How to remove subcutaneous fat on the face - Lipolitics

Types of obesity

Types of obesity vary depending on the causes of its occurrence.

Alimentary (exogenous): appears with overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. Pathological (endogenous): is the result of various diseases. A large amount of fat is considered a chronic pathology of a progressive nature, and if left untreated, serious complications can occur. With excess weight, the body begins to work at “full capacity”, because of this the internal organs are “produced” much faster. Consequently, the quality of life and its duration decreases.


  • Types of obesity
  • Causes of excess weight
  • Full face
  • Fullness of shoulders, arms and chest
  • How to remove fat from shoulders and arms?
  • Adipose tissue in the armpits
  • Possible complications and preventive measures?

According to the treatment method, obesity is divided into the following types: adjustable and irreversible. Controlled: Can be eliminated with special diet and exercise. Irreversible is diagnosed very rarely.

It can also be divided into types according to dynamics. Stable is characterized by the patient’s constant weight, that is, kilograms do not increase or decrease. Dynamic: the patient’s weight increases every day. Constitutional fat deposition: a chronic pathology that appears as a result of physical, biochemical and metabolic processes. Constitutional fat deposition causes various complications and makes a person disabled. In addition, among patients with this disease, many deaths occur due to cardiovascular diseases.

To reduce risks, the patient must adhere to a special diet (most often a diabetic diet) and increase physical activity every day.

Constitutional obesity, in turn, is also divided into types. Female type (gynoid): considered the most harmless because it poses virtually no threat to human health. In this case, the figure becomes like a pear. Fat deposition occurs on the hips, buttocks, and lower abdomen. This type is often found in women whose endocrine system works correctly (most of the fat is formed under the skin).

Male type (android): appears when the body has high levels of androgens. In this case, a person’s figure becomes like an apple - fat is deposited on the stomach, chest and shoulders. If this condition is not given attention and pathology develops, then metabolic syndrome and abdominal obesity will occur (carrying serious complications). In addition, fat begins to accumulate in the abdominal cavity and internal organs, which makes it unfavorable and dangerous.

The mixed type is the most common phenomenon that can be diagnosed even in a child. In this case, fat deposition occurs throughout the body. In addition, depending on the location, several types of adipose tissue are distinguished, these are:

  • subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • deep layer;
  • internal fat (located around the abdomen).

The ratio of species and the severity of the tissue will depend on age, genetic predisposition, metabolism and other equally important factors. Subcutaneous fat is present in varying quantities in all areas of the body. Thanks to it, the human body has smooth outlines, but it can be easily removed with the help of exercise and proper nutrition.

Based on the prevalence of fat, local and general forms can be distinguished. Local is divided into three types:

  • delimited (adipose tissue has clear boundaries and an increase in the surface layer of adipose tissue);
  • diffuse-local (characterized by the growth of subcutaneous fat in a certain anatomical area, this area loses its boundaries and smoothly passes into the neighboring area where adipose tissue is normal);
  • finely lumpy contour disturbances (manifests as an increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue and the formation of an uneven contour of the skin (small tubercles and pits).

The local form of deposits can be quite stable, so it can persist even with severe weight loss.

Causes of excess weight

Obesity does not bring pleasure to anyone, especially if the figure not only loses its contours, but completely changes its proportions. In this case, you should carefully monitor changes in your body, because excessive and uneven fatness is the consequence of serious diseases.

There are many reasons why a person develops a pronounced specific part of the body. The first and most common is genetic predisposition.

Therefore, if parents have very pronounced abnormal body proportions, which became such due to fat deposition, then, most likely, the same will be revealed in their children. The second, no less common factor is endocrine diseases. For example, disruptions in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, poor functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, and many others. The third is the curvature of the spine, which affects the shift in the center of gravity and creates a fat “balancer”. Of course, we must not forget such a condition as excessive and regular overeating.

Causes of excess fat?

Subcutaneous fat on the face, especially around the eyes, cheeks and chin, can appear in both men and women. There are several reasons for this. The most important thing is a general increase in body weight due to low mobility and unbalanced nutrition, poor sleep and drinking disorders. Another factor is alcohol consumption. Fat is deposited on both the figure and the face. Secondly, poor posture contributes to the deposition of fat on the double chin and cheeks. Thirdly, genetic characteristics. Many people have their own personal problem areas where fat accumulates first. Jowls, chubby cheeks, Bish's lumps, and a sagging chin greatly spoil the oval of the face and visually add age.

