Recipe: Protein salad with Chinese cabbage. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.


Of the entire list of diets, it is the protein diet that deserves special trust. For decades, it has made it possible to achieve the stated goal of losing weight much easier and faster than other popular methods. If you are not ready to completely switch to such a menu and consume protein in excess of the norm, we advise you to prepare protein salads more often .

On the one hand, these are light vegetable snacks, and on the other, dishes with the addition of high-protein foods aimed at burning excess calories. Let your lunch menu remain the same, and we recommend replacing breakfast and dinner with protein salads for weight loss. It only takes 10 days for the first results to make themselves felt. What then? The results will be such that you will not be able to stop.

Protein salad

Protein salad comes in different forms, even a vegetarian option.
But no matter what combination it is in, it always performs its main function - to saturate. The basis for such a salad is always protein. Then you need to supplement it with nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans and seeds. Proteins are one of three types of energy sources for humans. Essentially, they are the building material for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood, and are also an important part of the production of enzymes and hormones. With 20 grams (or more) of protein from the salad, you can stay full until lunch thanks to nutritious ingredients like chicken, pork tenderloin, whole grains, salmon and beans.

In such salads, you should avoid any proteins that are deep-fried and the use of large amounts of sauces, which can be very rich in sugar.

The combination of grilled chicken, crunchy sliced ​​almonds and blue cheese creates a powerful source of protein. Also, such a dish can be stored for a long time if it contains starchy vegetables. For example, cabbage and sweet potatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for some time and combined with protein foods, so this salad can be prepared in advance and for the whole week.

Basic recommendations

  • You need to eat in small portions, at least 5 meals a day.
  • Before 16:00, 60% of the daily ration should be eaten.
  • The last meal should be made of protein to give the body amino acids for recovery during sleep.
  • The diet should have enough fiber: bran, vegetables.
  • It is preferable to cook and steam foods, avoid frying and smoking.
  • Eating should be done 2 hours before the start of training.
  • If the workout is in the morning, then before it you need to have something light for breakfast: banana, smoothie, cottage cheese with berries.
  • If you workout at lunchtime, then you need to eat protein foods, fresh vegetables or complex carbohydrates after sports.
  • In the evening after training, you should not go to bed hungry. For dinner there can be fish, cottage cheese, kefir, tofu.

Simple protein salad

This easy protein salad with vegetarian ingredients delivers 30 grams of complete protein per serving thanks to quinoa, beans, chickpeas and edamame.


  • Roasted almonds – 100 g
  • Smoked paprika – ½ tsp.
  • Chili - 1/2 tsp.
  • Mixed greens – 300 g
  • Quinoa – 70 g
  • Edamame – 70 g
  • Beans – 70 g
  • Chickpeas – 70 g
  • Red onion – ½ pc.
  • Olive oil


Fry almonds with oil and spices.

Mix greens, quinoa, beans and onions with oil.

This salad is truly versatile—you can combine quinoa with any other grain (like rice or wheat), or substitute any type of bean listed in the recipe.

Secret recipe

Since all salads are designed to help you effectively lose weight, you can add unique components to them that will make this process faster and easier. This is primarily ginger root. It is recommended to grate it on a medium grater. A quarter teaspoon of the resulting mixture is mixed with two tablespoons of olive oil. This composition is used for salad dressing.

Don't forget about lemon juice. It enhances the body's ability to burn fat. In addition, a large number of lettuce leaves makes the portion more impressive, but does not add calories. And one moment. Mixed salad does not store well; it is recommended to make it immediately before use.

Multi-ingredient protein salad

This popular dish in Los Angeles contains only healthy ingredients and is a great option for a full lunch.


  • Romaine lettuce – 200 g
  • Radicchio = 200 g
  • Boiled egg – 1 pc.
  • Grilled chicken breast – 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes – 10 pcs.
  • Chickpeas, boiled – 70 g
  • Green onions - 2 sprigs
  • Blue cheese – 50 g
  • Red vinegar – 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp.


Combine chopped egg, grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, radicchio, romaine, green onions, chickpeas and blue cheese in a bowl.

Mix with red vinegar and oil and season.

