Cryotherapy: types, techniques, indications and contraindications

The use of local air cryotherapy in aesthetic rehabilitation programs.

Panova O.S. - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Smirnova E.V. — dermatologist-physiotherapist, Center for Cosmetological Correction of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Eklan”

The healing and healing properties of cold for aesthetic purposes have been used since ancient times: healers of ancient China, Egypt, Greece, Rome recommended cold water, ice, cold bandages to treat inflammatory skin diseases, to cleanse, lighten the skin, to give it elasticity and tone. In Russia, the clinical use of refrigerants in dermatology and cosmetology began in the 50s of the 20th century. traditionally developed in two methodological directions: cryodestruction and cryomassage.

Cryodestruction is a surgical method of tissue destruction and removal of infiltrates, neoplasms, including those of viral origin, using ultra-low temperature, the source of which is liquefied gases.

Cryomassage is the therapeutic, preventive, health-improving use of various coolants using massage techniques: ice, frozen phytosolutions, gel packs, liquid nitrogen. The use of liquid nitrogen as a cryotherapeutic agent, despite its simplicity and low cost, has a number of disadvantages: a high probability of frostbite, a high degree of subjective factor, limited exposure zones, discomfort (especially when affecting sensitive areas), difficulty in dosing and regulating cryotherapy, instability of operating temperatures, the need for storage and high consumption of liquid nitrogen. All these objective factors have reduced interest in cryotherapy. The creation of air cryotherapy units in the early 90s (in Germany and Japan) not only restored its position, but moreover, turned cryotherapy into an entire area of ​​scientific and practical research, including in aesthetic medicine.

Air cryotherapy (ACT) is the latest technology for cooling the skin and subcutaneous tissues, which uses dry atmospheric air with an operating temperature from -30°C to -120°C as a coolant. Air cryoprocedures allow you to quickly and locally reduce skin temperature by 10-20 degrees; they have undeniable advantages over any other types of cold application: painlessness, safety, physiology, short duration (2-10 minutes), versatility, variability of techniques.

Reliable and reproducible effects of cryotherapy.

The anti-inflammatory effect is provided by several mechanisms: tissue dehydration, decreased activity of inflammatory mediators, an increase in anti-inflammatory cytokines and a decrease in pro-inflammatory ones, inactivation of the collagenase enzyme, and a decrease in the level of C-reactive protein. Local cooling relieves hyperemia, swelling, stasis, normalizes lymph flow, the level of enzymatic reactions, and weakens the allergic component.

The analgesic effect is achieved through a number of mechanisms: a sharp decrease in the conductivity of nervous tissue, activation of endorphin inhibitory systems, neutralization of chemical reactions to acetylcholine, histamine, prostaglandin, which leads to pronounced analgesia, local anesthesia and breaking the vicious circle “pain - muscle spasm - pain”.

Regulation of muscle tone occurs through inhibition of the functions of the gamma motor neuron system, resulting in physiological muscle relaxation, relief of muscle spasms, and contractures. Short-term exposure to moderately low temperatures helps to increase muscle strength and endurance and improve skin turgor.

Activation of metabolism occurs due to carbohydrate metabolism (consumption of liver and muscle glycogen); after carbohydrate metabolism, fat, protein and enzymatic metabolism changes. A restructuring of general metabolism occurs, aimed at changing the structure of the fat layer and the accumulation of macroergs by cells.

Restoration of microcirculation , which is based on the rhythmic change of vasoconstriction and vasodilation with the subsequent opening of arteriovenous anastomoses, leads to improved circulation not only in the microvessels of the bloodstream, but also in the lymphatic channel.

Activation of cellular and humoral immunity occurs due to the normalization of T-lymphocyte parameters, a decrease in serum interleukin IL-1, IL-6, TNF (tumor necrosis factor).

The essence of cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is the effect of extremely low temperatures on the human body. Avicenna also discovered and widely used cold in practice - he made lotions, treated skin damage, injuries and even inflammatory processes. Relatively recently, cryoprocedures have become popular in relation to weight loss - it is believed that in one session a person loses as many calories as during an hour-long workout in the gym.

