Elkar is NOT PROFITABLE! (expert reviews)


Elkar is a medicine containing L-carnitine (levocarnitine). Produced by Russian pharmacological. Athletes use such dietary supplements as a fat burner, since L-carnitine is involved in metabolic processes, and its additional intake helps speed them up.


Elkar is available in two dosage forms:

  • solution for oral administration (containers of various volumes, each milliliter contains 300 mg of pure substance);

  • solution for injection (each milliliter contains 100 mg of the drug).

Action of the supplement

Elkar belongs to the group of metabolic agents; it is a substance related to vitamins that accelerates the processes of fat metabolism at the cellular level. L-carnitine also normalizes protein metabolism and helps improve thyroid function in hyperthyroidism.

Elkar's components help activate the production of enzymes. The product allows you to quickly restore performance after intense exercise. When used simultaneously with anabolic steroids, the effect of L-carnitine is enhanced.

Levocarnitine accumulates in body tissues if taken together with glucocorticosteroids.

Indications for use

Indications for prescribing the drug Elkar are:

  • chronic gastritis, accompanied by a decrease in secretory function;
  • chronic pancreatitis with deterioration of external secretion functions;
  • mild thyrotoxicosis;
  • growth retardation in children and adolescents;
  • malnutrition, hypotension, adynamia, consequences of birth injuries, asphyxia during childbirth in newborns;
  • recovery period after serious surgical interventions and serious illnesses in children;
  • anorexia nervosa;
  • exhausted state of the body;
  • encephalopathy caused by mechanical damage to the head;
  • psoriasis;
  • seborrheic eczema.

The drug helps well in restoring the body and normalizing the concentration of carnitine in tissues. It is used in micropediatrics and pediatrics for the treatment and promotion of the health of children born weakened, who have received birth injuries, who have abnormal motor functions and disorders of the central nervous system.

Elkar can be prescribed as a strengthening agent during the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions.

It is recommended to take it during intense exercise for a speedy recovery of performance, in order to prevent fatigue and reduce tone after training.

Manufacturer's instructions[edit | edit code]

Release form:
solution for oral administration (100 and 50 ml bottles, 25 ml dropper bottle)
Registration number:


Trade name of the drug

: Elkar®.


: active ingredient: levocarnitine (carnifit) 300 mg in 1 ml of solution;
: citric acid monohydrate 1.2 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.2 mg, purified water up to 1 ml.

Release form: solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration

Registration number

: LSR-002224/08


: active substance: levocarnitine (Carnifit) - 0.1 g; excipient: water for injection - up to 1 ml.

Indications[edit | edit code]

As part of complex therapy: intense physical and psycho-emotional stress to increase performance, endurance, reduce fatigue, incl. in elderly people; during the rehabilitation period after illnesses and surgical interventions, injuries, incl. to accelerate tissue regeneration; complex therapy of chronic gastritis and chronic pancreatitis with decreased secretory function; complex therapy of skin diseases (psoriasis, seborrheic eczema, focal scleroderma and discoid lupus erythematosus); mild hyperthyroidism; neurological manifestations in vascular, toxic and traumatic brain lesions; anorexia nervosa syndrome; diseases accompanied by a lack of carnitine or its increased loss (myopathy, cardiomyopathy, mitochondrial diseases, hereditary diseases with concomitant mitochondrial deficiency) - to compensate for its deficiency, as part of complex therapy; in pediatric practice (treatment of children under 3 years of age, under the supervision of a physician): when caring for premature infants, newborns who have suffered birth trauma or asphyxia; children with a sluggish sucking reflex and low weight gain; reduced muscle tone, with insufficient development of motor and mental functions, as well as for the purpose of preventing these disorders in children at risk; with stunted growth and lack of body weight in children and adolescents under 16 years of age; in adults in sports medicine and during intense training (during the training process when working on aerobic performance): to improve speed-strength indicators and coordination of movements, to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat mass, to prevent post-training syndrome (acceleration of recovery processes after physical exercise). loads), for traumatic injuries in order to accelerate muscle regeneration

Mechanism of action[edit | edit code]

