Fitbox in Moscow - fitbox training - fitness boxing

What is a fitbox?

  • This is a quick way to lose weight, burning up to 1000 calories per workout;
  • This is figure correction;
  • This is an opportunity to get all the benefits of boxing training without the sparring and bruising;
  • This is general physical development;
  • This is the development of endurance and increased tone;
  • This is a non-boring way to do fitness;
  • This is an opportunity to learn self-defense skills;
  • This is a way to release negative emotions and increase stress resistance;

FitBox training schedule at Alekseevskaya / VDNKh

18:00 – 19:15 Melnik O. Saukov A. Fitbox18:00 – 19:15 Melnik O. Saukov A. Fitbox12:00 - 13:15 Melnik O. Saukov A. Fitbox
19:15 – 20:30 Melnik O. Saukov A. Fitbox19:15 – 20:30 Melnik O. Saukov A. Fitbox

How to use it correctly

It is better for girls to contact a trainer to train individually if your goal is not getting into the ring and sparring, but losing weight. At the first meeting, you should indicate that training is necessary to correct your figure and lose weight. Based on these desires, a specialist will create a program for you that will focus on losing weight and strengthening muscles (rather than building them up). The advantage of this option is that you will get the most effective training scheme that is ideal for you.

You can attend group trainings, where everyone works at the same pace and mode. One of the advantages of this method of losing weight is the competitive effect. Watching other athletes from the group, you will have a desire to become better, to surpass yourself, which will add strength to your training. Of the minuses:

  • no individual approach;
  • with different levels of training of athletes, everyone receives the same load;
  • It is not possible to create an individual training schedule.

Training, as a rule, follows a standard principle: warm-up, active phase and cardio exercise, pumping problem areas, cool-down. Boxers' favorite warm-up equipment is a jump rope, especially one with heavy handles. This projectile increases your heart rate, trains your forearms, and while jumping, your calf muscles and thighs work. To warm up, 5 minutes of jumping without a break is enough; experienced athletes increase the duration of the exercise to 10-15 minutes .

Girls do not have to participate in sparring, but wearing boxing gloves is useful for losing weight. Their standard weight is 16 ounces, which at first does not cause any problems, but after 5-10 minutes of active work the athlete feels serious fatigue in the shoulders and back. “Shadow boxing” has become a popular exercise, which uses the muscles of the legs, back, chest, and arms. The principle of implementation for weight loss is as follows:

  • you imagine an imaginary opponent in front of you and strike him;
  • dodge his attacks;
  • It is better to hold light dumbbells in your hands or use boxing gloves;
  • do not stand still, constantly make small jumps;
  • don’t be a hack, you have to “defeat the shadow”, so give it your all;
  • The duration of the “battle” is from 5 to 10 minutes (for beginners 2-4 minutes).

A coach with “paws” can also act as an opponent, so that it is easier for the girl to concentrate on the blows, invest more force and not lose momentum. Next, as a rule, the abs are worked out, classic crunches are performed, and the “plank” exercise is performed, which creates a static load on the abdominal and back muscles. The technique is as follows:

  • take an emphasis, as for push-ups;
  • lower yourself onto your elbows so that they are directly under your shoulders;
  • make sure that there is no arching or protrusion of the back, the body should be elongated in a line;
  • fix this position and hold it for as long as possible;
  • During a workout you need to do 2-3 such exercises, over time the duration should reach 2-3 minutes.

Then the stage with jumping rope or shadow boxing can be repeated. During one workout, an athlete should perform 3-4 cardio exercises. It is recommended to jump rope for at least 5 minutes. When your body gets stronger and your endurance increases, you can perform jumps for 30-40 minutes without breaks once. If you conscientiously follow all the trainer’s recommendations, then in a month people manage to lose from 3 to 8 kilograms (depending on the starting indicator) .

So, what is fitboxing as a type of training?

Fitbox is a group fitness program based on combinations of blows accompanied by music.

The main difference between fitbox and classic boxing is that there is no sparring and the training takes place with virtually no rest stops. You will receive exercise in short intervals, aerobic work with a punching bag alternates with strength exercises. The work is based on constant footwork and delivering a large number of different strikes.

What's stopping?

Not every woman wants to go to classes, because losing weight while swinging your fists and trying to dodge your opponent’s blows seems like too much of a sacrifice. Abrasions and bruises will not make you more attractive! A “lantern” under the eye, a shabby hairstyle and knocked out teeth...

