How to quickly pump up your abdominal muscles: the best abdominal exercises in the gym

The abdominal muscle corset is conventionally divided into 4 zones: upper, lower, lateral and oblique muscles. In order to quickly pump up beautiful, sculpted abs, abdominal exercises in the gym should load every part of it. It is necessary to use the entire arsenal of training equipment: block exercise machines, benches with variable inclination angles, dumbbells, sports balls and other equipment. It is important to exercise regularly and take time to recover your muscles.
  • Lower Abdominal Workout
      Hanging Leg Raise
  • Leg raises with emphasis on elbows
  • Leg raises while lying on a bench
  • Book on the bench
  • Strength training for the lateral and oblique muscles
      Hanging reverse crunches
  • Exercise "Lumberjack"
  • Side bends with weights
  • Tilts in multistation
  • Classes for all areas of the abs
      Straight crunches on a Roman chair
  • "Corner"
  • Pulling your legs to your stomach on a fitball
  • Perch on a fitness ball
  • Training program
      Features of training for men and women
  • How to avoid common mistakes?
  • Exercises for the upper abs

    It is possible to pump up the abdominal muscles in the upper part by performing three types of crunches: on an incline bench, on a fitball and using a block exercise machine. Exercises should be performed in a high-intensity mode with a large number of repetitions and approaches.

    Before you start training, you need to warm up. To do this, you can use cardio equipment: treadmill, elliptical, stepper. Aerobic exercise time should range from 7 to 15 minutes. After this, joints and ligaments should be prepared for force loads. To do this, a set of exercises is performed: tilting the body in different directions, rotating the pelvis, circular movements of the arms, raising the knees.

    Bench crunches

    To perform the exercise, you need to set the optimal level of inclination of the bench. For beginners and people with a voluminous belly, it is recommended to set the angle from 20 to 30 degrees. For men and women with good physical fitness, the inclination should be increased to 45-60 degrees.

    Exercise technique:

    1. Climb onto the bench and place your feet under the support bolsters.
    2. Fix your hands on the back of your head and spread your elbows to the sides.
    3. Fully straighten your body along the bench, lowering your back onto it.
    4. As you exhale, quickly lift your body up.
    5. As you inhale, smoothly and slowly return to your original position.

    The number of repetitions is 13-15. The number of approaches is 4-5. The rest interval between series should not exceed 1 minute.

    Crunches on a fitball

    Before you begin the exercise, you need to choose a sports ball that is optimally suited to your personal growth. To do this, sit on the fitball and look at the angle between your hips and your back - it should be 90 degrees.


    1. Take a position lying on your back on an exercise ball.
    2. Spread your elbows to the sides, placing your palms on the back of your head.
    3. While exhaling, lift your shoulder blades away from the projectile and lift your upper body, while at the same time turning your body to the right side.
    4. As you inhale, lower to the previous position.
    5. Repeat lifting your chest up, turning to the left.

    In total, about 20 repetitions should be performed in one approach (10 in each direction). Number of episodes - 4-6. The pause to restore strength between approaches is 70-80 seconds.

    Crunches on a block (exercise “Prayer”)

    The exercise should begin with setting the optimal load. To do this, fix the adjusting pin in one of the holes on the block plate of the simulator.

    Correctly perform twists like this:

    1. Grab the rope levers with your hands.
    2. Lower yourself down into a kneeling position.
    3. Bring your legs together.
    4. As you exhale, pull the ropes down while simultaneously tilting your upper body down.
    5. Straighten up to the starting position.

    Volume of load: 12 repetitions in each of 5 approaches. The time interval for rest between series is 1 minute.

    The best abdominal exercises in the gym

    You can train your abdominal muscles at home. And in general in any conditions. But abdominal exercises in the gym allow you to work out your muscles comprehensively and more efficiently. In this section we will look at a number of the most useful and effective exercises. But first, a few recommendations.

    No matter how trained the muscles are, their effectiveness depends on the amount of fat deposits. Many athletes have treasured abs, but those around them don’t even know about it.

    In order to demonstrate the presence of powerful abs to yourself and others, you need to burn fat. You can't do this with just training - you need a diet.

    The best abdominal exercises in the gym must be combined with a healthy diet. These two pillars complement each other and allow you to acquire expressive abs in a relatively short time.

    It is better to train the abdominal areas in this order:

    • lower press;
    • upper press;
    • oblique muscles.

    The upper and lower abs are one large rectus muscle. The division is conditional - certain movements allow you to give a more concentrated load to the areas. The training order is logical, since the lower zone is weaker. By loading it second or third, you waste more energy. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. You can and should start from the bottom, for example, if you pay close attention to this part of the abdomen.

    Upper abs exercises

    To begin with, we’ll tell you about the technique of performing the most effective exercises that help keep your upper abdominal muscles toned.

    Incline crunches

    Along with crunches while lying on the floor, this is a classic “animal” exercise. These two crunch variations are the most effective abdominal exercises in the gym, targeting the upper abdominal area. Performed on a bench with an inclination angle of 30-45 degrees. Beginners can set a smaller angle.


    • starting position – back and pelvis on a bench, legs fixed with bolsters (knees above head), hands behind head or in front of you;
    • raise your head and shoulders, and then, with a twisting movement, try to bring your chest closer to your knees; rise as long as tension is maintained in the press;
    • Pausing for a moment at the peak point, smoothly lower; You don’t need to lower yourself to IP, but to a position in which tension is not lost; you don’t need to put your back on the bench.

    These are not sit-ups, but crunches. The exercise should be performed in such a way as to minimize the participation of the lower back and hips - all attention to the abs.

    Crunches using a block

    Among the basic abdominal exercises in the gym is an exercise that resembles the bows of a praying person, which is why it is called “prayer.” In fact, these are ordinary crunches on a block machine. It can be performed while standing, but the classic version involves performing it on your knees.

    Execution scheme:

    • starting position – kneeling (on the floor or bench) facing the block; arms bent at the elbows hold the handle of the block exercise machine;
    • holding the block, while exhaling, using the strength of your abdominal muscles, bend your body forward, as if making a bow;
    • return to IP.

