“Babaevsky Gorky” – chocolate with an aristocratic taste

The benefits of dark chocolate

A natural product without additives can be used as a medicine, if the dosage is not abused. The benefits of dark chocolate are based on the positive properties of cocoa beans. If a person consumes 20 grams of treats daily, this is:

  • stimulates cerebral circulation;
  • activates the production of the hormone of joy;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces the risk of stroke;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • soothes cough (thanks to the component theobromine);
  • strengthens bones due to the presence of calcium.

What are the benefits of dark chocolate? Consuming a small amount of it, unlike dairy, improves performance, health, and counteracts diseases. Using:

  • protection against cancer occurs due to antioxidant properties;
  • a stimulating effect is produced due to the presence of caffeine;
  • aging slows down;
  • the feeling of hunger decreases;
  • depression is treated;
  • weight loss;
  • brain function improves;
  • the body is saturated with vitamins;
  • bleeding gums decreases;
  • the deficiency of zinc, magnesium, chromium is compensated.

What are the benefits of dark chocolate for women?

Chocolate has a special effect on the female body. The ingredients of the delicacy activate blood circulation and fat metabolism, which is why the use of the product in cosmetology has been so popular lately. The benefits of dark chocolate for women are noted if you regularly make wraps, masks, and massages with it:

  • signs of cellulite are eliminated;
  • skin aging slows down;
  • beauty is preserved;
  • improves hair structure and growth;
  • small wrinkles are removed.

This product is included in diets, promoting weight loss, and also has the ability to treat skin diseases and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Eating a small amount of sweets is a positive remedy for:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • the need to restore ovarian function after childbirth;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • the appearance of unpleasant symptoms during menstruation and menopause.

The benefits of dark chocolate for men

Recent studies have proven that the delicacy is also beneficial for men. If you consume a real, high-quality product little by little, you can maintain vigor and health for a long time. What are the benefits of dark chocolate for men? If you eat a treat with natural ingredients, you can:

  • reduce the risk of diseases of the vascular system, heart - heart attack by 15%;
  • prevent stroke;
  • raise vitality;
  • improve mood due to the formation of endorphins;
  • increase male strength;
  • increase libido;
  • activate sexual life - is an aphrodisiac.

Chocolate "Babaevsky" 55% cocoa (concern "Babaevsky", Moscow)

I start the post with indignation. Despite my respectful attitude towards the products of the Babaevsky concern, I never cease to be amazed at the meager imagination of the marketers of such a reputable player in the confectionery market.

Well, why can’t you come up with an original name for a new product - Babaevsky chocolate 55% cocoa, different from the name of the manufacturer itself? After all, this seriously complicates orientation in the assortment. Judge for yourself. For illustration, I present only a few photographs of the concern’s essentially diverse products.

Among them are a bar of chocolate, a box of chocolates, praline candies (written about here), and fondant candies, and much more.

And all this is produced under one name - “Babaevskie”. For what? Are there really not enough words in the Russian language to come up with a new name?

So this chocolate was called “Babaevsky”, and now ordinary consumers, in order to distinguish it from the usual chocolate bar “Babaevsky” (which, by the way, is also available in several types), must add: “well, this is the one that is square” or “ the one where the country is written in the lower right corner,” etc. Otherwise, the interlocutor will never understand what kind of chocolate from this factory we are talking about.

This situation reminded me of the same confusion with the Alyonka brand of Red October (here and here), under which dissimilar products are combined.

Chocolate “Babaevsky” 55% cocoa (this one is square) is available in three types. Their names are named after the countries where cocoa trees grow and differ in the filler:

  • Venezuela - with sesame seeds,
  • Uganda - with caramelized hazelnuts,
  • Cote D'Ivoire - with caramelized almonds.

This chocolate contains at least 55% cocoa products, which is why I reflected this fact in the name of the product. Unauthorized of course. Purely so that it can be easily distinguished from the concern’s numerous products of the same name.