It must be said that all of this is misconception. Boxing for weight loss for a girl follows a completely different pattern, and the results if all the trainer’s instructions are correctly followed are completely different.

Yes, traditionally boxing is a sport for men. But recently it has become popular among representatives of the fair half of humanity.

What are the advantages of a fitbox?

  • The most important thing that interests those who come to class is the number of calories. On average, 800-1100 calories are burned per workout, depending on the intensity and load.
  • Warm-up includes a variety of exercises that will help you understand that you don’t feel well in your body and have poor control over it. During training you will be able to gain general physical development, hone your coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, etc.
  • Exercises during training are aimed not only at burning fat deposits, but also at shaping the figure. Some of the exercises are aimed at building a precise, athletic figure.
  • Due to the pace and lack of breaks during training, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are perfectly trained.
  • Living in a metropolis, most of us experience daily stress, which, in turn, affects our overall mental state and health.
  • Fitbox helps to unload the psyche and pour out all the negativity on a punching bag. Gain confidence in yourself and your abilities, learn to manage yourself and your emotions.
  • Another advantage of fitboxing in our club is that by regularly attending classes, you will be able to learn the correct striking technique, something that, as a rule, people in fitness areas turn a blind eye to. Our instructors are active boxers and pay great attention to teaching you not only how to strike correctly, but also how to defend yourself, which is very important in self-defense.

On average, a workout lasts 60 minutes.

Many of you will wonder: “How is it possible to jump and throw punches for so long without stopping?”

That's right, you shouldn't stop while training. Fitbox is a sports area, mainly intended for people who already have some kind of sports training. But no one has the task of driving you so that, sticking out your tongue, you strive to quickly crawl to the exit from the hall. If it becomes difficult, then you slow down the pace of movements, strikes, or stop hitting and move lightly on your feet.

Stopping abruptly, let alone sitting and lying down, can cause harm to your heart. But I won't intimidate you. The coach sees who is in what physical shape and will often tell you where to slow down.

Without physical training, you can safely come to classes. The training program is designed for people belonging to the general sports group. Therefore, the training is suitable for both beginners and people with sports experience. You will gradually gain momentum under the supervision of a coach. Still, be prepared for the fact that the first time will not be easy for you, but it will be worth it! After all, the road can be mastered only by those who walk!

I'm waiting for you at training! Boxing and fitbox trainer Oleg Melnik.

What is boxing for weight loss

This sport is associated with strong men who enter the ring, and the boxer’s physique is broad shoulders, voluminous arms, and a toned back. Few girls consider this option as a sport for weight loss. It’s completely in vain, because women’s boxing exercises for weight loss provide excellent cardio exercise, help strengthen the whole body, and develop coordination of movements. In 1 hour of exercise you can lose up to 514 kcal .
It is not necessary to go into the ring and spar; when communicating with a coach, you can describe your goals to him, and he will create an optimal training program for you. Boxing and losing weight are equal components; it is difficult to find a fat boxer (unless he specifically sought this to participate in a specific weight category). In addition to excellent physical activity, you will receive emotional relief, “let off steam,” which will have a positive effect on your general condition.

The history of women's boxing

Boxing among girls has been practiced since the 18th century, when fist fights were held at fairs in England. The reward for the winner was food, drink or a cash prize. Those competitions had little resemblance to sports, and the blows were delivered without protective gloves and helmets. There was also no ring in the usual sense: only a flooring covered with ropes on four sides. As a result of such a fight, one of the participants could receive serious injuries or even die.

The situation changed in the 19th century, when boxing for adult girls acquired rules. Only trained women could take part in fights, for example, those who attended boxing classes for girls. In 1904, at the Olympics in St. Louis, several exhibition women's fights were even held. However, due to humanistic considerations and controversial public attitudes, this sport only took shape as an Olympic discipline in 2012.

Beautiful girls and boxing have always complemented each other. While the athletes were resting, models paraded around the ring, carrying signs with the names of the rounds in their hands. The ritual was so ingrained that even the advent of computer technology could not change it. The public paid attention to only three things: boxing, girls, signs. Over time, representatives of the fairer sex also became full-fledged fighters.

Why does boxing make everyone lose weight - including women?

It would be reckless for a girl to refuse to engage in this sport if she wants to lose extra pounds. But in vain! Boxing classes for women will provide excellent cardio exercise, help strengthen the body and develop good coordination of movements.

Just an hour of boxing in the gym will help you get rid of 514 kcal!

