The best lower abdominal exercises for men

  • Effective exercises for the lower abdomen.
  • Reverse crunches.
  • Hold or boat pose.
  • Leg raises with a ball.
  • Bringing your knees to your chest on a fitball.
  • Hanging leg raises.
  • Plank.
  • Nutrition when doing lower abdominal exercises for girls.
  • Perfect abs are the trend of this season. If men are looking for ways to achieve definition, then girls are interested in the possibility of getting rid of fat in the lower abdomen. And this is not surprising, because around us we are constantly “pressured” by models with ideal forms, celebrities posing in underwear, professional athletes posting their selfies on social networks.

    What should ordinary people do? How to achieve the desired result in the form of an excellent pumped, flat tummy? The answer is obvious - exercises for the lower abs. By choosing the right complex, you will quickly become the owner of a beautiful, slender figure.

    Why is it difficult to work out your lower abs: common mistakes

    The lower abdomen is an area that requires increased attention. It just so happens that the human body “loves” to store fat in this very place. Therefore, when working with the lower press, an integrated approach is necessary. This is the only way to achieve excellent results. We also try not to make mistakes in the process:

    • We don’t perceive the lower abs as one isolated muscle. The abdomen of a girl or a man is made up of several muscle fibers that require a special approach. Having found out the anatomical features of this area, you can choose the most suitable set of exercises, correctly placing emphasis during pumping.
    • We are not afraid to add loads. There are a huge number of bodyweight exercises aimed at working the lower abdomen, but over time they cease to give the desired effect. In this case, we are not afraid to complicate the elements. Additional load is an excellent opportunity to take a new peak and stimulate the muscles to work more intensely.
    • We don’t straighten the back while working on the tummy. In order for the lower abdominal muscles to actually contract, it is necessary to ensure that the spine naturally curves. A straight back is important when doing exercises for the legs and back, but not the abdomen.
    • Don't rest after each repetition. We pump the lower abdomen without rest. A short rest is allowed only if you feel very tired or tired. In this case, 20-30 seconds are enough to normalize your breathing and relax a little.
    • We are not in a hurry to do repetitions. Beginners often commit the sin of being overzealous, trying to do as much and as quickly as possible during their first workout. But this is a serious mistake. The main goal of someone losing weight is not quantity, but quality, the “purity” of performing the elements. Believe me, the effect will be much greater.

    Helpful advice. It is not enough just to organize the training process competently. You also need to take care of your nutrition. Do not neglect diets and a balanced menu. Otherwise, you will definitely never get rid of fat deposits in the lower abdomen, even by regularly doing exercises. We remove all junk food from the diet and add vegetables, fruits, and cereals prepared with a minimum amount of salt and flavor enhancers.


    Why you don’t need to raise your legs to the horizontal bar or to your head

    When we try to raise our legs so high while doing leg raises, the load moves from the lower part of the abs to the upper part. This option is good for a comprehensive workout of the abdominal muscles.

    And if you want to work on the lower part, do the exercise specifically for it. You will have more strength to work with your lower abs.

    How to breathe

    We breathe according to the classically accepted pattern: as we inhale, we lower our legs, as we exhale, we raise them. It is better not to hold your breath or knock it down.

    Hard work always comes with exhalation – that’s the law. Firstly, it makes it easier to repeat. Secondly, you reduce intra-abdominal pressure, which increases greatly with such tension.

    Other exercises that work your lower abs

    You can also practice running with high hips. At the same time, the bottom of the press is loaded. This is a good workout to increase his endurance, but will not help increase his abs. To achieve super endurance, you can use ankle weights.

    Running in place with high knees is suitable for home use.

    Is it possible to pump up your lower abs with exercises alone?

    Practice proves that you can always pump up your abs with physical exercise. The question is: will it be visible? Loads increase muscle mass, make the muscle harder and stronger. The fat located above the abdominal muscles hides all your achievements.

    If you want beautiful sculpted cubes, remove the fat. This is done through a balanced diet or diet. Simply reduce the amount of carbohydrates and increase the amount of protein in your diet. You will achieve results, just not as quickly as you would like.

    And remember, each person has their own minimum fat percentage. For some, it’s easy to “expose” their six-pack, while for others it will take a very long time to achieve this. Focus on how you feel. If you are genetically unable to have visible abs, maybe you should settle for a flat stomach?