Daily menu

A sports protein diet allows you to eat small meals up to ten times a day. Let's look at an example of a set of products that make up a menu for a week.


  • Peaches, curd products, tea;
  • Toasted grain bread, garden berries, hard cheese, tea, honey;
  • Protein shake, apple;
  • Buckwheat porridge, boiled beef, pear, tea;
  • Milk, diet bread, Lenten cookies;
  • Fruit salad, low-fat yogurt;
  • Oatmeal without milk with dried fruits;
  • Kefir, dry cookies;
  • Cottage cheese casserole, carrot salad.

Second breakfasts:

  • Toasted grain bread, cheese;
  • Muesli, kefir, wild berries;
  • Nuts;
  • Low-fat cheese and rye bread;
  • Yogurt and dark chocolate;


  • Grilled meat, millet porridge, vegetable salad, compote;
  • Tomato soup, boiled veal, cabbage salad, tea;
  • Stewed chicken breast, beet salad with cheese;
  • Roasted pork tenderloin, apple and orange salad;
  • Lentil soup, seafood salad;
  • Brown rice, boiled chicken breast;
  • Creamy spinach soup, steamed veal cutlets;
  • Fish salad with vegetables.


  • Grilled trout, vegetable salad, baked potatoes, tomato juice;
  • Baked fish with green peas;
  • Five egg white omelette with mushrooms;
  • Baked trout, brown rice;
  • Vinaigrette, bran bread;
  • Stewed beans, lean boiled lamb;
  • Cabbage salad, boiled chicken breast;
  • Second dinners: fermented milk products.

Protein salad with squid

The original taste of the dish will be appropriate on any table, and is a healthier alternative to traditional hearty winter salads.


  • Squids - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Salad onion - 1 pc.
  • Corn, canned – 50 g
  • Sour cream


Boil squid and eggs.

Soak chopped onions in water and add spices.

Chop squid and eggs.

Mix all ingredients.

Vegan Protein Salad

This high protein salad is made with only vegan proteins.


  • Canned green beans - 400 g
  • Canned lentils – 400 g
  • Arugula – 100 g
  • Capers - 4 tbsp.
  • Peanut butter – 2 tbsp.
  • Tahini – 1 tbsp.
  • Balsamic vinegar – 1 tbsp.
  • Hot sauce – 2 tbsp.


Whisk all liquid ingredients in a bowl.

Mix arugula, beans, lentils and capers. Top with sauce.

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
kcal 348 kcalproteins 40.7 gfat 13.6 gcarbohydrates 15.7 g
kcal 174 kcalproteins 20.4 gfat 6.8 gcarbohydrates 7.9 g
100 g dish
kcal 74 kcalproteins 8.7 gfat 2.9 gcarbohydrates 3.3 g

Protein salad with quinoa and kale

A salad with onions, quinoa and cabbage will keep you full for a long time and help you recover after the most intense workouts.


  • Apple cider vinegar – 30 ml
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey – 2 tsp.
  • Dijon mustard – 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable broth – 500 ml
  • Quinoa – 300 g
  • Rapeseed oil
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Young cabbage – 300 g
  • Chicken, boiled – 300 g
  • Apple – 1 pc.

The essence of the diet

Regular active physical education and sports should be accompanied by good nutrition, the basis of which is protein. Proteins (proteins, polypeptides) are organic compounds that include amino acids.

Proteins perform various functions in the human body:

  • They are catalysts for biochemical reactions in the body, that is, a condition for proper metabolism;
  • They are a building material for cells, forming their structure;
  • They are the basis of tissues and organs, skeletal muscles, receptors, and are part of enzymes, hormones, etc.

Protein contains important amino acids, but not all of them can be synthesized in the human body.

Therefore, vital proteins must be supplied to the body along with protein-rich foods. Proteins coming from food are broken down into amino acids, which are either used to release energy or are involved in the synthesis of body proteins.

A protein diet is especially important if a person’s activity is accompanied by significant stress on muscles or physical education and sports. This diet speeds up metabolism, increases muscle mass and improves their structure (removing fat deposits and water), helps the body recover after heavy loads, and normalize weight. Therefore, this diet for athletes recommends including one and a half to two times more protein (up to 5 grams per 1 kg of weight per day) than the diet of an ordinary person.