    The hands are used only for fixing the projectile, the pelvis and legs are used for support. Almost the entire load should fall on the press. First, it is recommended to master the exercise with a very light weight. Once the mechanics of the movement are felt and the muscles are strengthened, you can add weight. The starting weight for a beginner is within 10 kg.

    Crunches on a fitball

    We recommend a good selection of abdominal exercises on a fitball. The characteristics of a fitball - a training ball - allow you to work your abs at non-standard angles. The mobility of the ball engages the stabilizer muscles - hence the benefits that are difficult to obtain with the help of other simulators.


    • starting position – lying with your back on a fitball; the back and pelvis rest on the ball, the legs are hanging, slightly apart, the feet rest firmly on the floor; hands behind the head or in front of the chest;
    • lift your body so as not to tear your lower back from the projectile;
    • return to IP.

    Twisting while hanging upside down

    Twisting while hanging upside down is an exercise for trained athletes. Not suitable for beginners.


    • starting position – hanging on the crossbar upside down, with slightly bent legs; back straight, arms behind head or in front of chest;
    • as you exhale, lift your torso up with a twisting motion; the buttocks also rise a little;
    • while inhaling, gently lower your torso; if there is a swing, you need to linger a little at the bottom, extinguishing it.

    Full amplitude is of no use here. It is much more important to achieve strong tension. Therefore, it is recommended to raise the body until it is parallel to the floor. Athletes who have mastered the option of loading with their own body can use weights.

    Crunches in the simulator

    Every more or less equipped gym has a special abdominal machine. This is an exercise in the gym for girls - the abs are also loaded in men, but more often women use the equipment.

    Execution scheme:

    • starting position – hands hold the handles, legs are fixed with bolsters;
    • Tightening your abs, simultaneously twist your upper back and lift your legs;
    • After pausing for a second in the climax phase, return to the IP.

    The advantage of the simulator is that the load on the lower back is reduced. But it still remains if you fall too deep in the recovery phase. Bend to a position in which your back does not experience discomfort.

    Lower abs exercises

    To train the lower abs, the exercises below are best suited, which are performed exclusively with your own weight.

    Hanging Leg Raises

    Exercises for the lower abs in the gym almost always include this, the classic one. It can be performed either without weights or with additional weight. Whether to use weights or not depends on the level of preparation.

    Execution scheme:

    • starting position - hanging on the crossbar or resting your elbows in a special simulator; legs down;
    • as you exhale, raise your legs until they are parallel to the floor; stay in this position for a moment; trained athletes can only slightly bend their knees, but for beginners it is better to bend them more strongly - it’s easier to do so;
    • return to IP.

    Hanging reverse crunches

    The exercise is in many ways similar to the previous one, but here a twisting movement takes place. The kind described in the section on straight crunches. The starting position is the same as when lifting the legs while hanging. But you need to raise your legs not along an angular trajectory, but along a rounded one, twisting. This puts more tension on the muscles.

    Classic reverse crunch

    It can be performed both at home and in the gym - lying on the floor or bench.


    • starting position - lying on a bench or floor; It is better to keep your hands along the body - this allows you to feel the movement; when practicing on a bench, you need to hold on to the top of the bench;
    • lift your legs up, focusing on your abdominal muscles; The lower back needs to be raised slightly - this will cause the abdominal muscles to contract more strongly;
    • smoothly return your legs and lower back to a position close to the IP; You shouldn’t let your abs relax, you shouldn’t lower your legs to the floor – the muscles should be under constant load.

    Since these are twisting movements, the mechanics of movement are similar - along a rounded path. As your physical capabilities increase, you can use additional weights.

    Oblique exercises

    Among the exercises that give the greatest load specifically to the oblique abdominal muscles, we have selected the 3 most effective.

    Oblique crunches

    There are several options for performing oblique twists. You can perform the exercise either lying on the floor or lying on a bench.

    Traffic scheme according to the traditional version:

    • starting position - lying on the floor, legs “looking” to the right or left and bent at the knees;
    • as you exhale, slightly raising your shoulders, using the force of your oblique muscles, lift your body with the twisting movement you already know;
    • trying to fix your torso at the peak point for a second, then smoothly return it to the IP.

    This variation of crunches is technically more difficult than most abdominal exercises in the gym. Therefore, special attention must be paid to technology. Do not press your chin to your chest, and do not pull your elbows and head behind your body.


    Like “prayer,” this exercise is performed in a block. Allows you to feel and work out your lateral abs very well.


    • starting position – standing sideways to the simulator; the right hand holds the block, the left helps it - both hands are at the top;
    • rotate the body, slightly tilting it, towards the left leg; block pulls must be performed with the strength of the oblique abdominal muscles;
    • return to IP.

    After this, you need to repeat the exercise for the right side. In this case, the block is held by the left hand.

    Side bends with weights

    For this exercise, you need to take heavier weights, otherwise the lateral press will not react. You can do it either one by one - with one projectile - or simultaneously, holding the projectiles in both hands. You can use dumbbells or kettlebells.

    Scheme for sequential execution:

    • starting position – standing with dumbbells in your right hand; the left hand is lowered or behind the head;
    • lean to the left side, contracting the oblique muscles as much as possible;
    • return to IP.

    Then do a set for the opposite side.

    Of course, these movements do not exhaust the options. But the exercises described are the most popular, and exotic exercises can be done after mastering the classics.

    Lower Abdominal Workout

    Burning fat on the abdomen from the navel and below occurs most slowly in the fair sex, since it is in this part of the abs that the fat layer is thickest. This is due to the fact that the woman’s body (in preparation for the expected pregnancy) accumulates extra centimeters in this area to protect the fetus.

    However, if you follow a strict diet and regular exercise, you can effectively dry out the lower abs of expectant mothers. To do this, you need to use exercises such as hanging leg raises, with emphasis on your elbows, lying on a bench, as well as a book on a bench.

    Hanging Leg Raise

    The exercise is performed on a horizontal bar with a straight bar. Men and women with a high level of athletic training can use special weights attached to the shins.