The essence of the procedure is short-term exposure to gas (nitrogen) at a temperature of minus 130 degrees. Under its influence, the skin temperature drops to 2 degrees Celsius, but this does not have a negative effect on the general condition of the body. Quite the contrary! Such extreme conditions give a “impetus” to protective systems, which ensure the restructuring of all body functions and, most importantly, accelerate metabolic processes.

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Indications for the use of air cryotherapy in dermatocosmetology.

All the positive effects of cryotherapy are primarily manifested directly in the skin. Therefore, the use of local cryotherapy in dermatology and cosmetology is limited only by individual intolerance to cold procedures.

Treatment of inflammatory and systemic skin diseases : acne, rosacea, seborrhea, atopic dermatitis, inflammatory dermatoses, psoriasis, etc.

Relief of undesirable effects - pain, inflammation, lymphostasis, erythema, irritation that occur after traumatic procedures: electro- and radiosurgery, plastic and laser surgery, all methods of hair removal, various types of dermabrasion, etc.

Regenerative effects - physiological healing of tissues, restoration of surface structure and color, narrowing of pores, relieving spasms, relaxation of facial muscles, restoration of tone, lifting.

Metabolic effects - regulation of metabolic and enzymatic processes, improvement of blood supply and skin nutrition.

Transport effect - improvement of microcirculation and membrane permeability promotes the transfer of corrective substances and energy into the deep layers of the dermis and hypodermis.

Efficiency for health improvement and weight loss

Indications and contraindications for cryosauna should be studied in advance before going to the nearest beauty salon. The advertisement says that this procedure can solve almost any cosmetic problem and also has a tremendous healing effect. But let's really look at things and figure out where the truth is and where there are speculations and fantasies.

Benefits of cryotherapy

  • The emotional background after visiting such procedures rises to the skies, this is an objective fact. The brain gets a real shock, releasing the happiness hormone endorphin into the blood. Therefore, a person feels uplifted, good mood, and a surge of strength.
  • Sharp cooling of the skin surface leads to stimulation of smooth muscles. This leads to rejuvenation, smoothing out wrinkles, increasing elasticity, and increasing the production of collagen and elastin. True, the effect is temporary.
  • The body's receptors are trained, increasing the body's protective properties. However, you must understand that the immune system remains hardened only if you visit the cryosauna regularly, or harden yourself in between.
  • The procedure significantly improves well-being, so many are confident that it also improves physical fitness. There are undoubtedly benefits for athletes: the body is cooled, pain is relieved, muscle stress and excessive overexertion are relieved. However, a cryochamber is definitely not suitable as an alternative to the gym.
  • Losing weight in a cryosauna is real. When cooling, the body begins to spend calories to raise the temperature, so fat is burned much faster.


As for real medical indications, cryosauna can be called a real godsend. She easily copes, in combination with medications or without them, with diseases that previously had to be simply left to chance.

  • Chronic depression, fatigue, fatigue, apathy.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Psoriasis and many dermatitis.
  • Acne, acne.
  • Arthrosis, arthritis.
  • Insomnia or excessive sleepiness (sleep disorders).
  • Adenoma and prostatitis in men, infertility in women.
  • Obesity.
  • Prevention of diseases of the respiratory tract and cardiovascular system.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Normalization of sweat gland dysfunction.
  • Absent-mindedness and memory problems.

This procedure is recommended for athletes who are undergoing rehabilitation after injuries or with a long break between classes.


Like any other health-improving device, overusing a cryosauna is a thankless task. If you simply overdo it, that is, come to sessions very often, and delay the procedure as much as possible, you may exhaust the adrenal glands, which is unacceptable.