Also, the appearance of the face can be worsened by deposits mistaken for fat: swelling and aging skin. Over time, the skin loses tone, becomes flabby, dehydrated, and wrinkled.

The reason why the face is not contoured enough and fat deposits have occurred is determined by the cosmetologist at the appointment. A professional will understand the situation and select the correction method that is most suitable in each specific case.

Full face

Too large cheeks can indicate hormonal imbalances and possible diseases of certain areas of the brain (most often pathology of the pituitary gland). If suddenly the face and neck become larger in volume, while other parts of the body remain unchanged, then you need to contact your local physician. He, in turn, is obliged to refer the patient to an appointment with an endocrinologist. In addition, the doctor will issue a referral for a computed tomography scan of the brain. Cheeks may also become larger due to eating large amounts of high-carbohydrate foods. These include caramel, sugar, candy and much more. Usually, after eating a lot of sweets, the accumulation of fat begins in the face and gradually moves to other parts of the body.

Drink water

There is no need to choke on water and try to comply with the “8 glasses a day” norm through force. The main rule is not to be thirsty. To see if you're drinking enough, place a glass of water in front of you and take 1-2 sips every time you feel like snacking. If after a couple of sips you are still thirsty, continue drinking.

Without enough water in the body, you will not be able to lose weight.

It doesn't matter in which part of the body you decide to lose weight.

There is a study in which scientists found that drinking water before breakfast reduces calorie intake by 13% throughout the day. Also, constantly maintaining a sufficient amount of fluid in the body helps to increase metabolism, which means that you will lose weight faster.

If there is enough water in the body, then it stops retaining it, which means that swelling disappears. Including on the face


I'm not saying that water is a great fat burner, it's just one of those components of a comprehensive weight loss approach that really works.

and together they have an excellent effect.

Fullness of shoulders, arms and chest

If loose T-shirts have become tight, an arm cannot fit into the sleeve of a blouse, and an ugly “Christmas tree” of fatty tissue has appeared on the back, but the size of the trousers remains the same, it is urgent to find the cause of this phenomenon. Such disproportionate distortion of the figure can occur in two cases. The first is with a sudden cessation of daily sports (in particular, this applies to swimming, volleyball, tennis). The second is for a diagnosed disorder in the production of prolactin. Such a “prolactin figure” is very eye-catching at first, especially when it is a long-legged girl with large breasts. However, this condition is characterized by a constant increase in the upper part (the amount of fat in it is constantly growing). You should immediately seek help from a specialist. If this is not done, the woman will have problems conceiving and carrying a baby.

If obesity occurs after stopping sports, then treatment in this case will not be needed. It is necessary to exercise daily, and the shoulder girdle will return to normal.

Full arms can be in different places, not just under the arms, for example, the wrists. What is the reason? There are three main factors for this condition.

  1. First: for some people this can happen as they age, especially if their parents developed the same problem after 40 years of age.
  2. Second: sometimes this happens due to edema, then you should seek help from a nephrologist. This is the doctor who deals with these problems.
  3. Third: often found in young representatives of the fair sex - this is an excess of the male sex hormone in the blood (testosterone). It is present in small quantities in all women. When its level begins to increase for some reason, acne appears, body and facial hairiness increases, disruptions in the menstrual cycle and abnormalities in the structure of the body begin. In fact, this is a rather serious problem that requires immediate treatment, so you need to seek help from an endocrinologist as soon as possible.

How to remove fat from shoulders and arms?

Many people just need to know how to remove fat from these places, and they will look perfect again. It’s an unattractive look when the skin on your hands sags, causing them to lose their shape and, accordingly, their attractiveness. This problem applies not only to the shoulders, but also to the armpits.

To solve it, you need to choose a way to achieve your intended goal (many people choose only certain diets, assuming that if they lift dumbbells, after a while they will look like a pumped-up man).

