Exercise bike for weight loss: reviews and results. How to properly exercise on an exercise bike?

The question “How to lose weight on an exercise bike at home” is asked by many users, although the number of various gyms, sports clubs, and fitness centers is constantly increasing. The desire to train on an exercise bike to lose weight at home (at least in the office), and not somewhere in a public place, is understandable. People strive to save the most expensive currency in existence – their personal time. But is it only?

No. The most diligent seekers of the answer to the question: “How to lose weight on an exercise bike?” - these are people who, for one reason or another (their nature or many years of poor nutrition) have acquired significant excess weight. For many, stepping into a fitness center or gym for the first time is not just difficult, but very difficult. And, first of all, we are talking about psychological difficulties. Many will never be able to get over themselves and ride this sports unit “in public” - under the sympathetic (or even ironic) glances of smart fitness center visitors. And it is not necessary!

It is possible to purchase a suitable model at the Internet discounter “World of Sports”, where promotions are held on an ongoing basis to reduce the price of products from the world’s best manufacturers, and the answer to the question “how to quickly lose weight on an exercise bike at home?” You can find out not from a fitness trainer, whose price tag in Moscow starts from 1,500 rubles for one lesson, but from Google. Especially if you are lucky enough to find this article. In it, we will talk in detail about all the nuances of losing weight on this sports device, and together with you we will estimate how much the exercise bike allows you to lose in a month.

Choosing the right type of exercise machine

There is absolutely no difference whether you go to an offline store where exercise equipment for weight loss is presented, or look for an exercise bike online, for example, on the website of the World of Sports discount store. You will encounter models of sports units that

Differ by type

  • plantings (horizontal or vertical, as well as hybrid)
  • resistance systems (magnetic, electromagnetic, mechanical).

They have different functionality, for example

  • may have an unprecedentedly wide range of programs or be distressed by the lack of diversity
  • “delight” with a calorie counter, heart rate monitor, or do without this important and necessary functionality

They have different levels of operating comfort, for example

  • portable or, on the contrary, quite cumbersome
  • allow minimization (fold) or do not have this functionality
  • are silent during operation or, conversely, can cause inconvenience to households/neighbors.

It is important to remember that it is not weight loss machines or an exercise bike for weight loss that chooses you, but you choose it based on a number of parameters. Among them:

  • your health status. This factor always comes first and is at the forefront. You should not buy the first unit you come across without undergoing an examination and consulting with a specialist. Upright exercise bikes are not suitable for everyone; they are not recommended for those who have problems with the spine, suffer from radiculitis or other back diseases. What about horizontal ones? Such units, on the contrary, do not place any stress on the back and neck, because people exercise on them while reclining, excluding training of anything other than the legs. But this does not mean that they are not suitable for weight loss.
  • the conditions in which you will have to study (the presence or absence of free space in the house, room, office)
  • goals and objectives that you set for yourself. When buying an exercise bike for weight loss and learning how to exercise on it, realize that it is not just a “machine for pedaling,” but “a machine for pedaling with a specific purpose.” Someone wants to win the Grand Prix at the legendary World Cycling Race. Someone needs to normalize blood pressure and pulse. Some people dream that their body will stop looking like a shapeless mass and begin to attract well-deserved positive views from others. Do you want everything at once? Nobody says that it is impossible to choose the appropriate “universal” model in order to win competitions, lose weight and bring the cardiovascular system back to normal. There are such sports units. It’s best to achieve your goals step by step. First, you can lose weight on an exercise bike, and only then rush into battle to receive rewards (which, of course, is not at all necessary).

The conclusion is simple: you are not for the simulator, but the simulator is for you - to achieve your goals, to improve the quality of life, increase performance, endurance, and efficiency.


Advantages of an exercise bike

First of all, you need to remember that if for health reasons you cannot engage in most sports, this does not mean that you cannot use an exercise bike for weight loss. The reviews and results that any fitness trainer can provide show us that almost anything can be done with it, regardless of age and muscle size. If you are prohibited from running and fast walking, you can still pedal while listening to your favorite music or watching a movie without harm to your health. Varicose veins are a complete contraindication for running, and a stationary bicycle is an excellent solution. With chronic joint diseases, any fall can cause serious complications, and an exercise bike is less dangerous than, for example, a treadmill.

Training on an exercise bike can be done at any time convenient for you; this is very convenient for young mothers who can regain their figure while the baby is sleeping. Today a huge number of models have been developed. There is already a good selection of exercise equipment at fairly affordable prices. You can exercise at different intensity; the built-in computer allows you to change the program. People with joint and spine problems and foot diseases can exercise on an exercise bike.