  • Inflammatory processes inside organs.
  • Allergy to cold.
  • Exacerbation of chronic forms of diseases.
  • Increased body temperature before the procedure.
  • Hypertension, heart and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Oncological problems in the body or suspicions that they exist.
  • Nervous diseases and mental disorders.
  • Infectious diseases in the acute stage.
  • Tendency to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Side effects and harm

Thus, independently “prescribing” cryoprocedures to yourself can cause more harm to the body than good. Moreover, we may not even be aware of some health problems for the time being.

  • Cryosauna has few side effects; they occur infrequently, but you need to be prepared for them.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Mild itching.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Exacerbations of diseases that a person is treating.

To ensure everything goes smoothly, visit your doctor, get all the tests, tests and studies done. Then you can be completely sure that everything will go without a hitch.

Reviews about cryosauna

Maksik Oksana, Saratov:

“I underwent the procedure just for the sake of general health. I heard before that after using it, the tan in the solarium goes on smoother and better. I didn’t notice a big effect in this sense. But I became much more cheerful throughout the day, it was easier to get up in the morning, and my general mood improved. I noticed one more detail - I stopped gaining weight, which in recent months has been stubbornly creeping up, about a kilogram and a half a month, even with regular exercise.”

Alexander Nastasyev, Moscow:

“I have one unpleasant problem that greatly interferes with my life. I have psoriasis, and during exacerbations nothing helps at all. The doctor recommended visiting a cryosauna, for which special thanks to him. It is impossible to completely cure this disease, but the effect is simply amazing. Now I do a course of procedures regularly four times a year, after which I feel great.”

Galina Semanina, St. Petersburg:

“I have been suffering from rheumatism for a very long time, I constantly have headaches, the sensations are simply terrible. I take painkillers a lot and often. One day, my daughter living in Germany recommended that I go to her doctor, who prescribed a cryochamber. At first I was very afraid, but after the first visit I felt like I was born again. The terrible pain went away, only a nagging sensation remained, and I completely forgot about my head. Upon arrival home, I found similar procedures that I attend regularly, they help a lot and I like them.”

Approbation of the CryoJet Mini installation.

The CryoJet Mini skin air cooling system is a mobile, no-consumption unit with an adjustable supply of a powerful jet of cold air (-30 C) through a flexible hose to the treated area. Ergonomics, special replaceable accessories, and mobility ensure ease of use of the CryoJet Mini installation in complex cosmetology programs in various modes.

The CryoJet Mini installation operates from a regular 220V power supply. The display shows the required exposure power in the range from 1 to 3, corresponding to a certain flow rate of cooled air (350 l/min - 1000 l/min) and exposure time in minutes (1 min - 25 min). Four interchangeable attachments make it possible to optimally select the parameters of the procedure; for working in simultaneous cryotherapy and laser modes, there is an additional adapter stand and attachment.

All parameters of the procedure should be selected taking into account the patient’s individual sensitivity to cold, the sensitivity of the tissue area undergoing VCT, determined by the nosological form and syndromic manifestation of the disease.


To get maximum benefits and minimize negative emotions after the procedure, use the recommendations of specialists.

  1. Sign up for 1 session first. While cooling, listen to your own feelings. If the procedure does not give you any pleasure, this is not your method.
  2. Before entering the booth, you must put on socks and gloves. Other clothing is not recommended. Although many still put on a robe, fearing the cold.
  3. The time spent in the cryocapsule gradually increases from 1 minute to 3 (this is the maximum).
  4. Liquid nitrogen vapor is very harmful and should not be inhaled.
  5. If any side effects occur, immediately notify the specialist performing the procedure. In such cases, it does not always make sense to refuse sessions. Perhaps they will simply reduce their duration and intensity.
  6. After the session, to achieve maximum effect, a massage is performed or a relaxing herbal bath is taken.
  7. You can go outside no earlier than 10 minutes after the procedure.
  8. You should not eat for 2 hours after cold treatment.

Compliance with these simple rules is a guarantee that you will not give up on the next session and will complete the course you have started.

Interesting fact. Allergy to cold is a rare but serious disease. Losing weight using cryotherapy is contraindicated for such people.