    Correctly perform leg lifts according to the following algorithm:

    1. Jump onto the horizontal bar and grab the bar.
    2. Adjust the position of your hands - they should be spread to shoulder width.
    3. Press your shins together.
    4. Without swinging, as you exhale, raise your straight legs until a right angle appears between your hips and abdomen (people with very weak abdominal muscles can bend their knees when lifting).
    5. As you inhale, straighten your body to a vertical position.
    6. Repeat the movement 12-14 times.
    7. Rest for a minute and a half and perform 4 more sets.

    Leg raises with emphasis on elbows

    There are 2 options for performing the exercise: with straight legs (for highly trained people) and with legs bent at the knees (for beginners).

    Implementation technique:

    1. Take the starting position: place your forearms on the support pads, grab the handrails with your hands, press your back to the board and straighten your body.
    2. As you exhale, quickly lift your legs up.
    3. As you inhale, lower your legs to their original position.
    4. Repeat the movement 15 times.
    5. Pause for a minute to rest and perform the exercise in 4 more approaches.

    Leg raises while lying on a bench

    An exercise to pump up the lower abs can be performed both on a straight and on an inclined bench. In the second case, working out the abdominal muscles is carried out more effectively, since there is no so-called dead zone (the position of the body at the upper extreme point, at which the muscular load on the abs disappears).

    Correctly perform lifts like this:

    1. Set the optimal angle of inclination of the bench (when performing the exercise at an incline).
    2. Lie with your back on the apparatus.
    3. Grasp the top of the bench with your hands.
    4. Bring your feet together.
    5. While exhaling, lift your legs up to their maximum height.
    6. Inhaling, lower your legs to the starting position.

    Number of repetitions - 14-16, approaches - 5. The time interval between series for rest is 1 minute.

    Book on the bench

    The exercise primarily targets the abdominal muscles in the lower part. The upper press also receives a significant load.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. Position yourself across the bench in a sitting position and grab its front edge with your hands.
    2. Bend your knees and lift them up.
    3. As you inhale, tilt your upper body back while straightening your legs (the body should be almost completely straight).
    4. As you exhale, bring your abdomen together with your hips, while bending your legs at the knees.

    Number of repetitions - 10-12, series - 5. Pause between approaches - 50-70 seconds.

    Workout 1

    Ab crunches

    Exercise for the rectus abdominis muscle

    The exercise is performed from the starting position lying on the floor, the heels are spaced from the buttocks at a distance of 10-12 cm, the feet are literally pressed into the floor. You need to exhale to bring the lower ribs to the pelvic bones and return to the starting position.

    Do 3 approaches 15-20 times. Over time, you can add weights - a dumbbell behind your head.


    Long back muscles, hamstrings, buttocks

    The starting position is taken face down in the hyperextension machine. The body goes down, the spine is perpendicular to the floor. With exhalation - full extension of the torso, with inhalation - lowering down.

    Perform 10-20 repetitions in three approaches; over time, you can increase the load by picking up a barbell plate and placing it behind your head.

    Classic squat (barbell on back)

    Works the buttocks, thigh muscles and center of the body

    The barbell is taken from racks located at the level of the athlete’s collarbones. The bar lies just below the upper trapezius muscles so that the back can remain tense. The grip on the bar is tight; there is no need to bend your wrists back. As you exhale, the barbell is removed from the racks using extension at the knee joints, a step back is performed and the legs are spread to the sides. Next, the pelvis goes down with an exhalation, and the knees move to the sides and bend. The optimal depth of lowering of the pelvis is the one at which the back remains straight and there is no rounding in the lumbar region. You need to stand up with an exhalation, resting your entire foot on the floor.

    If your heels come off during a squat, you need to pay attention to the width of your feet, pick up weights on the platform, and stretch your ankle joints. If the main problem is bringing your knees inward, you should work in a narrower stance

    Squatting training begins with calf extension in a machine, then a squat without weights, a goblet squat with an apparatus on the chest, work in a Smith machine, and finally a barbell. The goal of mastering this chain is to develop mobility of the knee, ankle and hip joints, as well as strengthen the muscles.

    Block pull to the chest

    Back muscles work

    Starting position – sitting on a machine bench with your feet fully resting on the floor. Then, while exhaling, you need to begin to pull the shoulder blades towards each other and towards the spine, and by contracting the back muscles, bring the handle of the exercise machine to the chest, and then return it to its original position.

    It is important not to start with the “biceps”, due to bending the arms at the elbow

    Hip raises with barbell

    Works the buttocks and hamstrings

    You need to sit next to the bench, place your shoulder blades on it, and rest your feet on the floor. Then you should lift your buttocks off the floor and get into the “spine parallel to the floor” position. At the same time, the shoulder blades should not “ride” forward along the bench. You can hold the weight with your hands. Beginners sometimes learn this movement without a barbell before starting to use it. If placing the bar on your hips is not comfortable, you need to wrap it with a special pad, or use fitness mats.

    Bench press

    An assistant delivers the barbell from the racks to avoid injury. Even if it is a 20 kg bar, insurance is still required. The movement begins by tightening the shoulder blades and “pressing” the pelvis into the bench, then the assistant lifts the barbell onto straight, outstretched arms, with a grip slightly wider than the shoulders. Lower the barbell to the chest, in the solar plexus area, until it touches the body and the bar. The forearms are positioned at an angle of 45 degrees to the body. The barbell is pressed out in one powerful movement.

    After completing all repetitions, an assistant helps return the bar to the racks. To avoid shoulder injury, you should not press on a “flat” back; your shoulder blades should remain pressed, not your lower back.

    Standing Dumbbell Flyes

    This is a shoulder exercise. You need to stand up straight, slightly bend your elbows, lean forward slightly, and abduct your forearms to the sides. As soon as the forearm reaches parallel level with the floor, the movement stops and the dumbbells smoothly return to their original position.


    Watch this video on YouTube

    Strength training for the lateral and oblique muscles

    Training the lateral and oblique abdominal muscles helps get rid of fat deposits and reduce abdominal volume. Quick results are achieved by performing exercises such as hanging reverse crunches, lumberjack crunches, weighted side bends and multi-station bendings.