How much can you lose on an exercise bike?

Those who are looking closely at this sports unit, are looking for an answer to the question - how to lose weight on an exercise bike - and are accustomed to receiving information “in exact numbers”, should understand that this “equation” has too many terms that must be taken into account. If none of these terms are presented for consideration, then the answer to the question - how much weight will you lose on an exercise bike - may be diametrically opposite:

  • no matter how much!
  • as much as you like!

It is fundamentally wrong to assume that everything depends solely on the duration of training. Those who think that they can successfully lose n number of kilograms on an exercise bike, working on it (relatively!) for 12 hours a day, and in the remaining 12 hours “eating” their success with high-calorie food, are deeply mistaken.

Food will instantly return the calories lost during training. And the lack of results on the scales demotivates you for further exercise. The result? A sports unit that could be useful will stand in the corner for years, and its owner (who knows?) will write offended comments about the pointlessness of physical activity and the uselessness of a particular model.

Conclusion? An exercise bike for a month combined with your favorite buns and pies is the most useless pastime in your life. Any sports activity is effective only in combination with a diet. This is the main thing to learn. And we will talk about the duration of training, their most effective options for cutting and the frequency of training below.

Nutrition during classes

Naturally, it is difficult to get rid of excess weight by exercising on an exercise bike alone. That is why it is best to combine exercise on an exercise bike with diets. This type of sport is no different from regular exercise in the gym or dancing. Exercising on an exercise bike requires proper nutrition and a well-balanced meal plan.

If you eat this way without exercising, then excessive consumption of carbohydrates can lead to extra pounds. A properly designed diet is not only about eating; it is also important to plan active physical activity. Exercise on an exercise bike will help burn excess calories and launch targeted processes in the body.

It is necessary to eat food before training approximately one and a half hours before the start of physical activity. After class, you need to eat approximately thirty minutes later.


What parts of the body lose weight on an exercise bike?

This question, along with the question “How to spin an exercise machine to lose weight?” is most often asked by users before purchasing this or that sports unit. The answer lies not so much in the intensity of the training, but in the method of planting.

Let’s say you “urgently” need to tighten up your gluteal muscles for the beach season, the ideal condition of which makes both men and, in particular, representatives of the best part of humanity attractive. The principle of “getting on an exercise bike and losing weight as soon as you started pedaling at the speed of light” is clearly not enough. But the competent advice to slightly raise your buttocks above the saddle at the moment of the jerk is more than appropriate. With the help of such a seemingly not very significant emphasis, the buttocks are trained. But for this you will need a vertical (not horizontal!) simulator.

As for other parts of the body, first of all, the load will affect the hips, calves and lower legs. Many women are afraid to approach an exercise bike, believing that this unit can make their legs pumped up, like those who perform on the podium. Nothing like this! From any article about how to properly lose weight with an exercise bike, you will learn that we are talking specifically about a cardio machine, and practice on cardio machines a priori does not imply an increase in muscle mass to “Arnoldian” parameters. Cardio equipment is always a story about how to lose weight on an exercise bike, elliptical, or treadmill. But not about how to pump up on them.

Calves, thighs, buttocks get rid of excess fat, become more elastic, young, beautiful, lean. For men who, on the contrary, want to become a “bodybuilding icon” and look at the exercise bike with contempt, the question may arise: is it worth devoting time to it? 3x12 squats with a barbell on the shoulders, guess that's better?

Yes, but before you work out, sweat on the exercise bike to lose weight, otherwise your formidable quads will simply not be visible under a thick layer of fat. And less developed quadriceps and hamstrings (the back of the thigh) are easily recognized when there is no excess fat.

People often ask: will an exercise bike overcome cellulite? Let's answer directly: miracles will not happen, but the appearance of your legs will improve. Does the exercise machine work on the lower back muscles? Yes. And for healthy people who want to lose “side fat,” this is the greatest benefit. It dissolves with persistent exercise on an upright exercise bike. But those who suffer from lower back pain should consult a specialist before losing weight on this type of exercise machine. It is quite possible that a horizontal device, which also melts fat, is more suitable for you.

How to exercise on an exercise bike so that you can lose weight not only in your legs, but also in the muscles of your upper body? Let's be honest: this is not a trainer for the upper muscle group, but with a general weight loss, fat will be effectively melted from the top.

Harm from exercising on an exercise bike

Does he exist? In certain situations, even a leisurely walk on foot can cause harm if bed rest is indicated. It all depends on the circumstances. Let's look at them.

