Running for weight loss in the morning - how to do it with pleasure and benefit

Running is not the easiest, but quite effective way to lose weight, based on an artificial increase in the body's energy expenditure as a result of significant physical activity. Its benefits depend on regular training.

The trainer will tell you what exactly the exercise program should be, but you need to understand that you will be able to achieve the desired weight loss only if you go for a run at least 4-5 times a week. On average, with such intensity of exercise (even without diets) you can lose 4-6 extra pounds.

If you want to create a training program yourself, you need to find out how much you need to run in order to achieve results and not harm your health. If you are not an athlete, then the duration of classes should be no more than half an hour; it is important to change the intensity of movements, either increasing or slowing down their pace.

During the first 20 minutes of a run, the body burns calories from recently eaten food. And only then the fat cells begin to break down.

What else are the benefits of such physical activity:

  • Cells are saturated with oxygen.
  • The cardiovascular, bone, and immune systems are strengthened.
  • All muscles work.
  • Metabolic processes are stimulated.
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves.
  • Increases performance and endurance.

What are the benefits of running photo


Running may well cause harm to the body. When should you be careful?

  • Eye diseases. Intense loads provoke a deterioration in the condition of moderate and high myopia.
  • Presence of chronic diseases. To avoid exacerbations, you should consult your doctor before training.
  • Joint diseases. Increased stress on the knees and back can aggravate previously diagnosed problems.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. During exercise, the blood vessels and heart muscle are under severe stress, so any increased physical activity should be agreed upon with a cardiologist.
  • Colds. Many people often ignore their obvious symptoms, which risks serious complications and permanent disability.
  • Elderly age. Gentle physical activity is recommended for people over 50 years of age. Which ones - the attending physician will tell you.

To eliminate possible health risks, you should be examined by a therapist and cardiologist before starting classes. Men are recommended to pay special attention to the level of testosterone, which directly affects the functioning of the heart. If the level of this hormone in the blood is low, serious physical activity is not recommended.

Before starting training, it is better to undergo a medical examination photo

Interval running for weight loss

Interval running is a real godsend for those who want to lose weight. His technique allows you to achieve maximum results while spending a minimum amount of time. Before resorting to this method, you should make sure that there are no problems with the cardiovascular system. We also recommend that you learn what fartlek is and then you will never be bored during training.

Interval running for weight loss involves a running technique where high-intensity running (fast) is replaced by calm running or walking to restore heart rate. Example workout:

  • 100 meters of walking at an active pace (warm-up)
  • 100 meters – jogging (adjusting breathing rhythm)
  • 200 meters fast run
  • 100 meters of calm running or fast walking
  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 alternately 3-5 times

Properly performed interval running initiates a fat burning process that can last six hours after the end of the workout.

It is not recommended for beginners to use interval running; you can use a specially prepared training plan for weight loss if you are a beginner.

First you need to strengthen the muscles and ligaments. Use the training program presented below to get involved, and after 3-4 months, try experimenting.

How to run correctly

You can only lose weight if you know how to run correctly. The quality of the training results depends on the regularity of training. If you can't exercise every day, do it 3-4 times a week.

Just like when performing any physical exercise, when jogging it is important to adhere to technique.

  1. Keep your back straight and your head straight. Tilt forward puts extra stress on the shoulder, neck, and hip areas. Back - on the back and legs.
  2. The gaze is directed straight ahead. If you look down, your back muscles will get tired faster.
  3. The face and neck are relaxed, otherwise tension will be provoked throughout the body, and the workout will become exhausting and ineffective.
  4. Relax your shoulders, maintaining a small distance between your shoulder blades.

If your shoulders begin to hurt during exercise, raise them, then sharply lower them. Shake your hands. The unpleasant sensations will go away.

  1. The hands are slightly clenched into a fist. The elbows are bent at a right angle, slightly moved away from the body. Their movement zone is between the chest and waist. It is advisable to remove bracelets, watches, and bandages from your wrists - they can cling to clothing, distracting attention.
  2. Medium length step.
  3. The foot should fall on its middle part, this way you will avoid possible injuries.

