How to quickly lose belly fat in 3 days at home, effective diets, exercises and body wraps

Some women gain weight evenly, maintaining proportions. For others, the size of the waist and hips increases primarily. Still others have chests and arms. Therefore, ladies are often interested in diets for losing weight in the abdomen and sides. Moreover, modern beauty standards require flat, toned abs and firm buttocks. And it can be a shame to realize that your own figure does not look like photos of models from Instagram.

However, it is important to understand: without surgery, it is impossible to reduce the amount of fatty tissue in one place without affecting other parts of the body. Therefore, you should not expect that even the most effective diet will remove excess centimeters of volume only from the sides and hips. It is necessary to normalize your weight in general. At the same time, it is within your power to make your waist thin. But to do this, you will have to add a set of physical exercises and workouts to your diet for losing belly fat, which will strengthen the muscles of your back, abs and thighs.

Firstly, if your figure as a whole seems slim, and only your stomach “spoils the picture,” then the reasons may lie in lordosis. This is a curvature of the spine, in which the lumbar deflection increases and the stomach protrudes forward. Lordosis can make it seem like you urgently need to lose extra pounds, even if your weight is within the medical norm. It is impossible to correct lordosis without strengthening the back and abdominal muscles, but this curvature is a real scourge of people with sedentary work. But even if you really have gained excess weight over the winter, it cannot be ruled out that your posture needs improvement, so training will not be superfluous.

Secondly, before choosing a diet, you should make sure that your problem is not abdominal obesity. Visually, it often looks like an enlarged abdomen with relatively normal volumes of the rest of the figure. Because this type of obesity is more common in men than in women, it is also called “male pattern weight gain.” Abdominal obesity is dangerous because fat envelops the internal organs. This in itself can pose a threat to health, so in this case the diet should be selected with an endocrinologist.

If you have ruled out health problems that can increase your “sides,” you can choose a pleasant physical activity and reconsider your diet. Let's take a closer look at the basic nutritional principles that should be followed in order to achieve a thin waist in 1-3 months (depending on the amount of excess kilograms and the intensity of training).

Diet for a flat stomach: nutritional principles

  • Quitting bad habits: alcohol, smoking, fast food, processed foods. You can drink no more than a glass of dry red wine per week. Quitting smoking may also not be possible right away, so reduce the number of cigarettes per day if you cannot give them up completely.
  • Refusal from fried, fatty, spicy foods, as well as store-bought sauces, mayonnaise, sweets and baked goods. These are high-calorie foods with low nutritional content. They promote body fat gain so well that sometimes it is enough to exclude them from the diet to “remove” the sides and achieve the fat burning effect.
  • Reduce sugar consumption. This point involves not only minimizing the amount of sweets in the diet. Also exclude sugary carbonated drinks, including packaged juices - they contain high levels of sugar. Try not to drink sweet tea and drink as little coffee as possible if you cannot do without this drink. Do not try to replace sugar with honey, since honey contains the same sucrose, and in terms of its amount it can be even “sweeter”. No wonder honey is not recommended for diabetics.
  • Don't forget about clean water. No need to stand with a measuring cup: did I drink two liters of water today or not? Drink as you become thirsty, but always keep clean, still water on hand. Thirst is often disguised as a feeling of hunger. And if you get used to quenching it with water, you won’t have the desire to drink Coke or an extra cup of coffee. At the same time, the body will not suffer from dehydration.
  • Eat at home. A diet for losing weight in the belly and sides involves avoiding ready-made meals from cafes and restaurants. If you want to meet with friends, then try to eat at home beforehand, and if that doesn’t work out, then set aside one day a week for such meetings and gatherings in a cafe. At home, you should cook from products such as cereals, eggs, herbs, fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits. You can also cook from fresh raw meat, fish and seafood, milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, sour cream and cream. Try not to fry in a frying pan, but bake dishes on the grill or in the oven using sunflower or olive oil.

Visual figure correction

If your belly is large enough and your weight exceeds the norm by 5-10 kg, you will probably not be able to lose weight in 1 day. In this case, corrective shapewear, which can create a visual effect of slimness, will help keep your belly hanging down. However, you can’t wear it under any clothes.

For those who are obese, none of the mentioned quick weight loss recipes are suitable. In this case, long-term comprehensive measures are required, including diet, exercise, and cosmetic procedures. Such people need to fight excess weight only under the supervision of doctors.

