How to quickly lose weight and get in shape in the gym? Exercises on simulators

In honor of International Women's Day and the approaching warm season, girls want to look perfect more than ever. Most often, hopes are placed on specialists in beauty salons, dietary restrictions and sports. And if in the first and second cases everything is entirely individual, then in the third we are together with the coach Black Star Fitness
Ruth Dushkina
We were able to find a universal formula. We are sharing with you a set of the most effective exercises in the gym that will definitely help you get in shape.

Dumbbell Squats

Works the buttocks

, and
the back
, and
the front
, and
the inner surface of the thigh

Initial position:

the back is straight, the shoulder blades are adducted and lowered. Weight in front of you, legs wide, toes to the sides.

We do squats. The knees also look out to the sides towards the toes. The abs should be tense throughout the entire exercise. We squat until parallel with the floor. We stand up and put more pressure on our heels.

Try to avoid the main mistakes: your back is hunched, your abs are relaxed, if you squat too low, your pelvis may twist.

Repetitions are calculated individually. On average - 15-20 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.

What exercises should you do to run or not swim?

All the same. You just have to do a lot of sets, with an average weight for you and a short time interval between sets. This turns your workout into an aerobic workout by increasing your heart rate. You may not be able to gain much muscle mass with this method. But, as was said earlier, you can look great without changing your weight.

And a little advice for girls. Many representatives of the fair sex are afraid to go to the gym, because they go to look feminine and petite, and not to become masculine. Don't be afraid to work out with iron. By choosing the right program, you can become much slimmer and stop envying the girls in the picture. Just know that there are small features when working out in the gym for girls that you should be aware of. And if you have never been to a gym, then read our instructions for beginners.

Feel free to throw away the bags of chips and follow your dreams to the gym. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort, change many of your habits and give up many familiar things. But believe me, the result will please you and you will not regret it.

Have you tried losing weight at the gym?

Taking the leg back in the simulator

When performed correctly, it engages the glutes.

Initial position:

stand in the middle of the arch of the foot, closer to the heel, move the toe and knee of the non-supporting leg to the side. It is imperative to hold the pelvis so that the buttock is connected correctly and the load does not transfer to the lower back.

We tighten our abs. We take our leg back and make short movements. You should not move your leg forward too much so that the front surface of the thigh does not engage. We do this exercise in 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

A set of exercises for weight loss

The weight loss program, consisting of the following blocks, has proven itself to be excellent:

  • warm-up;
  • load and pumping of muscles;
  • fat burning.

How to lose weight in the gym: pay attention to cardio training combined with strength training. During training, ensure that each muscle is worked, breathe correctly (exhale when you tense, inhale while relaxing) and do not allow your body to dehydrate. It is important to structure classes in such a way as to work problem muscles - special attention is paid to them.

To lose weight quickly, repeat the sets many times, without using weights or resistance. A full-fledged session can be called if the athlete’s pulse is at around 130-160 beats per minute for cardio and 170 for strength training.


Without a set of special actions to warm up the body, it is impossible to imagine a single workout in the gym. This warm-up program develops muscles and joints, tones the body, and increases the heart rate. The purpose of it is to prevent injuries to muscle groups, increase the intensity of training and speed up metabolism. There are complex exercises for warming up before training that are suitable for all athletes:

  • rotation of the limbs, development of joints;
  • easy running;
  • jumping rope;
  • for strength training, the warm-up is an imitation of the athlete's movements, but with minimal weight.

In addition to warming up before the main activity, it is recommended to do a cool-down or stretching after it. This includes relaxing actions for 5-10 minutes, which allow the body to calm down, remove lactic acid from the muscles, reduce the heart rate and body temperature, and normalize blood flow. Common cool-down actions include slow running followed by walking, muscle stretching, and stretching.

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Cardio exercises

Cardio exercises for weight loss in the gym bring visible results. They help correct body shape, give vitality, strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels. Cardio relieves chronic fatigue and is a kind of “marathon” that works well on all muscle groups of the body. Exercise machines used in this direction include a treadmill, elliptical, exercise bike and stepper.

How to Lose Weight at the Gym While Using Cardio: Keep your heart rate between 60-80% of your maximum (counts as 220 minus your age). Perform exercises with a gradual increase in load and back again, monitor the functioning of the joints so as not to harm them. On a treadmill, walk first, then run. On the stepper, train your arms, legs and buttocks, adjusting the load yourself, and on the exercise bike, gradually increase the “mileage”, maintaining your posture and watching your knees while doing the exercise.