How to run correctly photo

Running to lose belly fat

The abdomen is also one of the most problematic areas that people try to tidy up first. Cardio exercise while running promotes blood flow to the fat depot in the waist area, which reduces its volume, and muscle work will help tighten the abs. Let us remind you that the duration of the workout to burn fat should be at least 40 minutes. It is better to exercise on an empty stomach and not eat food for an hour and a half after jogging. Thus, it will be possible to create a calorie deficit, which will force the body to compensate for it from the fat depot in the abdominal area.

Workouts should be at least 40 minutes long for the fat burning process to begin.

Exercises for pumping up the abs while running

In order to pump up your abs during a running workout, you can perform an exercise - running with your knees raised high. This exercise can be performed as a warm-up. Such a warm-up might look like this:

  • Jogging 2 minutes
  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meter run with shin overlapping
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meters right side side step
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meters left side side step

And you can finish the warm-up by working the abdominal area with five sets of running with high hip raises:

  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back
  • 15 meter high hip run
  • Let's jog back

It will be an excellent warm-up, and for beginners a full-fledged workout.

At the same time, you should not be overzealous in the first workouts - losing weight in the waist area is a long process that requires at least 6 weeks of regular exercise. Only in this way will the muscle fibers reach the level of training that will allow them to begin performing a more intense complex aimed at creating sculpted abs.

If you want to start running, it's best to do it according to a pre-prepared plan. We have one! Just look at the day of the week and do the amount of training our trainers suggest. Enter your email to which we will send the plan absolutely free!

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What beginners need to know

So that the first training session does not turn out to be the last, you need to start and conduct it correctly. Set aside a weekend morning for this. Prepare a light breakfast. Yogurt, any fruit, or a glass of milk will do. Wear comfortable sportswear. Map out your route. For the first time, you can walk quickly and evaluate your capabilities.

It is recommended to calculate the distance, intensity, and duration of runs based on the initial weight.

  1. 110 kg and above. Intense running for weight loss is contraindicated in this case: the joints suffer from excessive stress, and the risk of damage is very high. If you still decide to do such activities, choose a gentle pace, alternate running and walking. Recommended distance is 75-150 meters. The time can be gradually increased - each workout by five minutes.
  2. 85-110 kg. Jogging should be done daily. The first three to five workouts last no more than 20 minutes, increase each subsequent one by five minutes. The optimal time for a full workout is 1 hour. At this pace and proper nutrition, up to 6 kilograms per month are lost. Change the intensity of your jogging, periodically alternating it with walking. This will speed up your metabolism after two weeks of regular jogging.
  3. 60-85 kg. The duration of the first workout is no more than 20 minutes. The maximum distance is 500 meters, speed is no more than 10 km/h. The duration and speed of classes can be increased after a month.
  4. Less than 60 kg. With such a weight, there is little excess fat in the body, and it is quite difficult to “burn” it. The duration of jogging should be at least half an hour. High, constantly increasing intensity of training is required. You can measure it by your pulse. At 20 years of age, the heart rate (HR) during physical activity fluctuates in the range of 80-170 beats/min. By the age of 30, the indicator changes - 76-132 beats/min. Start with the bottom number. When you feel comfortable, you can speed up.

Light breakfast before running photo

At any weight, getting used to sports activities is difficult, especially when you need to start from scratch. Self-control and motivation are required. Social networks will be an excellent assistant in this, where you can find reviews, before and after photos of those who have already put themselves in order.

Best time to go for a run

Is it right to run in the morning or in the evening? It depends on the rhythm of your life. If you wake up easily in the morning, full of strength and energy, then it is better to go jogging at this time. If you are a night owl by nature, then choose the evening to study.

Both options have their advantages. A morning run energizes you with positive emotions for the whole day, while an evening run helps relieve stress and gives you sound sleep.