To lose weight, you don't have to constantly fight with your partner. You can tell the trainer what result you want to achieve, and he will select exactly the training program that will be the most suitable. Do not forget that fat boxers do not exist in nature. The only exceptions will be those who wanted to raise their weight category.

Boxing wonderfully combines the opportunity to get physical activity and let off steam. And emotional relief will definitely have a beneficial effect on the body! That is why more and more women are thinking about buying a boxing bag for training without leaving home!

The effectiveness of boxing for weight loss is due to the combination of strength training and cardio. Boxing involves constant movement throughout the workout, which makes the heart beat faster and starts the process of burning fat tissue. Moreover, boxing helps:

  • increase the muscle layer of the whole body;
  • destroy more than 500 kcal in just an hour;
  • speed up metabolic processes in the body;
  • acquire beautiful body shapes by pumping up your buttocks, thighs and abs;
  • increase the production of endorphins, which helps to better cope with stress, improves sleep and overall mood in general.

The results of losing weight will depend on the intensity of the training process and the selected scheme.

Average weight loss ranges from 2 to 3 kilos per week.

You should not expect cosmic results, because light fat tissue is replaced by heavy muscle tissue.

Shadow boxing for weight loss. A fight with a shadow. Why I love and never miss Fight workouts.

“Shadow boxing” is the essence of this fashionable trend in fitness, combining elements of boxing, mixed and martial arts. I’ve been doing this for almost a year now and every time I go to these workouts with joy, although I know that after them I can be wrung out and put like a rag somewhere in a cozy place. Fight lasts 60 minutes with high-tempo cardio. Jumping, practicing punches and kicks with body turns, push-ups, abdominal exercises and such an alternation of movements that perfectly trains coordination and helps maintain brain activity in an alert state. Regular exercise in this type of fitness will make your figure lean, your body agile, and your muscles strong in a few months. About 900 kcal are burned in one workout. I consider this training one of the best ways to get rid of resentment, irritation, anger and other negative emotions. At almost every training session, I choose some current problem, mentally pose it to myself and practice strikes on it. By the end of the classes, this problem disappears completely or ceases to be relevant. In order to better work out your abs, you need, as strange as it may seem to you, to tighten your intimate muscles and keep the so-called “root lock” closed. Also keep your stomach tight. In the video
I will show a part of our training. There are almost no breaks between sets; sometimes you only have time to run to a bottle of water. But you need to drink, because the loss of water here is very large. I’m not saying goodbye at this point, but wishing you a good weekend!

Kickboxing and Muay Thai differences

Often, beginners confuse Thai boxing and kickboxing, getting lost in the specifics of contact martial arts. There are a number of technical differences:

  • In kickboxing, great importance is given to the work of the hands. In Muay Thai, priority is distributed to all limbs;
  • kickboxing prohibits elbows and knees;
  • in training and in the ring, clinch work is interrupted in kickboxing, whereas in Muay Thai it is normal.

How to consolidate the result

Losing weight is hard, but keeping it off is even harder, as anyone who has lost weight knows about this. After losing weight, you should not eat as before, reduce your intake of carbohydrate foods, and limit your fast food intake to once a month.

Sweets (packaged juices as well) are a completely different matter ; they can be eaten in large quantities and can easily be overloaded with calories. The same can be said for grapes, which can be eaten constantly without much feeling of fullness.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, poultry and fish. Give preference to boiling, steaming, baking and stewing, but gradually reduce the amount of fried foods. You should not eat less than 2 hours before bedtime, otherwise the process of digesting food may disrupt sleep.

If hunger strikes, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of water , because hunger is often confused with thirst. If this does not help, a small portion of cottage cheese or low-fat kefir will help you.

Currently, many female stars use boxing to lose weight - Nicole Kidman, Naomi Campbell, Jennifer Lopez, join them, good luck!

What can interfere with your studies?

How can a girl learn boxing if difficulties arise even at the initial stage? Typically the difficulties are as follows:

  • Classes in the gym with men;
  • Fear of pain;
  • Embarrassment.

In most cases, you will have to train together with men, since there are few purely women’s sections in Russia, and there are not enough gyms for everyone. Representatives of the fairer sex are afraid of pain, which is quite natural, they are embarrassed about their body, and are overly fixated on whether their loved ones will judge them for their hobby.

What is Thai boxing

Translated from Sanskrit, Muay Thai means “free fighting.” It is considered the traditional fighting system of Thailand and is called the “fight of eight limbs” - fists, feet and legs, elbows, knees. The paradigm of art is quite simple - to win as quickly as possible under any conditions.