Strength exercises

After cardio, it is recommended to do strength training for weight loss in the gym. The goal is to restore body muscles, using your own weight or dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells as resistance. Training increases the amount of muscle tissue, which gradually replaces fat - body volumes are adjusted, the metabolic rate rises, calories are burned more intensely, and it is possible to lose weight faster.

Strength training includes working with weights - lifting barbells, deadlifts, biceps and triceps presses. In addition, popular exercises include push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups, which work all the major muscles. This can be done from the floor, using a wall bars or a special bench for working on your abs.

Stretching and flexibility exercises

To improve muscle elasticity and work out joints, stretching exercises for weight loss are used in the gym. They expand the range of muscle movement and increase the level of stretching. Exercises include elements of yoga, dance, Pilates. Conducted at a slow pace, you can use them as a cool-down, stretching or warm-up, and at a fast pace, stretching exercises will be an excellent stimulator of the heart and blood vessels, and will provide an opportunity to lose weight.

Glute bridge in the simulator

One of the best exercises for the buttocks


Initial position:

sitting in the exercise machine with a fastened belt. The exercise can be done with different positions of the legs, it depends on the structure of the body. But basically – wide stance of the legs, toes and knees to the sides. You can try placing your feet in different ways and see in which case your buttocks feel better.

While performing the exercise, we lower ourselves down, strain our buttocks when we reach the end point, push out and also squeeze our buttocks. During the exercise, do not roll your knees inward or bend your lower back. We must perform it with a straight body. We do 25 repetitions in three approaches.

Training program for girls in the gym

The layout and content of classes in the gym, first of all, depends on the task at hand, as well as on the physical fitness and individual characteristics of the woman. A typical weight loss plan involves at least 3-4 workouts per week.

Workout 1: thighs, buttocks, back

ExerciseNumber of setsNumber of repetitions
Barbell Squat212
Leg extension in the machine215
Leg press310

Workout 2: arms, abs

ExerciseNumber of approachesNumber of repetitions
Seated dumbbell press215
Extension of arms with weights from behind the head215
Twisting on the upper block on the press310
Incline sit-ups310

Workout 3: back, chest

ExerciseNumber of setsNumber of repetitions (times)
Raising arms while sitting in the simulator312
Upper pulley to chest312
Kettlebell row on straight legs210

Workout 4: Hips, Glutes, Abs

ExerciseNumber of approachesNumber of repetitions
Seated Hack Machine Press212
Leg abduction on the lower block312
Reduction of hips in the simulator310
Lifting the body in a power frame210


When performed correctly, almost all muscles


Initial position:

standing on your forearms, which should be parallel to each other.

We tense our abs, don’t bend in the lower back, don’t lift them high, but don’t lower our pelvis either. We hold the position so that visually the body is parallel to the floor. We bring the shoulder blades and lower the shoulders. Using our legs, forearms and shoulder blades, we seem to be pushing the floor apart. This exercise is good to do at the end of your workout. We perform three approaches for maximum time.

Everything is very individual

Many athletes and publications claim that it is impossible to lose weight by doing only strength training. And they are somewhat right. But don't forget that a rule that works for one person may not work for another. Let me explain with my own example. I started actively going to the gym a year and a half ago. I only did strength training. As for aerobic exercise, the most I did was climb a couple of floors of stairs. I work out every other day, that is, 3-4 times a week. In a year and a half, I have already lost 24 kilograms and also gained some muscle mass. This is an indicator that you must determine for yourself whether the path you have chosen is suitable for your goal or not. Don't get hung up on hackneyed methods. If one doesn't work, try another. Just monitor your indicators and listen to your body. If you are doing something wrong, your body will tell you so. This method worked for me and most likely will not work for you.

Training program

There are various options for training programs, including those aimed at eliminating fat deposits localized in certain areas of the body. The most popular and effective training schemes are discussed in detail below.

Circuit training

Many trainers recommend starting classes in the gym with circuit training - they evenly affect all muscle groups, but do not contribute to their growth, but to the moderate burning of fat reserves.