To get a sculpted figure, you should lift weights and take special supplements. A set of exercises and diet is considered the most suitable. However, before starting a diet, you need to look at your body from the outside. Sometimes this is not the only place where fat is deposited, so everyone will need help.

Then advice on losing excess fat tissue only on the arms will not help - you need to balance the diet. After normalizing your overall weight, you can work on your hands.

The diet for losing excess fat on the arms is as follows: fried, fatty, and sweet foods should be excluded from the menu (the basis of all dishes should be meat and seafood, which will be eaten together with vegetables). Meals should be small, several times a day, the portion weight should not exceed 300 grams, and the last meal should not be later than 6 pm. Drink the required amount of fluid, normally 2 liters.

If you follow these recommendations, you can quickly lose excess weight. It is possible to tighten the skin on your hands with the help of special exercises.

Exercises for losing weight on your face

1. Blow up balloons

Want to feel a little crazy? How to get rid of fat deposits using balloons?

Balloons will help you remove chubby cheeks. If you inflate a balloon, your cheeks will expand and the fat will begin to disappear. You can easily make your face look slim with the help of balloons.

  • Just slowly inflate the balloon and let the air out of it.
  • Repeat this action for 10 minutes

In a week you will feel the difference.

Steam your face

To burn fat, a steaming procedure is necessary. This type of care causes the face to sweat. This removes excess fat. Just go to any beauty salon and undergo facial treatments.

Or you can carry out this procedure yourself at home.

Do a facial massage

This is an effective and proven method. This method improves blood circulation on the face. Thus, it “tightens” your facial muscles. In addition, facial massage reduces moisture retention in the face

  • Apply any essential oil to your face (If you are allergic to oils, etc., skip this step and massage with bare hands)
  • Start with your cheeks, gently moving your palms upward
  • Move upward in a circular motion.
  • Massage for about 5-8 minutes

Note. Do not move in a downward direction.

Chew sugar-free gum

Chewing gum is one of the ways to reduce body fat in a week. Additionally, it reduces your chubby cheeks. Chew sugar-free gum for at least 15 minutes a day. This “melts” the fat cells on your cheeks and reduces the fat layer.

5. Exercises for chubby cheeks

This simple exercise is beneficial for getting rid of cheek fat. Try to do it in your free time.

  • Shut your mouth
  • Slowly puff out your cheeks.
  • Then hold the air for 5 seconds
  • Move the air to the right cheek and wait 5 seconds
  • Then move the air to your left cheek and hold for 5 seconds
  • Exhale
  • Repeat this exercise at least 10 times a day

6. Make circular movements with your tongue

This is also a good exercise that will help you reduce fat in short periods of time.

  • Shut your mouth
  • Roll your tongue in a circular motion
  • Repeat this exercise for 10-15 minutes clockwise and counterclockwise

7. Rinse to get rid of facial fat

This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of facial fat. Just follow the instructions below.

  • Take a sip of water
  • Rinse it, helping with your tongue, for 2 minutes.
  • Repeat this exercise at any time and as many times as you like

A smile is a good welcome

It is easier to get rid of excess fat on your face with a smile. Smile more often. If you reduce the fat layer on your cheeks, your face will definitely become slimmer.

This is all the information about exercises to lose fat. Try it and get a charming slim face.

Adipose tissue in the armpits

You can get rid of fat in this area if you know why it appeared. There is a misconception that it occurs due to an increase in the overall weight of the human body. However, most studies have shown that this is the last “resort” where excess adipose tissue is deposited.

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There are several reasons that cause such fat deposits: poor posture, heredity and weak pectoral triceps. To get rid of armpit fat, you don't need to go to the gym, you can do all the exercises at home. About 15 minutes of free time is enough for this.

Proper nutrition

The best way to get rid of facial fat is to follow a proper diet. It is very necessary for reducing fat deposits. With the right diet, you can increase or decrease your weight in a short period of time. But you should be careful when choosing food.

Watch your calories

Calories are a vital factor in losing or gaining weight. To get rid of facial fat, you need to control your calorie intake. Eat healthy and avoid fast food, canned and processed foods. You also eat fruits, vegetables and salads. You can lose weight by cutting calories.