Where did Muay Thai come from?

The system arose from a more ancient style - Muay Boran, which existed for several thousand years in the territory of the present Kingdom of Thailand. The type of martial arts was formed in the 16th century and was known as “plow,” which translated means “multi-directional combat.”

The modern history of the term "Muay Thai" began with the official formation of Thailand in 1934.

Thai boxing was considered an integral part of the training of warriors and government officials. There was a fight at every holiday and major event. As a sign of recognition, the winners of the tournaments were awarded a title of nobility with permission to join the king's guard.

Until the first half of the 20th century, the best Muay Thai fighters became an elite unit called the “Union of Royal Warriors.”

Until the first half of the 19th century, fights were fought with bare fists, then it was decided to wrap horse skins in rags. Only then did cotton ribbons and rope take over. Such equipment turned Thai boxing into a bloody spectacle, because the main goal was not to protect the hands, but to inflict serious injuries and lacerations on the opponent.

Muay Thai Code of Honor and Traditions

In Muaythai it is unacceptable to insult or disrespect your opponent. If you make such a mistake before the fight, then there is a risk of technical defeat. When entering the ring, the fighter does not pass under the ropes, but steps over. In Thailand, the head is considered sacred and inviolable, so nothing should be higher than this part of the body.

Before mastering the art of Muay Thai, you must take an oath to maintain personal qualities:

  • honesty;
  • justice;
  • modesty;
  • nobility;
  • observe and honor the traditions and laws of your country.

Before the fight, fighters perform an ancient ritual consisting of:

  1. Wai Kru prayers – focusing the spirit. Accompanied by traditional music, the fighter walks along the ring counterclockwise, holding his hand over the top rope. In each corner there is a stop with a bow in order to close the ring from evil spirits that can frighten away victory. Upon returning to his corner, the boxer kneels, covering his eyes with his gloves and offering a prayer to the teachers, bows three times with his gloves touching the ring;
  2. martial dance Ram Muay - concentration of attention and body. Set up to win.

Thais honor traditions, rituals and are very superstitious. Buddhism and mysticism have deeply imbued the rules of preparing a Muay Thai fighter for a fight. In addition to prayer and ritual dance, pratyat is tied to the biceps of the arms - a unique form of protection against injury and death in the ring.

Another essential attribute is Mongkon. Headdress woven from 108 threads. A finger-thick cord is woven in a special way, accompanied by prayers and sacred Buddhist symbols. Before the battle it is removed from the warrior’s head.

How to deal with this?

Initially, you need to learn that boxing for girls, reviews of which are contradictory on the Internet, does more good than harm. Gradually, the public’s opinion about this sport is changing, and such athletes are looked at with admiration. Don't be afraid to work out in the gym with men. Firstly, they will raise the bar, and you will probably try not to fall in their eyes, and secondly, the “norm” in a mixed group is not an indicator for everyone. Therefore, it’s okay if you lag behind the stronger sex.

Don't be afraid of pain: your body gradually gets used to it. When adrenaline is released, the pain effect is dulled, as a result of which you practically won’t feel it during the fight. After the fight, ice and medications will do their job, and the initial feeling of pain will be significantly dulled. As you practice boxing, your body will develop the skills to tolerate negative sensations from blows, and after several months of training, it will stop “noticing” them altogether.

The last piece of advice is to feel free to communicate and make new acquaintances. Ask your coach, more experienced sports colleagues, even beginners. Gradually your social circle will expand, and boxing training will begin to be enjoyable. Don't withdraw into yourself and take failures to heart. Remember: diligence and work will grind everything down.

Thus, boxing for girls, the pros and cons of which were discussed earlier, is gradually becoming fashionable. The number of adherents of this sport is steadily increasing. Women go to boxing not only for a strong blow, but also for spiritual, physical, and intellectual development.

Disadvantages of boxing for girls

Boxing for a girl from scratch can have a number of negative consequences, such as:

  • Risk of injury;
  • Changing the constitution of the body;
  • Acquisition of new psychological qualities.

Girls, boxing, ring - many still cannot combine these concepts. Indeed, even during training there is a high risk of injury: dislocations, fractures, sprains, not to mention a fight. If you look at a girl boxing trainer, she will probably have developed shoulder girdle muscles, which not all men like. In addition, boxing courses for girls make representatives of the fairer sex more strong-willed, unyielding and tough individuals. It is unlikely that you will be able to command such a woman.

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