The design of the chocolate wrapper is pleasing to the eye. It is calm, solid, important elements (the name and image of the filler) are highlighted clearly, the logo is in place. The only thing that confuses me is the font size of the text explaining the filler. It is so small and placed so poorly (almost at the end of the package) that it can only be seen by carefully examining the wrapper.

The quality of chocolate in all three types is the same, despite the different geographical origins of the cocoa beans. Well, or so similar that the difference is not obvious to an ordinary consumer like me. Below I will give a description of the chocolate given by the manufacturer himself.

Chocolate "Venezuela"

Cocoa beans brought from Venezuela are used to produce Venezuela chocolate. They give the finished product a complex, rich taste with a noble fruity note and a slightly tart aftertaste.

It is difficult for me to guess the fruity note in chocolate, and it is even more difficult to imagine how cocoa beans from different countries come to the Babaevsky concern’s workshops unmixed and do not come into contact with each other during the production process.

Sufficient filler. The combination of sesame and chocolate is interesting and simple, but for some reason it doesn’t catch on.

Information about chocolate Babaevsky 55% Venezuela

Ingredients : cocoa mass, sugar, sesame seeds, cocoa butter, milk fat, cocoa powder, rectified ethyl alcohol, emulsifiers: soy lecithin, E476; tea, Vanillin and Sesame flavors.

Nutritional value per 100 g: proteins - 8.0 g, fats - 38.0 g, of which saturated fatty acids - 19.0 g, carbohydrates - 42.0 g, dietary fiber - 8.0 g.

Energy value per 100 g: 560 kcal.

Chocolate "Uganda"

Cocoa beans brought from Uganda are used to produce Uganda chocolate. Thanks to these cocoa beans, a unique multi-dimensional taste is created with a warm floral undertone and characteristic chocolate notes.

What a colorful, and most importantly, vague description the manufacturer gives of the taste of this chocolate. And you can’t refute it. Indeed, chocolate has characteristic chocolate notes.

This is quite natural and expected - it’s strange to expect non-chocolate notes from chocolate... It’s also difficult to object to the floral connotation, since I never thought of consuming flowers internally (and we’re talking about taste, not aroma).

Caramelized hazelnuts are used as a filling. This means that before adding the nut to the chocolate mixture, it is caramelized, that is, coated with caramel, which makes the hazelnut crunchy and a little tougher.

Chocolate with whole hazelnuts reminded me of the similar Troika chocolate produced by the Krupskaya factory, which surprised me with the justice of its concept - there is a nut in each slice. This idea seemed successful to me, since every eater of this chocolate was guaranteed to receive the nut allotted to him. No one was left deprived and no one ate too much.

In the execution of the Babaevsky concern, this idea of ​​justice is not realized. Nuts are distributed unevenly in chocolate - in some places there is an accumulation of them (lucky someone!), and in others there is an almost complete absence. Such pieces of chocolate, of course, are destroyed later than everyone else.

The taste of both nuts and chocolate is worthy of praise. And the thin layer of caramel covering the nuts is not at all unnecessary. It not only makes the nut more crunchy, but also adds a slight sweetness.

Information about chocolate Babaevsky 55% Uganda

Ingredients : cocoa mass, sugar, whole hazelnut kernel, cocoa butter, milk fat, cocoa powder, rectified ethyl alcohol, emulsifiers: soy lecithin, E476; tea, Vanillin flavoring.

Nutritional value per 100 g: proteins - 8.0 g, fats - 42.0 g, carbohydrates - 39.0 g.

Energy value per 100 g: 580 kcal.

Chocolate "Cote D'Ivoire"

For the production of Cote D'Ivoire chocolate, cocoa beans brought from Cote D'Ivoire are used. Thanks to these ingredients, the standard taste of real chocolate is created: unique, strong and surprisingly pure.

This description of the chocolate given by the manufacturer blew my mind. You, too, have probably already appreciated the lack of specifics and the abundance of cliches - here there is “standard”, and “unique”, and “strong”. And what kind of plural ingredients is the manufacturer talking about if we are talking only about cocoa beans?

