How to reduce a girl's shoulders, exercises at home

Every girl has her own ideals in her head regarding her appearance. It is instilled in us by fashion shows, famous personalities and stars, and cover models. The figure of these girls looks dotted, often in the shape of an hourglass. And having seen enough of all this, I want the same one, but what should girls, for example, with broad shoulders do? First of all, don't get upset! Many “ideal” girls simply know their imperfect places and skillfully hide it with clothes.

So we decided to write an article with life hacks to hide broad shoulders.

Less accessories on the top!

Accessories always attract attention and accentuate the look. Therefore, it is worth either abandoning them altogether, or using minimalist ones. For example, a thin scarf around the neck, a thin chain with a mini pendant.

In the case of wide shoulders, we simply transfer the jewelry to the hands and wrists. All the different rings and bracelets, they may not be alone, but in large numbers. It is better to choose one-color clothes for the upper part, without decorative elements in the form of pockets, ruffles and other things.

Push-ups and abductions with dumbbells

Excellent exercises that work the entire target muscle group at once, especially above the elbow, while not forgetting the abs, back and legs. It's hard to do, especially at the initial stage. Many people have weak hands from words in general. It is difficult for them to cope even with working with their own body weight, not to mention weights.


  1. Lying emphasis on feet and palms, body as one line. Dumbbells are located near the body within walking distance;
  2. Inhaling, we jerk down, doing a push-up;
  3. As we exhale we go back. Repeat the action 15 times;
  4. We take dumbbells in our hands and tilt our body. We stretch them out until the arms and shoulders form one continuous line;
  5. As you inhale, move your arms straight back with dumbbells;
  6. As you exhale, we return to the starting point. We repeat the same 15 times.

At the initial stage, it is enough to perform such a combo once. Over time, add both the number of sets and the number of repetitions.

Note! If you are a complete beginner, do not use dumbbells at first, but make movements with your arms without them. The necessary muscles will already be worked out, and you will not get unnecessary muscle pain or mental and physical overtraining.

Correct cut

If you have broad shoulders, the first thing we think about is the neckline on the top of the garment. Remember, if the neckline goes symmetrically to the shoulders, you immediately discard this option. That is, the boat, dropped shoulders, semicircle options are not for you. You need to use vertical cuts. The best would be a V-shaped or high neck. This could include jumpers, hoodies, and various blouses. Shirts also require 2-3 buttons to be undone, but don't expose too much.

Connect water procedures

In conclusion, let’s look at the most effective methods of getting rid of cellulite using water:

  1. Baths. Baths used at home can be of great benefit - they will help you lose weight, improve your health, increase skin elasticity, and relieve stress. The classic option is a bath using sea or ordinary salt. Perform the procedure before bedtime. One kilogram of salt and a few drops of essential oil dissolved in a tablespoon of any vegetable oil are added to water at a temperature of 37 -38 degrees. Bath time is fifteen minutes. Such procedures speed up metabolism, remove toxins, and increase skin elasticity. You can enhance the beneficial effect by rubbing problem areas with a hard washcloth.
  2. Swimming. By swimming, you will become slim and fit. This type of training gives a harmonious load on the muscles and joints, making the arms and shoulders beautiful and sculpted. Swimming helps to form a beautiful arm line and relieves tension in the shoulders. Moreover, this is a very enjoyable type of training that never gets boring. Swimming is easy, pleasant and healthy!
  3. Bathhouse. Russian steam room, sauna, hammam have an excellent effect on the fat burning process. They help you lose weight, provided you follow the basics of a balanced diet. If you eat a heavy meal after bath procedures, there will be no effect. It is good to use a massage with a steamed broom, especially carefully working out areas of fat deposits. The difference in temperature gives an excellent effect - if you jump into the pool after a steam room. But these types of contrasting water procedures need to be practiced gradually so that the body gets used to the effects of cold.

Shoulder Rollout

Most often they think that large shoulders only need to be hidden under the sleeve. But there are several options for open rollouts that are suitable for you. Roll-out with an insertion towards the neck, arched, we exclude completely. It is better to take a closer look at the straight cut of the shoulder. With it you will create a straight line from the shoulder to the waist. In this case, clothes should not be fitted. Another type of rollout can be triangular. This will slightly cover the top of your shoulder.

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How to Fix Round Shoulder Problem

Exercise at least twice a week for 20-30 minutes. It will take time to correct your usual position, but gradually your posture will return to normal.

Perform the exercises smoothly and carefully. If you feel pain, consult a physical therapist.

Our exercises will include rolling on a massage ball, stretching, mobilization and strength training.

Rolling out on a massage ball

Stiff muscles and built-up layers of fascia hold the shoulders in an incorrect position. It is very important to relax rigid structures to correct your posture.

For this part of the exercises you will need a massage ball. You can buy it in sports stores or on AliExpress.

To roll out correctly, place the ball under the desired area and press it with your own body weight. Then roll out any areas that feel stiff on the ball (if you feel pain, you're on the right track). Roll each area for 1 to 2 minutes or until pain and stiffness subsides.

While rolling on the massage ball, do not hold your breath, even while working on particularly tough areas. If you are in a lot of pain, remove the ball from the painful area and roll out the area around the area.

You can roll out:

1. Pectoral muscles.

2. The front of the shoulders.

3. The back of the shoulders.

4. The place between the shoulder blades.

5. Serratus anterior muscle.

Muscle stretching exercises

Hold each position for 30 to 60 seconds. In each pose you should feel the muscles stretching.

Stretching the pectoral muscles

Place both forearms on the door frames and lean your body forward. You should feel a stretch in the front of your shoulders and chest.

Posterior shoulder stretch

Extend your arm towards your opposite shoulder and press it towards you with your other hand, stretching the back of your shoulder. Then repeat on the other side.