Protein bean salad

Eating legumes lowers cholesterol. Therefore, this unusual bean salad with an unusual dressing will help with weight loss.


  • Green beans – 200 g
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • Onion - ½ pc.
  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp.
  • Flax seed oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Honey - ½ tbsp.


Chop the tomatoes and grate the carrots.

Pour oil, vinegar, soy sauce and honey over chopped onions.

Mix all ingredients.

Protein salad with chicken and quinoa

This hearty salad with chicken, quinoa and creamy avocado is packed with flavor and perfect for dinner.


  • Quinoa – 200 g
  • Black beans – 100 g
  • Green onions – 2 sprigs
  • Cherry tomatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Lime – 1 pc.
  • Coriander – 1 bunch
  • Chicken thighs – 200 g
  • Ground cumin
  • Avocado – 1 pc.
  • Arugula – 150 g
  • Sriracha sauce


Rinse black beans.

Chop green onions and tomatoes.

Grate the lime zest and chop the coriander. Squeeze the juice from the lime.

Mix chopped chicken with cumin. Fry the meat in a frying pan.

Slice the avocado. Mix avocado, quinoa, tomatoes, arugula, onion and meat. Drizzle with a mixture of lime juice, zest and coriander. Finally add Sriracha sauce.

For a more piquant taste, before cooking quinoa, you can soak it in water with cumin for a couple of hours.

It all depends on the goal

Since we all strive for different results, it would be logical to use different types of nutrition, different menus, different calorie levels and different distribution of dietary fat throughout the day. It seems complicated at the moment, but let's just break down all these points into goals.

For those who want to lose weight

You will not only have to work hard in the gym, choosing the optimal program for weight loss, but also limit yourself to your favorite foods.

For a healthy person who previously ate regular food and did not control his diet, a menu with a total calorie content of 1400 calories is suitable, which at first will allow you to receive all the necessary substances for comfortable and effective training.

It all depends on your initial average caloric intake and intensity of physical activity. There is an easy way to choose the right number: count the calorie content of your diet for 4–7 days; Don't limit yourself, but don't overeat either. Then calculate your average daily calorie intake. If it's well over 1,400 calories a day, then start there.

Drink more water. Your body will lose fat, and with it remove harmful substances. Help him, speed up his metabolism and at the same time restore the water-salt balance after training.

Speaking of the menu, we recommend preparing food for the whole day in advance, this will allow you to control its main meals and snacks in terms of calorie content, time, and portion size.

Stick to a varied diet, proper nutrition should not get boring, and food should stimulate appetite

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries. 50–70 grams of dry cereal, 50–100 grams of any berries, water or milk.
  • Second breakfast: charlotte with pear (100–150 grams) or any 2–3 fruits, except bananas.
  • Lunch: pilaf with chicken (250–300 grams), fresh vegetable salad (150–200 grams).
  • Afternoon snack: fresh vegetable salad (150–200 grams) or julienne with a minimum of sauce.
  • Dinner: chicken cutlets (200 grams) with fresh vegetables, vegetable salad (100–150 grams), egg pancake with chicken or 200 grams of fish.

According to a study by The New England Journal of Medicine, when caloric intake is reduced, it does not matter how the dietary fat is distributed within the diet and during the day, weight loss will still occur. But if you eat food containing a lot of carbohydrates and fats, neglecting proteins, you will not be able to quickly get in shape.

For those who model their figure

Maintaining an athletic figure allows you to have the correct ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in your daily diet.

You will need more protein and proper distribution of other nutrients your body needs throughout the day. Protein products should predominate in your diet; add no more than 0.5–1 grams of fat per kilogram of your weight. Carbohydrates are calculated using the residual principle (1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories) to obtain the required calorie content.

The average calorie content for modeling an already slim body and giving it shape is 1800–2000 calories, depending on gender, lifestyle, and age.

