Biceps femoris: anatomy and the best exercises for the biceps femoris muscle

The hamstrings are extremely important in powerlifting. By strengthening these muscles, the athlete increases his strength in the deadlift and squat. In addition, hamstrings create a more harmonious appearance of the legs, which is beneficial for performing bodybuilders. For girls, exercises on the back of the thighs will help get rid of sagging and cellulite. Therefore, we recommend that all athletes training for strength, mass and external aesthetics be sure to train the biceps femoris muscle.

Anatomy of the hamstring muscles

This muscle group consists of three muscles:

  • Semitendinosus muscle of the thigh. A thin, long muscle located closer to the inner edge of the back of the thigh. Functions: hip extension, participation in flexion and rotation of the lower leg;
  • Semimembranosus femoris muscle. A narrow, long muscle located on the inner edge of the back of the thigh. Functions: extends the thigh, flexes the lower leg, turns the lower leg inward when the leg is bent;
  • Biceps femoris. Consists of two heads: long and short. Occupies most of the back of the thigh. Functions of the biceps femoris muscle: participates in leg extension, bends and rotates the tibia outward.

Hamstring muscles

Features of the training

In this case, the well-known principle - “we train lagging muscles at the end of the lesson” - does not work. After several approaches of squats and leg presses, there will be practically no energy left to pump up the hamstrings. Therefore, we propose the following rules for training the hamstring muscles:

  • First priority. Place loads on the hamstrings at the beginning of the session. Don't worry, the muscle fibers of the thighs are very durable, so you can perform the following exercises in full.
  • Quantity. It is believed that to grow small muscles you need to do 12 to 15 repetitions per set. With the hamstrings the opposite is true. Despite their small size, it is best to work them with serious weight and 6-8 repetitions.
  • A complex approach. Do hamstring exercises in the same session as other leg exercises. The fact is that the quality of training increases if you pump antagonist muscles together (quadriceps are antagonists to biceps).
  • Different types of loads. To pump up your hamstrings, combine isolation and heavy basic exercises in one training session. This principle of training allows you to use muscle fibers as deeply as possible and accelerate their hypertrophy.

Basic exercises

It is leg training in the gym, with a variety of exercise machines and sports equipment, that will allow us to perform all the main and secondary, auxiliary exercises for the rear biceps.

Naturally, you need to start your workout with a good warm-up, but in our case it is important to do exercises to stretch the leg muscles. Therefore, first run on the treadmill, then pedal on an exercise bike, and then stretch well by bending your body forward as low as possible - in the lowest position you will definitely feel how the muscle we need stretches.

By the way, running, among other things, is one of the main exercises that uses the hamstrings and buttocks. However, start your strength training with deadlifts with a barbell - by bending lower, you will additionally stretch the muscle that you will be working on today.

Then do the so-called Romanian deadlift or straight leg deadlift. It differs from the deadlift, but at the same time, it focuses on what we need. The functional difference is in straight legs, as the name suggests, and in the position of the arms: when performing a familiar exercise, you hold the barbell with outstretched arms, but in the “Romanian” case, you need to press the barbell to your legs and, lowering yourself, move your hands along your legs. The exercise can also be performed with dumbbells. Look at the photo so as not to make a mistake in the technique.

Perhaps the most effective thing you can do for your rear biceps in the gym is lying leg curls on a machine that is probably familiar to everyone. However, there are also options for bending the legs: this can also be done while sitting or standing. There is no significant difference for our purpose, however, I would still recommend choosing the lying position, since the ability to fix the body in it is significantly higher, which clearly reduces the possibility of any injury. This training should be performed correctly so that at the top point you fix the position for a couple of seconds.

You may be surprised, but you can perform the most effective exercise for pumping up your hamstrings at home. The only thing that is required is that when performing it, your shin is firmly pressed to the floor, that is, fixed. It is advisable that your partner help you with this. But I will warn you - it is quite heavy. This is a forward bend of the torso while standing on your knees.

So, your task is actually not easy. Standing on your knees, without using your hands, touching the floor only with your knees and shins, you need to tilt your body forward as low as possible, without using your hands, and not fall, only bending your knees. For some reason, this exercise, widely used in the training of wrestlers, volleyball players and other professional athletes, is called the “Russian curl”. I can hardly answer why this is so, but its effectiveness is extremely high - I am sure you will feel it yourself.

To make it clearer for you, watch this short video:

With this, my list of basic exercises for the posterior biceps can be considered exhausted. However, auxiliary muscles also play an important role, involving other muscles of the legs, and not only.

Recommendations for training hamstrings

When doing a hamstring workout, follow these tips:

  • Before exercising, warm up the muscles and joints of your lower body well.
  • If your palm grip is weak, use wrist straps to hold the barbell in a deadlift.
  • Work with large weights very carefully, do not allow pain in the muscles and joints of the legs.
  • During the pause between sets, massage the muscles of the legs at the back to avoid “clogging” with blood.
  • Avoid doing aerobic or jumping exercises after strength training your legs.
  • At the end of the session, very carefully perform a simple stretch of the lower limbs.