Caramelized almonds are used as a filler for Cote D'Ivoire chocolate.

Unlike the previous hazelnut chocolate, the amount of almonds in this example is questionable. There is clearly less of it here than the number of cells, that is, there is clearly not enough nut for someone.

Due to the low filler content, this chocolate looks poor and unproductive.

Is it possible to eat dark chocolate on a diet?

There is an opinion that the high calorie content of the product contributes to weight gain. This is true if you overindulge in the amount of treats you eat. A few pieces a day will only help you lose weight, because it contains substances that stimulate fat burning. Dark chocolate is used in diets for weight loss because:

  • cholesterol and blood sugar levels decrease.
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • the elimination of toxins is activated;
  • the feeling of hunger is prevented.

How many calories are in dark chocolate?

The product is high in calories and, if consumed in excess, can cause fat deposition. One tile contains a fifth of the daily requirement. The calorie content of dark chocolate depends on the percentage of cocoa beans indicated on the package. The lower the value, the more sugar it contains. This indicates that the calorie content of the product is higher (in the range of 400–610 kcal per 100 grams). For example, Elite, 75%, from the Babaevsky confectionery concern, has a nutritional value of 540 kcal.

Composition of Babaevsky chocolate

The products of this brand are popular among customers because they are distinguished by their exquisite taste and the highest quality. It is created from selected products, according to proprietary recipes. Babaevsky chocolate mainly contains grated cocoa beans, cocoa butter, and powdered sugar. To obtain different varieties, these ingredients are dosed in certain proportions and mixed, and then berries, nuts or other components are added. This product contains 55% of the best selected cocoa, and the Elite Babaevsky chocolate brand contains 75% cocoa.

Types of Babaevsky chocolate:

  • lactic;
  • porous;
  • dark;
  • bitter;
  • with berry additives;
  • with nuts.

The desserts of this brand include the following products:

  • grated cocoa beans;
  • cocoa butter powder;
  • powdered sugar;
  • tea;
  • alcohol;
  • cognac;
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • raisin;
  • berries and fruits;
  • sesame.

Many types of products of this brand have received awards at ongoing confectionery exhibitions and competitions.

Due to their taste, they are very popular among customers. These products can be bought in regular stores at an affordable price or ordered online with delivery throughout Russia.

The calorie content of Babaevsky chocolate is on average 550 kcal per 100 grams of product. For different varieties, depending on the additives, the calorie content and BJU vary. Average nutritional values ​​for these products:

  • proteins - 6-10 g;
  • fats - 35-38 g;
  • carbohydrates - 37-45 g.

To learn more about the history, types, and production of products of this brand, you can book an excursion to the Babaevsky chocolate factory with a visit to the museum. Among the exhibits are packaging and candy wrappers, including very original ones, which were created throughout the history of the factory from the beginning of its foundation to the present day. There are wax figures here, short films about chocolate are shown, and after the tour everyone is offered a taste of the signature product.

Production technology:

  1. The beans are sorted in the preparation workshop using special equipment.
  2. Processing in the roasting shop, where they are fried and cooled.
  3. They are then sent along a conveyor belt to a crushing machine where they are crushed into cocoa nibs.
  4. At the next stage, in a special installation, the crushed beans are converted into liquid cocoa.
  5. Next, on computer-controlled equipment, where the proportions of the ingredients of a certain type of chocolate are programmed, all products are measured in the required quantity.
  6. After this, they are placed in a mixer and then in a conche machine, where a homogeneous hot mixture is obtained.
  7. Next, the resulting mass is sent for casting chocolate bars on a special automatic machine to the next workshop.

Composition of dark chocolate

Domestic manufacturers make the delicacy in compliance with GOST, which describes all the components and their ratio in the composition. The label contains numbers - percentages indicating the content of cocoa liquor - it should be more than 55%. The higher the indicator, the better the quality, aroma and taste. Composition contains:

  • cocoa beans, preferably raw. But more often during production, grains are subjected to fermentation, drying, roasting, and thorough mixing at high temperatures;
  • sugar –20–40%.