    When working the oblique and lateral muscles, girls should not use heavy weights of equipment. This can lead to the growth of muscle tissue in these areas, which will contribute to an increase in waist width.

    Hanging reverse crunches

    To perform the exercise in the gym, you will need special wide belts. They should be attached to iron hooks or directly to the crossbar at a distance of approximately 30 cm from each other.


    1. Place your hands into the belts up to your shoulders, grasping their upper part with your hands.
    2. Close your feet together.
    3. As you exhale, bend your legs at the knees and lift them through the left side of the body.
    4. As you inhale, straighten into a vertical line.
    5. Repeat twisting to the right side.
    6. Perform 8-10 repetitions on each side.
    7. Take a minute break to rest and repeat the exercise for another 4-5 approaches.

    Exercise "Lumberjack"

    Performed on a block simulator. It is necessary to set the required level of load and position the right side of the body towards the front post of the projectile.

    Exercise technique:

    1. Take rope levers in your hands.
    2. Straighten your arms.
    3. As you exhale, pull the cable in the opposite direction from the machine and down, while turning your body to the left.
    4. As you inhale, return your arms to their original position.
    5. Perform the movement another 12-14 times.
    6. After a one-minute rest interval, position your left shoulder towards the machine and perform a similar cable pull to the right side. Number of episodes - 5.

    Side bends with weights

    You can use a weight, a barbell or a dumbbell as a weight.

    The execution algorithm is very simple:

    1. Place your feet at shoulder level.
    2. Take the projectile in your right hand.
    3. Place your left palm on the back of your head.
    4. Perform 15-20 quick body tilts to the left.
    5. Transfer the projectile to your left hand and make similar bends to the right side.

    The number of approaches is 4-6. The interval between them to restore strength is 1 minute.

    Tilts in multistation

    Compared to side bending with weights, this exercise is more effective, as it allows you to maintain a high level of muscle load throughout the entire range of motion of the body.


    1. Set the required circuit resistance on the simulator.
    2. Turn your body with your right side towards the machine and grab the handle with your right hand.
    3. Perform 15-20 rapid body tilts to the left.
    4. Turn 180 degrees, take the handle in your left hand and repeat the bends in the opposite direction.

    The number of series in the exercise is 4-6, the pause for rest between them is 1 minute.

    After training

    As mentioned above, aerobics is considered to be the leader in fat burning. The exercise bike is also very popular. Some people prefer to sit down and periodically increase the intensity to the maximum. This type of aerobics is called interval aerobics. Calories are burned at record speed. When scientists received the first results of studying the post-workout effect of calorie burning, they were quite surprised. At the end of the interval training, energy expenditure per minute increased by 27 calories. And after strength training - according to the new method - by 51 calories.

    The numbers speak for themselves - you can give up aerobics without any twinge of conscience. You can see for yourself that increasing energy costs through cardio training comes at a high price - increased secretion of the hormone cortisone. The editors of this program always provide a note: “Not for beginners!” And the reason here is not that the system is too complex. The more muscle work, the more calories are burned. But beginners, as a rule, have small muscle mass, thus they will receive relatively low energy expenditure. The return on such a program will be small for them.

    Program principles

    The cutting training program is unusual. Take a look at the list of exercises and you won't see any isolation exercises. We have already talked about why they should not be used in training. And you need the maximum number of joints to work so that as many muscles as possible work. Yes, it's not easy to do lots of reps of squats or deadlifts. But winning in sports has never been easy.

    It doesn’t matter whether it’s a weekend, a holiday or a weekday. Perform the exercises every other day as indicated in the program. It is quite possible that at first you will not be able to withstand 3 laps. To start, 2 will be enough. But try, if possible, to add a couple more exercises for the 3rd circle. Your task is to complete 3 rounds of the entire set of exercises as quickly as possible.

    You can divide 10 exercises into conditional pairs. To achieve effectiveness, swap exercises in pairs. If initially you always loaded your legs, then in the future the emphasis should be on exercises for the core. Training in a “circular manner” does not mean at all that you have to rack your brains looking for equipment. Make sure you have a gymnastics bench with an inclined back and a barbell reserved for you. When training with dumbbells, the bench should be located next to the dumbbell racks.

    For some reason, some athletes understand training with numerous repetitions as calm and measured sports activities. This is wrong! Every rep needs to be done explosively! And the lowering movements should be slow, do not throw the weights. Then push the dumbbell or barbell back out with a powerful movement. You should not be distracted by extraneous events or communicate with someone. After all, the more intense the training, the higher the result.

    First you need to work out a complex with a barbell, then a complex with dumbbells. Despite the fact that you are performing essentially the same dumbbells, the muscles receive a different load. This will eliminate both addiction and the possibility of overtraining.

    One of the main conditions for success is a steady increase in training intensity. Start with a working weight that is 30% of your 10 rep max. Next, you need to increase the percentage of working hours as indicated in the program. At the same time, you must endure all approaches and repetitions. Therefore, if you do not have enough strength to complete the required number of repetitions to the end, reduce the weight of the weights and do not worry about it at all! But if the indicated initial start recommendations turn out to be too easy for you, increase the weight and listen to the sensations.

    You should rest no longer than 30 seconds between exercises. This time was chosen for a reason - it will take you approximately the same number of seconds to take the starting position to perform the next exercise. If you take too long a break, it will reduce the intensity of the workout and the process of burning calories.

    Classes for all areas of the abs

    Men and women who do not have enough time to specifically work each abdominal muscle are recommended to use universal exercises for all abdominal muscles.

    Dynamic (for example, straight crunches on a Roman chair), static (for example, “corner”) and combined (for example, pulling your legs to your stomach on a fitball, perch on a fitness ball) exercises will help to pump up the muscle corset around the waist and reduce the amount of fat on it. .

    Straight crunches on a Roman chair

    They allow you to quickly pump up the rectus abdominis muscle along its entire length. Before you start training, you need to configure the equipment specifically for yourself. To do this, move the fixing rollers to a position in which your butt will completely extend beyond the seat during training.

