L-carnitine for weight loss: how to take L-carnitine while cutting, what is it for

Why does the body need l-carnitine?

L-carnitine affects the lifespan of our body cells and is necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body. Vitamin Bt not only helps break down fats, but also:

  • increases performance,
  • saturates cells with oxygen,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • reduces the body’s recovery time after physical activity,
  • activates brain activity,
  • reduces blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

L-carnitine is also useful for men and women planning to have children, as the supplement increases the body's fertility.

A deficiency of the substance causes problems with excess weight, obesity, heart muscle disease, contributes to rapid fatigue and decreased brain activity.

How L-Carnitine works in the body

Probably, many of us have noticed that while dieting and working out in the gym, our weight continues to remain at the same level. And this is very sad. It would seem that we try, we work, we deny ourselves everything, but we don’t look the way we want. And in problem areas, fat does not go anywhere. So, if you do not take L-carnitine, then the following happens during training:

  • First, the energy from the food you ate before training is used;
  • even with active cardio exercise, broken down fatty compounds enter the bloodstream. Then, after the end of the workout, when you enter a state of rest, this already broken down fat safely returns to its place. And calmly fits back into your stomach, buttocks, thighs. That is, it does not burn and is not removed.
  • sufficient doses of elcarnitine serve as a kind of transport trailer. They collect fatty compounds from the blood and deliver them to the mitochondria. Here fat is broken down into atoms and converted into energy, which we so need at this moment.

One of the disadvantages of taking L-carnitine is an increase in appetite. This is understandable, because spent energy requires replenishment. If you manage to cope with bouts of hunger, then consider that your task of normalizing weight is completed.

Types of l-carnitine

There are several types of carnitine available in sports stores:

L-carnitine is a classic supplement most often used by athletes for weight loss.

L-carnitine tartrate is a more active form of the classic supplement and has greater bioavailability compared to other types of carnitine.

Acetyl L-carnitine is a fat burner that includes classic carnitine and an acetyl group. It is believed that this compound can penetrate the brain and have neurostimulating effects.

L-carnitine fumarate is a combination of fumaric acid and pure carnitine. The peculiarity of this type of fat burner is that it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

L-carnitine propionyl - a supplement containing carnitine and glycine ester, has a fat-burning effect, strengthens the cardiovascular system and fights chronic fatigue.

Effects of L-Carnitine on the body

L-carnitine, as already mentioned, is synthesized by the body.
It is actively involved in many processes, including regulating lipid metabolism. By now, on the shelves of pharmacies or sports nutrition stores you can find carnitine in the form of powder, capsules or drinks, as a dietary supplement. Being a natural substance, l-carnitine has a gentle effect on the body, having the following effects:

  • promotes rapid muscle recovery after training;
  • reduces the production of lactic acid in the muscles, thereby relieving pain after intense exercise;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • normalizes digestive processes, promotes better absorption of nutrients;
  • stimulates brain function, increases concentration, performance, and overall endurance of the body.

The supplement can have a positive effect only if the person follows the principles of proper and healthy nutrition.

Release forms

L-carnitine is available in the form of concentrate, soluble powder, portioned drinks, capsules or tablets. Let's see how to take vitamin Bt depending on the form of release.

Type Advantages Recommended serving Duration of admission Time of receipt
Soluble powder Convenient, quick-dissolving formula 1.25 g 1-1.5 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training
Liquid concentrate Acts faster than tablets or powder 15 ml 1-1.5 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training
In capsules or tablets Convenient to calculate the dose and carry with you 500-2000 mg 2-6 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training
Drinking ampoules Each ampoule is equal to one dose, convenient to carry with you 15 ml 1-1.5 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training
Portioned drinks No need to dilute with water, can be drunk during training 2000 mg 1-1.5 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training
Acetyl l-carnitine This form is believed to have greater bioavailability, which has not been proven by research 2000 mg 2-6 months On an empty stomach between meals along with other fat burners
Carnitine tartrate Very quickly absorbed compared to regular carnitine 1000-2000 mg 2-6 months In the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, before training

It is recommended to select the individual dose gradually, starting with 500 mg. If you do not notice any side effects after a few days of starting, increase the dose to 1000 mg. Continue to gradually increase the serving size if necessary.

