Is it possible to eat dark chocolate at night before bed (harm or benefit)

The benefits and harms of chocolate before bed

Most often you can find information that eating chocolate before bed is extremely undesirable for many reasons, including due to its stimulating effect on the nervous system. The main components that can affect sleep quality are caffeine and theobromine.

Caffeine is a natural stimulant. It is able to support brain function, increasing concentration and relieving fatigue. Once in the intestines, caffeine is quickly absorbed and enters the blood. The substance is then transferred to the liver, where it breaks down into smaller molecules, which have a stimulating effect on the body.

A person begins to feel cheerfulness and a surge of strength due to the fact that the action of adenosine, which is responsible for the appearance of a feeling of fatigue and the desire to sleep, is blocked. The concentration of this mediator increases gradually, and the person gets tired by the end of the day. Caffeine, by blocking the functioning of receptors, allows the brain to remain in an excited state longer and continue to work effectively at a time when the body needs rest.

At the same time, caffeine stimulates irritation of receptors sensitive to dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is an antagonist of adenosine. Thanks to this, a large dose of adrenaline enters the blood, which in turn forces all organs and systems to work in a more active mode. By eating chocolate at night, a person forces the body to work at a time when it needs rest.

The full effect of caffeine can be felt about an hour after consuming the bar. If this happens rarely, there is no particular harm. But with regular stimulation of the brain in the evening, you can completely disrupt your sleep schedule and cause the development of insomnia.

Another component is theobromine, which is found in large quantities in cocoa beans; therefore, it is also present in chocolate, especially its dark varieties. Scientists are still debating whether this substance is beneficial or harmful to the body. It can influence a person’s mood, improving it.

At the same time, theobromine has antispasmodic properties; in large quantities it can disrupt the functioning of the cardiovascular system and cause an allergic reaction.

At the same time, the amount of this substance contained in 1 chocolate bar is clearly not enough for such an effect. Unlike caffeine, theobromine stimulates brain function more gently, without causing sudden changes.


If we consider each type of sweet separately, then milk chocolate is one of the most undesirable to eat at night. In addition to cocoa, butter and sugar, you can find dry cream in the composition. Due to the increased fat content, milk substitute creates extra stress on the digestive system, liver and pancreas. Eating this type of dessert is recommended only during dinner along with other food.

Otherwise, side effects may occur:

  1. Heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.
  2. Constipation and flatulence.
  3. The appearance of acne.
  4. Excessive oily skin.


Many people wonder if it is possible to eat dark chocolate before bed. It’s difficult to decide on this type of delicacy. It contains a high percentage of cocoa liquor and a minimal amount of sugar relative to the total mass of the bar. The calorie content of such a dessert is correspondingly lower. Biologically active substances in dark chocolate contribute to the functioning of many human organs and systems. However, a bar of this type of sweet contains much more caffeine, which has an stimulating effect on the nervous system and leads to problems with sleep due to a surge of vigor.


Dark chocolate contains less cocoa beans than bitter chocolate, but more than milk dessert. Therefore, its effect on the nervous system is quite low. If you follow the measure when having an evening snack, sweetness will not affect your hormonal levels and will not cause insomnia. However, it is worth considering that the treat still contains fats, which can put stress on the pancreas and liver.

Hot chocolate

Unlike the types of chocolate described above, the calorie content of a hot drink is the lowest - 78 kcal per 100 g of product. We can conclude that eating one serving (especially without sugar) at night will not have a detrimental effect on your figure.

Don't forget that hot chocolate warms you up and promotes relaxation, which in turn helps you fall asleep. But there is also a minus - the drink has a diuretic property and can, on the contrary, prevent you from falling asleep.


Cocoa contains more theobromine than chocolate, which means its effect will be stronger. At the same time, the effect of this drink on the body also depends on the concentration of sugar in it. Glucose also provides energy to the body, forcing it to be active. Doctors do not recommend drinking cocoa at night for people suffering from migraines.

However, due to the high concentration of caffeine, the drink can cause insomnia. In the evening, it is advisable to drink natural cocoa, without replacing it with chemical soluble analogues, which manufacturers also position under the name “cocoa”. The composition of these drinks is different, as is their effect on the body.

With various additives

Chocolate with additives is an undesirable treat before a night's rest. First, chocolate can disrupt your sleep. Secondly, the additives contained in the tiles can also have an effect on the nervous and digestive systems, pancreas, etc. Therefore, experts do not recommend eating this type of sweetness at night.