  • Breakfast: baked goods with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates (pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes) and an omelet with cheese or scrambled eggs and oat pancakes.
  • Second breakfast: easily digestible proteins (chicken, fish, seafood) with cereals (buckwheat, rice, pearl barley) and herbs. Fresh salad or fruit.
  • Lunch: Chicken Kiev and potato muffins or burrito with yogurt sauce, turkey/chicken and vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: teriyaki chicken with udon or buckwheat with mushrooms and chicken cutlet.
  • Dinner: cheesecakes with banana and nuts or cottage cheese casserole with candied fruits.

Remember that you need to monitor the amount of protein - at least 1.5-2.5 grams per kilogram of weight, but do not exceed 3 grams. Choose low-fat sources of protein: chicken breast, fish, cottage cheese, egg whites, beef.

The menu of a training athlete must be consistent with the BZHU, Grow Food helps with this

For those who are gaining weight

You need to create a calorie surplus by increasing the carbohydrate component of your diet. The standard proportion of BJU in this case is: carbohydrates – 50–60%, proteins – 20–30%, fats – 10–20%, but it may be different, as it greatly depends on individual characteristics, so it is better to consult with a specialist and trainer, to optimally match your diet and training intensity. The total caloric content of the diet is from 2500 calories.

Those who work for weight should choose complex carbohydrates and try to eliminate fast food, baked goods and other potentially harmful foods from their diet.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal pancakes with apple and egg sandwich with cheese or sesame pancakes and rice porridge with berries.
  • Second breakfast: wok with chicken or burrito with Caesar sauce.
  • Lunch: Udon or soba noodles and chicken in teriyaki sauce or chicken pancakes and mashed potatoes with gravy.
  • Afternoon snack: lazy dumplings or cottage cheese casserole with fruit.
  • Dinner: cheesecakes with bananas and nuts or beef and chicken meatballs with perlotto.
  • Before going to bed, it is better to drink a berry drink or fruit drink to replenish the water-salt balance.

The recommendations presented will help you navigate the variety of PP diets and tell you how to create a menu. If you work out in the gym, then you will want to eat delicious food, including to reward yourself for your efforts, and Grow Food delivery will help you do this not only tasty, but also healthy.

Our menus include burritos, burgers, pancakes, casseroles, even desserts. And you don’t have to calculate your calorie intake yourself, we’ve already done it for you.

Proper nutrition should not only be healthy, but also tasty. The Grow Food menu also includes desserts that you can reward yourself with without harming your figure.

Granola "Assorted"

20 minutes. | 471 kcal. | proteins: 12 gr. | fats: 21 gr. | carbohydrates: 38 gr. per serving

Ingredients for 4 servings: Figs, Dried dates, Almonds, Dried apricots, Oat flakes, Pumpkin seeds, Dark chocolate

Granola is a very healthy breakfast made from oatmeal, nuts, seeds and dried fruits. Granola can be filled with milk, yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk, and various fruits can be added to it. Homemade. (Further)

Date truffles

2 hours | 127 kcal. | proteins: 1 gr. | fats: 5 gr. | carbohydrates: 4 gr. per serving

Ingredients for 10 servings: Dried dates, Figs, Cocoa butter, Cocoa powder, Salt*

Candy is not necessarily harmful! They can be without sugar, very tasty and healthy! Like, for example, these pp truffles. They taste similar to Bite bars, soft, sweet, with a strong kick. (Further)

Juicy Achma with feta cheese and green onions

40 min. | 255 kcal. | proteins: 11 gr. | fats: 14 gr. | carbohydrates: 19 gr. per serving

Ingredients for 4 servings: Yeast-free pita bread, Cheese cheese, Sour cream 10%, Chicken egg, Kefir, Green onions

A quick and delicious pita dish

Pumpkin cupcake

5 minutes. | 278 kcal. | proteins: 14 gr. | fats: 15 gr. | carbohydrates: 21 gr. per serving

Ingredients for 1 serving: Pumpkin, Chicken egg, Water, Kefir, Starch, Cocoa powder, Corn oil, Vanillin*, Granulated sugar*, Salt*

Do you like pumpkin? And baked goods with pumpkin?! Then this recipe is for you! Delicate, tasty and fragrant pumpkin cupcake! In addition, it is prepared simply - just 5 minutes in the microwave. It is also dietary and suitable. (Further)

Salad with arugula, avocado and shrimp

25 min. | 250 kcal. | proteins: 15 gr. | fats: 18 gr. | carbohydrates: 8 gr. per serving

Ingredients for 4 servings: Shrimp, Avocado, Arugula, Lime, Olive oil, Ground black pepper*, Salt*

The most basic dietary salad that will brighten up the table at any holiday, ideal for dinner with girlfriends, a romantic evening, or just a delicious dish for lunch and dinner!