Adjustable and dosed parameters of air cryotherapy.

Method of influence: labile, stable, combined.

intensity : low, medium, high.

Duration of the procedure: 1 - 3 minutes - short-term, 5 - 15 minutes - long-term.

area : scanning effects on the curable area and point impact.

The course of treatment involves at least 5 - 15 procedures. It is allowed to carry out up to 3 procedures per day with an interval of at least 6 hours, for example, for acute nosological forms and post-traumatic syndrome.

The temperature of the air flow hitting the skin depends on the distance between the nozzle and the body surface being treated: the smaller it is, the lower the temperature of exposure.

Indications and contraindications

Currently, it is actively used for weight loss in various beauty salons, fitness, spa and wellness centers. But do not forget about the initial healing effect of the procedure. In this regard, you need to know what indications and contraindications exist for undergoing a course of treatment with liquid nitrogen.


  • bronchial asthma;
  • depression, stress, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • obesity;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hay fever;
  • injuries;
  • cellulite;
  • excessive physical activity.


  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • stage II hypertension (when blood pressure exceeds 180/100 mm Hg);
  • malignant tumors;
  • individual intolerance to cold;
  • myocardial infarction and rehabilitation after it;
  • hysterical neurosis;
  • fever;
  • cerebral strokes;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • heart failure degree II;
  • active pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • chronic cardiovascular diseases.

Cryotherapy is a rather extreme method of losing weight, which is a serious stress for the body. Therefore, it must be used, be sure to take into account the lists of indications and contraindications in order to avoid health complications.

Let's talk about the price. On average, one session in a salon costs about $25. But, if you complete a full course of 15 procedures, most often a discount is issued, and you will have to pay about $250 for everything.

Goals and methods.

For the first time in Russian dermatocosmetology, a scientific systematic study is being conducted on local air cryotherapy.

We present the results of the initial screening stage. The purpose of this stage is an expert assessment of the effectiveness of air cryotherapy in the three most relevant rehabilitation programs: rehabilitation after aesthetic surgeries, involutional changes in facial skin, anti-cellulite correction . The study was conducted at the Eklan Center for Cosmetology Correction of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Three groups of patients were selected for clinical observation:

Group 1. Postoperative rehabilitation: blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, retidectomy, laser dermabrasion of the face. Group 2. “Fading skin” Group 3. “Anti-cellulite correction.”

Over 6 months, about 800 air cryotherapy procedures were performed, and in not a single case were complications or side effects observed.

Fading skinPostoperative rehabilitationAnti-cellulite correction
Number of patients203615
Age Average37 — 58 4431 — 69 3827 — 54 32
Type of therapyMonotherapyMonotherapyMonotherapy Combination therapy

Criteria for the effectiveness of air cryotherapy : expert comparative assessment of the condition of the skin before and after the course, photography, subjective assessment of one’s appearance by the patient himself.

Advantages and disadvantages

To decide whether to use this innovative, but so extreme technique or not, you need to weigh the pros and cons.


  • rapid recovery from injuries and excessive physical exertion;
  • allergic conditions are weakened: hay fever, bronchial asthma, contact dermatitis;
  • tone increases;
  • sports uniform is maintained;
  • prevention of cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • relieves depressive and stressful conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the condition and appearance of the skin improves;
  • cellulite is eliminated.


  • minor weight loss results: on average, only 2-3 kg are lost in 15 sessions;
  • lost kilograms quickly return if you do not keep your body in good shape with sports (minimal exercise, running, swimming) and proper nutrition;
  • not everyone can withstand such intense cold;
  • possible side effects in the form of hypothermia and an allergic reaction (manifests as ulceration of the skin);
  • Sometimes after cold therapy, unpleasant tingling in the fingers and toes, numbness in parts of the body, redness of the skin, itching and even pain in the joints are observed.

Cryotherapy is far from rapid weight loss and a lot of pleasant emotions. This procedure requires a special attitude and determination in order to achieve at least some result.

Wow! Experts say that 1 procedure replaces a whole month of regular hardening in an ice hole.

