Losing weight with shaping: 9 exercises for the most important parts of the body

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Shaping (from the English shape - shape, to give shape) is a training system for weight loss. It is based on the idea that long-term, low-intensity exercise is needed to burn fat. To achieve this, shaping does not use complex exercises for the whole body, but isolated exercises for “problem” areas. Each exercise works one muscle group (separately the thigh in front, separately in the back, separately on the side, and so on).

However, over time, shaping lost ground, giving way to more advanced types of fitness - aerobics and the gym. The fact is that in comparison with them, shaping turned out to be too boring and monotonous. And the load in isolated exercises without weights is very low-intensity, and weight loss can be achieved only by following a very strict diet.

Nevertheless, now fitness specialists are again offering classes based on the principle of shaping. The fact is that the exercises included in it turn out to be much safer than those used in other activities! Here, a lot is done on the floor and at the support, that is, the load on the spine and leg veins is reduced. Accordingly, shaping is great for beginners, very fat people and those over 40.

Today you can try such safe gymnastics.

Chest and arms

Stand straight, feet wider than shoulder width, knees slightly bent. Lean your body forward slightly. Clench your fists (you can take small dumbbells or water bottles), tense your arms, bend your elbows 90° and spread them to the sides with your elbows up. From this position, move your elbows back and slightly up, squeezing your shoulder blades and extending your arms to the sides. Then move your arms forward and slightly down, crossing them in front of your chest as deeply as possible (trying to reach your elbow with your elbow). Don't slouch your back, keep your shoulders turned. Repeat 30 times.

How is shaping different from fitness?

Shaping differs significantly from other sports in the features of its training schemes. This applies not only to the order in which certain sets of exercises are performed, but also to the number of muscle groups that are involved in the work during exercise.

Shaping allows you to simultaneously use almost all muscle groups. A similar effect is achieved due to the fact that the majority of exercises consist of at least 2-3 movements and are considered basic. This approach makes it possible to distribute the load evenly. In addition, there is an active release of hormones that promote muscle growth.

The anaerobic and aerobic stages are clearly separated in shaping training schemes. This is what allows you to create an optimal program that allows you to achieve maximum efficiency.

Please note that shaping uses many exercises that must be performed while sitting or lying on the floor, which significantly reduces the load on the spine. In addition, classes take place at a fairly energetic pace under the constant supervision of an instructor.

Contraindications to training

Shaping is considered the most effective program for body correction. Despite the fact that it is suitable for almost everyone without restrictions on age and level of physical fitness, there are several contraindications that need to be taken into account. Shaping cannot be done:

  • people with heart and vascular diseases;
  • for hypertension, respiratory pathologies;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • visual impairment, regular dizziness, general weakness of the body;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with the onset of the menstrual cycle.

Shaping[edit | edit code]


(English shaping - giving shape) - a type of rhythmic gymnastics aimed at changing the shape of the body. The population for which the “shaping” system was created is women and girls from 15 to 50 years old. The main method is the method of strictly regulated exercise.


To develop the system (program), special studies were carried out, the results of which revealed the leading body parameters that determine the attractiveness of a woman’s figure. The authors of the system identified 9 types of female body constitution, for each of which the objective parameters of the shaping model were described.

In shaping classes, there are two stages that differ in tasks and method of application of exercises: “catabolic”, aimed at reducing the excess fat component, and “anabolic” - strength exercises to give the muscles the necessary shape and volume. In accordance with these tasks, at the “catabolic” stage of training, the muscle work mode is predominantly aerobic; at the “anabolic” stage, the proportion of exercises performed in anaerobic mode is much greater.

Increased attention to shaping is naturally shown by the female half of humanity. They want to feel attractive and wanted. By the way, they succeed in this very well.

The main goal of shaping training is to correct the figure in the first place, plus all other beneficial effects on the body of those involved (improving well-being and getting rid of chronic diseases).

It is worth remembering that playing sports allows you to get rid of many diseases. Thus, shaping helps strengthen all muscle groups, the entire body, as a result a person gets the desired result: a strong, resilient and beautiful body.

The set of exercises includes warm-up, relaxation and stretching exercises. During such training, a person receives advice from a professional on how to perform the necessary exercise in order to get the greatest return and maximum effect.

During the exercise, you need to monitor physical indicators (pulse, breathing) and the correctness of the exercise itself.

The shaping lesson lasts one hour, so you need to plan your time so that this hour remains free. The results of training should be carefully checked and control measurements taken.

Contraindications to shaping classes[edit | edit code]

Shaping classes are not recommended when a woman begins menstruation. If a woman does not want to miss classes, then she should not study for at least the first three days.

Also, shaping training is contraindicated for pregnant women and people who have recently suffered from any illness.

In addition, people who have diseases such as epilepsy, tuberculosis of bones and joints, scoliosis, severe diseases of internal organs, cancer, various fractures, etc. are not allowed to engage in active sports, including shaping.

The advantages of shaping are[edit | edit code]

  • simplicity, pace and range of movements;
  • psychological assistance in group classes;
  • the ability to choose an individual lesson schedule;
  • The lesson takes place to the accompaniment of pleasant music.

This sport has no disadvantages. The main thing is not to be lazy, but to pull yourself together and achieve the desired result. Shaping is one of the few sports that guarantees one hundred percent results.