Pancakes in Belarusian style

40 min. | 532 kcal. | proteins: 32 gr. | fats: 23 gr. | carbohydrates: 60 gr. per serving

Ingredients for 6 servings: Wheat flour, Cow's milk, Onion, Chicken egg, Bacon, Granulated sugar, Sunflower oil, Salt

Hearty thick tender pancakes with egg, fried onions and bacon. The unique taste will satiate you and give you strength for the whole day. The main rule is to wrap the contents from the frying pan into a pancake. Believe me. (Further)

Curd protein pancakes

15 minutes. | 272 kcal. | proteins: 32 gr. | fats: 9 gr. | carbohydrates: 16 gr. per serving

Ingredients for 1 serving: Chicken egg, Cottage cheese, Oat flakes, Protein

Anonymous | over 3 years ago | 0 | 1236 | 0

Healthy banana cookies

40 min. | 359 kcal. | proteins: 5 gr. | fats: 15 gr. | carbohydrates: 43 gr. per serving

Ingredients for 6 servings: Bananas, Oat flakes, Dried dates, Vegetable oil, Vanilla

Anonymous | over 3 years ago | 0 | 1082 | 0

Oat bars

1 hour | 285 kcal. | proteins: 5 gr. | fats: 13 gr. | carbohydrates: 39 gr. per serving

Ingredients for 12 servings: Bananas, Oat flakes, Butter, Dark chocolate, Cane sugar, Syrup

Anonymous | over 3 years ago | 0 | 1020 | 0

Apple chips

2 hours | 178 kcal. | proteins: 2 gr. | fats: 1 gr. | carbohydrates: 35 gr. per serving

Ingredients for 1 serving: Apples, Ground cinnamon, Cardamom, Cloves

Anonymous | over 3 years ago | 0 | 764 | 0

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New recipes:

Granola "Assorted"

Ingredients for 4 servings: Figs, Dried dates, Almonds, Dried apricots, Oat flakes, Pumpkin seeds, Dark chocolate

calories: 471 kcal. | proteins: 12 gr. | fats: 21 gr. | carbohydrates: 38 gr. per serving

Date truffles

Ingredients for 10 servings: Dried dates, Figs, Cocoa butter, Cocoa powder, Salt *

calories: 127 kcal. | proteins: 1 gr. | fats: 5 gr. | carbohydrates: 4 gr. per serving

Juicy Achma with feta cheese and green onions

Ingredients for 4 servings: Yeast-free pita bread, Cheese cheese, Sour cream 10%, Chicken egg, Kefir, Green onions

calories: 255 kcal. | proteins: 11 gr. | fats: 14 gr. | carbohydrates: 19 gr. per serving

Pumpkin cupcake

Ingredients for 1 serving: Pumpkin, Chicken egg, Water, Kefir, Starch, Cocoa powder, Corn oil, Vanillin *, Granulated sugar *, Salt *

calories: 278 kcal. | proteins: 14 gr. | fats: 15 gr. | carbohydrates: 21 gr. per serving

Salad with arugula, avocado and shrimp

Ingredients for 4 servings: Shrimp, Avocado, Arugula, Lime, Olive oil, Ground black pepper *, Salt *

calories: 250 kcal. | proteins: 15 gr. | fats: 18 gr. | carbohydrates: 8 gr. per serving

Pancakes in Belarusian style

Ingredients for 6 servings: Wheat flour, Cow's milk, Onion, Chicken egg, Bacon, Granulated sugar, Sunflower oil, Salt

calories: 532 kcal. | proteins: 32 gr. | fats: 23 gr. | carbohydrates: 60 gr. per serving