Dark chocolate contains vitamins, calcium and iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and potassium. It contains carbohydrates, organic acids, monosaccharides, and dietary fiber. Undesirable components are ethyl alcohol, vegetable fats, flavorings. The required ingredients of the product are:

  • cocoa butter, the amount of which should be at least half the weight of the bar, the main component is saturated fat;
  • lecithin - helps create a homogeneous mass, indicated on the packaging as “E322 emulsifier” (vegetable or soy) or animal “E476 emulsifier”.

How to choose dark chocolate

To avoid counterfeits, you need to pay attention to a number of parameters when purchasing. How to choose the right dark chocolate? If the delicacy is sold by weight, the tile should crack and crumble when broken. Pay attention to the appearance:

  • the color of the product should be dark brown - light indicates the addition of soy;
  • surface smooth, glossy;
  • there is no white coating - a sign of improper storage.

For factory-made chocolate, the characteristics are written on the packaging. GOST R 52821-2007 should be mentioned - compliance with state standards. A high-quality product contains a minimum of unnecessary components. The following must be indicated on the chocolate bar wrapper:

  • high amount of cocoa in grated form - more than 70%;
  • soy lecithin – “emulsifier E322”;
  • cocoa butter – not less than 33%.

Price of dark chocolate

You can buy this bitter delicacy at your nearest store; its cost is low. There are slight differences between brands. How much does dark chocolate cost? Price in rubles:

Brand Weight, gram Average price, rub.
Babaevsky Elite 75% 100 110
Victory Gorky 72% 100 140
Red October Gorky 80% 75 100
Loyalty to Quality “A Priori” 99% 100 175
Russia generous soul Russian 70% 90 80
“Inspiration” Elite with almonds 75% 100 125

What is the best dark chocolate in Russia?

Many domestic confectionery factories produce this tasty delicacy. Below is the rating of dark chocolate in Russia, indicating the manufacturer:

  • “Loyalty to Quality” – “A Priori” 99%, 610 kcal, no sugar;
  • “Russian Chocolate” – Elite bitter porous 70%, 526 kcal;
  • “Pobeda” – Bitter 72%, natural sweetener, sugar-free, 460 kcal;
  • “Russia” – Gorky 72%, natural vanilla, stabilizer – milk fat, 583 kcal;
  • Korkunov 72%, classic, 568 kcal.

Babaevsky elite bitter chocolate

The Babaevsky confectionery concern has long and successfully produced products of high quality and excellent taste. A chocolate bar Babaevsky Elite 75% has a calorie content of 530 kcal/100 grams and contains proteins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, and fats. The product contains the following ingredients:

  • grated cocoa;
  • cocoa powder;
  • sugar;
  • cacao butter;
  • animal lecithin E 476;
  • Vanilla flavoring;
  • A small amount of nuts is acceptable.

Chocolate calorie table

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Chocolate lovers know that fast carbohydrates are a very big problem for your figure. But giving up your favorite sweets is not easy. Therefore, it is important to at least control the calories consumed using a chocolate calorie table. It will also allow you to calculate the proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed.