    To perform twists you need:

    1. Sit on the exercise machine seat.
    2. Place your feet under the support bolsters and straighten your legs completely.
    3. Place your palms on the back of your head.
    4. As you exhale, lift your body up.
    5. As you inhale, lower your upper body down.
    6. Repeat the movement 13-16 times, then take a minute rest interval and perform 4 more approaches.


    The load on the abdominal muscles in this exercise is carried out in a stationary body position. This feature allows you to train the press when it is impossible to perform other movements (for diseases of the spine and joints).


    1. Sit on the uneven bars, placing your forearms on the armrests.
    2. Press your back against the wall.
    3. Bring your shins together.
    4. Raise your straight legs up and fix them at an angle of 90 degrees for as long as possible.
    5. Rest for 75-85 seconds and perform the exercise 3 more times.

    Pulling your legs to your stomach on a fitball

    The exercise combines 2 types of load: dynamic and static, which allows you to increase the strength and definition of the abdominal muscles very quickly.


    1. Lower yourself to the floor in a horizontal position, face down.
    2. Place your shins on a sports ball.
    3. By extending your arms at the elbow joint, lift your torso up and straighten it in one line.
    4. With a slow, smooth movement, pull your legs towards your stomach.
    5. Stay in this position for 2 seconds and move your hips back until your body is completely straight.

    Number of repetitions - 10-13, approaches - 4-6. The interval between series is 45-65 seconds.

    Perch on a fitness ball

    The exercise can be performed both in the gym and at home.

    Algorithm for performing the exercise:

    1. Lie on the floor in a horizontal position with your stomach down.
    2. Place your shins on a fitball.
    3. Place your hands on the floor opposite your chest, placing your palms shoulder-width apart.
    4. Align your body in a straight line.
    5. Lift your pelvis up.
    6. Return to horizontal position.
    7. Repeat the movement 15 times.
    8. Rest for about 1 minute and perform 4 more series.

    How to pump up the press correctly

    A paradox has formed in fitness: up to 90% of all athletes actively pump up their abs, but a maximum of 10% of them can boast of having a six-pack, and even then not for long. Beginners will think that this is due to insufficient muscle development, although in fact the result is achieved by an integrated approach, which includes:

    • Moderate pumping of the press (not 3 sets of 150 times, but a well-structured load, taking into account a scientific approach);
    • Uniform load on the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles;
    • Dieting.

    The last point is especially important, because it is the main stumbling block on the path to a sculpted belly. Training the abdominal muscles, as well as any other muscles, only allows you to increase their volume (if you do not take into account the increase in endurance, improvement in the speed of muscle contractions, etc.). That is, the exercises you do on your abs strengthen your stomach and increase those treasured abs that are the goal for many athletes. On the other hand, it is impossible to see the relief of the muscles while it is covered with a fair layer of fat deposits.

    The cherished “cubes” are not just training, they are a compromise between the amount of subcutaneous fat in the body (in particular, on the stomach, where it is deposited more abundantly in men) and exercise. By focusing only on training, without a caloric deficit, you will not achieve results.

    It is also worth considering the issue of training frequency. Most athletes, due to inexperience or under the influence of popular fitness misconceptions, significantly overtrain their muscles. You need to work your abdominal muscles a maximum of 2-3 times a week, and not every day, as athletes do who are trying to speed up progress. Like any other muscle fiber, your abs need time to rest, and the only difference in this area is that they recover a little faster.

    Training program

    Abdominal exercises in the gym should be performed according to a schedule. The exercise program should be designed in such a way that the abdominal muscles receive regular physical activity, while having sufficient time for recovery.

    Effective training scheme:

    1. Monday: working out the upper abs.
    2. Tuesday: closed.
    3. Wednesday: workout the muscles in the lower abdomen.
    4. Thursday: closed.
    5. Friday: perform exercises to pump up the lateral and oblique abdominal muscles.
    6. Saturday, Sunday: days off.

    In a situation where the task is not only to pump up the abdominal muscles, but also to reduce weight, it is necessary, on days off from abdominal training, to perform multi-joint basic exercises for the largest muscle groups: squats, push-ups, pull-ups, deadlifts, military presses.

    Aerobic exercise will also help dry out the muscle corset around the waist. In the gym you can exercise on an exercise bike, treadmill, elliptical, stepper. It should be kept in mind that effective fat burning begins around the fortieth minute of cardio training.

    Features of training for men and women

    Beautiful male abs with prominent, sculpted abs are formed largely by hypertrophy of the upper abs. For this reason, it is recommended for men to pay more attention to crunches on an inclined bench, on a fitball, on a block.

    For women who want to achieve a flat, dry tummy, exercises for the lower abs will be most effective: leg raises in various variations.

    For girls who are overweight or after childbirth (when it is difficult or dangerous to perform high-amplitude movements to work out the abdominal muscles), it is recommended to use static loads: “corner”, horizontal and side planks.

    Workout Features

    For any man, abdominal training in the gym is considered a victory over oneself. Classes help develop willpower and the desire for self-improvement. To achieve beautiful abs on your stomach, you need to know a few nuances. Regular pumping of the press increases the volume of the muscles and makes them more noticeable. In addition, giving your body definition is only possible in combination with a diet for burning subcutaneous fat. You can develop functionality without special nutrition, but even large cubes will be hidden behind the fat layer.

    Before working out the abdomen in the gym, beginners should become familiar with the theoretical basics. The necessary knowledge will allow you to pump up your abs correctly. The abdominal muscles are part of the muscular corset. They hold and protect internal organs, form the abdominal wall and posture. In the back, the center of the body is stabilized by the spine, and in the front by the abs. With weak muscles, the body tilts forward. For health and a beautiful appearance, training in the gym is necessary.

    The press includes several muscles:

    1. Straight. The flat and long muscle consists of bundles separated by transverse tendon bridges. It runs from the sternum to the pubic bone. The rectus muscle is divided by connective tissue into right and left regions.
    2. Oblique. The extrinsic muscles are located on the sides of the rectus. They stretch from the side of the chest to the pubic bone. Beneath them are the internal oblique muscles, which form the second layer of the abdominal cavity and have fan-shaped bundles. The organs extend diagonally from the ilium towards the center line.
    3. Transverse. The muscles are represented by the deepest layer of the muscle corset. They form a belt that runs around the internal organs in the abdominal area.