Curd protein pancakes

Ingredients for 1 serving: Chicken egg, Cottage cheese, Oat flakes, Protein

calories: 272 kcal. | proteins: 32 gr. | fats: 9 gr. | carbohydrates: 16 gr. per serving

Healthy banana cookies

Ingredients for 6 servings: Bananas, Oat flakes, Dried dates, Vegetable oil, Vanilla

calories: 359 kcal. | proteins: 5 gr. | fats: 15 gr. | carbohydrates: 43 gr. per serving

Oat bars

Ingredients for 12 servings: Bananas, Oat flakes, Butter, Dark chocolate, Cane sugar, Syrup

calories: 285 kcal. | proteins: 5 gr. | fats: 13 gr. | carbohydrates: 39 gr. per serving

Apple chips

Ingredients for 1 serving: Apples, Ground cinnamon, Cardamom, Cloves

calories: 178 kcal. | proteins: 2 gr. | fats: 1 gr. | carbohydrates: 35 gr. per serving

Pasta with eggplant

Ingredients for 4 servings: Water, Pasta / pasta, Eggplant, Champignons, Olive oil, Garlic, Tomato sauce *, Basil *, Salt *, Parsley *, Ground black pepper *

calories: 310 kcal. | proteins: 9 gr. | fats: 10 gr. | carbohydrates: 47 gr. per serving


Ingredients for 4 servings: Chicken egg, Champignons, Bell pepper (paprika), Spinach, Onion, Cheese, Greek yogurt, Sorrel, Greens *, Canned capers *, Butter *, Ground black pepper *, Salt *, Tomato sauce *

calories: 244 kcal. | proteins: 20 gr. | fats: 17 gr. | carbohydrates: 3 gr. per serving


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Protein salads for weight loss

The norm of protein in the diet is determined by a nutritionist when preparing a diet, based on the person’s goals and the state of the body. As practice shows, people often undereat protein, preferring foods high in carbohydrates and fats.

How to balance your diet and eat deliciously? A varied diet is the key to health and a successful diet without breakdowns. If you are watching calories and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your daily diet, then we offer recipes for protein salads to maintain muscle tone.

Learn how to count calories correctly here

Tuna - well done!

Tuna is rich in protein - 100 g of canned meat accounts for 20.2 g of protein. Fish salad will significantly diversify your diet menu.

Salad with tuna and apple

  • Canned tuna natural – 150 g
  • Celery – 100 g
  • Apple – 150 g
  • Teaspoon of olive oil

Carefully drain the juice from a can of canned tuna, transfer the fish meat to a salad bowl and mash with a fork. Do not use tuna in oil - this will significantly increase the calorie content of the salad. Wash the celery stalk and cut into small pieces. Wash the apple, remove the stem and seeds and cut into slices the size of celery pieces. Season with olive oil.

Not boring chicken

One of the leaders in protein content in the product is chicken breast. 23.6 g protein per 100 g steamed meat.

Almost Caesar

  • Iceberg lettuce – 70 g
  • Cherry tomatoes – 100 g
  • ½ avocado – 50 g
  • Low-fat yoghurt 1.5% – 50 g
  • Steamed chicken breast – 100 g
  • Garlic salt, Provençal herbs - to taste

Salt the chicken breast, rub with Provençal herbs and steam. Leave to cool slightly. Wash the lettuce leaves and tear into small pieces and place in a bowl. Wash the cherry tomatoes, cut into halves, add to the lettuce. Wash the avocado, cut into two halves, peel one half and remove the pit. Cut the avocado into cubes and add to the rest of the ingredients.

With shrimps


  • 200 g shrimp
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 bell pepper
  • lemon juice to taste
  • salt, pepper to taste


  1. Cook shrimp in boiling water for 3 minutes. Drain in a colander and let the water drain.
  2. Wash the vegetables. Cut into large pieces.
  3. Season the protein salad with shrimp with lemon juice, pepper and salt.

If you're having a hard time curbing your sweet tooth, you can make a light fruit dessert. Skip bananas and grapes, instead leaning on apples and pears topped with natural yogurt or low-fat kefir. We hope that protein salad recipes will help you not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body of harmful accumulations .