How to lose weight without dieting and get rid of belly fat

Strictly speaking, a diet is any food system, even if it consists of hamburgers and soda. That is, each person adheres to a certain diet. But since diet issues are raised when there are health problems or excess weight, we are accustomed to considering diet as a restriction. Is it possible to remove fat from the sides and abdomen without giving the body a shock?

This is possible, but it will require a combination of a balanced diet and physical activity. In addition, even if you cannot completely eliminate all of the foods that we mentioned above from your diet, their consumption will still have to be significantly reduced. If possible, eat them rarely and only in the first half of the day. In order not to feel like you are following some kind of strict diet to lose weight on your sides and belly, but still achieve results, replace high-calorie foods like baked goods, fried, fatty, salty foods with something tasty and healthy:

  • Ginger, which serves as an excellent seasoning and stimulates blood circulation.
  • Green tea, which not only helps you perk up thanks to caffeine, but also stimulates fat burning.
  • You can replace sweets with grapefruits, but you need to eat them with membranes, without peel. They are rich in vitamin C and help get rid of excess fluid in the body.
  • Cucumbers combined with a low-calorie side dish.
  • Broccoli and cauliflower are rich in vitamins.

Try to include oatmeal in your diet - this porridge is low in calories, but contains a lot of slow carbohydrates and beneficial microelements. Therefore, an oatmeal breakfast helps maintain stable blood sugar levels for a long time, so you don’t feel hungry for a long time. You can also eat legumes, which themselves require a lot of energy to digest, thereby promoting weight loss.

Don’t forget about things that help normalize metabolism, such as 8 hours of sleep at night, massage, and a bath if there are no contraindications. Lack of sleep is one of the most undesirable factors for those who want to get a beautiful figure without dieting. Depleted by lack of sleep, the body requires more high-calorie food, and you want to eat more often and more often.

In addition, as a result of lack of sleep, a condition called insulin resistance occurs, when the body becomes insensitive to insulin. Due to constant lack of sleep, this condition can become chronic, which can lead to abdominal obesity. As we have already mentioned, with this type of weight gain, the stomach and sides first of all increase.

General recommendations

First of all, you need to pay attention to some general recommendations from nutritionists and trainers. They will be very useful to you in the preparatory period, directly in the process of losing weight and eliminating volumes. In addition, these tips must be followed after you have already managed to lose belly fat in 3 days, since this is the only way you will be able to achieve a prolonged result and consolidate the success achieved.

  1. Take care immediately that some food restrictions have become permanent for you. There are some foods that primarily provoke abdominal enlargement due to fat deposits and swelling. These include bakery and confectionery products, as well as potatoes of any preparation, fatty fish and meats, and chocolate. Unfortunately, some fruits also have a negative impact on your figure: grapes, bananas. They must also be abandoned.
  2. Try to maintain a daily routine. It is important to always adhere to a well-thought-out schedule and eat food on a schedule. This way you will restore the functioning of your biological clock and stimulate normal metabolic processes.
  3. A balanced diet and a well-designed menu will help significantly speed up metabolism, ensure the breakdown and removal of fat deposits, as well as all harmful toxic compounds. If you have any doubts, it is best to consult a nutritionist or consult with your doctor. Specialists will help you create a menu and determine the most successful diet, taking into account your individual characteristics.
  4. Physical inactivity is the enemy of a slim figure and a beautiful waist. If you want to lose belly fat in three days, and then maintain such a wonderful result, you will definitely need to forget about physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle has an extremely negative effect on metabolic processes in the body. Even if you work in an office where a fixed posture cannot be avoided, you can completely neutralize the negative effect. Here's what you have to do. Get distracted more often. Take breaks of at least 5-10 minutes about once every hour and a half. Warm up, get up, do those exercises that you can do while sitting. For example, spread your arms to the sides, stretch your shoulders, twist and bend your body, placing your palms on your waist. All this is very useful and helps prevent the development of stagnation.
  5. You should not overeat at night or drink shortly before going to bed. Quite often, problems with an unsightly belly are also caused by swelling. To prevent swelling from accumulating, it is advisable to eat and drink water for the last time no later than an hour and a half before going to bed. Moreover, this can only be a light snack. It is better to eat heavily four hours before bedtime.
  6. Sport should become a favorite hobby and become a habit. And here it is best to select those physical exercises and loads that you really like. Then you won’t have to force yourself, there will be no stress due to sports training that you don’t like at all. For example, you can choose a good cardio: running or swimming, cycling, skating, playing tennis.
  7. Drinking regime is important. Throughout the day, experts recommend drinking a couple of liters of purified water. It can be mineral, but only without carbonation.