    The anatomy of the abdominal muscles is the same for everyone. But each person has its own characteristics, which are reflected in the shape of the press. For some guys, training will give them the classic bulging six-pack, while others will only experience a flat stomach.

    How to avoid common mistakes?

    Beginners are recommended to use the services of an instructor during the first lesson. The trainer will tell you how to correctly perform this or that abdominal exercise, set the technique, and give useful advice.

    In a situation where there is no fitness instructor in the gym, you must adhere to the following rules:

    1. You can start training no earlier than 3-4 hours after eating.
    2. Every workout should start with a warm-up.
    3. You should not use heavy weights immediately after the start of exercise: you need to increase the weight gradually, with each subsequent approach.
    4. High-amplitude exercises are most effective to perform first, combined and static exercises second.
    5. When in the gym you must wear clothing that completely covers your lumbar region.
    6. Throughout your workout, you should maintain your water balance: drink a few sips of water every 15-20 minutes of your workout.
    7. On a training day, it is recommended to reduce your salt intake by about half (to 2-3 grams per day).

    These tips will help you avoid common mistakes, minimize the risk of injury, and increase the impact of each session.

    Optimal program

    Some athletes train incorrectly. Beginners believe that they need to work with the press very often in order to achieve positive results in a short time. However, the abdominal muscles are no different from others. They also need time to recover.

    The optimal scheme for training in the hall:

    1. Beginners should spend no more than 2-3 minutes per exercise. The load is increased gradually.
    2. A week you need to do one full workout and three short ones after working with other muscle groups.
    3. During short training sessions, you should perform no more than three exercises. A full workout usually includes 5-6 movements.
    4. For each exercise you should do 12-14 repetitions.
    5. Movements should be performed at a slow pace and with proper breathing.
    6. Exercises should be done smoothly, without jerking.
    7. Static movements must be minimized in order for the abs to contract.

    It is recommended to go to the gym regularly. The abs also need to be trained in combination with exercises for the back muscles. Lack of the necessary set of exercises will not help you achieve a beautiful athletic figure. Additionally, doing a lot of abdominal training can worsen your posture and cause problems related to muscle imbalances.

    Program for beginner girls

    The training program for beginner women has the following differences from the men's:

    • Less stress on the upper body.
    • More stress on the lower body.
    • Other exercises.
    • More reps.

    Where should a girl start in the gym?

    It’s worth starting a set of exercises for your better half by mastering the basic exercises given in the introductory stage, while paying great attention to stretching and cardio training.

    Workout 1 (Monday)

    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Squats with a barbell on your shoulders4 x 12
    Bent-overs with a barbell on your shoulders3 x 12
    Leg curls in the simulator2 x 15
    Vertical block thrust4 x 10
    Bench press2 x 15
    Hyperextension2 x 12

    Workout 2 (Wednesday)

    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Squats with a barbell on your shoulders2 x 8
    Romanian deadlift2 x 12
    Leg curls in the simulator4 x 15
    Barbell calf raises (or in a machine)4 x 12
    Barbell row to the waist2 x 12
    Plank2 to failure
    Crunches on the floor3 x 20

    Workout 3 (Friday)

    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Squats with a barbell on your shoulders3 x 10
    Leg curls in the simulator3 x 12
    Leg abductions in the simulator, or on the lower block4 x 15
    Lunges with dumbbells3 x 12
    Pushups3 to failure
    Vertical block row for the head3 x 12
    Calf raises with a barbell or in a machine2 x 20
    Hyperextension2 x 12

    What do you need to know?

    In this women's training program for girls, exercises for the lower body dominate, while the load on the upper body is minimal

    Exercises for the upper part are included to harmonize the figure and maintain the tone of the main muscle groups of the upper part - the back and pectoral muscles.

    It is important to perform cardio at the end of each strength training in the same way as described in the men's program, this will significantly prevent the accumulation of excess weight, and will also develop the cardiovascular system of the body.

    A new course of training and exercises is being added:

    Leg curls in the simulator are an isolating exercise for the hamstrings.

    Barbell calf raises are an exercise for developing the calf muscles. It can be performed in a special simulator.

    The plank is a static exercise aimed at strengthening the spinal stabilizer muscles, performed for a while by holding it in a stable position, standing on your toes and elbows.

    Leg abduction in the simulator is an exercise that works the adductor muscles of the legs.

    Leg abduction in a machine or crossover trains the gluteal muscles

    It is necessary to move one leg back, concentrating the tension in the buttock.

    Lunges with dumbbells are an exercise that comprehensively works both the quadriceps and buttocks. Take a step forward and squat in this position, then take the next step with the other leg. Dumbbells are held hanging in the hands.

    Push-ups are an exercise aimed at working the pectoral, deltoid, and triceps muscles. Analogous to the bench press.

    The abdominal muscles are rarely trained in order to maintain a narrow waist.

    The principles of load periodization specified in the program for men apply to this training system.

    Benefits of abdominal exercise machines

    Exercise machines for abdominal muscles have 4 undeniable advantages:

    • Safety when performing movements.
    • The ability to exclude other groups, focusing the load on specific muscles (especially the lower back).
    • Constant opportunity to increase the load by adding weight to the simulator.
    • A variety of possibilities and the most complete pumping, with an emphasis on each muscle.

    While regular and complex abdominal movements involve almost all the core muscles and disperse the load, abdominal exercise machines provide all the conditions for a high-quality workout of the abdominal area. Moreover, a wide arsenal of movements allows you to alternate and change exercises, eliminating muscle addiction and stagnation in results.

    The only drawback of working in simulators is the need to focus the load on the abdominal muscles. Without this, their effectiveness is significantly reduced. For example, when doing crunches in a machine, it is important to relax your arms and move your stomach.

    How to properly pump the abdominal area using exercise machines

    You need to start your workout with a warm-up. In the beginning, you can spend time doing cardio, such as running or jumping rope, then do hyperextensions to warm up the lower back.