You will be left without teeth and with a belly! What you need to know about chocolate

It harms your figure, causes skin problems and destroys teeth. Is chocolate as scary as some experts say, or does it still have many more beneficial properties than harmful ones? Gastroenterologist Alexey Paramonov tells us whether it is worth tormented by remorse when your hand once again reaches for the sweet “doping”.

We think: Dark chocolate is the healthiest, everything else is a surrogate

In fact: Of course, milk chocolate can be of high quality; calling it a surrogate is incorrect. But dark chocolate actually contains the maximum amount of cocoa beans and cocoa butter, while milk chocolate contains more sugar, milk fat and protein.

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We think: Dark chocolate is low-calorie and promotes weight loss

Actually: This may be partially true only because you can't eat a lot of it. However, it contains no less calories than milk, although the glycemic index is lower. If you eat a lot of dark chocolate, you will also gain weight.

We think: Chocolate helps lift your mood

Fact : Chocolate contains two main components that affect mood: sugar and caffeine. Both of them last from a few minutes to half an hour. Then you will definitely want more. Keeping your mood up with chocolate is the road to excess weight and diabetes. If you still have an irresistible need for another tile and feel sad without it, then this is a reason to consult a doctor to rule out depression and anxiety.

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We think: Chocolate destroys teeth

In fact: Of course, like any sugar-containing product. If sugar remains on the teeth, it becomes an immediate prey for bacteria, which produce acid from it, which destroys tooth enamel. Therefore, after eating, you need to rinse your mouth, use chewing gum, and if possible, brush your teeth more often than the obligatory and usual two times a day.

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We think: The chocolate diet is an effective way to lose weight

Reality : This is a quick way to lose weight. Judge for yourself: for a week you are allowed to eat 90-100 grams of chocolate per day and nothing more, with the exception of water and black coffee. The daily calorie content is about 550 kilocalories. This is very little. With such a strict restriction, weight loss is inevitable. And just as inevitable is the rapid restoration of weight with excess, since any “diets-feats” that involve extreme nutritional deficiency in a short period lead to an unstable result. Still, weight control is a small effort every day, not a jerk once a year.

We think: Chocolate is a powerful allergen

In fact: We have a tradition of prohibiting chocolate for children with atopic dermatitis and “diathesis”; it is not allowed for pregnant and lactating women, calling it the scientific but meaningless term “obligate allergen”. Obligate - obligatory, i.e. allergen by default. It is not true. Chocolate has been slandered. Allergy is a purely individual phenomenon. Some people can't stand mangoes, others can't stand lamb. Chocolate in this series is an ordinary product that does not stand out in any way.

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We think: Frequent consumption of chocolate leads to excess weight

In fact: There are no hidden properties in chocolate that are recognized by rumor. This is a common high-calorie dessert consisting of sugar and fat. If you do not take into account its 550 kcal per 100 g, then, of course, you can easily lose control, and calories received in excess of the plan will be detrimental to your figure.

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We think: White chocolate doesn't contain any nutrients, so it's best not to eat it

In fact: It differs from regular milk chocolate in that it does not contain cocoa beans (it only contains cocoa butter) and does not tone like regular chocolate. But otherwise it can be considered a variant of regular milk chocolate.

We Think: Chocolate Causes Acne and Other Skin Problems

In fact: Not the chocolate itself, but the sugar contained in it. Indeed, any dessert can cause an exacerbation of acne and provoke the proliferation of staphylococcus on the skin. Chocolate is not unique in this sense.

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We think: The highest quality chocolate is Swiss

In fact: The European Union has good quality control. And if you see chocolate, and not “chocolate product” or “chocolate glaze,” then it will really be of excellent quality. The long-standing tradition of chocolate production in Switzerland and Belgium has inevitably affected its popularity and the maintenance of high standards from batch to batch. Although, in my opinion, the product of some Russian factories (not all) is no worse. We just need to look at the composition especially carefully so that cocoa butter is not replaced with other vegetable fat, because then it will no longer be chocolate, but its imitation.

We think: The permissible amount of chocolate (necessarily dark) per day is 40 grams

In fact: We can say that this is a safe figure, an additional 200 kcal and a piece of good mood. If you took these calories into account when calculating your diet, then there will definitely be no harm.