NameCalorie content, kcalProteins, g per 100 gFats, g per 100 gCarbohydrates, g per 100 g
Chocolate Alpen Gold Orange and Brandy5165.728.558.6
Alpen Gold Chocolate Peanut and Corn Flakes5187.027.759.7
Chocolate Alpen Gold Cappuccino5395.431.657.5
Chocolate Alpen Gold Strawberry with Yogurt5534.833.557.4
Chocolate Alpen Gold Almond and coconut5456.332.656.3
Alpen Gold Milk Chocolate5225.727.961.4
Chocolate Alpen Gold Cookies and Raisins5025.625.262.5
Chocolate Alpen Gold Salted peanuts and crackers5257.729.053.0
Alpen Gold Dark Chocolate5175.728.558.7
Chocolate Alpen Gold Truffle5465.333.555.3
Chocolate Alpen Gold Hazelnut5326.430.357.9
Chocolate Alpen Gold Hazelnut and Raisin4935.725.359.6
Chocolate Alpen Gold Hazelnut and Crispy Wafer5256.830.655.0
Chocolate Alpen Gold Blueberry with Yoghurt5534.833.757.2
Chocolate Bounty4713.924.657.9
Chocolate Bounty Trio4713.924.657.9
Chocolate Bounty Paradise Pineapple4863.225.659.0
Chocolate Bounty Paradise Mango4853.025.559.5
Chocolate Kinder5618.734.753.5
Chocolate Kinder Bueno5689.337.548.2
Chocolate Kinder surprise5438.632.953.0
Chocolate KitKat5246.328.261.1
Chocolate KitKat King Size5326.129.260.9
Chocolate KitKat Flavor Super Crunch5326.129.260.9
Chocolate Lindt Excellence 85% cocoa53011.046.019.0
Chocolate Lindt Excellence 99% cocoa53013.049.08.0
Chocolate M&M's with peanuts5129.626.462.2
Chocolate M&M's with chocolate4724.920.373.0
Chocolate M&M's with hazelnut flavor4805.019.670.9
Chocolate M&M's with raspberry flavor4744.319.071.3
Chocolate Mars4534.418.268.0
Chocolate Mars Max4534.418.168.0
Milka milk chocolate5345.731.057.6
Chocolate Milka with hazelnuts5456.633.853.4
Chocolate Milka with hazelnuts and raisins4955.626.856.9
Milka chocolate with whole hazelnuts5557.536.549.0
Chocolate MilkyWay4523.616.871.7
Chocolate MilkyWay 1+14523.516.871.7
Chocolate MilkyWay Crispy Rolls5147.126.462.1
Chocolate MilkyWay Strawberry cocktail4523.516.871.6
Chocolate Nestle After Eight4282.512.874.4
Chocolate Nestle for Men5557.533.854.9
Nestle for Men chocolate with hazelnuts5728.636.547.8
Nestle for Men chocolate with whole almonds5608.635.851.1
Chocolate Nestle Nesquik4855.922.165.6
Nue Bitter Chocolate Cocoa Bean5608.048.025.0
Chocolate Nue Milk Chocolate Gianduia6106.547.040.0
Chocolate Nuts Peanuts49810.628.549.8
Chocolate Nuts Megabyte5046.826.759.1
Chocolate Nuts Megabyte new tender nougat5076.626.759.0
Chocolate Nuts Nut Tuning5046.826.659.1
Chocolate Picnic5047.428.856.6
Chocolate Picnic Mega5047.428.856.6
Chocolate Picnic Mega Walnut4734.233.241.7
Chocolate Ritter Sport Schokowurfel5627.037.050.0
Ritter Sport white chocolate with whole hazelnuts5838.439.947.6
Ritter Sport bitter chocolate with noble marzipan5007.527.455.8
Ritter Sport dark chocolate with cocoa from Papua New Guinea5246.232.152.6
Ritter Sport bitter chocolate with delicate cream à la Mousse au Chocolat5356.635.946.4
Ritter Sport dark chocolate with whole hazelnuts5598.038.744.7
Ritter Sport dark chocolate with elite cocoa from Ecuador5588.344.631.0
Chocolate Ritter Sport winter Orange-Marzipan4976.027.057.0
Chocolate Ritter Sport winter Vanilla Bagel5716.038.052.0
Chocolate Ritter Sport winter Caramel-Almond5327.031.057.0
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with alpine milk5388.331.455.6
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with Amarena cherry5745.038.652.0
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with caramel and nuts5617.536.650.4
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with strawberries in yogurt5706.337.752.4
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with coconut filling5847.041.048.0
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with corn flakes5196.428.060.5
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with hazelnuts and California raisins5136.929.155.9
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with almonds from California55711.036.845.4
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with smooth yoghurt5718.738.148.4
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with delicate Cappuccino cream5846.340.548.6
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with nuts, raisins and Jamaican rum5247.330.854.3
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with cookies5456.034.055.0
Ritter Sport milk chocolate with whole hazelnuts5597.038.047.0
Ritter Sport milk chocolate Espresso5616.039.047.2
Chocolate Roshen Brut 78% bitter55010.043.025.0
Chocolate Snickers5079.327.954.6
Snickers Mad Mix chocolate with seeds5339.432.051.7
Chocolate Snickers Super5069.627.854.4
Snickers chocolate with hazelnuts5147.528.556.0
Snickers chocolate with almonds5098.027.756.2
Snickers chocolate with seeds5368.831.553.0
Chocolate Twix4965.025.063.0
Chocolate Twix 'Xtra'4974.824.963.2
Chocolate Twix White5034.925.263.7
Chocolate Twix Cappuccino4964.924.962.9
Chocolate Twix Coffee Cream4964.924.962.9
Chocolate Twix Chocolate Mocha4964.924.962.9
Wispa porous milk chocolate5067.331.656.0
Chocolate Babaevsky Gorky5408.036.046.8
Chocolate Babaevsky Gorky with hazelnuts5837.842.942.5
Chocolate Babaevsky Gorky with hazelnuts and raisins5246.234.349.1
Chocolate Babaevsky Gorky with whole almonds5708.340.943.2
Chocolate Babaevsky Lux5495.436.251.8
Chocolate Babaevsky Original5526.936.052.1
Chocolate Babaevsky with raisins5076.630.652.9
Babaevsky chocolate with cherry pieces5245.830.557.6
Chocolate Babaevsky Elite 75%54510.838.637.0
Chocolate white5414.230.462.2
White chocolate with coconut5627.335.054.6
Chocolate Inspiration classic5797.442.243.4
Chocolate Air porous white with hazelnuts5505.032.658.6
Airy porous milk chocolate5225.727.961.4
Chocolate Air porous dark5175.728.558.7
Bitter chocolate5396.235.448.2
Chocolate Kommunarka bitter 68%5678.440.940.0
Chocolate Corona Extra black5419.140.933.1
Milk chocolate5506.935.754.4
Chocolate Pobeda taste 72% bitter51010.036.036.0
Chocolate Pobeda taste 72% bitter with stevia46010.036.025.0
Chocolate Russia Very Milk5515.232.358.9
Chocolate with nuts5806.640.949.9
Chocolate Spartak 90% bitter54015.041.026.0
Chocolate Shock49110.526.153.5
Chocolate Shock XXL4979.926.355.2
Chocolate Shock XXL almond4827.023.361.1
Chocolate drops5105.027.557.0