Pharmacological action - anabolic, antihypoxic, antithyroid, stimulating fat metabolism. Belongs to the group of vitamins B (Bt - “growth vitamin”). It is a cofactor in metabolic processes that ensure the maintenance of CoA activity. It has an anabolic effect, reduces basal metabolism, slows down the breakdown of protein and carbohydrate molecules. Promotes penetration through mitochondrial membranes and the breakdown of long-chain fatty acids (palmitic, etc.) with the formation of acetyl-CoA (necessary for ensuring the activity of pyruvate carboxylase in the process of gluconeogenesis, the formation of ketone bodies, the synthesis of choline and its esters, oxidative phosphorylation and ATP formation). It has a fat-mobilizing effect due to the presence of three labile methyl groups. Competitively displacing glucose, it turns on a fatty acid metabolic shunt, the activity of which is not limited by oxygen (unlike aerobic glycolysis), therefore it is effective in acute brain hypoxia and other critical conditions. Causes slight depression of the central nervous system, increases the secretion and enzymatic activity of digestive juices (gastric and intestinal), improves food absorption. Reduces excess body weight and reduces fat content in muscles. Increases the threshold of resistance to physical activity, leads to the elimination of post-exertional acidosis and, as a consequence, restoration of performance after prolonged debilitating physical activity. Increases glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles, promoting its more economical use. It has a neurotrophic effect, inhibits the development of apoptosis, limits the affected area and restores the structure of nervous tissue. In the blood plasma of adults and older children, endogenous carnitine is found at a concentration of 50 µmol/l.

When taken orally, it is well absorbed, the plasma level reaches a maximum after 3 hours and remains in the therapeutic range for 9 hours. With intramuscular administration, it is detected in the plasma within 4 hours, after intravenous application it disappears from the blood after 3 hours. It penetrates easily into the liver and myocardium, and more slowly into the muscles. It is excreted by the kidneys mainly in the form of acyl esters.

Thus, Elkar provides increased endurance to all types of stress, increases immune defense and promotes fat burning.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is contraindicated in case of serious pathologies of the digestive tract, as well as excessive sensitivity or individual intolerance to the compounds included in the supplement.

Before use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, consult your doctor. The specialist will assess the possible risks.

The drug is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age and to patients who have excess carnitine in their bodies.

Possible side effects when taking the drug:

  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • digestive disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • muscle weakness;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the skin (extremely rare).

It is also possible to develop immunological negative reactions while taking the drug (rashes and skin itching, swelling of the larynx). If such symptoms appear, you must immediately stop using the supplement.

Elkar for athletes

In sports, especially in disciplines associated with high physical activity, L-carnitine-based products are used to accelerate fat burning, increase endurance and improve performance.

Elkar is recommended for those involved in bodybuilding, fitness, weightlifting, team sports and, of course, crossfit.

The use of Elkar promotes:

  • accelerating fat burning due to activation of metabolic processes involving fatty acids;
  • increasing energy production;
  • increasing endurance, which allows you to increase the effectiveness and duration of training;
  • improvement of strength and speed indicators.

Athletes are recommended to use Elkar before competitions for 3-4 weeks. The optimal dosage is 2.5 grams (the maximum daily dose should not exceed 7.5 grams).

Should be taken before training, approximately 2 hours before. The best results are observed when taking the drug in combination with a rational and balanced diet.

Instructions for use

What to choose?

Adults need either a 30% solution (20% is usually prescribed for children), or effervescent tablets, or injections. The latter allow you to achieve maximum effect in losing weight, but require mandatory prior consultation with a doctor.

How to cook?

  • Solution

To improve the taste of the drug, it is diluted with water, unsweetened compote, natural freshly squeezed juice (recipes) or 5% glucose solution. The proportions are approximately the same.

  • Granules

The contents of one sachet are dissolved in 100-200 ml of any of the above liquids. It is important that it is at room temperature (within 15–25°C). Mix thoroughly, wait until the granules are completely dissolved and drink immediately.

  • Injections

Elkar injection solution can be mixed with sodium chloride (0.9%) or glucose solution (5%) - 1 ampoule per 100 ml. Or it is not diluted with anything, it is used in its pure form. It is administered intramuscularly or intravenously as slowly as possible. If administered quickly, the injection will be painful.


It is better to drink Elkar half an hour before the main meal, since when combined with food in the stomach it will be less absorbed. This is especially true for protein products. Therefore, you should not dilute the solution in milk, yogurt, kefir and protein shakes.

Since carnitine reaches its maximum concentration 3 hours after intake, athletes need to drink it 2 hours before training to build muscle mass.

How many?

  • Solution

The maximum dosage for an adult is 4.5 scoops, divided into 3 doses. However, it is prescribed for the treatment of severe conditions and serious diseases. To lose weight, it is enough to take 3 scoops (one three times a day).

  • Granules

1-2 sachets three times a day.

  • Injections

1-2 ampoules 1-2 times a day.

How long?