Is it possible to harm yourself while exercising on an exercise bike? Yes. Remembering the positive effects that an exercise bike provides, we will not write off those cases when a person ignored contraindications or simply did not know that the effectiveness of an exercise bike is a double-edged sword. One side of which can be used to remove fatty sides, and the other side can be used to “fill in bumps”.

You should not use this sports device if you suffer from severe diabetes or hypertension. Training on this sports equipment can result in very serious consequences if you have asthma.

Are you suffering from a herniated disc? Do you have a complex form of osteochondrosis? Arthrosis? Between the words – exercise bike and harm – it is quite possible to put an equal sign. The exercise bike is not intended for people who are elderly (80 years or more).

Complex injuries, including long-standing ones, can also negate the positive effect for which an exercise bike is needed, replacing it with pain, complications, and negative consequences.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to exercise on an exercise bike for those who suffer too much pain during menstrual periods. The reaction may be the opposite: the mood will worsen, the unpleasant sensations will intensify. And a caesarean section and an exercise bike - let’s think about whether it is possible to overload the female body in this case? No. Otherwise, an exercise bike, the purpose of which is benefit, will bring disappointment and harm.

How often should you exercise?

Very often, beginners obsessed with the idea, for whom it is important to achieve results, read one or two articles on how to quickly lose weight on an exercise bike at home, decide that they need to train 24/365 and... quickly start, but also quickly finish the training process. And here's why: even if the calendar says it's May and you're going on vacation in two weeks, don't rush to damage your health by rushing off the bat and working out 2-3 hours a day. Fatigue and bad mood will cover you after 3-4 classes, and resentment over the “exercise bike that you didn’t lose weight with” will not allow you to realize your own mistake.

You can lose as much weight as you need on an exercise bike, but not in two weeks. Having developed a hypertensive crisis or a heart attack (quite realistic if you exercise “with the tenacity of a ram” without consulting a doctor), you will not improve your figure, but you will get problems.

The ideal training regimen for a beginner is every other day, 3-4 times a week. What about duration?


  • It is not recommended to exercise if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is the cardiac and respiratory systems that bear the greatest load during training. People with heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, hypertension and asthma should be especially careful.
  • Avoid exercise if you have diseases of the internal organs that affect your overall well-being and reduce your body’s endurance. The list of such diseases is huge, but the leading positions are occupied by endocrine diseases, diabetes, and hepatitis.
  • Cycling exercises are not recommended during infectious diseases (for example, influenza or ARVI). Remember that you should not exercise if you have difficulty breathing or feel unwell.
  • It is strictly forbidden to start training with injured limbs. You need to wait for complete healing and recovery.
  • If you have serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you should stop exercising. There is a recumbent type of exercise bike, but before purchasing one, you should consult your doctor.

If your physical fitness is weak, your program should be built in the easiest possible mode. If during class you feel weak, pain, discomfort or feel dizzy, you should stop cycling!

In order to see changes in your body, you need to perform exercises on an exercise bike for weight loss regularly and adhere to a balanced diet. The effectiveness of your training will increase several times, and you will be able to lose weight much faster if you try to spend less time on the couch and start leading an active lifestyle.

Duration of training

“How can you lose weight on an exercise bike? “Exercise for 45 minutes – and not a second less!” - you often come across such nonsense in the sources of “competent specialists”. And so, imagine a person recovering from a myocardial infarction who sits on an exercise bike to lose weight, having read how to exercise from such “experts”. He simply won't make it to the 45th minute.

And gradually increasing the load, starting from 5 minutes, increasing to 10, 15, and so on, will only bring benefits. And this rule applies not only to people who have suffered an acute circulatory disorder, but to everyone. Start with 5-10 minutes, listening to how you feel, monitor your pulse (it should not be frequent, exceeding 220 minus your age), measure your blood pressure, follow a diet. Gradually and delicately increase the duration and complexity of the workout. And then - you will be happy!

What features of mini exercise bikes should you pay attention to when choosing?

When choosing a mini exercise bike for home use, we recommend considering the following:

  • The intensity of the load depends on the mass of the flywheel. The higher the indicator, the more actively the owner will be able to train.
  • Steel structures are stronger and last longer , but plastic ones are much lighter and easier to move.
  • Not every model has a built-in computer. Naturally, its presence makes the model more expensive. But it is useful in itself: you can track your heart rate, speed, calorie consumption, etc.