In the morning, you need to train to lose weight on an empty stomach. Only drinking is allowed. The level of glycogen, the main source of energy in the body, is low in this state, and fat will be “burned” faster. If the workout takes more than an hour, then you will still have to drink tea or have a snack.

If your schedule allows you to jog only in the evenings, it is important to remember: there should be at least three hours between training and sleep.

Evening jogging shouldn't be too late

Choosing a place

A good place for effective training should have a varied terrain, which will give an even load on different muscle groups. Gradually it can be increased. However, it is important to know: although trail running allows you to “burn” a large number of calories, it is not suitable for people with poor physical fitness.

The weather helps you “lose” weight when jogging outside. When is the best time to run? During the cool season, the body spends a lot of energy on heating, and the number of calories “burned” increases. However, in bad weather and frost, it is advisable to prefer a treadmill in the gym (or at home, if you own a machine) to exercising outside.

In the cold season, it is better to exercise on a treadmill photo

How long should you run?

It is difficult to independently calculate how much you need to exercise to lose weight. However, it is important to understand: weight loss does not depend on the speed of running, only on its duration .

Nutritionists have found that it takes 19 hours of jogging to “lose” 1 extra kilogram. Thus, if you need to lose weight by 5 kg, then the total duration of classes will be 95 hours, if by 10 kg - 190 hours.

What is warm-up and cool-down

The workout should begin with a warm-up, which is necessary to warm up the muscles. This is a special group of exercises that need to be performed slowly, gradually accelerating. In this way, the body prepares for serious physical activity. By neglecting to warm up, you can seriously harm your health.

Before training, it is extremely important to warm up your muscles photo

During the warm-up before a run, no stretching exercises are performed. “Unwarmed” muscles can be easily injured.

Exercises are selected depending on your health condition. If there are no contraindications, you can use generally accepted rules. However, it is important not to overdo it and take into account three important points: intensity, duration, consistency.

  1. Intensity. The main indicator is heart rate, the rate of which during warm-up is calculated using the formula:

(220 – your age) x 0.5;

where 220 is the heart rate, and 0.5 is the coefficient determined by experts.

  1. Duration. In terms of time, warm-up takes up a quarter of the entire workout. If classes last an hour, then you need to warm up for 15 minutes. Consider weather conditions and age. In cold weather, you need to spend five minutes more on preparation.
  2. Subsequence. First, there are exercises aimed at warming up small muscles and developing joints. Then you can move on to large muscles.

The purpose of the cool-down is physical and emotional relaxation. This way you normalize your blood pressure, breathing, and pulse. Stretching exercises are a must here.

The duration and intensity of the run are calculated in the same way as when warming up. If you don't have time or you're very tired, just walk quickly and do a little stretching. At the end of the workout, a full range of flexibility exercises is performed. Your task is to relieve tension from the muscles and restore the pulse.

How to calculate the time and intensity of a run photo

Correct breathing

You can increase the effectiveness of your training, and therefore get the expected weight loss from training, by learning to breathe correctly, since this allows you to increase the amount of oxygen entering the blood, as a result, the load on the heart is significantly reduced. Breathing should be free and natural.

The main principle is that the greater the intensity, the faster the breathing should be.

  • For beginners: between inhalation and exit you need to take 2-4 steps.
  • When running fast, you need to inhale and exhale deeply, often, and “turn on” your abdominal muscles. The lower part of the lungs is filled with oxygen first, then the upper. This way you can avoid tingling in your side during intense exercise.

What to do if the latter does happen? First of all, you need to calm down - the reason for the tingling in the side is the lack of oxygen: the liver and spleen become overfilled with blood and begin to give alarm signals. If you don’t have problems with these organs, then you just need to restore your breathing. Slow down, don't stop, breathe deeply and evenly. Inhalation passes through the nose, exhalation through the mouth. A light massage will also help correct the situation.

Often, unpleasant or painful sensations from the gastrointestinal tract during training occur due to the fact that you ate heavily before jogging.


Heart rate indicators allow you to calculate the number of calories burned during a run. This helps control the load. An increased value indicates that the body is working hard. Low indicators indicate the ineffectiveness of classes.