    Important! Most training programs assume that exercises for all other muscles planned for a specific training day are performed first, and only then are the abdominal movements performed. However, there are many training methods that are used in practice, and the approach may be completely different.

    For beginners, two abdominal exercises will be enough; in some cases, just one is performed if the athlete is working on mass and has difficulty gaining kilograms.

    More experienced athletes, as well as those who work to reduce body weight and get better, perform three or more exercises, it all depends on the goals of the exercise and the level of training. If there are special simulators in the gym, classes are built on the same principle, the only difference is in the specific movements.

    The following equipment is most often used to pump up the abs in the gym:

    • bench. You can do the movements both on a horizontal and on a bench with an incline. Both body lifts and twists, as well as leg lifts and other movements are performed;
    • horizontal bar. Can be used for hanging leg raises;
    • "Roman chair" This is a special projectile that will allow you to fix the body so that your back does not deviate during leg lifts;
    • top block Allows you to perform the “prayer” exercise and other movements that pump the abdominal muscles;
    • various special exercise machines for pumping up the abs. There are many modern equipment designed for detailed development of the muscles of this part of the body.

    Abdominal exercises are performed in the general order. The required number of approaches and repetitions is selected, depending on the athlete, his physical characteristics and training goals, then the warm-up and all exercises are performed in accordance with the training plan. In each case, it is important to follow the technique to minimize the chance of sprains or other injuries.

    Proper nutrition after training

    After a power load, muscles need recovery. This can be helped by the intake of essential substances from food. Muscles need proteins and carbohydrates, even when losing weight, even when gaining muscle mass. Within 40 minutes after training, you need to get proteins and carbohydrates. The resulting substances will be used to restore muscles, calories will be completely burned, without being stored as fat. Therefore, do not be afraid of good nutrition after exercise. During hunger, on the contrary, fat is stored as the body experiences stress. After training, the following are allowed: cereals, vegetables, boiled eggs, baked lean meat, fish, seafood and dairy products.

    Read further:

    Training program for girls in the gym to become slim and athletic

    An effective workout program for men to lose weight in the gym

    Training programs for beginners in fitness

    The best exercises for training legs for mass

    The best sets of exercises with dumbbells for men at home for all muscle groups

    Home training program for beginner girls

    This is a standard women's workout program for beginners at home, which can be performed with only a pair of small dumbbells (or any substitute, be it water bottles, etc.). To increase efficiency, it is recommended to purchase an expander or a set of rubber bands.

    Workout #1

    1. Air squats – 4*20-25;
    2. Running in place with high knee lift – 4*30 seconds (fast pace);
    3. Lunges – 4*15;
    4. Pelvic bridge – 4*20-25;
    5. Bending the leg back – 4*20;
    6. Leg abduction to the side – 4*20;
    7. Twisting – 3*12-15;
    8. Plank – 3-4 series of 40-60 seconds.
    • 1. Air squats
    • 2. Running in place with high knee lifts
    • 3. Lunges
    • 4. Pelvic bridge
    • 5. Bending your leg back
    • 6. Leg abduction
    • 7. Crunches
    • 8. Plank

    Workout #2

    1. Push-ups from the floor (with emphasis on knees or toes) – 4*12;
    2. Jumping jack – 4 sets of 1 minute at a fast pace;
    3. Superset: moving the legs back and to the side (alternately for each leg) – 4*15-20;
    4. Wall push-ups – 4*20;
    5. Bulgarian lunges – 4*15;
    6. Side lunges with wide steps – 4*15;
    7. “Superman” exercise (you can additionally add a cross arm and leg raise to make it more difficult) – 4 sets of 30 seconds;
    8. Exercise “climber” - 4*30 seconds at a fast pace;
    9. Any abdominal exercise.
    • 1. Push-ups
    • 2. Jumping jack
    • 3. Superset: moving the leg back and to the side (alternately for each leg)
    • 4. Wall push-ups
    • 5. Bulgarian lunges
    • 6. Side Lunges with Wide Steps
    • 7. Exercise “superman”
    • 8. Exercise “climber”
    • 9. Any abdominal exercise

    Workout #3

    1. Fast running in place with high knees – 3*30 seconds;
    2. Lunges forward (can be done in steps) – 4*15;
    3. Burpee – 4*10;
    4. Reverse chair push-ups – 4*15;
    5. Twisting with alternating knee and elbow (opposite knee to elbow) – 3*15;
    6. Dynamic plank with alternate lifting of opposite limbs – 3*30 seconds;
    7. Side plank with pelvic tilt to the floor – 3*12 on each side.
    • 1. Running fast in place with high knees
    • 2. Forward lunges
    • 3. Burpee
    • 4. Reverse chair push-ups
    • 5. Twisting with alternating knee and elbow reduction

    If you have a pair of dumbbells at home, then beginners should also add the following movements to the program:

    • Bent over row;
    • Swings in front of you, to the sides and bent over;
    • Dumbbell bench press and fly;
    • Dumbbell press sitting and standing on the shoulders;
    • Dumbbell abduction in a standing position;
    • Biceps curl.

    You should also use weights in all exercises that allow it (lunges, squats, etc.).

    Leg abduction in the simulator

    This exercise looks aesthetically pleasing and can often be seen in advertisements for fitness centers or in collections on various websites. It seems so attractive. Eliminating sagging on the inner thigh without getting up is great!

    However, in reality, everything turns out to be not so simple and rosy. Not only will it only enlarge the legs and not remove excess fat from them at all, but it can also harm the athlete’s body.

    The exercise is predominantly for women, and it is often chosen by unprepared girls with flabby pelvic floor muscles. These muscles can easily be overloaded by performing leg raises on the machine. Overload will cause injury. And if you remember that this exercise cannot achieve slender and graceful legs, then you can safely refuse it.

    5 effective exercises for fat burning

    Circuit training with expanders from the absolute world champion in bodybuilding

    General programs for gaining muscle mass

    There are many “typing” programs, the most effective ones are listed below.

    The best program for gaining muscle mass

    Let's consider the ideal training program for gaining muscle mass.