You can download the full table so that it is always at hand and you can check your calories consumed right here.

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Author Ivan Tungusov

Project expert. Training experience - 12 years. A good theoretical basis on the training process and proper nutrition, which I am happy to put into practice. Need a recommendation? This is for me :)

Editorial team cross.expert

How to make dark chocolate at home

Do you want to please your loved ones with a dark chocolate treat? Make it according to your home recipe. The ingredients can be ordered and purchased in the online store at an affordable price. You will need 100 grams of cocoa beans and cocoa butter, 3 tablespoons of honey. Nuts, raisins, and vanilla can be used as additives. To prepare chocolate you should:

  • grind cocoa beans with a coffee grinder;
  • melt cocoa butter in a water bath;
  • mix, add additives;
  • cool, add honey;
  • put into molds;
  • cool in the cold.

There is a more affordable recipe for homemade dark chocolate, which contains the following ingredients: 50 grams of butter, 100 g of cocoa powder, a teaspoon of sugar. The delicacy is prepared in the following sequence:

  • butter is cut into pieces;
  • melted in a water bath;
  • cocoa powder is mixed in;
  • sugar is added;
  • the mass is poured into a mold covered with cling film;
  • exposed to the cold.

Harm of dark chocolate

A delicacy with excellent taste and nutritional properties, it is not useful for everyone, especially in large quantities. Why is dark chocolate harmful? The reason lies in the components:

  • sugar increases the acidity of the body, disrupts digestion and metabolic processes;
  • carbohydrates are stored as fat;
  • Digestion of the product requires a large amount of enzymes, which causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • caffeine leads to stimulation of the nervous system, sleep disturbances, and heartburn.