Goals of air cryotherapy.

Group 1. “Postoperative rehabilitation.” Pain relief. Removal of negative residual effects: edema, lymphostasis, erythema, spasm of the facial muscles. Launch of regenerative processes. Restoration of microcirculation.

Group 2. “Fading skin.” Increasing muscle tone and skin turgor, lymphatic drainage, skin lifting, swelling removal, improving nutrition and cellular regeneration, smoothing the surface structure and color.

Group 3. “Anti-cellulite correction.” Improvement of microcirculation, lymph flow and outflow of intercellular fluid, massage of the dermis and hypodermis, reduction of congestion, activation of metabolism in the epidermis and dermis, activation of lipolysis.

How does cryotherapy affect weight loss?

Exposure to extremely low temperatures on the body is stressful. Yes, only the skin is cooled during the procedure, but this is already a signal for the launch of rapid metabolism. In the course of research, it was found that people's metabolism accelerates significantly after cryotherapy.

Fat deposits begin to be transformed into energy, because accelerating the functions of organs and systems is expensive. In addition, a sharp narrowing and subsequent dilation of blood vessels provokes an acceleration of blood flow, which ensures the flow of the maximum possible amount of oxygen to the tissues - cellulite literally dissolves.

In words, it turns out that cryotherapy is a panacea for excess weight. But doctors warn that this is not true at all! Firstly, not every person reacts to the procedure in the same way - there may be no results even after a full course of 15 sessions. Secondly, you can maintain the effect obtained only through sports and diet - so you will have to make an effort to lose weight.

Watch the video about the benefits of cryosauna for weight loss:

Skin condition after a course of air cryotherapy.

Group 1. “Postoperative rehabilitation” Improvement was observed after the 2nd - 4th procedure. After the course, inflammation, pain, swelling, and redness were relieved. The hematomas were resolved and the sutures were epithelialized. At the surgical site, the scar is slightly pink, soft, smooth, elastic, uniform structure and skin tone. The increased tone of the facial and orbital muscles is relieved.

Group 2. “Fading skin.” Pronounced positive dynamics after the 5th - 7th procedure. After the course - a significant improvement in appearance, pronounced tightening of the skin of the eyelids, cheekbones, cheeks, chin and neck; aligning the structure and color of the skin, narrowing pores, reducing swelling.

Group 3. “Anti-cellulite correction.” After the course, significant changes occurred: skin lifting, the cellularity of the hypodermis was smoothed, and the tone of the abdominal and thigh muscles increased. Standard measured dimensions decreased by 3 - 4 cm. With the combined sequential effects of CT and mesotherapy, the results were significantly higher: standard measurements decreased by 5 - 6 cm, skin turgor and muscle tone, and a decrease in the density of the fat layer.

All patients noted good tolerance, comfort of the procedures themselves, pleasant sensations, a surge of strength after the procedures, and indicated the severity of positive changes in their appearance.

Positive dynamics after the cryoprocedure were observed long before the end of the course, which increased the patients’ positive attitude towards the course (by 2 - 7 days).

What is a cryosauna: a cold bath to shake up the body

Qualitatively good prevention of colds in the cold season will be provided by the cryotherapy procedure, the main tool of which is the cryosauna. Exposure to low temperatures also has a significant rejuvenating effect, helps you lose weight, and at the same time get rid of many chronic diseases, just like turpentine baths.

Cryogenic procedures are not a new invention at all. Even in ancient times, people doused themselves with cold water, and could also jump straight from a hot bath into an ice hole in a frozen pond. There were many sayings and sayings on this topic back then. People knew for sure that they would be healed of their illnesses, but the mechanism of this recovery remained a sealed secret for them.

Brief history

At the end of the nineteenth century (1886), a Bavarian priest named Sebastian Kneipp wrote and published a book called My Water Cure. This time can be considered the beginning of the era of cryotherapy. He was interested in traditional methods of treatment, studied the properties of herbs, and when he was overcome by tuberculosis, he began to practice immersion in the waters of the cold Danube. He developed a whole method of healing with cold streams (Kaltwasserkur). Hydrotherapy has been a part of medicine to this day; salt baths are a good example.