The following factors also affect the pulse:

  • weight, emotional state of a person;
  • previous experience in sports;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • air temperature (when jogging outside).

The relationship between heart rate and training results can be seen in the table.

What happens to the bodyPercentage increase in heart rateLoad level
Weight loss50-60Slow walking. The general condition improves.
Losing weight and getting in shape60-70Light load. Fat burning. Increases endurance.
Improving your form70-80Moderate loads. Increasing the efficiency of aerobic exercise.
Improved form and results80-90Heavy loads. Mobilization of the body's reserves over short distances.
Improved results90-100Maximum speed.

How to measure pulse.

  1. The easiest way is to count the beats by placing your fingers on the carotid artery for 15 seconds. The resulting value is multiplied by four.
  2. Heart rate monitor. A small device is attached to a belt and may look like a wristwatch. Emits a beep if the maximum allowable heart rate is exceeded.

Should you drink during training?

During training, a person breathes quickly, sweats profusely, and his body loses a lot of fluid. If you do not replenish its reserves (and the norm of water consumption for an adult is 2-2.5 liters per day), then dehydration and overheating of the body will occur. The blood will begin to thicken, the heart will have to work to the limit of its capabilities. This is a serious test for the body, which will cause a sharp deterioration in well-being, and in the future may be fraught with the development of cardiovascular diseases.

An hour before training, drink at least half a liter of liquid. Throughout your run, drink 200-300 ml of water every 20 minutes. You should not exceed this norm.

Athletes often replace water with isotonic drinks - drinks containing a balanced amount of sugars and salts. Isotonic drinks help the body quickly recover and replenish fluid reserves. There are no contraindications for their use.

Drinks for runners photo

Running for weight loss in winter

In winter, an alternative can be running on a treadmill in the gym or outside. Do not go out into the street to run if the road where you are going to run is not cleared. You can run in the snow, but keep in mind that this is a high-risk area for injury. At the same time, winter running is much more effective than summer running - fresh air and cold help speed up metabolism, which leads to intense calorie burning.

You can lose weight by running without leaving your home. And we're not talking about the treadmill. One type of running in limited conditions can be running on the spot at home. Be sure to ensure there is enough oxygen in the room by opening the windows first, unless it is very cold outside. When running in place, naturally, some of the muscles that are used during natural running do not work. But, nevertheless, this may be a solution if it is raining outside or there is no way to get to the hall on the path.

In an effort to lose weight, there is no need to stimulate excessive sweating by wearing excess clothing. This can lead to heat stroke and dehydration.

Running for weight loss can bring both benefits and troubles. To find out exactly how to make running not only safe but also useful for yourself, click on the picture.

Running technique

How to run correctly to lose weight for beginners? A number of techniques have been developed for them. Keeping a diary will help you understand which one is right for you. Write down every component of the weight loss process there:

  • time, place of classes;
  • intensity, speed, distance of jogging;
  • warm-up and cool-down time;
  • amount of water drunk;
  • what, when, in what quantities do you eat;
  • change in weight and volume.

Only in this way, by selection, will you determine the most suitable option for yourself on how to lose weight with the help of such training.

Interval running

It consists of alternating light and heavy loads. Gives quick, noticeable results when losing weight. On average, up to 800 kcal are burned in 1 hour. Running program:

Number of minutesLesson stage

Interval running in the morning is advisable. During such training, the body uses fat rather than carbohydrates as a material for energy. This promotes rapid weight loss.

Interval running photo

Running in place

You can set up a free version of the gym at home. In comparison with full-fledged exercises on the street, this method loses. But if there is no way out, then it will be quite suitable.

The duration of daily classes is at least 30 minutes. Calorie consumption from 200 to 400 depending on weight. Running on the spot at home must be alternated: normal, hands behind the head, hands behind the back, with sweeping the shins, with high hip lifts. Add abdominal exercises and push-ups.


The duration of classes is from 40 to 60 minutes, 3-4 times a week. Try to choose rough terrain. Alternate descents and ascents. About 400 kcal are burned in an hour. This is the best running for weight loss that can be recommended for beginners.