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Salad with arugula and chicken

Arugula is not just an exotic green, it is a nutritious food with a rich taste and a long list of beneficial properties. Arugula is low in calories, but high in folic acid, vitamins A, C and K, as well as minerals like iron and copper. The peppery aroma of arugula gives the dish an amazing taste, and this is what I love to cook with it!

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • finely chopped mini carrots (10 pcs.)
  • half a cup shredded red cabbage
  • glass of arugula
  • 230-250 g chicken fillet, cut into large cubes
  • 2 teaspoons sunflower seeds
  1. Fry the chicken in olive oil, preferably in a non-stick pan. Set aside and let the meat cool.
  2. Chop mini carrots and red cabbage.
  3. Place arugula, carrots and red cabbage in a large salad bowl.
  4. Place the chilled chicken in a salad bowl and sprinkle the dish with sunflower seeds.
  5. Drizzle with your favorite dressing, bon appetit!

The best cabbage for a diet and proper nutrition: white cabbage, red cabbage, Peking cabbage

In addition to general characteristics, each type of cabbage has its own distinctive characteristics. Main characteristics:

  1. White cabbage is filled with beneficial compounds that can improve the body's metabolic processes, cleanse and promote health. The calorie content of this product is only 25 kcal. A large portion of fiber helps control cholesterol levels and support healthy digestion.
  2. Red cabbage is a valuable source of indigestible plant fibers that swell in the stomach and prevent overeating and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to its mineral composition, this vegetable strengthens the heart muscle, improves immunity and helps the body more easily endure the process of losing weight. 100 grams of product contains only 24 kcal.
  3. Cauliflower is suitable for low-calorie diets and therapeutic diets. The product contains 30 kcal per 100 grams and can be stored for a long time without losing its beneficial properties. This vegetable significantly improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and the processing of nutrients.
  4. Chinese cabbage quickly satisfies hunger and helps slow digestion. The product contains valuable fiber, ascorbic acid and minerals. Total caloric content is 32 kcal for every 100 grams. When consuming this vegetable, carbohydrates and fats from other foods are processed more efficiently, which prevents the appearance of extra centimeters at the waist.
  5. Broccoli contains many nutritional components that have a positive effect on the rate of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. The presence of chlorophyll and B vitamins promotes the proper absorption of carbohydrates and forces the body to actively burn calories, accelerating metabolic processes.

All types of cabbage can be easily used in a diet. It is best to add Chinese, white and red cabbage to salads, depending on other selected ingredients. However, you should not prepare a dish from only cabbage - complement the taste of the product with herbs, other vegetables, fruits and dressings.

Salad with tuna and apple

I know what you're thinking: tuna and apple, you're crazy! I assure you, both in texture and taste, apple goes perfectly with tuna. The best part about this salad is its versatility: eat it with a fork, spread it on bread, or wrap it in lettuce. Whichever option you choose, you won't be disappointed.

  • 2 tablespoons chopped celery
  • 2 cans of tuna in its own juice
  • 1 tablespoon sweet sauce
  • ½ apple, diced
  • pinch of garlic powder
  • 3 tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise
  1. Drain the liquid from the cans and place the tuna in a salad bowl.
  2. Chop the celery and apple well and add them to the tuna.
  3. Mix thoroughly, adding garlic powder, sweet sauce and mayonnaise.

Grocery list

A protein diet gives preference to protein-containing products such as dairy and eggs, as they are absorbed faster and better than protein from meat and fish products. As for vegetable protein, a significant increase in the volume of products containing such protein in the athlete’s diet per week is required, since it is only absorbed by seventy percent.

When switching to a new diet, you should not satisfy your hunger with carbohydrates - the majority of your diet should be proteins.

The required daily volume of products is calculated so that the body receives one and a half grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. And as the load increases, the rate of protein intake is increased 2–3 times, bringing the diet of bodybuilders to five grams per kilogram of weight per day.