However, no special progress in water treatment methods was observed after this for almost a hundred years. Only by 1970 in Japan, Dr. Yamauchi came up with a completely new technique. He experimented with low temperatures, down to –180°C. His research showed that such exposure not only does not cause harm, but also brings noticeable benefits. Yamauchi created a special device for taking cold baths and presented it at the congress in Wiesbaden, only nine years later.

This method quickly found its way into leading medical journals, and pragmatic Germans immediately saw it as a profitable investment. After all, the cryosauna worked and gave excellent results. Therefore, already in 1984, the Japanese invention began to be used everywhere in old Europe. Now there are more than a thousand health centers and clinics where you can take such an ice bath without problems.

Description of the procedure: cryosauna and its temperature

Essentially, a cryosauna is an installation, a kind of tank filled with nitrogen. This gas is cooled to 140-180 degrees Celsius. To undergo such therapy, you need to prepare a swimsuit for women and swimming trunks for men. A person goes inside a special capsule, so that the head and shoulders remain outside. Special gloves and socks are put on hands and feet to avoid damaging the skin when coming into contact with chilled surfaces.

The standard duration of the procedure according to the instructions is from sixty to one hundred and eighty seconds. That is, the maximum exposure time is three minutes. Cold affects the surface of the skin, but does not penetrate inside, thanks to natural protective mechanisms. This completely eliminates the risk of hypothermia. However, the body feels the shock, so it launches all protective processes.

Typically, doctors prescribe a course of cryoprocedures of 5-20 sessions, depending on the disease, indications, individual characteristics, health status and other indicator factors. They are held every other day. For comparison, one procedure in Moscow will cost from 1,200 to 3,000 thousand rubles. At the same time, many beauty salons offer trial sessions for 500 rubles, as well as discounts on the full course of 16-20 visits up to 25% of the full cost. As you can see, the cost of a cryosauna procedure is quite affordable for the average person. Along with it, anti-cellulite massage can be prescribed.

Air cryosauna: main features

To protect yourself as much as possible, it doesn’t hurt to find out what happens to our body during the session.

  • The patient's body is blown with air cooled with liquid nitrogen for a short time. But the brain manages to receive a danger signal from peripheral receptors. Then it turns on mechanisms that force the body to survive at any cost.
  • Blood actively rushes to all vital organs, causing the body temperature to rise. For some it can reach forty degrees. This helps destroy various viruses and bacteria in the blood.
  • At the same time, the endocrine system actively releases various enzymes, hormones and other substances into the blood that are necessary for a quick recovery.
  • The level of oxygen in the body increases significantly. This leads to more active healing of skin damage, wounds, and relief of the consequences of inflammatory processes.
  • Blood begins to actively circulate throughout the body, which speeds up metabolic processes. Therefore, cryosauna for weight loss has very good effectiveness.
  • At the same time, toxins, waste, waste and unnecessary substances are removed from the body.

The brain fixates on problem areas, starting to carry out the healing procedure, because it senses a danger that actually does not exist. After leaving the capsule, the temperature returns to normal.

Please note: cryotherapy rules

It is important to understand the details, for example, how often to visit the cryosauna, what should be taken into account before and after the procedure.

  • You can eat at least an hour before the procedure. Afterwards, it is also better to wait at least sixty minutes before having a snack.
  • Experienced doctors say that before being placed in a cryochamber, you need to take an air bath for five or ten minutes at standard room temperature (18-25°C). To do this, you need to take off your outerwear and stay in a swimsuit or swimming trunks indoors.
  • You should be given felt slippers or small felt boots, as well as gloves made of natural wool for cryotherapy.
  • To avoid trouble, as soon as you don’t feel any sensation, it becomes painful or unpleasant, you must tell the operator, who is obliged to stop the session immediately.
  • Immersion in nitrogen headlong is not recommended because it can cause harm. It’s just that the operator won’t be able to see you, and such manipulations won’t bring much benefit.
  • Do not touch the walls of the cryosauna capsule. Keep your arms, sides or shoulders away from the gas supply area.