Base for working out the biceps muscle

The exercises indicated in this material are suitable for women and men, but there are certain nuances that affect the result.

Weighted squats (wide stance)

The exercise is performed with a barbell and is basic. When performing, the muscles of the hips, back, abs, and legs are worked out. However, caution should be exercised as there is a high risk of injury. This exercise is for experienced athletes. As a last resort, it should only be performed under the supervision of a professional trainer.

Rules for performing the exercise that must be strictly followed:

  • Straight back, lumbar and abdominal muscles in a tense state;
  • The movement begins from the pelvis, not the knees. Tilt the pelvis back according to the principle of sitting on a chair;
  • The legs should bend approximately to a right angle;
  • Keep your knee motionless; it should not go beyond the toe, otherwise injury cannot be avoided;
  • When lifting the barbell, a strong pushing motion occurs. At the same time, the cervical spine and the buttock muscle are well felt. The legs rest their heels on the floor without transferring the center of gravity to the toes.

It is recommended to first practice this exercise without weights or using a body bar. Such a “rehearsal” will make it possible to determine the optimal width of the feet for the training person, as well as the angle of rotation of the toes when the DMB is worked out at the maximum level.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the deeper the squat, the more the gluteal muscle works. Therefore, deep squats are more suitable for girls. For men, it will be enough to squat to a level where the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Squats with dumbbells

This is a lighter version of the previous exercise, so it is suitable for beginners and those who want to work out the ZB with minimal involvement of the buttocks.

Execution rules:

  • Hands with projectiles are lowered and held in a straight position;
  • The position of the feet is parallel to each other, slightly wider than the shoulders.
  • The emphasis is on the heels (do not lean forward!).


It is also called Romanian. It is a basic exercise with a barbell. In addition to everything else, it effectively works the hamstrings. High level of injury, which can only be avoided with the correct technique.

Execution rules:

  • The back is straight (the vertebrae may shift due to the deflection);
  • The position of the feet is parallel to each other, slightly less than shoulder width;
  • The beginning of the movement is to move the pelvis back;
  • Hands are lowered, straightened. When bending/extending, the bar is as close as possible to the legs (almost sliding along them);
  • At the peak, the pelvis is twisted back, the buttocks are compressed.

Example training plan

As we have already said, it is better to train the biceps muscles on the same day as the other leg muscles. We offer an example of a comprehensive program for the lower body, but with an emphasis on the hamstrings.

  1. Warm-up (treadmill, bending, rotating the legs in the joints);
  2. Power lunges with a barbell (4/6-8);
  3. Squats (3-4/10-12);
  4. Deadlift (3-4/6-8);
  5. Leg press in the simulator (3-4/10-12);
  6. Russian Curl (3-4/10-12);
  7. Ab crunches (3/15-20).

At the end of the session, do a simple stretch on your legs. This will help relax the muscles of the lower body and reduce post-workout pain.

What can you do in the gym?

You can effectively work out your legs at home only at the initial stage. Training hamstrings is more effective in the gym. A variety of exercise equipment and sports equipment (dumbbells, weights, barbells) will help the athlete achieve his goal.

Romanian deadlift

Effective hamstring exercises will help the athlete work not only the target muscle group, but also other parts of the body. The Romanian deadlift is one of these multi-joint exercises. The movement is performed on straight legs. You will need a barbell or dumbbells. Work at a slow pace, otherwise you may injure your lower back.

  • Grasp the bar with both hands, legs should be completely straight.
  • Lower the barbell to mid-shin level.
  • Close your shoulder blades and keep your back straight. The buttocks need to be pulled back.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Perform 8-10 repetitions in 3 sets.

This exercise can be done using dumbbells. The athlete must constantly monitor the position of his back. Practice in front of a mirror, and also work in tandem with an experienced mentor.

Leg curls in the simulator

You can also work out your hamstrings well in the exercise machine. You will need a special device for bending your legs. This way, you can specifically pump up the desired muscle group. The rest of the body does not tense during movement.

  • Lie down on the surface of the machine or sit down (depending on the type). Adjust the weight of the weights.
  • Touch the rollers with your feet and begin to bend your legs at the knee joint.
  • Fix the position of your hips at the top of the movement.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Perform 10-15 leg curls in the simulator in 3 sets.

As you move, you should feel a burning sensation in your muscles. The hamstring curl should be done at a fairly slow pace. Warm up well before the exercise.


This sports element will help pump up the posterior thigh muscles, as well as the buttocks and muscles that straighten the spine. Hyperextension is an isolated exercise that must be performed on a special machine. Experienced athletes may need a barbell plate.

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