These are short distance races. To lose weight, it is enough to do 6 approaches of 60 meters. Be sure to do a warm-up. Strong legs and weight loss are guaranteed. About 800 kcal “goes away” in an hour. You need to exercise every other day.


A standard workout looks like this: 100 meters – slow running, 40 meters – acceleration, 60 meters – walking. Repeat 10-15 times. With weight loss, the load increases. To lose weight, you need to exercise 3-4 times a week. 600-700 kcal are spent in one hour.

Aerobic running

Thanks to this physical activity, the blood is more quickly saturated with oxygen, metabolic processes are accelerated, and weight loss occurs faster. Don't put too much stress on your body. Otherwise, oxygen starvation will occur, and all efforts will be in vain. With the correct technique, a person feels good, he does not have shortness of breath, dizziness, or pain. If these symptoms appear, it means that oxygen starvation has occurred (anaerobic load). It is necessary to slow down and restore breathing.

Shuttle run

The principle of this option is simple: you run at maximum speed from one point to another. In this case, it is necessary to perform turns and bends. All muscle groups are involved. You train endurance, coordination, agility. In this case, special attention is paid to the waist and legs. You need to exercise daily. The minimum distance is 10 meters. Do 5 sets of 10 minutes.

Shuttle run photo

For short distances

Distances from 60 to 400 meters are considered short. You need to do up to 5 approaches. It all depends on physical fitness. Sprinting includes elements of sprinting. You need to exercise 4-5 times a week. 500-600 kcal are consumed per hour.

For long distances

The duration of the first classes should not exceed 15 minutes, then gradually increase the time. Steady running over long distances trains endurance. What is important here is not distance, but time and regularity. Losing weight will be slower than with interval running or sprinting, but with daily training you will achieve your goal. With this type of exercise, 500 calories are “burned” per hour.

The benefits of running for weight loss

Running is a high-cost activity for your body, which allows you to create a calorie deficit, which is a necessary condition for losing weight. It is also useful for reducing hunger and speeding up metabolism. While running:

  • the load on the muscles is distributed evenly, which makes it possible to tighten the entire body
  • fats are burned
  • cleansing of toxins occurs
  • endurance increases
  • the hormone endorphin is released, which provides a positive mood

In just three months of training, you can notice tangible changes. Extra pounds will begin to dissolve, muscle tone will increase, shortness of breath will disappear, and the skin will become more elastic.

At the same time, running for weight loss should be accompanied by proper nutrition. Therefore, together with training, it is advisable to overcome the craving for carbohydrate and fatty foods; this is the only way to start the “mechanism” of losing extra pounds.

If you want to start running, it's best to do it according to a pre-prepared plan. We have one! Just look at the day of the week and do the amount of training our trainers suggest. Enter your email to which we will send the plan absolutely free!

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Running program

A universal program for beginners.

A weekPlanTotal time
11 min run, 2 min walk21 min
22 min run, 2 min walk20 minutes
33 min run, 2 min walk20 minutes
45 min run, 2 min walk21 min
56 min run, 90 sec walk20 minutes
68 min run, 90 sec walk18 min
710 min run, 90 sec walk23 min
812 min run, 1 min walk, 8 min run21 min
915 min run, 1 min walk, 5 min run21 min
1020 min run20 minutes

Differences in training for men and women

For weight loss, women are better suited to long-term, intense exercise. Nutrition plays a big role. Without giving up carbohydrates, it is difficult for women to lose weight even with regular physical activity.

It is easier for men to exercise actively, but in a short period of time. Higher testosterone levels make it easier for them to build muscle mass. For women it takes longer.

Training program

A running program for weight loss is designed individually, taking into account physical fitness, age, gender and other characteristics.