The basic principles of circuit training are as follows:

  • Working out the muscles of the whole body in one day.
  • Limiting the weight limit on exercise equipment to ensure high intensity.
  • Repeat the circuits with little or no rest.
  • Each circuit should include no more than 10 different exercises.

Any exercises aimed at working the muscles of the whole body are suitable for performing circuit training:

  • Men are recommended to perform leg presses on special machines, deadlifts from a standing position, classic barbell lifts, manual bench presses, squats with additional weights, and classic push-ups.
  • For women, various options for twisting, squats and lunges in different directions with weights in the form of dumbbells, lifting the upper and lower extremities from a lying position, performing the “Bicycle” exercise in a lying position, jumping and lying down with a hold are suitable.

Fitness program

A fitness program performed in the gym allows you to lose weight only if you normalize your diet to ensure a negative energy balance.

Classes involve 4 workouts per week; the fitness program for weight loss is described in detail below:

  • On the first day after the warm-up, reverse crunches, squats and lunges using a barbell, presses and lower limb curls on the machine, hanging leg raises, and rows to the waist and chest on the machine are performed. All exercises are performed in 3 approaches, each with 10 to 15 repetitions. Additionally, classic crunches, hanging lower limb raises and crunches on a block simulator are performed: these exercises also require 3 approaches, the number of repetitions is maximum.
  • On the second day , a warm-up is carried out again, after which a bench press and raises with weights are performed while lying on a bench, curls of the arms with weights and a load aimed at the biceps in a standing position, a seated dumbbell press, raises with weights while standing: all exercises require 3 approaches 12-14 repetitions. Triceps extensions in a lying position and on a special simulator are performed in 2 sets with 10-12 repetitions. Additionally, classic crunches and crunches are done on a block simulator: 3 approaches are performed with a maximum number of repetitions.
  • On the third day, cardio training is practiced, which involves only aerobic exercise. For this purpose, jumping rope, cycling, brisk walking on a treadmill and training on elliptical trainers are suitable. Before such a workout, a warm-up is also required.
  • On the fourth day, the training is carried out according to a similar scheme, only aerobic exercise is required.

Fat burning complex

An effective fat-burning complex for the gym will be interval training, including cardio training and strength exercises.

A similar weekly program is detailed below:

  • On Monday , basic exercises are practiced aimed at working out the main muscle groups. Straight-legged barbell rows, lower limb presses on a machine, and lat pulldowns are repeated 8-10 times, for a total of 5 approaches. The seated dumbbell press and classic push-ups are done in 4 sets, requiring 10-12 and 8-10 repetitions, respectively. The workout ends with a plank, which also requires 4 approaches, the execution time is no more than a minute. Depending on how you feel, a break of 2 to 5 minutes is allowed between approaches.
  • On Tuesday , a comprehensive cardio workout is carried out, it begins with a two-minute jog on the treadmill at the fastest possible pace, then the plank, burles and punches on the punching bag are done - a minute is allocated for all exercises. All the described exercises are carried out without breaks, in total you need to complete 4 similar circles, between which rests of 1 to 3 minutes are allowed.
  • On Wednesday, a set of fat-burning exercises is performed with light weights. Suitable options include overhead pulleys with a wide grip, arm swings with weights in the form of a kettlebell, deadlifts on one straight leg, lifting onto a step platform and walking lunges with weights: a total of 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions are performed, the last exercise is performed on each leg separately. You can complete the workout by raising your lower limbs from a lying position: 4 approaches are done, each should include from 12 to 20 repetitions, depending on the degree of fatigue. A break of 1 to 4 minutes is allowed between all approaches.
  • On Friday , supersets are performed that combine the upper and lower parts of the body. They include weighted squats with the legs as wide as possible and lat pull-downs, weighted lunges and lateral raises in a standing position, reverse crunches and lateral raises while bending, bending the lower extremities on a special machine and exercises on “Butterfly” simulator, body crunches in a supine position and a gluteal bridge on the floor, calf raises with weights and extension of the arms from behind the head. All supersets are performed in 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions, with a 2-3 minute break between them.
  • On Saturday, only an hour of cardio training is carried out: running on a track at a moderate pace, cycling and elliptical training are suitable.

Power loads

Strength training is useful because it allows you not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, increase overall performance, develop and improve muscle tone, and improve health.