The door of the cryosauna cabin is not fixed in any way; it does not have any latches or, especially, locks. Therefore, at the slightest discomfort, the patient can freely open the doors and go outside.

After a cryotherapy session, doctors recommend doing physical exercise for a few minutes. For example, you can do light exercises, squat, walk in place for ten to fifteen minutes. Most often, procedures are prescribed every other day, but for special indications they can be performed every three or four days. Efficiency directly depends on the regularity of visits to the cryosauna. To consolidate the results obtained, you can repeat the course three to four times a year.


Analysis of the screening results allows us to draw the following conclusions: 1. Air cryotherapy is an effective method of intervention in the rehabilitation of patients in the postoperative period and significantly reduces recovery time. In some clinical cases, air cryotherapy was the only treatment of choice. 2. Air cryotherapy has an effective effect on aging skin problems. 3. The use of air cryotherapy in anti-cellulite correction leads to pronounced positive dynamics. 4. Air cryotherapy is effective both as monotherapy and in combination with other methods of treating these problems. 5. The CryoJet Mini air cooling unit is reliable, easy to operate, economical, does not require special maintenance, and fully complies with the standards of an aesthetic medical institution.

Home cryotherapy

It turns out that you can lose weight with cryotherapy at home. True, purchasing a booth with liquid nitrogen like the one in the cabin is very expensive and dangerous. But you can use the following cold-based procedures:

  • hardening the body: dousing with cold water, cool baths and showers, wiping with snow after a bath, swimming in a winter ice hole;
  • local hypothermia: ice compresses, rubbing with ice cubes, heating pads with cold water for problem areas of the body where there are fat deposits.

So cryotherapy can be safely used for weight loss. You can't expect stunning results, but a salon procedure, for example, will give you an amazing experience that you've never experienced before. Even if overall you lose only 3-4 kg during the course, a pleasant bonus will be the overall improvement of the body and the reliable strengthening of the immune system. That is, in any case, you will not spend your money in vain and will win.

About cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is a procedure that uses extremely low temperatures (liquid nitrogen) to destroy tissue. It is often used to treat skin lesions such as skin tags or areas that look different from the surrounding skin. Damages may be:

  • Benign (noncancerous).
  • Actinic keratosis. This is a pre-cancerous skin condition that appears as flaky patches on the skin, which can later develop into cancer. Superficial skin cancer (skin cancer only on the surface of the skin).

Cryotherapy also helps to salvage the skin around the injury and minimize scarring.

You do not need to make any special preparations for cryotherapy, but you may need to remove makeup, lotion, or powder before undergoing it.

The doctor will then spray liquid nitrogen onto the treatment area to freeze it.

to come back to the beginning

Cryotherapy at Medicap&SPA Resort “Alfa Radon”

At the Alfa Radon sanatorium you can undergo complex cold treatments to treat diseases and strengthen the body. You can sign up for cryotherapy according to your doctor’s indications or on your own, having undergone a preliminary examination to ensure there are no contraindications.

To book a trip, fill out the feedback form. We recommend making an appointment in advance and receiving high-quality services from leading medical specialists. You can find out the cost of services from the managers by calling.

Call your doctor or nurse if you have:

  • temperature 100.4°F (38°C) or higher;
  • chills (getting cold and shaking);
  • any of the following symptoms in or around the treated area: redness or swelling extending to skin outside the treatment area;
  • increased pain or discomfort in the treatment area;
  • skin in the treatment area that is hot or hard to the touch;
  • an increase in the amount of fluid or drainage (yellow or green) coming from the skin in the treatment area;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • bleeding that does not stop after pressing the napkin;
  • have any questions or concerns;
  • any unexpected problem.
  • to come back to the beginning

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