Daily intake of L-carnitine and synthesis in the body

It is believed that a person needs from 0.2 to 2.5 grams per day. But all people are different. And from the experience of athletes, it turns out that small doses are simply useless. Especially if you want to lose weight. Some take 3 to 5 grams per day. And only then do they see results.

Advice: take L-carnitine experimentally. The first week, start with 500 mg, then drink 1-1.5 grams. You should see that your body becomes drier, subcutaneous fat disappears, and muscles begin to appear under the skin. If this does not happen, then the dose should be increased to 3 g. Elcarnitine is completely safe, overdose is impossible. Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it either.

Watch the video in which a famous fitness trainer gives advice on the technique:

L-carnitine for fat burning

Since carnitine is a fairly powerful fat burner, there is an opinion that you can lose weight simply by taking the drug. Studies show that without training and diet, the drug has virtually no effect on weight loss. However, if you follow a training regimen and a high protein diet, the results will not take long to arrive.

It should be noted that weight loss occurs directly by reducing the amount of fat in the body while maintaining lean muscle mass.

How to make Elcarnitine work for you

Mitochondria, the body's cells that produce energy, begin to cope better with their functions if energy sources are delivered to them in a timely manner. In other words, lying on the couch requires almost no energy. But as soon as you run, jump, or do a few active movements, you already feel tired.

The body primarily consumes energy from food. For example, you ate. You will find it easier to move for several hours afterwards. But as soon as the food is digested, you feel a loss of strength and try to refresh yourself. It’s difficult to train at this moment. But if you force yourself, energy will be taken from the muscles, depleting them and reducing their volume. As a result, the fat that lies on the stomach and thighs is not used.

To spend this particular hated fat, you need:

  • reduce daily food intake by 10%;
  • 20-30 minutes before training, drink a sufficient portion of L-carnitine;
  • train for at least 40 minutes.

In this case, l-carnitine will pick up fat cells broken down during activity and deliver them to the mitochondria. This is where fat is converted into energy. The scheme seems simple, but it is quite difficult to implement. Because with a lack of energy coming from food, you will waste fat reserves.

Contraindications and side effects of l-carnitine

L-carnitine is well tolerated, as it is a substance synthesized in the body. Contraindications for the supplement include individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is worth noting that carnitine has one side effect - increased appetite. The supplement stimulates metabolism, reduces the body's energy (fat) reserves, and therefore increases appetite. Carefully monitor your diet while taking l-carnitine to avoid gaining extra pounds.

How L-carnitina works

To understand how elcarnitine works, you need to know that it is produced by liver and kidney cells. This is a vitamin-like substance that the body needs for normal functioning. It is not always enough. Production slows down:

  • with a slow metabolism, which is often present in obese people;
  • with age, when we notice that we have begun to gain weight even while leading a normal lifestyle;
  • with little energy consumption.

That is, a lack of this amino acid leads to excess weight gain. To replenish the amount of L-carnitine, you need to take it additionally. buy proven L-carnitine with good reviews here.

Prime Kraft Experts' Opinion

L-carnitine is an effective and safe fat burner that will help you achieve good results. But do not forget about quality training and proper nutrition with a high protein content. If you don't know which fat burner to choose, we recommend paying attention to L-CARNITINE L-TARTRATE - a form of the classic supplement enriched with tartaric acid. The advantages of this fat burner include faster absorption and high bioavailability.

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How to take L-carnitine correctly. Doses and amount of intake

Pharmacies sell capsules containing L-carnitine in quantities from 500 to 1000 mg. So, we can say with confidence that this is not at all enough for weight loss. You need to take from 1.5 to 3 grams. Only in this case will the substance have an effect. Experienced athletes recommend taking 2-3 capsules of L-carnitine before training. The absorption period of the drug is written on each package. For example, liquid carnitine is absorbed in 10-15 minutes. The powder that we dilute in water ourselves is absorbed a little slower. L-carnitine in capsules takes the longest to break down. To do this, you need to wait 30-40 minutes and only then start training.