This tasty and healthy product, if consumed in moderation, can cause metabolic disorders. Substances in chocolate cause the appearance of oxalate stones in the kidneys and an increase in the amount of urine. The product has the following contraindications for use:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • allergy to components;
  • problems with high blood pressure;
  • obesity;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gout;
  • joint diseases;
  • suffered a stroke, heart attack.

Babaevsky Chocolate Museum

Museum visitors will learn:

  • how sweetness came to our country;
  • history of chocolate;
  • on the development and connection of large manufacturers.

They will see historical packaging and wrappers from sweets of our time and past centuries. In the e-book, museum guests will look at beautiful historical illustrations and watch short films on the history of chocolate.

Modern multimedia does not violate the historical theme and easily fits into the atmosphere of the great history of chocolate creation. Wax figures come to life in the halls and with their entire appearance convey the morals and spirit of past eras. Serious and large-scale topics that the guide covers do not cause boredom even for young tourists.

Visitors will be able to see the creation of exquisite sweets and remember this process for a long time. And at the end of an exciting journey, everyone will be able to taste the amazing taste of chocolate.


Elizaveta, 35 years old My children love it when I prepare some treats at home, but most of all they adore chocolate. You can buy it in the store, but homemade - it is natural, without harmful additives, it can be given to children. I ordered all the components through the website, the price is inexpensive. We do everything together, put a lot of nuts, pour it into cookie molds.

Alexandra, 29 years old I tried dark chocolate for the first time when I was on the Kremlin diet with a limited number of carbohydrates. There is a large amount of them in sugar, but I really wanted something sweet. It turned out that Pobeda dark chocolate contains a natural sweetener and is also very low in carbohydrates. Since then, this has been an indispensable weight loss product for me.

Valentina, 46 years old I work as a chief accountant. Endless reports, balance sheets, and often by the evening there is no energy left. A friend advised me to keep chocolate on hand - I buy the brand Ritter Sport or Russia Generous Soul - bitter, dark. I eat a slice instead of a snack and with tea. The mood improves, and the head works better. But you need to avoid fakes!

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Babaevsky chocolate: brand history

The chronicle of the brand begins in 1804, when Stepan Nikolaev first produced apricot pastille and jam. Consultant Levashova gave permission to work. For several years he paid her quitrent, and then was able to earn money to gain freedom for the family.

After the death of the leader, the son took over the reins.

Ivan achieved success due to the fact that:

  • increased capital;
  • expanded the range;
  • improved quality;
  • improved the composition of manufactured products.

Thanks to production, Stepan's descendants acquired the surname Abrikosov.

The workshop managed to become the largest and most successful chocolate factory.

The Abrikosov family confectionery produced the most delicious chocolate candies with fruit or berry filling. Success depended on work and advertising, which was original and memorable. They submitted all kinds of advertisements to printed publications, placed them in the windows of various shops, and hung large posters. In branded stores, customers could receive colorful calendars, notebooks and pencils as gifts.

An enterprise for the production of small and large packages was created on the territory of the factory.

The boxes were of various shapes and materials:

  • made of tin;
  • covered with fabric (mostly velvet);
  • from cardboard;
  • made of glass that had linings (nickel silver).

After the delicacy was eaten, the boxes were stored for a long time and used for many years instead of caskets. This type of advertising has become the most effective.

During the time of general nationalization, the factory received the name “State Confectionery Factory No. 2”. And soon she was given a new name in honor of the chairman of the district executive committee Babaev P.A.

Since 1946, they were the first in the history of Russia to start producing bar chocolate, which became the calling card of Babaevsky. At the same time, they presented chocolate figures that were wrapped in multi-colored foil.

Over the course of its existence, the factory's craftsmen have created more than 200 varieties of chocolate products.

To optimize prices, increase range and productivity, in 1998 the factory merged various enterprises into one concern.

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