Turmeric for weight loss: how to take it, recipe, the most effective method, reviews and results

The Indian spice turmeric is used by many women not only in the kitchen to prepare delicious and aromatic dishes. Today, fat-burning products with the addition of this oriental spice are becoming increasingly popular. It has a burning taste and a pleasant light aroma, gives dishes a bright yellow color, accelerates blood circulation and metabolic processes, allowing you to lose weight and become prettier literally before your eyes.

How turmeric helps you lose weight

The yellow-orange Indian spice is yellow-orange in color and is sold as a dry powder. It stands in the first row among other seasonings for weight loss - cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, cardamom. It contains special compounds necessary to start metabolism and fat metabolism:

  • unsaturated and saturated Omega acids - help dissolve fat cells and convert them into energy, remove their remains along with other decay products and radionuclides;
  • Omega-6 and Omega-3 are healthy fatty acids, the lack of which causes heart pain and atherosclerosis, disruptions in metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system;
  • mineral complex (phosphorus, iron, manganese, iodine, sodium, copper, calcium, selenium, potassium, zinc) are essential organic compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the whole body, the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, the natural breakdown of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates ;
  • vitamins (groups B, K, C) – increase natural human immunity, help fight pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi, prevent oxygen starvation of cells and their premature destruction, trigger tissue renewal processes;
  • curcumin is a special component necessary for fat metabolism, it improves blood microcirculation, helps fight even the most severe degrees of obesity and reduces weight even in cases where the patient cannot go on a diet and lose his favorite food;
  • essential oils, phytoncides and natural antibiotics - help fight infections and carry out a complete detox cleansing of the body, have a powerful antioxidant effect, have choleretic, diuretic, decongestant, antibacterial, tonic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties.

This unique plant has been used since ancient times for weight correction and normalizes the body mass index, bringing it to a normal level. It blocks the increase in the amount of fat deposits, cleanses the intestines of old feces and stops the processes of decay, cleanses the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaque.

It improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys, removes excess intercellular fluid, prevents the appearance of stones and tumors of various etiologies, reduces cravings for sweets and high-calorie foods, and also improves eating behavior, preventing diet breakdowns and gluttony.

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Turmeric is still not a panacea for excess weight. When taking it, you should adhere to a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle, visiting the gym or swimming pool. It increases the rate of fat burning, but the weight can return again if you sit, eat a lot and do nothing.

The healthy spice enhances the production of bile by liver tissue, which in turn accelerates the breakdown of fat deposits and their further utilization. It in powder form should be added to drinks and dishes daily to get a visible effect and improve the health of the body.

Reviews about turmeric: beneficial properties and effects on weight loss

Scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, conducted extensive research several years ago. An article that talks about them was published in the March 2014 issue of the medical journal Pathological Physiology and Experimental Therapy.

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Researchers have found that the substance curcumin, which gives the spice its name, helps premature babies survive intensive ventilator therapy. Since children born prematurely cannot breathe on their own, oxygen is supplied to them using special devices under high pressure. This method has side effects, since free radicals damage the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and bronchi and contribute to the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a chronic disease of the respiratory system. The use of curcumin helps protect the mucous membranes of babies and avoid sad consequences.

When the results of the study were made public, the scientific world became interested in this substance and began to actively study it. It turned out that the element destroys Helicobacter pylori, the main cause of gastrointestinal diseases.

It is a good prophylactic agent in the fight against progressive Alzheimer's disease. The substance dissolves plaques in the brain, restores impulse communication between the structures of the central nervous system and makes it possible to slow down the process of dementia.

Curcumin promotes detoxification of the body: it helps the liver remove poisons of biological origin - toxins. It also speeds up metabolism. If you regularly eat foods that contain this element in your food, the process of losing weight will go faster.

It is found not only in the plant whose name is consonant with it, but also in other seasonings: in hazelnuts and some varieties of mustard. It is used to make a food supplement. On the packaging it is hidden under the abbreviation E100. The full name is turmeric. It is often added to sauces and mayonnaise, used in cheese production, and used in the production of butter and margarine. It is this that gives the yellowish tint.