If you take elcarnitine and don't exercise, then your money is wasted. Because this substance only works during physical activity.

How to make taking a supplement more effective for weight loss

You can enhance the effect of a dietary supplement in the following ways:

  1. Drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily.
  2. Create a complete, varied diet in accordance with the body’s needs for calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and various microelements.
  3. Create a training program. It is important to find your own type of physical activity. For some, moderate exercise is suitable: swimming, stretching, yoga, while for others, intense exercise: strength training in the gym, crossfit or various types of martial arts.

Various cosmetic procedures will also have a positive effect: scrubs, wraps, massage, contrast shower. All this will help maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin while losing weight.

Interaction with other substances

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Regular consumption of antibiotics increases the excretion of carnitine from the body. Also, the amino acid level may decrease while taking phenobarbital, valproic acid, phenytoin, or carbamazepine. In combination with acenocoumarol or warfarin (used to slow down blood clotting), L-carnitine enhances the effectiveness of the drugs and increases the risk of bleeding.

Indications for use

There are no medical indications for taking this dietary supplement. To normalize weight and treat various diseases and pathologies, specialists usually use various medications.

L-carnitine may be beneficial during regular exercise. It will charge the body with energy and give strength, which will be enough for a whole intense session. At the same time, it will relieve muscle pain, which often causes a lot of inconvenience for people who regularly visit gyms.

Fitness instructors advise beginners who quickly get tired during training to drink l-carnitine. This will to some extent facilitate the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Benefits for the body

Energy production is the main strength of L-carnitine.

In addition, it prevents the accumulation of toxins in the body's cells and helps build muscle mass. Regardless of what goal you are pursuing in the gym: build muscle, burn fat, or simply keep yourself in good shape, this amino acid will help you achieve positive results easier and faster. But these are not the only beneficial properties of carnitine for the body.

The cardiovascular system

In people with cardiac diseases, the concentration of carnitine in the heart muscle decreases. Experiments in this area have shown that treatment with L-carnitine reduces mortality due to heart attack, angina or ventricular arrhythmia several times. Clinical trials have found that taking carnitine in parallel with drugs for angina pectoris helps achieve better treatment results, and taking the amino acid after a heart attack reduces the risk of a second heart attack.


If you are looking for a substance that would help you quickly get rid of excess fat, L-carnitine will help. This amino acid transports triglycerides (a type of fat) into the cell's mitochondria, where the lipid is converted into energy through oxidation. Due to the production of additional strength, fatigue is reduced, and appetite is also reduced - the body loses the need for additional saturation.


L-carnitine is a favorite dietary supplement of bodybuilders. The amino acid accelerates the process of muscle building and makes them heavier, which allows you to maintain a beautiful body shape longer. It is believed that taking 2-4 g of the substance daily can increase the body's performance and endurance.


Bone depletion is not just a problem for older people. Carnitine can improve bone structure and slow down the loss of tissue mass, thus preventing osteoporosis, arthrosis, and frequent fractures.


The human body is capable of independently synthesizing carnitine. And in this process, the kidneys play an important role. In nephrological diseases, the production of the amino acid decreases sharply, so it is important to compensate for the deficiency of L-carnitine from food.

Male infertility

It has been experimentally proven that this amino acid increases the number of viable sperm and improves the quality of seminal fluid.

Type 2 diabetes

People with type 2 diabetes may also benefit from carnitine. It promotes more intensive processes with the participation of glucose. Intravenous administration of levocarnitine increases insulin sensitivity and also reduces blood sugar levels. But all this only means that diabetics should take the amino acid with extreme caution so as not to cause hypoglycemia. This amino acid has also proven itself in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy.


Protects against free radical attacks, which in the long term reduces the risk of developing cancer cells. L-carnitine also helps to quickly cope with colds and seasonal allergies. In people with immunodeficiency, carnitine slows down the death of lymphocytes.


Carnitine is indispensable for elderly people who want to maintain their former brain activity. The substance protects the brain from stress, reduces the effects of head injuries, and slows down age-related changes in cells.


