Exercises for arms and shoulders at home: 11 effective exercises with dumbbells for women and men with PHOTO

An effective workout to strengthen your arms and shoulders

This workout is easy to do and quite effective. Can be done both at home and outdoors.

Consists of eleven simple exercises.

Swing your arms

They can be considered a warm-up. Great for starting an arm workout.

You need to take a straight position and alternately swing your arms up. Three sets of ten times will be enough.

Performing all kinds of push-ups

Push-ups are effective in working the muscles of the arms and shoulders. With regular practice you will be able to achieve thin, beautiful arms. The wide variety of this exercise allows you to move the load to different muscle areas.

Wall push-ups are great for warming up your muscles before doing other exercises. You need to take a step away from the wall, put your hands in front of you and do push-ups as many times as possible.

Knee push-ups

Knee push-ups

People who have just started actively playing sports will be able to cope with this exercise. This type of push-up will perfectly load the muscles of the shoulder girdle. To perform, you need to lean on your knees and palms, crossing your ankles. Push-ups are done by fully extending your arms as many times as possible.

Push-ups are actually not a very difficult exercise, but they do require some physical preparation. You need to do push-ups with emphasis on your palms and toes. You can start with a comfortable number of repetitions; over time, the number of repetitions increases to progress.

Dumbbell rows

This exercise will make your triceps more elastic. It will allow you to form a beautiful relief and roundness of the shoulder, and will get rid of wings on your arms:

  • Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, dumbbells should be held with a straight grip, and the body should lean forward.
  • You need to take a comfortable and stable position.
  • The elbows bend and stretch up the lateral thigh area.
  • We do the maximum possible number of repetitions.

Dumbbell Curl

For beginners, it is better to take dumbbells with light weights.

This is not a difficult exercise, but it is effective and works the biceps well.


  • It is done standing, arms with dumbbells are extended in front of the chest.
  • Elbows bend and straighten.
  • In this case, the arms are located parallel to the floor, only the elbows are involved.

Performing this exercise on a regular basis will help get rid of sagging skin on your hands.

Standing Dumbbell Press

The shoulder girdle will work great. You need to stand straight, the dumbbells are pressed up, the body remains straight. You need to do this exercise as many times as possible.


The plank trains almost all muscle groups

This exercise is effective for both beginners and professionals. Thanks to the static pose, the abdominal muscles are strengthened and calories are intensively burned. The arm muscles are also worked, the forearms, wrists and hands are strengthened. The plank can be done at home as a preventive measure against the accumulation of excess fat.

Performing the exercise:

  • Lie on the floor resting on your toes and palms.
  • Extend your body into a straight line, forming a plank. You need to breathe freely and evenly. You need to stand in the plank for one minute.

We perform three approaches in total. This exercise helps you lose weight and strengthen your arms.

Curling your arms behind your head with one dumbbell

Start with a 5kg dumbbell

The main load when performing this exercise is on the triceps. In most cases, people who do not exercise have sagging muscles in this part of the body. This exercise strengthens the pectoral muscles and arms.

Recommendations for implementation:

  • The dumbbell is taken in two hands and raised.
  • You need to start it by the head. The movement occurs at the elbow, the whole body remains motionless.
  • You need to concentrate on stretching the muscles of the chest and the inner surface of the forearm.

This bending will help eliminate excess fat from the inside of the arm.

Bent-over dumbbell raises

The load in this exercise is aimed at the back and forearms. It helps remove fat from the armpit area.

It's quite simple:

  • The dumbbells are held with your palms facing inward.
  • The body tilts, while the knees bend slightly. The lower back is in a natural position.
  • We easily lower our arms together with the dumbbells.
  • With the help of the shoulder joints, the arms are moved apart and brought together. The whole body remains motionless, only the shoulders are involved.

We do eight repetitions in total. It is very important to avoid sudden movements in order to avoid sprain or injury.

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is a great cardio workout

Jumping exercises work the inside of the forearm. You need to jump as quickly as possible for ten minutes.


This cardio exercise is very effective for developing toned and elastic arms.


  • You need to stand up straight and extend your arms in front of you at shoulder level.
  • Spread your arms to the sides, then bring them in front of you so that your palms intersect with each other, forming scissors.
  • Return your hands to their original position and repeat twenty times.

Rotation of arms

You can complete your arm workout with this exercise. Rotation will help relax the muscles and relieve pain in the arms after exercise. Improves stretching and develops flexibility.

Execution order:

  • You need to stand straight.
  • Take your time and gently rotate your hands clockwise.
  • The body tilts and small swings of the arms are made.

Exercises for working your hands at home are best learned using videos. The photograph does not always show all the details that need to be taken into account when performing the exercise.

Exercises for the back of the arms

On the back of the shoulder is a muscle that extends the elbow - the triceps. It comes into play during any movement where you push something away from you or yourself from the floor or wall.

Reverse push-ups on a bench

This exercise is suitable for any level of training. Place your hands on the bench behind your body and lower your shoulders. Bend your elbows, going down until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, and then push yourself up. You can bend your legs at the knees or straighten them. The latter is more difficult.


Jump onto the bars, lower your shoulders and squeeze your shoulder blades together, stretching your body in one line. Bend your elbows and lower yourself down until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, but not lower, so as not to injure the shoulder joint. Push yourself back up and repeat.

Perform the movement smoothly, without rocking or jerking. If there is not enough load, add weights in the form of a pancake. If, on the contrary, the exercise is too difficult, try performing it using an expander band. To do this, hang it on the bars, put your feet on it and do push-ups. The elastic band will push you upward, relieving some of the load.

Triceps extension with dumbbell

Stand up straight, grab a dumbbell with both hands and lift it above your head. Bend your elbows and lower the dumbbell behind your head. Lift back up and repeat.

Bent over arm extension

Take dumbbells in your hands, bend your knees slightly and tilt your body forward with a straight back. Bend your elbows at right angles, keeping them close to your body. Extend your arms with dumbbells and return to the starting position.

Diamond push-ups

This type of push-up works the triceps the most due to the narrow placement of the arms. Place your hands so that your index fingers and thumbs are connected. Lower your shoulders, extend your body in one line from shoulders to feet.

Lower yourself down and push yourself up, keeping your body straight. Try not to bend in the lower back; to do this, tense your abs.

If you can't do diamond push-ups yet, start with classic push-ups: they will also work your triceps well and prepare you for more complex variations of the movement.

The rules of execution are the same: body in one line, shoulders down, elbows looking back.

If you are working out at home, without parallel bars or dumbbells, alternate between different types of push-ups to fully load all the heads of the triceps.


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