The table below illustrates one possible weekly training plan adapted for beginners:

Day of the weekWorkout plan
Monday10 minutes walking + 20 minutes jogging
Wednesday10 minutes walking +25 minutes jogging
Friday7 minutes walking + 25 minutes jogging
Sunday7 minutes walking + 30 minutes jogging

This pace must be maintained for 1-2 months. Further, depending on the increase in endurance and the dynamics of weight loss, you can reduce the number of workouts per week, increasing their duration and supplementing them with other physical activities.

Running in old age

If you have not played sports before the age of 50, then you need to start with light loads. Heart disease requires careful and attentive attitude towards yourself. Consult your doctor before starting exercise.

Problems with joints are a reason to refuse training. Such an active sport will only harm your knees.

If there are no health problems, then you should start with a gentle load. Alternating between fast and slow walking is suitable. Move like this for 15-20 minutes. After a few days, when you feel that walking is easy, switch to slow running. The best option is jogging.

Interval running scheme: how to run correctly to lose weight

Ragged jogging is a powerful stimulus for launching catabolic and metabolic processes. By activating internal metabolic stages, they burn calories and remove fat.

To lose weight, act in the following mode:

  • Five minutes are allotted for warming up - without at a comfortable pace.
  • Next comes an acceleration of 25-45 seconds.
  • A couple of minutes are allotted for recovery.
  • The exercise is repeated.

Interval training should include less than five repetitions - only with such a load will it be possible to achieve rapid weight loss. It is noteworthy that the stomach and sides “go away” first, and only after that the problem areas begin to be worked on.

More details in the video -

Proper nutrition

An unbalanced diet, as well as strict diets, have a bad effect on the body. The best option is to accustom yourself to healthy, nutritious food.

An hour before your morning workout, eat fruit, grain bread, cheese, drink tea or juice. If you exercise during the day or evening, you need to eat 2 hours before. Food rich in fats and proteins is suitable.

You can eat during training only if the run is long.

A glass of juice, milk, fruit, fruit or vegetable smoothie, and water will help you regain strength after exercise. You can drink and eat 15 minutes after training.

If you are building muscle, then within an hour you need to eat a high protein meal, such as a protein shake or cottage cheese.

Foods high in protein photo

The rest of the time, adhere to the general rules of nutrition: reduce fatty, fried, smoked foods to a minimum. Drink 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day.

The norm of calories for weight loss for women is 2000, and for men 2400. Depending on age, these numbers fluctuate by 10-20%.

Running for weight loss in summer

Exercising in summer at high temperatures increases the load on the body and heart. Therefore, you need to be even more careful when starting training and listen to your feelings. If you feel that you are not feeling well or your heart rate has increased, stop running and make an appointment with a cardiologist. Do not think that in one run you will be able to lose 1-1.5 extra pounds; if this happens, it will be due to water loss.

Monitor your heart rate while running in the summer and drink more water than usual.

In the summer, run carefully, observing how you feel and your heartbeat. Increased air temperature, even in the evening, increases heart rate. Also in summer you need to drink more intensely during training. But this applies to long crosses. If you plan to run, for example, more than 50 minutes, then be sure to take a bottle of water with you. If the workout is short, you can drink after it is completed. In summer, try to run in the mornings or evenings when the temperature is lower.

What is more effective

Running or walking, cycling or running, jumping or walking? Listen to your desires.

If there are contraindications to increased physical activity, you feel unwell, the weight is too high, or it’s difficult to move, then walking is the best option.

Walking may be the best option if you are overweight photo

Compared to cycling, jogging is more intense, because... All muscle groups are involved. The same can be said about the jump rope. It acts as an addition. It cannot replace a full workout. Jumping certainly helps you lose weight. Do them as a warm-up or between repetitions and you will achieve good results.


In a month of regular training with the help of running and proper nutrition, up to 10 kg of excess weight can be lost. A nice addition will be toned legs and the absence of cellulite.

A trained heart works more efficiently, blood pressure normalizes, mood and vitality increase significantly. It will be easier for you to climb stairs and walk long distances.

