up your muscles, abs and burn calories. It is worth considering that to travel long distances, you need to purchase a comfortable seat. While riding, you need to regularly change your pace and speed to burn more calories.

Dance activity

You can practice dancing right at home and here it doesn’t matter at all whether you have dancing skills or not. We just turn on energetic music louder and try to burn as many extra calories as possible.

Interesting: the level of calories burned completely depends on the type of dance.

So, for example, 60 minutes of salsa takes about 290 kcal, and in the same period of time modern dance can get rid of 310 kcal.

Strength exercises

In one strength training session you can burn only about 300 kcal, but if you supplement it with a light jog, you can easily get rid of 500 calories.


If you cycle for 45 minutes and pedal intensely without being lazy, you can burn a sufficient amount of calories.


Walking on the steps

To do this, you can use a special exercise machine in the gym, or a suitable ladder. You should walk up the steps for at least 50 minutes to burn the required amount of calories.

Hour surfing

Riding on a surfboard will help you get rid of hated fats with great pleasure and enjoy the cool splashes of the waves on a hot summer day.


It is recommended to use a rowing machine. But exercises on it must be performed correctly, for this you should:

  • keep your back straight while moving forward;
  • do most of the work with your hands;
  • you just need to help with your legs.

In order to correctly master the technique of performing exercises on this simulator, it is recommended that you first watch training videos on the Internet.

50 minutes jumping rope

Undoubtedly, it is very difficult to jump for 50 minutes without stopping, so this time can be divided into 2-3 intervals and jump throughout the day to burn the daily amount of kcal.


Continue moving without worry

You shouldn’t stop moving for long periods, so you can:

  • shaking your legs while sitting on a chair;
  • walking in circles while talking on the phone;
  • take the stairs rather than the elevator;
  • perform 10-15 squats;
  • Get off public transport 1-2 stops earlier.

You need to use every opportunity to the maximum to make as many movements as possible. Undoubtedly, the listed methods will not help you burn 500 calories a day without sports, but they will certainly increase the result of sports achievements. And in order to understand how many calories are burned depending on the duration of the workout and individual weight, you should use the calorie expenditure table.

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