The list of required protein products includes the following:

  • Various types of lean meat;
  • Chicken, turkey;
  • Different varieties of sea and freshwater fish, seafood;
  • Milk and fermented milk products;
  • Legumes;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Protein shakes.

The dish should include vitamin complexes, microelements, digestive fiber, and healthy fats.

During the diet, products are chosen fresh; preference is given to vegetables and fruits that have not undergone heat treatment and ripened in natural conditions. You cannot use yesterday's food, as its beneficial properties are significantly lost. Meals should be accompanied by plenty of still water.

It is recommended to reduce the amount of salt consumed, as it prevents fluid from leaving the body. Sugar, sweets and desserts are also not recommended; they should be replaced with natural sweeteners, honey, and dried fruits. A protein diet excludes coffee, carbonated drinks and commercially prepared juices. The diet will have a beneficial effect if you eat slowly, concentratedly, in small portions.

Salad with almonds and spinach

Spinach and almonds are a great combination! The taste is amazing, and it’s very good for your health. But I wanted to up the ante a little, so I added broccoli, a great source of vitamin A, protein-packed eggs, and basil leaves for even more flavor.

  • 1½ cups mini spinach (baby spinach)
  • ½ cup chopped broccoli
  • 1 small romaine tomato, chopped
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs
  • 1 tablespoon crushed almonds
  • fresh basil leaves
  1. Place spinach in a large salad bowl.
  2. Chop the broccoli, tomato and hard-boiled eggs and add it all along with the spinach.
  3. Sprinkle with crushed almonds and fresh basil leaves.
  4. Drizzle with your favorite dressing or try the juice of half a lemon with olive oil.

Advice and recommendations from experts

When following a dietary diet, food should be consumed in small portions and at least 5-6 times a day. In addition to proteins, the diet must contain vitamins, minerals and trace elements for the proper functioning of the whole body.


Protein breakdown products must be eliminated naturally, and therefore you cannot do without intensive drinking - for this you can use non-carbonated mineral water or green tea.

Before going to bed, be sure to have a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, or drinking yogurt. Those who have already normalized their weight need to focus their efforts on providing their muscles with enough protein.

This diet is suitable for every day protein diet for athletes:

  • For breakfast – 2 bananas, a portion of cottage cheese with sour cream, tea with milk;
  • Snack – muesli with milk and berries;
  • Lunch – a portion of boiled meat, vegetable soup, grain bread, rose hip decoction;
  • The next snack is a handful of unsalted raw nuts;
  • Dinner – omelet, vegetable salad, grain bread and tea.

You can also drink a cup of coffee for breakfast, but without sugar, boil a few eggs, add a cracker. For lunch, it is useful to eat fish, beef, vegetable salad, washed down with tomato juice.


Dietary foods that help activate energy balance are oatmeal with dried fruits, asparagus, broccoli, rice cake, protein drink, whey, fish, French loaf, beef tenderloin.

It is necessary to take into account that protein nutrition creates a load on the digestive organs, and therefore it is important not to oversaturate the stomach, but to eat food in moderation, and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Salad with quinoa, mint and lemon

I love quinoa. The taste is amazing, the protein is a cart and a small cart, and also goes well with any food. That’s why I often include this salad in my menu as a main dish, although it also works well as a side dish. Next time, take it to a barbecue or take-out dinner and I guarantee you it will be devoured!

  • 3 cups boiled quinoa
  • ½ cup pine nuts
  • 10 chopped mint leaves
  • juice of one lemon
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon basil oil (optional)
  1. Mix mint leaves with boiled quinoa.
  2. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Add pine nuts, salt and oil to the salad bowl.
  4. Enjoy alone or treat your close friends!

What ingredients does the vegetable go best with?

All kinds of raw cabbage go well with vegetables and fresh herbs. At the same time, cabbage improves the absorption of other products due to its balanced composition of nutrients.

Note! Cabbage should not be combined with whole milk and fruit due to the high risk of eating disorders. Exceptions include white and red cabbage species, which are universal salad ingredients.

Cauliflower goes well with starchy foods, herbs, cheese and vegetable fats. Combinations of cabbage and meat are quite nutritious and heavy on the stomach, so dishes with this composition should not be included in the diet menu.

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