In order not to lose motivation, you need to try to keep yourself in a positive mood, communicate with people who are similarly struggling with excess weight, and read their reviews before and after starting training. You can keep a diary in which you meticulously note your successes. This disciplines, does not allow you to quit what you have started, and does not ask the question again and again: “Does running help you lose weight or is the effort expended useless?”, because otherwise everything will go down the drain. And, of course, you need to believe in yourself.

Running for slimming legs

Many people are interested in the issue of local weight loss. Although running provides a complex workout, weight loss in local areas can be enhanced. For example, if the goal is to give additional stress to the legs and calf muscles, you can run up the stairs. The ascent will increase the intensity, and the descent will serve as a rest. This type of training is best used when you already have running experience, say half a year, and you are no longer a beginner. We do not recommend running up stairs in the past, because the ligaments and muscles first need to be strengthened by gradually increasing running volumes (time and distance), and only then begin local loads.

Running to lose weight in your legs is not an end in itself, right? You want to be beautiful and healthy, to love yourself. Therefore, treat your body with respect, be careful with it when you decide to start training.

Types of training: aerobic and anaerobic exercise

During aerobic training, muscles produce energy using oxidative (aerobic) processes. The initial phase of aerobic exercise burns glycogen stored in the muscles, after which energy is produced by burning fat. In this case, the duration of the exercise is extremely important, since fat burning occurs only after glycogen consumption , which lasts about the first 20 minutes of the workout. Aerobic exercise should last at least half an hour if your goal is to burn excess subcutaneous fat. If we are talking about cardio training, then the best option would be long-distance jogging.

Topic: cardio training - how to train the heart and blood vessels

During anaerobic training, muscles produce energy without using oxygen - the load on certain muscle groups is so great that the blood simply does not have time to deliver it to the cells. Anaerobic exercises by themselves do not reduce body fat, but their effectiveness in the process of losing weight cannot be denied - interval cardio helps build muscle mass, and the body continues to burn calories for several hours after an intense workout.

Morning jogging for weight loss: rules

To ensure that running in the morning for weight loss gives excellent results, be sure to consider the following recommendations:

  • Preparation . You should not run immediately as soon as you wake up - this can become too much stress for the body. At least half an hour should pass between waking up and activity. During this time you can take a shower and drink tea.
  • Warm up . Before a run, it is also very necessary, especially for beginners. You shouldn’t start running fast right away - unprepared muscles may not be able to withstand such a load. As a warm-up, you can use fast walking, bending, turning and other general strengthening exercises. Warming up will help prepare your muscles and ligaments for the load, prevent injuries, muscle pain, and give you the opportunity to set yourself up for an effective run.
  • Jogging place. It is optimal to choose a place with clean air - a park or forest belt. Instead of an asphalt path, choose a dirt path. Jogging along the road is not the best choice, even if there is not too much traffic there in the morning. As for asphalt paths, the downside is that there is a high risk of injuring joints.
  • Running technique.
  • When it comes to running in the morning to lose weight, proper technique is incredibly important. Watch your posture. You should not slouch or lean forward - this increases the load on the spine and the likelihood of injury. Avoid chaotic swings of your arms, drooping shoulders, and jumping on your entire foot.
  • Completing the workout. You also need to finish running correctly. Don't stop abruptly - it's harmful. First, walk around a little and do some stretching exercises.
  • It is important to choose the right running shoes. It should not only be comfortable, but also designed specifically for sports. A comfortable sole and cushioning in the heel area are necessary - this will reduce the risk of injury and reduce the load on the feet.
  • Cloth . What you run in also plays an important role. Clothes should be made of light materials, not allow you to overheat or freeze, and be appropriate for the weather. Women need special underwear that will help fix their breasts. You can wear special warming pants and belts that enhance the effect on the problem area.

Using all these recommendations, you can lose weight by running in the morning. It is also important not to forget about such a thing as proper nutrition. Your diet should contain enough substances necessary for the body, such as complex carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and plant components. Don’t forget about drinking water - during sports, the body loses a lot of fluid, and these reserves need to be replenished. Combining a proper and balanced diet with quality morning jogging will help you achieve remarkable results.

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