Gluteus medius exercises to lift the top of the buttocks

The gluteus medius muscle is the main “weapon” of many women, which allows them to create the ideal shape of their butt. Besides the visual aspect, this muscle plays a vital role in most movements, from running to walking to supporting a standing position. The main problem is that not all athletes perform exercises for the gluteus medius muscle. Moreover, an inactive lifestyle leads to atrophy of this muscle, which provokes a number of negative health consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to include exercises for the gluteus medius in each workout, and if the area lags behind, a separate session should be devoted to working it out.

Structural features and location of the gluteal medius

The gluteus medius is often called the “superior” gluteus, due to its location. It is located above the gluteus maximus, with an offset to the outside. It has the shape of a triangle and is clearly visible from the side.

Gluteus medius muscle

The muscle performs the functions:

  • Hip abduction (sideways, inwards, outwards).
  • Support when tilting the body (especially when performing a bend on one leg).
  • Stabilizes the trunk in a standing position and helps lift off the foot when walking and running.

In most cases, exercises for the upper buttocks are performed for aesthetic reasons. This is exactly the “secret part” that makes professional fitness models so fond of low-waist jeans. It creates an incredibly sporty look and accentuates the shape of your butt.

However, in athletics, gymnastics and other sports, training the gluteus medius plays an important role. It helps:

  • improve athletic performance in running and jumping;
  • reduce the stress on knee and hip joints in everyday life.

Therefore, not only girls, but also men need to pay attention to pumping up the gluteus medius muscle.

Why pump up the gluteus medius muscle?

Weakness of the gluteus medius muscle quickly leads to arthrosis of the hip joint. However, its functions cannot be replaced by other muscles. Lack of development also provokes aching pain in the hip joint after a long walk. Visually, the sagging area is very noticeable when wearing high heels.

Developed gluteus medius muscles are aesthetically pleasing and form an important part of the core. If they are weak, then the girl will not have a healthy back, beautiful legs or high levels of fitness.

How to exercise to pump up your upper buttocks

  1. The first reason for the frequent lag of the gluteus medius is not the complexity and peculiarities of training this muscle area, but the unpopularity of exercises for the upper buttocks.
  2. The second reason is that many athletes do not know how to focus on the desired muscle when performing an exercise. As a result, the load “spreads” over other muscles and the movement becomes less effective.

To properly pump up the upper part of the buttocks, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Alternate strength and high-repetition modes.
  • Train with moderate weight (so that the gluteus maximus does not “take” the main load).
  • Stabilize the pelvis, eliminating movement (any inertia or swaying will reduce the effectiveness of exercises for the gluteus medius).
  • Work the muscle after performing heavy basic exercises.

The gluteus medius is a fairly resilient muscle, so for better development it is recommended to use the pre-fatigue method. To do this, perform heavy movements like barbell squats, Romanian deadlifts, and pelvic bridges before exercising your gluteus medius at the gym. Basically, individual exercises for this muscle in general training are performed in the form of “finishing exercises”; they do not replace the usual basic movements.

Features of training for men and women

Training programs aimed at strengthening the buttocks are, in most cases, very similar. But there are still some features that influence the choice of exercises.

Workout for men

The main difference between men's training is that the emphasis is not only on giving the gluteal muscles a beautiful, toned shape, but is more aimed at developing strength qualities, increasing the volume of the legs and hips.

The advice on how to pump up a man’s buttocks is very simple - you need to work more with the barbell. Basic exercises for the buttocks used in weightlifting are perfect for this purpose. This way you will pump up several muscle groups at once. You can also work with dumbbells and kettlebells, and, of course, perform various deep squats.

When performing exercises with heavy sports equipment, it is very important to follow the correct technique, since most movements are quite traumatic.

Training for women

Girls and women do not attach as much importance to the development of strength qualities as men. They are more concerned about the beautiful and toned shape of the gluteal muscles. In this regard, lovely ladies, as a rule, are most often interested in the question of how to quickly pump up their buttocks. Especially if the beach season is just around the corner and there is little time left for training.

In order to get a toned butt, women can be advised to perform basic multi-joint exercises at home or in the gym. Don’t forget about isolation, as this way you focus the load on the gluteal muscle area. Thus, you must combine different types of loads.

If you really want to pump up your butt, and not just slightly tone it, you will need to do heavy strength exercises with maximum weight for yourself, and not just swing your legs at home on the mat. If you see a video like “how to make buttocks in 5 minutes at home,” be sure that such “training” will not have any effect. Don't be fooled by marketing phrases; building muscle is not easy work.

© liderina —

Top 5 exercises for the gluteus medius

To pump up the upper part of the buttocks, in most cases, various abductions are used in a vertical and horizontal position. Such movements perfectly correspond to the function of this muscle.

Leg raise while lying on your side

This is an ideal exercise for the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscles. It can be easily done both at home and in the gym, without using any equipment. The main feature of horizontal lifts is that other muscles are switched off from work. This allows you to completely focus the load on the upper buttocks.