Be sure to read: Say “No!” eating before bed

If you can implement an integrated approach, your figure will remain slim. After all, a short-term diet will end quickly, but the result should remain stable.

Effective diets for losing weight in the abdomen and sides

There are several effective ways to reduce belly fat quickly. But you should resort to them only in exceptional cases, because quickly lost weight risks quickly returning. It is better to lose weight more slowly, but be sure that the result will remain stable. The following methods of losing weight are designed for situations where there is a need to quickly get your figure in order, for example, after the winter holidays:

  • Buckwheat diet: for a week we eat only buckwheat, sometimes you can add kefir to the menu.
  • Kefir diet: for 5 days we drink only kefir, clean water, unsweetened yogurt.
  • Fasting days: every third day is a fasting day, when we drink only water, the rest of the time we stick to a balanced menu.
  • Rice diet: for 5 days we eat only boiled rice, sometimes you can add a small piece of steamed fish or cucumbers.

Such menu options help to achieve a flat stomach, but it is always stressful for the body. You risk disrupting your metabolism if you use these types of weight loss methods regularly. Even once a year is too often for a mono-diet. Resort to them only as a last resort, and no more than once every two years, otherwise you risk encountering a problem where even sitting on water alone will not contribute to weight loss.


Try to protect yourself as much as possible from stressful situations. Have a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality, no matter how difficult it may seem. It is advisable to do the following:

  • Drink plenty of water, which reduces the production of stress hormones.
  • To walk outside. This event will increase the level of joy hormones. You need to walk up to 4–5 km a day. This will allow you to consume more than 1000 kcal and warm up your entire body, including the abdominal cavity.
  • Dance, do your favorite hobbies.
  • Perform meditation and breathing techniques.

All these methods will help reduce excess adrenaline and enjoy your day.

Weekly diet for losing belly fat: menu

An approximate menu for weight loss would be like this:

  • Monday: whole grain bread, almonds with raisins, lettuce, tomatoes, Parmesan, chicken breast.
  • Tuesday: whole grain bread, tomatoes, orange juice, scrambled eggs, low-fat yogurt, oatmeal, orange, tuna salad.
  • Wednesday: berries, kefir, cereal flakes, turkey fillet with beans, boiled eggs, toast, banana.
  • Thursday: forest fruits, oatmeal, fresh vegetables, almonds, turkey steak, unsweetened yogurt.
  • Friday: cottage cheese, greens, yogurt, turkey stew with beans, orange, grilled chicken, berries.
  • Saturday-Sunday: yogurt, nuts, turkey, apples, lean beef, almonds, fresh vegetables, quinoa, oranges.

When you don’t have time to go to the store for groceries or cook for every day - order a ready-made menu for the week from BeFit! We offer delicious and healthy meals made from fresh ingredients that will help reduce belly fat.

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You definitely need to give your body good physical activity. Try to devote at least an hour to training. A good solution is to exercise in the morning and evening. For example, in the morning you exercise for 30 minutes, and in the evening for 45. Here are the most effective exercises that will help you lose belly fat in three days.

  • Plank. It can be held on arms bent at the elbows, as well as outstretched. Try to hold the pose for a long time, while giving good tension to all muscles, and especially to the abdominal muscles. You should feel them well.
  • Side plank. A very effective exercise. You need to lean on one hand, with your side to the floor, in an inclined position. In this case, you need to smoothly bend your upper leg, pressing your knee to your stomach. The abdominal muscles will get a good workout.
  • Dynamic bar. The element resembles a push-up, only the hands are used one at a time, in turn. It is advisable to do 15 repetitions, in 2-3 approaches.

Be sure to read: Delicious fasting day with chocolate - how does it work?

The elements “scissors” and “superman” are useful; it is recommended to practice with a hoop. All this will help you quickly get rid of excess volume in the abdominal area, as well as maintain the result.

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