    Workout 1:

    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Bench press4 x 3
    Squats5 x 5
    Bent-overs with a barbell2 x 8
    Weighted pull-ups5 x 5
    Army press3 x 8

    Workout 2 (the very next day):

    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Squats with a barbell with a pause of 40% of the maximum weight4 x 8
    Close grip bench press3 x 10
    Barbell row to the waist2 x 12
    Crunches on the floor3 x 20
    Hyperextension3 x 12
    Standing calf raises4 x 12

    Workout 3 (every other day):

    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Deadlift3 x 8
    Bench press3 x 8
    Front Squats2 x 10
    Vertical block thrust4 x 12
    Bent over dumbbell swings3 x 12

    Workout 4 (the next day):

    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Leg extensions in the exercise machine (pumping style)3 sets in the middle of the amplitude of 40 seconds of slow movement with a rest of 20 seconds between sets
    Crunches on the floor2 x 15
    Standing calf raises4 x 10

    Workout 5 (every other day):

    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Bench press4 x 12
    Squats with a barbell on your shoulders4 x 8
    Army press2 x 10
    Pull-ups4 x 8
    Superset: Dumbbell swings x12 + shrugs x154 approaches

    Workout 6 (the very next day):

    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Pause squats 50% of maximum weight4 x 10
    Standing block row with emphasis on the rear delts4 x 12
    Abdominal training on a pulley (pulley)3 x 12
    Plank2 to failure

    Antagonist muscle training program

    For example:

    • Monday: deltoids, arms (biceps/triceps/brachialis/forearm muscles)
    • Wednesday: Legs (quadriceps/hamstrings/glutes/adductors/calves)
    • Friday: chest, back.

    In this case, for natural training, this option will be effective for the arms and deltas, since these muscle groups will be included in the work both on Monday and Friday, with basic exercises for the back and pectoral muscles, but the remaining muscle groups will grow highly doubtful.

    Let's create a split program as follows:


    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Bench press4 x 6
    Army press4 x 8
    Incline Dumbbell Flyes3 x 12
    Barbell row to the waist4 x 8
    Pull-ups4 x 12
    Shrugs4 x 15
    Swings with dumbbells3 x 12


    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Squats5 x 5
    Romanian deadlift4 x 10
    Front Squats4 x 12
    Standing calf raises4 x 12


    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Incline Bench Press4 x 12
    Close grip bench press4 x 8
    Vertical block row for the head4 x 10
    Wide grip pull-ups4 x 8
    Bent over dumbbell swings3 x 12
    Shrugs4 x 10


    ExercisesApproaches x number of times
    Deadlift4 x 8
    Lunges3 x 12
    Pause squats with a weight of 50% of maximum4 x 8
    Superset of leg bending/extension in the simulator3 x 15
    Calf raises4 x 12


    1. Beginners are recommended to train 3-4 times a week, working all muscle groups in one workout.
    2. You should not chase heavy weights; first you need to learn how to do exercises with the correct technique.
    3. Perform 2-3 basic and 2-3 isolation exercises per workout.
    4. Select such a weight of the projectile that the last 2-3 repetitions in the approach are difficult for you.

    And of course, do not forget about a nutritious and healthy diet. Include meat, fish, poultry, herbs, vegetables and fruits, cereals, and dairy products in your daily menu. After all, a beautiful body is built not only in the gym, but also in the kitchen!

    Workout for strong and sculpted abs

    Try this six-pack ab workout for men twice a week and add it to your workout plan to maintain a strong core.

    Here we will try to train the abdominal muscles from all angles and keep them under tension during the entire complex. This is the “secret” to building strong abs. Of course, you need to eat right, but we think this is obvious.

    This six-move workout, divided into two circuits of three exercises, will hit all the abdominal muscles, also hitting the deep ones. After this workout, your body will have no choice - your abdominal muscles will soon become bigger and stronger.

    This workout should be done twice a week for a month, increasing the weight each week.

    How to do the workout

    This complex consists of two mini-cycles, each containing three exercises. This means that you will perform the first, second and third movements without a break, resting only after the third.

    You'll do the first circuit three times, which targets your upper and lower abdominal muscles, and then move on to the second circuit, where all three exercises will train your entire core.

    To put more stress on your abdominal muscles, tighten them before starting the program so that your torso is stabilized from the start.

    1A Dumbbell Crunch

    For the upper abdominal muscles

    Three sets of 12 repetitions, rest 10 seconds

    Lie on your back, bend your knees, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Use your abs to lift your body off the floor, keeping your arms straight to lift the weight as high as possible. We hold this position for some time, after which we slowly lower our torso back.

    1B Straight leg raise

    The movement targets the lower abdomen

    12 reps, rest 10 seconds

    Lie on your back with your palms near your head. Keeping your legs together, lift them off the floor as high as possible, continuing to keep your legs straight. Continue contracting your lower abdominal muscles, keeping them tight throughout the exercise.

    1C Exercise Climber for the torso

    30 reps, rest 2 minutes
    Start in push-up position. Without allowing your hips to drop, we pull one knee towards the opposite elbow. We return to the starting position, then repeat with the other leg. It was one repeat. Perform the exercise quickly, but do not lose technique.

    2A V-twist modification

    3 sets of 12 repetitions, rest for 10 seconds.
    Lie down on the floor, hold your palms near your temples. Raise your legs off the floor, bending them at the knees. Pull your knees toward your chest as you twist your torso so that your elbows go behind your knees. We lower ourselves to the starting position. Don't let your heels touch the floor.

    2B Russian twist with weight

    12 reps, rest 10 seconds
    Sit on the floor, keeping your knees bent, legs slightly elevated off the floor, holding a dumbbell in front of you. We twist our torso to the left, pause, then twist to the right. We return to the starting position. This is one repetition. Try to keep your legs raised off the floor while performing the exercise.

    2C Lift-T with Dumbbells

    6 reps on each side, rest 2 minutes
    Start in a push-up position, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your core tight, lift one dumbbell and rotate your torso so that your arm points straight up. Reverse the movement and repeat with the other hand.

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