    Exercise combinations and training frequency

    Easy options for pumping up the lower abs can be performed daily, 1-2 approaches. For example, raising your legs and then holding them. Let this serve as your morning exercise.

    Heavier and more effective exercises should be performed 2 times a week. Especially with weights. And the higher the weight, the fewer repetitions you need to do - 10 or 12.

    If you are doing a complex workout, separate the loads on the upper and lower abs by day. It will be better this way. The fact is that the abs work completely and in all exercises on them. And, if you pump the top and bottom in one day, it turns out that only one part will be able to load as much as possible. And for the second one there won’t be enough strength. And don’t forget to warm up before any exercise!

    Rules for training the lower abdominal muscles

    When starting to do exercises on the lower abdomen, you need to remember a few simple rules, following which will allow you to spend your time during training with maximum benefit:

    • You should spend at least 15-20 minutes daily working out the muscles of the lower abdomen. Regularity is the main condition for successful weight loss in this area.
    • Emphasis on the quality of execution of elements - we follow the technique. To see the result in your mirror after a few weeks, it is important to perform the movements as competently as possible, taking into account each technique and controlling your breathing.
    • We work on the lower abs, taking our time. Rushing can lead to negative results and even serious injuries.
    • We train at certain hours. The ideal time to perform a set of exercises is morning or evening. We eat an hour and a half before training.
    • Don't forget about proper breathing. This is a very serious point that absolutely cannot be forgotten. The greatest effect from movements is achieved not only by competent technique, but also by how correctly a person breathes.

    Helpful advice. For exercise to have a long-term effect, you must first get rid of fat in the problem area. Only then can you lean into strength training. For active fat burning, cardio training is suitable, for example, cycling, treadmill, swimming, etc.

    General requirements for classes

    When performing lower abdominal exercises for girls and boys, a number of rules should be taken into account:

    1. Don't tense up;
    2. Don't overwork yourself;
    3. Make sure your back is level and do not arch it artificially;
    4. Make all movements smoothly and harmoniously;
    5. Breathe correctly, inhale when tense muscles, exhale when relaxing;
    6. It's best not to hold your breath;
    7. Monitor the position of the head – at the same level as the spine;
    8. Strict adherence to technique is the key to uniform distribution of physical activity and the elimination of pain in different areas of the body.

    Elderly people should pump up their abs under the supervision of a specialist trainer and if there are no contraindications to physical activity. Youth can also practice at home, following all the rules and recommendations.

    If pain occurs, it is better to consult a trainer or doctor.

    Effective exercises for the lower abdomen

    Working on your lower abs is very different from working on your upper abs. Its main feature is the need to tear off the legs in the process, and not the head and shoulders. By performing the “correct” elements, any girl in a short time will be able to “shape” herself a beautiful, thin waist and get rid of the hated tummy that looks ugly through her clothes.

    We bring to your attention the following exercises to work out the lower abdomen - excellent results are guaranteed.

    Reverse crunches

    • We lie down on our backs. We bend our legs at the knee joint and raise them a little. They must be lifted off the floor.

    Note. If the movement is done on a special gymnastic bench, then we hold on to the seat located above our heads with our hands. If the lying position is taken on the floor, then the arms are simply extended forward.

    • The upper body remains motionless. We create tension in the abdominal area and pull our legs up. We try to perform the maximum lift.
    • Having risen, we linger for a few moments, then slowly, slowly, lower ourselves.

    Exercises for working out the abs and techniques for performing them

    Structure of the abdominal muscles
    The abdominal muscles include:

    • rectus abdominis muscle;
    • oblique external and internal;
    • transverse

    During the exercises, the entire abs are used. It is impossible not to include this or that muscle in the work, but you can perform exercises that load the lower part of the abs to a greater extent.

    In all abdominal exercises, it is important to control your breathing. In dynamic exhalation is done for the main effort, inhalation is for relaxation, in static breathing should be deep and as even as possible.

    Basic exercises

    These are the main exercises for working the abdominal muscles, including all types of crunches and planks. You can perform them on a mat without additional equipment or with additional weight (dumbbells, plate, weights).


    These are dynamic exercises on a mat. They involve lifting the body to the legs, legs to the body, or simultaneous lifting of the body and legs. They have many options.

    Raising the body. Execution rules:

    • legs are fixed in one position;
    • the lower back is pressed tightly to the floor or bench;
    • neck relaxed;
    • arms are located behind the head, on the chest or extended forward.