Scientific reason why you shouldn’t eat at night

According to doctors, you should not eat chocolate at night, because... During this period of the day, the body should fully rest and not be in an excited state. Moreover, it will not be possible to constantly maintain the tone of the body due to the action of caffeine contained in chocolate, and fatigue will take its toll, and at the most inopportune time.

Evening hunger has its advantages, so it is not recommended to satisfy it with a sweet treat. The body is forced to actively spend glucose at night to maintain its vital functions, which does not happen after eating chocolate at night. The glucose contained in the bar completely replaces that taken from the reserves of the human body.

What does it lead to?

Chocolate contains a large amount of calories, so its constant consumption before bed can cause excess weight, since energy consumption is minimal during rest hours.

Food at night - diseased blood vessels

With long-term regular consumption of products made from cocoa beans, blood vessels dilate and, accordingly, the pressure in them decreases. But it is advisable to eat this type of sweet during the day for medicinal purposes.

When eating chocolate, another positive effect is observed: it prevents platelets from sticking together into blood clots, i.e., it thins the blood. But again, it is better not to do treatment in the evening, but to postpone it until the morning hours.

Late dinners – psycho-emotional problems

Later, eating a dessert made from cocoa beans can become a habit, which will later be quite difficult to get rid of. Chocolate, even in small quantities, contains substances that cause mild addiction. Therefore, over time, the desire to eat chocolate at night may appear regularly.


Doctors answered the question whether it is possible to eat chocolate at night. If you want something sweet and tasty at night, you should choose foods with less glucose and without substances that stimulate brain function. Experts advise replacing chocolate with sweet fruits.

Which one is better to choose?

If the desire to eat chocolate becomes unbearable, then it is best to choose dairy types of treats, where the concentration of caffeine and theobromine is much lower. It is better to give preference to white chocolate, which is made from cocoa bean butter and is practically safe in this regard.

How long before bedtime

The interval between eating chocolate and going to bed depends on the type of treat. For example, the dairy variety can only be consumed 3-4 hours before a night's rest. And at the same time, you can eat dark chocolate 1-2 hours before bedtime. A couple of pieces of a dark treat would be a good choice - you can eat them 1 hour before going to bed. White chocolate is not recommended for consumption at night. But as an exception, you can take it after dinner as dessert 3-4 hours before bedtime.

In what quantity

The amount of chocolate you can afford at night should be minimal - no more than 2-3 slices. In this case, the psycho-emotional craving for the treat will be relieved, and the negative effect on the body will be insignificant.

What kind of chocolate and when to eat it in the evening

Having examined the characteristics of each type of chocolate, we can draw certain conclusions regarding the evening diet.

  • If you only have milk chocolate, then you should eat it immediately after dinner as a dessert. But there should be at least three hours left before bed so that the product can be completely digested.
  • A couple of cubes of the bitter variety can be safely consumed 1–2 hours before going to bed.
  • Dark chocolate is the safest evening snack, two slices of which can be eaten an hour before bed. It will bring additional benefits to the body and will not overload the nervous system.

You should remember the main rule: it is better not to consume milk or white chocolate at night. Such desserts contain a lot of sugar and fat, and these sweets are allowed to be eaten no later than 4 hours before bedtime and in small doses.


Is it possible to eat chocolate before bed while losing weight?

If you want to lose weight, you will have to give up chocolate at night, primarily because it contains a large amount of fats and carbohydrates. Their minimal amount is contained in the bitter dessert, but at the same time, products of this variety have a higher concentration of caffeine, which is why doctors, but especially nutritionists, do not recommend eating this sweetness before bed.

In addition, the work of the digestive system slows down during this period, so it will take more time to break down the treat.

In the morning, after a heavy dinner the day before, which ended with the consumption of chocolate, you will feel heaviness in the stomach, and flatulence may develop.

Who shouldn't eat chocolate?

Those diagnosed with diabetes should avoid chocolate. It is also not recommended for children.

Alla Chekanova


If you want to solve the problem with chocolate, then you should know that the hormone of joy (serotonin) is also released during physical activity.

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Nutritionist opinion

Nutritionists have mixed opinions about chocolate. There are situations when taking this sweet treat is welcome. When consuming sweets, you should observe the measure both during the day and at night.

If it is difficult for experienced sweet tooths to control themselves, then the amount of product eaten should be minimal, just to feel the taste of chocolate and relieve psycho-emotional dependence. Moreover, it is advisable to gradually reduce this amount in order to then completely abandon the nightly sweet snack. For weight loss, it is best to avoid any food before bed.

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