Nutrition during shaping[edit | edit code]

On the day of training, you must avoid heavy and high-calorie foods. The best option is to give yourself a fasting day. If you have any serious illness, you should consult your doctor about nutrition.

On other days, it is also recommended to adhere to proper nutrition. You need to choose low-calorie foods and light foods. Of course, you will have to give up sweets, flour products and fatty foods. Sugar can be replaced with honey. There is no need to consume bread in large quantities (0-250 grams per day). It is advisable to eat rye bread or bread with bran. The main components of the diet are vegetables and fruits.

Pros and cons of training

Let's start with the advantages:

  • Shaping classes allow us to correct our physique. Work on problem areas, lose extra pounds, make muscles strong and elastic, which is especially important for the female body.
  • The workouts are absolutely safe, unlike strength exercises with free weights (kettlebells, barbells). After all, power loads are unnatural for the female body.
  • Shaping is suitable for women of any age. Both very young girls and older women can participate in such a program. The main task is to choose the right direction, taking into account age characteristics and level of physical fitness.
  • To get rid of excess weight, classic shaping is best, which has virtually no contraindications. Therapeutic is relevant during the rehabilitation period and after illnesses. It should be done only after consulting a doctor.

Despite the many advantages, shaping also has its disadvantages:

  • In a situation where the goal of training is to build muscle mass, shaping is not suitable.
  • Classes involve changing the nutrition system. This is the only way to achieve the greatest efficiency.
  • You need to do shaping regularly. A couple of workouts a month depending on your mood will not give the desired result. The optimal number of classes is 2-3 times a week.
  • Some types of shaping are not suitable for everyone. Before you start exercising, you should consult with your doctor and find out if there are any contraindications to training.


The term translated from English means “giving shape.” This is precisely the definition that Soviet therapist-physiologist Ilya Prokhortsev gave to his new developed technique. For many years he studied the problem of women struggling with excess weight and tried to find a solution to it. In 1988, the specialist managed to create a unique training program - it helped not only to lose pounds, but also to work on certain problem areas on the body.

During the study, Prokhortsev compared the initial indicators and results of women with different figures, thereby revealing the connection between the human constitution and the way the body is brought back to normal. Therefore, each plan has its own characteristics, the main thing is to follow the recommendations and not stop practicing.

Shaping at home: advantages and disadvantages

Shaping can be done at home. Video tutorials and additional literature on the Internet will be excellent helpers for this. There is a huge selection of programs. Each of them can be customized for yourself.

Shaping (weight loss exercises at home) has its advantages and disadvantages:

The benefits of home trainingCons of home training
You can exercise at a time convenient for you.Sometimes it's tempting to skip a workout.
There is an opportunity to save money.There is no control over the correct execution of exercises.
Exercising at home takes less time than going to the fitness club.Training based on video lessons is mainly of medium load.
The training takes place in comfortable conditions without unnecessary people.To train at home, you need to have a lot of motivation, otherwise you can quickly give up on it.
Everyone can choose their own set of exercises or alternate them.It is difficult to develop the right shaping diet on your own.
You can play your favorite music for classes.
To practice at home, you can choose any comfortable clothes.

The best option would be to contact a professional so that he can select an individual program. And then, based on these exercises, you can practice at home.

Nutrition during shaping exercises

Nutrition in shaping is not an exclusive and innovative system; on the contrary, it is necessary to adhere to simple and understandable principles of proper nutrition, namely:

  • Refusal of flour and confectionery products, fruits and drinks with a high glycemic index. Products with glycemic index here →
  • Stick to 3-4 meals a day.
  • Vegetables should predominate in the diet, with complex carbohydrates in second place, namely various cereals high in fiber.
  • Lean meat, steamed, oven-baked or boiled, should be consumed in larger quantities in the afternoon than carbohydrates, which predominate in the first half of the day. Protein foods also include dairy products, eggs, fish and seafood.
  • Refined saturated fats in the diet are reduced to a minimum - butter, sunflower oil, unrefined oils, seeds and nuts remain.
  • Fruits are also present in the diet, but in moderate quantities, which should not be consumed at night.
  • You can drink any soft drinks with a minimum amount of sweeteners.

Types of shaping

There are several types of shaping, which differ in the intensity of the given load and the types of exercises included in the complex:

  • Classic (or shaping classic). Training according to this scheme involves the presence of catabolic and anabolic stages. The main goal of the classes is to form ideal body proportions and maintain the desired shape.
  • Therapeutic. This training program involves relatively light loads and longer pauses between exercises. Classes according to this scheme are suitable for recovery after injury. It is also used by overweight people who want to get rid of extra pounds.
  • Pro-shaping. This is the most difficult training program, involving high load and high repetitions. Only people with good physical fitness should exercise according to this scheme.
  • Choreographic shaping. This program combines exercises very similar to aerobics and dancing. Regular exercises make it possible to correct your gait and straighten your posture.
  • Uni-shape. This program is the optimal solution for children and teenagers. During training, minimum loads are set. Most of the exercises are aimed at developing correct posture, harmonious muscle development and increasing the body's endurance.
  • Shaping for the elderly. Involves performing a special set of exercises aimed at preventing age-related pathologies.

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