    In this exercise, the legs are on the floor or in the air, straight or bent at the knee. You can perform deep, smooth lifts of the body upward or small, rhythmic lifts, lifting only the shoulder blades or the entire body off the floor.

    To increase the load, it is recommended to hold dumbbells or weights on your chest.

    Leg raises or reverse crunches. Operating rules:

    • the body is motionless;
    • the lower back is pressed tightly to the floor;
    • hands are located behind the head, along the body or under the buttocks;
    • feet do not touch the floor.

    You can do straight leg lifts or leg pulls with knees bent, raise your legs to an angle of 90' or 45', and lift them simultaneously and alternately from a lying position. There is a variant of this exercise in which the pelvis is lifted off the floor at the top point, the so-called reverse crunch with an upward leg press. In this case, additional stress is placed on the lower abdominal muscles.

    Double twist. In this exercise, the legs and body are pulled towards each other. Execution rules:

    • at the lower point the lower back is pressed tightly to the floor, when the body rises it is slightly rounded;
    • neck relaxed;
    • feet do not touch the floor;
    • hands are located behind the head, on the chest or directed forward.

    Here you can pull up bent or straight legs. And also perform alternate pull-ups to the opposite elbow. This exercise is called "bicycle".

    A more complicated version of double twisting is the “jackknife”. It involves twisting while holding the corner in a sitting position. It involves the work of the muscles not only of the abdominal muscles, but also of the shoulders and the front surface of the thigh.


    Another effective exercise is “scissors”. In it, the legs alternately cross each other, lowering and rising above the floor. The shoulder blades can lie on the floor or be raised (as in the picture) for more intense abdominal work.

    An alternative to raising your legs is to lower them from the top. The principle of execution is the same, but in this case the maximum effort is applied at the lowest point of the exercise. In this case, the heel alternately touches the floor with straight legs or legs bent at the knee.

    For additional load, you can use weights.


    This is a basic exercise for pumping up the core muscles (including the abs). In the classic version, this is a static isometric exercise, in which the support position is held for some time while lying on straight arms or elbows. Basic Rules:

    • the body from the heels to the crown forms a straight line;
    • hands are located strictly under the shoulders;
    • the back is flat without arching, slight rounding is acceptable;
    • the stomach is retracted;
    • the whole body is as tense as possible.

    In this position, you can lift one arm and/or leg off the floor or move from straight arms to elbows and back. There is a type of plank with a turn. An additional rule in it is the requirement in position (c) to keep the body in the same plane. It can be performed on a straight arm or elbow.

    Technique for performing the exercise climbing a mountain

    A dynamic version of the classic plank is mountain climbing. Here, in a lying position, the legs are alternately pulled up to the chest (as in the picture), to the shoulder of the same name, or diagonally.

    An interesting variation of this exercise is to pull up both legs using a towel. You can pull them up both from the chest and alternately to the elbows. It requires good skill and physical fitness.

    Exercises with fitball

    Training with a gymnastic ball is more suitable for girls. Using a fitball will help diversify the training process, engage more muscles, and develop a sense of balance.

    It can be used in almost all basic abdominal exercises.

    Crunches with a ball

    You can perform all the main types of this exercise with the ball. Lifting the body in several options :

    1. Starting position: lying on the floor, the fitball is held in your hands behind your head. When lifting the body with your arms, you need to reach forward with the ball. The legs can be fixed on the floor, on a support, or raised up.
    2. Starting position on the fitball. In this case, the entire body can be on the ball (as in the picture) or only the thoracic region.
    3. Starting position lying on the floor, legs fixed on a fitball.

    When performing any of the options, it is important to follow the basic rules and technique of performing classic crunches with body lifting.

    When performing leg raises with a ball, the fitball is held between the legs. They can be either straight or bent at the knee.

    The basic version of the ball exercise looks like this:

    1. Starting position: lying on the floor, hands behind your head, legs raised above the floor.
    2. Legs and arms are simultaneously pulled towards each other.
    3. At the top point the ball is passed from hands to feet and back.

    You can perform a “bicycle” with the ball. Starting position: lying with your body on the ball. Here you will bring your knees to your chest or opposite elbow.


    There are two options for a static bar on a fitball:

    1. Lying on straight arms or elbows, feet fixed on the ball.
    2. Hands are placed on the ball, feet rest on the floor.