We remind you that not a single plant, even the most useful one, will help you get rid of excess weight if you eat more calories than you burn. An adult whose work does not require serious physical exertion requires from 2200 to 3000 kcal per day. If you are happy with your figure, stick to this limit and you will maintain a slim waist without additional effort. For those who want to lose weight, we recommend cutting this figure to a comfortable level: 1500-1700 kcal.

If you want to lose weight as quickly as possible and are confident in your abilities, you can lower the limit to 1000 kcal per day. But remember that eating less than 800 kcal is prohibited. The body will begin to starve, it will experience stress, which will subsequently result in a slowdown of all chemical processes. The pounds will come back as soon as you start eating properly, and losing them the second time will be much harder: your metabolic rate will decrease.

The diet should not only be low-calorie, but also complete, balanced, and tasty. If you go on one of the mono-diets or start starving, you will only develop health problems and an aversion to the weight loss process itself. Come to the Elena Morozova Weight Loss Clinic, and our specialists will help you regain your slim figure without physical activity or strict diets.

How to choose quality turmeric

In stores you can find several names for turmeric - tumeric, yellow ginger, Indian saffron, but the main thing for weight loss is that the product is natural, without carcinogens and dyes. It is advisable to purchase spices from Indian companies, that is, from a country in which the spice is actively grown and the peculiarities of its storage are known. It is worth paying attention to the expiration date on the packaging, as well as its integrity.

It is advisable to order turmeric powder from trusted suppliers who sell the spices in bulk and not in plastic bags. Turmeric should be dry, rich yellow-orange in color, without an unpleasant or repulsive odor. The ideal purchase option is the root of the plant, dense and with a pleasant, pungent aroma. It is ground in a coffee grinder or food processor to a powder and added to food.

Possible harm

Turmeric can only be harmful in special cases, for example, people suffering from gallstones. The spice has a choleretic effect, against the background of which the stones can move and clog the ducts.

People with diabetes need to take into account the fact that the drink lowers blood sugar levels, and hypoglycemia is unsafe for health.

Excessive consumption of kefir with turmeric may cause the following side effects:

  • Heartburn.
  • Flatulence.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Chest discomfort.


Cumin (aka cumin) is the most famous oriental spice, the main secret of delicious Uzbek pilaf. Sometimes it is confused with caraway seeds, especially since in the West it is caraway seeds that are known as “cumin”.

Cumin contains essential substances and their components - terpenoids and cuminaldehyde, which have antiviral properties and are mild anesthetics. Due to the presence of dietary fiber, cumin normalizes digestion, improves intestinal motility and accelerates metabolism. Its ability to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract has been used in India for many centuries. Thymol and phosphorus help remove harmful substances from the body.


Few people know how to use turmeric to lose weight several times faster. In fact, everything is simple: you should combine its oral administration with external use. Indian saffron is an excellent natural remedy for fat-burning wraps, which can easily be done at home and look quite budget-friendly.

What is the benefit of using the seasoning externally? Firstly, it warms up the epidermis, thereby opening the pores. Secondly, it normalizes metabolic processes in tissues. Thirdly, and this is its obvious advantage, it has an excellent effect on the skin, tightening it and giving it elasticity.

Turmeric goes well with almost all popular products for preparing fat-burning cosmetic mixtures. Recipes using honey and essential oils, clay and algae seem to be especially successful. The preparation of pastes is as simple as possible: for 100 grams of ready-made mixture, take 20 grams of Indian saffron powder. If the paste contains heating ingredients (cinnamon, pepper, mustard, vinegar), the amount of powder is reduced to 10 grams, otherwise it can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Those losing weight admit that three recipes are the most effective:

  • To 100 ml of natural honey add 6 drops of citrus essential oil, 10 g of cinnamon powder and 10 g of turmeric powder.
  • Dilute 80 g of blue cosmetic clay with warm water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, add 8 drops of juniper essential oil, 10 g each of ginger and turmeric powder.
  • Add 20 g of kelp powder to 200 ml of warm water and wait until it swells. Squeeze. Add 1 teaspoon of melted coconut oil and 20 g of turmeric to 100 g of the finished mass.

Important! When an aromatic spice is included in the cosmetic mixture for anti-cellulite wrap, the session time is automatically reduced to 20 minutes. This is due to the ability of the powder to stain the skin.