Carnitine is an effective antidote for valproic acid poisoning (found in anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and in medications for schizophrenia, migraine, and epilepsy).


With age, the level of carnitine in the body decreases significantly, which does not have the best effect on the integrity of mitochondrial membranes. Experiments on rats have confirmed the effectiveness of this amino acid in reducing mitochondrial breakdown. In particular, there is evidence that the amino acid improves human mental abilities, memory in older people, as well as the general condition of patients with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's disease.


Insufficient supply of oxygenated blood to the limbs leads to lameness. Systematic consumption of levocarnitine can improve the condition of the leg muscles, reduce pain when walking, and improve the speed and distance of walking.


L-carnitine will also help overcome chronic fatigue and lack of appetite after chemotherapy or radiation sickness. The amino acid mitigates the effects of anticancer therapy, improves sleep and mood in patients.

L-carnitine is used for:

  • kidney diseases;
  • carnitine deficiency;
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart failure;
  • cardiomyopathy (weakness of the heart muscle);
  • blockage of arteries;
  • hyperthyroidism (increased levels of thyroid hormones);
  • arrhythmias;
  • myocarditis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis C (improves response to treatment);
  • indigestion;
  • non-alcoholic steatohepatosis;
  • decreased brain activity;
  • male infertility;
  • age-related and chronic fatigue;
  • oncological diseases (relieves fatigue);
  • increased hair loss;
  • hyperactivity;
  • autism;
  • cachexia;
  • various lung diseases;
  • breathing problems in infants;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

The use of L-carnitine for weight loss

L-carnitine is white crystals, odorless and tasteless. Manufacturers offer a wide range of drugs with carnitine:

  • syrups with different flavors,
  • pills,
  • capsules,
  • sports energy drinks, which in addition to El-carnitine contain components such as caffeine, creatine, extracts of various adaptogen plants.

The dosage of carnitine intake is calculated individually: based on the gender, weight, presence and level of physical activity of the person losing weight. It is believed that up to 20 mg of carnitine should be consumed per 1 kg of weight, but since energy consumption increases during intense training, the need for carnitine also increases accordingly. Actively training athletes are recommended to take up to 2000 mg of carnitine for women and up to 5000 mg for men. The absorption of el-carnitine directly depends on the form of release: drugs in capsules and tablets should be taken 40 - 50 minutes before the start of training, syrup can be taken 10 minutes, while changing clothes in the locker room. Drinks with carnitine can be taken directly during exercise, especially aerobic exercise. Which carnitine is better for weight loss and more convenient to use ? Most athletes choose syrups, which are also available in ampoules: they are very convenient to take before going to the stadium or fitness room.

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Useful and effective weight loss

Today, the most effective way to lose weight is recognized as a complex: proper balanced nutrition combined with well-designed workouts. It is believed that cardio training (such as running, cycling, walking, fast dancing) is the most effective way to get rid of excess fat mass and improve health. It’s not for nothing that many millions of people start their day with a morning jog, because running is a truly universal exercise:

  • Running helps normalize and improve heart function, increase the useful volume of the lungs;
  • Running strengthens the main muscle groups, helps to “sculpt” a beautiful and chiseled shape of the legs;
  • Regular jogging helps improve immunity, cleanse all cells and tissues of our body from accumulated waste and toxins;
  • Runners have a positive attitude towards life and rarely suffer from depression and apathy;
  • Running speeds up your metabolism, promotes efficient calorie burning, and helps tighten your skin.

To speed up the fat burning process and get better results from training, many people take L-carnitine.

What are the benefits of carnitine?

Carnitine helps transport fatty acids into cell mitochondria. There they oxidize and release energy. In other words, carnitine helps our body use fat for energy. Moreover, he does this work both during physical activity and during rest. Although research suggests that it is most effective during intense training. In general, without carnitine, fats do not enter the energy stations of cells and begin to accumulate.

Replenishing carnitine reserves in the body is sometimes advisable. Moreover, it is considered conditionally irreplaceable, since although our body produces it, these reserves are sometimes not enough to maintain all the functions of the body.

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