    You can perform a dynamic plank, in both the first and second cases, by alternately raising your arm and/or leg from the support, or perform a plank with a rotation.

    There is an unusual version of this exercise using a ball. Rolls are performed from a plank position with the feet fixed on the ball. It is recommended to start with good preparation.

    The rules for performing all types of planks using a fitball are similar to those for a regular plank.

    Exercises on parallel bars (horizontal bars)

    This type of equipment is more suitable for men, since working with it requires more strength and preparation than with other equipment. In addition, here the work includes not only the abdominal muscles, but also the arms, shoulders and back.

    You can perform dynamic and static exercises on horizontal bars or parallel bars.

    Leg raises. They can be raised until an angle of 90° is formed between the body or legs or higher. Basic operating rules:

    • the back is straight, without arching in the lower back;
    • the body is rigidly fixed and does not sway during exercises;
    • the neck is elongated, there is no dip in the shoulders.

    In this exercise, it is important to control the work of the target muscle and not shift the load from the abs to the hip flexors. The smaller the angle between the body and the legs, the more the abdominal muscles are involved in the work.

    A more complicated option is to tilt your legs as high as possible, alternately left and right. You can also hold a load with your feet or use weights to increase the load.

    Lifting the body . Performed upside down. This specific and traumatic exercise is recommended only for well-trained athletes. Here it is important to have good footholds or use special footholds.

    The basic rules of execution are similar to hanging leg pull-ups.

    Bringing your knees to your chest on a fitball

    • We place our legs up to the shins on a gymnastic ball.
    • Your arms are fully straightened and in a push-up position, with your palms on the floor.
    • We tense our stomach and smoothly tighten our lower torso. As a result, your knees should be close to your sternum and the ball should be at hip level.
    • We hold the accepted position for a couple of moments, then straighten up, rolling the fitball back.

    Hanging Leg Raises

    • Let's hang on the crossbar. The arms are fully straightened and positioned shoulder-width apart.
    • The back should be straight.
    • We tense our stomach and slowly raise our straightened legs until they assume a position parallel to the surface.
    • We hold this position for a couple of seconds, then slowly lower our legs.
    • The exercise is performed smoothly, slowly. The body should not swing during the process.

    The best exercises for the lower abdomen

    But before we begin, we must prepare you for the fact that you will be a little bothered by the sore throat. You are ready? Don't forget about the towel . And not only to wipe away sweat, but also in some exercises, as equipment under the knees.

    Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with a 10-second rest between movements. Do this circle 1 to 3 times.

    Heel strike to the ground

    Lie on your back, arms on the floor along your torso, legs bent and keep your feet as if they were lying on an invisible chair. Keep one leg in this position and slowly lower the other as if we were to put it on the ground. Don't forget to tense your abdominal muscles during the exercise.


    Start in a high plank position, then lift your right leg and bring your knee toward your chest. As you return your right leg to the starting position, do the same with your left leg. Alternate legs as fast as you can . Keep your abs still tight and don't twist.

    Nutrition when doing lower abdominal exercises for girls

    A well-designed set of exercises works provided that the rules, technique, training schedule, etc. are strictly followed. But many girls forget about such a serious point as nutrition. To achieve the “flat tummy” effect, you first need to reduce the amount of fat accumulated. Only after this can you work on pumping your muscles and forming a beautiful relief. There are three basic rules for losing weight in terms of nutrition:

    • To lose weight, we cut down our total daily caloric intake. It is enough to “remove” from 300 to 600 kilocalories. If a person has consumed a critically large amount of calories every day for a long time, then it is necessary to reduce it gradually. Every two to three weeks we take away 500 kcal. Sudden “calorie” changes create stress for the body.
    • We carefully monitor BZHU or the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food. For a girl with average physical shape, 1 kilogram of weight should include 2.5 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fat and 2 grams of protein. With an increase in muscle mass, energy consumption also increases - it is important to take this point into account when compiling a diet in the process of pumping up the lower abs.
    • Elimination of harmful foods from the diet. The “prohibited” list includes: alcoholic products, sweets, fatty foods, flour products. It is necessary to “moderate your appetites”, not only by eliminating junk food, but also by reducing portions. Switching to proper nutrition will normalize your metabolism, making the process of fat burning and muscle development much more efficient.

    Lower abs are a “sore topic” for most modern girls. But with our tips and selected exercises, in a short time you will begin to look at yourself in the mirror with great pleasure.

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