Before starting the procedure, you should take a bath, steam the skin, and perform a light massage with a hard washcloth to speed up blood circulation. It is equally useful to use a scrub. Again, it can be made with turmeric: mix 2 tablespoons of fresh coffee grounds with 1 tablespoon of sea salt, a pinch of cinnamon and turmeric powder, and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

During the wrapping process, cling film must be used. This will have a thermal effect and improve the result several times. The film is wound from bottom to top, without particularly over-tightening the skin. Otherwise, blood circulation may be disrupted. At the end of the mixture's exposure time, the film is removed and the body is doused with warm water. It’s even better to take a contrast shower and rub your skin with a terry towel. A prerequisite is the application of modeling or anti-cellulite cream at the very end of the procedure.

To achieve an effective result, you will have to turn around for at least 1 month, conducting sessions every 2-3 days.

Wraps for weight loss and elimination of cellulite with Indian saffron have traditional contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammatory processes in the body.


Any spice in the usual sense for most is used in the preparation of salads, first and second courses. But turmeric, among other things, is the basis of many healthy and tasty drinks that are recommended for weight loss. Powder required. Again, you can buy it ready-made or prepare it from the root:

  • Rinse and dry.
  • To peel.
  • Grate on a fine grater.
  • Dry outdoors for several weeks.
  • Grind in a coffee grinder.

It is not recommended to use the root fresh due to its overly rich aroma and taste, which can cause nausea and even vomiting.

So, how to lose weight with Indian saffron? The simplest recipe is the classic one, that is, water with the spice powder mentioned earlier. You can also prepare an infusion (200 ml of hot water and 5 grams of powder, leave for 20 minutes) or a decoction (500 ml of water and a teaspoon of powder, boil for 10 minutes), which does not need to be filtered.

Among other recipes for weight loss, the following are especially interesting:


The method of preparing tea is practically no different from the classic infusion recipe: a handful of green tea and 5 grams of Indian saffron are poured into a teapot, and 200 ml of boiling water is poured. After 15 minutes, strain. To improve the taste, it is recommended to add a slice of lemon to the tea. Instead of green leaves, you can use blueberry leaves - the aroma and unusual taste are guaranteed. Plus, improving health and increasing immunity. Additionally, you can add some dry berries to this tea.

The combination of turmeric and honey seems to be excellent for fat burning and weight loss. The drink turns out surprisingly tasty and easily allows you to survive a shortage of sweets while following a diet. In addition, honey minimizes the aggressive effect of the spice on the gastric mucosa. And finally, the beekeeping product is no less useful for weight loss than the spice itself.

Another winning tandem for weight loss is Indian saffron and ginger. Proportions for tea – 5 grams each. Both are fat burners, which means the effect increases several times. However, the drink has a significant drawback - a high degree of spice, which not every stomach can withstand.

Definitely effective, but very harmful to the stomach, tea with the addition of orange spice and ground black pepper is considered. The latter requires no more than a pinch per 200 ml of water. Add it to the already prepared tea and mix thoroughly. There is a less aggressive recipe that involves using peppercorns. For 200 ml of tea, only 3 pieces are required. Place in a teapot along with the other ingredients and remove before use.

"Golden" milk

How to take turmeric for weight loss and not harm the gastric mucosa? Well, with milk of course! The drink turns out to be very gentle and soft, despite its high efficiency in terms of fat burning. For preparation you need the following set of ingredients:

  • 170 ml milk;
  • 80 ml water;
  • 1 tsp. grated fresh ginger or 1/2 tsp. powder;
  • 1 tsp. spice powder;
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp. honey

Powder and ginger are added to boiled water and mixed thoroughly. After 20 minutes, add to warm milk. Honey and a pinch of cinnamon are also sent there. This is a great option for an evening reception.

"Fire" kefir

A mixture of turmeric, cinnamon and ginger is considered killer for fat and excess weight. Take 5 grams of the first component, a pinch of the remaining. Spices are added to warm kefir. Drink this cocktail for weight loss no more than once every few days, since more frequent use can cause cramps in the abdomen.

Creamy smoothie

If you want an interesting dessert, you can use an unusual smoothie recipe using Indian saffron. For preparation take:

  • 1 banana;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 kiwi;
  • 200 ml natural yogurt;
  • 1 tsp. turmeric;
  • 1 tsp. natural honey.