Side body stretch

For this exercise, you can use a low bar, expander or loop.

Grasp the loop or bar with your left hand and lunge back with your left leg, stretching the left side of your body. The further the left leg goes, the better the left side of the body stretches. Then repeat on the other side.

Front Shoulder Stretch

Stand with your back to the bench, place both hands on it. Bend your elbows and lower yourself down. Make sure your elbows are pointing back. Feel the stretch in the front of your shoulders.

Fascial stretch of the upper limb

Place your palm on the wall just below shoulder level and extend your arm completely. Turn your head in the opposite direction. You will feel a stretch in your fingers, forearm, and biceps. After that, repeat on the other side.

Upper trapezius stretch

Tilt your head to one side. To increase the stretch, place your hand on your head and apply gentle pressure. Then repeat on the other side.

Exercises to Increase Shoulder Mobility

Hands on the lower back

Place both hands behind your back and place their backs on your lower back, with one palm under the other. Bring your shoulder blades together, lower your shoulders and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat five times.

Shoulder stretch and rotation

Take a stick in your hands, sit on the floor and place your elbows on a raised platform, palms facing you. Pull your body back, stretching your shoulders. The forearms remain perpendicular to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat three times.

Thoracic stretch

Lie on a massage roller, placing it under the thoracic spine. Place your hands behind your head and bend back. In this case, the pelvis is located on the floor, the lower ribs tend downwards. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then repeat three more times.

Strength exercises

If you've completed all of the above exercises, your shoulders will become more flexible, but that's only half the way. Strength exercises will help you strengthen your muscles and keep your shoulders in the correct position.

Reduction of the shoulder blades

Pull your shoulders back and down; you should feel tension in your shoulders and shoulder blades. Try to relax the rest of your muscles. Be careful not to overexert your shoulders.

Elbow spread

Raise your hands to your head, point your elbows forward. Then turn your elbows to the sides and try to take them as far as possible. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Wall exercise

Place your hands high on the wall and press down. Pull your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then repeat five more times.

Circles with hands

Lie with your chest on a chair, your body should be parallel to the floor. Extend your arms on both sides so that they are also parallel to the floor. Lower your shoulders and squeeze your shoulder blades together. In this position, make circles with your hands for 30–60 seconds.

Sleeve shape

When choosing clothes, girls with broad shoulders simply try to hide their shoulders. But you can simply shift the emphasis to another part of the sleeve. So we choose sleeves with volume below the elbow. Of course, you shouldn’t really emphasize and choose super bulky flashlights in this area. The sleeve should be loose at the top and not tight at all. But below the forearm you can see a slight increase in volume. It can simply go in a straight line or in the shape of a ball. Such patterns are often found in knitted sweaters and dresses.

In an outfit with a shirt, it is possible to leave the cuffs unbuttoned. By the way, this particular option for wearing a shirt is becoming more and more relevant for all girls, not only those with broad shoulders.

Rules and features

The human body consists of a large number of muscles and the main ones are the chest, back, shoulders, abs, upper and lower limbs. In addition to the main muscles, auxiliary muscles also work during training.

You can reduce a girl’s shoulders and back using the exercises given in the article.

In the case of working the back muscles, the shoulder girdle is also involved. During exercise you need to combine several muscle systems. When developing training complexes, specialists try to include one main muscle and one additional muscle in the work. So, for example, if the back is worked out, then the biceps are also involved.

If you need to pump up your back and biceps, then start the training process with the large muscles, and the load initially on the small ones will not give the desired result. That is why there is an opinion that it is not recommended to train all large muscle groups on the same day.

But if the back and chest are worked out, then two groups are loaded, but the chest first. There are 3 large muscle groups actively working in the human body: chest, back, legs. During training, they are supplemented with small muscles: deltoids - shoulders, biceps and triceps.

As a result, there are 3 main splits:

  • back-biceps;
  • chest-triceps;
  • legs-shoulders.

To achieve quick results, it is important to take into account the advice of experienced trainers:

Correctly distribute prioritiesThere is not enough strength to work all the muscles in one workout, so it is important to correctly prioritize and draw up a plan for working in the gym and at home. When training your back and shoulders, only basic basic exercises are performed. For the deltoids, include two basic exercises and one isolating exercise.
StatodynamicsAfter Professor Seluyanov developed statodynamic training, it is recommended to perform it for shoulders and back work.
Ideal techniqueIn order to work out the muscles of the back and shoulders well in one day, it is important to strictly follow the technique of each exercise. If you do not follow it, then very quickly it becomes noticeable that there are no results.
Different amplitudesYou need to work your back with full amplitude, and your shoulders with incomplete amplitude.
When training your shoulders, eliminate the work of your back musclesIf you plan to work your back and shoulders during one workout, then initially warm up your back muscles well, and then train your shoulders. To do this, it is better to use exercises that help fix the body. So, for example, an exercise to raise arms with dumbbells in an inclined position is best performed in a sitting position.
Only simple exercisesThis is especially important for beginners; they are not always able to fully perform a complex exercise, and as a result, working not at full capacity, there are no results.

Second layer of clothing

The easiest option for hiding wide shoulders is to wear a second layer of clothing. This could be a jacket, cardigan or coat. In this case, it is better to leave outerwear unfastened. Do not pull the sleeves up to the elbow, this will add unnecessary volume. We do not use vests as outerwear. They will add volume to the torso and only emphasize the shoulders.

We emphasize the waist

A way that does not require a wardrobe change is to emphasize the waist. To do this, you just need a wide or medium-width belt and loose clothing. This could be an oversized sweater or jumper, an elongated jacket and similar things.

Remember, we only fit loose items! Things that fit tightly are not allowed.

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