Training program
Training after a break - where to start, basic rules
It would seem that what could be more difficult than the beginning of the journey? In fact, it's very difficult to go back
recovery after caesarean section exercises
Postpartum period: recovery, nutrition, sex after childbirth
How long does the recovery period after childbirth last? The return of the body to its natural state begins already in
How to use orbitrek for weight loss: sample training programs
Advantages and disadvantages Variety of models How not to make a mistake with your choice? Lesson program Some recommendations
When and how can you start exercising after giving birth?
Pregnancy and childbirth inevitably lead to stretching of intimate muscles and slight displacement of organs in
Barefoot exercise
Barefoot Exercises: Workouts for Balance, Balance and Strength
What is Bosu and why is it needed? Bosu balance trainer - fitball hybrid
Common mistakes when extending arms
Extension of arms in a triceps block - the best variations of the exercise
The triceps is a shoulder muscle with three heads: long, medial and lateral. She works
a ride on the bicycle
How many calories does cycling burn and how to increase your kcal consumption for weight loss
Lack of movement is a problem for a huge number of modern people. It causes all sorts of health problems,
How to do elevated steps - the best movement for pumping up the buttocks at home
Author: Timko Ilya - the ruler of the entire site and fitness trainer | more details >> Rod. 1984
Trampoline workouts for weight loss
Hollywood is going crazy over mini-trampoline training: what is the effect of it and do we need it?
Excess weight is one of the most common problems that humanity is not the first to struggle with.
Run for fun. How to make the first start comfortable for a beginner
How your body and figure will change if you run for 30 days in a row - results and consequences
“A morning run makes your day better. Because nothing worse happens to you anymore
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