Interval training for weight loss

There is one "trick". Our body quickly adapts to the load. If you constantly practice at the same pace for 15 minutes a day, the results will first delight you, then they will begin to fall, and then they will “freeze” in one place and, finally, regression will begin associated with the “seizing” of the disorder due to the lack of “progress.” "

Interval training is training in a “ragged” rhythm with alternating “acceleration” or “uphill movement” and rest. If you want to learn how to spin a machine to lose weight, then we recommend training this way.

One interval workout burns three times more calories than a regular workout. At the same time, it is important to monitor your heart rate, preventing your pulse from leaving the zone of effective weight loss (220 minus age).


  • Exercise helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. With regular exercise, blood pressure stabilizes, cholesterol levels in the body decrease and the risk of developing atherosclerosis decreases.
  • Exercise bikes are useful for people suffering from arthritis and those experiencing the consequences of injuries (for example, fractures), since they do not place large loads on the joints, knees, and ankles.
  • Metabolism is significantly accelerated. Therefore, systematic training allows you to effectively lose weight. So, by exercising for an hour, you can burn about 500 calories, depending on the chosen load.
  • Correct body position ensures the prevention of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and neuralgia.
  • Exercise bikes develop endurance, making any physical activity much easier for you.
  • As a reward for systematic exercise, you will receive slender legs, toned buttocks, a flat stomach and elastic skin.

Bottom line

The question of how to lose weight on an exercise bike at home is very interesting. And in our article we can unequivocally state that losing weight at home with the help of this completely universal sports unit is possible and necessary. The answer to the question: “How?” woven from the smallest nuances, 75% related to your age, current state of health, and the ability to strictly adhere to your diet. The remaining 25% is a training program in which the principle of gradually increasing loads with interval training 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes prevails. They are the most difficult for our body to adapt to.

We sincerely wish you good luck and victory over excess weight!

Output for small apartments

Of course, in modern apartments it can be difficult to allocate even a square meter to accommodate a simulator. But there is a way out: manufacturers took into account the desire of customers to exercise at home and a mini exercise bike was born. This is a very convenient and compact device that allows you to exercise while sitting in your favorite chair or on the sofa. Just put it next to it and spin the pedals, and you can knit, read or watch a movie at the same time. Such devices save space in your apartment, their weight is from 3 to 5 kg, and their dimensions are approximately 40*35*40 cm. That is, the device is very convenient for storage under a table or on the balcony. A mini exercise bike costs from two to three thousand rubles. Like its larger brothers, it can be equipped with speed sensors. The computer shows training time, distance and calories burned. This is a real godsend for a large office whose manager is concerned about the health of his subordinates. It is enough to place it in the service room, and in their free time workers will be able to do a short workout.

What muscles work

The target muscle group here, as when working on a classic exercise bike, is the legs.

The load falls on the quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteal muscles, as well as the calf and soleus muscles. The abdominal muscles, obliques and lower back act as stabilizers

When using a mini exercise bike manually, the work alternates between biceps and triceps, as well as the front and middle deltoids and forearms.

Features of the simulator

The main feature of a mini exercise bike is the ability to adjust the position of the pedals relative to the body. For comparison, we note that a full-size exercise bike has only two strict position options: vertical, when the pedals are located strictly under the seat, and horizontal, when the pedals are in front of the seat.

Another interesting feature of a mini exercise bike is the ability to spin the pedals with your hands, putting a dynamic load on them that differs from the load received when working on any other exercise machine.

Mini exercise bikes are useful not only for weight loss, but also for rehabilitation after various injuries or diseases. Therefore, a mini exercise bike can often be found in a medical equipment store. First of all, they are suitable for people who need to develop limbs or individual joints of the arms or legs.

Rules for choosing an exercise bike for home use

If you decide to purchase such a simulator, pay special attention to its choice. You need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • presence of a pulse measurement system;
  • type of resistance system - the mechanical system is considered a simple and budget option. It is made in the form of a belt, thanks to which the load level is regulated. Magnetic systems operate on the basis of built-in magnets equipped with flywheels. Electromagnetic types are used in expensive models of simulators. They adjust resistance automatically;
  • the presence of additional functions - this can be a calorie counter, a counter of kilometers traveled, speed control and other useful additions;
  • weight for which the simulator is designed - here you need to focus on your own parameters and body features;
  • simulator manufacturer - pay attention only to proven and well-known companies that guarantee the quality and durability of their products;
  • equipment dimensions - measure the room in which you will install the exercise machine in advance so as not to make a mistake in the process of choosing its dimensions.

With these simple tips, you can choose the right exercise bike for weight loss. This process must be approached carefully, since the effectiveness of your training depends on the quality of the simulator.

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