Peeled and chopped fruits are pureed in a blender bowl. Afterwards, yogurt, spice and honey are added. Beat again. How much and when to drink? 150-200 ml is enough for one dose. Can be enjoyed for breakfast or as a light alternative to dinner. Does this recipe help with weight loss? Definitely, as it reduces the overall calorie content of the diet and normalizes metabolism.


A bonus recipe for anyone who doesn’t want to brew a special fat-burning tea or prepare an infusion every time. 50 grams of turmeric powder are mixed with 5 grams of ground black pepper and poured with 100 ml of water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring during cooking. After cooling, put it in the refrigerator. The finished paste is diluted in water or tea - 5 grams per 200 ml.

Contraindications for use

The product has a number of contraindications that you should familiarize yourself with before taking it:

  • hypotension;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • allergy to turmeric or kefir;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • age under 5 years;
  • hepatitis;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • inflammation of the bile ducts;
  • inflammation of the pancreas.

People preparing for surgery should not take turmeric with kefir, as the drink has the ability to reduce blood clotting.


Another Internet star whose fans promise a miracle in the form of detoxification and rapid weight loss. But no: clove decoction cannot remove any toxins purely technically, since toxins in medicine mean poisons, drugs and alcohol.

However, it is still possible and necessary to use cloves as an additional ingredient during the weight loss process. Tannins, oleanolic acid and “clove phenol” eugenol improve the digestion process and have antimicrobial properties (by the way, clove oil can even cope with E. coli).

Red pepper

The active substance of hot capsicum, which provides its characteristic pungent taste, is the alkaloid capsaicin. It has long been known to doctors and is used mainly as a local irritant and pain reliever (by the way, the famous Thai balms also contain capsaicin).

Dried or fresh red pepper added to food suppresses appetite and promotes the rapid breakdown of fats. However, it is worth remembering that red pepper is a strong gastrointestinal irritant, so it is good only as a spice, and not as a means for weight loss.


Adding turmeric to the bath is not as popular among those losing weight as swimming in water with algae and soda. However, a course of 12-15 “orange” baths helps to cope with fat deposits in areas that are problematic for women and tighten the skin. Since it is an excellent antioxidant, through “water relaxation” it is quite possible to prolong youth and beauty.

Preparing a bath with Indian saffron is as easy as pie: add half a glass of powder to the total volume of water at a temperature no higher than 37.5 degrees. Exposure time is 15-20 minutes. The procedure should be repeated once every 2-3 days.

Important! Bathing in a bath with spices can give you a light tanning effect.

You can enhance the effectiveness of a weight loss bath with the help of equally popular products: honey, sea salt, milk. Each of them goes well with the spice.

Before starting each session, you need to remember the golden rules:

  1. Do not eat food 2 hours before and 1.5 hours after swimming.
  2. Immerse yourself in water just above your waist, leaving the heart area above its level.
  3. Do not wipe yourself dry after the session, but only lightly pat your body with a towel.

If dizziness occurs during the procedure, it should be stopped immediately. You will have to completely avoid losing weight in a bath with Indian saffron during pregnancy, with cardiovascular diseases and varicose veins, elevated body temperature, and the presence of abrasions, cuts and wounds on the skin.

Breakfasts with turmeric

Nutritionists say that breakfast is the main meal of the day, so it should be both light and satisfying. The spice can be added to almost any dish that someone losing weight prefers to eat in the morning. Breakfast options:

  1. Oatmeal. It is better to cook the dish in water without adding sugar and salt. The flakes are poured into an enamel pan, filled with water and simmered over low heat until tender. Add a little seasoning (no more than 1/4 tsp) to the finished, slightly cooled dish. Stir, add a little honey.
  2. Cottage cheese. For breakfast, you can only eat the product that was brewed from whey. Pour cinnamon and turmeric, taken in equal parts (1/4 tsp each), into the pre-pounded cottage cheese. You can add almonds or yellow raisins to the dish.
  3. Fruit salad. Cut fresh fruits (bananas, apples, nectarines) into small slices and place in a deep bowl. Add berries (blueberries, blackberries) to them. You can season the salad with low-fat natural yoghurt, in which the spice is dissolved.

For breakfast, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple, pineapple or orange juice, to which cinnamon, ginger and turmeric are added.

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