Since cases of Elkar overdose have not been identified, doctors sometimes prescribe the drug (solution and granules) for a course of 3-4 months. When losing weight, you can focus on this period. Nutritionists advise taking it until the desired result is achieved. If we are talking about injections, then 10 days will be enough, then there is a mandatory break of 10-15 days, and then you can repeat the 10-day course of injections.

Elkar in children's sports

In 2013, the journal “Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics” published the results of a study of the drug Elkar, conducted at the Children's Clinical Republican Hospital of Mordovia. For it, 40 children from 11 to 15 years old who were seriously involved in artistic gymnastics were selected. At that time, each of the participants had been involved in this sport for at least 3-5 years (training intensity about 8 hours per week).

The results showed that the administration of Elkar to child athletes is effective as a cardioprotective and neuroprotective agent.

A course of treatment can significantly reduce the likelihood of pathological remodeling of the heart by reducing the content of biomarkers of damage to the heart muscle and activating heart functions in systole and diastole.

The children who took part in the study underwent various physical and mental health tests. The results of psychological testing suggest that taking Elkar significantly reduces anxiety levels and increases resistance to stress.

While taking the drug, the content of stress biomarkers (norepinephrine, cortisol, natriuretic peptide, adrenaline) decreases.

It has been established that prescribing the drug to children involved in sports helps prevent damage to the immune system and cardiovascular organs caused by stress. Sports activities are a high physical and psycho-emotional stress for children, and a course of Elkar's treatment allows you to avoid the development of overtraining syndrome and stress-induced disorders.


Elkar (levocarnitine) is a drug that improves metabolism and helps provide tissues with energy. The normal course of metabolic processes in the human body is under constant threat. Stress, excessive physical and mental stress, pregnancy, breastfeeding, errors in diet, surgical interventions, side effects of certain medications - all these factors can have a negative impact on metabolism. Levocarnitine (L-carnitine) is a substance that can ensure normal metabolism and replenish energy deficiency. In some sources it is called vitamin B or B11, but this is not entirely true, because Unlike true vitamins, it can be synthesized in the body. Its biological role is to provide energy to tissues that experience the greatest physiological stress - skeletal muscles, brain, liver and especially the heart (lack of levocarnitine can provoke cardiomyopathy). L-carnitine acts as a carrier of fatty acids to the “energy furnaces” of the body - cellular mitochondria, where they are utilized and release a large amount of energy. The lack of this substance is manifested by rapidly developing fatigue, weakened immunity, dyspeptic disorders, and hypersensitivity reactions. In stressful situations, there is an increased elimination of L-carnitine from the body, as a result of which it is necessary to supply it from the outside. In 2000, domestic pharmaceutical technologists created the drug Elkar, the key active ingredient in which is the biological “passionary” - the active L-isomer of carnitine. Provided the recommended dosage regimen is followed, this drug is able to completely close the “carnitine window” created by a deficiency of this compound. Good tolerability and a favorable safety profile make the drug accessible even to newborns and elderly patients - the most vulnerable groups of the population in terms of susceptibility to metabolic disorders and side effects from the use of drugs.

Compliance with the standards of effectiveness and safety of the drug is confirmed by clinical studies and nearly twenty years of experience in its use for the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic and energy metabolism disorders in preschool and school-age children, pregnant and lactating women, athletes, mature and elderly patients, who most need levocarnitine. Elkar has a complex effect on the body, including:

• strengthens the immune status;

• increases endurance, psycho-emotional stability, physical performance due to the active utilization of fatty acids with the release of energy available for use by the body;

• eliminates increased fatigue, muscle weakness;

• normalizes energy exchange and metabolism;

• changes body composition: increases the proportion of muscle tissue by reducing the proportion of adipose tissue;

• helps fight stress;

• normalizes the functioning of internal organs - heart, liver, kidneys, as well as the central nervous system;

• stimulates mental and physical development in children;

• inhibits the processes of natural biological aging of the body.

Elkar is indispensable in spring, when with the first clear days saturated with solar ultraviolet light, hypovitaminosis comes and all kinds of chronic diseases worsen. At this time, it is especially important to tone the body and maintain it in this state, which Elkar will cope with with honor: in 1-2 months of regular use, it will compensate for the lack of levocarnitine, return working capacity to the previous level, and protect against diseases and stress. The fat-burning effect of Elkar is also in great demand: if you follow a diet and regular physical activity, the drug allows you to effectively get rid of extra pounds and make your figure slim and fit.

Elkar is intended for oral use. The specific dose and duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor on an individual basis. Anabolic agents potentiate the effects of the drug. Glucocorticosteroids promote the accumulation of levocarnitine in tissues (with the exception of the liver).

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