What foods should you avoid:

To get rid of facial fat, you must completely avoid certain foods. High calorie foods will make your face fat and puffy. Please avoid these products if you want to have a slim face.

  • Cakes
  • Cookie
  • Low cocoa chocolate
  • Bakery products
  • Smoked meats
  • Pickles
  • Candies
  • Fast food

Low calorie foods:

Low-calorie foods don't have much of an impact on your face. So, you can consume these products without any worries.

  • Almond milk (unsweetened)
  • Arugula
  • Blackberry
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Bulgur
  • Celery
  • Chicken breast
  • Cucumber
  • Grapefruit
  • Melon
  • Lentils
  • Shellfish
  • Plum
  • Pork tenderloin
  • Powdered peanut butter
  • Radish
  • Strawberry
  • Watercress salad
  • Wheat bran
  • Zucchini, etc.

If you cut your calorie intake by 400-1200 calories every day, you will lose 3-4 kg in a month. Also, avoid eating 3 times a day and eat 6 small meals a day.

Avoid water retention in the body

Dehydration causes water retention. This is the main cause of facial fat. If fluid intake is minimal, it causes dehydration. Dehydration is an ideal reason for retaining moisture in your face.

When you are dehydrated, your body focuses on absorbing more water. This way, moisture remains in the face. This leads to a puffy face, swollen chin and thick cheeks.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to gradually lose fat over 30 days.

Don't abuse alcohol

“Excessive consumption of alcohol, salt and sugar is associated with the appearance of facial fat,” says Dr. Sue Decotiis in one of her interviews.

Don't abuse alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to dehydration with subsequent moisture retention. Therefore, if you are trying to get rid of excess facial fat, then avoid alcohol.

Reduce salt and sugar intake

As mentioned above by Dr. Sue Decotiis, limiting your sugar and salt intake can help you get rid of facial fat. The sodium contained in salt maintains the moisture content of the face. This way you look chubby!

Therefore, try to reduce your intake of both salt and sugar.

What foods should you avoid:

  • Bacon
  • Cookie
  • Cakes
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Cheese
  • Processed cheese
  • Fat meat
  • French fries
  • Hamburgers
  • Honey
  • Jam
  • Cookie
  • Pickles
  • Pizza
  • Popcorn
  • Processed foods
  • Puddings
  • Roasted nuts
  • Salami
  • Smoked fish
  • Smoked meats
  • Soda
  • Soy sauce
  • Bouillon cubes
  • Yeast extract

5. Eat more dairy products

Dairy products such as yogurt, lassi and cheese are useful for reducing moisture content in the face. But rest assured that the dairy products you consume contain small amounts of fat and calories.

6. Eat healthy fats

The fastest way to lose fat is to eat healthy fats. Not all fats make you fat. There are some healthy fats that help in fat loss. The fats present in salmon, tuna, mackerel and nuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

7. Eat foods rich in calcium and protein

Eating foods rich in calcium and protein will help you burn more calories. Calcium flushes excess water from the body. Thus, the removal of fat deposits is possible with the help of calcium and protein.

Calcium-rich foods

  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage leaves
  • Cornflakes
  • Dried fruits
  • Herbs
  • Cabbage
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Oranges
  • Soya beans
  • Spinach
  • Turnip
  • Yogurt

Proteins, on the other hand, are very important in the process of getting rid of facial fat. They reduce the carbohydrate content in your body.

Protein-Rich Foods

  • Beans
  • Chicken eggs
  • Fish
  • Diet meat
  • Lentils
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Tofu
  • Yogurt

8. Make breakfast your main meal of the day.

Make breakfast your main meal of the day. Reduce portions for lunch and dinner. Breakfast gives your body energy that helps you get through the day's work.

Never skip breakfast. It is very good for your health.

Research has confirmed that eating high-calorie foods early in the day helps you lose weight faster.

Also, try juicing to help get rid of excess fat.

Possible complications and preventive measures

Fat deposition in any part of the body can cause serious diseases: cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes, diseases of bones and muscle fibers, and some cancers. In addition, a person may develop mental disorders.

The main preventive measure should be the establishment of an energy balance between consumed and expended energy. To do this, you should adhere to a certain diet and properly increase physical activity.

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