  1. Lie on your side, bend your arm at the elbow and place it under your head.
  2. The second hand rests on the floor to stabilize the body.
  3. Slowly raise your leg to a 30 degree angle.
  4. After a short pause, return your leg to the starting position.

It is important that your legs do not lie on top of each other. The leg that performs the movement should be moved back slightly (the supporting limb is forward) so that the toe of one leg almost touches the heel of the other. To pump up your gluteus medius even more effectively, keep your foot on the floor until the end of the set and use a rubber band or leg weights.

Standing leg abduction

This exercise in the gym is performed in the lower block using a loop handle. At home - using a tourniquet or expander.


  1. Step back 1-2 steps to feel a pronounced tension even in the starting position. Additionally, it is recommended to secure the body by holding onto any ledge or handle.
  2. With a powerful movement, move your leg back as far as possible (but no more than 45 degrees).
  3. After a short pause, very slowly return to the starting position.

In this movement, it is important to avoid inertia and abduct the leg not with the whole body, but with a focus on the gluteus medius.

Read more about leg abduction in a crossover →

Exercise "pistol"

Works the target muscle and the entire lower body very powerfully. This is a difficult exercise, because to pump up the upper buttocks without sufficient physical training, use a harness. According to complexity, there are 4 types of “pistol” execution:

  1. With a chair - place a cabinet or stool under you, this is insurance against falling down. Gradually reduce the height of the support as your muscles strengthen.
  2. Partial squats - this exercise effectively loads the buttocks and legs, and also prepares the joints and ligaments for more complex execution options.
  3. Full squats with insurance - the movement is performed in full amplitude, but while holding any support (it is recommended to hold on with one hand).
  4. Classic “pistols” are the most difficult option to perform with maximum efficiency.

Abduction of the leg in a horizontal position

This exercise combines two similar movements: the fire hydrant and the back swing.

To pump up the top of the butt, it is recommended to perform them together, combining them in series (or alternately, in approaches). The peculiarity of these exercises is that it is very difficult to make technical errors when performing them. If your body and pelvis are stable, the gluteus medius will be heavily involved in abduction.

The technique of execution remains almost unchanged, with the exception of the direction of movement of the leg:

  1. Place your weight on your knees and palms, keeping your arms straight and your back straight (without excessive arching or rounding). Legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Slowly move your leg to the side, performing movement only at the hip joint (when moving back, the leg rises in the corresponding direction).
  3. When your thigh is parallel to the floor, take a short pause and return to the starting position.

Technique for the exercise of moving the legs back on all fours.


  • To pump up the upper part of the butt, the exercise is performed with dumbbells and in strength mode (12-15 repetitions on each leg).
  • To increase the efficiency of climbing, alternate the position of your feet when climbing onto the pedestal (once your feet are placed wide, on the edges of the pedestal, and at the next step they are brought together).

What exercise machines can you use?

In fitness, various groups of exercise equipment are used to pump up the buttocks and thighs.

Specialized ones include expanders and TRX trainers. There are rubber expanders (ring, figure eight, double figure eight), tourniquets, latex bands, butterfly, and also combined ones.

TRX bands are suspension systems that allow you to work with your own weight using gravity. Suitable for pumping all parts of the body.

Equipment for strength training in the gym:

  1. The Gackenschmidt machine works the gluteal group, quadriceps, etc. Replaces traumatic barbell squats.
  2. For bringing/spreading legs. Shakes the hips, middle, small buttocks.
  3. To move your legs back. It will help pump only the gluteal group, without involving the thigh muscles.

  4. To abduct a limb upward. Works the buttocks, the back of the thigh, and the calves.

  5. Hyperextension bench. Suitable for working out the buttocks, back, and abs.

Cardio training in the gym will be more convenient if you use special exercise equipment that will help pump up the muscles of the buttocks, lose excess weight, and emphasize the relief. This group includes:

  1. Step trainer.

  2. Exercise bike.
  3. Elliptical trainer.
  4. Treadmill.

When exercising on a treadmill, the incline can be adjusted to increase the load on your buttocks.

For strength training use:

  1. The Smith machine, which allows you to perform traumatic exercises without safety net or risk.
  2. A crossover that can be used to pump up different muscles, including the gluteal ones.

  3. The Gravitron strengthens your buttocks like no other exercise.

Therefore, if you want to tighten, change the shape or add volume to your buttocks, then pay attention to the exercise machines described above.

Sample program

One example of a training plan that will help both pump up the gluteus medius muscle and work almost all the muscles of the legs:

  • Warm up (full body) – 5 minutes.
  • Cardio (track or orbitrack) – 10 minutes.
  • Taking the leg back while standing – 4*12-15.
  • "Pistol" - 4*8.
  • Leg raise lying on your side – 4*15.
  • Superset: leg extension back/to the sides – 5*20 for each leg.
  • Climbing with dumbbells – 5*60 seconds.
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