The most effective strength training is the following:

  • Strength training according to the circuit described earlier in the article. For such classes, you can independently choose from 3 to 5 strength exercises aimed at working muscles from different groups: each of them is repeated 10-15 times, without breaks. Rest is provided only between sets; there should be 3-4 of them in total within one workout.
  • Classes using the Tabata system, the essence of which is to repeat each exercise for 20 seconds, after which 10 seconds are given for rest. Once completed, the cycle is repeated 8 times, taking about 4 minutes in total, and during each hike you should strive to complete as many repetitions as possible. The technique allows you to effectively burn fat deposits and independently select the appropriate exercises; various types of presses and deadlifts, as well as squats with weights in the form of a barbell, are best suited.

Cardio training

Cardio training will be an effective addition to the main training program; you can practice it in the gym, at home or on the street.

The intensity is determined depending on the current body weight, physical fitness, fatigue rate, health status and the selected program.

Cardio training may include the following activities:

  • Run outside in good weather.
  • Run at different paces or briskly walk on a treadmill.
  • Exercise bike classes.
  • Exercises on step machines.

Split training

Split training helps you lose body fat while targeting several different muscle groups at the same time.

The three-day split program is described in detail below:

  • On the first day, the following groups of exercises are performed: reverse crunches and crunches, weighted lunges and squats, weighted lower limb presses and weighted squats, seated dumbbell presses and standing lateral raises with weights. All exercises are performed in 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions, except for the leg press and weighted squats: they require 8-12 and 12-15 repetitions, respectively. As a warm-up and cool-down, exercise on an exercise bike is practiced for 10 minutes; between performing the listed groups of exercises, 10 minutes are spent running on the treadmill at a moderate pace.
  • On the second day, it is necessary to perform the following groups of exercises: raising the lower limbs in a hanging position and reverse crunches, rowing the upper blocks with a wide grip and rowing the barbell to waist level when bending, rowing the upper and lower blocks, lifting the barbell in a standing position with bending the arms at the elbows and performing the Hammer exercise. For each named exercise, do 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions; Warm-up, cool-down and intermediate runs are carried out according to the same pattern as on the first day.
  • On the third day , you will need to perform the following groups of exercises: dumbbell press on an incline bench and raises with weights on a horizontal bench, exercises on the Butterfly machine and dumbbell press on an incline bench, extension of arms with weights and press down on the upper block, lifting the barbell from the chest in a standing position and lifting dumbbells up in front of you. All exercises are performed in 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions; Weighted arm extensions and overhead pulley presses are performed for 8-12 and 12-15 repetitions, respectively. Warm-up, cool-down and intermediate runs are performed according to the same pattern as in previous days.

Exercise equipment

In modern gyms there are many different exercise machines; the following equipment is most effective for losing weight:

  • The elliptical trainer is the main assistant in the fight against excess body weight. It is designed to simulate skiing or fast running; the machine is also suitable for cardio training. Another benefit is the minimal impact on the joints, making the exercise suitable for people who have recently suffered an injury.
  • The treadmill is another classic weight loss device that is found in all gyms. Modern exercise machines allow you to adjust the angle of inclination and speed of movement to independently determine the appropriate workout intensity.
  • Horizontal and vertical exercise bikes are similar in design to a regular bicycle, but without wheels. They are ideal for people experiencing problems with the musculoskeletal system caused by excess body weight.
  • A stepper is a simulator for more intense exercise, providing increased loads and simulating climbing up stairs. Classes on it are recommended primarily for people who have problems with their knees or feet.
  • The rowing machine provides a high degree of stress, so performing exercises on it is a difficult and exhausting process. Its advantages include a high degree of efficiency, maximum energy consumption and a low risk of injury, despite the complex design of the equipment.
  • An expander, jump rope, dumbbells and other manual exercise equipment can effectively complement the main training program and diversify the set of exercises performed. The rotation disc and fitball also belong to the manual variety of exercise machines; they are recommended for people who want to eliminate excess fat deposits in the abdominal area.


A warm-up must necessarily precede any exercise in the gym for girls and boys, especially if you plan to perform strength exercises.

Its task is to warm up the muscles, which allows you to train at full strength and minimizes the risk of sprains and other injuries.

10-15 minutes are enough to warm up: during this time you can do squats and push-ups, go for a light jog, do a brisk walk on an inclined treadmill, or exercise at a moderate pace on any cardio machine.

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